
Jimin groggily turned off the alarm on her phone, the early morning light filtering through the curtains, working its magic in brightening up her hazy mind. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the soft glow of the unfamiliar room. The past few days had been a whirlwind, and waking up in this random hotel only added to the sense of the unknown.

She and Minjeong had flown back to the USA after Jimin was nominated for Actress of the Year, a monumental first for her company, if the CEO does say so himself...

Jun-woo had immediately arranged the trip, ensuring everything was perfect for Jimin's big moment. Minjeong, of course, followed without hesitation, ready to support her every step of the way.

"We can't have our best actress without her best manager," were the very words the CEO had said when he made the announcement to both of them.

The news sent shockwaves through both women's bodies.

Minjeong had been over the moon for Jimin. She never stopped expressing how proud she was of the woman, not when they went home together that day to pack their luggage, not that night when they went to bed, nor the following morning when they had to leave first thing to catch a last-minute flight.

For Jimin, however, the joy was twofold. She was thrilled about the nomination, of course, but even more so about the chance to travel with her little golden retriever. This trip presented an opportunity for them to spend more time together in a new and exciting environment. With work being hectic even after filming was completed, Jimin wanted nothing more than to seize any opportunity to stay close to Minjeong.

Rolling over, Jimin's arm draped over a sleeping figure next to her...

Her said little ray of sunshine,

Minjeong, was nestled in beside her, sleeping soundly on her side. Her cheek was smooshed against the pillow, mouth slightly open, with a tiny bit of drool threatening to peek out from the corner of her lips.

It was one of the most endearing sights Jimin had ever encountered since they started sharing a bed every night.


A smile tugged at the actress' lips as she snuggled closer, pulling the blonde woman in ever so gently as she did so, which awarded her with a deep satisfying sigh from the shorter as her shoulder visibly relaxed... prompting the actress to lean in and leave a longing kiss on her forehead.

Exhaustion had settled in since their flight landed the previous night. With jetlag still lingering on, Jimin faced a daunting day ahead, the only agenda being getting dolled up for the ceremony. The thought was wearisome, yet seeing Minjeong like this admittedly cheered her up a little bit more.

For a few precious minutes, Jimin savoured the quiet moment, the rise and fall of Minjeong's chest a soothing rhythm against her own, the way her body warmed hers... and the way Minjeong's soft skin felt under her as she nuzzled her face into the crook of shorter's neck, inhaling the faint scent of her perfume that instantly made her whole body unwind...

However, even though Jimin wished she could stay in this moment forever, cuddling the blonde until she woke up naturally, she knew she had to get up and start the day. The ceremony was tonight, and she still had responsibilities to fulfil.

Reluctantly, Jimin slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Minjeong. She padded softly to the bathroom, her footsteps treading lightly on the plush carpet, though once landing on the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, the change of temperature instantly sent a shiver through her... however turning on the tap... the warm water quickly soothed her as she splashed her face.

When she emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, towel drying her face, she looked over to the bed and froze. Minjeong wasn't there anymore. The covers were rumpled, the indentation of where she had been sleeping still visible, but she was nowhere in sight.

"Minjeong..?" Jimin called out, a small sinking feeling forming in her chest. Without the presence of the blonde... the atmosphere just felt grim... and her day lost its colour. "Min- AH!"

"I gotcha!" Minjeong suddenly exclaimed, popping out from behind the door and startling the living daylights out of Jimin... but before she could even process the surprise, the blonde had already grabbed her by the waist and gently but firmly pushed her against the wall, pinning her with a playful, mischievous gaze.

"Min- WHAT IN THE-" Jimin barely had time to catch her breath before Minjeong's lips were on hers,

She was stunned at first, but as the kiss deepened, her wide eyes gradually softened and closed completely...She melted into it, her arms wrapping around the blonde's neck, pulling them closer together... so their bodies would be pressed together tightly....

"...devils are you doing," Jimin managed to utter, her words trailing off as Minjeong slowly thought, reluctantly, pulled away, her gaze sparkling with something that could only be described as an enormous amount of playful intent...

"You left first, and I missed you, so I wanted to grab you and kiss you," the blonde explained, leaning her lips into the crook of Jimin's neck and peppering it with light pecks.

"Okay but-" She breathed, her voice shaky. "Why did you have to-" She let out another shaky breath. "You-" The sudden affectionate attack from Minjeong was really starting to...

distract her

to say the least.. rendering her brain unable to fully comprehend an entire sentence.

So as a last resort.. despite her own hesitation to do so, she had to push Minjeong off her so their faces were inches away.

"Why did you have to surprise me like that?" She finally managed to finish her sentence... although her breath was still unsteady...

"Because if I had stayed in bed, instead of letting me kiss you or touch you, you're going to try to be responsible and tell me to get up and get started with organising your day already"

"You're my manager. If anything, you should be the responsible one and have everything planned out already for the ceremony."

"Yes, but," the overly energetic blonde began to grin, "on top of being your manager, I think I am also a lottery winner."

"A lottery winner?" Jimin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that unexpected statement.

"Yep! I am a winner because my girlfriend is the most amazing," Minjeong said, pecking Jimin on the nose. "Most beautiful," she added, kissing her cheek. "Most talented girlfriend in the entire universe." She then left a long, lingering kiss on Jimin's lips before leaning her forehead against the actress' with a bright smile. "So talented she's nominated for best actress. So yes! I'm a lottery winner, I'm the luckiest person I know on the entire planet!"

"You're ridiculous," Jimin responded, rolling her eyes in mock annoyance... but her smile gave her away... because truthfully, despite the eye roll, they shimmered with warmth and gratitude directed solely at Minjeong.

"And you want to know why else I surprise attacked you?"


"Because now I can do this!"

With a wide grin of mischief, the blonde's hands swiftly made it way to Jimin's thighs, lifting her up with a surprising strength that made Jimin yelp.

"Minjeong!" Jimin squealed, her voice tinged with shock as she was effortlessly carried by her upper leg. But soon, her surprise turned into laughter as the shorter woman continued to spin her around with a playful twinkle in her eye... before eventually, Minjeong walked them both over to the bed and gently plopped Jimin down onto the soft hotel mattress.

Jimin's chuckles persisted as Minjeong crawled on top, but soon blossomed into full-blown laughter as she observed the blonde woman trying to regain her breath after exerting an unexpected amount of brute strength.

"Awww" Jimin cooed... tapping Minjeong's cheeks on either side with her palms "Is my puppy all tuckered out from that?" She teased... But Minjeong had different ideas than to pout under the actress' joking ridicule.

"Can a tuckered out puppy do this?" Minjeong's voice turned low as she pinned Jimin's arms on top of her head, prompting the taller's giggles to subside immediately, replaced by widened eyes of adoration and desire. "Gotcha..." Minjeong whispered with a small smirk, gazing back down at her stunned girlfriend whose breath hitched in her throat, realizing exactly what her little golden retriever's plan was all along...

"You're impossible" Jimin murmured, her tone laced with feigned annoyance, yet her legs still found their way around Minjeong's waist, drawing the blonde closer.. signally to her... that she had wanted the same thing..

"Impossible to resist, maybe," was all the blonde replied before leaning down to capture Jimin's lips in a tender yet passionate kiss.

That seared immediately... the moment the contact took place...


This shouldn't come as a surprise to most

But since the two women's first night of intimacy with each other...

They've found it...

to put it quite bluntly...

Extremely difficult to not continue what they have already started once...

Keeping their hands off each other became a challenge, and they found themselves obsessing over each other in places that went beyond just the bedroom.

Just like the other day,

when Junwoo summoned the two women into his office to announce the A-lister's prestigious nomination for this year's actress award. They quickly obtained the needed details so plans could be established on very short notice for the actress to make it overseas in time.

However, just as the two bid their farewells to their CEO... Minjeong, emboldened by a sudden surge of daring, seized the opportunity to veer off course... promptly pushing Jimin into a cleaning storage unit with intentions and mind definitely not on the cleaning supplies....

Where things took off from there....

"That was extremely reckless of you, Minjeong!" Jimin scolded the blonde afterwards, though she couldn't hide the grin on her face, knowing she had also eagerly reciprocated the moment that storage door was closed.

And perhaps... right now, as Minjeong's lips trailed from Jimin's neck to her ear, this morning felt no different from the countless other moments when they simply craved nothing but to be enveloped in each other's touch.

However, on a day as crucial as this, brimming with impending events and unforeseen challenges, it should come as no surprise that their carefully laid plans would inevitably be compromised. In the delicate dance of life's unpredictability, even the most steadfast intentions could be swept away by the tide of necessity.

As if on cue, the second alarm that Jimin had set blared to life at that precise moment, just as Minjeong's delicate hands had unclasped from Jimin's wrist and began their gentle descent down the woman's curves....

The jarring noised made the blonde's body jolt up at the sudden intrusion before the stark reminder of the day's schedule enters to mind...

"Urghhhhhh," Minjeong groaned into the crook of Jimin's neck. "Whyyy did you set a second one!"

"For you," Jimin replied nonchalantly, gently pushing Minjeong back. "Because I know what you're like. If we had it your way, I'd never get to the salon on time or be fitted for my dress, which means I'd be late for the ceremony, which means I'll never know if I'll get a trophy or not."

"You'll get the trophy we both know it! The whole world knows it!" The blonde whines "What's being a little late when these things are inevitable!?"

"No." Jimin promptly slapped Minjeong's hand away "Quit being a whining pervert and get ready already" Pushing the blonde off, the latter dramatically fell on her side as if she's a child who's favourite ice cream had just be confiscated "And we don't know that, it's not guaranteed, Jihoon was nominated too"

"Yeah but as best rising male lead! You guys are in complete different categories! And what are you saying!? Of course it is! You were amazing, did you not see everyone at the premiere! They loved you, you'll definitely be up there on the stage today, I can feel it in my bones!" Minjeong had pouted when she rambled out her thoughts... but her words were genuine...

She truly believed in her girlfriend.. because she out of everyone had seen how hard the very a-lister had worked every single day to get to the position she is in today.. and for that.. she had nothing but utmost confidence in Jimin as well as an immense amount of proudness.

And Jimin.. well... she recognised that support.. and in her heart she couldn't feel more grateful to have Minjeong by her side and want to show her just how in love she was....

But being on a time limit right now.. she still had to put reason first before feelings.

"Exactly! So get ready and then call the driver to tell them we're ready" Jimin smiles.. only dragging along Minjeong's pout even further....

So giving in to the golden retrievers cuteness, the actress leaned in close, her breath warm against Minjeong's ear as she whispered softly, "If we manage to get everything done on time and make it to the ceremony, I'll make sure to give you a special reward." With a subtle wink, she leaned back, an alluring glint dancing in her eyes as she awaited Minjeong's reaction.

And she definitely received what she wanted....

Minjeong's ears turned a delicate shade of crimson, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue as her lips formed a small 'O' of surprise. Without uttering another word, she rose from the bed, determined to fulfill Jimin's exact request without delay.

Watching her dash away with such urgency... the actress couldn't help but laugh openly out loud...

Thinking how... perhaps spending her days with Minjeong... forever like this is just too short...


As the sun dipped below the horizon, the golden light faded, leaving behind a twilight glow. Yet, the brilliance of the event was undiminished. The dazzling lights of countless cameras continued to flash, illuminating the scene with their intense brilliance. Actors and actresses from around the globe arrived one by one, each making their way down the iconic red carpet. Flashes captured their every step, and the air was filled with the enthusiastic chants of fans calling out their names.

Jimin was no exception. She walked gracefully, each step met with loud cheers as new and old fans chased after her from the sidelines all desperate to get a glimpse of this new international beauty.

The time has come...

It was time to see if all her years of hard work had finally paid off.

The coveted golden award for Best Actress was within reach.

While winning wasn't necessary for advancing her career—her nomination alone had already guaranteed her numerous future opportunities after all...

But lord....

Holding that award in the palm of her hands would be a crowning achievement of a lifetime.

It would be a validation of her dedication and talent, a symbol of all she had ever worked accomplished.

And for that... she couldn't help but feel a great sense of excitement.. but at the same time.. an enormous amount of anxiety, knowing the sheer amount of eyes that would be looking her way tonight.... wondering if an actress who had only ever be known for her South Korean films.. could stand a chance against the international legends...

The sensation was overwhelming...

Not just from the award ceremony in itself...

But also seeing the sea of crowd surrounding her tonight...

Jimin supposes she would never get used to such an event no matter the countless of ones she had attended back home...

Despite her career, Jimin couldn't shake the feeling of self-consciousness that washed over her whenever she found herself under the scrutinizing gaze of others. Whether it was a grand event or a small gathering, that sense of being overly exposed never failed to linger.

No matter the scale of the occasion, Jimin couldn't help but feel as though every eye upon her was dissecting her every move, magnifying her insecurities. It was a discomfort she had grown accustomed to, yet one that never seemed to diminish. The spotlight, no matter how big or small, always cast a harsh glare, leaving her feeling vulnerable and acutely aware of her every flaw.

And tonight had been no different.

In the midst of public appearances, Jimin often found comfort in the reassuring presence of her manager trailing behind her, offering a sense of ease with their proximity. However, for an event as grand as this one, the rules were clear: nominees were to walk the red carpet unaccompanied, with all staff and management waiting on the sidelines.

Just like the last time she walked a similar carpet for her previous film, Jimin's eyes instinctively scanned the bustling crowd tonight, searching for her one source of blond comfort.

And when she finally found her... all was could say was..

The icy spike of anxiety melted away, replaced by a warmth that flooded Jimin's being.

Minjeong wasn't just standing on the sidelines; she had merged with the crowd, cheering louder than anyone else just so show her unwavering support as actress stepped out.

With a radiant smile... she was jumping and yelling... doing everything she possible can to rally behind her favourite actress of all time...

And for some reason...

Seeing that very image of that cheery golden retriever...

Everyone else disappeared as Minjeong was all Jimin could see then...

And in Minjeong's eyes...

Jimin saw it again.

The glint of there being a forever.


The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as award after award and announcement after announcement unfolded, spanning across countless films, dramas, and genres. Each moment leading up to this had been an appetizer for the main event, where speculations and excitement splurged sky high.

Finally, the time had come. The announcement for Best Leading Actress of the Year was imminent...

And the tension had reached it's absolute peak...

The vicinity was a blend of glamour and tension, with celebrities and filmmakers holding their breaths as they awaited the final announcement.

Jimin found herself sandwiched between fellow actors and actresses from the movie, Jihoon seated right beside her as her co-star. Despite being separated from her management staff, who occupied seats a couple of rows behind, they remained close enough to oversee their clients....

Being seated next to a supposed ex-boyfriend had no doubt been ramping up a storm tonight. All evening, curious glances and raised eyebrows followed their every move, adding an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere...

But what had made the situation even more intriguing was the speculation that had ignited since news of their breakup had surfaced. Whispers circulated, suggesting that their entire relationship had been nothing more than a calculated publicity stunt.

It was a rumour that had harmed Jihoon more than anyone, being the rising star between the two, whilst Jimin had been an A-lister for years now....

Yet, despite being an individual who had only ever worked to further his own career...

The selfless act of releasing such a statement to the media.... made Jimin see the man in a different light....

And for once... although she had never verbalised it to him...

She felt thankful...

The actress turned around, her eyes seeking out Minjeong's amidst the sea of faces. With her heart racing in anticipation, she found comfort in the soft gaze of the blonde. Though she longed for Minjeong's reassuring touch, a tight squeeze of the hand to anchor her nerves, all she could do was lock eyes with her... trying to calm that feeling of unease...

Minjeong, recognizing the nervousness in Jimin's gaze, wished she could bridge the distance between them, offering her unwavering support in person. Unable to do so, she offered a supportive nod and a thumbs-up, hoping that Jimin could still feel the strength of her presence, even from afar.

The host, a well-known figure in the industry, held the envelope containing the winner's name. "And now, the moment we've all been waiting for," he began, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "The award for Best Actress goes to..."

Jimin looked down... preparing herself to hear a name that wasn't her's whilst's Minjeong closed her eyes... her own chest beginning to feel a whirlwind of suspense.... Her palms grew sweaty with nerves, but she dared not let Jimin see just how anxious she truly was. Despite her efforts to remain composed, the truth was clear: in moments like these, Minjeong was more often than not, a bigger mess than Jimin was.

The woman had worked hard... so hard... to get here today.. and Minjeong swears if she didn't hear Yu Jimin's name announced in a blaze of glory, she was ready to throw some hands. After all the hard work and dedication, nothing less than victory would suffice for her....


The name thundered through the room, echoing against the walls, followed by a cacophony of applause, cheers, and jubilant screams.

Jimin's head snapped up instantly, her heart pounding in disbelief. Had she heard correctly, or had the overwhelming nerves finally gotten to her? Her eyes widened in astonishment, her mouth slightly ajar as she took in the scene unfolding before her. Turning her head, she met Minjeong's gaze, finding mirrored shock in the blonde's expression before it quickly transformed into a radiant sparkle of pride and happiness.

"I won?" Jimin mouthed to her.. stammering in the process as she was stuggling to wrap her mind around what had just happened.

Minjeong's beaming smile widened further as she nodded, unable to contain her own excitement. "You did it, Jimin! You won!" she called out, her voice filled with giddiness and restless energy.

Jimin rose from her seat, her legs feeling slightly unsteady with the weight of the moment. As she made her way to the stage to accept the award, the applause thundered around her, a resounding ovation to celebrate her talent and dedication. Stepping up to the podium, she felt the weight of the golden statuette in her hands as the host welcomed her and graciously stepped aside.

Standing there on stage, amidst the sea of faces and flashing cameras, Jimin was overcome with a rush of emotions. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts and steadying herself before she began to speak.

"I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who made this film possible," Jimin began, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of overwhelming butterflies swirling within her. "From the visionary director who believed in me from the very start to my incredible colleagues and co-stars who supported and inspired me every step of the way. This award... it's everything I had ever dreamed of ever since I began walking this path.... it's not just a trophy to me, this is a symbol, a statement that any actor or actress in the world can relate to, a representation that our dedication had led us here... that our hard work had paid of"

She paused, her eyes scanning the cheering crowd, their thunderous roars of support washing over her like a wave. Jimin absorbed the electrifying energy pulsating through the room, a smile spreading across her face. Yet, her gaze never stopped searching among the crowd... until they had landed on exactly what she had been unconsciously looking for the entire time.... right onto Minjeong... who was staring back with nothing but pure adoration and pride.... Jimin's heart swelled at the sight, a lump forming in her throat as her carefully crafted speech faded into insignificance. In its place, a flood of her own honesty thoughts surged within her, overwhelming her with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.

"You know, the cheers you've cheered and the unwavering support you've given me... they've truly been one of the driving forces that brought me to this moment," Jimin continued her speech, addressing the crowd. "But if I'm being brutally honest, I can't help but feel that standing here... I don't truly deserve your praise." With a solemn expression, she held the golden trophy at arm's length, gazing upon it thoughtfully. "Nor do I deserve this symbolic award... not solely for myself."

Her confession sparked a wave of confused glances and murmurs among the audience as they eagerly awaited the A-lister's next words. "Because, if I'm to be completely open tonight," Jimin continued, "I haven't always been the easiest person to work with. In fact, I've been extremely difficult, demanding, and, at times, a real diva. Yes, the rumours are true." The audience's murmurs grew louder, but Jimin persisted. "But then someone walked into my life and changed everything. Someone who saw past the diva exterior and found the real me underneath. Someone who, despite my flaws and temper, stayed by my side and supported me unconditionally. I've been a jerk, a real hot-headed mess, but she found me and she grounded me, and for that, I can't be more thankful." As she spoke, Jimin's eyes locked with Minjeong's, despite the vast distance between them. Even from here, she could just make out the subtle shift in the blonde's expression, from confusion to wide-eyed realisation.

She felt butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach, refusing to calm down no matter how much she had tried to consciously think it away... As she prepared to speak her truth, to lay bare the depths of her emotions for all to hear, Jimin knew it was time to let the world know how she truly felt. Because compared to her feelings for the only woman she could see right now, the world seemed no larger than a mere marble.

"Minjeong.." She began... her eyes now glistening as she felt her heart thumping against her ribcage... "Minjeong, you have been my rock, my guiding light, and my biggest supporter. You saw potential in me when I couldn't see it in myself. You believed in me at times when I didn't even believe in myself and it only made me want to be a better person, a better actress, and a better partner." Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued, "Your love and patience have made me realise what truly matters. This award, this recognition... it means nothing without you by my side. You make me want to be better, not just for myself, but for everyone around me." She took a deep breath composing herself as she tried to blink those unshed tears that threatened to roll down at any second... "So, while I may be holding this award....I can't say it belongs to me... no, not completely... because it belongs to you as much as it does to me. You are the reason I am the person I am today, you are the reason I get to stand here right now holding this trophy. You are my reason for waking up every morning, you are my warm ray of sunlight even during stormy days and cold nights... Thank you for being my everything, for pushing me to be the best version of myself, and for loving me when I didn't deserve it."

The crowd gasped as she stepped back from the podium, the weight of her confession settling in. For a moment, the room was silent.....


One person stood up....

That person... being none other...

Than Kang Jihoon himself... standing there with a large grin on his face... clapping loudly.. his applause echoing through the hall...

And slowly, as Jimin's heartfelt words sank in, people began to react, one by one. Inspired by her bravery and sincerity, they followed suit, rising to their feet to show their support for the courageous speech that had just been delivered. Until soon, the entire room was on their feet, a sea of applause and admiration filling the air.

The entire venue erupted in a crescendo of cheers and applause as the actress concluded her speech and gracefully left the stage. Yet, amidst the deafening noise of the crowd, her gaze remained fixated on Minjeong's teary-eyed, radiant face. As Jimin descended from the stage, the sounds of the cheering audience faded into the background. At first, her pace was measured, but soon her steps quickened, propelled by an overwhelming desire to reach Minjeong. Paying no heed to her heels, she broke into a run, her heart racing with each stride until she stood directly in front of Minjeong, their eyes locked in an unspoken exchange of nothing.... but pure love...

Minjeong... for less than better words.... was absolutely stunned senseless... all eyes were fixed on the couple now, the roar of the audience growing louder by the minute.

"Minjeong..." Jimin whispered, breathless from the run... as she instinctively held the shorter by the cheek with one hand....

The blonde's eyes were wide with astonishment.. she stood there.. with tears streaming down her cheeks... happy ones....

"Jimin.." she didn't even know how she managed to speak then.... because she had felt lightheaded, her heart swelling with an indescribable sense of gratitude and joy as she gazed at the taller woman before her.


Yu Jimin....

The love of her life...

had just confessed their love in front of the entire world...



Despite knowing what such an announcement can do to her... and her career... she stood there and shouted it loud and clear for the universe to hear...


Minjeong couldn't even describe the way she was feeling right now in words...

because there would be no words descriptive enough in any dictionary to be able to truly verbalise just how much her heart had burst....

but... right now, as Minjeong gazed back at the actress,

Seeing nothing but sincerity in return

Perhaps there was something that did come to mind...

One thing that she thinks she can say in words...

That being...

She saw forever in Jimin's eyes

And being pulled right into a tight embrace then and there, Minjeong just melted right into Jimin's arms. The world seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the warmth and comfort of their embrace. She could feel the rapid beat of Jimin's heart against her own, their breaths mingling as they held each other close.

"You were amazing," She whispered, her voice trembling. "I can't believe you did that."

Jimin pulled back just enough to meet Minjeong's eyes again, her expression filled with love and adoration. She didn't need to say a word more for Minjeong to understand exactly how she felt... but nevertheless she still had to say it out loud... because Jimin once promised the blonde.. she could never ever go a day without saying it ever again....

"I love you more than anything in the world, Minjeong..."

And hearing that...

It made the blonde's heart soar new heights, bursting from the might of the sheer intensity of the moment... as she couldn't help but reflect the same depth of tenderness and devotion...

"I love you too, Jimin. More than anything,"

Then, as if drawn together by an invisible force, they leaned in and shared a loving kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of promises, of shared dreams, where in a field of unkept dandelions... their wishes had finally come true...

The wish of founding their soulmate

The crowd erupted into even louder cheers and applause, the sound swelling around them like a wave. But for Jimin and Minjeong, there was only the sensation of their lips meeting, the warmth of their embrace, and the joy of knowing they had found something truly special.

In the shimmering lights and wandering gaze of the world....

Minjeong and Jimin...

Found their forever....

And they were no longer afraid to show it.

But now...

Even forever didn't seem long enough.
