A new view of wonder

"Where are you taking me?" Jimin enquires watching the buildings and city lights slowly disappear from out the window and replaced by trees and grass with the only source of light coming from the scattered road lights. "You're not taking me somewhere secluded to murder me or kidnap me for ransom are you?"

"Heh.. even if I was, I reckon your fans would solve the case and get me before the police does." Minjeong chuckled at the taller's statement, liking the sudden sense of humour Jimin had portrayed.

"Alright.. because in case you haven't noticed Minjeong.. you are literally driving me to the middle of nowhere? Where are we going? The woods?"

"Something like that"


"Hey! You said you'll trust me Jimin, just sit back, relax, take in the view and we'll be there shortly."

Sighing, the older woman looks ahead and lets the girl take over with her plan...

Perhaps she's right,

Jimin does need to learn to cool off a bit more and learn to not be constantly concerned something unfavourable would happen when things are out of her hands.

Perhaps for tonight, she'll fully try to trust Minjeong's judgement and allow her to take the lead...


"This is the last time I'm ever trusting you ever again!" The actress crosses her arms, and glares icicles at the shorter woman after reading the sign in front of her.

Deungsan Trail

A trail in the middle of the woods.

Jimin had been joking when she had voiced her statement earlier, but they are literally in absolute godforsaken nowhere.

"Jimin come onnnn" The blonde, although getting slightly nervous at the raising anger she's sensing from the taller, tried to play it off with a cute pout. "You haven't even walked the path yet, how do you know you wouldn't like it?"

"Why I wouldn't like it!?" Jimin can't even begin to believe what she was hearing right now and whatever was going on in that little head of Minejong's "Maybe it's because.. oh I don't know.. I'M IN AN UNCOMFORTABLE DRESS AND IN HEELS!? And now you're asking me to hike all the way up the hill. Did you even think this part through?" she had raised her voice so much it made the blonde flinch back in reaction.

"Oh... " Minjeong's mouth was agape before she looked down at her feet... and her hands began to fidget anxiously "no..?"

"You're impossible" rolling her eyes in defeat, the woman turns on her heels and begin walking back towards Minjeong's sedan, ready to place the environment around her behind.

"Wait! Where are you going?" The shorter chased after her.

"Back. I'm going back. This was clearly a mistake."

"No wait!" Minjeong runs in front of Jimin and extends her arms out straight either side to stop her. "I promise you, Jimin, the end of the trail is worth it.. just walk up with me, it's a short one I swear"

Eyebrow raised, the taller turned towards the direction of the sign and visually takes in the trail ahead of it, analysing the whole "footpath" in it's entirety... how it was covered in complete darkness, with no steps or concrete ground, but a dirt floor to signify it's path. She could've swear there were small critters looming around the area as well, just waiting for it's next victim to pounce on.


She tried to walk past the blonde but the latter just moves in front of her again with puppy eyes.

But Jimin had already made up her mind.

"Absolutely not!" She tried to move ahead again, but the shorter woman wouldn't budge.. her begging gaze began looking glossy...

"I.. I said no.." Her resolve felt like it was fading.. but Jimin needed to stay head strong! Puppy eyes or not, it won't work on her twice!

even if those very eyes are beginning to look more and more imploring... and...

Are they sparkling!?

Jimin purses her lips.. not liking the way Minjeong was begging her at all.

"Minjeong! I said no!"


"hmm hm hm hm hmm" The blonde was humming happily, basically bouncing her way up the trail with prancing arms. Sunshine was practically glowing on her as she continued to march ahead, leading the way for a much gloomier and darker aura that was emitting from behind her.

Jimin, arms folded and walking cautiously to avoid the extended bushes around her... to put it extremely lightly... was getting irritated more and more by every step she was taking in her painful heels.

She was mad at Minjeong for taking her on a freaking bush walk at night... but most importantly she was beyond outraged at herself for letting the blonde convince her to partake in this evidently idiotic spontaneous plan.

It wouldn't even be that bad... she was used to uncomfortable outfits and shoes... but that humming from Minjeong was serving as a reminder of her embarrassing defeat and weakened resolve... and that alone made her almost lose it.

Out of the rare kindness of the diva's heart... granted she knows she's caused her little manager a headache of troubles since the beginning.. she was actually going to keep the fire in her stomach closed off until after she sees the disappointment at the end of the trail.

But that plan didn't last long, when a uneven part of the ground caused the woman to trip over her foot and almost completely collapse on her face.

Making her finally lose her tipping temper.

"That's it! I'm over this, Minjeong! I'M DONE!" She finally yells, throwing her arms up in defeat.

"What? Why!?" The sunshine happy girl turns around with furrowed eyebrows. "But we're almost there!"

"My feet's killing me, this dress is way too tight, I'm beginning to sweat underneath my makeup and your humming IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING"




"I can stop humming?"

"URGHHH, I should have never agreed to participate in your stupid plan" She plops and leans herself against a huge rock on the side of the path. "Today was physically and mentally draining, I hate public appearances like that you know! All I wanted was to get out of there, get out of this outfit and relax, not hike in heels!" She grunts out before holding her forehead with a hand.

Jimin was tired..

Beyond the bush walk..

She was tired from constantly having to keep up her image today... faking smiles... faking laughter and conversations towards people she hardly cared about and faking her relationship...

It's beginning to weigh down on her..

The actress just really needed a break from it all...

But it's not even like she wanted to be cooped up because she's always cooped up at home.

She hardly has any friends that can visit...

And she doesn't contact her family either...

She must be the most spoilt individual in the world for having these thoughts but sometimes...

She curses her status as an A-lister

She hates how it defines her lifestyle to the tee...

She can't even remember the last time she's had just a normal day.. when she can do normal people stuff, going to a mall downtown, eating out with friends or family or even just taking a stroll down her street...

But here she is, leaving her premiere after party early, hiking in freaking heels in the dark at night with her blondie manager who's way too happy for her own good.

Lord... does Jimin feel envy towards Minjeong sometimes...

Must be nice to be so carefree all the time...



"I'm sorry..." Minjeong said after a few seconds of silence... "You're right... I should've been more considerate of your circumstances.." She approached the woman slowly, which gained the attention of the other.. after hearing the sincerity in Minjeong's words..

Jimin looked up at her...

The blonde's expression had worry and regret written all over it as well as a mixture of understanding present too.

As much as the actress wanted to continue throwing her tantrum.. the sight of Minjeong looking at her in such a manner made it difficult to continue.. so instead of saying what she had wanted to say further.. she just sighs out and turns the opposite direction.

"Whatever..." Was all she mumbled...

what was the point in lashing out on the shorter woman further... she was the one who agreed to these circumstances after all... and besides.. there was no escaping it now anyway.. either way Jimin was going to have to walk back down in her heels.

"The destination really is just a few metres away though... you already made it all the way here... it would be a waste to go back now" Minjeong continued.. "What if I make the trip more comfortable for you?"


"Trust me. Just don't scream at me about rule 3"

Jimin was seriously over the word trust being thrown towards her with no care today... because... WHAT'S EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!?


Grabbing the actress by the arm and throwing it over her shoulder, the blonde swoops down and forces Jimin to lean forward onto her back, so she could successful pick her up and carry her in a piggy back position.

"Carrying you so your feet won't hurt anymore." She adjust her positions and after making sure Jimin had her arms tightly wrapped around her just below the neck, she began walking up the trail once more.


"We're almost there! Just relax ok? "I'll do the work." The blonde said cooly, taking one step at a time, whilst bearing all the weight of the older onto herself. "I should've done this from the very beginning, would've made it easier on the both of us"


"It's ok, I might look small, but I'm actually full of energy" The girl continued, she was beginning to puff now, but tried to even out her breath so it wouldn't be so obvious."


"Don't worry Jimin, you're as light as a feather I swear" She lost some air in her lungs trying to say that sentence.

If feathers weighed the same as humans!

A droplet of sweat began to trickle down her temple, but the blonde did her best to ignore it.. she was huffing and puffing now, but she wanted nothing else but to bring Jimin to the destination she loved so much...

She just knew when she gets there, it would have been all worth it.

"Minjeong!" Jimin yelled out again.

"What!?" The girl yells back, starting to feel irritated from the passenger constantly yapping at her, when her arms were beginning to shake under the pressure and she seriously just needed some time to concentrate. "I'm working here so you don't have to walk, what else do you want!?"

"My feet are touching the ground!"

Dramatically, the blond lands onto the floor on all fours.. embarrassment washes all over her, whilst Jimin was back to standing up immediately without any issues the moment she lets go of the woman.

Damn you short limbs

Minjeong's body felt like jelly all of a sudden...

She wasn't as strong as she thought...

The actress staring at her manager struggling to catch her breath, shakes her head subtly before looking ahead very quickly and crossing her arms again to keep herself more secure.

"Come on Minjeong, it looks like we're here" She walked towards the sign that signified their destination, the pain in her feet long behind her now.


The moment Jimin walked past the last remaining bushes... she quite literally gasps as astonishment splashed all over her...

They were at the top of the hill now...

There was a fence in front for the public's safety... but beyond the railings was the whole city... in all it's bright glory, right underneath her feet.

Running closer to the fence now.. Jimin eyes had glitters in them as she took in the most spectacular view she had ever seen in her lift...

"This... this is beautiful.." Her breath was exasperated in amazement... never knowing such a spot had existed until now.

For moment she took in everything around her. Allowing the cold breeze to flow through her hair, smelling the sweet scent of nature and the coolness of the rails underneath her touch.

Any doubt, annoyance or anger from earlier had melted away completely as she become fully absorbed within the moment.

"I used to always walk up here to this very spot to clear my head" Minjeong spoke up from behind, having just caught up to Jimin.

"How did you know about this place?" The taller's head turn to follow the blonde as she too stood besides her and places her own arms on the railings.

"My parents used to bring me here as a kid for exercise. But now, as an adult, when life gets tough, I find solace in walking here at night. In the quiet solitude, the view always brings comfort. It's a reminder that no matter how challenging things may seem, there's always something beautiful out there. You just have to take a moment to appreciate it," Minjeong said with a radiant smile. Her eyes sparkled with emotion, and Jimin could sense the deep relaxation in the shorter woman as she immersed herself in a scene that held nostalgic significance.

Perhaps the actress could learn a thing or two from the blonde after all...

"It's... it's surreal" Jimin continued to say in awe... breathing in another deep whiff of fresh night air... instantly allowing all the nerves and unrest that was caused towards her today to flow away with her exhale... "You're more sappy than I thought Kim Minjeong"

"What do you mean?"

"Your speech just then" A small smile made it's way to the A-lister's lips "It was very cheesy"

"Can you not!"

"hm" she begins chuckling in front of Minjeong for the very first time, making the blonde feel butterflies in the pits of her stomach. "But really thank you.. this is amazing... you're right, it was worth it."

She was glad she didn't continue her earlier tantrum which would've caused her to miss this..

Suddenly all the pain in her feet disappeared and the annoying tightness of her dress no longer came to mind as the night continued to enlighten her.

Jimin's eyes were captivated in absolute wonder as her admiration for the sight had captures her into a trance....

Watching her closely... for Minjeong.. the view she would always use to resort to whenever she does choose to make an extra effort for a bush walk... no longer interested her anymore...


Because for tonight... it seems the blonde may have found herself a new view

A much better one.

The way the moonlight had shimmered down on Jimin, giving her the spotlight on a stage like no other

The way her long straight hair reflected strands of that subtle light...

How it illuminated down her cheeks perfectly... revealing the woman's perfectly structured nose... the sparkle in her eyes and those voluptuous lips...

All of it...

Minjeong wanted to place a canvas frame around Jimin...

A golden frame.

Because from here...

The woman looked like a masterpiece...

And the more she stared... the less she felt she was able to swallow back her saliva...

Her breathing was shortened...

And she can hardly contain the beating in her chest.. that felt like it was running so fast.. it wanted to jump right out of her ribcage...

The city lights were a wonder to gaze upon...

But Jimin...

She's a sculpture worthy of worship...

"What?" Jimin, feeling a prolonged gaze placed upon her, turns towards Minjeong with a questioning expression. "What is it?"

"Nothing... it's just...."


"You must be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life- oh-" Minjeong's voice hitches, instantly slapping her mouth shut tightly with both her hands, eyes wide open and feeling completely dumbstruck for having said her thoughts out loud again...

Jimin, stunned by the sudden confession just stared back at the blonde, obviously taken aback with her mouth agape.

"Ah- I don't mean it like that- actually no I do, you're pretty.." The blonde puts down both arms and begins panic talking "you just look really good tonight Jimin.. NOT THAT YOU DON'T LOOK GOOD ALWAYS.. I always thought you're gorgeous normally, but tonight.. it's just wow- in this light you know- I- uh" She lowers her head and facepalms herself before groaning in defeat. "Sorry, I'm just going to shut up now, I must be out of it"

Let the ground engulf me please!

She wasn't sure what had come over her... but after being a stuttering mess in front of the actress, she felt extremely self-conscious and just wanted to climb into a hole and...

Maybe like...

She doesn't know...

Probably die...

But all the while Minjeong continued to have an internal battle with herself.. Jimin continued to gaze at her... still a bit loss for words, especially now having watched the shorter fumble over own words... but she could've swore.. during the entirety of that, her heart had rekindled a sensation she believed it had lost the ability to feel for a very long time.


The blonde felt the taller hold onto her hand gently and bringing it down from her face...

surprised by the sudden contact she looked up and their eyes immediately glued in place to each other's...

She was expecting to be met with the usual rather piercing or nonchalant gaze, with the actress telling her off about how loud or annoying she was being...

But instead...

What she saw was full of warmth.. a mellow radiance if you will...

She wasn't sure if it was the moonlight... but Jimin's eyes were glowing now too...

They were gentle...


Full of something sweet that Minjeong couldn't quite decipher...

If she thought Jimin was beautiful before, staring from the side... there is nothing else in the world that can compare to looking at the actress like this.. face to face... with no one else in the world to interrupt them...

Right now...

Yu Jimin was the pinnacle of perfection....

Like a priceless piece of art that's shielded in glass behind two security guides so no one can damage it...

The shorter wanted nothing to harm the priceless gem that is Yu Jimin.

In that moment, thinking if anyone was to even lay a finger... no amount of money in the world would be able to fix it's corruption

The actress was just that priceless to her right now...

She couldn't even explain to you why, but she knows that's exactly how she feels.

"You're pretty too" Minjeong never noticed this before... but even Jimin's voice is so melodic...

She felt stupefied then and there.. stunned by the magnificence that stood before her... so much so she couldn't even begin to register the words that were just said to her...

But when she did... her already blushed cheeks only turned a few shades deeper.

"You- you really think so?" She's been a stuttering mess all night, what's one more time?

"I do..." Jimin's words were soft and tender... there was not a single trace of the high righteous tone the shorter had been rendered so used to...

This was new..

This wasn't the diva she once knew...

This felt genuine...

It felt right..

Like she was talking to the real Jimin. The sweet side of her... after the sour layer has finally been peeled off...

Something began to rise between the both of them.

A form of tension if you will

But not the usual tense kind...


This felt light...

It felt like a rush...

As if a pink and sparkly aura had surrounded the two, hugging them and were starting to push them together inch by inch...

She wasn't sure what was in Jimin's vision... but for Minjeong.. she could see nothing else but the woman in front of her...

Glowing in that sparkly aura...

Had our faces always been this close...?

The feeling felt so warm... yet heavy... she felt her eyes slowly close... as she swears Jimin was doing the same...

An unknown force was pushing her towards the taller...

Driving them to be closer... for whatever reason...

Their noses brushed against each other's as the ringing in Minjeong's ear gets louder and louder she practically couldn't hear anything else...

Jimin's scent... this night... this feeling...

all of it...

It took over her judgement completely...


She didn't want any distance left to be present between them..


Both woman instantly separated away upon hearing the loud alarm, the distance between them getting wider and wider in rocket speed.

Both coming back down to Earth, reality finally dawned upon them... allowing a wave of shock to hit them like a truck.

The actress had backed away so quickly she almost tripped on her heels. Regaining her balance, she placed a hand over her lips, eyes wide open, looking down, utterly flabbergasted.

Minjeong was no better herself... because she actually did fall over, right on her butt, causing further shell-shock on Jimin's behalf.

What in the world's just gotten into me

Were the first rush of thoughts that came to the taller's mind.

And how the hell does this clumsy woman get clumsier by the day!?

Were honestly the second wave that entered her mind.

Groaning in pain while still on the ground, Minjeong reached into her pocket to grab the culprit that was still ringing, disrupting the aftermath of the ordeal that had just unfolded.

With a tap of a finger, she turns off her phone alarm.

"Sorry um-" The blonde stands up and pats herself down as Jimin's eyes just followed the girl's movement. "I had set an alarm to notify us when the crowd would most likely disappear so I could take you home..."


The glow around them earlier had disappeared completely.

Replaced by an air...

Of complete awkwardness

"The road should be clear now... so... uh-" The blonde clears her throat, the tension was absolutely killing her "Should I take you home?

"YesPleaseThatWouldBeGood" The actress quickly breathed out, not taking a single break in between to catch her breath...

And just like that...

The two descended back to Minjeong's good ole sedan...

During the entire trip back down from the top of the hill... Jimin didn't complain once about her heels again...

Not that she had said anything at all either...

Nor during the car ride home...

Or when she quickly left the car to enter her mansion...

But honestly, Minjeong was no better.. she didn't say a word either...

Both just looked spellbounded throughout the entire trip back to Jimin's place and Minjeong continued her staggered nature as she drove herself home too...

The whole night was silent...

That is until the blonde finally reached her apartment, opened her front door, closed it behind her...

And that was when she instantly dropped, crouching all the way down until her face was hidden behind her knees.. and the girl lets out a loud squeal as an adrenaline of shock dashes through her veins.

Her face was red.

So red..

Her body felt like it was burning...

And someone please get her a defibrillator, because her heart is showing no signs of calming down.

It actually wants to jump out of her chest.


Was it just her that felt it tonight....

Was it all in her head...

Did she and Jimin really almost.. almost

"AHH" She rolls down on her butt and leans against the door.

"Kim Minjeong get a freaking grip already" She lectured herself in an authoritarian like voice before slapping her cheeks with both her hands...

I don't know anymore... I don't know anything...

And she's right on that.. she really didn't know much at all...

Because amidst her own dilemma...

On the other side of the city...

Yu Jimin who had elegantly gotten herself out of that uncomfortable dress... was lying flat on her bed, staring at the spinning fan on her ceiling.

Finding that her own head was also spinning, just like that fan...

And with her right hand clasping tightly on her chest...

Right where her heart was...

She had confirmed a suspicion she had earlier...

There was no mistaking at all..

Her heart that is...

It's doing something that the actress hadn't felt in a very long time...

Something she swore she would never feel again...

Not since that day.... Where everything had crumbled down...

And It's doing it over and over again... showing no signs in stopping anytime soon...

There was no mistaking it...

Her heart had skipped a beat.
