The Penguin and the Cub

Eagle: The Cub is en route. ETA 15 minutes

Upon looking at the text, the Ostrich relayed the information to the members inside via group text. Hyomas asked her troops to do a last minute sweep while giving the Penguin a look to check something. Shiba Inu checked the arranged boxes in the table, Bunny checked the sustenance while simultaneously stopping a certain Moguri from touching it. When all gave a thumbs up to confirm that everything is good to go they all prepared to wait. This mission has been prepared and revised many times for 29 days under the brilliant mind of the Penguin. This idea was concocted upon celebrating her 20th with the help of the other players under the guise of "Chill and Distress" following a stressful Preliminary Exams they had taken that day.

The Ostrich spotted the vehicle containing the three and tipped the others of this and met the Eagle, the Cub and the Retriever halfway. The Eagle still had a bounce on her step still full of energy, while the Cub and Retriever just gave her a tired smile. It must have been a long exam, the Ostrich thought.

"Where are we going?" The Cub asked and looked at the sign in front of the building which says "Vintage". She didn't know where this place was only that the given information she received was that it was 'secluded and private'. They passed a section of roads and a big ass gate and thinks they're on top of the mountain and when they stopped in front of this building which looks between a safe house and a get away place her mind stopped wondering anymore. She was dead ass tired from all the exams she had taken and how much she studied a week before that and just lets the Ostrich pulled her gently as they enter the place. It was a big ass place mind you but she frowned when they were met by darkness.

"Why is it so dark?" She voiced out and squeak like a scaredy cat when the lights turns on and everybody sings:

"saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
sarang ha neun -- Chaeyoungie shi
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da...."

"Happy Birthday Chaeyoungie!!!!" The girls greets her happily.

She smiles like an idiot as one by one the unnies and her fellow School Club members kisses her cheeks. Jiyho placed the birthday hat on her head and patted her like a child while Minari stood in front of her with the Dalkie cake and a candle lighted on it and asked her to make a birthday wish. She closes her eyes and proceeded to do that not forgetting to say thank you for giving her this wonderful people to the heavens above and blew the candle. Nabongs then pulls her and let her sit in the head of the table were a feast was prepared just for her. There was so much food!!! An appetizing Japchae is served. She spotted 9 bowls of colorful Bibimbap and a delicious looking Tteokbiki in a square pan with melting cheese on top. There were different selections of Korean Fried Chicken with flavors from Sweet and Sour, Barbercue to Spicy. A mouth watering Grilled Pork Belly, Sweet and Spicy Shrimp and the unforgettable Jokbal were also served. As for side dishes, there were Fresh Kimchi, some Scallion and Radish Salad. As if that wasn't enough, a round platter of 9 delicacies and Dalkie Ice Cream was sure to make the stomach full. To quench the thirst, there were a pitcher of Cider and Cola and bottles of Soju which she surely thinks were bought by Nabongs or if not by their appointed leader Park Jihyo.

However, the one she was most excited for were the array of gifts arranged in the table on her right. She grinned when she noticed that there were small and big boxes and she can't wait to open it one by one. A circle box containing different letters arranged neatly inside of it took her attention and a tug in her heart arises as she gets emotional. The girls who were observing here got worried when they saw tears gathering in her eyes. It was the eldest who approached her.

"What's wrong Chaengie? Don't you like these?"

She shake her head. "Anniyo..." She wipe her tears that were falling and for the others this was unprecedented. Chaeyoung was known in the group who doesn't really cry easily and the girls looks at each other in worry.

"Then what is it Chae?" Jihyo asks anxiously, she was worried that this surprise party was a little too much for this Cub. She tugs down the hands of this small baby in front of her to wipe the tears that were falling helplessly.

"I'm just really thankful...You don't know how grateful I am..." Baby Chae hiccups while saying this.

"Awww..."Sana can't help but say. "Imma give you all my uwus Chaeyoungie. You are so cute." She told the still crying 5'2 College Freshman and back hugs her.

"We just want you to feel special bro...." Dubu says as she gives tissues to wipe her friend's tears. "This was all planned by Mina unnie..."

The Baby Cub sniffs and looks at the direction of a certain elegant Black Swan just standing near the table observing thoughtfully the proceedings before her. She gave a smile when their eyes met.

"Thank you Mina..." The Cub shyly says and scuffles her feet adorably. She was blushing and she didn't know why.

"You're welcome Chaeng...But this wasn't possible without the others. All of us here did this for you." Minari, the penguin replies. "I hope it isn't too much, we just really want you to be happy this day."

Before Chaeyoung can say anything, Yoo Jangoo- the resident prankster and the other No Jam Brother puts her arm in her shoulder making Sana release her and whispers something in her ears.

"Your Mina couldn't sleep for a week while preparing this for you." Chaeyoung adorably blush again after hearing "Your Mina". She elbows her hyung who pretended to get hurt.

"She"s not mine, hyung..."She whispers on return.

Mina who's seeing this just raises her brow on Jeongyeon. The prankster just winks playfully at her. Nayeon totally saw this exchange and pulled her girlfriend away from the blushing cub.

"Stop bullying our child." She says and links their arms. "Anyway Chaengie, I know you think this is too much but after what happened to you two weeks ago, I believe you deserve this."

Chaeng stood there rigidly. She knows that the unnies haven't fully forgiven her for keeping the incident. Although she's known as the most free minded person in the group she can be really an idiot sometimes.

"If Mina didn't follow you and saw the bruises on your left rib, we wouldn't have known that you were being bullied in the campus." Nayeon spouts angrily. The incident still makes her furious. Jeongyeon rubs the arm of her girlfriend to sooth her.

"Babe, your're too old for this shit." Jeong says jokingly to diffuse the tension. Nabongs hits her in retaliation which she avoids by hiding behind Tzuyu.

While Mina stands beside Chaeyoung and holds the latter's hand, squeezing it to offer support.

Chaeyoung was being bullied by a group of guys after knowing that some of their girlfriends had a crush on her. And with the grape vine saying there was a possibility she was a bi further emphasized by her newly haircut inspired by Kristen Stewart, she was cornered one night, surrounded by five guys while alternately beating her almost to death. She didn't go back to the dorm that night and didn't went home to her family's house either instead she asked Somi, her other closed friend who has a penthouse in Seoul and stayed their for a week. And when the others looked for her she just said she needed to stay with her friend who she missed terribly. The good thing she got from the beating is that they didn't touched her face, which was very very suspicious, so she still could go to school despite her condition. Somi was very worried for her and reluctantly kept the incident quiet by promising the girl to help in their Music Composition project. However, Mina the most observant human being she thinks in JYPU was far from convinced with her reasoning. So she followed Chae one night and was very worried and wary when the girl went to a pharmacy in the outskirts of Seoul. Thinking that she was just buying some medicine for headache or something she opted to wait for the girl outside and confronted her. Chae who was very shock to see her acted like it was an everyday occurrence to be found there while thinking of a reason to tell the very observant penguin. Mina on the other hand, was just very worried, she just wants this cub to be ok and she missed her too so please don't blame her if she hugged the girl tightly which made Chae flinched as she wasn't fully healed from the injuries yet. Mina noticed this and forced the girl in front of her to show what's hurting or else she will go directly to Chae's parents and tell them what happened to their only daughter. Chaeyoung doesn't want this since her father was still recovering from a mild stroke that scared their family like shit so she followed the penguin and went home to the Dorm. To say that the other girls were livid was understatement.

"Who did this to you Chaeyoung?" Jeongyeon asked, her arms crossed, jaw tight while looking at her dongsaeng being treated by Mina, Jihyo, Dahyun and Sana. An array of bruises were seen in her stomach, her ribs some on her chest, at her back and on her thighs and legs too. It was a miracle that she was able to stand and walk with how severe the condition she was in.

"I don't know Hyung, I didn't see their face." She answered in a small voice. The girls are angry at her although half of them are fussing at her like she was a dying person being tended in the common room which she was three days ago if Somi didn't forced her to go in a clinic that a relative owns.

"Why didn't you tell us Chae?" Momo asks this after handling her a Strawberry juice to drink. She thanked in a grateful smile for this small comfort. She was flinching left and right as the girls were alternately putting some ointment on her bruises. Mina on the other hand gently replaced the wrapped bandage on her stomach area for her still healing bruised ribs. The other two girls, Nayeon and Tzuyu were very quiet.

"I didn't want you guys to worry..." She replies after a while. Jeongyeon was like a ticking bomb waiting to explode when she heard this.

"You don't want us to worry???" She exclaims angrily. "Who do you think we are Chaeyoung? Just your classmates? Who reports you when your absent in class??"

"I'm sorry hyung..."She suddenly cries. "I..I didn't know what to do..."

"Did they threaten you Chaengie?" Nayeon asks, her voice laced with such thunderous anger it'll just be a minute before she will explode too. They know how Nayeon has a soft spot for the cub, just as Sana and Momo to Dahyun, Jihyo to Tzuyu and Jeongyeon to Mina.

"They --- they said something will happen to one of you guys if I let anyone know what happened to me."

"And you chose not to tell us and risked your life instead!?"

"I didn't want anything to happen to you! To any of you..." She now stood uncaring of her condition. "You almost died two years ago, I'm not gonna let that happen again..."

"No one asked you to do that you fuckin idiot!!!" Jeongyeon shouted furiously.

Before Chaeyoung could say anything, Mina stood up and kicked the chair beside her to the shock and delight of the others.

"Will you two shut up!" She shouts in anger, impatience and frustration. "You - " she pointed at Nayeon, who still stood there looking fascinated at the elegant ballerina before her. "Calm your girl friend down or I will stuff this bandage on her mouth." She then pointed her finger to Chaeyoung who was also taken aback by her action. "And you, sit down." And pushed the still shocked girl to sit. "I was not done putting this. "She emphasized the bandage in her hands. "Move again Chaeyoung or I swear I will choke you with this."

Chae gulped nervously and nods like a disciplined child. "Ok Mina...Ok..."

"Dahyunie get some fresh clothes for Chae to change." Mina, the most quiet one tells the energetic Dubu who followed her directly while saying "Aye, aye captain!"

"Jihyo and Sana unnie, help me with this." She said to the two who were sitting still.

"How about us Minari, what should we do?" Momo asks in delighted fascination. It's such a spectacle seeing the introverted Japanese girl explodes out of anger which is a very rare occurrence.

Mina didn't look at her but said: "Go cook something Momoring and let Tzuyu help you." Tzuyu who remained quiet all through this went to the kitchen ahead of her.

On the other hand, Nayeon was trying to cool her girlfriend down inside the latter's room. The idiot was still spouting nonsense so she rolls her eyes and proceeded to kiss the heck out of Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon groans in shock or retaliation or in arousal she doesn't know. She just knows Nayeon's lips were on her and the kiss was getting torrid and aggressive and it was doing something on her body and she was being pushed until she felt the door on her back. The kiss then turned sweetly, until she was such in a panicked gay mess because this type of kiss also disarms her defenses easily.

"Are we calm now?" Nayeon whispers while placing wet kisses in her throat. She groans again.

"Is that what you're doing? Calming me down?" She asks, out of breath and took control of the kiss. "Because I think you're failing..."

She felt her smile. "Hmmm...but you're not fuming with anger now right?" she reluctantly stops the kiss and cups her girlfriends face with her two hands. "I get where you're coming from Jeongie, I'm honestly still mad right now too but I think we should be the more mature individual here."

Jeong leans into her girlfriend until their forehead touch. "I know baby,it's just she was covered with bruises and she's only 17." Nayeon rubs her arms when she's getting mad again and she exhales audibly to calm down.

"Want me to distract you again?" Nayeon wiggles her brow at her, lips a little swollen and a playful smile on her face.

"You just want to make out again."

"Well, I can't help it if you're hot and smells so delicious."

While the two continue their playful banter, Chaeyoung was looking intently at the girl before her. Mina was always regarded as the quiet one in the group. And though she witnessed how this introverted penguin would get mad, that was only one or two times.

"Stop staring at me Chaeng, you're making me uncomfortable."Mina says still serious on her task. Jihyo and Sana smiles inwardly, while assisting the graceful ballerina. Chaeng reluctantly forced her gaze away.

"I'm sorry Mina...I know you're mad...I'm sorry if I didn't tell you anything or I didn't go to you." She said to the penguin before her, not minding of the presence of her two unnies.

Mina just sighs impatiently. "I'm not mad..."she says in emphasis but "No, I'm actually mad..." she says while making sure the bandage was not wrapped a little too tightly and motion for Chaeyoung to lift her arms gently so she could wear the dark green sweat shirt with a printed JYPU in the chest.

"But then who am I to do that, it's not like I'm your girl friend or anything." Mina added, resignation clearly heard in her voice.

Chaeng holds Mina's hand. "Do you want to be?"

Mina pauses. "Do I want to be what?"

"My girlfriend?"

Mina thinks it's not every day that she be propositioned in front of her two friends, and don't get her wrong, she badly wants to say yes but she feels it wasn't the right time for them to do this.

"Your 17 turning 18, I don't want to take advantage of you."

"I'm willing to be taken advantage of."Chae says so seriously that Jihyo who was smiling like an idiot like Sana while observing the exchanges of this two, chokes upon hearing this. She hits the girl in the head.

"Yaah, you're still underage you idiot."

Chaeyoung rubs the back of her head. "It's not like I'm not allowed to have a relationship unnie." She says "And why are you hitting me, I just got beaten and almost died..."

Sana ruffles her hair. "I'll be your girl friend Chaengie, don't worry."

"No way, your legion of girl friends will kill me."

"I don't have a legion of girl friends..."Sana denies this.

Baby Cub scoffs. "Think again Sana unnie."

"Here drink this." Mina interrupts by placing something on her hand and giving her a glass of water brought by Dahyun.

"What's this?"

"It's tylenol, drink it. It's good for you."

"I'll drink anything for you..." she says cheekily and this time it was Dahyun who hit her in the head.

"Stop flirting and drink it Chae, you still have an explanation to do."

That conversation was two weeks ago. She explained everything that happened before she made the others promise not to inform her parents and the school of it which they reluctantly agreed. They all made a plan to trap the guys who beat her by hitting on one of the girl friends of the five bullies she thinks. That was an experiment but perfectly executed since later that night she was cornered in one of the alleys near JYPU and that's when all her unnies one by one appeared. The Stray Kids were also there as back up which visibly scared the five guys who cornered her. Thinking it was the 3mix Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo who will take control of the situation they were all flabbergasted when it was Tzuyu who took the offensive by making the five cower beneath her feet with her bow and arrow. It was horrendously exciting to say the least. Tzuyu then interrogated the five while pointing an arrow on their head to talk or else this will be their last breath. Mina, the epitome of grace and elegance added to the scaring tactics by taking out a katana (of all the things she will bring) and letting the five bullies hear the sound as she take it outs to the delight of Sana and Momo. She then points the blade on the place between their legs which made one of the five pee nervously and proceeded to tell everything to them and profusely ask for forgiveness one by one and promised never to do it again. But Nayeon unnie was really not convince with this so she grabbed that thing between their legs and squeezed it very very tightly of who she thinks was the leader and act like she will slice it off if she finds out that their Baby Cub - Son Chaeyoung will be bullied again by their useless selves. Jeongyeon then added she better not hear any bullying done by them to the other human beings of JYPU or else she will not think twice of putting a bullet in each of their brain by the rifle she was carrying. The five frantically promised to do all of this and they were escorted out one by one by the Stray Kids just to be sure they wouldn't do anything stupid.

"That was fun times." Jeongyeon says while taking a bite of a very delicious Korean Fried chicken. The barbecue flavor was enough to make her take another piece. She was sitting in the table with Sana, Mina and Momo who proceeded to eat ahead of them as they console the birthday girl a while ago, while the maknaes were busy dancing their assess of as Jihyo and Nayeon alternately takes turn in karaoke. The song change into Big Bang's 'Bang Bang Bang' and she taps her feet in rhythm. After eating, opening of gifts and reading the letters, this was the activity they chose to do although she and the J-Line opted to sit, chill and drink soju.

"Where did you get the Katana Mina-yah?" She asks the quiet Penguin who had a dreamy smile in her face while looking at Chaeyoung.

"I borrowed it from my cousin, Yuta."

"So that Katana was real?" Jeongyeon asks, greatly astonished and was given confirmation by Momo who continually eats.

"That was real as it gets Jeongyeonie."

"Wow, you girls are ruthless." She says in return. "So I was the only one who brought a toy during that time?"

"That wasn't real?" Sana asks curiously, as she drank a shot of soju.

"God no..." Jeong replies. "That was a Full Metal AEG Airsoft Rifle. A buddy of mine owns it when he plays airsoft during weekends." She added as she in turn drank a shot of soju Sana poured for her. She was getting light headed with all the alcohol she consumed and she's not the only one. Momo, who's still eating is getting a little tipsy, Mina's knockdown and is already sleeping with her head on the table while Sana the flirt, decided to leave her to attack the unsuspecting Dahyun who's chilling in the couch after dancing so much. She thinks the only sober in the group are the maknaes who are not allowed to drink and Jihyo who can hold her liquor to the best of them. And her girl friend, who was singing "Fire" a while ago decided to straddle her in her seat while feeding her a shot of soju then kissed her like there was no tomorrow was also getting drunk.

Good thing they don't have to go home to the dorm or else everything will be such a big mess.
