°Chapter 3°

"What did you do? You've only been going here for two weeks."

At the moment you stood outside of Chidoriyama junior high's office. Alex sat on a seat in front of you as you stood tapping your foot in the floor.

"And we have to talk to your principle, do you know how bad of a reputation he has? The parents despise him. So tell me, what did you do?!"

"I ugh-"

"You can come in now." the desk lady said, motioning for you to follow her.

You followed her, Alex dragging behind you. The lady pushed the door open and you and Alex entered, standing in front of the large desk in the middle of the room. You opened your phone and handed it to Alex.

"Please, take a seat." the man in the leather chair said.

You both sat down in two of the three available chairs, and waiting for the principle to speak. Alex was shaking slightly in his seat. His hands were either moving around each other or being whiped onto his pants to get rid of the sweat, avoiding your phone in the process.

"We will start this discussion once then man of the family arrives." he spoke.

"There will be no one else here for this meeting. I'm the only one here." you replied

"Hmm? I believed I asked for both parents to be present in this meeting." he said turning in his chair.

You sighed slightly shaking your head in dibelieve, "if you had read my son's file you would see that I am the only one available to contact in this sort of situation and that there is no other figure supporting my son."

The man stared at you questionably, "so you're divorced?" leaning forward onto his desk. Intertwined hands supporting the weight of his overweight head.

"Never married, sir." You said, voice not wavering.

The room almost seemed to dim slightly, like the sun had been covered by overcast. That darkness didn't help with the atmosphere of the room. The bookselves on the walls, covered with awards and hats and only a few books, seems to grow in hieght. Alex shifted again beside you, noticing the rough and unwelcoming space between you.

"So you're a whore?" he looked at alex, "and this is the product."

Alex next to you gasped and stared down at his hands, trying to remove the smallest memory from his head. But your voice stopped him.

You had stood up, your hands slammed down on the man's desk, shaking the decorations and making a few pencils fall to the ground.

"Call me what you want. But you have no right to assume our life style. Let alone address him like he's the product of an affair. I'll have you know that he's come from home to home, living with terrible people until he landed in my care. I am the owner of an orphanage. A mother to 19 children, I've never even been in a relationship. To busy taking care of babies since a was one. And my son, my Alex is even better. He is a support in our household. 18 children depend on him, I depend on him. You have a sick perspective to think that of someone at first glance," you voice wavered at the end.

You took a deep breath and removed your hands from his desk placing them behind your back.

"You will be reported and removed from your office by the end of the semester." you continued.

Alex was staring up at you tears almost poor g from his eyes. His hands had stopped moving minutes ago. All his attention was turned toward his strong mother.

"And how will you do that?" His principle chided. "You have no proof."

He laughed, leaning back into his chair.

"On the contrary. Alex, please hand me my phone."

Alex snapped back to reality, fummbling with the phone in his lap that had went untouched since you gave it to him.

Thanking him, you pushed on the screen of your phone.

"Please, take a seat."

"I have our whole conversation here and all I have to do is take it to the school board and get you fired. Trust me, it's not a hard job. And if I need support, I have a list of parents names that would gladly be of assistance."

"Hmm? I believed I asked for both parents to be present in this meeting."

You began typing on your phone, smiling at Alex. Alex, who was still in a state of shock, had only just realised that the purpose of you giving him your phone.

"Delete it." the man said.

You smirked largely at the man who was still sitting.

"Oops, I think my finger slipped. Its already been sent to the school boards president."

You pushed your (H/L) (H/C) out of your face as you leaned onto his desk.

"I'd start packing. You'll probably be out of here by the end of the week."

Alex stared up at you as you turned to him.

"Let's go home," you said.


You slammed the door to your car closed as you got into the drivers seat.Alex sat next to you in the passenger seat.

"Okay, what did you do?" you sighed.

"Huh?" he asked, still slightly frozen.

"What did you do to get me called into the office." you continued.

Alex played with his tanned hands and looked down at them making his dark hair move slighty.

"I punched someone." he said meekly.

"Haha! Who's the poor kid? Why did you hit him?" you laughed wholeheartedly.

Alex, who was confused by your laughter continued to answer your questions.

"He was a third year. He was bullying one of my teammates so I punched him. He didn't bother us after that."

You continued to laugh. "I'm not surprised. You've got quite an arm on you. Okay, okay, let's go get some ice cream. You deserve it."

Alex looked at you confused. How could your mood change so quickly?

Deserve it for what?


Instagram: lb.bacon
