°Chapter 6°

Waking up on Saturday morning was difficult. As much as Alex was able to jump out of bed, get changed, eat, and wait at the door, ready to leave. You were a different story.

You rolled out of bed with a pain in your neck and a stiff, everything. You cleaned yourself up and made yourself look presentable, but that didn't change the fact that it was 6:30 in the morning and you wanted to sleep.

"Alex. They are going to kill you. You are aware of that right?"

The two of you sat in your car. Coffee letting up steam in between you two. You turned to look at the back seats were muiltiple things were stacked together. Food, and lots of it, candy, big medical box, sports gear, and more candy.

You patted your chest, feeling for the diamond that rested there constantly. Once you felt it through the fabric of your shirt. You placed your hands on the wheel and began to drive.

"I know, mom."

"Don't die. They may be older than you, but. They are still young and in their prime."

"Okay, mom."

You nodded and stayed staring at the road, following the directions that you had been reminded of yesterday by Sugawara.

"Good, because if you get injured its on me. And you know that as much as I can handle scrapes and bruises, we just can't afford anything to drastic."

"Mom, I know."

"Okay. But you could split your head open from one of those spikers... What's his name. Oh you know what let's just go home and sleep. That woul-"

"Mom," Alex stopped you before you turned the car around. "Please?"

Looking at the boys brown eyes, you nodded and continued down the road.

"Even a broken arm-"

"Mom isn't that your school?"

As you turned into the parking lot you nodded your head.

"Aperently they change the gym they use every time. Guess we got lucky. Want some candy?" you asked pulling a poorly made treat out of your bag.

"Tamaki, made this one didn't he?" Alex asked, dropping the sweet into his mouth.

"Yup! Okay if I remember correctly the gyms are over... There!"

You pointed to a large building set off to the side where there were a few people lingering at the doors.

"Sugawara-san! Open the doors already!! I want to play!"

"Hinata, calm down. I'm waiting for someone." Sugawara said pushing the red heads face away as he look around the open campus.

"Oh, give him a break. He's still a kid."

"Your one to talk Kuroo."

"Hurtful. But you said you were waiting for someone~ finally got a girlfriend?" Kuroo smirked as he leaned down to Sugawara's height.

"Cause you know, if not I'm-"

"Oh look their they are! (Y/N), Alex!" Sugawara waved at the two of you as you approached the three.

Once you stood in front of them you yawned and leaned your weight against Alex who tried to step away.

"Early huh?" looking up at Alex, you noticed the slight shuffling he made away from you.

"Couldn't have waited half an hour?"

Looking behind him, Alex saw Daichi with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"What's with all the stuff?" he asked as he got to the group

"Injury prevention, food, volleyball gear.... Oh! Want some candy?" you opened up a bag and held it in front of you for the 5 boys to take.

They all took a bit enjoying it and waving as more people arrived for the day.

The gym was small. But there whet either gyms that could get used to optimize their time here.

Alex went from team to team playing with all the past captain's and players. He got pointers from the middle blockers and wing spikers alike.

You fiddled with your necklace and are the sweets you brought as you watched Alex play his position with the old team of your high school.

"Sorry I'm late guys I had some paperwork to do- Alex?!" Nishinoya, who had just opened the gym door to a game between Karasuno and Nekoma dropped his bag at the sight of the kid slamming a ball in front of Yaku's feet.

"What are you doing here?!"

Looking the the benches he noticed you sitting there eating away at the treats. Recognizing you as the mother and/or caretaker of the boy yelled at you also.

"And what are you doing here?!"

He wasn't angry, not at all, more just surprised and flustered.

"Nishinoya." Daichi called, "Sugawara and I invited them."

Kuroo snickered from the other side of the net.

"Flustered already? Love at first sight or childhood crush? Or even better, both?"

Nishinoya sighed and walked onto the pitch pushing Hinata out of his position. Hinata whined before sitting down on the bench with some water.

"We'll talk about this later. Now let's play."


You people must hate me by now. Oops.

I'm more just trying to figure out how to get to the build up of the story.

There will be a sort of second part to this chapter.
