°Chapter 12°

Nishinoya had drivin Alex back from school practice to save you the trouble and went they got there Nari and Sugawara where working in the ship you you were making food upstairs.

Nishinoya stopped to talk to his friend as Alex ran up the staircase to help you prepare dinner.

"Hey mom," he said grabbing the plate from a cabinate to sort them on the table.

"Hello, how did practice go?" you asked while you stirred noodles around in a giant pot.

"Really good. The teams getting ready for our first game and I think we may win it."

"Really? Do you want me to come and watch?"

Alex smiled, "could you bring everyone? I want them all to see my first game on the path to success."

He struck a pose before grabbing the various types of cutlery for everyone to use.

You laughed at the obsered movement.

"Okay, I'll close the shop early and get Nari and Koushi to help me get the kids over."

Alex smiled, his teeth looking bright white against his contrasting skin colour.

"Thanks mom."


You made your rounds in the morning dropping off everyone on where they needed to go with Alex's help, before getting Alex to his own school.

"The game's tomorrow right?"

"Yup!" he replied, unbundling his seatbelt and grabbing his bags.

"Okay," you said ruffling his hair. "Have a good day."

The boy nodded and ran off.

Yuna picked up her bag from her feet and placed it in her lap when you got into the car.

"Next stop, Karasuno."


Once you got home, you grabbed the mail and went upstairs and into your room to read through it.

A envelope, closer to the back of the pile, stool out like a sore thumb with the red print that was sprawled across the front.


Though it has your particular address, it didn't have your name on the front and instead read 'resident of' before filling in your house number and street name.

You popped open the the sticky seal and pulled out a couple pieces of yellow paper.

Again it wasn't addressed directly to you.

Resident of property number ××

You have received this letter to inform you that you're along with the surrounding property has been bought an out and will become a development site in the near future.

You skipped to the bottom of the page where it listed a phone number and email to contact if there where any questions or concerns.

You looked to the second piece of paper and you hand reached for your necklace.

Th page was more plastic, like a pamphlet and had muiltiple digitally rendered images of your nieghboorhood. But it had been altered to carry a towering building on top of where muiltiple properties where.

Including yours.

You rushed down stairs and called for Nari and Sugawara.

You handed them the mail as you took quick paced breaths.

"What are we going to do?"

Sugawara placed a hand on your back, trying to settle you nerves as Nari spoke.

"Well first we contact them they have this email for a reason. After that we will likely need to talk to the government about it and likely go into court. That means we need to talks to the neighborhood also. From their we will do what we can." she spoke looking at the sheets.

She sighed "my mom told be I should've become a lawer, why didn't I listen to her then?" she met your eyes and then looked to Sugawara.

"Koushi, you go talk to the neighbours try and get as many people as you can to talk about it. I'll email the company and see what I can do there." she looked at you, your shoulders moved quickly as your breathed and your eyes where side like they where the only thing keeping you awake.

"And you are having a panic attack, so go lie down and we'll take care of it from here."

You nodded and rushed out of Sugawara's arms and up the stairs to your room where you fell asleep too quickly for your liking.

"I'm going to loose this place." you whispered to yourself.

"I'm going to loose my kids."

