Weaponized part 2

The sun was setting as Liam slowly made his way through the chaos at the school. He had been sitting at home, staring off with a million thoughts racing through his mind, when Mason had called him and told him that he had heard something was happening at school. Liam remembered that Scott and the others were all heading here for their PSAT's and began running over before Mason could finish. His eyes widened at all the police and CDC personnel running around. There were parents and other curious people that were all being kept back by some barricades.

"What's going on?" he asked a parent next to him.

"I don't know. They say that people are getting sick with some kind of plague. The whole building's locked down."

Liam's breath fell out of his lungs. "What about the people inside?" he asked.

"They're not saying anything."

Liam then began to move passed everyone and started to try and crawl under the barricade but he was quickly intercepted by Parrish.

"Whoa, whoa. You have to stay back."

Liam tried to see around him. "I have to get in there."

"Liam!" Liam and Parrish looked over to see that the Sheriff was moving over to them. "I got this one Parrish."

Parrish stood down and Liam ran over to Stiles' father. "Sheriff, what's going on?"

"Come with me." He pulled Liam away for some private words. "You shouldn't be here Liam," he whispered to him as he led him off.

"But Scott, Stiles, Malia and Kira are in there," Liam argued.

But Sheriff Stilinski held his hand to stop him. "Yeah, I know," he said stiffly. "Believe me Liam, I understand that you want to go in there and help them but we can't. Especially not you."


"Liam, what I'm about to tell you is breaking more than a few rules but I think this case more than warrants an exception. Officially, the school is under quarantine because of a virus."

"And unofficially?" Liam asked.

"The people are falling ill in there because someone is using a viral weapon. One specifically for werewolves."

Liam's face paled as he stiffened a bit. "You don't mean-"

The Sheriff nodded. "An assassin hoping to cash in on the Deadpool. You shouldn't get to the school Liam, we can't have you getting infected too."

"Scott, Stiles, the girls, are they-?"

He shook his head. "I don't know," he sighed out. "They're not letting anyone but CDC personnel in and all communications have cut off so I can't even call to check." But then his eyes widened. "Liam, do you think can hear inside for them?"

"You mean, listen for their voices?"

He nodded. "Stiles and Scott do it all the time."

"I don't know." Liam hadn't learned how to do that yet. He looked to the school and tried to let his hearing pick up their voices, but all he heard were the loud voices of all the people around them talking, loud banging noises of people moving equipment around or shutting doors. It was all blended together and was barely making sense to him. And they were getting louder and irritating to his ears. Liam's scrunched his eyes shut and shook his head to block it out. "No," he gasped out as moved to cover his ears.

"You don't hear them?"

"I can't, I hear everything. There's just so much."

The Sheriff held his hand to him. "Okay, enough Liam. Stop, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Liam could hear the disappointment in his tone. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's not your fault," the man sighed.

"I just wish I could help. Like they helped me." Liam sighed but looked up when he felt the man put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"For now, being here is enough. Now, go and stay behind the barricade. If anything turns up, I'll come and find you, okay?"

"Okay." Liam nodded before he turned and made his way over to where the people were still waiting.


Scott, Stiles, Kira and Malia were making their way down the stairs for the basement while Mr. Yukimura went to help with keeping all the students calm. They got to the area that was on the blueprint and started to check the walls. They ran their hands along bricks, and knocked their knuckles against sheetrock for any indication for an entrance into the vault. Stiles was looking behind a shelf when he moved a box over and saw a carving in the wall.

"Guys," he called out to them. "Over here." They moved the shelf over and they saw that there was a light engraving of a seal with a triskelion in the center. Right in the middle of the three spirals was a contraption with holes. "It's just like the entrance outside. It only opens with claws. Anyone's claws, right?" he asked as he looked over at Scott.

Scott stiffened. No, it wasn't anyone's claws. It would only open with claws from someone in the Hale family. That was why Kate had to use Derek to bring her there. And, right now, there was only one Hale with them. Stiles narrowed his eyes at him and Scott sighed but gave a subtle nod.

"Um," Scott said before he and Stiles looked over at Malia. "Malia, can you try?"

"Why me?" she asked.

Scott held up his hand. "I don't have control."

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, me neither, see?" he said bringing his hands out to show that he still couldn't shift at will.

She nodded. "Okay." The two of them sighed in relief. "But first, tell me what you've been hiding from me."

"What?" Stiles mumbled nervously as he quickly tensed up.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I know you think that you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it." Scott and Stiles tried to avoid looking at one another and give anything away. Malia just shook her head and sighed at them. "I know I'm on the list."

That made the two of them, and Kira, sigh in some relief. Scott lightly tapped Stiles' shoulder and he decided to run with it.

He nodded. "Yes," Stiles breathed out.

Malia pulled back a bit. "So, how much?"

"How much what?" Stiles asked her.

"How much am I worth?"

"Four million," Scott answered.

Malia then froze and diverted her eyes to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked as he took a concerned step towards her.

Malia was silent for a second before she looked back up at him and nodded. "Yeah," she said a little brightly. "Scott's worth 20 million, Lydia is 15, you're worth 10, and Kira's 6. Liam, he's on the list, right?" Stiles nodded. "How much is he?"

"Five million," Stiles told her.

"Great. Then that means they'll go after all of you guys before me."

Kira and Scott just stared after her as she made her way to the wall.

Stiles nodded and scratched the back of his head. He guessed that was a positive spin to put on something so grim. He turned and looked over to see that the others were now looking at him, with speechless looks on them. He shrugged. "It's progress," Stiles calmly told them. "That's progress."

Malia brought out her claws and inserted them in the holes. She then began to turn it and they started to hear the sound of something clicking inside the wall. Once Malia was done turning it, the lock was pushed inside and the wall slid open. Inside was the Hale Vault as they had remembered seeing it. After the four of them stepped inside, the wall closed behind them.


Melissa met with Deaton and Satomi as they brought her beta into the hospital. Melissa cringed at the sight of the infected werewolf. She didn't want to imagine that this is what Scott and Stiles were looking like right now.

"This isn't what's happening at the school, is it?" she asked them.

Deaton narrowed his eyes in confusion. "The school? It's Saturday."

"They're taking the PSAT's."

Deaton widened his eyes as it seemed like the situation was more grim then he realized. The beta on the stretcher then started to have more blackened blood flood from his mouth.

"I think we need to hurry," Satomi told them.

They then pushed the stretcher into the elevator to try and get him to the room where Derek was waiting for them. Melissa started to frantically push the button to try and get the elevator moving faster. Behind her, she didn't see that the beta was shaking even more harshly before his body went still. But she did hear his last big gasp of air, which made her own muscles relax. She looked back to see that Satomi was now silently crying over the body of her dead beta.

As for Melissa, she tried not to imagine her son or Stiles looking like this, with their mouths blackened and their eyes staring blankly up at her. She didn't think she could handle that.


Scott was just sitting against a shelf of the vault while Kira was pacing herself in a corner of the room. Scott was trying to not think of what was going on, while Kira wanted to keep herself distracted by looking through all the contents on the shelves so as not go into a panic. Malia was laying on the ground with her head planted firmly on Stiles' lap as she tried to take a small nap. He was sitting with her, his ears picking through the muffling sounds of the people dealing with the quarantine above. After about 15 minutes of it, he blocked it out.

Stiles moved to stroke the hair around Malia's resting face. "You know, there is where it started," he said all of a sudden. He pointed over to the safe. "That's where the money was. 117 Million in bearer bonds."

Kira was looking at a jar that seemed filled with dried mushrooms. "How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?" she asked as she picked it up to get a better look at them.

Stiles shook his head. "The bank, I guess. And it's all just been sitting here the whole time, collecting dust," he said a little bitterly. "You know bearer bonds are practically extinct?" Stiles explained.

Kira put the jar down and went to sit with Scott. "Why does that matter?"

"Well, do you know how many problems that money could solve?"

"For you?" she asked.

"Me and my dad." His eyes fell a bit. "The Eichen House and the MRI, those are crushing him. He's been trying to hide it from me, act like everything's okay, but I can smell his worry getting stronger every time he gets the mail or a notifying phone call," he all but mumbled.

Scott raised his head a bit. He then started speaking in a bit of a cracked voice. "Mom does this thing. She writes down all the items of our budget, how much they cost, then she adds it all up and figures out when we lose the house."

Stiles rose his eyes back up to meet Scott's. The bag filled with money that was under Scott's bed coming back to both of them.


The school was now being lit up with giant spotlights as night had completely fallen but the quarantine was still in full force. Liam was resting by a tree as he was trying his hardest not to panic. Someone had only tried to kill him just yesterday but Stiles and Malia helped to save him and Scott had been fighting to look for him. And now, someone was trying to kill them and Kira right now. He was right there, but he could do nothing to help them.


He turned around and saw that Lydia was running over to him. "Lydia? You're here."

"I just heard. Where can I find the Sheriff?" she asked as she took the mad scene of the quarantine in.

"Over there." He grabbed her hand and moved her over to where Stiles' dad had said he would be.

Noah Stilinski and Rafael McCall were watching the entrance where the CDC officers with hazmat suits were walking in and out.

"Why do you think another assassin is responsible?" Rafael asked him all of a sudden.

Noah gave him a side look and saw that Rafael was staring at him with calculating eyes, sizing him and his answer up. "Because Scott, Stiles, Kira and Malia are all in there. A lot of people are after them."

"Why? What possible reason could people like the Orphans or that Bomber be after them. They're just kids." He then remembered all the strange events of the last year and the confusion he had when he first came to town. "Does this have anything to do with our sons being connected to all of those strange animal attacks and murder cases? What, did they do something?"

"No. They didn't do anything," he said resolutely. "But it's not about who they are. They're being targeted because of what they are."

"What they are?" Rafael repeated. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

But the Sheriff didn't answer as someone started yelling.

"Sheriff!" they heard a girl cry out. "Sheriff!"

They turned around in time to see Liam leading Lydia over but a deputy was moving to stop them.

"Wait, I know this girl!" Noah cried out to them. "Let her and the boy through."

The deputy sighed but stepped aside and allowed Lydia and Liam to walk pass him. They got to the Sheriff and he pulled them aside. Rafael narrowed his eyes at that. From how Stilinski just acted, it had seemed as if help had just arrived.

"I rushed over as soon as I heard," Lydia told him.

"Thank you for coming." Noah then looked over at the school before looking back at the girl. "Lydia, I know I'm still kind of new to all of this, but I have to ask, are you picking up anything?"

"You mean if I'm feeling as if anyone is going to die?" She stared at the building with a small far off look. "Yes," she said in a small voice. "And it's not just a feeling."

Liam tensed up while Noah clenched his hand at his side. They had to get Scott, Stiles, Kira and Malia out of there. And fast. As for Rafael, he knew that Lydia was another piece to this ever confusing puzzle, and it looks as if there was a new one to add. Liam Dunbar, the boy that he remembered seeing around his son after they had caught Violet at the school. How did they all fit into this?


Malia had woken up and Kira moved to sit with her while the guys were leaning against the entrance into the basement.

Stiles narrowed his eyes as his ears listened to the commotion going in in the school. "Scott, something's up."

"What is it?"

"They're saying that no new people seem to be coming down with the disease."

"So what, it stopped spreading?"

"I don't know. This is so strange." His eyes started darting around as he kept sifting through the voices. "Kira's dad is talking about us," Stiles mumbled.

Scott searched through the voices and sounds until he locked in on Kira's dad. "Yeah. Someone is asking about us. They're all starting to look for us. Yukimura is trying to stall them but that's not going to work for long. One of us has to go up there." He then looked over to where the girls were sitting together. Malia seemed to be getting worse. She was sweating even harder and it didn't seem like she could get up. Scott turned to look at Stiles who was getting more worried and scared for her by the second. "We need to tell her the truth about Peter," he told him. Stiles turned to look back at him, his eyes hardening. "She's going to see the rest of the Deadpool eventually," he argued.

But Stiles stepped over to him. "Try and remember that Peter is the one name missing from that list. Which either makes him incredibly lucky or the Benefactor. Everyone else, including me and Liam, who wasn't even a werewolf when this started, gets put on that list but the Benefactor misses one of the guys he stole the money from in the first place? Especially when he got Derek. Besides, once Malia finds out about him, you know she'll go to him. Okay, we let him walk around, doing whatever he wants, like nothing ever happened. He acts like he's one of the good guys but he isn't."

"Peter helped us to save you, remember?" Scott tried to argue.

But Stiles wouldn't have it. "Yeah, but he only did that because he wanted to know about Malia, who knows what he's going to do now that he does."

"He's known about her for weeks." Scott remembered when he had introduced them. Peter had been shocked to actually meet her but had been on his best behavior, (well what qualifies for him as his best behavior). "He hasn't done or said anything."

"Everything he does is for a reason," Stiles hissed. "What if the reason that he hasn't said anything is because he's waiting for Malia to come to the truth on her own. Or for one of us to tell her and she decides to go to him and he could get into her head. That's what he did to Derek. That's what he wanted to do to me and tried to do to you." Scott sighed while Stiles kept baring on him. "Scott, we can't trust him. If you really believed we could, then why haven't you told him about the money yet?"

Scott shook his head. "I...I don't know."

"I think you do," Stiles mumbled. "Scott, if you really want to keep it, then keep it. If you want to give it back to Peter, then give it back to him. But decide on your own. It wasn't cool for you to drag me in and try and use me like that."

Scott turned to look up at Stiles' hurt face. He was about to say something but he started to wobble a bit. Stiles rushed over to keep him from falling down. Scott's eyes were blinking and everything was getting a bit blurred. Stiles' nose twitched as he smelled fresh blood. Scott then raised his hand to show that blood was leaking right out of his fingernails.

"Wha-" Scott mumbled as his legs started to fall under his under his own weight.

"Whoa," Stiles said as he tried to steady him. "Kira," he called out.

Kira moved from where she had been sitting with Malia and helped Stiles move Scott to sit at the wall. Her eyes stuck on the blood oozing from her boyfriend's fingers. "This isn't good, is it?"

"Not one bit," Stiles muttered. He wiped at his forehead which had started to sweat a bit more and his breathing was a little deeper now.

"What about you?" Kira asked him.

Stiles checked his own fingers and tested himself by walking a few paces. "I can still walk and I'm not bleeding. I think it's hitting me a bit slower."

"Or maybe it's because it looked like you were the last of us who got infected?" Kira put in.

Stiles shrugged. "Maybe. I just wish I knew how we got infected." He ran his hand to wipe at his face. "They're starting to ask for us back up there. One of us has to go and stall."

"You go," Kira told him. "I'll stay here with them."

Stiles nodded before he went over to Malia. She was now curled up into herself, like she was freezing in her sleep. He quickly went over and tried to stir her up. "Hey," he mumbled to her as she blinked a bit at him. "I'm only going to gone for a few, okay?"

"Where are you going?" she whispered to him.

"Whatever's happening, it seems to be hitting us harder than the people back up there. That means we're not just getting sick. It's another assassin." Malia then ran her hand along his clothed sleeve to his chest and when Stiles grasped it, he saw that it was cold. "Here," he said as he went to take his jacket off. He went and wrapped it around her and then fixed her hair a bit.

"You're coming back, right?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. I'll never leave you behind."

Stiles then went and gave Malia a soft kiss at her forehead and then let his own forehead lean into hers. Their noses rubbed against each other as they stayed connected for a second before he started to get back up. As he pulled away she kept her grip on his hand before he, regretfully, separated from her. She then tightened her hold over Stiles' jacket as he moved and exited the vault through the door into the basement. He gave her one last look before it slid closed behind him.

Malia laid back down onto the ground where she started to fold in deeper on herself. She pulled on the jacket and heard something crinkle. She reached into a pocket and saw that there was a piece of paper inside.

Scott noticed her pull it out and realized that Stiles still had a copy of the Deadpool, the last piece that he had gotten from Lydia, with Malia's name on it. "Malia," he cried out to her. She started unfolding it to look at it and Scott was scared that she had just found out the truth, from a piece of paper instead of from them.

But Malia shook her head and stared up at him. "I can't see. I can't see anything!" she cried out in a panic.

Scott tried to reach out for her but saw that everything outside the reach of his hand was dimming. Everything was blurry and he looked down at his hand to see that it was fading before his very eyes. He blinked them and saw that there were spots of black forming everywhere. They were going blind!


Melissa had taken them all to an empty operating room where she and Deaton went to work, trying to analyze the beta's body. They had to find out how the virus worked so that they could come up with a way to cure and protect everyone else from it. They had to saw his head open to see what had happened to his brain. Satomi flinched when her beta's dead eyes were covered up with the skin of his own scalp.

Deaton looked inside and stiffened. "I think I know what this is," he told Melissa. She seemed relieved but Deaton was only more worried. "But, if I'm right then for Scott and the rest of the infected, it's not good. They're going to die without an antidote."

Back in Braeden's room, Derek was quietly watching her as she seemed to have fallen back asleep. Derek didn't even realize he was staring until Braeden cleared her throat and snapped him out of it. Braeden opened her eyes lightly to stare at him as he tried to not look like he had been doing that to her for a while now.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked as she adjusted herself a bit.

"Uh, protecting my investment," he told her. "I've got a lot of money riding out on you."

But they were interrupted with a knock on the door. They looked over in time to see Melissa walking in.

"Derek, I think there's someone here you've been trying to find."

She then stepped aside to allow Satomi into the room. She smiled as she laid eyes on Derek, who could just stare back, speechless.

"Derek," she said lightly to him. "My, you've grown."

"Satomi," he muttered back.

But Melissa quickly cut in. "I'm sorry. I know that you two would like to catch up but we need you to come with us. Deaton's found something."

They quickly took Derek over so he could see the body of the beta himself. As Derek looked at the body, he saw that it looked just like the other betas that he and Malia had run into in the woods that night.

"It's a variant of canine distemper," Deaton explained. "A few years ago, an outbreak in Yellowstone killed forty percent of the wolf population."

"What's it going to do to our wolf population?" Melissa hissed out.

"Well it's been altered to infect quite a bit faster."

"You mean it's been weaponized," said Derek.

Satomi turned to him. "It infected my whole pack."

"Everyone except for you," Deaton put in. "That's the real question. Did you not get infected, or are you immune?"

Satomi shrunk a little. "Personally, I'd rather face the barrel of a gun then a variant of smallpox."

"Well, it sounds like you're going to get plenty of chances," Melissa told her.

Satomi sighed a bit sadly before she turned to look at Derek again. She was staring and it caught Derek's attention. She quickly turned away. "Sorry," she said a little embarrassed. "I just noticed how much you remind me of Talia." That made him smile. "I used to visit her a lot. Do you remember me?"

"Uh, I remember the tea. You always brought that tea that smelled terrible."

She laughed a little. "I brought that tea as a gift. Your mother loved it."

"A friend of mine is making sure that my sister Cora drinks some of it every now and then."

"Oh, yes. I know your friend. I gave her the recipe for it a few years ago. She tells me she uses it most of the time. It would certainly go a good way with easing your sister's case," she said pointedly.

Derek could see from the way she said that and from the way she was eyeing him, that she was silently trying to tell him that she knew. She knew that Cora was pregnant. But, he could also see that Satomi was also trying to tell him that the secret would be safe with her.

But Deaton was taken aback. "What kind of tea was it?"

Everyone was surprised at his sudden question. And by the look of urgency on his face.

"What?" Satomi asked.

"The tea, the smell, what kind was it?"

"Reshi," she told him. "Wild purple reshi. It's very rare."

He smiled. "And it's also a powerful remedy for sickness. Satomi, you didn't get infected because you were inoculated."

Which would mean that it could be used to help treat this virus.

"Okay, okay, how rare is it?" Melissa quickly asked her. "Can we find it?"

Derek shook his head. "We don't have to. My mother kept some of it. It's in our vault."


Stiles was staggering up the stairs until he got back to the ground floor. He felt a pressure in his head and he went to rest it against the cool concrete wall opposite him and took a few deep breaths. After a moment, he pushed himself from it and started to move off to try and find Mr. Yukimura. He decided to check with where the sick were being laid and didn't find him but Ms. Martin. He approached her and her eyes widened when she took him in.

"Stiles? You're not looking so good. Maybe you should lie down."

But Stiles shook his head. "No, it's alright. Have you seen Mr. Yukimura?" he asked her quickly.

"Yeah, he's fine. He's helping the other students."

"Okay," he breathed. Stiles was about to head on over there when he stopped and noticed Coach on his gurney. He then took a second to go over all the people who had to be sent here and realized that Coach was different from all of them. "Is Coach the only adult that got sick?"

"As far as I know."

"Why is he the only one?" he mumbled.

Ms. Martin, seeing Stiles closer up, saw that he was sickly pale and was sweating quite heavily. The skin around his eyes were also starting to swell a bit. "Stiles," she said taking him by his arm and moving for an empty gurney. "Maybe you should lie down."

Stiles just pulled away from her. "No I'm good. I gotta go."

He didn't waste another moment and went to leave the room. If another assassin was behind this virus, then they had to infect them with it, and did something that had infected the other students as well. Coach got sick too which means he did something that the students also did but the other teachers didn't. He had to know what, and since he was found in his office, that was the best place to start.

He threw himself into the room and started to look around for anything that looked, smelled, felt, heard, hell even tasted out of the ordinary. But as he was looking in Coach's personal locker, Stiles felt something rising in his throat. He then fell on all fours down on the floor and was hacking out something. He opened his eyes to find that that he had spat up black blood. He had seen this before, when Derek had been poisoned. His body was trying to heal itself. Stiles started to cough a bit at the sight and he moved to wipe his mouth clean when his eyes widened. Underneath his hand, he could feel that his teeth had shifted. He put his other hand on top of the desk to pull himself up. He looked over to Coach's locker to see his reflection on the mirror of the door. He saw that not only were his fangs out but his eyes were also glowing blue. He tried to blink them away but he couldn't make them go away.

He went to move but the hand that was holding to the desk slipped on the papers that it was resting on and Stiles quickly managed to catch himself before his face fell on the desk. He looked at the papers he had tossed around and saw they were slips, and they were stamped. He saw that most were red until it looked like the ink had gone dry on one and the rest were black. He then noticed that there were black smudges on Coach's mug. His fingers must've gotten onto the ink pad. He then realized that the ink was the connection. Only the students got sick because they had dipped their hands into the ink for registering, just like Coach had. That was how they got infected. He then remembered how strange he thought it was that they had to take thumbprints to register themselves for this test and the proctor had said that it was new. The assassin was the test proctor.

"Son of a bitch," he coughed out.

"Yes, I was wondering how that idiot got sick." Stiles quickly turned around and found himself facing the Chemist who had a gun ready in his hand as he was fastening a silencer to it. "Where are your friends? After all, in order to receive my payment from the Benefactor, I need to have proof they're dead."

Stiles then remembered the tape that Scott had found with the money. "Visual confirmation." Stiles realized that this guy had been the one to start the look for them because he needed to get proof they were taken out so he could get paid.

The man pointed the silenced gun at him. "Exactly."


Noah was still standing outside the school, with Rafael next to him, when he started getting a call. Rafael saw that the ID belonged to Melissa a moment before the Sheriff quickly answered it.

"Yeah, anything?" he asked. "Uh huh," he nodded. Noah seemed to be listening with intensive precision before he sighed. "Okay, I'll try and let them know." He then hung up.

"What's happening?"

"I'll tell you later, I promise. But right now, I got to find a way into the school and let them know what Melissa found."

"They're not going to let you in," Rafael pointed out. His eyes then locked in one of the doctors being helped out of his suit and it being placed on a rack. "But I might have a way in."

"What? Tell me."

"No, I'm going in."

Noah glared at him. "McCall, we don't time for this."

"Time for what? What is going on Stilinski? I want to know. No more dodging or delaying."

"If we don't get to our sons and their friends soon, they will die. That's what's going on."

Rafael was glaring at Noah before he nodded. "Okay. Then tell me what Melissa said."

"She said to tell them that there is an antidote. It's on one of the shelves in the vault. Reshi mushrooms. They have to get to them."

Rafael was taken aback. "What in the hell is all that supposed to mean?"

"You don't have to understand it, just tell them. She also said that they don't have much time."

That made Rafael start moving. "Alright, I'm on my way."

"And McCall," he said making him stop. "Just tell them the message. Don't get in their way. They won't have much time."

Rafael watched him with narrowed eyes for a moment before he ran to go through with his plan to get inside the quarantine.

Lydia was standing with Liam over at a corner and she noticed that he letting his head bounce off the tree he was leaning against with a grim look on his face.

"You okay?" she asked him.

Liam kept his gaze down as he shook his head. "No. Last night, Scott and Stiles fought against assassins to try and save my life. Stiles, Malia, her father and Derek helped to pull me out of that well and got me to Scott's boss to be healed. I'd be dead now if it wasn't for them. And, all I'm doing right now is standing out here like a loser when they could be dying right now."

"I know," she said to him. "Believe me Liam, I get it."

"No, you don't." Liam finally looked up at her with softened eyes. "When the Sheriff went to you, you were able to at least do something for him. Me? I couldn't even listen out for their voices when the Sheriff asked me to. Everything was all so jumbled, confusing and loud."

"Liam, you've only been werewolf for not even two weeks. You just need to work at it."

"Scott says that I have to work on not using any of it. He said that I had to focus on not letting myself get angry. That I'm supposed to just keep myself calm and be normal. He wants me to try and stay out of this."

"And...what do you want to do?"

Liam sighed. "I can't be normal. I've tried doing that before. As soon as I learned about my IED, I tried to block it out and pretend I didn't have it but I couldn't. I can't pretend that I wasn't a freak with rage issues so how can I pretend that I'm not one with fangs and claws? I mean, how am I supposed to be normal with all of this?" he said gesturing to the chaos of the quarantine.

Lydia shook her head. "Scott's just trying to look out for you."

"But I can't just stay home and act like all of this isn't going on. And I want to learn."

"I know," she said softly. Lydia guessed that Scott was trying to live through Liam. That if he couldn't be a normal kid because of all this, then Liam at least could. But Lydia guessed it might be out of Liam's reach too, especially with his name in the Deadpool and worth 5 million dollars. He had to know how to use what he had and protect himself. At that, Lydia guessed that she should look into finding some way to protect herself too. After all, she was in the Deadpool also and worth 15 million. "Stiles," she said.


"Ask Stiles to help you."


She nodded. "Yeah. I mean, if you really want to learn then he might be the best one to teach you. I mean, he was the one who helped teach Scott in the first place."

Liam's eyes widened. "He did?"

She nodded. "He's also been teaching Malia. He's even tried to help to teach me a few times. I'm sure that he could teach you how to be a werewolf."

"But, what if he can't teach me? Or if he doesn't want to help me?"

"Try asking him. What have you got to lose?" She then looked back at the school. "But let's just hope you get the chance to try."


Suddenly, Bobby Finstock started to cough and sit up in his gurney. His face seemed cleared up and he wasn't foaming at the mouth anymore.

"What the hell is going on?" he gasped out.

One by one, all the humans that had fallen ill to the virus were starting to come to and show signs of improvement.

Ms. Martin was with Sydney and helped her to sit up when she started stirring. She looked at her arm to find that the skin was cleared up. "They're gone."

"Can I take the test again now?" Sydney asked her eagerly.

Ms. Martin just gave her an amused smile before she stepped out.

"They're getting better," she said to a nearby CDC medic. "They're all getting better."

But the same could not be said for the supernaturals in the school.

In the vault, Malia was starting to crawl around, trying to feel for any of her friends. "What's happening to us?!" she cried out.

Kira crawled up to a support beam and used it to try and keep herself steady. "I can't see," she hissed out. "I can't see. Scott!"

Scott was trying to pull himself onto his feet by using the shelves as a support. Scott could vividly make out some of the light overhead, but everything else was mostly blurry blobs.


The Chemist smiled as he looked Stiles over. "I must say Mr. Stilinski, I am indeed surprised. I thought that you would be reduced to at least a crawling mess by now. Granted, you seem to be quite under the weather. Your eyes and your teeth are obviously abnormal, but you're at least still standing and it's been at least 8 hours since you've been exposed."

Stiles glared at him. "What can I say, I must have an iron clad constitution."

That made the madman chuckle. "You know, in the natural world, disease effects the immune system in different ways. There are those that fatally succumb to the infection while there are some that are immune. And then there are those that get sick, display symptoms, but are able to fight the infection and recover over time."

Stiles let out a sniffle. "Guess I'm fighting it off then," he said in a cracking voice.

The Chemist just shook his head and didn't lose his smile. "No. This is a weaponized virus. I tweaked it so it wouldn't kill humans. They can get sick but they'll get better. Werewolves on the other hand, they never do. Your body might be attempting to heal itself, but it will succumb and shut down eventually. If anything, it shows how unlucky you are. For your friends, death will come quick. For you, well, you're only prolonging your own suffering. I'm sure that you're feeling the weight of the virus as we speak." Stiles tried to move a bit but found himself needing to lean on the Coach's desk to keep his feet flat on the floor. The Chemist took a step into the room. "Now, tell me where your friends are Mr. Stilinski?" he asked as he pointed the gun for Stiles' heart.

"Or what? You'll kill me?" Stiles spat out.

"Oh, I'll be killing you, for sure. After all, you're worth quite a lot and I won't run the risk of letting someone else get you and your bounty. That's why I had to kill your previous assailant."

"The bomb guy? That was you?"

"Yes. Now tell me where your friends are, and I'll make the pain stop."

Stiles licked his chapped lips. The corners of his lips now had drying traces of black blood on them. "So, tell you where my friends are and kill me or don't tell you and let me die. I gotta say, both kind of suck, but I think I'll take the one where you only get 10 million for your trouble instead of 40. Besides, pain and I are old friends. I can take this for however long I have left."

The Chemist narrowed his eyes at him. "You think you have nothing to left to lose Mr. Stilinski? That you are holding all the cards, I'm afraid not. I still have plenty left in this school to put in my hand. Like perhaps Lydia's mother. Kira's father. They're both still in here. Perhaps watching as I hold this gun at Ms. Martin or Mr. Yukimura might change your mind? It's too late for you and your friends, but don't you think that at least everyone else in this building should live?"

Stiles let a cough loose as his hand grazed the Coach's mug. He narrowed his eyes at it before his blue eyes went up and met the Chemist's. "Go to hell."

Stiles then grabbed the mug and flung it at the man. He quickly ducked out of the way as the mug flew past him and smashed against the door's molding beside him. Stiles then charged at him. The Chemist tried to shoot him but the shot went off to the side harmlessly as they both fell back into the locker room. The Chemist sat up and tried to shoot at Stiles again but Stiles whacked at the man's hand and he screamed. Stiles' hands now had his claws out even though Stiles hadn't meant to bring them out. The claws had cut into the Chemist's lower wrist and made him lose grip on his gun. It slid off a few feet from them and Stiles quickly launched himself at the assassin again and tried to knock him out with a punch but the Chemist caught it and pushed him away. The Chemist reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade and tried to drive it into Stiles' neck. Stiles reached for his wrist to stop him and the Chemist moved to try and put his body weight behind the thrust. Stiles moved both his hands to try and stop him as he grit his fanged teeth to keep the blade from piecing him. It was now four inches over his neck and Stiles tried to put his full strength into pushing this man off but he could feel it all slipping away from him.

"As I said, no werewolf fights my disease off for long," the Chemist hissed as he kept pushing down to try and drive the knife into Stiles' throat. "After I kill you, I must remember to get a blood sample so I could better advance my virus." Stiles let out a pained and desperate yell as his hands were starting to shake and the knife was getting lower, hovering over his throat. "You fought well Mr. Stilinski. Take some solace in that."

Stiles felt the blade start to graze his skin and he let out a frightened gasp. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and Stiles felt something warm and wet spread across the front of his face. He opened his eyes to see that there was a big red hole in the front of the Chemist's head as he was gazing down at him. Stiles quickly pushed the man off him and looked over to see that there was a man in a hazmat suit by the locker room entrance. And he was holding a gun. For a wild second, he thought that it was another assassin. Stiles hurriedly got to his feet and readied his claws and growled at him. The guy in the suit only took off his helmet and revealed himself as Scott's father. Stiles tensed up and tried to cover his teeth and put his clawed hands away but his blue eyes were still shining in all their glory.

Rafael was just staring at Stiles with wide eyes and his lower lip was quivering. "What the hell?" he managed to gasp out.

"Where did you come from?" Stiles coughed out. "Why are you here?"

Rafael just pointed at him and seemed to be at a loss for words as he looked from the glowing eyed boy to the body of the man that he had just shot who was trying to kill him. Stiles then started coughing heavily which seemed to make Rafael remember why he was here in the first place. "Uh, Melissa called your father. Said that there is an antidote."

Stiles raised his head up. "An antidote? What?"

"I don't know. She told your father that it was Reshi mushrooms. You'll find them in the vault. That you, Scott, Kira and Malia have to get to the vault. They're on the shelves."

Stiles' blue eyes widened. The cure for what was happening to them was next to them the whole time. "I got to go." he coughed.

Before he could start moving, Rafael grabbed him. "But Stiles! What is going on? What is this?" he quickly asked but Stiles yanked his arm away.

"I gotta go!" he yelled as he pulled himself away from him and started to fumble out of the locker room.

Rafael was just left there, with the dead body by his feet, and that image of a glowing eyed, bestial looking boy burned into his retinas.


Derek and Satomi made their way out of the operating room when Melissa finished relaying the message to the Sheriff.

"I have to get to the school," Derek told her.

"But what about the others at lookout point?" Satomi asked. There were still a few members of her pack up there who had luckily been away from the others when the viral attack began.

The elevator doors opened ahead of them and they looked to see a blond haired woman calmly exiting the elevator as she went to pull out a gun on them. They quickly reacted. Derek jumped out of the way while Satomi brought out her blade to intercept the bullets as they came for her. In the room, Deaton pulled Melissa to a corner and kept her shielded while he looked through the windows on the doors. The assassin kept shooting bullet after bullet but Satomi moved to quickly knock each one away with pin point accuracy. Her blade made a fierce whistling sound as she whirled it through the air and got closer to the shooter with every step.ย 

The shooter got nervous and frantically tried to hit her but nothing could stop Satomi from driving the blade through the woman's neck.

When the shooting stopped, Derek, Deaton and Melissa came out of their hiding spots to see that the assassin's body was now on the ground and Satomi was twirling her bloodstained blade, impressively, in her hand.

She smiled at them. "I may have controlled my anger but I still know when to use it."


Stiles was keeping his head down as he ran to the basement to make sure no one else caught sight of his eyes. As he hurried down the stairs, he had slipped on a step and fell off and landed on the floor of the basement landing.

"Scott!" Stiles cried as he grit his fanged teeth and pulled himself forward. "Scott, open the vault!' he cried as he caught sight of the entrance.

Scott was on the other side, crawling for the entrance as well, with black veins now visible on his neck. "Stiles," he coughed out.

Stiles heard him. "Scott! The antidote. It's reshi mushrooms. It's in there. In the vault, on one of the shelves. It's in a jar. Open the door. We have to get to it!" Stiles managed to get to the wall and pulled himself to his knees. He started pounding against it desperately. "Scott, let me in!" Stiles kept whacking at the wall, trying to get inside. He could hear heartbeats inside, but they were slowing down and their power was dimming. "Scott! Malia! Kira!" he said, pounding his clawed palms against the wall with every name. Stiles then started coughing again and felt himself starting to slip to the floor, his claws leaving a thin white trail mark as they ran down. Stiles was shaking as the floor beneath him started getting fuzzy.

Kira was in the middle of the floor, fidgeting. "Reshi mushrooms? A jar, I think I saw that. It's on the shelf." She pointed out the general direction.

Scott stirred himself up and forced himself to his feet before leaning back against the wall. He then shook his head and brought out his red eyes. Suddenly, everything was all infared. He could make out Kira and Malia, writhing in agony on the ground. He then looked over to the shelves and noticed that something was glowing. He forced himself to it, tumbling and almost falling to his face with every step, but he pushed on. Leaning on whatever support he could find as he got. He managed to make it to the shelf but couldn't pull himself to be level with where the jar was. His legs had given out. He reached as high as he could, trying to feel for the jar. His hand grazed it but when he tried to grab it, it fell off and the jar shattered on the floor. As soon as it did, it's dust started to fill in the room and Scott was the first to breathe it in.

Outside, Stiles was leaning against the wall, his head lazily wobbling back and forth. His eyes were no longer glowing, and his claws and teeth were gone, but he could feel everything slipping. Stiles blinked his eyes as he tried not to lose focus but everything was still going in and out of being fuzzy. Suddenly, the door behind him started to slide open and Stiles jolted forward when Scott started to crawl out. He was still heaving but the black veins were gone and he could see again. He then lifted his hand to reveal some dust. He threw it on Stiles and he breathed it in. Stiles closed his eyes as he took in the reshi and he opened them back up to find that everything was getting clearer again.

Scott took in Stiles' face and saw that he was covered in blood. Fresh blood. Stiles saw that Scott was staring and realized that he must look a mess after what had happened in the locker room and started to quickly wipe his face off with his sleeve.


The school was out of lockdown and there was a stampede of all the students, eager to finally get out of there. The only three who were trying to get in where Lydia, Liam, and the Sheriff.

"Excuse me, excuse us," the Sheriff said as he tried to lead the two kids behind him inside the sea of escaping people.

Lydia got through the wave and her eyes widened at the person talking with the CDC. "Mom? Mom!" she cried as she ran to her mother. The two of them went into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry," Natalie said as she held her daughter. "I'm so sorry." They then separated and she smiled at her. "I was just trying to get a little overtime."

Lydia smiled back and went in for another hug.

Liam was looking down the hall and checking every classroom they passed. "I don't see them anywhere. Where are they?"

"Check the basement." Stilinski told him. "They're probably still down there."

"Okay," Liam nodded and started to jog over to the stairs that led to the basement.

As for Noah, he started to look around on the ground floor, trying to find where Rafael had disappeared to when he stumbled into the locker room and found a surprising sight. On the floor was a dead man, a small pool of blood around the area of his head, with a silenced gun not too far away as well as a switchblade. Rafael was sitting on one of the changing benches, hunched over.


Rafael looked up at him and Noah saw that he seemed shaken. "Your son...he, he was."

He understood what must've happened. "You saw something."

But he ran a hand furiously through his hair. "I couldn't have. I couldn't have seen what I saw."

"But you did."

Rafael's eyes narrowed a bit. "Earlier, you said that these assassins were after our boys, not because of who they were, but what they were. Are you saying that my son is..." The Sheriff's eyes dropped a bit, but he nodded. "What are they? What's happened to them?"

"I'll explain it all to you. But, right now, maybe it's best that we talk about it away from the boys first. They and their friends have enough on their plate right now."


Malia was sitting up, breathing better and wasn't sweating anymore. Stiles walked on in as Scott was moving to check on Kira. Stiles saw that Malia seemed to just be staring out into space.

"Malia?" he asked as he bent down next to her. She didn't react to him. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked as he gently moved his hand to her shoulder.

That finally made Malia react. She looked up at him and then grabbed his hand, and pulled it off of her. She then stood up and started to walk away from him, without looking back. Stiles just stared after her, with a pained look on his face.

At the entrance, Liam came over and was breathing hard, from both tiredness and excitement. "Oh, found you guys." Malia came over and didn't react to him. She just kept walking passed him.

"Liam?" Scott asked, still holding onto Kira.

"Yeah," he nodded. "The Sheriff helped me in. I wanted to help but..." he trailed off before he looked over to where Malia walked out. "What happened?"

Stiles noticed that there was a folded paper where Malia had been laying and picked it up. He saw that it was the Deadpool. The part that had her name on it. Stiles must've forgotten that he had it still in his jacket pocket. She had seen her name. Her name listed as Malia Hale.

Scott sighed as he saw it too. He moved and took Kira with him, to leave the vault. It looked like Stiles needed to be alone right now. As the two of them left, Liam stayed by the doorway, watching as Stiles crumbled the paper up in his hand. He started breathing a little harshly before he just went and took that hand and slammed it down into the floor, hard. So hard, that there was a crack in it from where he made impact.

He heard a small yelp from behind him and he sniffed before wiping his nose with his other hand. "Liam," he called out.

Liam had been backing away but froze when Stiles said his name. "Yeah?"

"My dad's upstairs?"

"Yeah," he said quickly. "He wants to see you."

Stiles nodded before he stood up and turned to head on out of the vault. "Yeah, I want to see him too." Some drops of blood were falling from the cut open knuckles of his hand while they started to slowly knit themselves closed. "Let's get out of here then," Stiles mumbled to him. "I've had enough of this place."

Liam quickly nodded as he saw Stiles walking towards him as if he hadn't just punched a small indent in the stone floor. Liam's nose twitched as he smelled the blood from Stiles' hand but he could see that Stiles was handling it. Liam guessed that doing that had to have hurt but his face gave nothing away. Maybe Lydia was right. Maybe he should ask for Stiles' help with his powers. Though, something tells him that maybe right now wasn't the right time.

The two of them stepped out of the vault and the door slid itself closed after them.


A/N: Do you all like the new cover with just Scott and Stiles, or would you prefer I go back to the one with the two of them with Derek? Let me know.
