°Chapter 16°

You and Nari had just started to make dinner when the bell was heard downstairs.

"Sugawara! Where's the lovely lady?"

Nishinoya's voice rang loud and proud through the building only to have Alex's follow directly afterwards.

"Don't call her that."

Nari went to the cabinet above the stove and grabbed a handful of spices.

"Are you sure we're going to need all that?" you asked wanyching Nari sprinkle the many gains in.

"Trust me, it'll be great."

Footsteps where heard and Alex poked his head up from the stairs and let it rest on the floor.

"Are you trying to make me think you're decapitated? Go get a shower."

Alex, being Alex, refused and came up to you arms wide.

"Oh come on mom, give me a hug!"

"Get your sticky and smelly body away from me and go take a shower." you pointed a hot wooden spoon towards him and he slowly backed away, arms moving up in surrender.

"Fine fine. But what are you making?"

"A feast. Now go."

Alex surried back up the stairs as Nishinoya came up.

"Don't run! Your gonna fall and break your leg. It'll ruin your career!" he called after the energetic pre-teen.

"Don't bother. He never listens." You said as you continued to stir the soup you had in front of you, sure to not let it burn.

"If you want to take a shower also, go ahead. There's a bathroom up the stairs and down at the end of the hall."

Nishinoya nodded and placed his bag on a table near the stairs.

"And we head out after?" he asked as he fished out his clean clothes.

"Sure. Now go."


Sugawara came up the stairs to check on how the food was coming along when Alex ran back down the stairs, hair still wet (and now straight) from his shower.

"Food almost ready?" they both asked.

You nodded as another set of footsepts came from upstairs.

"Yup, Sugawara, could you go being the kids down."

The silver haired man nodded and pasted by Nishinoya as he went up the steps.

"Ready to go?" he asked shaking his hair out, trying to get it to dry.

"Almost the kids just need to get set up and we're ready."

Not long after, Yuna came downstairs Koari in one arm as she held the hands of two girls on the way down. A few others followed after trying to make sure that they didn't trip over their small legs while going down the spiraling steps.

Sugawara followed, girl on his back and braiding his hair and a swarm of other children behind him. Tamaki held the leg of Sugawara's pants for support as he walked down beside him.

"Okay, grab you seat. Alex can you get the plates and everything? Nari could you and Suga hand out the food? And Yuna, can you help everyone into their seats?"

Everyone nodded and did as asked as you grabbed your jacket from the railing of the stairs, "okay I'm off! See you tonight!"

Nishinoya watched as the older members of the house did their jobs barely noticing that you had already gone down the stairs.

Once he followed you down he say that you where checking out the last of the customers to close up shop.

When the person left, you ever cleaning up the counter. Nishinoya made his way behind the table and let his arm swing around your waist as he stood beside you.

"Ready to go?"

You have a small 'yup' as you set a lolipop straight.

"Good." Nishinoya swung his free arm under your knees and lifted you up into his arms.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Nishinoya laughed and tossed you up slightly.

"You said I could carry you out of here. I'm just doing as I was told."

He made his way to the exit and you slapped the back of his shoulder repeatedly.

"I didn't mean it literally!" you yelled once the two of you had left.

"Oh well I did." he said opening the pasenger door of his car and setting you in.

"Buckle up, butter cup. We're going for a ride."

Nishinoya walked around and slid into the seat next to you as he set his hands on the wheel.

"Please don't tell me your going to do something illegal." you begged and reached for the handle above your head.

"Oh no, of course not. That could get me suspended from the team. But, I want you to choose what we do first."

You sighed, "well we. Haven't eaten. We could go to a café or a restaurant and grab something."

Nishinoya smiled.

"Okay, anywhere in particular?"

You hummed, "I don't know I don't eat out often."

Nishinoya nodded and a large smile grew on his face.

"I know just the place."


Next chapter is the actual date. But I'm curious as to what you guys think will happen.
