Two years ago - continuation


Nayeon stopped kissing me when we heard the knock. But I didn't and continue to kiss the side of her neck.

"Are you two ok?" It was Jihyo who asked outside of the door.

"We're ok Jihyo." It was Nayeon who answered. She's giving me the signal to stop but I was feeling too good even though my split lip was throbbing.

"I locked the door Nayeonie." I whispered in her ear and kissed her again. Nayeon can't help but groan a little and kissed me back. It was heady, this feeling. We were dangerously close of getting caught but all I thought was she tasted like heaven. And if this was heaven like I didn't want it to end.

"You two inside go out now, we're going home." Jihyo said again. I thought she would try to unlock the door since she also has the key being the president of the club and all but she didn't. I thanked her for that.

"We have to go now Nayeon..." I said still nibbling at her lips.

"Ok....just give me one more taste..." She said and kissed me again. I couldn't for the life of me tried to stop her. If she wants to do this all night then I am all for it. We were kissing so aggressively that we didn't hear the rapid knocks from the door.

"Yahh!!! What are the two of you doing! I said we have to go now!!!" It was Jihyo again and I could hear that she's getting annoyed with us so I stopped Nayeon who's nibbling at my neck and sucking my earlobe.

I cupped her face; she was slightly out of breath and her lips was swollen. For a second I was tempted to taste it again but I shake my head, I don't want Jihyo to unlock the door and get caught red handed.

"Unnie we have to go now."

I see that Nayeon is confused so I just stood and pulled her up.

"We have to go home now unnie, it's past 10 already."

Nayeon just let me pulled her and I opened the door. Jihyo was standing there with her hands on her hip.

"What were the two of you doing??? I've been waiting here for like an eternity."

Jihyo was irritated so I just grinned at her.

"My split lip was throbbing so Nayeon unnie had to treat it again."

"Yeah her lip was throbbing that came out really wrong...haha" Nayeon said, clearly embarrassed.

"What Nayeon unnie meant was that my split lip was really painful so she had to put an ointment in it."

Jihyo who was looking us left and right was thoroughly confused

"Why are you explaining this to me??? I already know that Nayeon unnie's going to threat you."

"Then why did you have to ask???" I asked, irritated.

Jihyo just raised her hands in surrender. "Let's just go home ok? I probably just need my sleep."

I shrugged and we both followed her. The others were already walking ahead of us.

All the way out of school, I held Nayeon unnies' hand and no one questioned us about it.

A day later...


WE were all outside the principal's room were Jeongyeon was taken. We were able to fit ourselves in the hall considering that there were probably fifty of us. Guards were stationed outside the door and we spotted two teachers observing us.

Jeong was taken by our class adviser when we were inside the Music Club office. He said that the principal had to talk to her regarding the incident last night and her sister, the actress Gong Songyeon was waiting in the office too since Jeongyeon's parents are in Thailand for the Asian Summit. Jeong's father is serving as Head Chef to the current President right now so they couldn't come. I also heard that Baek Jihyun and his family was inside the office, they were accompanied by their own security who was standing outside the office.

Which means that it is not good news for Jeongyeon. It is a well known fact that Jihyun is from a very influential political family so her friend is a little disadvantage at this. So what can I do? I asked myself. I seem to look calm but I was a mess inside. Possible scenarios were running in my head. Jeongyeon was called to either explain her side of the story or worst get expelled. It was evident that Baek Jihyun had been beaten with the bruises on his face. I guess he was playing victim to attract sympathy and put the blame on Jeongyeon. So what can I do to help? And why does Jeong doesn't want Nayeon unnie to know what's happening to her right now? I was interrupted with my musing when I heard footsteps going on our direction. It was the School Meal Club.

"Jihyo unnie what happened?" Chae asked me immediately.

"Yeah unnie what happened? We got here as soon as we heard the news." This was followed by Dahyun who was also full of worries. Tzuyu stayed quiet but anxiety can be seen on her face.

"Jeong was called by the Principal a while ago. I heard that she has to explain why she beat that Jihyun guy." I explained.

"Why does she has to explain??? It wasn't her fault unnie... That Jihyun attacked her first."

"I know Chae but I guess she wants to know personally from Jeong." I answered the fretting cub.

"What can we do unnie?" Dubu asked. She was also looking at the students around us, most of whom were from the Music club and Jeong's teammates from the basketball club but some were Jihyun's classmates and cronies who were trying to intimidate us. Tzuyu, our savage maknae was just observing them, daring them to make a move. And I didn't want that because it could affect Jeogyeon.

I was thinking what to answer to Dahyun when Nayeon unnie arrived. And she wasn't alone. The guys from last night are with her except Jimin and his two friends. Jinyoung and Mark was also with them, they were followed by Bang Chan, Felix and Han - the Stray Kids of JYP. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall rises to another level. It looked like Nayeon unnie brought an army with her and she looked mightly pissed. I stood in front of her before she got to go to the principal's office.

"Not a good idea unnie." I said and hug her to push her back.

"Get out of my way Jihyo."

"Ani, let's be rational right here."

Nayeon gritted her teeth. "Don't talk to me about being rational! They're saying Jeong will be expelled!"

"I know unnie but that's just a rumor ok??? Let's not assume anything." I explained, trying to stay calm.

"Unnie, it wouldn't help hyung if you would storm inside there, she would just get more worried because of you." Chaeyoung said and stepped beside her unnie to hold her hand.

"Chaeng is right unnie, I know it's hard but we have to be calm and be smart about this." Dahyun said and held the other hand of the oldest. This seems to calm Nayeon unnie. JB who was standing near us was about to ask me what's wrong, paused to stop when I raised my right hand at him as if to say not right now. I don't want to explain to every person here what's happening. What I need is to think of something to help Jeongyeon. It's been 30 minutes since she was taken, it's past 11:30 now.
Think Park Jihyo - you are the SBO and Youth Association for Seoul President for two years now, you have to think of something.

"Unnie didn't you ask the school to put a CCTV near the Music Club office a week ago? Why don't we check it?" Dahyun asked. I was so happy with her suggestion that I kissed her cheek.

"You're a genius Dahyun-ah!" I told her happily. The latter was a little embarrassed and touched her cheek.

"But how will we access that?" Nayeon asked. Right, how can we access it? I'm sure the security department wouldn't let us see it with the situation we are in right now. I suddenly had a bright idea. I walked to where BamBam is standing. He was with Mark and Jackson. I pulled him away and we went to the hallway near the exit. The girls were confused but followed us. Some of Jihyun's cronies were also about to follow us when Jackson, JB, and the Stray Kids stood in front of them. They were forced to back down.

"BamBam you have hacking as a sideline right?." I asked him. He was a little shocked with the question but he reluctantly answered.

"Yeah, I do it for fun but how did you know that? Only few people knows that I'm a hacker."

"That's not important - what's important is if you're willing to help us."

"Of course Jihyo, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't right?

"Ok, that's really good to hear... Because what I'll be asking you might get you to jail."

"That is if I get caught." He said so arrogantly that I just smiled. We need this kind of confidence with the situation we are in now. So I asked one of the guys to bring a chair for BamBam to sit, fortuantely he has a laptop with him.

"So what do you want me to do Ms. President?" Bambam asked

"Hack the mainframe of the Security Department here and download the footage of the incident last night." I answered straightly. When the girls around me heard this, they started to get nervous.

"Isn't that illegal?" Dahyun, the church girl asked

"Do you want Jeongyeon to be expelled?" I asked in return. Their faces were apprehensive but it cleared with determination.

"Illegal be damned... Let's just do this for Jeongyeon." Nayeon unnie said.

I looked at Bambam who was waiting for confirmation.

"Then let's proceed."

BamBam started tapping some keys, and occasionally would mutter something we don't understand so we just waited for him for our next move.

"Does Unnie know that you had CCTV installed there?" Dahyun asked me

I shake my head. "I think not, that's why we need this footage, it could really help her a lot."

"But why not let them know about it now Jihyo, why do we need to hack it?" Ask a worried Nayeon

"Because it might get compromised if we let them know about it first"

"What do you mean unnie?" Chae asked, confused.

"Because Baek Ji Hyun's uncle is the husband of one of the school's board of trustee here, so they have connections here, we can't just make our move, we have to be smart about this." I explained to them.

"How do you know all about this unnie?" Ask an impressed Dahyun

"I'm the SBO President remember?" I answered, expecting that Dahyun would get my point which she totally did.

"Good thing we have you unnie" Chae said, complimenting me, "Or else we would have been a mess..."she adds

We were all still near the exit door, crowding BamBam who is now currently downloading the footage without permission from the security department of the university. Jinyoung, Mark, Yugyeom and Felix were like guarding us. We left our savage Maknae Tzuyu in the war zone to look out for us, but she was with Jackson, JB and the rest of the Stray kids.

"Okay, it's 100% downloaded."Bambam said, we all looked at the screen of his laptop.

"Is there a way of knowing if they've already seen it?"
"Wait a sec" BamBam tap some keys again then shake his head

"No one has seen it yet, I think they weren't aware that this CCTV was functioning last night." Bambam said

"That's understandable, since I only had installed it yesterday." I said, thinking this would definitely benefit us, all we have to do is send it Jeongyeon.
"Can you send this to Jeongyeon?"

"Give me her number." Bambam says.

"Wait, let me check my phone, I don't know all the digits."

"No need, I got it Jihyo." Says Nayeon unnie and proceeds to give Jeongyeon's phone number without looking at her phone. I guessed she memorized it.
Bambam tap some keys again.

"Okay, I already sent it, I also sent a barrage of messages to notify her." The Thai hacker said.

"Ok good, now let's watch the footage first, you made a copy right?" I asked, Bambam who acted very offended with my question.

"Of course." He smirked and played the footage.It starts with Jeongyeon walking on her way to the Music room but we could also see a shadow lurking in the corner. The hallway was a little dark but we could clearly see their faces. Baek Jihyun purposely stood in the way of Jeongyeon to stop her which irritated the latter. Jihyun said something but Jeong didn't want to hear it and walk past him but he was grabbed by the taller guy.

"The shit!" Exclaimed by Dahyun, we all shushed her. We couldn't clearly hear what's being said since the camera is a little far off to where they were in. We saw Jeong standing there rigidly when Jihyun whispered something to her then tensed when the guy showed something.

"What's he showing to Jeongyeon?" Nayeon unnie asked. "Can you zoom in?" I suggested. We all squinted our eye in the screen.

"That's a phone" Dahyun said

"He's showing some kind of a video from his phone." BamBam also said which I agree.
"Jeongyeon didn't like what she saw." Nayeon unnie said. We all look at the screen again and yes Jeongyeon didn't like what she saw, in fact she was totally livid. Then Jihyun pushed her and she fell.

"The shit!!!" We all exclaimed but it didn't end there when Jihyun backhanded Jeongyeon.

"What the fuck!" Bambam almost stood after cursing.

"How dare him lay a hand on Jeongyeon." Nayeon
said this vehemently with so much heat in her eyes. We were all standing there watching our friend get hit and be taunted by a mother fucking shit and we couldn't do anything about it. We were so on fire that I could even hear our jaws clenching, specially Nayeon unnie. But that was shortlived when Jeongyeon fought back. She punched that Jihyun guy which startled the piece of shit. Jeongyeon capitalized on that and proceeded to beat the shit out of him until he fell back. Jeong then said something but Jihyun just laught at her while lying in the floor and spout some stupid shit again. I guess Jeongyeon was provoked again until she straddled him and beat his stupid ass which is the scene were I, Jimin and his friends witnessed, then the video suddenly stopped.

"Is that it?" I asked

"Didn't we arrive a minute later?" Nayeon unnie asked
We were all still confused so Bambam tap some keys again

"I don't think it was ruined or anything, the number of minutes here indicates that." Bambam answered

"So what do you think happened" I asked again

"There are many reasons for this guys, may be it malfunctioned or the network was down or there is something wrong with the cabling." He explained to our confused face that's getting more confused. Bambam just laugh.

"Never mind what I said, just trust me that the video is not ruined or even tampered with."

"I'll take your words Bambam, you know it's Jeongyeon we're talking about."

"You can trust me on this Nayeon noona." Bambam said confidently. We all sigh in relief.

"So what do you want me to do next?" The Thai wonder asked me

"Since I'm not really sure if we could trust the people there, let's delete the footage after all no one has seen it yet." I said and asked for others agrrement. They all nodded in return.

Bambam proceeded to delete the original copy.

"But don't you think that's fishy?" Chae asked

"What is?" Dahyun asked

"That they haven't seen the footage yet." Chaeyoung answered.

"What do you mean?" Nabongs asked this time

"They're supposed to monitor the situation inside and out of the campus right?"

"So?" I asked, I don't know where this is going

"So unnie they should have reported this first to the principal not that Baek Jihyun guy." Chaeng explained

I get what she means now. "So you think someone is working for Baek Jihyun there?"

"It's possible right? Because this footage would really put that Jihyun guy as the offender if it was shown to the principal first."

"I'm impressed Chaengie." Nayeon unnie said which made our Baby cub embarrased.

"It's done."

We all looked at our hacker.

"They can't recover nor traced the file, they will just wonder why it suddenly vanished it thin air." He added.

"Thanks for this BamBam." Nayeon unnie said.

"Yeah, really thanks for this. I don't know how we could repay you for this." I said, so grateful

The Thai hacker got shy.

"You don't have to say that allright? We're all in this together..."

"I know but we're still so grateful." Dahyunie said.

"But what was in that video?" Nayeon unnie asked all of a sudden.

"You mean the video that Jihyun showed to Jeongyeon unnie?" Chaeng clarified.

""Yeah, aren't you curious about that? Because I believe that's the main reason why they fought." Nabongs said

"I know right. Jeongyeon was totally pissed off when she saw that video." I answered

Dahyun suddenly stood upright

"Didn't Jeongyeon unnie asked Jihyun to give some phone to her before he would leave?"
"Yeah, I remember this and this Jihyun didn't want to give it." Chaeng said, remembering what happened last night.

"Do you think the video is right there?" I asked instantaneously. We all looked at each other.

"Did Jeongyeon brought her bag with her?" Nayeon unnie asked. I shaked my head at her.

"It's still in the Music Club office." I told her. I suddenly get what she means now.

"Do you think someone would take the phone back?" I asked nervously. Nayeon unnie didn't waste her time.

"Give me the key to the office." She demanded hurriedly.

I gave her the key but held her hand before she walks out. " Bring Mark and Yugyeom with you, and Chae you go with unnie since your fast." I told the other maknae, Yugyoem and Mark who was guarding us got my signal and didn't hesitate to go with them.

"Dahyunie call Tzuyu right now. Ask her if there's some weird movements in the hall." Dahyun then called our savage maknae.

"Bambam can you hack our CCTVs here?" Bambam tap some keys

"I'm in, which CCTV would you want to see?" He asked

"Locate Nayeon unnie's location." I instructed.
"Nayeon noona and company just got out if the elevator."

"Okay good, continue to follow them and call Yugyeom right away if you see someone suspicious around them. And can you also check the other CCTVs we need to monitor the situation and be on the look out."

"No probs." Bambam answered.

I turned my attention to Dahyun who just finished her conversation with Tzuyu.

"Tzu said four guys from Jihyuns' cronies went out so she had Jackson follow them."

"Can you locate them Bambam?"

"Already did, they just got out on this building, they're taking the backway of this building."

"What does that mean?" I asked didn't like what I was hearing

"It means they're taking the shortcut Jihyo and I don't know were they're going but from what I see they're going to the MC office before Nayeon noona and company gets there."

"Call Nayeon unnie now." I told Dahyun, I stood beside Bambam and checked the CCTVs. Naeyeon unnie and company were walking briskly but the four guys were getting a headway. Since the Music room is three buildings away from here they have to make a run for it.

"Dahyunie, tell Nayeon unnie to give the keys to Chae and make a run for it. Tell her we have some company. Also ask Yugyeom to accompany Chaeyoung and leave Mark with Nayeon unnie." Dahyun gave a thumbs up.

"Does Yugyeeom ran fast?" I asked Bambam.
"He might get there before Chaeyoung does."
I scoffed at this." Our baby cub might be small but she really rans fast, she might leave Yugyeom in the dust."

"Bet on it?" Bambam dared and took out 1000 KRW from his pocket which I eagerly matched then we brought back our attention to the screen again. I spotted Jackson who was following the four cronies stealthily.

"This guys are afraid of Jackson righ?" I asked Bambam

"Want me to call him?"
I nod as a yes "We need to distract them. Tell Jackson he needs to be a really badass when he faces them."

"That's no problem, he's already a badass." Bambam said and called Jackson.

"I also need to make some calls." I said and called Taecyeon oppa.


It's been fifteen minutes since Jihyun told his version of the story. We were inside the Principal's office, Songyeon unnie was sitting beside me holding my left hand, we were facing Baek Jihyun and his family, he was sitting in front of me, beside her was his mother while his father was standing behind him. The Baeks were all wearing formal attires like there's some kind of convention, Mrs. Baek was looking at my unnie with disdain which my unnie totally ignored. She was wearing this black Gucci coat paired with a knee high boots and a designer black sun glasses. Her hair was wet and slicked back from her head. It look like she just came out from a photo shoot, because she looked sleek and chic. I sensed Mrs. Baek didn't like this; it all but covered her brand of beauty.

Jihyun was at the end of his story. He was telling the principal now that I was a very violent human being and that I shouldn't be inside the campus at all. I almost snort at this.
The principal, a lady in her thirty's was listening intently. She was sitting behind her desk all commanding but approachable. We all know her as Ms. Winters, she was personally hired by JYP to be the Secondary Department's principal after finishing her doctorate degree in school management in Cambridge University. She looked cold because of her looks but a lot of people says she's very approachable and fair. I really hope she is because it looks like Jihyun wants to drown me in deep shit.
Ms. Winter thanked Jihyun for telling his story; and looked at me to tell my own version, there was no emotion in her face when she said that. Songyeon unnie squeezed my hand for support and I began to tell them the real story. I told them that Jihyun was being a bully, that I tried to walk past him to avoid him but he grabbed my arm and didn't let go of it until he pushed me back and I fell. I showed them the bruise in my right arm that was still visible on my skin. Jihyun just stared at it and smirked. I just kept my cool. I then told them it was Jihyun who hit me first by back handing me which made me fall down again. The split lip and bruised cheek was still evident in my face and I pointed that out. I then continued by saying that I had to fight back to protect myself so I beat him until I felt I was safe from him. I admitted that yes I pounced on him again even he was down but that's because he said something to provoke me.

"What did he say to provoke you?" Ms Winters asked

"He said he was going to fuck the shit out of Nayeon unnie and passed her to his friends."

"My Jihyun wouldn't say that! He's a very good boy!" Mrs. Baek in defense.

My unnie scoffed at this.

"Good boy my ass."

"Do not curse in front of me!" Mrs. Baek pointed her finger to my unnie. Songyeon unnie slightly raised her left eyebrow.

"Or what you'll gonna jail me?"

Mrs. Baek was gonna say something but Ms. Winters took control of the situation.

"Let's settle down ladies or both of you will have to wait outside."

Mrs. Baek was forced to be shushed by her husband while Sungyeon unnie just sat there with her air of coolness.

"All right, since this is a case of your word against mine, the two of you should bring some evidence to back up your story or else I will be forced to expell or suspend you two."

The Baeks didn't like this.

"How dare you say that to my son when clearly he is the victim here." Mr. Baek said, angry.

"I'm the principal here Mr. Baek, as such it is within my authority to deal out punishment when I deem it to." Ms. Winters anwered calmly but with authority.

"But Ms. Winters that's unfair, I have more bruises than her and she broke my nose! She should be expelled not me!" Jihyun demanded.

"That's because you hit me first! You shouldn't have touched me Baek Jihyun and we are not counting bruises here!" I said in defense. I didn't like this situation at all. My father would kill me if he knows that I got suspended or expelled and my mom would be so disappointed. And how much long is this suspension? My scholarship would also be at risk if the Board is informed about this.
Songyeon unnie squeezed my hand to calm me down. I forced myself to.

"Is there any CCTV in the place where it happened? Perhaps we can get to look at it to know who's really saying the truth." Songyeon unnie suggested. That was a brilliant idea but I haven't seen any cameras in the hallway to the Music room lately. I see Jihyun was not alarmed by this, I guess he knew that and intentionally stopped me there. I was really loosing hope when I recieved a barrage of messages from my phone. The Baeks was still arguing with the principal so I unlocked my phone. I frowned, it was from an unregistered number. I opened one message and almost laugh. A GIF was sent to not ignore this message or else a certain bunny will kill me and thomas the train would finish me by burrying me in the ground. So I opened the attached file and my eyes got big when I realize what it was. It was the video of my scuffle with Jihyun. I didn't know there was a camera there. Though a little far off since it was attached outside the music room, our faces could be clearly identified but our voices can't be heard clearly. I thanked God for that because I didn't want them to know what we were really talking about. So far Jihyun just said that I attacked him first because I opposed the idea of him dating Nayeon unnie.
Songyeon unnie who was still observing the Baeks and the Principal who was also arguing with them and waiting for a confirmation from the Security department, realized that I had the footage of the incident, she snatched it out of my hand.

"Is this what I think it is?" she asked and played the video from the start. Jihyun heard this and started to get nervous. Me and unnie viewed the video again but we frowned when it abruptly ended on me just punching Jihyun who was lying down in the floor.

"So we don't have the video of it?" I heard the principal asked.

"What do you mean it got deleted?" Ms Winters asked again, irritated.

Songyeon unnie and me looked at each other. I was thinking that this is Jihyo's doing, she sure manuevered something. She truly is a god.

"So you're telling me you were not aware that a CCTV was installed outside the music room and was just activated last night and now you can't find the footage that I need?"Ms Winters was pissed off now.

"You better send me the footage Mr. Lee or I will be forced to fire you." The principal demanded and put the phone down.

"I don't think we need that video anymore Ms. Winters." Songyeon unnie started. Ms. Winters frowned and the Baeks gave us their full attention.

"What do you mean Ms. Songyeon?" Asks the principal.

"We have the video of that incident." Unnie declared and showed the video to Ms.Winters.

"How did you get that?"Jihyun demanded

I folded my arms at my chest. "Someone sent it to me."

Jihyun smirked. "Isn't that a coincidence? The footage was deleted in the Security Department and then you received a video."

"What are you implying Mr. Jihyun?"

"I'm not implying anything, I'm just saying that can we really trust that footage? What if it's edited?" Jihyun said.

"Why? You're that scared to find out?" I taunted

"I am not scared of anything."

"Let's view it then. What have you got to lose?" I dared. Jihyun was now clenching his jaws. It's obvious that his tactics was not working at all.

"Are you gonna really allow this Ms. Winters?"

"Why not? It's her evidence Mr. Jihyun; she has the right to present it." Ms Winters answered

"Can you send the file to me Ms. Jeongyeon? Let's view it in that monitor so we can all watch it."
I sent the file to Ms. Winters via bluetooth, she then transferred it to the Smart TV in front of us. She hit the play and the truth was there for us to see.

It was very quiet after the footage ended except the harsh breathing of Jihyun's father. He was very upset while the mother just pursed her lips in dismay. Jihyun couldn't lift his face up; it was clear that he was very pissed and scared at the same time.

"As you can see, my sister is the true victim here if she didn't fought back your son would have done something to my sister." Unnie said.

"That is well and true Ms. Songyeon, however I will still place the suspension since your sister committed a violation in this school ---"
"But Ms. Winters ---"
"Let me finish." Ms. Winters said, " But in light of what truly happened I will shorten the suspension to one week."

"That's prepostorous!" the elder Baek objected.

"How so Mr. Baek?" The lady principal asked

"The video is tampered with so we can't really admit that as evidence can we? As you just witnessed it abruptly ended, so clearly someone touched the video." Mr. Baek explained and I admitted he has a point.

"What if the CCTV just suddenly stopped?" My unnie asked

"What do you mean Ms. Songyeon? Enlighten us please." Ms Winters said

"Aren't technical difficulties part of why technologies stopped? What if the CCTV had a defect but was not detected by your security deartment or it malfunctioned or was not properly installed? There are many reasons why a gadget doesn't work suddenly so let's not assume that it was tampered with by a person."

"And what do you suggest we do? Just admit that footage as evidence that clearly backs your sister?" Mr. Baek asked arrogantly.

"Sure we can, after we asked an expert." Songyeon unnie said this to Ms. Winters.
"You want me to call an IT expert?" The principal supplied.

"Exactly. That way it's fair to both parties." She explained and looked at the elder Baek for his agreement.

"Fair enough. Let's bring him in Ms. Winters and get this done with. I still have an important meeting to attend to." He said impatiently while looking at his wrist watch and gave his son a fuming look.

We all waited for the expert and the verdict of this case.
