Tamed the Diva

"Good Morning" Minjeong greeted Jimin as the actress sat down on the passenger side at the front. Minjeong was exactly 5 minutes early today, and to her surpise Jimin was already out of her house waiting on her. "Oh I cleaned out the back, feel free to sit there if you like"

"I don't care to sit on a seat that was marinated in your filth. Now drive already, I wish to get there early today."

"Gee" Minjeong mumbled under her breath, beginning to speak her mind "What's with your obsession with marinating anyway."

"Rule one-"

"Rule One! I know." Shutting up, the shorter turned on the engine of her car straight away and drove off.


"By the way" Minjeong speaks up, her eyes never leaving the road, but hearing the frantic tapping beside her, she can only assume the actress was busy texting, not even giving a verbal response to the blonde... so she continued with her question. "Do you have my hoodie by any chance? It's been a while"

"I threw it away"

"You what!?" She snaps her head at the taller so fast she must've swerve the car slightly by the wheel as the next thing she heard were a series of beeps that followed behind her. "AH" Grabbing the wheel immediately, she ensured she went back to driving safely.

"Damnit, keep your eyes on the road for god sakes! You have to be one of the most irresponsible drivers I've ever seen!" Jimin yelled out "You almost made me drop my phone!"

"Why did you throw it out!?" Minjeong ignored Jimin and went straight to the point. "Do you always just chuck away other people's belongings like that!? She spoke within the same volume range as Jimin.

"You said I could throw it out"

"That was a figure of speech! I didn't mean literally!"

"Then you should've been more specific and besides" The actress taps away on her smartphone once again. "I was doing you a favour"

"Excuse me? Just how is throwing away MY property doing me a favour?" The blonde was absolutely flabbergasted by Jimin's response right now.

"that piece of cloth really wasn't it""

"Hey! It had a cute teddy design on it!"

"You need better taste"


"Rule one, Minjeong"

"URGH" Hitting the steering wheel the younger woman could do nothing but huff in frustration, not even noticing the way Jimin had glanced over at her right after, before placing her phone down and looking out the window.

And I thought we were making progress...


But they were, in fact, making progress.

Because although little have changed... where Minjeong still found herself dealing with Jimin's constant demands-

-Endless demands.

as well as still following the woman's five rules, that was by the way, just plain obstructing at this point.

There was still one thing...

One key factor that had indeed changed throughout the weeks in which Minjeong had been exhaustingly managing the actress

That being:

She was no longer just another lacky within the Diva's life.

Now don't get Minjeong wrong, at the end of the day, she still fufills her duty as a manager... perhaps way more than her duty actually requires, but what the blonde means by that, is, despite still obiding to the usual, she had found an affective means of handling the antics of Yu Jimin even though the said woman's emotions is like that of a yo-yo.

Instead of quietly taking the actress' very unecessary bad mouthing, critiques and overall attitude, Minjeong had learnt to fight back.

And by fighting back she meant, standing up against Jimin whenever things become absurdly unreasonable... granted the blonde is typically very lenient with Jimin.

For example,

Just the other day, the actress had made a very vocal complaint about the croutons in her salad and how she absolutely detest the idea of crunchy bread on anything that's green or leafy (Her words, Minjeong isn't even paraphrasing here.)

Now here's the issue, the customisation of the salad hadn't been made clear to the blonde prior to their lunch break, so the manager had just ordered first thing that came out of Jimin's mouth. By the time the taller had issued her complaint with her, there was only around 20 minutes left of the lunch break before Jimin is expected to get back on set for the some finishing shots of her movie role. No way did Minjeong have enough time to run back to the salad bar that was 10 minutes away, order the salad, wait for the salad to be made and walk all the way back just so the A lister could get basically the same meal but less crunchy.

So, Minjeong, being the tentative and patient person that she is, offered to individually pick off any croutons for Jimin as quick as she can, so the taller could at least have a bite to eat before going back to work.

"No, the croutons already touched the salad, it's tainted, I want a new one"

"Right but" the blonde touches her temple with her index finger and lightly rubs it, finding it hard to believe how picky and childish Jimin was being this instance "there isn't enough time for me to grab you another one, so I can just get rid of the croutons now and make sure this doesn't happen again next time"

"No! I want a new salad"


"Just run and go grab it"

"I literally can't-"

"I said I want another one. NOW!"

"Well too bad!" Minjeong finally put her foot down, her tone was stern as if she was a teacher scolding a pupil, doing wonders to stop the other woman whining and focus purely on her. "Like I said, you should've told me beforehand, there's not enough time now. So you have three options Miss Yu" She holds up three fingers towards the actress, who just stared back at it with slightly widened eyes. "One, I pick off the croutons now as quickly as I can and you eat the salad, two you eat the salad as it is, the carbs might actually be good for you, you're basically 2 steps away from being skin and bone. OR THREE, starve"

Her words were final, she made sure Jimin was aware of that.

Minjeong would be lying if she said she didn't slightly enjoy the reaction Jimin was giving her, being a woman who had been so use to always getting her way, this must be the first time anyone working for her spoke back to her in such a manner... and it was funny to witness the gears in Jimin's brain malfunction, as she was trying to figure out how to respond, not being able to fully make eye contact because of that.

"Well? What's it going to be Jimin? Starve or eat?"




"Pick off the croutons..."

"Huh?" the blonde didn't catch the worlds that was mumbled under Jimin's breath "What was that?"

"I SAID" The actress' cheeks was blushed in light pink as she semi-yelled "Pick off the croutons!"

"Gladly" Grabbing the salad from Jimin, the blonde gets a pair of clean chopsticks and starts picking of the small croutons individually into a little bowl, as fast as she is able to... all the while Jimin had her arms crossed and was staring off towards the side somewhere. Her cheeks were still red from a mixture of embarrassment and frustration.

Frustration because she wasn't able to get her way and embarrassed because... well

Minjeong basically just raised her voice at her like she was in 5th grade and Jimin really didn't know how to handle that.

And for Minjeong...

Let's just say while she was picking off those crusty crumbs... she purposely had her back faced towards the actress to effectively hide the wide grin that had spread across her face.

I think I just tamed the Diva


It was things like that..

The small things that is.

The changes, ever so small, were able to subtly make her management job a little easier- Oh who was Minjeong kidding, these small changes alone had been a big turning point

It made everything so much more bearable.

It made managing Jimin so much more bearable.. and dare she say even enjoyable?

She liked the reaction she got from Jimin that's for sure...

And the craziest part of it all? Jimin may react a certain way, or be extensively harsh to everyone around her, especially Minjeong... but despite it all, it didn't take long before the blonde had actually realised.. apart from Jimin's lash outs and diva-like outskirt... the woman really isn't all that bad.

Now don't get her wrong, the girl can be rude... very rude... but after practically handling that rudeness of hers... the actress really doesn't go any further than that... basically allowing the events to eventually unfold as intended... just like that salad incident.

It was as if the A-lister just needed to throw out her tantrum for the sake of it.. as if it was a natural mechanism... an outer layer or a wall that she shields on whenever something doesn't go her way.

A bizarre method that she always strangely ran back to...

I don't know...

Minjeong decided not to to try and decipher the woman further.. who by the way, she just found out was only just under a year older than her as well.

It was too frustrating to try and understand why Jimin is the way she is, or why she has to act in such a undelightful manner...

so instead of getting to the source, for now at least, the blonde can just celebrate the fact that she had successfully figured out a game of strategy to deal with Jimin.

And it was a pretty affective approach if you would have asked her.


"Alright we're here. I'll see you on Monday" Minjeong just stopped her car by Jimin's driveway.

It was once again a long hefty day and boy you better believe the actress didn't make her day easy.

She was just glad it was a friday and she could finally take some time off for herself.

Besides, glancing over at Jimin who looked lost in thought.. she was rather happy to see the actress was wearing a fluffy jacket to keep warm from the freezing weather that had only been getting worse with each passing day.

You may have thrown out my hoodie, but at least you learnt a lesson.

"Minjeong." The A lister suddenly calls out, making the younger woman's back snap straight before turning to the taller, surprised that Jimin had said anything at all instead of her usual "hm" or non-verbal responses where she would just get up and leave her car.


"Do you have plans for tomorrow?"


Yes Minjeong indeed had plans, she had plans to sleep in til noon. Wake up, turn on her TV, find her Netflix drama and munch on dry cereal whilst watching her show. It was an important plan indeed. But it was also unlike the actress to ask her such a thing.

Because she had literally, never, NEVER took an interest in Minjeong's personally life or ever asked her such questions outside of; get me this or get me that.

Like ever.

"What's up?" Instead of answering straight away, the blonde decided to enquire what the actress had in mind first, just to really understand what she was working with here.

"I just wanted to go shopping tomorrow, but I don't have a driver... So I was just wondering-" The raven haired woman stops as if she had just caught herself doing something she shouldn't have. "Actually why am I even asking you, you're my assistant, which means you do as I ask anyway."


"Great." Jimin opens the car door and proceeds to step out. "I'll see you here tomorrow 9 am sharp."

"Wait- Jimin-"

"Don't be late." She said with her typical threatening tone again before closing the door and walking off back to her mansion, not giving the younger a chance to refute at all and leaving the blonde dumbfounded in her car alone.




"I'm your manager damnit!"
