Chapter 37 - The Birth


"Catalina wake up!" Diana practically shouted as she held her best friend's hand,"You need to keep awake!"

To be frank, the last fifteen minutes have been a blur. From Elma and I having a shouting match to rival all others to me having to carry my fiancee through the crowd to get her to the car. Everyone there went into straight panic mode but thankfully Javier had his head on, collected the keys to the Range from Ricky and ran to meet us.

Now we were trying to get to the hospital as quickly as possible before anything else happened. Javier had taken the wheel and Katia jumped into the passenger side. Diana refused to be left behind and practically dove into the car after us. Javier had a look of concentration on his face as he listened to Katia's directions, trying to maneuvre through the steady stream of traffic.

"I'm not sleeping dumbass, I'm trying to count," Catalina scolded Diana,"I'm getting pains every ten minutes. I don't know why I didn't recognize them before because they are some sharp motherfuckers."

"Oh!" Diana mumbled, looking sheepishly at an annoyed Catalina whose dishevled curly hair made her look even more pissed off.

I smirked despite the circumstances. I watched my fiancée carefully as I held her in my arms, her steady breathing and timed nods indicating that she was indeed trying to calm herself down, in order to have at least some control of her body.

"You carried me as if I weighed five pounds," Catalina pouted at me, breaking the silence.

"Are you upset because of that?" I playfully pouted back, brushing away a curl that fell in front of her face,"Wait. Is this really what you're upset about at a time like this?"

"You know I don't like being helpless," She mumbled.

I kissed her softly.

"I don't believe that you were helpless. You just needed a tiny bit of assistance," I grinned.

"How are you two so calm right now?" Katia asked increduously.

I am on the verge of freaking out please don't let me voice my opinion, Catalina doesn't need that right now.

"I am trying to keep as calm as possible. I don't want to put anymore pressure on the children," Catalina said simply but sucked in her breath afterwards. She started counting again, a little more audibly this time before letting out a sigh and turning to face a concerned Diana again.

The hospital finally came into sight from the main road. Javier stopped at the emergency entrance to let us out. Katia and Diana got out quickly while I fought and lost a battle with Catalina resulting in her walking instead of me carrying her.

"Dr Hernandez? What are you doing here?" The receptionist asked in surprise.

"Well you see my dear, I believe I'm at the onset of labour so if you could just be a dear and page Yolanda for me thank you," Catalina said sweetly resting her hand on the desk,"I'll be on the second floor if you need me,"

Leaving the poor girl dumbfounded, Diana, Katia and I helped Catalina to second floor which housed the maternity ward.

After getting her into a private room, Diana helped her into a hospital gown.

"You know what? I'll advocate for a redesigning of this thing," she glumly picked at the material of the gown,"Like seriously, who came up with this?"

"I came as quickly as humanly possible. We just had a successful caesarian, a healthy baby girl," Dr Yolanda Wahima asked upon entering the spacious room,"Are you about to go into labour?"

"I believe so but I couldn't gauge it because everything happened so fast," Catalina replied, shutting her eyes again, falling back onto the rather large hospital bed.

"Let's just check, Sarah please start an IV," Yolanda said casually gesturing to the nurse to get to work.

"Six centimetres dialated and you're over here having the time of your life," Yolanda laughed after assessing Catalina.

"I'll save the screaming for when I have to push," Catalina chuckled before getting serious,"I'm worried Yolanda, they are going to be premature."

"Yes but in some cases where there are multiple babies, preterm births can occur. What may also be the cause is a psychological change. Tell me, have you been under any stress recently?" She enquired.

"Yes," Catalina mumbled and I cursed under my breath.

"I'm so sorry baby," I kissed the top of her head and she simply squeezed my hand.

"Then we'll have to be very cautious. I'm sure you know the risk of having a baby prematurely Catalina," Yolanda said seriously,"Especially with your minor heart problems."

"I do," Catalina said with a heavy sigh,"Have all emergency measures on hand. Do I have to have a C-section?"

"No you don't Catalina," Yolanda said,"You know the routine. We have to wait until you are fully dialated I'm afraid. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it isn't. Our main focus now is to get them out without major complications."

The word complications made my heart drop into my stomach. Turning to face Catalina, she had a stoic look on her face that revealed none of her thoughts.

"Are you okay Jimena?" Javier asked as he barged into the room, tie askew and shirt untucked,"You gave us all a scare.

"Yes I'm fine. And you?" Catalina asked with a sweet smile on her face leaving her brother confused.

"Does being pregnant mess with your brain?" Diana whispered to me,"She is finally going off the deep end."

"Apparently," I mumbled back.

"Sooooo." Catalina butted in,"How can we pass the time?"


"I win," Katia shouted for the sixth time.

I don't know how but she managed to win six domino games in a row, effectively pissing the rest of us off in the process.

"How the fuck?" Javier muttered throwing down his dominoes with frustration making them bounce on the table.

"You should've passed. I could've won," Catalina said grumpily, sweeping the domino off of her belly.

"She jinxed the game," I mumbled under my breath.

"You all are just sore losers," Diana said, getting up from her chair by Catalina's side to stretch.

We played three more games, Diana joined us this time while Katia just watched from the sidelines because we banned her from playing with us ever again.

Dr Wahima suddenly entered the room again but with three nurses this time. Quickly, one began setting up a heart monitor, another started to lay out a table full of odd instruments while the last one ushered Javier and Katia from the room into the waiting area.

Catalina had already requested that Diana stay by her side.

"Let's check again shall we?" Yolanda chirped.

"Fully dialated as I expected. When the next wave of sharp pain comes tell me because you would have to begin to push."

"Excuse me sir?" A voice who barely came up to my elbow called.

"Yes?" I asked the nurse.

"You have to put on some protective wear while in here," she said timidly,"Hospital rules."

"Of course, of course," I slipped into the things that she handed to me and fixed the mask around my neck.

"Fuuuuccckkkkkk," Catalina whispered.

"What's wrong," I asked getting very concerned as she became flushed, her eyes becoming very unsettled.

"It feels like someone is stabbing me in the back," she half groaned half laughed.

"Labour does that sometimes," Dr Wahima cheeked.

"I just love how you're so calm right now," Diana chuckled.

"I know right, this is not normal" Catalina laughed.


"FUCK YOU CRIS!!!" Catalina wailed as she bent foward to push and then fell backwards onto the pillow to relax. Sweat poured down her beautiful but contorted face as she glared venomously at me.

"I love you too sweetie you're doing great," I held her hand and kissed her head repeatedly.

"I can see the head, just a little more effort into the next push Catalina, you can do it," Yolanda encouraged her.

"CRIS I WILL NEVER LET YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN!" she screamed as she pushed once more, her hand locking mine in a vice-like grip that made it turn red.

"You certainly don't mean that," Diana laughed.

"I DO MEAN IT." She cried.

"Alright Catalina, the first baby is almost here, just two big pushes you can do this."

The sounds that came out of my fiancée's mouth were definitely not human and most of them were directed towards me in frustration.

"It's a girl! Come on Jacobs, mark the time. Cristiano would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" Yolanda asked kindly.

I nodded and quickly cut the fleshy looking cord where Yolanda showed me to. She placed my daughter in my arms and I was immediately overwhelmed with emotion. Her head was already full of hair and little wails mixed with the relieved pants of her mother. Diana videoed us on my phone while taking pictures with Catalina's.

"Can I see her?" Catalina said with her eyes half closed,"Oh Cris she's perfe-AHHHHHHHHHHH,"

"I see another head,"Yolanda called,"Catalina you have to start pushing again."

The kind nurse took my baby girl from me to clean her off and make sure that she was healthy while I returned to my partner's side.

"Come on honey, you can do this." I coached her.

"I just want them out of me," she groaned loudly. However she quickly gathered up her courage and gave a hard, lengthy push.

"Annnddddd it's a boy. A healthy baby boy,"

"Look at all that hair!" Diana gushed lovingly.

I moved to cut the umbilical cord, becoming somewhat of an expert and soon my son was placed into my hands. He had the same full head of hair like his sister and cried as equally as hard as she did just now.

The nurse took him and performed the same routine, clearing his throat and what not before placing him next to his sister on the little table.

"One more," Diana said softly, taking up her friend's hand.

"I can't do it Cris, I can't." Catalina cried into my chest,"It's too hard."

"Come on Jimena you can," I held her face in my hands,"You're strong sweetheart, you can get through anything and that is something I know for sure,"

"Catalina," Yolanda said in the same tone as the last two times.

"Oh no, he or she can stay in there," Catalina hid her face into the pillow making Yolanda and Diana laugh.

"You know that's not possible," Yolanda chuckled.

Catalina groaned in frustration but sat up none the less. Gripping my hand, she set a determined look on her face and began to push again.

"What the hell? That isn't a head," Diana shouted from next to Yolanda.

"Diana be quiet! It's a breech. Catalina you just have to push really hard for this one, we need to get the baby out quickly." Yolanda said a bit hurriedly.

Catalina screamed loudly as Yolanda coached her along, her head buried in my chest as I kissed her head again. Suddenly after a big push the room was filled with fresh cries and I moved to cut the third cord.

"Another girl! Congratulations guys! Two girls and a boy. You did great Catalina, let's get you cleaned up then you can hold your children." Yolanda said enthusiastically, getting down to work.

"You did wonderfully sweetheart," I kissed her head again.

"Cris I love you," she whispered, tears still staining her face.

"I love you Catalina."
