High Tolerance

"flight NY294, Terminal 1, Terminal 1" Minjeong continued to mumble to herself in cycles, determined to not forget those details as she sat next to Jimin whilst Uber drove them towards the airport.

She was only notified two days ago by Lee Jun-woo himself about Jimin's new opportunity to make an interview appearance overseas. Since the success of the A-lister's new movie, box sales have sold out quickly and the demand for the actress' appearance had made it to the lights of Time Square.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say, this would be one of the very first times a Korean romance film, has reached waves on the other side of the planet, garnering a new assortment of investment interests over Jimin's agency.

Due to these facts, the CEO couldn't waste even a second further, demanding Minjeong to book a flight and hotel no matter the cost, as soon as possible. The goal was to send Jimin and her manager to New York the first flight they could find, preferably the very next morning the moment he had find out about the news of those investors. The man didn't even stop to breathe for a second as he announced this news to Minjeong over the phone.

However, that's when the difficult part came about, needing to book a flight at such short notice is seemingly impossible. Being high season at the moment, the blonde couldn't even get her hands on an economy ticket, let alone business or first class on a direct line.

And Jimin being Jimin, who refused to take transfer flights, that only left Minjeong with one other option:

She had to book an early flight the day after...

Now, anyone could tell, under such circumstances, this mess up is not on the blonde entirely, however, with the CEO's desperation for the face of the company to make an appearance, he did not hold back on giving Minjeong an absolute mouthful. Letting the manager know she had been "Too tardy with her work" despite those very seats having been booked out months in advance.

Minjeong had held her breath then, listening to Jun-woo's scolding, not wanting to piss off the man further, but also... a part of her also thought maybe she even deserved it a tiny bit... having threatened her own dismissal over the phone with the CEO to convince him to let Un Jae go as Jimin's driver and to be assigned elsewhere.

It was a bit of a back and forth... but Minjeong, with Jimin's longest manager title held over her had, had served to be an advantageous clutch.

And besides, perhaps there might've even been some truths behind the booking issues as well.

Due to the last minute announcement of Jimin's public appearance in New York, not only was she tasked with the bookings, but she had also been assigned to request drivers in the US, look for security guides at the venue, discuss who would be at the interview and most importantly how they were going to ensure Jimin's safety.

All of it... she chose to prioritise before flights and accomodation.

which had really come back to bite Minjeong in the ass...

Now with that in mind, the blonde had understandably been in quite a sour mood.

But right now her anxiety was honestly just tipping over the roof... because apparently the current high season didn't just stop at flights, but also branched out to a short supply of ubers and taxis recently...

It literally took the blonde an hour to even get a hold of one in the end.

Ah man.. If I had known this was going to happen, I would've held off on getting rid of Jae until after the USA trip.

She supposes there's not point of regretting over such trivial matters anymore though... afterall... seeing that subtle smile Jimin had tried to keep to herself that day when Minjeong pulled up to pick up the actress...


it was worth it.

But man, did the girl really need to scold her so much about the tardy Uber as well? She already knows there's no time to spare, but come on, it's not like the blonde controlled the flow of traffic.

She was already memorising the flight details to make sure they at the very least can get through the airport smoothly and Jimin's current complaints were really not doing much to help that process.

She hopes to god, they will be able to make the flight on time... because..

She swears If she gets another scolding from both Jimin and the CEO over missing this flight, there would be no tongue left for her to bite back because it would've been severed from her mouth then after how often she's been biting it, the past two days.

Jimin's smile was worth it.. it was worth it, it was worth it.

She closes her eyes and sighs to herself as she continued to pray to the plane gods.


"Oh thank god.." Minjeong sighed into her chair, letting her back get all comfy on the most expensive seat she's ever sat on in her life, finally being able to relax the first time in two days.

Her arms were so sore from carrying both her and Jimin's luggage and her legs felt like jelly from running so much. She really didn't know how her small body had even made it out alive.

So by all the world, she was just happy they were able to make the flight on time, even if it meant she had to rush for her life to get here.

Ahhh so this is what first class feels like

She stretched out her legs and gave her toes a wiggle, never realising how comfortable an aeroplane could be until now. The flight attendants even gave her fluffy slippers!


"You're weird."

"Huh?" The blonde swiftly looks over at the pretty raven haired woman who was also sitting beside her. "No I'm not."

"Yes you are"


"Just act normal already, stop acting like you've never been on a flight before"

"But this is first class Jimin" The woman circles her arms around her self to emphasise the prestige of the class "First!"

"And it's embarrassing, sit properly"

"No funnn" MInjeong with a small pout on herself... turned back around as she was told, not noticing a flight attendant that had approached her.

"Excuse me miss," Minjeong had to clear her throat after realising who the staff was referring to.


"Can I offer you a glass of our finest wine, we're currently in partnership with Rawinery, it's on the house for all customers travelling with us on First and Business today"

"Of course!" Excitedly, Minjeong reached for the freshly poured glass of wine before taking a big sip. The girl didn't even know the adequate ways of tasting if the wine is of quality or not.. but all she knew was..

It's free.

It's first class

And the pretty flight attendant just said it's one of the finest..

so it must be good!

"Can you slow down? You look like you're trying to drink the whole supply"

"Jimin" She turns her head to the actress once again "When in the world would I ever get to go business class, let alone first class again? I should enjoy myself and you should lighten up too."

"Considering you work for me" Jimin flips threw a magazine as she answered noncholantly. "You'll probably be here again"

"Well, until that day" She takes in another gulp "I'll make the most of it"

"Just don't get drunk please"

"I have a high tolerance so don't worry!" I hope! "Besides didn't you hear; people tend to be more honest when they're drunk"




"Well this is awkward"

Hearing Minjeong ramble out her thoughts, Jimin just sighed defeatedly and plopped onto the massive sofa within their hotel room.

"Rather than awkward, I think going to shit is more suitable"

After their flight, the two woman had a field day, fumbling through their vast knowledge of the english language to finally found a taxi driver to take them to their hotel.

But just as they thought their trip was full of success when they stepped foot within their shared hotel room...

Let's just say...

at the end...

there was just one single thing that didn't turn out as expected...

Due to high demand, most rooms had been completely sold out, but Minjeong was still able to get her hands onto a doubles room at the last second..


the twin beds that they expected to see... turned out to be one queen bed instead....


That was a situation for sure...

"Hey! Don't be like that"

Rubbing her temple, Jimin had felt for the first time, what biting back her own tongue actually felt like. She had been getting better at controlling the diva within herself recently.

If you asked her why, she really can't answer... but let's just say... the shorter blonde girl in her life might have something to do with it...

Either way, these days, the girl tries her best to not let arbitrary situations bother her as much and typically won't throw a tantrum over trivial things.

However, the keyword here.. is try.

"Minjeong!" The volume of Jimin's voice causes the shorter woman to shudder as the actress was no longer able to contain the annoyance that had slowly built up since the whole Uber Situation "I'm not sure if you're blind, but there is ONE BED IN THIS ROOM. ONE"

Trying to gulp away her fears, the blonde immediately tried to extinguish the flame that was very visible behind Jimin's eyes "Actually, it's one BIG bed" Her words came out slow and cautious... as if worried anything would tip off the taller by now.

"I don't care!" Jimin stands up straight and marches towards Minjeong who took two steps back anxiously. "How did you screw this up!?"

"There was only one room left on the booking site alright!" Minjeong proceeds to tap two index fingers together repeatedly... while she kept her head down... feeling quite ashamed that she had made such a mistake "It said for two people... and this is a 5 star hotel... so I assumed they meant two queen beds... not one...."

"Why would they have two queen beds for two people!?"

"I don't know! I never booked a five star hotel before!"

"URGH" Jimin didn't want to look at Minjeong anymore, fearing she was going to lose her temper and cause the younger more distress than need be... after all, she's already complained enough the entire trip.. having even forced the girl to carry all the luggage for her ... but come on.. this mess up is just plain annoying..

how can she not have a little bit of an attitude?

"What... are we going to do about this then you- you..." A sudden thought crossed Jimin's mind... causing her cheeks to grow slightly red as the imagery became clearer and clearer to her "You don't expect me to have to share do you?"

"What!" Registering what Jimin meant... the girl's eyes widened as the possibility made her feel.... some.. type of way... "No! of course not! Um.." Minjeong weaved back and forth, scrambling though her brain to try to find a solution and quick. "We can look for another place to stay?"

"You told me everything was booked out and this is the only one with rooms left"

"Oh uh.." She began looking from the bed to the couch. "Couch! I'll sleep on the couch!"

"Minjeong, that couch is about as wide as a Victoria secret model from the side, your feet will be hanging off"

"Then we- then-"

Then we sleep together?


Blood rushed to Minjeong's cheeks immediately as the very thought infiltrated her brain... she began spacing out as her face turned completely red whilst steam could practically be seen emerging from the top of her head..

"Then what?" Jimin raises an eyebrow at the silent blonde in front of her... following the woman's line of vision however... just to see the bed between them... the actress suddenly put two and two together... resulting to her already slightly flushed cheeks to also reach the same shade of colour as Minjeong's. "You don't mean-"

"Floor!" The blonde yells out, face still as red as a tomato "I'll sleep on the floor! Look" She picks up a pillow from the hotel bed "There's like enough pillow for me to make a mattress on the ground, I'll use my spare jacket as a blanket, it'll be fine"

"... are you sure?" Jimin eyed the girl and her demeanour suspiciously...

"Yes, I made the mistake, so I'll take the consequences" Robotically, Minjeong began walking away... towards the mini fridge provided within the room.

Having those thoughts about Jimin just then turned out to be more than her little body could handle...

She wasn't sure what her stance with Jimin was completely yet... but until then.. even if she herself feels there's something there... she really needed to control her thoughts...

No matter how difficult it had been recently..

I need to cool down...

Her face was burning red... with the vivid picture of her and Jimin together in bed still fresh in her mind... not wanting to go away for some reason.

Stop brain STOP

She opens the door and puts her face into the fridge. Really needing the cool air to hit her skin so she could hopefully wake up and function again as normal.

However, as soon as she opened her eyes... Minjeong being someone who always lived quite frugally, was hit with a new wave of excitement...

perhaps needing something else to serve as a distraction.

"Oh wow.. Jimin!" She suddenly calls out to the older.



The older headed towards the shorter's direction. In which the latter turned immediately, holding a bottle on each hand. "Look at all these drinks! They told us at reception it was all paid for as well right! It's so complete... beers, spirits... and... is that a cocktail in a can?"

"You've really never been in a hotel like this before have you..?" Shaking her head in amusement, Jimin leaned onto the wall on her side, finding the other's act more intriguing now, than annoying.

"never... but... now that we're here maybe we should celebrate and pop open some of these?" The blonde eyes suddenly had a sparkle of excitement behind them "Just to celebrate a successful trip and movie for you and the fact that you'll be on an international interview tomorrow."

"I hardly, think that's worth celebrating."

"Oh there's jelly flavoured liquor in here too!"

The actress began walking wanting to head to the showers and call it night, not really interested in the idea of drinking before an event, but the words jelly did wonders in stopping her right on her tracks... with the thought of wobbly goodness suddenly filling up her sense.

"Did you say jelly?"

"Different flavours of jelly too" The blonde holds up a can near her face with a small smirk.

Kneeling down to check the contents of the fridge to confirm herself, the taller closed her eyes and exhaled... before finally giving in to her temptations. "Fine, but only one drink, we'll open it after I take a shower. I don't I trust you with any alcoholic content after seeing your excitement on the plane."

"It'll be fine, Like I said, I have a high tolerance."


"Wahhh" The blonde, putting down her 4th bottle of the night could no longer bare the weight of her head on shoulders. Falling right onto her back, she wiggled into comfort, feeling the soft cushioning of the hotel couch "That was a good one" She lightly chuckled to nothing in particular.

"Oh my god" Jimin groaned, an unfinished bottle still in hand, whilst staring at her 'high alcoholic tolerance' manager, "I should've known with the way you downed the last three bottles that you had lied about being a drinker."

"Heyy-hey" Minjeong's words slurred slightly as she rolled sloppily onto her stomach "Don't give me that! I went through 4 bottles!" She held up five fingers to provenly show to the actress "I'll say that's pretty impressive to me"

"First of all, you had beers. And they're not even normal beers, the alcoholic content has been halved for this brand and second of all you're holding up 5 fingers."

"The thumb doesn't count as a finger"

"Oh my god, how is your mouth more annoying drunk than sober" Standing onto her own two feet immediately, Jimin approached Minjeong, she could hardly believe the girl was conscious considering her physical state. "Why did you even think you had a high tolerance?"

"I don't know, I remember drinking soju before and being fine"

"A whole bottle?"

"More like a shot"

Groaning, Jimin placed her bottle down "Come on" She grabs onto the girl's arm "Get in the shower and get to bed already"

"Huh..." The blonde suddenly sat up straight, although she fumbled a couple of times to get there. "Are you saying you're going to wash me?"

"WHAT" a heatwave rushed to her cheeks as her eyes opened widely, registering what in the world the shorter woman had just said to her. "Is your brain in the gutter!? Of course not!"

"No...?" Minjeong let out a small disappointing pout that pulled on Jimin's heartstrings... for some reason...

"I feel too dizzy... I don't think I can" It was as if the girl was trying to convince Jimin otherwise. Her body swayed again, despite having the couch as support before swooshing down and accidentally hitting her head on the side of the armrest. "Ah-"

"Minjeong!" The taller instantly kneeled down to tend to the bumped head. "Why are you so clumsy!" She didn't know what had just came over her... but all she knew was a surge of desperation filled the pits of her stomach the moment she saw the blonde had accidentally hurt herself... honestly Jimin couldn't even remember the last time she felt so worried for someone else's sake. "Are you okay?" Her prior annoyed tone was no longer visible within her voice.

"ahh" Minjeong continued to groan before trying to lift up her upper body.

"Hey- Take it easy ok" Jimin held the woman carefully, before placing her hands behind the shorter's head, cushioning it, in case the blonde would suddenly plop back down again.

She didn't want another incident again did she...? Willing to use her hand as a barrier.

As a result, Minjeong was pushed into an angle where her eyes were forced to meet Jimin's

"Your tone is different tonight you know" Her eyes had a sudden glow to them despite her drunken state.. "I like it... it feels so much nicer than when you usually just tell me off"

"What are you talking about..." The a-lister raised an eyebrow, but dismissed Minjeong's words, not thinking it's a great idea to continue to entertain a woman that isn't sober. She honestly just wanted to get Minjeong to bed so she can sleep off the alcohol... she liked it better when the girl was going out of her way to take care of her, not the other way around...

This was just stressful...

Usually she wouldn't care as much for others, if this was anyone else, the girl probably would've had just left that person in the room behind, before driving off somewhere else.

But this was Minjeong she's talking about.

Short, blonde, puppy eyed Minjeong.

So long story short.

She cant.

"Pretty..." Finally using her hands to lean on, Minjeong leaned forward to stare closer to Jimin's eyes... in which the latter inched back slightly as she could practically smell the alcohol on her breath... although she didn't hate it as much as she thought she would. "You're really pretty..."

"I know, you've said that to me before" Jimin pushed the blonde back so her she could lean on the backrest again.

"Wait- no" Latching onto the taller's shoulder in shock, she effectively pulls her down as she leaned back...

"Min- stop!"

Until Jimin was hovering right over her, with Minjeong sliding down from the couch... with only her shoulders were leaning against the backrest...

So there they were; Minjeong on the bottom... her arms wrapped around Jimin's neck... whilst the taller's breath was getting shorter and shorter by the moment, staring back down towards her manager.

If her cheeks were blushed before... they were probably glowing red lights, realising just how close they were to each other.

She tried to get off straight away of course...

But the blonde was surprisingly strong... even when drunk.

"No but I mean it...well... I meant it every time I said but.. wow" Her stuttering had gotten worse... but Jimin was listening to every single word... a bumping in her chest was getting louder and louder... "You're really really pretty... no- beautiful... you're beautiful Jimin.. I always thought that.. but recently.. I dunno... I just can't stop thinking about you."

"You.. you can't...?"

"How can I? Not after that night... I was happy you know" Minjeong had always been an honest individual... ever since she was little. Blunt. Straight to the point. Honesty was always her best policy... however, over the years... she's learnt to hold it all down and swallow it... realising sometimes.. it won't always garner the best situations.... and her straightforwardness may offend some people.

But now...

With alcohol in her system...

That self control she had spent so long learning, slipped away in an instance.

And all that was left was her and her thoughts...

Freely escaping through her voice.

Minjeong's true thoughts... her true feelings...

Right in front of Jimin.

"I was so happy... you smiled.. it made me want to smile too..."


"The way you had looked at me underneath that moonlight... god..." She let out a soft sigh as her thoughts cycled through the way Jimin had radiated that night.. her blinking becoming slower whilst her grip around Jimin were loosening

"You're drunk, Minjeong..." Tenderly with her fingers, Jimin held on to the shorter's arms to try to pull it away, "Lets get you to bed-"

"I swear I thought if I had died right there, I would be happy"

".. I-"

"Jimin you know... you were really bitchy in the beginning... when I first started I had thought. Wow. Diva. Biss. Another spoilt Hollywood brat... but you know... thinking back now, I just wanna slap myself right on the forehead because... I honestly think you're beautiful inside and out."

The pounding in Jimin's chest was suddenly accompanied by another sensation...

it was just as strong...

but it felt more like a buzzing in her stomach... a sparkly firework that flowed through her veins...

controlling her blush... controlling her breath... it was taking over her very sense of self...

She doesn't know why...

But Minjeong...

Those words...

They touched her more than anything she had received in a very long time...

Not like the dry compliments she's been told countless time within the industry... she's heard that she was pretty, hot and sexy all the time...

But beautiful... yeah...

It was like every time she hears that term from Minjeong... another wall of hers begins crumbling down.

"And to tell you a small secret..." Jimin snapped her gaze right back onto the woman underneath l "I was so happy you told me to get rid of Jae... because... it made me feel like you like me...."

"That made you happy?"

"You liking me? Of course" Minjeong's grip finally fell completely loose around Jimin's neck and instead ... trailed down to cup the latter's cheeks. Pulling Jimin down towards her, her eyelids become excruciatingly heavy.

She wasn't done pouring her thoughts out into words just yet.

Feeling Minjeong's actions on her ... the actress couldn't help but swallow down a loud gulp.

"Because.. Jimin to be honest... I think I like you a lot right now... and knowing that you might too makes me happy..."

Her words were as soft as a whisper, whilst her hand continued to guide Jimin's face closer to herself....


What did Minjeong just say to her..?

"You like me?" The palms of her hands were sweaty now... as she entered an unfamiliar territory...

"How can I not... Jimin..."

"Which part?"

"Which part?"

"Do you like me... or do you like my beauty?"

"Huh?" Minjeong was confused.... And the dizziness in her head was not helping in putting the puzzle pieces together... what did that question even mean?

"You and your beauty. Actually no. Just you. No! That doesn't feel right either. I just like you. All of you"





This was definitely unfamiliar to Jimin.

Unfamiliarly exciting.

Unfamiliarly hopeful...


Also very unfamiliarly close...

Jimin was lost by Minjeong's drunken yet honest eyes so much so...

She hadn't even realised just how close their lips were.... Feeling the soft warm breeze on herself from Minjeong's calm breaths... her voice hitched as the reality of what was happening hit her all at once. The butterflies in her stomach? Yeah, it's in a completely different league now... not even the actress would know how to describe it...

All she knew is, in that moment... she couldn't pull away from the younger's grasp. It didn't let her...

And the craziest part?

Jimin didn't push her away either

She didn't want to

She was too immersed by the blonde.... Too immersed by her words... her presence... her scent...

Her honesty...

It just all captivated her... she was falling into a deeper and deeper pit that was Kim Minjeong.. and for a moment... she thinks she can see the otherside... a side of flowers... sunshine... and a promise.

And dare she say, it made her want Minjeong to keep pulling her in...


Their lips were brushed against each other now...

And that was when Jimin no longer hesitated any longer.... The ringing in her ears, no matter how loud... were a distant memory as all she can focus on is the woman that is Kim Minjeong.

With no resolve remaining, she slowly closed her eyes...

Anticipating something... she hadn't realised how long she's been waiting for

"Ah- I can't"

Jimin's eyelids flips open... the expectation of that contact she had so desperately wanted ...never came... with that subtle touch disappearing immediately as the blonde had pulled away.


"I can't do this to you... not when I'm like this.... You deserve the world right now.. no- you deserve it always"

Was Minjeong actually drunk... or was she faking it?

How can someone talk so well when their brain is meant to function at its slowest.

Pushing Jimin off lightly... Minjeong slid down further from the couch... before her words began to slur one final time... and her semi-opened eyes closed completely.

She was knocked out cold.




"She- She couldn't have waited a minute longer or done this a minute sooner!? I-" Jumping up from the ground, Jimin covered her red face with both her hands... trying suppress... whatever loud high pitch sound that wanted to come out of her lungs.


She couldn't believe it...

Did they just almost...




But Minjeong pulled out...

She pushed her away...

right on the last second,

Because somehow

Her alcohol filled brain


She was drunk.

And basically just decided on her own accord: MISSION ABORT

"Oh lord I think I'm losing my mind"

Jimin clutched onto her overly excited heart... with her right hand tightly.

She can't even consider it skipping a beat any longer... because her heart was bouncing all over the place at this rate.

What just happened?

Why is she such a flustered mess...?

And more importantly:


She stormed towards the limp body and began shaking the blonde frantically...

Outside of a few unconscious noise of protest... the girl was seriously unconscious.

I'm actually gonna lose it.

A very frustrated Jimin, held a hand up to her forehead...

They were burning...

She needed to recalibrate her thoughts and calm herself... and not think... or feel... or breathe... or something...

Anything right now!

Looking at the blonde half on the ground right now with her head slanted in the most uncomfortable position Jimin had ever witnessed. She heaved out the loudest sigh of irritation that's ever escaped out of her since months ago.

"Ya, Kim Minjeong, you're really pushing your luck with me you know"

Laying unconsciously, Minjeong didn't hear a single word.


Picking Minjeong up with both hands underneath the girl's shoulders, Jimin held her breath tightly and prayed for the strength of the might of a thousand suns, to pull and lift the girl from the floor towards the bed.

"That floor isn't comfortable anyway" She mumbled to herself, fixing the blonde's fizzy hair as she ensured she had a pillow for the night.

Now standing on her side...

It is now time to address the elephant in the room.

For herself of course. Considering the other is down like a dead beat.

Trying hard to keep down the heat from her cheeks that never went away, Jimin puts down her extra pillows in the middle of the bed to separate herself and Minjeong before lying down herself and pulling the blanket up to her eyes.

Although she was aware...

She probably wasn't going to be able to sleep after tonight....


From outside of the hotel room, a walkerby was just minding his own business... walking down the hallway to get to the elevators when he effectively almost lost his balance and fell right onto the ground, hearing the loudest squeal he's ever heard, come out of room 555.

"Huh- Jimin- why are you screaming." A tired crackling voice emits from the room.




"You really think I'm gonna fall for that one again!? You're a pervert. A PERVERT."








The man re-balances himself and holds the back of his head with one hand hearing the commotion between two girls... in that instance, he felt quite concerned for whoever this Minjeong girl is.


"what a morning.."
