An Unfavourable Newcomer

Its been a week

A whole week... Since her little outing with Jimin

And the blonde... to put it quite frankly.

Still has no idea what to do about the situation they were in together... because... to put it very frankly again, the two had been doing what they have found they are best at recently

Completely avoiding the topic no matter how much the very thought was at the tip of their tongues.

Allowing the warm water from the shower head to cascade from her head down the rest of her body, her mind felt like it was shrouded in mist, mirroring the steam rising around her.

The very imagery of Jimin that night seemingly just doesn't want to leave her mind at all.

It's infiltrated her every senses.

Every morning.. every afternoon and every evening

The actress was all Minjeong could think about

Jimin Jimin Jimin

It was like a religious chant, constantly spirally in her brain on a never-ending cycle...

And the way Jimin had inched closer and closer to her...

They way her lips have blossomed to her in the night light...


Minjeong covered her upper face with one hand, while the other swiftly turned the shower knob, shifting the temperature from warm to freezing cold.

She needed a cold shower after constantly thinking about Jimin like that.

Because if she didn't, the warmness of her cheeks will for sure, begin radiating up her skull and start frying her brains out.

She wanted so desperately to discuss what that night had meant to Jimin...

If it meant anything at all..

Or if it was all an illusion that's captivated her alight the taller woman's ethereal beauty.

But on the note that it was all in Minjeong's head...

She has absolutely no idea how to address it, especially when it feels like every time the blonde wants to open her mouth to discuss it, the actress suddenly becomes too busy with something else to spare even a second for Minjeong.

She's pretty sure she's already ran through hundreds of different scenarios in her head already.

And all of which, apart from one, lead to the same sneer Jimin would give to Minjeong... or a complete silent response where Jimin went back on her phone or looked out the window to avoid the topic.

And the other singled out scenario being...


There's no point thinking about that

What are the chances of one scenario out of hundreds being true anyway?

That's right...

Minjeong is just overthinking again...

It's already been a week, so even if she had a chance to bring up the whole ordeal, she's long past her opportunity already.

So stopping the water flow and finally stepping out of the shower, the blonde hastily grabs a towel, preparing herself to pick up Jimin and embark on another day as the latter's manager.


Being an A-lister like Jimin, meant the actress never really has a moment to focus purely on herself when she is outside.

That means typically, unless shielded by some type of vehicle or facility, the moment her face is out in the open, attraction tends to follow her like a shadow.

This makes it extremely difficult to function like a normal person.

Buying a drink? Please insert your card and sign your signature here!

Want to buy clothing? Not within a usual mall where items are reasonably priced you don't, because everyone else will be there to see you.

Oh and let's not forget, you want to take a stroll absolutely anywhere right? Make sure to smile for all the cameras!

It's the dark side that came with fame...

Sure one may get all the attention, money and prestige in the world...

But in exchange it was like selling one's soul to the devil

Because in it, you no longer had the right to the freedom you were once so used to..

Things become more structured.. they need to be... and as a result it also becomes dull... where stepping out in public becomes a war zone.

As for Jimin, another A-lister at the peak of her career, it's not surprising that these days the woman typically prefers to spend most of her free time outside of work within the safe confines of her home.

At least there she can find a brief relief of solitude.

No flashing lights.

No screaming.

Just her, by herself enjoying, whatever she can enjoy at home.

She's gotten really good at it to be completely honest.

Reading plenty of books, watching countless of drama (sometimes as research for her own acting) and playing a variety of games.

Not many are aware, but the actress is actually the highest ranked player in GardenScape.

Jimin has mastered the art of keeping herself occupied at home, never allowing the slightest hint of boredom to settle in.

So right now, in this instance..

It's quite hard to believe

Yu Jimin, the master of self-gratification and entertainment

Has been spacing out a lot recently.

Playing a game? She keeps losing because she can't concentrate on controlling the little characters.

Watching a drama? She can't seem to follow along the plot anymore.. her mind just keeps rushing onto something else.

Reading? Psh, Jimin couldn't even get past the first sentence anymore.

And it was all thanks to a blondie

A shorter blondie.

Kim Minjeong...

Jimin sighs, staring into the distance of nothing in particular as her manager had once again caused her to lose touch with reality.

A week has passed since the blonde had basically scammed her into taking a hike up the hill in her heels...

The actress had honestly thought all she would remember from that day was the sheer anger she would've felt towards Minjeong... having made her attain blisters on the side of her foot as a result of walking so much...

But instead... she was experiencing a completely different set of emotions...

A different reaction...

Feeling the beating in her chest again... Jimin took a big gulp of water, trying her best to ignore what her heart was trying to tell her.

Seeing Minjeong after that night for a week had been difficult... it was as if every time they made even a brief bit of eye contact, there was something left unspoken in the air...

Constantly pestering, screaming at them, to address it.

But neither of them could.

Jimin wasn't sure if it was pride, fear or something else she hadn't quite tapped into yet.... But either way for herself... she resorted to what she felt most comfortable in.

And that's avoiding eye contact with Minjeong completely for the past week, so that guilty subconscious of hers would disappear.

There had been time where from her peripheral.... she swore she saw the blonde girl make a pouting face... only adding to her justification towards the need to ignore the younger completely.

She just...

Really didn't want the hassle of going through... whatever these emotions are again...

Whatever she felt... or has felt...

She needs to move past them.

The world only moves forwards so Jimin shouldn't look back.

Feelings will always pass.

They are temporary

They always had been in her life...

So why succumb to them now?

It's never done her any good her entire life.

What's going to change this time anyway?

Waiting for her manager to take her to yet another post film schedule where she had been bombarded with countless interview requests... Jimin took in a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for another day of operation: Do not look into Kim Minjeong's puppy eyes.

However, instead of seeing the usual Sedan that would typically park on the side of Jimin's driveway... where her manager would usually exit out of and enter into Jimin's SUV...

Another car had made its way towards exactly where Jimin was standing...

Before slowing down... and stopping...

It was another SUV... but it was a Jeep Grand Cherokee...

A 120 grand car that is...

An expensive one at that... something Jimin would typically expect her past drivers to pick her up in... but DEFINITELY not something that Kim Minjeong would be seen in..


"Who are you!? How did you make it through the front gate!?" Jimin backed away from where she stood, her phone clasped tightly in her hand, ready to make the call to her security any moment now as she watched a complete stranger walk out of his car.

"Yu Jimin" A man, most likely in his mid-20s steps out. He was tall and quite handsome, with slick dark hair that was parted on one side, he wore a clean smart casual outfit that reflected opulence and a keen eye for detail. His chiselled jawline as well as his defined build made it obvious the man took his time to look after his body... the Rolex on his wrist as well showcased an obvious amount of wealth he was trying to classily show off without being too blatant.

Jimin, even from a distance away, could tell whoever the man was, he was a charmer by all his nature. Perhaps even a ladies' man... but the woman had been in the acting industry for years now.

And this guy's whole getup? It wasn't even worth lifting a finger for.

"My apologies for showing up unannounced" The tall man continued, bowing at a 90 degrees angle "My name is Un Jae, I have been sent here on short notice by your company to transport you today for your next interview with Uchinaga Aeri. From today onwards I will be your new designated driver"

"Driver?" Jimin, gaped in suspicion and took another step back. "I already have a driver, so tell whoever sent you to take a detour. I'm not in need of unfamiliar chauffeurs." The actress' eyes scrutinised the stranger with a narrowed gaze. "This is extremely unprofessional on your behalf, coming here without even a small notice, I will be reporting this matter to your superiors, now leave." Jimin rudely waved him off, ready to call security to escort the man away.

"You do?" Jae stands back up straight, eyes wide, obviously not having been warned of Jimin's Diva like nature prior... "I was told by Lee Jun-woo, you're currently being driven around by your manager temporarily until another driver is found.."

"Jun-woo? He sent you here?"

"Yes, I was hired by him just yesterday and given the details to drive you today.."

"That man" Jimin tsked and folded her arms. Of course it was Jun-woo who was behind this. She shouldn't be surprised... every time a new employee has ever popped up in front of her, it had always been a result of Jun-woo. Not once did that man ever thought to notify the actress or think to give her a heads up, not even a short one sentence message.

She didn't want another driver, Minjeong was more than she had needed... was what she wanted to say in refute... but if it was the CEO that had made this decision.. even for Jimin, she couldn't do anything about it. The one part that ticked her off the most however, was the blonde woman herself not saying a word to her about this as well.

Surely Minjeong would have been notified of these changes... and if so.. why not let Jimin know? It was her job after all... it's not like their recent events of the actress constantly ignoring the shorter should've affected that type of communication..


"Jimin?" hearing the first familiar voice of the day the actress turns immediately to the source of that voice, seeing the face that she had originally expected to see, instead of this stranger that was standing on her property.

The blonde had pulled up just behind the Jeep in front, unsure of the situation that was currently unfolding, Minjeong cautiously steps out of her vehicle... eyeing the stranger man that was standing in front of Jimin.

She wasn't sure if she was interrupting something...

"What's going on?" Minjeong eyed the man strangely before gazing back and forth between the actress and back to him, hoping one of them would pick up on her confusion and offer her some type of explanation...

"Kim Minjeong, Yu Jimin's manager, right?" Un Jae's words flowed smoothly, accompanied by a bright smile that seemed to anticipate Minjeong's presence. "I'm Un Jae," he introduced himself, executing a polite bow. "I've just informed Jimin about being your new designated driver. The decision came on short notice, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. I also wanted to express my hope that we can establish a good working relationship, considering the close collaboration ahead of us." His gaze lingered on Minjeong, pupils slightly dilated, he's entire demeanour changed, a clear contrast between how he had greeted Minjeong to Jimin.. the man just looked suddenly more excited now.. as if something good had just come about this new job of his.

Jimin picked up this behavioural change instantly, and immediately, she felt slightly ticked off... by reasons unbeknownst to her.

"Oh," Minjeong reciprocated the bow, offering a small, awkward smile. She wasn't accustomed to such formal greetings, especially not from tall, handsome men like Un Jae... his smile was quite welcoming.. catching the blonde off guard... but being human.. she couldn't help but blush under his gaze "It's nice to meet you too..." Her words drifted off as her eyes flowed towards Jae's toned biceps... and how it flexed every time he moved even the slightest.

"AHEM" Minjeong's eyes instantly snapped away and looked over to Jimin who had just cleared her throat loudly. Her arms are crossed, her foot was tapping and she had..

The most frightening glare Minjeong had ever seen, which instantly made the blonde's body react in panic. It was more frightening than the usual Diva demeanour.. this felt like a cat with sharp claws type of vibe.

"Excuse me, but if we're over this useless introduction, may I make it clear to the both of you, Minjeong" The actress eyed the shorter sharply specifically. "I am now exactly 5 minute late for my schedule, now you" She points to Un Jae, who instantly snapped his back straight.. smile gone and replaced with an alarmed expression as he prepared himself for whatever the actress had to unravel next. "Like I said, I do not need another driver, please leave my property this instant. Minjeong. Let's go. Now" Her words weren't event a mere statement. It was a demand. A fierce one at that.

"Jimin, hold on," Jae's voice halted her as she headed toward her SUV, prompting her to cast a sidelong glance at him. "I've got clear instructions from Jun-woo to personally handle your transportation today. I get your reservations, and I'm willing to discuss it with him, but for now, let me be your escort to the next schedule. Minjeong, if you prefer, I'm more than willing to drive you as well, considering you're the manager."

"Yeah.. that sounds good" the blonde nervously gestures towards Jimin "Hey look, if Jun-woo made these decisions, I'm sure he has his reasons, let's not dispute it for now, our top priority should be getting you onto Uchinaga's show as soon as possible.. so for now let's just follow his orders okay?" Minjeong pleaded with the actress... trying her luck with her puppy-like eyes again... knowing that it's brought her success in the past.

Jimin didn't like this...

She didn't like whatever situation was unfolding in front of her at all..

but as time continue to tick by...

For once in her diva life, it was clear to her, arguing against two people that had their mind settled already, was not going to act in her favour

"Tsk.. whatever" she muttered, rolling her eyes. The actress remained with her arms folded as she begrudgingly made her way toward the backseat of the Jeep. The intensity in her gaze sent a shiver down Minjeong's spine, a lingering fear that subsided only when she recalled the older woman's seating preference.

"Jimin, you would like to see the view right-"

"I'll be at the back." The actress' words were stone cold. She walked past Un Jae without acknowledging his existence further.

Her behaviour was quite akin to the first day Minjeong had officially introduced herself to Jimin..

I guess Jun-woo was right about her behaviour with other staff... I would know... I've been here

Deciding the latter just needed some more time to adjust to these new changes, the blonde was about to follow behind when Jae stopped her.

"Actually Minjeong" He scratched the back of his nape sheepishly "If it's okay with you, I'm having issues with my GPS lately, so would it be alright to have you navigate me?"

"Of course!" the blonde responded with a smile, she had always been the kind to help people in need, and this nature of hers doesn't change for anybody.

So making her way towards the front seat, Minjeong set everything up to be the best navigator she possible could to make Un Jae's first day on the job that much easier.

Because Minjeong had been there and done that... Knowing what it's like to work in a completely different environment, the most she could do was ensure a new employee was able to adjust to their new work without trouble.

The more she helped, the more the conversation shifted from navigating to something more casual. Un Jae turned out to be surprisingly easy-going, effortlessly guiding Minjeong through diverse topics. It was a refreshing change to have a colleague with whom she could easily connect. The man's kindness resonated in the way he found humour in her words, making their interaction not just professionally fulfilling but also genuinely enjoyable.

Little to say..

Minjeong and Jae were beginning to hit it off like good friends...

evolving from formal interactions to something more comfortable in their short time of navigating and driving

And all the while the two was beginning to enjoy each other's company.

The two had missed a flaming aura that was slowly getting brighter and brighter behind them

Jimin, alone in the back seat, had her legs crossed and hands cluched on either arm tightly. She was looking out the window trying to distract herself... but just hearing the talks blooming in front of her... her ears couldn't help but perk.

Listening to the way Minjeong would stutter awkwardly... how she would laugh at that man's pathetic jokes.. and continue to entertain him in conversation... The A-lister's jaw would tense just hearing a single chuckle escape Minjeong's lips.

Finding it hard to keep still on her seat now... the tapping of Jimin's finger began rolling along with the rest, into a tight fist.

This was going to be a long car ride...

and she just knew she was not going to enjoy the trip.

Not even one bit.

Trying hard not to grit her teeth, Jimin continued to force herself to watch the passing buildings outside.

