Not that bad

My weekend...

Minjeong internally whined whilst sitting behind the wheel just minutes away from pulling up in front of Jimin's mansion once again.

I had such an elaborate plan too

The blonde continued to pout at the idea of not being able to binge watch her new favourite drama today, but instead she was going to be driving Jimin to whichever mall the latter wanted.

It normally wouldn't bother the blonde, really.. but the weekends were normallly meant to be her days and she really doesn't exactly feel like working on her days.

Damnit Jimin, why are you like this?

Yes, while Minjeong may have found a means to handle Jimin's attitude in general, that doesn't necessarily mean she has the right to say no to any of the actress's requests unless it is blatantly borderline impossible.

In fact, within the contract she signed prior to commencing this job, it was stated that all management staff would need to cater to their clients even during out-of-work hours.

That type of flexibility was exactly why her annual income was too attractive to pass by.

That's good and all, and Minjeong had signed her contract understanding these responsibilities.

But it's just that Jimin had never once bothered the blonde during the weekends, except for every so often when the actress wanted certain snacks and takeout ordered and delivered to her front door. However, that was only during nights, and honestly, since the actress needs to watch her figure for her job, it really wasn't even all that often.

To say the least, at first, that very predicament alone was surprising to her. Minjeong could've sworn the taller had gone through countless staff because of her unreasonable neediness. She supposes it is the woman's attitude in the end that caused the high turnover... because, boy, does working five days with Jimin feel like an eternity already.

Either way she was actually quite grateful the latter didn't choose to bother her two days out of 7.

It was nice to have some time away from her job, even if it was just for two days in a week...

That is... until now..

So here she is

Once again,

Obediently following Jimin's order like a puppy.

But despite the contractual agreement, the blonde still can't help but feel a tinge of annoyance flowing through her body—especially since she wouldn't even have had her Saturday stolen if only Jimin hadn't done whatever she did to scare away her old driver. Minjeong could still be in bed by now, if it weren't for that.


The blonde yawned, not having nearly enough time to feel sorry for herself when she heard a knock on her window. Someone was gesturing for her to roll it down with hand motions.




The manager may had been steps away from falling asleep, but seeing Jimin fully dressed the way she is... the beating in her chest suddenly drummed louder in her ears, effectively waking her up on the spot.

"Ahem" She clears her throat, not entirely sure what just went over her.

Jimin looked like she just had a complete get up.

Her makeup was fully made.

Her long hair was curled into subtle flowy waves which beautifully fell past her shoulders.

She wore a very fashionably fully black outfit, with an off shoulder top and short skirt that just screamed class to Minjeong


Damn! Those boots probably cost more than my monthly rent...

Yeah... Minjeong wasn't going to lie.

Jimin looked good...

Very good...


"Can you stop staring and roll down your window already!?" The taller gave the blonde her signature sneer after thumping on the window a couple of times to signal Minjeong to hurry up.


If only the person matched the outlook.



Damnit Minjeong, stop having weird thoughts! This isn't like you

Doing exactly as the taller had asked (demanded) and rolling down her window, Minjeong didn't even have a chance to finish a word before something was thrown towards her.

"Jimi- ah-" She catches the item that fell right onto her lap "What is this?" She stares at the object with a raised eyebrow "a key?"

"My key"

"Your key?"

"Yes, for my car"

"Your car?"

"Yes, now can you stop repeating after me? You sound like a parrot."


"You drive?" Minjeong was beyond confused right now.

"No, but you do. Now get out of your car, you're driving mine"

"Wha-" Her gaze follows the arm Jimin had extended out to gesture towards a vehicle not too far from them.

It was a tall. Black coloured. EXPENSIVE LOOKING. G wagon, glistening at Minjeong with all its motorised glory.

"You- you want me" The blonde points at herself and then proceeds to point at the car "to drive that?" Minjeong, outside of her small sedan, has never EVER in her wildest dreams thought she could ever drive a car as big as an SUV, let alone a Mercedes-Benz G-class.

I'm not worthy...

"It's embarrassing to be seen in your... what even is this brand called?" She stares at Minjeong's sedan with a perplexed expression.


"you've never seen a Toyota before-"

"Embarrassing." She grabbed her phone and proceeded to tap away. "I refuse to be seen or driven in your small, measly car any longer. Can you imagine how my image has been affected the past couple of weeks being in that thing? From now on, every time you arrive to pick me up for whatever occasion, you are to transfer yourself into my G-wagon and drive me in that instead."

"Oh.. girl I think you out of all people need more than just a car to help your image"

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" The blonde shuts her lips into a thin line, cursing at herself interally for her big mouth and her tendencies to ramble her thoughts. "Wait, so if you had that the whole time, why only tell me now?"

"I didn't have it the whole time, what are you talking about, I only just had it picked out this morning." The actress went back onto her phone, eyes no longer focused on the blonde.

"Morning? It's 9 am right now"

"I woke up 5:30 today"


But I took her home by midnight last night...


"I just sent you the location to where I want to shop. Stop yapping at me already. You're on thin ice at how badly you're following rule one. Now come on"

And like a small puppy, Minjeong could once again do nothing but abide to Jimin's orders.


It never really occurred to Minjeong before today but now that she was driving silently, and given time to think to herself she couldn't help but notice Jimin's actions was just plain weird.

And no she doesn't mean her attitude or less than adequate mannerisms, that alone deserved it's own whole set of category in itself.

What Minjeong meant is, Jimin's overall routine and life structure is just something she doesn't typically see in a girl her age.

Now the blonde can understand the woman is a celebrity.

A big one at that.

So, she can sympathize with why the actress never leaves the house without a full face of makeup or dressed in a certain style that would appeal to the average eye, or how the taller does her best to hide from the public's lenses any chance she gets.

And if she does by chance need to be in the public eye, she makes sure that she is seen in the most lavish and most glamourous state as possible.

Even going as far as ordering an expensive car to be driven in when the sun has hardly even shined yet.

Now, being the only one managing everything about Jimin, including scheduling out all her plans, one of Minjeong's main tasks is knowing the actress' plan of action to the tee, even within her personal life.

This entails Jimin needing to provide the blonde with a heads up whenever she decides to venture to a place where she could be seen in public, specifying her destination and generally informing her of the people she intends to visit.

This is because Jimin is an A-list celebrity. One wrong move, and the media will swarm over her, unleashing a series of rumours and false allegations.

and having a manager to schedule things and be aware of their client's whereabouts at the very least minimizes those chances without compromising the celebrity's personal life.

So with that being said...

There was one small detail that stood out to Minjeong about Yu Jimin

Outside of work...

It's like the taller woman does nothing else with her life.

No going out with friends.

No partying

No vacation scheduling


She knows she usually loves the fact that the older doesn't typically plan out anything so she can get her weekends, but honestly, she doesn't really understand why the woman keeps herself so isolated...

And by all means, it's totally possible that she has friends or family coming over, or she might even sneak out like some celebrities do as well. But having been Jimin's manager for just under 2 months now, Minjeong seriously doubts it.

She just doesn't get it at all...

Like she does... but she doesn't, cause Jimin didn't have to keep to herself all the time.

She couldn't help but wonder in that moment whilst subtly glancing at the woman sitting in the backseat through the rear-view mirror... If this was once again a result of the taller's diva-filled actions...

But the way she had smiled at her fans....


Stop it Minjeong you're overthinking again... you told yourself you wouldn't

Shaking off those thoughts, the blonde just kept her eyes on the road, scolding herself to stop trying to be nosy all the time.

No longer staring at her phone, Jimin, too, glances over at her manager's back, thoughts seemingly passing through her head briefly before gazing out the window once again.


Ah.. I get it now... Minjeong thought to herself as she was huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with the actress ahead.

So this is why she wanted me to drive her here today...

It was never about the driving, if that was the case the actress could've just Ubered herself to the mall with all the money she's made from acting in all those movies.

But it was always about someone being her personal carrier.

That person being:

Kim Minjeong.

"Just how much clothes does one person even need!" The blonde grumbled to herself, struggling to hold onto all the bags that have slowly accumulated up her arm over time.

This wasn't even the worse of it.

Not only did she carry everything Jimin bought, but she also had to enter every store the taller would enter, where the girl would actually ask for her opinion on what she should buy.

But the catch?

Minjeong's opinion didn't matter.

"Should I get this one?" Jimin holds up a white sweater with a price tag that had more zeros than Minjeong could count up to (not literally). "Or this one." She holds up a plain yet stylish gray hoodie with a very simple design.

"The gray hoodie"

"White sweater it is then"

"Oh come onnnn" The blonde wails, too physically exhausted to be bothered to keep her emotions in check "Why ask if you're not going to listen?"

"I am listening. I don't like your taste so whatever you like, the opposite must be best"


"Now shut up, I'm going to pay for this now, wait outside"




"Why are you whining so much?" Jimin rolls her eyes, not impressed at all by the shorter's temper today, and proceeds to give the remaining bags she was holding to her.

"Because you said you were going to buy the sweater, why are there two bags!?"

"I saw something else I needed to buy"

"Whyyyy" The blonde knew better than to continue to push her luck with Jimin. Ignoring all that the actress had ever warned her about or her stupid rule one. But god damnit, was Minjeong just so tired right now.

She hardly had enough hours of sleep, using up all her time last night to try to compensate for the drama she would've otherwise missed out on today. So rushing out this morning, the latter didn't even get a single bite of breakfast, so the physical labour that was inflicted upon her was really taking it's toll.

Jimin raised an eyebrow for a brief second, analysing her manager's odd behaviour. It's not usual for Minjeong to complain so much, even though the blonde had a rather rapid firing mouth that she used ever since the beginning of her job... She normally doesn't act out to this extent.

It's not like Jimin was even giving Minjeong that much of a hard time today.. so why is she being so annoying right now?

It was very quick, so Minjeong had missed it amidst her small tantrum, but the taller's lips had twitched upward ever so slightly. Catching herself, however, the snicker that almost escaped her lips never made its way out before Jimin folds her arms, her face going back to her usual stern, cold look.

"Can you stop making these weird noises. It's embarrassing" She glares at the shorter sharply.

"Can you blame me? Look at me!" With one final huff the blonde extends out her arms "Look how skinny my arms are, how do you expect me to carry all that and be fine!?"


"Oh don't look at me like that Jimin. Eight bags. Eight! Why on earth would someone need 8 outfits when there are 7 days in a week?" She continued her antics but was promptly stopped when she noticed the taller slowly approaching her.

Swallowing in a big gulp, Minjeong lost her train of thought of whatever she was going to say next, as she stared into Jimin's more than piercing gaze.

Shit... I think I've really pushed my luck this time..

The blonde was usually the calm one. Despite her newfound strategy of dealing with the older she still usually stayed clear from pissing off Jimin too much... biting back her tongue whenever she could.

But today.. she might've missed a few too many bites this time around.

Closing her eyes as she prepared for Jimin's wrath all that was racing through her mind was;

Please don't scream at me too loudly... please don't scream too loudly-

However, instead of her hearing senses getting bombarded, it was the weight on her arms that was lifted.

Opening her eyes, she was surprised to see that Jimin had her back faced towards the blonde... but hang on... what's that in her hands?

Did she just...

Looking down, she noticed 4 bags worth of shopping has been taken off of her.


The blonde snaps her neck back up to stare at the woman ahead who was now holding the other half of shopping bags in both hands. "Huh?"

"What are you waiting for?" The actress who still had her back towards the shorter turned her head to side glance at Minjeong "Take me home already."

"oh- okay..."


The drive home was once again silent, a replica of the morning, minus this time, Jimin had been staring out the window the entirety of the car ride instead of tapping away on her phone like usual.

And Minjeong? Well.. maybe.. just maybe she was staring at that rear view mirror a one too many time more than this morning as well..

Making it back to just outside Jimin's mansion, the blonde was about to hand the actress back her keys, but the latter stopped her.

"Like I said, I don't drive. Keep the keys so it's easier for you to use the SUV everytime you're here"

She then proceeds to request that Minjeong carried everything back into her living room from today's shopping trip, while she needed to check something on her porch or whatever.

Minjeong didn't even bothered clarifying because all she heard by that was:

"Get my stuff and I'm not helping"

She expected this, to say the least.

But checking the time on her wristwatch and realising that the day is still early, she sucked it up and carried all the bags she could see all in one go with nothing but going home, getting takeout and finishing her drama in mind.

Finishing placing the items down, she powerwalks right back out, just to see that Jimin was still nowhere near her porch... rather she was lingering around Minjeong's sedan instead.

Making eye contact briefly, Minjeong felt her back stiffen.

"Good- Goodbye, Jimin, I'll see you next time...." Her words faded off as the actress walked past the blonde before finishing bidding her farewell.

Not a single response was given...

Not even another glance.

Until all could be heard was loud closing of the door from behind.

"Aish" Minjeong places her palm on her head. "And I thought she was actually being nice for once"





She just wanted to get home and face her television already.

Rushing to her car, she drove straight home without a second thought.

However, just as she was about to unbuckle her seatbelt she notices a shopping bag in her backseat from the mirror.

It was from one of Jimin's shopping sprees today.

"Damnit how did I forget that one... Jimin's going to kill me... " Minjeong sighs

I better drive back now before-







But this is my car...

How in the world did Jimin's shopping bag get into her car when they had used the SUV?

Staring at the back with her own eyes now, she notices the window that was left opened.

I must've left it down this morning to flush out the old air in here...

Grabbing her phone, she was about to call the actress to clarify, when she noticed a message that was sent by her not too long ago.

From DDD

"Sorry about your hoodie. Take this one instead."

"this... one?" Minjeong muttered quietly before grabbing the bag and seeing the content inside.

It was a hoodie...

A gray one... from that fancy store with the long name Minjeong couldn't pronounce.

The hoodie that Minjeong had said she preferred, but Jimin rejected....

Right here... in her hands

And the diva actress was gifting this to her?

As an apology?


Minjeong puts down the clothing in disbelief before leaning her forehead against the wheel to hide the wide grin that had spread across her face.

She couldn't control her expression at all for some reason, so she opted to keep it hidden.

"That girl..." Minjeong founds herself chuckling now before she finally throws her head back towards her seat, the smile never leaving.

"She's really not that bad at all..."
