The diva has horns

Okay no Minjeong takes it back.

The worse part of the Job has to be this be this very instance.

Rushing out of her apartment building, with no time to even grab breakfast, the blonde dashes into her Sedan and begins speeding towards the city.

Jimin's designated driver had quit recently on the spot (Nobody is surprised at this point)

So guess who is the diva's new personal driver until further notice?

That's right, yours truly.

Too bad Minjeong wasn't actually given the heads up until literally 20 minutes ago.

She was going to take her time initially, get herself a nice bowl of cinnanom crunch cereal and watch the morning news before making her way to the movie set and tend to Jimin.

Well there goes that plan.

Damnit please don't be late please don't be late.

Minjeong really doesn't feel like getting scolded by Jimin again, she already has no food in her mouth and her messy bun was messier than usual.

Just the imagary of the taller woman sneering at her was enough to make her nerves flare up.

She can't reallty explain it, but that pretty face really doesn't suit that snarky expression Minjeong had recently learnt was really Jimin's signature look.

What if I tell her to stop sneering or else she's gonna get wrinkles on one side of her face quicker? The blonde chuckles to herself at that very thought, but really quickly tamed it down as the image of herself getting fired crossed her mind.

Her slender fingers began tapping on her steering wheel frantically as she found herself stuck behind a sea of cars just at the traffic lights.

Eyeing the clock on her dashboard, the tapping only becomes more intense.

If only Jimin hadn't set her stupid rule number four or whatever.

She couldn't even speed up because of the cars in front.

"Damnit this is stressful"

Minjeong begins honking on her car, as if it was going to make the traffic move any faster...

Please don't be mad at me Jimin


"You're late!"

Minjeong gulps at that scary tone of voice.

Looking at the dashboard... she was actually 3 minutes early.. somehow


which means she's two minutes late.

Is there even a point trying to explain myself with that girl's temperament?

She tried anyway.

"Sorry, I got the announcement last minute and also the traffic here was terrible-"

"And what is this car?" Was all Jimin responded with.

Yep that seemed about right didn't it

No understanding of Minjeongs situation.

No ears to even listen to Minjeong's situation,

Not even a slither of empathy.


"It's a freaking mess."

"Oh-" Okay this might actually be the blondes fault here, her car is typically for her use only.

What that means is no one ever sits in here other than herself, the driver...

So overtime, the back may have been loaded up with a few.. rubbish to say the lest.

Shit.. I should've cleaned up....

"I'm really sorry Jimin" the blonde was sincere with those words "I was rushing here, and II completely overlooked the mess at the back. The front, however, is spotless. If you don't mind taking a temporary seat, I'll ensure it's thoroughly cleaned after your filming today. I promise."

"Not saying another word, the actress seemed to have taken up on Minjeongs's offer, making her way towards the front seat."

Progress! Minjeong thought to herself Yay-





Did... did that woman just slam her car door shut after coming in?

What the heck...

The car wasn't anything special... but it was the first car Minjeong bought with her own money... and had served her well ever since... at least have some respect...

"And a sedan really?"

Ohhh... she is really pushing it this morning....

Closing her eyes... the blonde tried to remember all the meditation classes she's ever attended.

Inhaleeee and exhaleee

"Can you not get a better car? It's embarassing to be seen in this tinbox"

okay.. yeah the meditation was really running it's course this time around...

Seriously, is this girl compensating for something or what?

Letting out a subtle sigh, Minjeong only muttered a small apology before starting up her treasured sedan and driving off towards their destination.

There's no point arguing with a girl like that. I just need to keep it civil...


"We're here, get off I'll find parking" Minjeong said with a small smile, "We're right on time too, your bodyguard is just outside."

"I know, I can see" The actress, unable to match her manager's cheery mood, unbuckles her seat belt.

Was the A lister always this cold and serious?

Gee and people call me Winter...

But all thoughts aside, right now was the first time today where the blonde was finally able to see Jimin properly. Being a rushing mess at the beginning she hadn't notice just how nice the actress looked.

Her hair was tied back into a nice sleek ponytail, she was wearing a short black tank top that just showed her belly button, matched with a nice pair of tight jeans.

Wow.. she looks... really... good... Minjeong was subtle with her stare... but still she couldn't help but gawk a little


So freaking cold.

She managed to catch the weather on her phone earlier today, and the blonde could've sworn it was only 13 degrees celsius outside...

and Jimin didn't even bring a jacket


"Wait Jimin" The blonde quickly called out, stopping the actress on her tracks, just as she was about to exist her car. Rushing out of her car, she went to the back to grab her spare hoodie "Here" She presented it in front of the raven haired woman "It's cold today, you could use this. We don't want you to catch a cold right?"

Minjeong said in her usual cheery voice again.

Jimin might've been a challenge, but deep down, the blonde is someone who deeply cared about others around her, and Jimin is no different, especially when her job description literally said to 'Take care of Jimin's wellbeing.'

The actress eyes widened and went back to normal so quickly, Minjeong almost missed it, before her gaze went straight to her hoodie.

"And wear your hoodie that was marinated in your rubbish? No thanks" Without even a second glance the actress shuts the door behind and walks straight past Minjeong.

"Hey- It wasn't marinated in rubbish it was beside it!" The blonde's began rambling an explanation again but was stopped immediately by the finger that was raised up by the actress who had her back turned towards her now.

"Rule one." She said, still pointing up her index finger. before continuing to walk away.

"Right..." The blonde mutters to herself before shaking her head and throwing her hoodie back into her car.

Rule one, never talk more than necessary.

Well.. if that girl wanted to catch a cold so badly, she supposes it's really not her problem... but damnit what even is that attitude...

She's a diva indeed...

Minjeong leaned back on her car to collect her thoughts, wondering what the best approach would be to even assist or manage such a celebrity like that.

It's like nothing she does is ever good enough...

No wonder so many managers quit.

admis her inner turmoil however, the blonde couldn't help but stare at the taller who was still walking towards the set.

There were fans lined up along the fence waiting to meet their favourite celebrity.

The location must've been leaked...

It was a price to pay as a famous actress after all.

At least she smiles at her fans

The shorter didn't miss the way Jimin begins greeting the line of screaming fans with a wide smile on her face, even taking her time to sign a few items and stopping her bodyguard whenever he tried to come between her and her fans.

Minjeong couldn't believe it really.

She's such a diva behind closed doors... but towards her fans... she's looked like an angel.

There's always two sides to everything I guess... The blonde continued to stare. She has a very nice smile though...

Minjeong began smiling herself watching the new expression painted over Jimin's face.

It was a refresher to say the least

I wish she would smile at me like that instead of sneering.

"Oh my god, what am I even thinking" She catches herself before running back towards the driver side of the car

Parking Minjeong we have to find parking

Starting her engine however, the blonde's eyes landed on the actress one last time.

She couldn't help but notice the way she had her arms tightly crossed around her chest as she continued to walk towards the entrance.

Pulling out of her current location, Minjeong felt another sigh leave her lips

She must be freezing.


Minjeong day went by just about like this;

She waited in a trailer whilst Jimin was filming

When the latter needed something she would text the blonde and Minjeong would instantly oblige

Getting her coffee, snacks, water, basically whatever the actress needed, Minjeong was there to provide.

It was quite eventful to be completely honest, even though she had completed Jimin's scheduling the night before. One would think the day would become quite chill, especially since Jimin hardly interacted with the blonde at all, outside of those obligatory text messages.

But goddamn, the actress had a lot of request.

It was nonstop.

Like every 30 minutes or so, the A-lister would want something.

Heck she didn't even really see the actress in person at all despite those non stop messages, only giving Minjeong the message to leave the goods at her trailer desk or next to the refreshment station.

But hey, who is Minjeong to complain.

Less Diva yelling and more peace while working, she wouldn't have it any other way.

"ahh" Minjeong finally sat down on her chair with an unopened drink in hand, having just ran, yet another errand for Miss Diva "Finally I can relax-"


almost relax

"Jimin?" The blonde stood up "What's wrong-"

"What's wrong? The coffee that's what"

Minjeong, was basically used to getting interrupted by now. "and what was wrong with it?"

"There's not enough mango in it! How do you expect me to drink this. You screwed up"

"Look I'm sorry, but I ordered it exactly how you asked, the barista must've made a small mistake alright" The blonde tried to calm the actress down with a soothing voice.

"I don't care, it's your job to make sure the orders right"


Is this girlie serious right now?

"Right so did you want me to taste test it before giving it to you or something?" Minjeong said back in a more aggressive tone, she knew she really shouldn't have... but come on.. Jimin was being ridiculous right now and practically making a scene out of nothing.

"You're the manager you figure it out, She slammed the drink on the nearest table before walking up to Minjeong.

Instinctively the shorter gulps and steps back, not being use to the actress being so close to her.

But before she could even comprehend the situation, Jimin had already snatched the drink that was in her hands.


"What's this?"


"it's a bottle of orange juice"

"Did you drink it yet?"


"This will do then." Jimin wasn't yelling like she was before, but that aura she carried with her was undoubtfully still there.

Turning on her heels, the actress walks straight to the door, seemingly about to head out... but not without leaving Minjeong a few last words of "encouragement"

"Do your job better" She said with her usual nonchalant tone before leaving the trailer.

"What" Minjeong looks at her hand that used to be carrying her juice "Huh" Before looking back to the door. "That inconsiderate litt-"

She stopped herself before using her usual routine to calm down her emotions.

It wasn't worth it..

But that woman was seriously one hell of a diva.

Sitting down again and sighing for probably the thousandth time today. Her gaze lands on the coffee Jimin had left on the table.

She stole my drink, it's only fair.

Deciding Jimin was probably going to throw the drink out, the still thirsty Minjeong grabbed the beverage and decided to take a swig.


It was the sweetest drink the blonde had ever tasted in her life.

It couldn't even be passed as coffee really.

It tasted like...

Like some kind of sweet concoction that made absolutely no sense to the palette.

And Jimin was able to taste the lack of mango in this?

What an enigma...

Putting the "coffee" down however a small thought comes to mind.

If this is what Jimin drinks everyday, god knows what the rest of her diet is like... I wonder if she's even taking care of herself...

Minjeong looked down and shook her head.

Whatever, it's none of my business.


The day was nearing it's end, with her final task of the day being dropping Jimin back home.

11:35 pm

Minjeong hissed at the time, feeling absolutely exhausted.

Jimin had been nonstop since the coffee incident.

- She didn't like the makeup artist so Minjeong had to last minute find her a new one.

- Her movie costume wasn't ironed enough so the blonde had to go iron it

- The costume was too ironed

- She needed another coffee order, but decided that her usual order was going to be changed without actually telling Minjeong, granting the blonde another obnoxious lecture from the taller.

God she hasn't even worked for Jimin that long and already she was absolutely over it.

Just where is that woman already?

The blonde began tapping her feet impatiently. It's been a long cold day and all the girl wanted was to go home, drink a glass of something hot and face planting on her warm bed.

But she really can't do that without Jimin being home first.

If only the actress' driver hadn't quit on the spot.

Man, would it kill the A-lister to be a little bit nicer sometimes?

A couple of minutes go by and Minjeong was about to leave her Sedan to check on the taller herself, until she saw the actress finally walking out with her bodyguard not too far from behind.

Seeing the car, the bodyguard gestured for Jimin to keep walking and bows his head to her, seemingly to say goodbye and Jimin being Jimin obviously did not bat an eye back.


Minjeong chuckled to herself leaning on the side of her palm, as she waited for the taller.

But wait...

Something seems off about Jimin...

More than usual anyway.

Her shoulders were extremely tense... like very tense. She still had her arms crossed close to her chest and even from afar Minjeong can just make out the chattering of her teeth.

It was 13 degrees at its peak today, the temperature would've dropped significantly then, and Jimin was still wearing nothing but her tank top and pants.

Damnit just what is she thinking..

The blonde looks behind her car and stares at the hoodie she still had but quickly remembered what had happened earlier.

She turns back around

none of my business none of my business

She quietly chanted to herself whilst still waiting for Jimin

The woman was walking painfully slow, just making the scene a little bit more unbearable to watch.

Minjeong was weaving back and forth now, watching the woman still making her way to the car.

I mean it's not even that far of a walk, if she just hurries up a bit more she can get in here with the heater...

With Jimin getting closer, the shivering becomes more obvious and despite her earlier self control, the actress' whole body practically vibrating was the last straw for the blonde.

She couldn't just sit back and do nothing.

Grabbing the hoodie with one sweep, she gets out of her seat and runs towards the unsuspecting actress.


"Huh- Wha-" The A lister eyes widen as her vision temporarily gets covered as something was pulled down onto her "Wait- Minjeong! What the devils are you doing!"

"Taking care of you because you can't take care of yourself!" Jimin was basically fighting her, whilst the blonde was trying to pull the hoodie over her. "Stop resisting, it's just a hoodie, just wear it"

The actress didn't listen, shoving back in forth against the shorter making it evermore difficult to achieve what should usually be a simple task of putting a hoodie on someone.

Finally, after much resisting and yelling (mostly on Jimin's part), Minjeong was finally able to pull the clothing down enough so Jimin's head pops out.

Her hair was slightly messy now and the woman's face was red and huffing, obviously very frustrated.

"You.." The actress' tone was full of fire "you- wait-" She pauses for a second, realising the light chuckles that was emitted from her manager "what are you laughing at?"

"Ah- I'm laughing?" Minjeong responded, still chuckling "I guess I am huh" She continued to laughed, but quickly stopped herself when she saw Jimin's piercing glare "sorry sorry" She waves her hand "It's just you look really cute like that."


"Cute?" Jimin looked down at herself

She was wearing an oversized gray hoodie with a teddy bear graphic at the front. Her arms were not tucked through the sleeves and were still hanging right beside her...

This is just an embarrassment! This hoodie wasn't her style at all!

But wait...

isn't this hoodie.

"Rubbish Marinated! Get this thing off me! OFF" The actress began to urgently struggle to take the clothing off, but Minjeong wouldn't allow it, stopping the woman by holding onto the hem of the hoodie and pulling it down."

"Hey stop- stop. I SAID STOP!" She yelled out the last part, granting herself the attention of the actress. Momentarily anyway. "Listen it's freezing tonight, if you want to turn into an ice cube usually, then fine by me, but as long as I'm on shift, you're going to wear this hoodie, until you find the responsibility in yourself to dress appropriately for the weather."




"I can get you fired you know" Jimin's words were no longer loud, but it was low and laced with poison... and her eyes... lets just say if looks can kill, Minjeong would have probably been dead ten times by now.

But the blonde was absolutely over it.

Perhaps it was the exhaustion from the long hours from today

Perhaps it was the way Jimin had slammed her car door earlier.

It may have enev been the way she practically yelled at the shorter all day.

But either way she was over it.

That fat paycheck just wasn't worth this constant idiocy

"Fine by me, but until then" She grabs the girl by the hoodie sleeve and begins dragging her towards the car door. "While I'm still your manager, you will listen to me for your own wellbeing"

"What are you doing!?" The actress begins to resist "Rule 3-"

"I'm not touching you, I'm touching my hoodie, now hurry up and get into the car so you can go home so I can go home and sleep!" Opening the car door Minjeong yanks the sleeve so the taller would plop right down onto the front seat before closing the door shut and moving her way towards the drivers side.

"I'm so filing a complaint about this" Jimin growled under her breath, but made sure it was just loud enough for her manager to hear as the latter was buckling her seat belt.

That's it

This wasn't going to work...

This job that is.

She hadn't even worked for Jimin that long... it's quite literally the beginning and the shorter is already thinking of leaving....

But damnit she needed to pay rent on time...

If this was going to work for the both of them, Jimin was going to need to respect Minjeong even if it was just by a little bit.

But today had made it all too clear, the taller was not going to respect Minjeong as her manager, if she only blindly followed her orders.


Minjeong needed to stand her ground.

"Your company literally hired a rando on the spot. They didn't even care to ask about my qualifications and sent me the contract straight away based on a man's words who you pissed off. You've literally exhausted all your qualified candidates to manage you. Hell! You don't even have a driver anymore. I have to drive you. ME" She turns frustratingly to the woman and points at herself "So go ahead, get me fired, it's not a loss for me to not have to deal with you. But good luck getting another manager that's even willing to put up with half the crap you made me put up with today."

Jimin went quiet..

And Minjeong just knew she was on the money then.

"Look" the blonde continued, herr voice more calm. "I'm willing to work with you and make this as much as a comfortable journey for you as possible. I'll respect your rules and get you whatever you need within reason. But if this is going to work, you at the very least, need to treat me like I'm human alright?"

Jimin was still quiet...

Perhaps... for the first time, someone spoke to her in a way that wasn't the usual dramatic "I QUIT" shouting and it was the first time someone had actually tried to negotiate with the diva

and perhaps Jimin wasn't used to such a predicament.

"You don't deserve it" The actress mumbled under her breath... but Minjeong felt like she knew more than enough then to be offended by such a comment.

"Aish its like you dont even want a manager"


The raven haired woman shifted to one side and began staring out the window without another word...

Well that wasn't exactly a no..

In silence, Minjeong began driving the actress home. Not a single word was exhanged throughout the whole trip, not until the blonde arrived at Jimin's driveway.

"Well, this is it, I'll be here early tomorrow so get some rest."

"hm" was all the taller gave in response before getting out of the car and NOT slamming the door shut.

Oh god... was Minjeong dreaming... this must be progress.

She lingered on, watching the woman to ensure she gets home safely before taking off.

But as she was monitoring, she noticed a slight shift in detail.

Jimin arms were finally tucked through the sleeve of Minjeong's hoodie and she was clutching onto them as she was walking.

Yep that's what I thought. Minjeong chuckled to herself as she continued to watch on.

It seems Minjeong made the right decision to go with her instincts and successfully saved the A lister from catching a potential cold

It was weird to explain, but the blonde in that moment, felt a strong mixture of relief and accomplishment.

Maybe this is progress indeed...

The diva may have two little horns... but Minjeong might have just figured out a way to divert those horns.
