°Chapter 14°

You walked around the kitchen table and whites the younger kids faces as the made small messes with their food. You placed Koari in a tall chair best to his sister so she could take care of him, and then proceeded to flip through papers on the kitchen counter.

Nari took a seat next to you and rested a hand on your shoulder.

"We'll get through this. We can take it to court and make them go somewhere else. We have the whole community behind us."

"Nari, a court case will delay the process, but I'm not sure if it will let us win. I what are we-"

"We have four lawyers behind us. They live here and don't want these buildings to be taken down. The judge will have to consider the options and information from both sides. Why would they choose a corporation wanting to make money over a whole comunity filled with families?"

"Why are there so many lawyers in this neighbourhood?"

Nari laughed and stopped your hands from flipping through any more papers.

"Not the point. Look at me (Y/N). Look me in the eyes and tell me that you want to save this place."

You nodded, lifting your head to make eye contact with your friend. The clinking of forks and knifes, and the talking of the kids drowned out any silence that would have been held between the two of you.

"When we were in university. You told me that you were stopping your studies to go work a second job and support Anne and the kids. You threw away an upcoming carrier to support your family as your mother began to fade away. I didn't see you for three years. I forced myself back into your life because I knew it would be hard to take on your own. You have Sugawara and I by your side now, you have your loyal customers and neighbours that adore you. And on the topic of adore you now have some sporty hunk that wants to stick by your side." her speach was calm and strong, like she was trying to talk sense into you.

"I know what your doing and it isn't going to work. Let us help you, (Y/N) please you can't do this on your own, it'll tear you apart."

She took both of your hands in yours and squeezed the tightly. Your chest ached as it sent throbs down your spine and to the tips of your fingers. You shut your eyes, forcing any incoming year to stop in place.

"I don't have a choice, do I? You and Sugawara must have coordinated with the neighborhood, huh?" you smiled lightly and Nari moved her hands into your shoulders.

"Even more than that, Sugawara got in contact with all his volleyball friends and got them to help also. We have over a hundred people signing up for this."

You pulled your friend into your arms your chin rested on her shoulder and you held her in place as you hugged her.

"What would I do without you?"

"Probably starve. I do buy all the groceries."

You nodded and laughed as you wiped any start tears away from your face. You reach for your hair and pushed it away from your face.

"You're right. You're absolutely right." You smacked your hands on your knees.

"Okay, how long do we have until we go to court?"

Nari laughed.

"Heh, um. Ya that's going to be in three months."

You froze, "Early March? How did that happen?"

You started pacing around the kitchen as Nari tried to hold you in place.

"Like I said four lawyers. It's gets you places. And," Nari paused as she finally managed to grab your elbows and hold you still, "they are supposed to start construction by mid April."

You looked at her like she was crazy.

"We have a month and a half to settle this dispute? How are we going to do that?"

Nari sighed, "a lot of lawyers, and a lot of money."

"Where are we going to get it all?" You begged. "I can't afford all of that!"

"It's not just going to be you. It's everyone who wants to get involved."

You slumped in your seat and held your necklace tightly in a hand and rubbed your temple with the other

"Can you grab a glass of wine?"

You looked at Nari who smiled gently.

"I need a drink."
