°Chapter 10°

"My body is trying to murder me from the inside, out. I have never felt pain as such as this. Mother, take me out of my misery, I beg out you, finish me off."

You laughed folding and stretching large globs of sugar at the back of the room. Alex, who had Nishinoya carrying both their bags, had his weight held up by his finger tips on the edge of the main table. The pain he felt though, lead to his ultimate demise when he crashed into the tiled floor.


"Oh, you drama queen of candy, get up and take a warm bath upstairs. Yu, he can take his bag from here on out."

Groaning, Alex took his bag off of Nishinoya's shoulder and slowly made his way upstairs groaning with every step.


A loud thud was heard from directly above the two of you followed by the loud voice of Alex.

"Get off me you little runts! I'm in pain and can't be your own personal jungle gym at the moment."

A series of footsteps came afterward, followed my motherly gasps and scolding.

"Well, Sugawara's got that under control. As I was saying, how did practice go?" you asked, dropping a perfectly wrapped piece of candy in Nishinoya's hand as he dropped his bag on the other side of the table with a soft thunk.

"Alex became a sort of training dummy for the whole team. They have him some really good pointer all the while pummling him with an endless amount of volleyballs."

You sighed chewing on a soft candy before getting back to work.

"Head shot count?"

"Seven total by the end of the day." Nishinoya replied.


Moving the heavy chunk of candy into the rolling table, you began to spin it around and stretch it to get to the perfect size for cutting.

"You must be pretty strong if you can carry all that at the same time." Nishinoya commented, coming around the desk to stand beside you and watch as you worked.

"It helps when the kids suddenly want to do a doggy pile. I can just lift them right up and off. Alex isn't so lucky."

Nishinoya laughed using his hand to carry his weight as it rested on the corner of the table.

"Want some help?"he asked, holding out his other hand to offer.

"Nah, this one's almost done, maybe next time though. But could you hand me the scissors right there?"

Complying to the request, Nishinoya grabbed the cutting blades. He couldn't help but let his cheeks dust with colour as the end of your fingers brushed over his lightly as you took them from him.

"Thanks, Yu."

"No problem." he said stiffly.

No one spoke for a while as he watch you cut the rolled out candy into precise pieces before wrapping them in the pretty wrapper he had now put to memory.

"Aunt Anne's. Was she the last owner?" he asked, holding an unused wrapper in his hand.

He saw a smile grow on your face and your posture relax as you looked at the print that he held in his hand. But your eyes seemed unfocused, seeing a different image than the one that was in front of you.

He took this chance to turn to face you fully and fold his body over the table to study your face that was tildted downward as you thought.

"Ya. She opened up the place when she was in her twenties," you hand shot straight to your necklace and Nishinoya took notice.

"I grew up here and once I became too old for adoption she took me in herself. When she passed away I took over and adopted Alex, it's almost like a tradition."

Nishinoya studied you hand as it fiddled with the chain. He raised his arms and removed your hand and held the tearshaped gem in his hand.

It wasn't large, but it sure wasn't fake. It reflected the sun's light as it shown through the windows before it fully set.

"Didn't she give this to you?"

You smiled, "no, she didn't have that sort of money at the time. This was likely my mother's, given to me as they dropped me off at the door step just outside here. It's costs a lot, doesn't tell me anything about them though. Could be a family heirloom for all I know."

Nishinoya stared at your (E/C) eyes as they directed themselves toward him.

"Have you tried looking for them? You have you last name after all?"

You smiled gently.

"No, I'm afraid that I would become too attached and leave this life behind. I don't want to do that, I like where I'm at now."

"Right now?" He asked twisting the chain of your necklace slightly.

"Right now." you nodded.

Nishinoya's hand dropped to his side as he straitended his back with a soft smile.

"(L/N). (Y/N)-san, how would you feel about a date. With me I mean. Not like a calender or something."

You laughed, nodding, "you didn't need to explain, I got it. Sure, why not. Dotn know how it's going to happen though. Me with my kids and you with volleyball and all that."

Nishinoya pouted with a nod, realising that most available times that you both had would be taken up by work/family.

"I'll figure something out." he said door stomping slightly.

He turned for the main desk and grabbed his bag off the floor.

"I'll hold you too it." your voice followed him as he went for the door.

"I won't let you down fair maiden! If I do I won't be able to steal thy noble Prince for practices, if be too ashamed of myself."

Your laugh rung loudly in the sweet shop and Nishinoya beamed with pride.

"Onward, nobleman, you will see me again, I'm sure."

The door closed with the light ring of the bell. Leaving you with a light airy feeling in your stomach as the setting sun cast a rose gold colour to your home."

"What a gentleman."


Adult realationships are fun because they are faulty casual in terms of titles and schedualing (depending on the relationship of course) but still give each member in the realstionship the same feeling you would have as a teenager.
