Her Fears

Jimin was no better after getting away from the crowd, her body continued to shake as Minjeong lead her into the car... she continued to shake under Minjeong tight hold and she continued to shake as the taxi driver took off, refusing to take off the jacket that was still draped over her head.

It was as if she needed a forcefield to protect herself against the rest of the world.

Minjeong looking out the back window, could still see that there were still some individuals that were chasing after the taxi on foot even though the car has completely accelerated.

It must be because Yu Jimin was in the car.


Minjeong's eyebrows furrowed together, hugging the taller tightly in an attempt to provide any form of comfort she could.

The blonde could only assume the whole ordeal started off innocently... but then things escalated out of hand and eventually took off from there.

Afterall... to Minjeong... some of those fans actually seemed crazy.... wanting to do absolutely anything to get their hands on Jimin.

The very thought placed a bitter taste on Minjeong's tongue...

She could only imagine how it must've felt to be surrounded by such a sheer number of unknown faces, with no security or an extra person around.

"Sorry about this, sir, but could we change the destination real quick?" Minjeong wasn't about to risk an obsessive fan managing to follow them and figuring out where Jimin lived.

She had once thought the whole concept of celebrities needing to announce their planned locations to their managers constantly as a rather intense rule of thumb within the acting industry... but seeing what happened today... she more than understands why this precaution is needed now.

"I'll add in some extra cash for you," Minjeong added in quickly after seeing the driver's lips purse at the request.

It did wonders, transforming that frown, upside down.

"Where to then?" the driver turned to her with a greedy smile.



So Minjeong actually didn't have a solid alternative destination in mind.

She genuinely thought she was being smart... not taking the taller woman to her place whilst there were a mob chasing after her.

But when that question of "where to?" was popped towards her...

Her mind went blank and her mouth may have rambled on by itself...

So here they are...

Jimin in her arms still slightly shaken.

In front of Minjeong's apartment door.

"Well... this is it.." She said after letting herself and the actress inside... "It's definitely not as big as your place... by like... 10 times.. but I like to think it's cozier that way.. so uh make yourself at home"

God I sound awkward..





The woman was still standing there..

And wait..

Was that sniffling she hears?

"Jimin? Jimin- hey" She finally undraped the jacket off of her to reveal the woman with water stains all over her eyes and cheeks.

She must've been crying all this time...

"It's okay- it's okay" Minjeong hesitated for a second... not sure what to do with her arms. She wanted to go up and hug Jimin to comfort her... but she wasn't sure if it was appropriate for her to even do so... so instead, she pulled the taller by the sleeve and guided her towards her couch. "Your safe here now, they won't find you I promise alright?" She kneels down, to stare up at the sitting woman.

"But they saw me..." Jimin's words were still trembling, her hands were covering up her face.

"I know but it's okay... they won't know you're here-"

"But they saw me! They saw me and I wasn't ready"


"Jimin... they won't hurt you okay.. I'm here now... no one will lay a finger on you"

"I don't care if they lay a finger on me Minjeong" Her grip on herself tightens "I care about what they saw!"



Yeah... Minjeong doesn't understand where the actress was going with this one...

But all she knew was, she didn't like how distraught Jimin had looked here.

And the way how Jimin was frantically looking around whilsts getting mauled by the crowd, that especially didn't sit well with her either.

She didn't like any of it. Not one bit.


"They saw me like.. this.. they know now.. all of them.. they know how imperfect I am" She was talking without thought now, too overwhelmed by her own emotions.


Was this what this was all about?


"are you kidding? What are you even saying right now" the shorter placed a gentle hand on Jimin's and brings it down, revealing her puffy eyes which were hidden underneath. "How are you imperfect? Don't say stuff that's so blatantly untrue.." Her voice was gentle and soothing... she really didn't like seeing Jimin like this.

Let the girl yell at her.

Glare at her with that icy stare.

Roll her eyes.

It didn't matter, Minjeong would prefer all of that a thousand times over crying Jimin.


It just really didn't suit her.

"Look at me Minjeong!" Even the way she raised her voice was different from the actress normally... yeah... the blonde really didn't like this at all... "I have no makeup on, I'm wearing a bloody hoody with a sweatpants. I'm nowhere near perfect... I'm hideous!"




What is she talking about?

Isn't this just plain overdramatic..

Yes she had no makeup on and was dressed casually and her fans saw..

But so what?

Did it really had to garner such an intense reaction?

Who in the world even thinks like that... let alone panic about something alike?

Minjeong didn't understand... she didn't understand at all... especially since she didn't agree with one word Jimin had just sprouted at her.

"But I don't think you look imperfect at all right now.. I actually think you look cute"




"Oh- I- I mean" Ok screw it I said what I said, "You look good right now, so stop saying nonsense and panic over nothing, it's going to give you stress wrinkles" The blonde tried to smooth out the taller's furrowed eyebrow with a finger. "so dry those tears alright.." But Jimin backed away immediately.

"You don't understand... without perfection I am nothing.. they're all going to leave, everyone eventually does"

What is she even saying?

"Jimin come on... who cares if you don't always look perfect? No one does" If anything you have the closest physique to perfection I have ever seen. "I mean just look at me right now, I hardly have any makeup on, my hair's in a messy bun and I'm dressed in sweatpants too"

"yeah, but you're.. you"

Freaking OUCH

"Ok yes but" Minjeong massaged her temple immediately so she had a means to brush past that unexpected comment as much as she can.

"There is no but! Minjeong, there is nothing more to it!"

"Yes there is! My point is, who cares if you don't look your best all the time, besides it should be what's on the inside that counts-"



"No one cares about what's in the inside Minjeong... not anywhere and definitrely not within this industry.. you think anyone of them out there gives a shit about what I have to say? They don't care! Looks is all that matters, appealing is all that can be used to succeed"

"That's not true!"

"yes it is! Why does it matter what my attitude is!?" Jimin was getting louder and louder, as if unravelling something she had kept hidden for a while now "Everyone leaves anyway, they all do because they only want me for one thing" Tears were streaming down her cheeks again "Everyone does!" Hot tears threatened to escape the actress' eyes as she yelled.

It was hard truth for her to swallow at first... but nevertheless it was a truth she had come to terms with.

That was who Jimin is afterall.

An actress of her time.

Not because of anything else... but...

All because she's beautiful.

Nothing else..

there is nothing else in this world that mattered..

So why act any other way?.

If there's nothing else then...

Why would she try..

Why should she even care...

When nothing in her life stays the same...

Where no one in her life ever sticks around that long...







"I don't care Jimin. I don't care that you don't have makeup on or that you're in sweatpants and don't have your hair styled yet. I'm here right now aren't I? I was there to get you out of the mob and I will be here tomorrow to drive you to work again. I don't understand what you're so afraid of, but It's actually frustrating that you're even freaking out, because it makes no sense at all! Do you like not look at yourself in the mirror everyday when you wakeup? You look gorgeous right now even barefaced. You might even be prettier without makeup!"

"you're- you're just saying that because you work for me... you think I'm a bitch anyway" She looked away, no longer able to make eye contact

"YES Jimin, I do work for you, I'm your freaking manager, you think I manage all your schedules and put up with your bullshit because you wear makeup and dress fancy? No! So stop yapping on about the everyone leaving because they see imperfection bullcrap! Girl you basically pissed off all your staff and made them quit on the spot. And trust me they didn't quit because you didn't look good, I'll tell you that. Even I have almost been pushed on the edge by you before... but you know what I'm still here, not because you're pretty, but because I care about you. Because overtime I realised deep down, you're not as much as a bitch everyone was made to believe. I'm here not just because it's my job but because I believe in you damnit! So stop feeling sorry for yourself because you have no makeup on and start seeing reality already!"

Minjeong was sincere. She meant every single word she said. She may have only managed Jimin for a few months, but throughout that time, she saw a deeper side to the woman that no one had come close to yet.

They all quit before they ever saw the subtle sweetness Jimin is able to emit. Although it can be hard to tell by the naked eye, as it was usually overshadowed by the diva.



"I can't tell.. if you just complimented me or scolded me just then..." Was all Jimin responded with after a few seconds of silence.

"Both" The blonde finally lowers her tone and grabs onto Jimin's arm comfortingly. "Look.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice at you... but really Jimin... I think you look beautiful without makeup.. I mean it... but even if you didn't I meant what I said, I don't think you're a bitch.. I mean you have an attitude, there's no escaping that, but at least to me, I like you as a person... so stop thinking your fans are going to leave because they don't like the way you look, I'm sure many, many of them will stay because they think you're a talented actress and that you treat them with kindness" Her mind flashes back to the first time she ever saw the woman interact with her fans in person... how she ensured every fan felt noticed... "Beauty is one thing, but having heart is what's most important I think and truthfully, I believe you show that to your fans.. more than you're aware.. although you definitely do not lack on the beauty scale either, so don't worry about it anymore, okay?"

Jimin was silent whilst the blonde had continued to talk... staring back at Minjeong with slightly widened eyes as the shorter's eyes were staring into plain distance, obvious lost in her thoughts whilst she continued to speak.. but all the while she did her best to give the older woman a reassuring smile anytime she did actually look back up at her.

It was a small gesture.. but for some reason.. it made the taller woman feel calm...

But Minjeong didn't notice the stares she was getting from Jimin at all... she was way too busy putting her thoughts into words...

But as soon she finished her last sentence and glanced back up at the actress one last time.. their eyes locked in place...

And all of a sudden...

Let's just say...

... an unfamiliar tension began to rise around them...

It was quick... and hard to explain... but in that moment it felt like the world around them disappeared where all Minjeong could see was the chocolate brown of Jimin's eyes.. and how beautiful her eye shape is... and how the gaze from those very eyes are starting to shift lower... and lower..

Following Jimin's lead, Minjeong did the same too... to eventually see the actress's lips.

Were they always this plump..?



Panicking Minjeong quickly diverted her gaze, quickly taking a clumsy step back before stuttering.. "Sorry- I um" Jimin was staring back at her now with an eyebrow raised "I-"




"Was that your stomach?" Minjeong finally breathed out after holding her breath from before. The rumbling noise snapping her back into her coherent thoughts.

Embarrassed, a now blushing Jimin quickly crosses her arms and covers her stomach.

"Did you.. want to eat something?" Minjeong continued to ask, her words slow... still trying to piece together the information she had just witnessed.

"Very" Jimin admitted "I went to the convenient store because I was starving"

"Did you want ramen?" It's been days since the blonde had time to go grocery shopping properly.. she hoped that the one supply she is never short on will suffice in this emergency situation.. "It's honestly all I have right now... unless you wanted me to grab or order something for you?"

"No.. I like Ramen." The actress intercepted, not sure why she could feel something fluttering at the bottom of her chest.
