It was the first day of class and I'm still in my bed, deciding if I want to get up. I just got back from the States. My room is a mess (which isn't like me) and I haven't organized my clothes. We are now in Seoul after two years. My father decided to come back here after resigning as an Executive Chef in a luxury hotel in LA. I was not happy with his decision but I hid it. My father and I are not on best terms. You could say we do our best to avoid each other, so I just bid goodbye to the city that I fell in love with, and to the friends I made there.
     Man, LA was great. The vibe and energy of the city really appeals to me. And the beaches! Beaches were everywhere. We had a house near the beach and if I have time, I always look at the sunset and be amazed of its' magnificence. I'm really gonna miss LA...
     We shouldn't have come back here. I don't know if I'll be able to face her again. Should I just ignore her when I see her? Why am even thinking about her at the very start of my day???
     I glanced at the door when I heard a knock.

"Jeongyeon-ah, wake up now, your class will start at 8:00 and it's already 7, you'll be late."

My wall clock says it still 6:00.

"Eomma, it's still 6."

"So what?" my mother answered "It will be 7:00 eventually. So get your ass up now because I'm not gonna repeat myself again!" She added annoyingly

"Arraseo, arraseo...." I just answered and scratched my head. I don't want a lecture this early in the morning.
I went to the bathroom to take a bath. I sighed when a face sudenly appears in my head again.

"I really hope that bunny still remembers me..."

     I'm in my 3rd year of college here in JYP University. Music is my major because music is life. I was not supposed to come back here but after a long conversation with my family I decided to continue my studies here.

     I was walking along the hallway on my way to my class when somebody smack my head.
"What the hell ----" I did not finish my sentence when that same person suddenly hugged me.

"Jeongyeon-ah!" this person said. I realized immediately who it was but I jokingly pushed her away from me.

"Yah... Jihyo-yah you're making me uncomfortable..."

She stepped back but I was shocked when I saw tears in her eyes.

"Don't you dare cry you paboya!!!"

Jihyo hit my arm. "You're the one who's idiot!!! Can't you see that I missed you! You didn't even tell me you were coming back!" She said while wiping her tears.

"Then you didn't even text me or answer my calls! I was so worried when I heard your dad resigned. What's more you just ignore my messages in our group chat!!!" This girl was saying while hitting me at the same time.

"Yah!!!" I screamed at her. "Stop hitting me it hurts!"

"Well you deserved it!" She answered back. "We're supposed to be friends." The girl lamented.

I just rolled my eyes at her and folded my arms.

"I didn't know you'd become this dramatic Park Jihyo."

"Whatever ostrich" The girl replied. She's my friend since middle school. We became close during a Musical Production. She was the main vocal while I was one of the lead. She is also known as a benevolent leader with a godly personality here in JYP. That is why she also earned the moniker "God Jihyo".

"So are you ok?" Jihyo asked after a while. We were walking in the corridor while other people were greeting Jihyo. Most of them were also giving me curious looks.

I just shrugged Jihyo's question. She stopped walking which also made me stop.

"Jeonyeon-ah, I've known you for 9 years now. I know when you're having problems or when you're happy. I almost know everything about you. Well, except Na---"

"Don't finish your sentence." I cut her before saying something I didn't want to hear. I turned my back at her and continued walking.


I sighed quietly. It seems her friend hasn't moved on and the other one was pretending that she moved on. What a bunch of idiots! She thought and followed the tall girl.

She linked their arms. "All right, I won't say anything about it anymore. By the way what's your class schedule?"

Jeong handed her phone to her.

"Oh we're almost on all the same class together. So for this morning is Voice Instruction, great! We're classmates here!" I said happily. I did not include that our other friend was also in the same class.


I was busy talking to Momo when our teacher arrived. I had a jolt when my eyes landed to the two people following her. It was Jihyo... and Jeongyeon.

Yoo Jeongyeon - Girl Crush - Charisma Personified - Cool as Fuck - Chic - Underrated but can steal your girl in a heartbeat. She can steal your Oppa too without you knowing.

What did they say?

If you fall for Yoo Jeongyeon there was no exit?

There was no exit all right... She breathed out heavily which Momo heard.

"Gwenchana unnie?" Momo asked me.

"Hmmm...?" I glanced at her absently.

"You got quiet for a minute."

That was a minute? It felt like a lifetime. I thought to myself.

"I'm okay Moguri. I just remembered something." Momo just nod, still looking at her quizzically.

"By the way do you know that girl who came in with Jihyo?" she asked

I looked at Jeongyeon again. She was now standing in front and I can't helped but smile when I realized her outfit were all black. She had black skinny jeans over a black leather ankle boots, a black tee paired with a black winter hooded coat. That's not the only thing I noticed. Her hair --- her hair is way shorter than before. She looks handsome. But I find her cute with this coconut haircut. I unknowingly smiled again.

Momo nudged me. "Unnie, what are you smiling for? Are you sure you're ok?"

I mentally berate myself. I shouldn't be doing that. Just what would she think if she saw me smiling at her like this? She'd think of me as a fool.

"I'm fine Moguri...but what was your question again?" Moguri pouted her lips cutely.

"That girl, who is she?"

"That's Jeongyeon." I answered.

"So you know her?"

I nod. " Yeah, I know her since middle school."

"She's a wow..." Momo said adorably.

"Yeah, she's a wow. I find her cute!" Sana said from behind us. She was sitting behind Momo.

"You find every girl cute Satang." This was from Momo.

" The whole class seems to admire her unnie." This was said by Mina. The elegant penguin was sitting beside me in my right, busily playing mobile games while observing others around her silently.

"Really?" I looked around me. Yep. They like her. The girls are even smiling cutely, some are even saying hi to her. The guys also seem to be taken with her.

Wow. First day of school and I'm met with this kind of competition???


I know that people are staring at me. This really made me uncomfortable since I'm the only one standing in front. I smiled at the cute girl who waved her hand at me, but I purposely ignored the owner of two beautiful brown eyes who's also staring at me.

Jesus, why did she have to grow beautifully? And was her cheeks that fluffy? Is this a punishment? Am I supposed to look at this face everyday? How will I ever resist?

Toughen up Ostrich! Don't let this bunny get to you.

I mentally slapped myself and focused my attention to the teacher.

"Go ahead and introduced yourself." The teacher instructed.

"Anyeonghaseyo, I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, a transferee student.
I'm also a Music major. Nice to meet all of you."I ended my introduction by bowing.

The students welcomed her gracefully.

"Thank you Ms. Jeongyeon, you can now go to your sit. There's a vacant sit behind Nayeon. She's the girl who looks like a bunny." The class laughed when the teacher said that while I stood there rigidly. I'm supposed to sit behind her this whole semester?

"Is there a problem?" The teacher asked me.

I shook my head in denial. "Anniyo (No)." I answered and went directly to my sit without looking at Nayeon. She wasn't looking at me either. The cute girl who waved her hand at me was my seatmate.

"Anyeong, I'm Sana." She said cutely.
I couldn't help but gave her a smile.

"Hi, I'm Momo." Another girl said smiling, the one sitting beside Nayeon in her left. She looks cute too so I smiled at her in return.

"Gwenchana Jeongyeon-ah?" Jihyo asked. She was sitting beside an elegant girl who's busy playing mobile games. I gave Jihyo a thumbs up, as I settled myself in my seat. She smiled and saw her glanced at the girl in front of me, who's busy writing something in her notebook. Jihyo was giving me a signal to say hi, I vehemently shake my head to say no. Jihyo just rolled her eyes heavenward and gave up.

" Won't you say hi unnie?" Momo asked Nayeon and I sat their stiffly while waiting. Nayeon stopped what she was doing and faced me.

"Hi Jeongyeon-ah, welcome back..." She said to me softly. She smiled sadly and didn't wait for my reply.

And I sat there looking at her back all throughout the class.
