Chapter 58


"I can't wait to see them, they probably have gotten so big and Junior is probably much more taller now. I hope they didn't spoil him too much because it would be hard to get him to eat right again."

"Catalina it's only be a week," I chuckled.

A week of heaven on earth.

My time spent alone with Catalina was magical, her mere presence was enough to satiate me and combine that with the sereneness of Thailand and the ability to get lost in Mozambique, it was utter perfection.

We had the most amazing time, from hiking up lush green mountain sides, to swimming beneath cascading waterfalls, to sunbathing on the white sand beaches, to shopping in the international markets and even to interacting with the wild life in the grasslands

And we got to experience it with all the privacy in the world.

No one could bother us in Thailand because the bungalow where we were staying was so secluded that there were less than twelve people in the vicinity at the time and even in Mozambique if someone had recognized us we were lost in the crowds before they could even process it.

"I know," she replied happily,"But you know they get so much bigger everyday. One day Rhani couldn't sit up and the next she was doing it all by herself. These kids are growing faster than lightning."

"I know, we're getting old." I slung my arm around her.

"Who's getting old?" She playfully pushed me away,"You're the only one who's old. I am maturing I'll have you know."

"You love your old man don't you?" I nuzzled her.

"Of course," she cheeked.

We sat patiently side by side in a private waiting room in one of Panama's busiest aitports,"What time is the jet supposed to come in?"

"It was supposed to land about five minutes ago." She checked her watch,"I wonder what's up...ah...there it comes right now, almost on time."

I followed her line of sight and quickly spotted the sleek black aircraft making its way down the asphalt strip. It did a 180, bypassing the busier runways and eventually came to a halt right infront of the bulletproof glass viewing panels of the waiting room.

The first person to step off of the plane was Miguel. He carefully hoisted a baby's car seat in one hand and a leather suitcase in the other. They all came down one after the other, each with different coloured suitcases and in different stages of tiredness probably from the early flight timing.

"Should we go meet them?" She asked me,"They look kinda miserable right now."

"They have to come up here anyway," I shrugged my shoulders.

We waited patiently until lo and behold after ten minutes, the doors swung open and a flash of clothes came running our way.

"Mama! Papa!" Junior squealed in delight and launched himself into our awaiting arms.

"Cheri, I have missed you!"Catalina hugged him tightly.

"How are you son?" I ruffled his hair.

"I'm good Papa. I missed you, I've been really bored." Junior said animatedly.

"Is that true?" Catalina gave him an inquisitive look.

"Yes," He sighed dramatically,"Crysa could only play cars with me, I had no one to play football with. I miss Enzo so much too."

"Well I'll tell you what," she hoisted him onto her knee,"We'll play all the football you want from now on, does that sound good enough?"

"Yes," he nodded enthusiastically.

"Hi!!" Diana came bounding up to us closely followed by Nana.

"They couldn't just  leave you in Brazil?" I joked.

"I'm in a good mood Mr Aveiro, don't test me." She rolled her eyes but gave me a hug anyway.

"How have you been?" Catalina asked Nana after they had embraced.

"Tired," Nana admitted,"Work has had me on my feet for weeks. I think I needed this break for a while now."

"I know the feeling," Catalina sighed,"But you know, gotta make that money girl."

"Of course,"Nana looked around fanning herself,"Why is it so hot in here?"

"Beats me," I shrugged,"We're in the air conditioning, I don't know why you're sweating."

"Ouuuuuuu, come to me my precious girls," Catalina suddenly burst out.

She practically ran over Diana and took Rhani and Selene from Miguel.

Both of them got one glimpse of their mother and began behaving in a frenzied manner, giggling and squealing in delight as they tried to grab every inch of her face.

"Papa missed his girls," I swooped in and kissed their chubby cheeks, making them grin toothlessly with a little dribble mixed in there.

"Where is my other child people?" Catalina cranned her neck around dramatically,"I only have three here."

"Calm your tits woman," A frazzled Victor came through the doors with Xavi in his arms and Adelia by his side.

"Please excuse him, he hasn't eaten anything or slept properly since yesterday." Adelia apologized.

"Why didn't you eat?" Catalina tickled Xavi and he bursted with laughter.

"Because someone had me up all last night looking for baby clothes in Rio,"Victor huffed impatiently.

"What?!" Catalina looked bemused.

"They were on sale," Adelia just shrugged.

Victor had a scandalized expression on his face even until we left the airport.



So my faithful readers, we are almost done guys. Just two more chapters!!

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