°Chapter 2°

"How was the first day of school?"

"Ah! It was amazing, everyone is so nice!" Alex drumed his fingers on the front of the car as he cheered.

You smiled, turning the wheel the car to pull into the parking lot.

"Oh!" Alex continued, "we have an assistant coach too! He went to Karasuno like you did."

You looked at the boy out of the corner of your eye and laughed slightly, "oh really? What's his name?"

He undid his seat belt and hopped out of the car, "Nishinoya."

You tilted your head slightly and laughed again, "well, tomorrow tell him I said hi."

"Huh, really?" Alex asked, stopping his prance to the main entrance of the school.

"Ya, why not? He probably won't remember me anyway." you said pushing him to the door.

"Aw," he whined, turning back around and sloutching the rest of the way.

"Okay, okay, now get in, we have to sign everyone out."


"Thank you for taking care of them." you shook the lady's hand.

"There's no need to thank me, (L/N)-san. They are angels. You've done a good job taking care of them.

You nodded none the less as you bounced the youngest, Rin, on your waist.

"Thank you anyway."

"It's alright," she said. "Now you should get going. I'm sure you have things to do."

Nodding you thanks her again before heading to the van, the group of children following you and Alex.


When you opened the door to the sweet shop you saw Nari at the back demonstrating how to make some of the homemade candies to a customer as she talked to him. Rin, and a few other of the kids ran to the back desk and started playing and molding the sugar into different shapes.

"I'm going to go upstairs and work on some homework, okay?" Alex said as he grabbed hold of the black railing.

You turned to him and tilted your head.

"Homework? On the first day?" You asked as you took off your sweater and swapped it with an apron.

"Um, well we were hold by out coach to watch some volleybal videos. You know, to get some ideas." he nodded.

"Ah," you said brushing your (H/L) (H/C) hair behind your ears. "Just don't watch them for too long. You will ruin your eyesight. I'll call you down for dinner around 6:30, alright?"

"Hmm." he replied with another nod and ran up the stairs.

You looked to Nari, who was trying to control the kids that hadent bon to their rooms. The customer who she was speaking too started laughing and picked up one of the boys as they ran up to his legs.

"And what's your name, mister?" he asked.

"Tanagi." the boy giggled.

"His names Tamaki." You said laughing, "he can't quite pronounce it properly just yet."

The man, who only just seemed to notice your presence turned to look at you.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), the owner." you said holding your hand out.

The man fully faced you, bouncing Tamaki on his hip. He gently grabbed your hand and have it a firm shake.

"Sugawara Koushi. It's nice to meet you."

The silver haired man seemed to study your features intently before leaning away and tilting his head.

"Say, did you go to Karasuno?" he said, putting down the boy who seemed to be reaching for the foldable sugar on the table.

"Ah, ya how did you know?"

He laughed slightly and looked back down at you.

"I saw you run through the halls often. You would always be carrying a basket full of candy. You haven't changed much apearence wise though."

You groaned at the last comment. "The curse of not growing since age 14. Whenever I go to a bar they still ask me for my ID. Do I still look like a middle schooler?"

Nari, who was handling the kids and trying to get them to their rooms snorted from the staircase. "Yup!" she seemed to say.

Sugawara shook his head lightly, "you're still small, but your features show that you aren't a tween. Is probably think you were 19 if I didn't know any better."

You nodded, walked behind the counter and started to flip the unmade candy around to flatten it.

"I guess that's one perk. Eternal youth," you said sarcasticly.

The man laughed and you looked back up at him.

"So what can I do you for?"

"Ugh, well. I heard there was an over working mother with 19 children to take care of. So I came here for a job."

Your eyes widened slightly and your hands stopped moving. "A job?" you asked.

Sugawara nodded making the small cowlick in his hair bounce.

"Yes, a job."

You stared at him and then to the stairway. The kids were on the second floor. All being taken care by Nari.

"You good with kids?"

Sugawara nodded quietly, sure to not break your concentration.

"I hope you can cook." you stepped to the side of the counter and rested your body against it.

He nodded again, "since middle school."

"Get behind the counter. You're learning how to make candy."


Instagram: lb.bacon
