The Benefactor part 2

Stiles pulled his jeep up to the house and waited for Scott to climb inside. Scott could already feel the full moon's effects and it wasn't even at its highest point yet. He looked over at Stiles and saw he seemed relatively at ease. His brow was narrowed a bit in concentration but other than that, he seemed calm. Stiles himself saw that Scott looked little worse for wear though he seemed stiff after he closed the door behind him.

"You okay?" Stiles asked him as Scott settled in the seat

"Yeah," he huffed out. "You?"

Stiles nodded his head. "Yeah." He then went and started to drive them off to pick up Malia. As he was driving Stiles looked over to see that Scott was staring off. "Scott, it'll be okay. It's not like this will be the first time we help someone during their first full moon."

Scott let a deep breath out. "It's different this time."

"Because you're the one that turned him?" Scott shrunk a bit more into himself. Stiles' face softened a bit.

Scott shook his head as he kept his gaze out at the passing houses, not really looking at anything. "I still can't believe I actually did that. Turned someone."

"Well Scott, what were you supposed to do? Let Liam fall to his death?"

"I could've found some other way to save him. He was right. The only reason he was even there was because I broke his ankle and sent him to the hospital."

" can't be too hard on yourself. Besides, you had to know this was eventually going to happen, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, you're an Alpha," he reminded him. "Alphas make their own packs, you know that."

"I already have," he argued softly.

But Stiles shook his head. "Not really Scott. I mean, me, Lydia, Malia, Kira, we all just kind of came to you ourselves. We volunteered. You never recruited us. I don't think the alpha in you felt it was official until you made one for yourself. One to take in from the ground up."

"Yeah, well with Liam, I don't think I'm off to a great start."

"Maybe that's because you were taking leaves out of Peter and Derek's books." Stiles then gave Scott a condescending look. "Catching Liam's attention and then pulling a disappearing act, that was pure Peter and we know how his reign as Alpha turned out. And that whole 'The Bite is a gift' and 'We're brothers now', Derek tried that and it didn't exactly make you trust and come running to him for help as soon as he said that to you." 

"Then what I am supposed to do?"

Stiles shrugged. "Hey, you're the Alpha, you tell me what you're going to do."

Scott let his head roll helplessly against the window as they drove on.


Kira pulled her car up to Liam's place to pick him up. As Kira drove, she had the radio on with at a pretty low standard volume so she could try to speak to Liam.

"We're almost at Lydia Martin's lake house. Well, actually it's her grandmother's lake house but she's dead so it's okay." Her eyes then widened. "I mean it's not okay that she's dead. Unless she was in pain," she finished with a smile.

But Liam hardly paying much attention to what Kira was saying. He was shrinking and cringing as he felt that the music was blasting out at a near deafening volume. He went to try and muffle the sound in his left ear. "Can you turn the music down?" he said a little loudly.

Kira gave a look at the radio and saw that it was already pretty down so she thought she must've heard wrong. "You want me to turn the music up?"

Liam then blinked and the music's volume dropped suddenly before Kira could even touch it. What had that been about? Suddenly, he had flashes of his confrontation with Scott and Stiles earlier that day. Trying to warn him. But he tried to blink it all away when his phone buzzed. He went and saw that Mason had sent him a text, asking where he was. He then started to type his response. "Uh, who did you say was coming to this party?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, everyone," she said with a wide smile.

Liam narrowed his eyes. He didn't know why, but something in him was saying that Kira just lied to him. He let his eyes wander off and he found himself looking at his face in the car door window next to him. His face was illuminated by the light of the full moon and he found himself feeling warmer, breathing harder, and getting angry.

Kira noticed how Liam was acting and moved to drive them to the lake house a little faster.


Scott was out in the foyer of the giant lake house checking on his phone as Stiles was placing all the chains and restraints out in the living room with Malia and Lydia looking at them all.

Lydia went and picked one up. It was all worn and torn. "There is no way that this is going to hold for much longer."

Stiles sighed. "It'll have to hold for tonight. I can't really afford to replace it right now." He then picked up a bag and unzipped it to reveal chains inside. "Luckily, Derek gave me some chains that he had left over. It should help in holding Liam tonight."

Scott then walked over as he pocketed his phone. "Kira just texted. She picked up Liam and they're on their way."

"She's not having any problems, is she?" Stiles asked him.

"No. She said it's all going fine." Scott then narrowed his eyes. He could smell his friend's concern and anxiety. "Stiles, is everything okay?" Stiles seemed to try to avoid not looking at him directly. "This afternoon, you told Kira to be careful when she was going after Liam. Are you worried about him turning sooner?"

"No, that's not really it."

"Well, what's going on?"

Stiles looked at all of them and saw that they were looking curiously at him and he sighed. "Well, I didn't want to tell you guys yet because this day wasn't coming up to a great start but I guess you should know now. When my dad ran a background check on Liam, he found something."

Scott saw the seriousness in his eyes. "This is going to be bad, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah. Apparently, Liam has a record."

"Why?" Lydia asked.

"What did he do?" Scott asked him. All sorts of scenarios started running through his mind of the guy he just went and turned into a werewolf.

Stiles turned to Scott. "Do you remember when Liam lied to us about being transferred from Devenford Prep?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah. And after we called him out on it, he admitted that he got kicked out instead."

"I know why Liam was kicked out of his old school." Stiles then took out his phone and showed them all a picture of a car. It was a wreck. The windows were smashed in and the body had dents everywhere. This Is Your Fault was scratched into the car.

"What is that?" Malia asked.

"That is his teacher's car after Liam took a crowbar to it."

Lydia rose her eyebrows up. "A crowbar? Sounds a lot handier than a baseball bat."

"I wouldn't go that far," Stiles mumbled as he put his phone away.

"Why would Liam do that?" Scott asked, shocked that a kid would just do something that horrible.

"According to my dad, he and one of his teachers had an argument. He gave Liam a hard time, tried to discipline him, so he took it out on his car."

Scott's eyes widened. "Just over an argument?"

"And, what happened with Liam?" Lydia asked him. "How much trouble did he get into?"

"Well, he got expelled, obviously. And his parents had to pay for the damages. But, they decided to let him off easy in light of his condition."

"What condition?" Scott asked him.

"The kid's got some serious anger issues, clinically wise." Stiles sighed. "Liam has IED."

"IED?" asked Malia. "What's that?"

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder," Lydia told them. "It's a mental symptom where someone is quick to extreme anger and rage. Sometimes the slightest of things could set them off."

"That's why I was worried about Kira. Liam was practically a walking time bomb, pre-werewolf. With the full moon, we have to be really careful to not let him around people or he could hurt someone," Stiles slurred out. "Scott, I think if we're going to try and contain Liam, we might need to knock him out first. Then we chain him up. Tight."

Scott ran his hand frantically over his forehead but no one said anything else as they all heard the sound of a car pull up.

Liam got out of the car and gave the lake house a look. It seemed like a pretty big and fancy looking place. Perfect for a party, except for the fact that there didn't seem to be any other cars or people around save for two other cars. The house was dark and quiet.

"Where is everyone?" he asked.

"They're here," Kira said, trying to not to look or sound deceptive. "It's a small party."

Liam narrowed his eyes. "I thought you said that everyone was coming?"

Kira tried not to panic as she remembered that she had said that. "Uh, they are," she said trying to remain upbeat. "They're late, we're early, so we better hurry." She then moved to hook Liam's shoulder and moved for the front door. They then stepped inside but Liam froze about two steps in. 

Up ahead were Scott and Stiles, along with Lydia and Malia. They were all staring at him, side by side. He then looked back and saw Kira move to shut the door behind them and stand in front of it, cutting him off. He then moved to glare at the group ahead. "What is this?"

"Think of it like an intervention," Stiles started up. "You have a problem Liam, a serious problem."

"And we're the only ones that can help you," Scott said stepping forward.

But Liam went and folded his arms as he kept his glare on Scott. He looked as unconvinced and unwilling to listen to them as ever. "Help with what?!" he spat out.

Lydia turned over to look at Scott. "Uh, maybe you're just being too subtle. Why not just straight up tell him what's going on?"

Scott moved to catch Stiles' eye, then Malia's and finally Kira's. They were all looking him right in the eye, as if leaving the final decision up to him. Scott just sighed and decided to come on out with it. He then "'re a werewolf."

Liam lost his glare as he blinked at him in confusion. "What?" The next couple of minutes, they all started to explain about the supernatural and what each of them were. Liam was silent during the whole thing until they finished. "Okay, let me see if I got this straight. Werewolf," he said pointing at Scott before moving to Malia. "Werecoyote." He then pointed at Lydia. "Banshee." He then looked over at Kira. "Fox?"

"Kitsune," she shrugged. "But fox works," she finished with a small smile.

Liam then looked over at Stiles. "And you, what are you again?"

"Well, I was a werewolf but it looked like I had turned human again though it turned out that I was really possessed by a thousand year old dark spirit. It was pretty evil."

"So, what are you now?"

"Better?" Stiles said, a little unsure himself.

Liam then noticed the restraints on the table. "Are those for me?" he asked, trying to contain his anger.

"No, they're for me," Malia said to him.

Stiles then bent over and lifted the duffle bag with the chains visible through it's open zipper. "These are for you." He then let them go where they fell to the floor with a heavy flop.

"Hey, watch the floor," Lydia told him. She didn't want her mother to be on her again.

Liam shook his head. "You're not putting those anywhere near me," he said defiantly.

Malia gave the chains and then Stiles a look. She saw that he seemed ready to pounce at a moment's notice. "Uh, yeah I think he is."

"Oh really?" Liam challenged her.

"Better him than me," she spat at him before she flashed her blue eyes at him.

Liam took a step back as his eyes widened. But he saw that no one else was reacting to the fact that Malia's eyes were now glowing. "How did you do that?"

"You'll learn," Scott told him calmly. "But first you need to get through the full moon. That's what the chains are for. To keep you and everyone around you safe."

Liam's glare returned. "The moon is already out. It's been out and I feel fine."

Everyone tensed as they looked at him. They could all feel the hard steel in his voice as he had said that.

Stiles tilted his chin a bit up as he listened to his heart. "You're lying to us again Liam."

"What?" he spat out.

Scott narrowed his eyes at him. "You don't feel fine. You've already started to feel something, haven't you? Maybe hearing and smelling things you shouldn't or feeling small bursts of pain in your sides or a pressure on your head," he said recalling his own first full moon.

Liam pushed down the feeling of fear at how Scott knew exactly how he'd been feeling before he got here. He couldn't believe what they were telling him. "No," he said to them. It was crazy. They were crazy and were just trying to make him as crazy as them. "What I'm hearing and smelling is the crap you've been trying to sell me and I'm feeling that I'm surrounded by a bunch of nut jobs."

"That was witty," Stiles slurred out. But he stayed alert as he could hear Liam's heartrate pick itself up even more. "Liam, I told you before that you can't ignore this. Especially not now. You're changing. We can all feel it, and we know that you can feel it too."

Scott nodded. "You're going to stay here with us and we'll help you try to hold out for the rest of the night."

"No, you people don't tell me what I can and can't do! You guys are all out of your freaking minds! I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care!" he spat at Malia. His tone started to rise every passing second. "I'm walking out the door right now and if any of you try to stop me-

But he never got to say what would happen if they did. For the next moment, there was a quick leap and Liam's arm was grabbed before Stiles had shifted and roared right at him. Liam's anger had been getting so strong that Stiles was practically choking on it. The full moon was turning everything up for him and his dulled chemo reading sense of smell was as strong as ever. He could tell that Liam was starting to feel cornered and he knew what happened when animals felt cornered. He had to do something and his wolf stepped in with the answer. Stiles completely shifted was now face to face with Liam, the roar and sight shocking him out of this agitated state he was building up into himself and to make him finally start to listen to them.

"You'll do what?" Stiles said through his fanged mouth. Liam's face paled as he caught eye contact with Stiles bright and glowing blue eyes. The girls all went and sent a tired look Stiles' way. He looked over and noticed them. "What?" he shrugged as he looked over at each of them doing it. "He had to calm down and it was the best that I could think of." He then turned to Lydia. "You're the one who said not to be so subtle."

That made Lydia roll her eyes at him but Malia smiled at him while Kira tried to smother a small giggle.

Liam jumped in shock and surprise at the werewolf now having a firm grip on him. Stiles' face was morphed into an animalistic form with pointed ears, fangs and fur at the sides. "" was all he found himself managing to get out. Liam's eyes went over to look at Stiles' hand gripping his arm and his eyes widened even more at the sight of claws at the end of his fingers. Stiles noticed and then let him go. Liam started to back away and ended up losing his footing and landed on his rear.

Scott calmly had kept his gaze firmly on Liam the whole time. He could see that Stiles managed to make him ready to pay attention and he started to move slowly for him. Stiles turned to look over at him but Scott made sure to keep his eyes solely on Liam. "Now do you believe us?" Scott asked him gently. Liam turned to look at Scott, his breathing becoming frantic, before he went and grabbed his ears and gave a start. Scott moved to bend over to him. "Liam, you okay?"

"It hurts," Liam said squeezing his ears even harder.

"Is it the moon?" Kira asked him. "Is he changing?"

"Scott!" Stiles gasped as he shifted back to normal. "There are people coming!"

Scott let his hearing branch out and heard it too. "A lot."

Lydia quickly went to the window where she could make out headlights from multiple cars. "What did you do?" she asked.

Liam looked over at Kira. "You said it was a party. I thought I could invite someone."

"Who did you invite?" Scott quickly asked.

"My friend Mason," he told them.

"And who did Mason invite?" Stiles asked.

Lydia looked away from the window. "Looks like he invited everyone."

Liam then gasped as he saw that his hands were now sporting claws that looked identical to the ones that Stiles had just a moment ago. "Ahh," he screamed out as he started to run them down the floorboards.

The scratching made Lydia jump. "The floor. Get him off the floor," she told them.

Scott and Stiles then moved to grab him as he then let out a roar of his own, his new golden eyes making their first appearance to them.

"We need to get him to the boathouse now!"

Stiles grabbed the duffle with the chains with one hand as he helped Scott manhandle Liam out of the room but Malia then started to bend over.

"Stiles!" Malia cried out.

"What?" he cried out as he kept a firm grip on Liam. Malia then roared out as she started to shift herself. "Oh no," he muttered. "She needs to get to the cellar."

Kira moved over to him. "Here, let me take him. You take her."

Stiles sent her a thankful smile before he handed Scott the duffle. He and Kira moved to drag Liam away while Stiles went to grab Malia.

"Wait, what am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering outside the door?!" Lydia spat at them.

"Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" he argued back at her.

"What?" she asked in a cracked voice. "Me, obviously!"

"Alright, then throw a party." He then went and helped move Malia down towards the cellar.

Lydia huffed out in complete annoyance before she moved for the door and opened it to reveal over three dozen people waiting outside with Mason at the front.

"Hey, are we in the right place?" he asked her.

"For the party?" Garrett finished asking.

Lydia gave them all a look before her face brightened with her trademark smirk of confidence. "Absolutely."

At that, everyone burst out into cheers before Lydia moved over to let them all start to come on in. She sent a small glare down the way that all of her friends vanished to.


Cora was tossing on the bed, her foot was chained to the side post just in case. The pain in her head was spreading everywhere and she could feel it all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes. She was sweating and her eyes were shut tight as she tried to bare through it all. It felt like her insides were being thrashed around. Her child was having a fit and didn't seem to be having an easier time than she was. But then, suddenly, the baby slowed down in its movements and began to settle down. Cora found herself breathing deep breaths as the pain in her skull was loosening up and she felt at ease.

"Wow," she muttered as she went to wipe her sweaty brow. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?" she said down at her stomach. "You're finally giving your mother a break?"

What she didn't know was at that moment, across the country, the child's father had let out a roar to try and get another feisty young wolf to calm himself down. It seemed to have more of an effect that anyone had realized.


Parrish had managed to track the address and found the Mute's location: The High School. Noah and Derek wondered why this guy would go there, in the middle of the night. What they knew was that they had to bring him in.

"We'll take my car. It'll be faster," Noah told Derek as they went into the parking lot.

Derek gave the man a look. "I'll go by myself. I can handle this guy."

"Not alone," the Sheriff argued with him.

But Derek again tried to reason with him. "I'll be alright. Besides, if something were to happen to you then I would be in even more danger from your son than a psycho with an axe."

"Well sometimes Stiles easily lets himself forget whose the one that's supposed to protect who and needs reminders now and then. Besides, I'm still the Sheriff here and my job isn't to let murderers run free in my town. Normal or Supernatural. So, you coming or not?" he asked as he opened the door and climbed into the driver's seat.

Derek let a small sigh escape him before he moved into the passenger seat. Derek let himself give the man a good look. He wasn't seeing him as the Sheriff right now but as the grandfather of his future niece or nephew. He couldn't help but feel that Cora's kid was lucky to have one like him. When everything was said and done, Derek would have to leave to be there for his sister and he didn't know when would be the next time he would be coming back, if at all. Cora didn't want to tell Stiles about the child yet, and neither did Derek. But, he felt that someone here should know. Maybe he should tell Stiles' father?

They made it to the school and found that the place seemed to be quiet and empty. Drawing his gun, the Sheriff led the way in through the front entrance with Derek alert and ready at his side. He also had a flashlight on and carefully was scanning the halls as they walked.

"You know," Derek said as they stepped further inside. "Just because the wifi was tracked back to the school, doesn't mean that he's still here."

"True," Noah grunted out. "But I've seen enough things happen in this school to keep a gun in my hand." He then paused and shined the light to the ground. "Like blood."

Blood was leaking out from a closed classroom door and it seemed like it was somewhat fresh.

"That doesn't make sense," said Derek surprised.

"Yeah, no kidding."

Derek shook his head. "No, that's not what I mean. I should've caught the scent before we walked in." The Sheriff gave him a look before Derek shook it off. He would wonder about that later.

Derek quickly went to the door but the Sheriff grabbed him and stopped him before he could open it. "Hold it. You nervous makes me nervous." He didn't like this. The setup was too obvious. Like someone wanted the blood to be spotted quickly. He shined his light into the door's window but couldn't see if anyone or anything was in there. He then went to slowly and carefully turn the doorknob and opened it gently. Noah stopped when he caught the sight of string tied to the handle on the other side.

Derek took a look through the crack and saw something on the floor behind it. "It's an explosive. Claymore." The Mute had set a trap. Derek then turned around and hopped to his feet. "Get down!" he yelled as he pulled the Sheriff out of the way just as an axe flew through the air and lodged itself into the wall where the man's head had been a moment ago.

The Mute then jumped out of his hiding space and brandished his spare tomahawk out.


Scott was holding Liam down and against a support beam at the boat house while Kira was quickly trying to wrap the chains around him. They had managed to wrap it around his torso three times when Liam started fighting back. Scott was having trouble holding him down. Kira flinched back when Liam started barking at them and was starting to push against Scott.

"I got him, get his hands," Scott told her as he put more of his weight into restraining him.

But Kira never got the chance as Liam pounced and freed himself from the beam. He had Scott on his back and looked ready to start tearing him apart. Scott was struggling as he didn't want to hurt Liam and his hesitation made way for Liam to raise his claws up to rip at Scott's face. Kira saw it and grabbed the nearest thing she could find, an oar, and swung it hard at Liam's head. Her blow forced him off and he landed on his back and lay there, motionless.

"Oh god, I didn't kill him, did I?" she asked frantically.

Scott went over to Liam and saw that he was still breathing, just unconscious. "No, he's out cold," he assured her. "I guess Stiles was right. We were going to have to knock him out first if we wanted to restrain him."

"Yeah," she sighed. "I hope he's having better luck.


Malia was sitting against the wall as Stiles was calmly fastening the restraints. They could faintly hear the sounds of the party taking place above them but they paid it little mind.

Stiles managed to get the last restraint fastened on her wrist. "Tight enough?" he asked her.

She then lifted her head to show that she was shifted but she was trying to keep herself paced. "Tighter," she said in a low voice.

Stiles didn't even flinch as he moved over and tightened it even more. "That should do it." He then got up and looked over to the window where some light from the full moon was pouring in. He closed his eyes and inhaled. The light was hitting him and he could already feel the effects working their way inside him, pulling his wolf to unleash itself and lash out to its primal tendencies to give in but Stiles was lightly breathing and had firm images of his friends and father running through his mind. He wasn't going to try and hide from the full moon, but let himself bask in it and embrace it's warm pull. He let out a small sigh as he exhaled and opened his eyes. "I hope Scott doing okay with Liam."

Malia shrunk into herself. "If you want to go to them, you can go."

But Stiles shook his head as he turned back to face her. "I'm not going to leave you. Besides, Scott has Kira with him and they should be okay. Also, to get to them means going passed a party filled with 50 loud freshman and a very pissed off Lydia. I'll be way safer staying here."

Malia let her head fall back to lay against the wall as she let her eyes roam up towards the sounds of all the people moving about upstairs. Stiles let his own eyes wander up to the ceiling.


The lake house was filled with the sounds of music and rowdy teenagers as they were enjoying the party that was set up quite quickly. The only one there that wasn't really having a good time was Lydia as she was acting guard to make sure that the lake house didn't get more wrecked than it was sure to be from the infant werewolf and wild werecoyote surely tearing into right now. She froze when she got to the kitchen and found a man wheeling in a large keg.

"Okay," she stepped over to him. "I didn't order a keg of beer." She then made a face at it. "Especially not domestic."

"Somebody ordered it," the man told her. He then looked around at the teens partying. "You're telling me that no one around here wants a drink?"

Lydia looked down and saw that someone put a glass of wine next to her laptop. "Who put this here?!" she shouted out. "This laptop costs $2000." She then grabbed a bottle of wine from Garrett, who gave her a look. "That bottle of wine is four hundred," she told him sternly. Lydia then went back to the delivery man. "How much?" He handed her a receipt. Her eyes stiffened at the bottom. "What's this extra hundred dollars?"

"That would be the due except charge. For under 21." He then gave her a small wink.

Lydia sighed and went off to put the bottle away. Her head raised up to find that Mason was heading up the stairs for the second floor. She had told everyone to keep to the first floor and not to head down or upstairs. "Let me get you some cash," she told him before she ran to head him off.

As she left, Garrett went over to the delivery guy. "I opened the wine. I should probably pay for the keg." He then went and handed some money to him and the guy dropped the keg off of the dolly, in front of him.

The delivery guy then left the house and began to move off for where he had parked his car on the road. He reached it but found that one of his tires was now flat.

"Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me," he said throwing his dolly off to the side. "Son of a bitch. Son of a-" But then he stopped. His breathing was intensifying and he felt a pressure on his head. He then looked up to the full moon and his eyes shined gold at the sight of it. He then looked down and saw that his hands were started to sport claws. He then bit the inside of his cheek. "Three things can not be hidden. The sun, the moon, the truth." He kept repeating that until he felt his breathing start to calm down and the pressure begin to quell.

Once he was relaxed, he went to his knees, sighing in relief. But before he could get back up, he felt a cord wrap around his neck. Then it was being pulled on, cutting his air off. He tried to rip it off but the person choking him pulled harder and it began to glow as it grew hotter. After a moment, his head was lopped off and rolled a short distance away from his body.

Standing above it was Violet and she went to pocket her cord and then grabbed her phone. She took a photo of the body and sent it out. She then went off, back to the house. Once she was inside, she let a huge smile come over her face as if she hadn't just killed someone a moment ago. She found Garrett who was checking his phone.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked him as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Our friend just sent me a text."

He then showed her the message. The money has been transferred to your account. It was from the Benefactor. They then celebrated with a kiss.


Liam was tightly bound to the support of the boat house and Kira was calmly watching him as he sat there, sleeping his way through the full moon. Scott was sitting nearby, watching him with a somber look on his face.

"He looks so young," Kira said.

"He is. He's only fifteen."

"What are we going to do with him?"

"We're going to help him," he told her.

"What if he doesn't want our help?"

Scott paused at that. When this all started for him, Derek had found and told him that he wanted to help him but he tried his hardest to pull away from him. From Stiles too when he tried to help him understand what was happening. But eventually, Scott realized that he needed their help. Liam will too. "He will," he said as he kept his gaze on Liam's calm and sleeping face.

He then looked over at the house and smiled.

"What?" Kira asked him.

"I could hear the music from the house."

"What are they playing?" she asked him.

"Electronic," he smiled at her.

Kira sighed. "I wish they play more slow songs at parties. At my old school we always had a few."

"Why do you like the slow ones?"

She started to twiddle her fingers. "I was always better at slow dancing," she admitted bashfully.

Scott's smiled widened and he held his hand to her. "Come here."

They got up and he went over towards the water with her. The full moon was in sight nearby and it was reflecting off of the water. It had a mystifying effect that Scott thought was perfect for what he had in mind. He reached for his phone and chose a nice slow song to play. He then left it to the side and went over to Kira.

She smiled but looked over at Liam. "What about him?"

Scott looked over and saw that Liam didn't seem like he would wake up any time soon. "He'll dance with me next time," he shrugged.

Kira let a small laugh loose before she wrapped her arms around him and they started to sway to the music. "How are you so good at staying in control on the full moon?" To her, Scott seemed like everything was normal. As if it were just another night and not one of a full moon.

"Well, it's all about making sure that my pulse doesn't get too fast and my heart rate doesn't go up."

"So, you've mastered it?" she asked a little mischievously.

He grinned. "Still takes a lot of concentration."

"So, if something distracts you-" Kira then went and gave his cheek a small kiss.

Scott's smile deepened. "I'm indistractable," he said a little smugly. They then went for another longer kiss and Kira moved to send some kisses to his neck and even gave his ear a small nibble. She then looked at him. "See, nothing."

Kira's eyebrows rose up. "Then why are your eyes glowing?"

Scott blinked as he felt that his eyes were indeed glowing red and shook it away. "Cheater," he said playfully.

"And I just heard you growl."

Scott's face tensed up. "That wasn't me."

They then looked over and saw that Liam was awake, standing up and was growling at them. His eyes were glowing brighter and he was struggling against the chains.

"Are those chains going to hold him?" Kira asked him quickly.

Scott nodded. "Yeah. He can't be that strong." Liam was only turned one day ago. He was sure that it wasn't enough time to break out of chains even on a full moon.

But the next moment, Liam snapped the chains off and he came charging for them. Scott pushed Kira out of the way and Liam left out of the window and ran off into the night.


Mason was searching through the rooms on the second floor, looking for any sign of his friend. His last text to him had said that he was there but he hadn't seen a sign of him anywhere.

"Liam, you up here?" he said as he checked another room. "Where the hell are you?" he mumbled.

But he was then stumbled upon by Lydia. "What are you doing up here? The party is downstairs," she told him sternly.

"Sorry, I was looking for Liam."

She scoffed at him. "Sorry, but missing freshman are a little low on my priority list." She then saw that there was a small mess there too and grabbed a glass that had some wine in it.

"Not so low that you know he's a freshman," he pointed out.

She sighed as he had caught her. "I might've seen your friend. Downstairs." She then grabbed him to bring him back down but she lost her grip on the glass and it fell and spilled on the white carpet. "Oh my god, the carpet," she cried. She then moved to frantically try and dry it with her sleeve.

"It's okay, it'll come out," Mason told her. But it did little to ease her. Lydia seemed both upset and stressed. Mason's face softened as he could tell that she was really bothered. "I'm sorry. Was it valuable?"

She finally stopped rubbing at the stain. "No," she squeaked out. "That's the problem. Nothing here is valuable." She then rose her head and showed Mason that she was crying. Lydia couldn't help it. Lydia had been spending so much of her energy to make everyone think that she was okay and not having any troubles of her own, on top of everyone else's but she couldn't take it anymore. "We just put the house on the market. It's supposed to be in perfect condition. We need every penny we can get out of this place." And, she was sure that the carpet being stained was just the least bit of damage that the place was suffering right now with the party and Malia and Liam being restrained somewhere.

Mason nodded and gave her a small smile. "Hey, let me go and get some club soda and salt. Lydia, it'll come out. It will."

Lydia calmed herself down and nodded. Mason then left to go back downstairs and shut the door behind him. Lydia sat there for a bit before she rose her head at the door. She wasn't hearing anything anymore. She then went to the door and opened it and suddenly, the sounds from the party were back. She then closed it and it was all silent again. She then went and gave the room another look. "Soundproof," she realized. This room was built to be soundproof. While it was big, there really wasn't much in there but a few chairs, coffee tables and a cabinet. She walked around until her eyes fell on a small record player set up in there. She went to it and turned it on. But, music didn't play. Instead, she heard frantic muttering. She then looked over at the wall and saw what seemed to be people's faces pushing through it like it was water.


Malia was starting to pull harder on the chains, putting more stress on the restraints holding her in. They seemed close to snapping and maybe one more giant outburst would do it.

"Stiles!" Malia gruffed out through her clenched teeth. "I can't. I can't control it!" She then dropped her head as a few growls started to escape from her. "Please, knock me out!"

But Stiles just stood there, calmly watching her struggle. "No," he said in a simple tone.


"Malia, if you're going to learn to handle the full moon then you have to learn how to work through it."

"It's too much. Too strong. Please, make it stop."

Stiles closed his eyes for a second before he opened them slowly and looked at her with a soft expression on his face. "I'm sorry Malia, no."

She let out a pained grunt and tried to turn herself away from him. "Then get out, leave!"

"Why? Because you're afraid you'll escape and hurt me?" Stiles shrugged. "It's okay Malia. I can handle myself. Even if I couldn't it wouldn't be the first time I was in pain and honestly, I probably have some coming to me and would deserve it." He then narrowed his eyes. "Besides, I don't think you're really going to hurt me."

"But I want to," she growled out. She then started to fight harder against the restraints, pushing her claws out as she tried to reach Stiles' face. "I want to take your face and scratch it. Tear it to shreds. I want to feel your bones crack between my hands."

But Stiles didn't flinch. "Surprisingly enough, that's not the most disturbing thing a girl has said they wanted to do to me." She kept struggling and Stiles' face hardened. "I'm not leaving you and I'm not going to let you hurt anyone."

But Malia went and gave the restraints an extra hard tug. They then looked and saw that the restraint had torn even more and was only held together by a small piece of leather.

"You're not going to have a choice," Malia panted out.

Malia then gave the restraints another tug and the binding snapped off her wrist. Stiles took a step back to avoid her attempt to claw him with her freed hand. She still couldn't get too much further as her other hand was still restrained but now she was using the strength of both her hands now to tug herself free from the wall.

"Malia, focus," Stiles said to her. "Listen to my voice."

"Listen to mine! You have to run."

But Stiles shook his head. "No."

"Then, you have to knock me out. Please," she panted desperately to him.

Stiles let himself heave a heavy sigh out. "Malia, I'm not going to run. And I'm not going to hurt you because I don't think you're going to hurt me or anyone else."

"Stiles," she growled at him.

But Stiles stepped towards her. "You won't," he roughly insisted. "I think you're still scared about what happened with your family." That made Malia turn to look back at him. "It doesn't matter that you know you didn't kill them. In your heart, you still have to feel the guilt and fear of what happened. Still had to have nightmares and see yourself killing them over and over. I know what that's like. I remember everything I did when I was possessed and what's worse, I remember liking it. Because I felt powerful, and in control. More power and control than I've ever felt in a long time. It doesn't matter that I know that it wasn't me, I still feel all that guilt and pain of what happened." Stiles bit back the fact that there was someone else in their group who no doubt was feeling something similar about him. He then ducked his head a bit and brought out his blue eyes. "I have these to show for it. But still, I actually learned something from all of that." That made Malia settle a bit as she saw Stiles came closer to her. "From the beginning, I had to hear how amazing it was that I had such control of myself. Control of my power. But you know what I learned?" He then fully shifted and ripped the other restraint off her other wrist. "Control is overrated."

Malia went to raise her clawed hand over Stiles' face and it seemed that she was going to try and tear into it as she had feared. But, Stiles didn't flinch and seemed to be waiting for her to rip into him. She found her hand flattening and she went and touched her palm to his furry cheek. They both stared hard and long at each other's shifted faces, with Malia still breathing a little hard. Stiles went and brought his clawed hand over to the one she had still at his cheek and gave it a small squeeze as he went and let his forehead rest against hers. She let herself lean into him as she let herself begin to cry. Stiles reached down with his free hand and grasp Malia's free one. The two of them let their blue eyes look into one another as they started to sway together, still joined at their foreheads. They started to move a little closer to the window and let the light of the full moon shine over them both. They didn't know how long they stayed that way for but when they let themselves pull away from each other, they saw that they were both back to normal. Malia let herself calm down as Stiles went to wipe stray hairs away from her face and ran his thumb across her cheeks to wipe away her drying tears.

"Stiles," she panted out happily.

His face softened as he kept moving his hands to clean her face up. "You did it," he muttered proudly. "The night's still young. It's really beautiful out on the night of the full moon." He then stepped back and held his hand to her. "You want to see it with me?"

Malia slowly went and reached for it.


Scott left Kira in the boat house as he went running after Liam, trying to catch him before he got too far. He could see him head into the trees and dashed off into them. He made it into a small clearing but couldn't make out any sign of where he had gone off to. Suddenly he heard a roar and turned around just in time for him to get tackled by Liam. They ended up rolling down a hill and Liam managed to pin him down and then pushed him against a tree.

"Liam!" Scott said trying to reason with him. "Stop!"

But Liam just barked and pushed against him. "What did you do to me?!" he roared. "This is your fault! This is all your fault! You ruined my life!"

Scott felt his heart go cold. Those were the very same words that came out of his own mouth just one year ago. Hearing them said back to him like this, it made Scott's hold on Liam start to wane. Liam was about to claw at Scott's face when there was a rush of wind and a small explosion of sparks at the tree next to them which made a blinding flash of light. Liam screamed and covered his eyes from the light. He then ran off to get away. Scott looked over and spotted someone moving from the trees. Chris Argent.

"How did you know?" he asked.

Argent moved and held his hand out to help the boy up. "I got your text."


The Sheriff was thrown off to the lockers before he could manage to get a shot in. Derek stepped in and was dodging the Mute's swipes from his tomahawk. He managed to strike at the Mute's blind spot and pushed him to the ground. He then kicked at him to knock him into the lockers. Derek grabbed the guy's wrist and twisted it to make him let go of the axe and then moved to pin his arms to his back. The Mute tried to fight and get free of the hold but froze when a gun was pointed at his face.

Noah glared as he aimed his gun right between the guy's eyes. "You have the right to remain silent," he hissed at him. He was too angry and worked up to let himself think of the irony behind those words. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." He moved to take out his cuffs and restrain him.

"No," Derek gasped out. Across the hall, he spotted his uncle and he was charging right for them. "Peter, no!"

But Peter didn't stop. He charged at them, knocking all three of them down. He then crutched over the Mute and ran his claws into him and began to maul him to death. Every swipe of his claws sent blood spraying out, all over his face. He must've done it about eight times before he finally stopped. He then reached out and picked up a piece of the Mute's torn flesh, where the mouth was supposed to be and saw that he had gone on and tore him open a hole there. He then moved to get up but the Sheriff was getting up too, pointing his gun at him. Peter didn't so much as flinch at the sight of it. He just took out a handkerchief and began to clean his hands.

"You know you would've wanted to," he said to them as he moved to leave them.

"We found a better way," Derek told him.

But Peter kept walking. "I'm a creature of habit."

The Sheriff put the gun down but still glared as Peter disappeared down the hall. He knew that, they all knew about Peter's habits. Which was the reason why his son was hesitant to tell Malia that he was her father.


Stiles and Malia left the basement through the cellar door and made it outside into the fresh air. Malia looked up at the full moon, letting herself take it in for the first time since becoming human again. She felt herself still shake a bit but Stiles still had her by the hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. Malia breathed and let the tension just ease out of her. She guessed she found her anchor after all. They then started to walk off, putting some distance between them and the sounds of the party inside the lake house.

"Let's go see how Liam's doing?" Stiles suggested as he caught sight of the boat house ahead. Malia nodded and they headed for it. "Knock, knock," Stiles called out as they reached the house's door. But his eyes widened when he saw that Kira was alone. He also noticed the chains on the floor and the broken window. Oh, he knew Lydia was going to be pissed at them now.

Kira's eyes widened to see that Malia was there, unbound. "Malia, are you okay?"

"Better," she told her.

Stiles took a look at the chains to find that they had been snapped apart. "He got out?"

"Yeah. Went out and headed for the woods. Scott just left to try and catch him."

Stiles let a heated sigh out as he blew up at his forehead. "Leave him alone for five minutes," he muttered.

"What do we do?" Malia asked him.

"You and I will go out and help Scott try to find him. Kira, could you go into the lake house, find Lydia and tell her what's going on?"

"Okay. And be careful," she told after them as they were already running into the trees together.


"There's a clearing just north of here. All you have to do is corral him there, the rest is taken cared of," Argent instructed Scott.

Scott looked at him. "What are you going to do?"

"He's your beta Scott. The question is, what are you going to do?"

"He won't listen to me," Scott sighed.

"He will if you start using your own words."

Scott honestly didn't know what he could say. But he didn't get much time to dwell on that as he heard a scream in the distance. Argent handed him a switch that he recognized for his emitters and Scott took off for Liam.

Not too far, Stiles and Malia were trying to track Liam in the woods when he suddenly stopped and held his hand up. "Wait," he told her.

Malia narrowed her eyes. She could hear it. A strange pinging like sound that was somewhat annoying to her ears. "What is that sound?"

Stiles sighed out. "I have pretty good idea."

Liam was screaming as he stepped into Argent's trap and the surrounding emitters kept trapped in the center of them. He finally stopped when they were shut off by Scott. He then lifted his head to show that he was back to normal.

"What, what's happening to me?" Liam nearly cried out.

Scott stared at him. "The same thing that happened to me," he found himself saying.

Chris Argent managed to catch up and saw Scott had found Liam and was now kneeling in front of him

"They can't know about this. My mom. My stepdad. I can't do this to them again," he choked out.

"What do you mean again?" Scott asked him.

"I got kicked out of school...and I deserved it. The way they looked at me, when I saw what I did to that car." Liam didn't seem to be able to finish.

Close by, Stiles and Malia were running over but froze when they saw that Liam was crying in front of Scott. Malia went to move for them but Stiles held her back and shook his head. He felt this was something Scott had to see to himself. He was the Alpha. They couldn't help him, not right now.

Scott's face softened. "'s okay."

"They can't see me like this," Liam cried out. "Like..."

"Like a monster?" Scott guessed. Liam nodded. Scott then stood up and Stiles, Malia and Argent narrowed their eyes. They could see a change in how Scott was standing. Scott's face hardened with resolve. "You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me." He then revealed his red eyes to him. They then heard movement behind them and turned to see Stiles and Malia walking over to them, with their hands entwined. Scott smiled at the sight of them before looking back at Liam. "Like my friend Stiles." Liam stared straight at Scott's glowing red eyes. They came over and moved to stand at either side of Scott, behind him. The three of them staring at Liam with calm and tranquil expressions on their faces. "You're one of us now."

Behind Scott, Stiles and Malia let their own blue eyes show with Scott's red ones. Liam gave them each another hard look. Unlike before, he really looked at them. Soft and thoughtfully. They seemed to all be friends but Liam somehow knew that they were far more than that. And...he was finding himself wanting to be a part of that as well.

Stiles noticed Chris Argent over to the side. He had a crossbow in his hands through it was pointed away from all of them. He and Argent made eye contact for a split second before Stiles looked away to ignore him and focused his attention on Liam. He smiled down at him. "Happy Turniversary Liam."

Scott let a small breath loose but found himself still smiling. He officially gave up in trying to get Stiles to give up on the whole idea when he saw something seem to come over Liam as his friend said that to him. The boy's nerves loosened up as an amused smirk escaped from him. He seemed calmer and content more than he had been all night. But the smile faded as Scott turned to look off in the opposite direction.

Liam noticed. "Scott? Is something wrong?"

His eyes looked off to the direction of the lake house. "Blood."

Stiles and Malia looked over in the same direction and their eyes narrowed as they sniffed out and detected the same faint smell of fresh spilled blood.


Raphael McCall was looking over the tomahawk that he was looking over in his gloved hands. Deputy Haigh had given him a call about Derek Hale meeting with the Sheriff and then bringing Deputy Parrish into the office for a private meeting. They then had taken off in a big hurry and Haigh had gone in and found the tomahawk in the Sheriff's desk and quickly brought it to him. There was no doubt in his mind that this was the same kind of weapon that the Walcott's killer had used but why did Derek Hale have it? He set the weapon down next to the mountain of files, photos and diagrams he had scattered in his room. Raphael needed answers but he knew that he wouldn't get them from the either Stilinski, Stiles, Derek, Melissa or from Scott. They would no doubt be watching for him and talk him in circles like usual. If he wanted to find out what was really going on, he would need to find it with someone that had them and was outside their circle. And he knew just the person.


Kira went into the house to find that the party was still going strong. She tried to navigate her way through the sea of partying teenagers, asking for Lydia. When she didn't find any sign of her on the first floor, she decided to head on upstairs. She saw some light peeking out from one of the doors and opened it and quickly found her.

"Lydia?" she said. "Something's happened." But Lydia didn't react to her. She just kept staring at the wall with a blank expression on her face. She noticed that the record player by her was on but the needle wasn't set in to play anything but Lydia looked like she was still listening. She had a feeling about what was happening. "Lydia, what do you hear?"

Lydia finally blinked. "The key," she mumbled. "The key to break the code."

Lydia then went to her laptop and opened it up to the sequence that she had saved on her computer. Kira watched as she punched the code in, up until it requested that it give a keyword. Lydia then typed in: Allison. Once it was typed in, she hit enter and they watched as a list began to appear with a number next to each name.













"What is this?" Kira asked as she gazed at all of them.

Lydia kept her unblinking eyes on the names. "It's a list of Supernaturals in Beacon Hills. It's a Deadpool. And we're all on it."
