Chapter 40


"Cris did you put the socks on Rhanya as yet?" Lina shouted from down the stairs.

"No!" I yelled back from the nursery, desperately trying to get Rani to drink some water from her bottle.

"Well hurry up, these two are getting antsy and the mass starts in twenty minutes!" Lina cried.

"I can't help it, she spat up all over herself!" I responded.

"And vomited on my shirt," I murmured miserably to myself,"How does so much stuff come out of such a tiny little thing?"

Rhanya cooed as if to ask me what was wrong.

"This is your fault,"I scolded her,"You are developing a devious streak, I hope you know that?"

"Ga?" She questioned, more like gurgled curiously, her round, mismatched eyes shone brightly with innocence.

"Damn it, I can't even pretend to be mad with you," I sighed, fixing the strap on the diaper,"You're too precious for your own good,"

I slid the white cotton socks over her little feet and changed her into a comfortable new dress that she hopefully wouldn't mess up this time.

A gentle breeze blew from outside and made me shiver a bit, reminding me that I didn't have a shirt on at the moment.

"Now let's go so Daddy can find something else to wear." I muttered, picking her up from the changing table.

"Why aren't you dressed?" She asked increduously, rocking Selene in the right arm and Xavi in the left.

The sight of her made me stop.

Catalina wore a beige turtleneck dress made of some material that almost clung to her body and stopped right below the knee. Her hair was pulled back from her face neatly and left to fall gently over her shoulders.

It made her smooth brown skin look tantalizingly good.

"She just threw up on me," I shrugged casually, slighty distracted by her radiance.

"Oh no," Lina looked worried,"Was it that one time or more than that?"

"Just the once. Don't worry love, she's okay now," I comforted her, craddling Rani closer to me,"Let's go before our babies are late for their own Baptism."

I walked to the living room and placed Rani into the stroller that I had set up earlier this morning with Junior's help. Lina followed right behind me and strapped in Xavi and Selene on each side of her, all three of them in varying stages of falling asleep.

"I'll go change now, could you please call Ricky and tell him we'll meet him in ten?"

"Of course. And there was another shirt in your closet that I had also ironed this morning just incase." She said with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Thank you so much. You are a lifesaver darling," I kissed her on the forehead and ran up the steps.


"There you are. I thought you'd never come down," Adam cheeked as I adjusted the sleeves on the white shirt. It went well with the trousers I had on and it made Catalina and I look as if we had planned to match today.

"Stop being so dramatic, it only took me five minutes," I chuckled, grabbing my watch from the counter.

"Are you guys ready? The kids are in the car and Diana is complaining that the place is very hot already so we should probably go now." Catalina said, coming into the sitting room,"Cris you're driving."

I collected the keys from her, picked up my wallet from the stand and slipped on my shoes. They both went outside to the garage and I made sure everything was off before I locked the door.

"Oh look who finally decided to show up," Diana smirked, watching over the babies while they slept. Catalina sat on the other side of the back seat, slipping herself into a white sweater that matched my shirt,"My grandmother moves faster than you."

"You're lucky you're Xavi's godmother," I muttered.

"Don't let her get to you. You should know that by now." Adam placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder before slipping into the passenger side.

"So let me get a run down of who is whose god parent?" Adam asked as we neared the church,"Because I'm still mixing them up."

"Well you and Diana are Xavi's. Izzy and Marcelo are Selene's and Samira and Sergio are Rani's." I replied, keeping my eyes fixed on the road,"I'm kinda regretting choosing Marcelo now. He's so excited he might go overboard with the gifts.

The cathedral's impressive brick spirals came into view and then sure enough we were in the vast compound with ten minutes to spare before the mass started.

"Right on time you guys. The Bishop was getting a bit worried that you wouldn't be early." Ricky said, opening the door for Diana.

"Papa, Mom you're finally here," Junior said excitedly, running to hug Lina.

"Yes, we are," She laughed,"Did you help Ricky to set up everything?"

"Yes I did," He grinned enthusiastically,"Grandma and Aunty Katia and Sami helped us too."

"Oh they are earlier than us," I laughed.

"Come on let me get a family photo before it starts." Ricky ushered us infront of the arch made out of vines,"You should post one on Instagram as well."

I held Selene and Xavi, who were wide awake already, in my arms while Catalina took a still sleeping Rani and slung her free arm across Junior's shoulder who stood in the middle.

"Okay bright smiles," Diana said, holding up Catalina's phone while Adam had mine.

"Perfect," Adam said looking back at the picture he had taken.

Suddenly three familiar cars roared into the driveway and parked next to the Mercedes.

"Where is my god daughter? Let me see her," Marcelo said in a loud voice that made the children jump.

"Please keep it down we're in a church not at a bar." Clarice sighed, trying to restrain her husband.

"Yeah man take it easy," Sergio chuckled.

"Catalina, Cristiano I hope you're doing well," Mathias gave Lina a one armed squeeze while Izzy hugged me,"The kids look so adorable today, like little angels."

"Come on you guys, let's get seated, the Bishop wants to start the proceedings." Pilar gestured for us to enter the church.

Izzy took Lene before Marcelo had a chance to open his mouth. Diana craddled Xavi carefully in her arms and disappeared into the Cathedral after Izzy while Sergio followed suit, holding Rani who was still asleep surprisingly.

"Ready?" Catalina took my hand with a excited smile.

"Ready," I smiled back.


"It was a beautiful service," Mae commented as all of us sat down in our backyard for breakfast. The babies were fast asleep again in the crib I had prepared for them outside while everyone else enjoyed the ladies' cooking.

"Indeed," Sergio commented,"Everything went well,"

"Until Lene started bawling her eyes out," Adam chuckled.

"Cris and I swore that Rani would have been the one to start screaming bloody murder when the water touched her," Catalina admitted as she helped Junior with his food.

"You see, you always pick on my god daughter," Samira wagged her finger playfully at us.

"Tell us Sami," I started in an airy voice that made her narrow her eyes in suspcion,"How is Marco?"

"Scandalous!" Clarice said in shock,"I didn't know about all of this."

"Oooooooh," Pilar whispered.

"You're lucky Junior is here," Samira said with an air of annoyance.

"Or what you'd bring Marco to deal with me?" I smirked while Adam and Marcelo snickered.

"Cristiano stop behaving like 12," Lina sighed, biting a piece of bacon. I laughed and pinched her on the cheek.

"Xavi was the best though," Mathias piped up,"He started laughing when the water hit him. He was having the time of his life."

"He is more mellow than his sisters. He looks as if he's just going to enjoy life," Catalina admitted.

"That's my boy," Diana smirked.
