I was in my room busy playing Legos when my phone rang. I read the callers' name - Park Jihyo. Why is God calling me now?

   JY: Yoboseyo?
   Jihyo: Yah, Jeongyeon-ah didn't you say you were looking for an apartment near JYP?
   JY: Yes, why?
   Jihyo: I found a place for you
   JY: Really???
   Jihyo: Uhuh
   JY: Where is it?
   Jihyo: Our place
My brows furrowed
   JY: Come again?
   Jihyo: I said our place
   JY: Yah! Are you serious right now???
   Jihyo: Hey! Stop screaming will you! You're hurting my ears!
    JY: Well, it's your fault! Why call me just to tell me this?
    Jihyo: Because I want to help you, you idiot!
    JY: And how is this supposed to help me?
    Jihyo: Look, just listen first ok?
    JY: This better be good.
(I sat in my bed to listen)
    Jihyo: Right, since you're looking for convenience, I believe ours is the most convenient ---
    JY: And this is because?
    Jihyo: I haven't finished yet, stop interrupting me. There are five reasons to support this fact ---
    JY: Uhuh
    Jihyo: Shut it. So reason number 1 - it's just a 10 minute walk to JYP. Second, it's sorrounded by convenience stores, restaurants and a supermarket so we won't starve. Third, the apartment is big, there are 3 rooms, the biggest room is shared by me and NaMiSa, the other one is occupied by DaChaeTzu while the last room is occupied by Momo in which you two will share. The room is not as big as ours but it's very comfortable. Reason number 4, we have a big ass living room, a decent dining room and kitchen, 4 bath with showers and a basement which we usually convert to a music room, storage room and etc. Last but not the least, you get to live with us.

     JY: And this is supposed to convince me?
     Jihyo: Yes, because you'll just get bored when you live alone. You'll look for fun coz you're a no fun yourself and of course you get to see her everyday.
     JY: I will pretend I did not heard the  last part.
     Jihyo: So when will you live here? By the way, I already informed your parents about this and they already agreed.
     JY: Wow, Park Jihyo, you're so sure that I would live with you.
     Jihyo: Pfff, as if you don't want to live with us. The girls also know it already. They are actually very excited.
     JY: Huh
     Jihyo: Whatever. Since I know you're just doing your Legos there, its convenient that you move now. I already know you packed your clothes so we will just wait for you outside the gate.
     JY: Wow! I'm so speechles.
     Jihyo: Then just shut up and say yes.
     JY: Fine, I'll live with you guys.
     Jihyo: And Jeongyeon-ah
I heard her pause on the other side.
     JY: What?
     Jihyo: Don't worry so much ok. Everything will be just fine.
     JY: All right Jihyo, and thanks.
     Jihyo: Ok, we will wait for you.

     I ended the call and lay on my bed. Could I really live with her with such close proximity? Could I co-exist with her without thinking of the things I lost because of her...But God, I miss her so much... I miss teasing her, bickering with her and just being with her. I miss holding her hand, and see her smile every morning of everyday. I even miss the way she calls my name and how annoyed she'd get when I pretend to ignore her. I miss the feeling when she's near, when I look at her without her knowing.
      My thinking was interrupted when I recieved a message from God.
      "Get your ass up now, your mother called me and said you're just lying in your bed."

       "Why does mom have to tell this girl everythin'?" I muttered. I stood up from my bed collected my Legos and stored it in a box since I will be bringing some of it with me. I checked my room to make sure everything is organized. I took my luggage bug, got down and bid goodbye to my mom.

       I arrived in the apartment past 2 in the afternoon. Jihyo, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Dahyun were waiting for me outside the gate. The girls helped me with my things.

      "Is this all you brought with you unnie?" Dahyun asked pointing at my luggage bag and Lego Box.
      "Yes, be careful with the bag though, it's heavy."
      "Don't worry hyung, we got this." My no jam dongsaeng Chaeyoung said. She became my dongsaeng because the girls dubbed us as 'No Jam Bros'. Apparently, our jokes are not funny at all which Chae and I find hillarious because we think we're the funniest in the group.
       Jihyo opened the gate and we all went inside. The apartment is three stories high. There's a 3 car garage on the right side, a driveway in the middle and a little garden on the far left corner upon entering. It is situated between two houses, both a little faraway to afford privacy. I paused in front of Jihyo and asked her something that's been bugging me.

      "Jihyo-yah, does Nayeon unnie knows that I'll be living here?" Jihyo looked at me and sense my uneasiness.
     "I wouldn't be inviting you to live here if she did not give the go ahead Jeongyeon. Why? Were you scared that she wouldn't agree?"
     "Ani, I don't really care if she'll agree or not. I just don't want her to say something bad about you."
     Jihyo rolled her eyes. "Spare me the theatrics Yoo Jeongyeon. If push comes to shove, you'd push me head down first."
     "That's because I always know you'll do well."
     "Is there a problem unnies?" Tzuyu asked who was getting a little impatient  seeing us standing there.
     "There's no problem Tzuyu-yah." Jiyho answered. She then opened the door and motioned me to come inside. The J-line met us - all with their smiles and excitement, although Mina was a bit a shy. I didn't mind it though. Meanwhile, the maknaes went directly to Momo's room to place my luggage bag inside.

     "I'm so happy that you're finally living here, Jeongyeon-ah. I can't wait to spend more time with you." Sana said happily. She's one of the three Japanese members in the group, who went here along with Momo and Mina as an exchange student in Japan. If Mina is an introvert, Sana is the opposite. She's bubbly and very affectionate.

     "Stop flirting Sana." Momo nudged her aside. The girl has blond hair and is fit as a fiddle. If the two Japanese are opposites, Momo's personality is in between.
     "Let's go to our room Jeongyeonie."
I let her pull me and we went inside. I was shock when I saw only one bed.

     "Where's the other bed?" I asked her.
     "There's no other bed. You're going to share with me."
     "Don't worry; I won't take advantage of you. But you can definitely take advantage of me." Momo smirked.
      I found myself sighing. "I guess I have no choice then."
     Momo's eyes got so big after hearing my response.
      "Really??? It's ok for you to take advantage of me because I will definitely let you."
      I burst out laughing. "No you fool! What I mean is it's ok for me to share the bed with you. I'm already here and besides it's a hassle if I just move out again."
      Momo seems to be dissapointed with my answer. I just shake my head at her and placed my Lego box inside a glass cabinet. I scan the room. It wasn't small, it wasn't big either. It was just enough for two people and putting another bed would make the place cramped. But I wondered why there were so many plushies.
     "What's with all the plushies?" I asked my new roommate.
     "Oh! They're my babies. Most of them are made in Japan."
     "Made in Japan?"
     " Yes, but some of them I bought here."
     " Then some of them should depart this place." I folded my arms at her.
     " Wae?" She asked like that of a child.
     "Because they are taking too much space Momo-yah..."
      "But ---"
      "Are you not supposed to make me comfortable here?"
      "I would but ---"
      "No buts ok, besides we'll only take half of----"
      "Half of all my babies??? But you said just some of them..." Momo said sulkily. She looked so upset like a committed a grave sin.
      "I changed my mind. It should be half of them. We can put them in the basement." I said and opened my luggage and began arranging my clothes.
      "But they'll feel cold Jeongyeonie..." Momo whined.
      "Put them in a box then." I replied.
      "You're a meanie Jeongyeonie..." Momo said so cutely that I can't help but smile.
      "I'll buy you Jokbal Momo-yah."
      Mom stopped whinning when she heard about her favorite food.
      "Of course, so stop sulking there and collect half of your babies. We'll give them a proper farewell later."

      It was already dark outside when I finished organizing my things so I decided to come out. I closed the door and was on my way to the kitchen when a bunny came out from the bathroom.
     We both looked at each other. She looked like she had a shower. Her head was covered with a towel but some tendrils of her hair came out which made her look more alluring. A tiny white towel was covering her body. It ended way above her knees. I suddenly felt hot. Some droplets of water was also sliding from her neck down to her milky white shoulders passing thru her collrbone and down to her ---- I forced my gaze away and walked past her. I went straight to the kitchen to have a glass of water. I don't know why I'm suddenly thirsty.


     My heart was beating so fast after seeing Jeongyeon. I did not know she was here already. Why did no one inform me? Am I not the oldest here? I went to my room, I closed the door and leaned against it. It got so hot there that my knees where actually shaking. I didn't know why I felt so hot when she looks at me like that. I felt naked under her stare - well, I was literally, naked, but still.

     "Unnie, is something wrong?" Mina asked me. She was sitting on her bed, her back against the wall while watching some movie on her phone.
     "Why are you leaning against the door and why are you blushing so much?
     "Jeongyeon is here."
     "Ahhh..." Mina said, a light of dawn in her face. " She arrived her hours ago. I thought you already knew. Is it a problem now?"
      "Anniyo, it's just I was expecting her to move here next week. I could at least prepare myself!"
     Mina just looked at me. She must be thinking that her unnie is getting crazy. She placed her phone in her bed and gave me all her attention.

     "Unnie why are you punishing yourself when you could just talk to her."

     My brows furrowed."What do you ever mean Minari?" I forced myself away from the door, opened a small drawer, took out a scented lotion and began putting it on my body.
    "Jeongyeon and I are ok." I add
    Mina scoffed. "Yeah, you're both ok ignoring each other. "
     I smiled a little. The penguin is annoyed at us.
     "Are we making you guys uncomfortable?"
     "Real talk? Sometimes...But we understand that you're not in good terms with each other so we let you guys get away with it." Mina then looked at me intently.
     "What?" I asked her while drying my hair.
     "Can I say something?" She asked seeking permission
     "Why don't you talk to her unnie and sort out your differences."
     "It isn't that easy Minari..."
      "Why not?"
      I paused before saying anything.
      "Because I mess up so bad that I don't think we would be ever friends again."
      "Do you just really want to be friends with her?"
      I got shookt by the question. Didn't know Mina could be this direct if she wants to.
      "What do you mean by that?"
      "I see the way you look at each other. Even the girls see it too. Friends don't look each other that way you know." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.
      "Just like how you look at Chaeyoung?" I said it back to her. The penguin unexpectedly blushed.
      "We're not talking about me."
      I grin at her. "You're so obvious Minari..." I teased her more
The girl just covers her face.
       "I'll let that pass unnie..." She said. "But seriously, I hope you could tell us someday what happened between you two so we could help you fixed it."
        I was touched. "Thanks Minari. But for now I'm just happy that she's here because I know how much she missed the maknaes and I think she wants to spend time with you guys."
       "We can't wait to spend our time with her too." Mina said gently.

       Me too, Mina... Me too....



