
"He what?" Momo asked, couldn't believe what she heard for a second.

"He shot Jeongyeon." Jihyo answered

The J-line were all shocked. Their mouths were literally gaping. It was hillarious if not for the situation.

"Did she survive?" Momo asked again. Sana hit her in the arm.

"Of course she survived paboya! Who do you think is living with us right now???"

"Oh right." Momo said and tap her head. "I just couldn't believe that happened to Jeongyeon."

"We couldn't believe it either." Dahyun said.

"What happened next Jihyo?" It was Mina's turn to ask.

"It was a mess. I immediately rushed to Jeongyeon after  I saw her fell. Nayeon unnie was crying while holding her."

"Yeah, and there was so much blood." Chaeng said

"Where was she shot?" Sana asked

"In the chest." Tzuyu answered. She still remembers that incident clearly.

"And then?" Momo prompted them to continue. The jelly she was eating was now forgotten. "Did you guys brought her to the hospital?"

The girls nodded in confirmation. "We rushed her to the emergency room, and we were all panicking because she looked so pale. Nayeon unnie kept on telling her to wake up. We were all crying." Dahyun said emotionally. She was on the verge of tears. "We really thought she was gonna die." She added and cried.

Chaeyoung was also crying. Jihyo was wiping her tears and Tzuyu, the most savage of them all, was forcing herself not to cry. Sana and Mina joined the crying fest.

       "Yahhh!!! Yahhh! This is what I'm talking about! You guys stop crying now!" She complained then went to the kitchen and came back bearing a box of tissues.

She gave some to Sana and Mina and to Jihyo and Chaeyoung also. She looked at Tzuyu who declined her offer. She then wiped Dahyun's tears.

      "You are such a baby." She said.

      "I'm not a baby, Chaeng is the baby." Dubu said, pouting.

      "Yahhh…" Chaengie objected.

      "Come here Chaeng. Sit beside me." Mina said to the Baby cub. Chaeng got flustered but followed her unnie.

      "Okay unnie." She then sat beside Mina who sneakily held her hand. She intertwines their fingers when the girls attention wasn't on them anymore.

     "Do you guys still want to hear the rest?" Jihyo asked referring to the J-Line

     "Of course." Sana answered, and sat closer to Tzuyu.

    "So Jeongyeon was rushed in the emergency room right?"

     The girls nodded. "The doctors took over of the situation and we were left their waiting outside. Nayeon unnie was shaking and we were crying so much. We consoled each other until Ms. Winter came with Seongyeon unnie, Jeongyeon's sister."

     "Right. And then?" Sana asked prompting Jihyo to continue.

    "And then the doctor came out and he said Jeongyeon was now out of danger."

     The J-Line sighs in relief. "Jesus, what K-Drama is this?" Momo commented.

     We all laughed. "I know right. I never imagined that happened to Jeongyeonie." Sana added

     "Did the police caught the shooter?" Mina asked.

     "Unfortunately, no." It was Tzuyu who answered.

     "No??? But - but they got a look at his face right?" Momo asked in disbelief again.

    "They never got a look, the rider was wearing a helmet." Chaeng answered.

    "So this is an unsolved case." Mina said to Chaeyoung.

    "You're right unnie. The shooter was never caught. Even after conducting a follow up operation the police had no leads."

    "How about the CCTV?" Mina asked again

    "The only thing captured in CCTV was the shooting. He never bared his face even once." Dahyun answered

    "The plate numbers of the vehicle then, surely they got that."

     Jihyo shakes her head. "The motorcycle had no plate numbers."

     Mina was thoughtful for a second when she heard this.

     "It looks like a professional hit but it's sloppy." She commented.

    "You thought so too?" Jihyo asked

    "Yeah, because if it was really a professional hit then Jeongyeon unnie would certainly be dead."

    "No!!!" Moguri objected.

    "I know right, but she was just shot once and only in the chest area. Her vital organs were also not hit." Jihyo added

     "Is that why they transferred in the States?" Sana curiously asked

    "Yes, that's one of the reasons I believe." Jihyo replied

    "What's the other?" Sana inquired

    "Baek Jihyun's family and Nayeon unnie."

    " I understand Baek Jihyun being one of the reason since I truly believe he's tha master mind behind the shooting, but why Nayeon unnie?" Mina asked, clearly confused.

     "Because after Jeongyeon got stable in the hospital, Nayeon unnie stopped visiting her, she also stopped talking to Jeongyeon." Park Jihyo declared

    "Really???" It was Momo "But why would she do that?"

    "I don't know Momo, she wouldn't even tell me why." Jihyo explained

    "Hyung was so sad, she kept asking for Nayeon unnie, kept calling her, then one night she sneaked out from the hospital to go to Nayeon unnie's house but she wasn't there." Chaeng told them somberly.

    "So when her parents knew this they decided to move in the States." Dahyun continued.

    The girls all sighed. They got quiet, each in their own thoughts.

    "I was even gonna punch that idiot bunny for doing that to Jeongyeon unnie." Tzuyu says out of the blue.

    "Really?" Moguri asked the younger one, who all throughout the story remained quiet.

    "Who wouldn't unnie??? Jeongyeon unnie was just shot, she lost her scholarship, had detention then that idiot stopped talking to her?! I would have added a kick in the butt if she did that to me!" She said this while her legs and arms were crossed. She looked like a pissed of goddess.

    "So did you punch her?" Sanake asked

     "Of course not." She replied. "She's still my unnie, and when I confronted her about that she cried so much. So I just cried with her."

     "Awww…I didn't know our Yoda could be sweet." Sana said sweetly.

   "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Tzuyu mumbled. Sana heard this.

    "Jinjja??? Want me to get to know you?" Sana asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

    "Yahh! Stop flirting with the Maknae, she's still underage." Jihyo interrupted

    As if that would stop Sana, Mina thought. But who is she to say that when she and Chaeyoung are sitting so close together.

    "Did you asked Nayeon unnie again about her reason?" Mina asked Jihyo again

    "Yeah, I kept on pestering her about it but she would just look so broken hearted and told me that she can't tell me the reason, so I just didn't ask again."

     "Unnie was also in bad shape." Chae voiced out.

     " How so?" Momo asked

     "She wasn't eating well, she lost a lot of weight, she wasn't also doing good in school to the point that she stopped schooling for a year." Chaeng explained

     "Wow, I didn't know that." Momo commented.

     "She even spent a week in the hospital because her fever wouldn't go down…." Chaeng continued

     "And she wouldn't even talk to us…"Jihyo added.

     "Those were really tough times…" Dahyun lamented. The girls got quiet again.

    "How about the video?" Mina asked suddenly.

    "Unnie you're really interested in this." Chaeng commented to the elegant beauty beside her.

    "Of course. We're talking about those two and I don't wanna sound like a nerd but this seems like a puzzle and I want to solve it."

   "Is that why you asked me to tell the story?" Jihyo inquired

    "Well, apart from that I also want those two to make up. So how about the video?" She asked again

    "Right. The video cannot be found."

    They were all flabbergasted.

     "What do you mean it can't be found?" Minari asked, frowning.

     "Wait, what video are we talking about here again?" Ask a thoroughly confused Moguri

     "You know the video that Jihyun showed to Jeongyeon unnie when they fought." It was Dubu, who's now sitting beside her, replied.

     "Ahhh…that video…"

     "Continue Jihyo-yah" Sana said

     "It can't be found because the cellphone was destroyed by Jeong and those two wouldn't tell me what is it all about." She  explained frustratedly. Even before Jeongyeon went to the States she asked her friend about it but Jeong was adamant not to show it to her or even tell her about it. And when she viewed the footage of the fight, she still couldn't get a clear picture of the video in the video since the camera was a little far off and when she zooms it in the footage gets blurred.

     "We have to know what's in the video Jihyo." Mina said. "It would really explain why Jihyun attacked Jeongyeon unnie, and the true invovlement of Nayeon unnie in this."

     "I know Minari, but how can you make those two talk." Jihyo replied

     "Yeah, those two could be really scary if they want  it to be." Chaeng commented.

     "Maybe something happened between those two…" Sana voiced out. The girls all looked at her.

     "What do you mean something happened?" Moguri asked her precious friend.

     "You know like something intimate."

     "Yahh!!! There are kids in the house." Park Jihyo said to Sanake.

     "Well how do you want me to say it Jihyo???" Sanake asked, annoyed

    "You three go to your room." Momo said to the School Meal Club.

     Chaeng whined. "Yahhh…why do we have to go? We're in the right age for this…"

     "Chaeng, you're 17." Mina pointed out.

    "You're still 19 unnie, you're not fully adult yet too." The baby cub countered.

    "Don't you dare make me go." Tzuyu said, outright refusal on her face.

    "Me either." Dubu also said stubbornly.

    The J-Line all looked at Jihyo. Who just raised her hands in surrender. "Ok, ok you three stay but don't ever gossip about this outside of this house arraso???" She said to the three who all nodded in return

    "Ok, continue Sana."

    "As I've said maybe something intimate happened between those two and that was captured incidentally by Jihyun."

    "Define intimate?" Mina asked seriously. Sana couldn't believe the question thrown at her.

   "Intimate is like holding hands but your fingers are interlocked with each other just like what the two of you have been doing Mina." She then gestured to the two who is holding hands. The girls also looked at them. Mina immediately released Chaeyoung hands.

     "So you think they held hands and they were caught." Momo said, still think of it as a joke. What's even wrong with holding hands anyway? She thought to herself.

     "For the love of God! No Moguri ok??? I think those two kissed." Sana was exasperated.

    "Then why did you have to say intimate - intimate? You could have said they kissed!" Moguri was also getting annoyed.

     "Because there are kids in the house you idiot! I just can't say Nayeon unnie and Jeongyeonie were kising and they probably liked it."

     "I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick…" We all looked at Tzuyu who was suddenly singing. "It felt so wrong, it felt so right, doesn't mean I'm inlove tonight... I kissed a girl and I liked it…"

    "You just did not sing that." Jihyo said to the Maknae.

     Tzuyu just shrugged. "I just remembered the lyrics."
     Dahyun burst out laughing for what she just witnessed.

     "The force is really with you, Tzuyu. That was so LOL!" she said while laughing.

    Jihyo just shakes her head. "I can't believe I'm one of you guys." She said to no one in particular.

     They could not continue their conversation because Jeongyeon arrived.
