I am outside of the Music Club office, leaning in the wall looking at Jeongyeon and her sister talking. Seongyeon unnie looked glamorous and chic. Jeongyeon on the other hand looked really cute with her PE uniform. Her short hair was also a bit ruffled since she kept on threading her fingers in it. I can't help but find that hot. Actually, there's a lot of things that I find hot about her which made me realize that I'm attracted to her after all. We've been friends for years now and I really thought I just admire Jeongyeon but as time passed and we got really close, I couldn't help but fell in love. So when this ostrich decided to avoid me and spend less time with me, I decided to take the initiative. I know that it was the biggest risk of my life by far so if Jeongyeon didn't kiss me back that time I would have been so broken hearted because our friendship was also on the line.

       And she could really kiss, I thought. She also has a tendency to dominate which I unexpectedly like. She also learned last night that once you started things, Jeongyeon would finish it. But why am I thinking of this when we still haven't heard the verdict from the principal. Even Jeongyeon didn't say anything to us, that is why the girls were inside the music club office waiting for the news. The guys were also there so it was a bit cramped inside. I don't really know if it's good news or bad, Jeongyeon looked somber when she came out, together with her sister and that fancy lawyer Jihyo provided by way of Taecyeon oppa. And although the Baek's looked furious when they also came out, that Jihyun still had the audacity to smirked at me. So yeah, I really want it to be good news. I looked again at the two sisters who looked so similar yet so different; they finally stop talking and hugged each other goodbye. Seongyeon unnie waved at me goodbye which I reciprocated while smiling.

     "Sorry, that took so long…." Jeongyeon started " Unnie had a lot of questions.." she added and we walked our way to the office.

     "That's ok, I've been waiting for you like forever so what's 10 minutes right?"

      Jeongyeon paused in front of the door and glared at me.

     "Don't start Im Nayeon."

     "What?" I asked innocently

     "Stop flirting." She said

     "You like it when I flirt with you."

      She rolled her eyes at me.

      "Whatever." she said, went inside and left me there.
      That freaking ostrich!


    I looked at the people around me. They were all quietly waiting for me to speak and didn't pester me with questions when I came in. Nayeon unnie who's a little annoyed was seating on the font, in my my left in the round table. I was sitting in the head of the table, the girls were in both sides of the table with Jihyo, Dahyun and Tzuyu sitting beside eac other. Our baby cub Chaeyoung was sitying beside the bunny. The guys opted to stand, some leaning in the wall and some sitting on the couch. Good thing the Music club office was large enough to fit thirty people or else it would have been so tight in here. I hugged Jihyo before sitting, I know she did a lot of things especially sending that fancy lawyer which the Baek's didn't expect. I exhaled loudly.

     "Ok, so there's good news and bad news, what would you'll like to hear first." I began, they all looked at each other

     "I want the good news first." Nayeon unnie said, the others agree with her.

     I smiled. "I'm not expelled." I declared and they all cheered.

     "All right!" Dahyunie shouted and high fived Chaeng. Tzuyu just smiled. The guys fist bumped including me. Nayeon unnie and Jihyo just sigh in relief.

      "Jihyun is expelled." I added and they all cheered again. I was so happy and didn't want to burst their bubble but I had to.

     "Thank you guys, but unfortunately I'll be in detention for a week." I informed them glumly, some of them couldn't believe this because this is a first for me.

     "But Jeongyeon-ah you just acted in self defense why do you have to be punished?" Nayeon unnie asked and looked worried again.

     "I know unnie, but this is better than being suspended right? Because Ms. Winters was at first going to suspend me even after watching that video."

     "Who changed her mind?" Jihyo asked

     "The lawyer you sent. She said that in her opinion that yes I was wrong for pouncing on  the person when he all was lying down which was the offense that Ms. Winters pointed out but she said I did that out of defense for the honor of my friend."

      "Which friend?" Nayeon unnie asked.

       I hesitated.

      "It's me isn't it?" Nayeon unie asked again. I just nod my head for confirmation. She was pissed. "I knew it." She was standing now.

     "I'm not sorry for what I did." I said, annoyed and crossed my arms.

     "I did not ask you to say sorry, but what the hell Jeongyeon? Why did you have to fight that guy? You could have just walk away!"

     "I was going to okay? But that guy said some nasty things to you and he has some -" I didn't finish my sentence when I realize what was I about to say.

      "Some what???" Nayeon unnie prompted. I shake my head at her.

       "Forget it."

       "Are you talking about the video unnie because we know about it." Chaeng said

        I sat still when I heard this and acted cool, if they know about the video does that mean they've already seen it?

        "Did you guys already watched it?" I asked anxiously.

        "Anniyo… (No) we just know that there's a video, that's why we hurriedly went here to get your bag."

        I was confused. "I don't understand."

        "Jihyun's cronies knew that the cellphone were the video was taken was in your bag so Nayeon unnie, Chaeng, Mark and Yugyeom went to get it here since you left  it here right?" Jihyo explained

         "Ok, but…how did you know about the video?"

         "We watched the footage of the CCTV unnie, Bambam downloaded it illegally for us." Dahyun answered. I was shocked by this development.

         "Wow, thanks for this man!" I said to Bambam who just saluted me in return.

         "So you sent that video?" I asked him

         "Ms. President and this bunny here ask me to do it." Bambam answered and pointed out the two girls.

         "It even felt like an operation…"Dahyun pointed out.

          "Bro, I thought that too. I never run so fast in my entire life." Chaeng agreed and did the shakehand thingy with Dubu.

           "Which I am eternally gratefull for." Jihyo said to Chaeyoung.

           "Huh?" The cub was confused, it was Bambam who respond

           " She won a 1000 won from me. We bet who was faster and this guy here was running like a grandma." He said referring to Yugyeom

           "I didn't know there was a race… If I knew I would have easily beat Chaeyoung."

           Chaeng objected to this. "In your dreams Yugyeom oppa…"

          "So is this the bad news unnie?" Tzuyu asked out of the blue, her way of joining the conversation. "Because if it is, that's a good thing right since it's just detention?"

         I felt down again. I really didn't want to think about this.

        "What is it Jeongyeon-ah?" Nayeon unnie asked when she saw my expression.

       "They're taking away my scholarship."

       "What???" The girls exclaimed

       "That sucks…" The guys said.

       "But why unnie? You worked so hard for that then they're just gonna take it away like that?" Tzuyu complained. Yoda was sort of pissed, I was touched.

       "Fact is I violated the Student conduct you guys…" I said a matter of factly.

       "Even if it means protecting yourself?" Jihyo ask
disbelief in her face.

       "Even if it means that…" I replied sadly.

       "Why not fight for it unnie?" Chaeyoung asked.

       I smiled sadly at the cub. "There are some battles we should walk away from Chaeyoungie..."

      Nayeon unnie who was being quiet looked at me intently.

      "Can you leave us  Jihyo-yah?" She asked all of a sudden. She wasn't even looking at Jihyo, her eyes was all to me. Chaeyoung who was about to object did not follow through when she saw the expression on Nayeon unnie's  face. The guys got out first followed by the girls who reluctantly leaves. Jihyo locked the door.

    "Tell me Jeongyeon-ah, are we in that video?" She asked so seriously.

     "Yes…" I reluctantly answered, didn't want to meet her eyes.

     "I see…" She just said.

     "Was it our kiss in the rooftop?" She asked huskily. I looked at her and knew that she already knew.

     "Yeah, it is."

     She breathed out. " I shouldn't have kissed you there." She muttered

     I couldn't believe what she said. "You did not just say that."

    "Well it's true." She said "I should have kissed you here, where no one could see us."

    "Oh my god Im Nayeon." I just said

    "Actually why should I hide that? When I love kissing you."

    My face was so red. "Will you shut up?!" I told her audibly. I was very embarrassed.

     The bunny just grinned at me. "It's so fun teasing you." I just glared at her.

     Then her face was thoughtful. "Is that also why you gave up on the scholarship?"

     I pretended no to know what she means.

     "I don't know what you mean Nayeonie…"

     She smiled sadly. " If you fight for it, this incident would have been dragged out right? Eventually, people would know about the video then they would know about the kiss."

     I remained quiet. I did not confirm nor deny to her that this was the reason. The thing is I never wanted anyone to know about that video that's why I let go of my scholarship and I fought that Jihyun but most of all, I wanted to protect this bunny in front of me. I don't care what people say about me and they can all say what they want but not to my girl. I will certainly do everything in my power to protect her. That's why when that Jihyun revealed why we really fought and the matter of my scholarship was brought out, I accepted my fate easily.


     I was also being quiet, sitting there, in front of Jeonyeon. Although she looks aloof right now, this girl in front of me has the softest heart. So I don't know if I should feel grateful or feel guilty. Feel grateful because she wants to protect me or feel guilty for placing her in this situation. I stood and walked to her. I sat in her lap, straddling her.

    "What are you doing?" She asked agitated. I smiled.

    "I just want to say thank you."

    Her brows furrowed. "What for?"

    "For wanting to protect me, eventhough it's not warranted…" I tuck a stray hair behind her ears. "For being there always…" I said huskily "For kissing me back in the rooftop…" I whispered in her ear. I heard her breathed out heavily.

    "Cut it out unnie." The girl beneath me objected. I arched my brow at her.

    "Wae (why)? Are you getting aroused?" I asked, teasing her

    "Of course not."

    "Really???" I said in disbelief and looked at her.
     "Then why is your pulse beating so wildly?" I pointed out and rubbed that side of her neck. She held my hand to stop me from touching her.

    "You can't possibly want to make out here again?" She asked seriously.

      I smiled wickedly. "Who said about making out?"

     She gaped at me. "Well, what were you doing then???"

      "I was just expressing a thankful heart." I said so innocently.

      She didn't buy it and scoffed. "Then why do you have to sit like this?" She gestured our sitting arrangement.

     "Don't you like me straddling you? Do you want to be on top Jeongyeon-ah?" I asked huskily.

      Jeongyeon adorably blushed. "What are you even saying right now?" She said, feeling so embarrassed. I just laugh.

     Then I saw her staring at my lips.

     "Are your lips always this red?" She asked all of a sudden.


     Jeong leaned in to me. "Or did you put lipstick on?" She asked me again and our eyes locked. For some reason I couldn't utter a word. My heart is beating so fast and I feel so hot. When Jeongyeon is like this, I just really get speechless and aroused.

     "What? Cat got your tongue?" My tongue unintentionally flare out and I lick my lips. She was now fully leaning in. Our faces were so close together. Her hands pulled my body closer to her. She leaned in again and I thought she was gonna kiss me.

     "Do you want me that bad Im Nayeon?" She whispered in my lips.

     "Yes…" I said huskily and closed my eyes I was expecting she would capture my lips but she gave me a chased kiss instead. I groaned.

    I felt her smile. She then traced the seam of my lips with her tongue and oh my god I felt a tug on my stomach. I gripped the handrail of the chair and prepare myself to enjoy the ride. Jeongyeon was now trailing wet kisses in my jawline and in my throat unto the side of my neck. She unbottoned the top of my blouse. I swallowed.

     We heard a phone ringing.

     "Oh common!" Jeongyeon said frustratedly. I just laugh, still aroused.

      "You have to answer it." I told her

      "Forget it." She says and proceeds to kiss the heck out of me instead.

       But the phone never stopped ringing.

       "Answer it now, it might be important." I told her again, her taste still lingering in my lips so I kissed her one last time and stood.

      Jeongyeon composed herself and answered the caller. It was Jihyo. Go figure. I guess god wants us to come out now.


     I'm in the restaurant right now in front of the campus with the girls. We decided to gather here after Nayeon unnie asked us to leave. The guys all went back to their classes and I thanked them again. We wouldn't have survive this without their help. We're still waiting for the two oldest to arrive. I don't know what's happening between those two but I really hope they would at least tell us, especially about that video. I glance at the window and I saw the two just got out in front of the gate. They were holding hands. I smiled at that, looks like their talk ended well. I waved at them and saw Nayeon unnie wave back.

     They were about to cross the street when a black motorcycle stopped in front of them. The rider pulled out something.

     He then shot Jeongyeon.
