°Chapter 13°

You emmerced yourself into your job, hoping that if you didn't think about it, it wasn't real. But like all other things, it's wasn't fake. Not a plot made up by someone to make you fall into depression. No. It was real.

It was early in the morning on a Sunday, you had your forehead rested on the counter that held your cashregisters and hands belt together tightly in your lap.

The bell rung idecading someone had entered. You looked up to see Nishinoya in front of you, frown plastered on his face. He had his jacket slung over his shoulders.

"Are you doing alright?" he asked with his hands on the table top.

You lifted your head up, brushing your hand along the side of your head.

"No. I have no clue what to do." you said rubbing your temple, "everything feels like broken walls falling on top of me and I can't do a thing about it. I don't have the money to save this building let alone the neighborhood. Everyone's going to get kicked out and at this point I wonder if I should even pay the bills."

Nishinoya took your hand over the counter and brought your attention to him.

"We'll figure this out. Come on, let's go for a walk. You need some fresh air." he pulled you from around the counter and into his arms as he led you out of the shop, leaving Sugawara and Nari behind to work and grabbing your jacket along the way.

"Suga-san! I'm stealing the princess or some fresh air!"

If Sugawara said anything, it fell in deaf ears once you and Nishinoya made it outside.

It was colder than a week ago as the temperature continued to drop as the seasons went by. You put on your coat and stuffed your hands in the pockets.

The two of you walked in relative scilence and made your way to a near by park where you took the kids often. Finding a bench the two of you took a seat and watched as a few kids ran around the playground, parents not to far off and having a conversation.

"So, besides property problems, how has the week been?" Nishinoya asked ofering a hand to you.

You smiled and placed both your hands around his and leaned your weight into his side. "Relitivly ok. Kaori I growing really fast. Yuna is adjusting well to life at Karasuno. Alex's marks are doing well from what I understand. And the kids are all as cheery as always."

He nodded and let his head rest in yours gently, rubbing his cheekbone into your hair a bit.

Depsite the cooling temperatures, the close proximity between the two of you and the sweet actions he took made your chest warm.

"Do the kids know?" he asked and lowered his voice as if they were nearby.

"No." you swallowed. "I have no idea what I'd do if they found out. Is rather find a solution first before breaking their spirits."

"You're so sweet to them." he commented.

"It's the least a mother can do." you said, "they are going through enough going up in an orphanage. They need to feel loved."

Nishinoy a hummed and turned head so the space from the bottom of his nose the the tip of his chin was rested against your temple.

"How much?" he began, "How much would it cost to but back your property?"

You sighed, closed your eyes and dug the arch of your nose into his shoulder.

"About $100,000. And I sadly candy isn't a form of currency, or else I'd be a millionaire."

Nishinoya let out a breathy laugh and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, leaving the other to hold your hands.

He sighed and squeezed your shoulder lightly.

"We will get through this. You'll have your home back and a great neighborhood and doesn't need to worry about some big corporation trying to make money."

You let out a short and small laugh and Nishinoy a held you a bit closer.

"You'll get through this."

You looked up from his shoulder with a laugh.

"I still owe you a date." You commented.

He smiled gently.

"Hey, don't worry about that. If I can hold your attention like I do right now, for even a moment, that's enough to last me a lifetime."

