

           Chaeyoung wakes up with a parch throat, wanting to get up right away to quench her thirst, she tries to get up to be only stopped by a force pinning her body to the bed. She tries to get her bearings and realizes that there's a body almost on top of her, smelling of jasmine and roses which only means it must be Mina. I mean who else did she take no drag to this bedroom last night since Ms. Myoui got herself drunk then proceeds to plop herself on the surface of the pool just so she could sleep and getting herself wet in the process. And for Chaeyoung, seeing a 'wet' Mina is simultaneously a feeling of a 'blessing and a curse'. A blessing because 'wet' Mina is god, every sailors dream come true if she was a sailor and a curse because she's not suppose to look since they are friends and she's suppose to take care of a drunk friend not take advantage of it. So, can you blame her when her heartbeat accelerates in a flash after realizing that Mina is on top of her. Well, not really on top but it's close. She could feel Mina's breath on her neck and when she moves her lips grazes it and it's making her dizzy. Her right hand is curled above her breast exactly on top of her heart and her right leg is kind of position on her nether regions and it's making her more nervous than anything.

            So, kind but not soft Chaeyoung does one thing: getting out of that room. She untangles herself albeit gently as to not wake up the sleeping beauty. Mina just groans and re-positions herself to be comfortable and went back to sleep. Chaeyoung smiles and realizing that she is staring, gets up from the bed and goes to the kitchen. It's still a little dark. The sun has not risen yet and the atmosphere is a little eerie to be honest. The only sounds she could hear are the footsteps of her feet and so when she got to the kitchen she's met by a figure standing solely looking like a ghost who's out of place and she screams. The figure also startled throws the glass she's holding at Chaeyoung which hits her right on her forehead. The last thing Chae thought? Since when did ghost throws stuff at people?

She wakes up with Jeongyeon right on her face with a worried and guilty Nayeon right beside her. She tries to get up to sit and Jeongyeon helps her.

"What happened?" she asks, now she sees Jihyo approaching her and giving Jeongyeon something. The older girl presses a pack of cold peas on her forehead. She winces in pain.

"Nabongs here knock you out." Jeong twitches referring to the girl beside her. Nayeon twists her hand in a guilty gesture.

"I'm so sorry Chaengie≈" Nayeon appologises and pouts adorably with her baby cheeks. "You suddenly screamed at me and I got really frightened."

Chaeng takes the pack from Jeong and presses it to herself. "It's because you look liked a freaking ghost unnie."

"Yaah! I'm too pretty to look like a ghost." Nayeon complains as she takes offense from the statement.

"Unnie you're just wearing a shirt that just hits above your knees and why does your hair look like that?" She gestures at the bunny's hair. "It's all over the place." Nayeon feeling a little self conscious tries to rearrange her hair to look presentable.

"It's just my bed hair ok?" she glares at the still hurting baby cub

Jihyo rolls her eyes at this. "You mean your after sex hair." she mutters to herself and Jeongyeon gives her a look to shut up which thankfully Chae didn't hear.

"But I'm sorry ok, I didn't mean to knock you out with the glass." the girl with the bunny teeth continues to apologize. "I thought I really killed you when you suddenly fell lifelessly in the floor."

Seeing her unnie's really guilty expression, Chae holds Nayeons hand and tugs her closer so she could give her a hug.

"It's ok unnie..." Chae says and Nayeon hugs her tight. "Mina will kill me if something happens to you." Nayeon mumbles and Chae just blushes at this.

"Speaking of the devil." Jeongyeon says and looks at the direction of the still sleepy and trudging penguin walking in their direction.

"What happened here?" Mina asks as she rubs her eyes then gets into full alert seeing Chaeyoung in the floor with Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"Chae what happened to you?" she asks worriedly as she noticed the pack of cold peas the girl is pressing to her ailing forehead, she took over and well Chaeyoung kind of let her.

"I'm fine Minari..." Chae answers calmly and gives her Jeongyeon unnie a side glare who's acting like she's vomiting.

Jihyo who's leaning on the counter just looks at the 'couple' gently, although she can't really say they're a couple but she fervently hopes they would be one day.

"Are you sure?" Mina asks, still worried while discreetly checking out if there are other injuries she should spot on. "Shouldn't we go to the hospital right now?" she tells this to no one in particular. "Concussions can be life threatening." she says and she knows as any daughter of a true physician would.

Chaeyoung vehemently shakes her head. "Let's not be over dramatic about this. I just lost consciousness for a second and I don't really feel dizzy."

"Don't be ridiculous Chaeyoung." Jihyo says seriously turning mother hen for a moment. "You got knocked out by Nayeon unnie and you know how painful it is just to get hit by her ridiculous big hands." she pauses and gestures to Nayeon's hands which are really big which is ironic since their oldest unnie is known as the cutest in the group with her squeezy cheeks and bunny smile and over all happy disposition.

"Yeah, what more if you get hit by a glass thrown by her?" Jeongyeon supplies. Nayeon looking guilty again and a little annoyed for pointing out her big hands took offense at this.

"Yahh! I'm sorry ok? She startled me and I thought she's a serial killer trying to kill me so I just protected myself."

"Why would a serial killer shouts before she kills you Nabong???" Jeong incredulously asks her girlfriend slash best friend.

"I don't know! Could be his triumphant cry on finally having me???" Nayeon also incredulously answers but did not engage on another argument with her ridiculous girlfriend also slash best friend instead gives a pout and offers her adorable apologetic face to Mina.

"I'm sorry Myoui, I really didn't mean to hurt your girlfriend ≈≈≈"

Mina blushes specially with the last word. "She's not my girl friend unnie." and tries to nonchalantly act like she didn't care. The three older girls looks at Chaes direction.

"is what she said." Chaeyoung replies and shrugs. Jeongyeon didn't believe them for a minute.

"Then why are you just wearing your sports bra and shorts my no-jam dongsaeng?"she points out

"And you're with just a shirt on Minari..." Jihyo also points out. "Which I believe Chaeyoung was wearing the other day." Nayeon also adds. The three are now leaning on the counter with their arms crossed.

Realizing that indeed they were right, Mina, still blushing and wishes so much to just disappear that moment looks at the girl she's tending intently.

"Yeah...why is that Chaeyoung?" she asks very very calmly, "why is it I am wearing your shirt right now?"

The baby cub feeling like she's cornered attempted to clear her throat which suddenly got dry.

"Am...you kind of got wet Minari..."

Mina: ...

Jeongyeon: ...

Nayeon: ...

Jihyo: ...

After a second of dropping that bomb, Sana who just got out from her room appears and heard the statement.

"Who got you wet Mitang?"

Mina not knowing what to answer just looks at her then to Chaeyoung back and forth.

"What do you mean she got 'wet' Chaeyoung???" God Jihyo asks thunderously.

"Explain yourself Son Chaeyoung!" the eldest demanded and rounds at the flustered cub. "I can't believe this, you two are still underage..."

Jeongyeon sensing the danger tries to calm the two down.

"Okay let's all chill out yeah?" she says and holds her two longest friends back. "Let's not assume anything."

"Yeah, you better explain yourself Chaeyoungie." Sana says although her posture is in non threatening manner. "I wanna hear alllllll the details." She adds and leans back at the refrigerator like she can't wait to hear something spicy.

Which the dalki princess just rolled her eyes to and valiantly ignored her other unnies and focuses on the girl who's still pressing that pack of cold peas at her forehead while simultaneously making herself look small.

And this is why she can't just pursue Mina directly. As the most introverted in the group and one who shies away from attention, she knows she has to be subtle and gentle about this or else Mina will just go back inside her cave and would never let her in.

She takes away the pack and places it in the floor and holds her hands. The two of them still sitting on that kitchen floor.

"Nothing happened okay." She explains gently, reassuring the girl in front of her. "You know I would never take advantage of you unless you want me too." she adds cheekily and feeling a little conscious with herself with the unnies still looking at them Chae rubs the back of her neck and clears her throat again.

"And the reason you got 'wet'" she emphasize this word for the expense of her four unnies. "is because you suddenly lied down near the pool outside and slept." she explains "and since I can't find any dry clothes for you to change I just let you wear my shirt and took out your jeans and let it dry so you could wear it again today."

Jeongyeon hearing the explanation looks at her two friends with a face that they better apologize.

"Sorry guys ≈" The bunny looking girl apologizes to the two and grins cutely then gestures a peace sign.

"Sorry Chae, Mina" God Jihyo says, looking a little ashamed with her behavior. "I just want the two of you to be careful and think before you do something. But don't get me wrong, I would be one of the people that would be very happy if you two get together."

"We're just friends leader-nim." Was Mina's reply and pulls up the still sitting cub to stand. She looks relax now after hearing Chaeyoung's explanation. Still, she's feeling a little expose since she's just wearing a shirt and her underwear then stood still when she realizes something.

"Chaeng I'm not wearing a bra."

That statement made the others freeze with Jeongyeon face palming herself and Chaeyoung blushing so much. She was hoping Mina wouldn't notice that..

"It also got wet Mina unnie..."the blushing girl explains "but I promise I didn't look when I was changing you."she adds in a rushing manner, hoping Mina wouldn't get mad at her. "I closed my eyes...so you don't have to worry, I didn't see anything."

Sana blurts out laughing. "How did you manage to do that Chae? Wouldn't you have touch something if you closed your eyes" she asked the girl teasingly.

Chae just glares at her other unnie.

"Shut it Sana."Jeong chastises the other girl while Nayeon and Jihyo goes to the still looking statued Mina.

"Let's go Mina, it's better you change to your clothes now so you won't get cold." Jihyo tells the girl with Nayeon on the other side.

"What if she saw it Ji?"Mina dazedly asks

Nayeon walking beside the girl to one of the guess room of this big ass house, links her arm with Mina.

"What are you so worried about? You have great boobies."

Jihyo gives her a look which says she's not helping.

Which Sana is also doing - not helping as she still teases the forlorn looking Chaeyoung.

"Did you also close your eyes when you stripped her off her jeans?" Chaeyoung choose to ignore her and sits in one of the stools of the marbled kitchen island. Looking fierce and cute with just her sports bra on and denim cut-offs.

"What do I do hyung?" she asks Jeongyeon who's starting to get busy making coffee and preparing breakfast as she would be so sure Momo would wake up hungry despite feeling hang-over.

"Mina would be so mad at me right now."

Jeongyeon gives her dongsaeng a glance. "Don't worry so much, I'm sure Mina understands."

"I would be mad too, if someone unknowingly change my clothes without my permission." Chaeyoung seems not to hear what her Jeongyeon unnie said.

Sana, not liking this atmosphere cheers her by hugging her at the back.

"Mina's just insecure Chae." She says as she also places her head on her friends shoulder.

Chaeyoung turns to her confuse. "Why would she?"

"Because we're girls and she likes you."

She got more confuse.

Sana untangles herself from the hug and starts making toast as she sees Jeongyeon frying eggs and bacon.

"Mina is worried that you wouldn't like what you see and she's insecure about it." Sana explains, like a master Sanake that she is.

"Why wouldn't I like it?" Chaeyoung still asks, more confused.

Jeongyeon rolls her eyes heavenward. "How can you be such a useless gay Son Chaeyoung."

"She's not useless, she's just clueless." Sana explains in behalf of the other girl. She got the remaining batches of toast and took butter and jam that she found in the pantry beside the fridge.

"She wouldn't know that you liked what you see Chae, unless you tell her to ease her mind." Sana continues her explanation.

The baby cub looks thoughtful at this.

"So should I just tell her that I like her body?"

Jeong pace falms herself again. "See? Useless?" she tells this to Sana.

"You would sound like a creep if you tell her that." Sana manages to answer despite wanting to laugh again.

"And a perverted old man who just wants a female body." Jeongyeon adds. She starts to brew some tea for Dahyun who dislikes drinking coffee.

"Can you guys be direct for one second." Chaeyoung complains, looking frustrated and such. "You're like talking in riddles."

"And you say you're the artist here." Jeongyeon points out.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"We are all a little dense when it comes to love Jeongie."Sana remarks. "Aren't you still like that with Nayeon unnie?"

Jeong shrugs at this. "I got the girl Sana."

Sana smiles at this. "Sure, which hurts my wishing heart terribly as I didn't get to have you." She says this with her hand clutching her heart.

"Uhuh." is Jeongyeon's reply, got used by Sana's antics and pick up lines by now.

"Can you guys focus on me for a second." Chaeyoung grumbles.

And Sana with her sunny and bubbly disposition, faces the girl and offered her serious gentle face.

"Hey, don't worry so much okay?" she says this, "Mina would understand. And you know how she is, she gets worried almost on anything." She tucks the stray hair on the girls cute ear.

"And maybe don't mention something about her body?"Jeongyeon adds while placing a steaming cup of coffee in front of her. "Maybe gauge her mood, and start from there."

"Besides, Mina couldn't resist being mad at you." Sana says, then takes the cup of coffee Jeongyeon offers. "Your like her favorite person."

"But she says we're just friends."Chaeyoung is still not sure about this. Sure, she could just apologize again for her behavior, since she has a perfectly good reason behind it. Surely she would understand that she would get sick with her wet clothes on as they sleep. However, it really hurt her when Mina said they're just friends, although they are and she's getting confused with this push and pull thing that they have, but couldn't she have said that they are friends that are very attracted with each other. Is she not attracted with me? Is she confusing the signals and reading it wrong?

Jeongyeon seeing the conflicted look on her dongsaeng's face sighs. "Love could start from friendship Chaeyoungie." She says, and she can't believe she's saying this. Thank God, Nayeon is not here or else she'll get teased to eternity.

"I mean, look at me with Nayeon unnie." She points this out to her beloved dongsaeng as Sana is busy helping her prepare the table with a smile on her face. "We're friends turned ...." her ears turns red and for the life of her she can't complete the sentence. "Am...you know.."She gestures with her hands and Chae is waiting like an idiot that she is for her to complete the sentence in which she begs Sana for help.

"She means lovers Chae. They're friends turned lovers." Sana supplies the answer.

"Yeah, what she says." Said by a blushing Jeongyeon. "So stop looking like a kicked puppy, I'm sure everything will be all right with Mina."

And Chaeyoung hearing that, doesn't really know what to think. Her Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie might be together right now but there love is like a wind:it could blow in any direction.

Later that day, Chaeng visited the University's clinic since this was Mina's condition in forgiving her for stripping her off with her wet clothes.
