°Chapter 9°

The bell of the front entrance rang as someone walked in. You worked on organising the finished candy from yesterday it their correct places as Sugawara worked on waking up the kids for Sunday morning breakfast and Nari made pancakes in the kitchen upstairs.

"Hello? Ms. Lovely lady? A handsom man has stoped by to steal your son away!"

"I would say you weren't talking about me but I'm the only one here with a kid. What can I do for you, Nishinoya?"

Said man had stopped next to you and started helping you with your morning task. He wore a pair of jeans with a white shirt and black jacket, but next to him sat a large back containing a different set of clothes that he would later change into.

"It's less so what you can do for me and more what you could offer." he spoke smoothly.

You scrunched your nose and looked at him weirdly as your hands continued with putting candy in their places.


Nishinoya laughed and poked your nose with a piece of wrapped candy before putting it away.

"You said Alex wanted to become a professional yesterday, because of his mom, correct?"

You nodded and placed your now empty hands on your hips, "what are you getting at?"

Nishinoya smiled cheekily.

"I talked to my coach, and he said that I could bring Alex along to Sunday practices to improve his skill. Though he mostly did that for himself so he could practically build a volleyball machine from scratch. But he will have help from him and the rest of the team, so I think it would be a great opportunity for Alex to get to the next level."

You were gobsmacked. Your hands fell from your hips and hung there as you looked for words to speak.

"You are his coach you know, and you acting like your his father." you weren't trying to sound mean even if it came out that way, you just stated the facts, or tried to in your shocked state.

"Well I had to get my coach to say yes somehow."


"Nothing." Nishinoya said, quickly switching from his relaxed position to a much stiffer one.

"You are giving my kid a chance to live his dream and your acting like it was the easiest thing in the planet."

"Well, it wasn't that-"

"Oh shut up and kiss me."

Without really realising what you were doing, your adrenaline kicked into high gear as you grabbed Nishinoya's cheeks and placed a quick kiss on his lips before running up the stairs to the personal living space. Nishinoya stayed completely frozen in place as you began yelling.

"Alex! Pack up your gear and get moving!"


"Just do it!"


Once Alex had gotten into Nishinoya's car they got going and started driving to the training civility.

"Your mom's intense."

"You only learnt that now? What happened?"

Nishinoya kept his eyes on the road but visibly gulped, which made Alex begin to question the man's sanity.

"We-well ugh."

"You didn't make out or something did you?" Alex asked trying to get around Nishinoya's stumbling and stuttering.

"Not exactly."

"Nevermind, forget I ever asked. I'm to young to know what happened in the candy shop."

Nishinoya laughed as he looked at the cringing middle schooler.

"Well, I guess you could say it was pretty sweet."

Alex groaned.

"I didn't need a dad before, I don't need one now, so stop with the God aweful puns."

"Fine," Nishinoya pouted. "But I won't sugar coat anything in the future."

When they hit a red light, Nishinoya turned his head to look at Alex with a large smile that practically said 'you know you love it' in big bold lettering across his teeth.

"Kill me now and take me to hell, God knows it's better than this torture." Alex whined, pressing a noodle like hand to the cars window as he look out. The car started moving again.

"Oh come on. We could be one big panda family. You, me and your mom."

"What do pandas have to do with anything?" Alex asked as he looked back toward his coach.

"(Y/N) likes to make them a lot." he said remembering the many sugar pandas that sat in the display case of the candy store, and the one that was freshly made before being stuffed into his mouth by the blonde baby Tamaki.

"It's cute."

Alex stared as Nishinoya seemed to be lost in thought.

"Just don't be hard on her." he sighed.

"Huh?" breaking away from the sort of day dream, Nishinoya listened as Alex spoke to him sincerely.

"My mom's got 22 kids total to take care of and only 2 adults to help. Even with help she feels the need to carry things on her own shoulders and no one else. She got the principal fired for goodness sake and the only help she got was me carrying a a phone and a few quotes from other women. She may be a mama bear but she needs support from time to time. Who knows when that building will collapse on top of her."

Nishinoya looked at the kid gently as he pulled into a large parking lot. He settled into a spot and unbuckled the seatbelt but didn't get out right away.

"I won't let you down." he said before opening the car door.

"But in return. You're going to work your hardest and make it to the top, Okay?"

Alex laughed as he picked up both his and Yu's bag from the trunk.

"Okay, Dad."


I wonder how many people can guess the progressions in this story. It's a lot heavier that my Hinata one. But please guess, I'm curious as to where you guys think this is going.

I hope you enjoyed. (and I'm sorry if the images weren't woking in the last chapter, I put them above in case.)
