
In an apartment, Chris was on the phone talking with his daughter with a small smile on his face. "Well Allison, I'm sure that it will turn out great," he told her with a small laugh in his tone. "Save it for me to see when I get back home, okay sweetie?" There was then a small pause. "Oh, I think I'll be away for maybe a bit longer. The people daddy is working with don't leave a lot of time for me to come home right away." He then dropped his gaze and looked over in the next room where there were four men cleaning, checking and loading all their guns. One person was at a corner, sharpening a set of knives.

Gerard was heading over for him and he heard Chris mutter a quick goodbye to his daughter. "How's my granddaughter doing?" he asked.

"She's fine. Getting excited about painting her next picture." His head bowed a bit. "She wishes that I was there to see it when she finishes."

"Does she understand why you can't be there?"

"She understands as well as any nine-year-old should."

Gerard nodded. "I know that you want to see more of her. Especially in her adorable years, but we have a sworn duty. One that is demanding and necessary."

"I know that." He looked over at the men and he did a mental count of the ones they lost when Gerard had accepted an invitation to a peace summit a few months ago. He also noticed that one was still unaccounted for. "Kate isn't back yet?"

"No, I sent her on another reconnaissance run. Trying to learn more from tailing and watching the younger Hales."

"They're just children," Chris argued.

"For now," Gerard told him pointedly. "And they are our best chance to learn more about Talia Hale and her pack."

The sound of the front door opening drew their attention and they were pleased to see Kate was walking in with a calm look about her.

"Please tell me that there's something saucy around here with my name on it?" she sighed to them as she moved to remove her leather jacket.

"What news?" Gerard asked her.

She smiled. "Well, I managed to speak with Derek Hale again today. Normal teenage stuff."

"He doesn't suspect you?"

She shook her head. "Not at all. He thinks I'm nothing more than the sweet, understanding and beautiful T.A."

"And what about the older one?"

"Haven't seen her around."

"Laura Hale is graduating next month. She simply could be busy preparing to leave town to go to college or some other life pursuit. It is something normal for people her age to be occupied with," Chris reasoned out.

"Yeah right," Kate muttered under her breath.

"Forget about the older one," Gerard told them sternly. "You've gained a foothold with the boy and that should be sufficient enough to learn everything we need about the pack. Remember, it's his mother, the Alpha Talia who is the real prize. I want nothing to jeopardize bringing her down, am I clear?" he said to them with a harsh authoritarian tone.

"Yes," both Chris and Kate told him in unison.

"Good. Now, I'm going to have to leave tomorrow. One of my contacts over in Nepal requested my help. I'm taking all but three of the men so it'll be up to you two to oversee things here while I'm gone." Gerard then turned to Kate. "You keep working the boy until he gives you what we need. Stay close until you get it from him."

She smiled. "Oh, it'll be my pleasure."

Gerard's face hardened but he didn't say anything more to her. He then turned to his son. "Have you tracked down the rest of the pack yet?"

Chris shook his head. "No. Outside her children and brother, we only have eyes on that one local beta that we know is connected to her."

"Work the beta then. Use him to find out more about the others."

"He's just a contract painter," Chris meekly pointed out.

Gerard gave him a pointed look. "Is that supposed to be a problem?"

Chris saw that Kate was also looking at him pointedly and he found himself letting a small huff of air out. "No. It isn't," he answered.

"Good. I know you two won't disappoint me." Chris and Kate bowed their heads slightly which he took for confirmation. He then left the room, leaving the siblings alone.

Kate then turned and gave her brother a playful smile. "You keep the others with you."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry. I can get by. Besides, from how it's going with me and Derek Hale, I won't need them."

"And just what do you have planned to do with him?" Chris asked her.

Her smile widened. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know."

"Just don't forget about the job or the code Kate."

The joking air around Kate vanished as a focused look came over her. "Oh, don't worry...I haven't forgotten about any of that. Have you?"

Kate then turned to leave herself and Chris watched her go with his eyes slightly narrowed but he then took a deep breath and moved to get back to his own work.

Kate then woke up as she woke up from dreaming of her first time in Beacon Hills that felt like a lifetime ago. So much had changed since then. For starters, she was now alone, and sleeping in a car on some off beaten road close by Beacon Hills. She couldn't afford to be get any kind of room because she knew that there were a lot of people looking for her now. She had to seriously rough it out and it was rough. Now, it was raining outside and there was only a small bit of light from the moon overhead giving her visibility. Her eyes fell on the cassette tape that she had found a while back. She decided to play it again. It was a lecture that someone had made about the Hale family that had settled in Beacon Hills. How they were a family of born wolves and there would be a few that didn't inherit the trait but those that did were trained from an early age to control themselves by the use of a tool. The triskelion.


Kate Argent was now calmly surveying the damage made by the fighting down a while ago. She had been targeted by a small group with pretty impressive equipment. However, that did little good against her and her Berserkers. They smashed their vehicles, disabled their guns and tore through their gear like cardboard. She walked through the mess of bodies, scattered bullet casings and burning cars, making her way to the sole surviving assassin that was being hoisted above the ground by a Berserkers as the others were deeply snarling nearby.

"Big fancy guns. Coded death lists. So called assassins. And not one of you can answer the simplest question. Who's paying the bills? So, I'll ask again. Who is the Benefactor?" she asked, stopping in front of the survivor.

The guy's face was a picture of fear as the Berserker held him up even higher. Tears were even starting to leak out of his eyes.

Kate just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, everyone always says the same thing. No one knows who he is or where he is." She then went and began to speak in a mocking baby tone. "It's all done electronically. I can't help you. Please, I'm bleeding to death. Please, stop. It hurts."

"Then what do you want from me?" the guy cried to her.

She held up the cassette she still had. "Been a long time since someone's made me a mixed tape. You got one too, didn't you?"

He shook his head. "No, no, but I know who did." he said quickly. "They, they look like kids. Teenagers. They're called the Orphans."

But that was all he said before a shot rang out. Kate stumbled a bit as she felt a bullet enter her side. She then turned to see that one of the others was still alive and had shot her. She grit her teeth and marched over to him as she cocked her shotgun. The guy on the ground was quickly trying to reload his gun but couldn't do it before she had gotten to him. But before she could shoot him, Kate then felt a burning pain suddenly travel through her. Not understanding or caring about what was happening, the assassin tried to finish loading his gun as Kate gasped out through the pain. She dropped her gun as the pain exploded inside her and she roared as she fully shifted in front of them. She then bared her teeth at the guy and began to maul him to pieces. She then turned to the one she was talking to before and he started to beg and say he would tell her everything. But, Kate didn't care anymore. She then grabbed him from her Berserker's grip and started to slowly tear into him too.


Garrett was still waiting on the bench with his phone. The game was about to restart soon and the Coach was starting to ask around for where McCall and Stilinski. Seeing McCall run off to the school, heading right into their trap made giddy with anticipation. That got even bigger when his buddy Stiles took off a few moments later, in the same direction. But, his glee turned to worry as there still was no new messages after two minutes. No mention of the confirmation of Talbot, McCall or Stilinski. He didn't like this.

Liam was off to the side, sitting on the bench, nervously tapping his feet on the grass. The game was about to restart and there was no sign of Scott or Stiles anywhere. He lifted his gaze when he noticed that Garrett was trying to subtly leave. He looked over and saw that Kira was standing with her father as she was talking on the phone. Stiles asked him to make sure that Garrett stayed in sight and he was leaving. But, what could he do? He didn't know but he found himself running after him.

He managed to catch him in the parking lot. "Hey Garrett!" he called out making him stop and rip off his helmet. "What's up?"

Garrett turned to face him. "Nothing," he said, smiling at him.

He was acting like his usual self and if Liam didn't know what he knew, he would've believed it. "Well, where are you going? The game's about to start up again."

"Oh, I just need to get something." He then turned to keep going.

Liam needed to stall. "Uh, what is it? Maybe I could take care of it for you?"

"No, that's okay."

"Really, it's no trouble." Liam pressed on. "I've been benched so Coach won't miss me."

Garrett grit his teeth as he kept his back turned to him. "I'll be fine. But thanks for offering Liam," he said trying to turn him away.

Liam kept tailing him though. "No, really it's okay. I mean, what are friends for right?" Suddenly, Liam got a whiff of something that seemed to leave a bitter taste in his mouth. It seemed to be coming from Garrett's direction.

Suddenly, there was a loud blaring siren firing off from two squad cars that were coming into the lot. At the sight of them, Garrett dug into the inner stitching of his glove and pulled something out. He then quickly turned toward Liam and flung it at him. Liam didn't even have time to blink as his eyes were staring directly at the pointed edge of a throwing knife which was a few inches from him. It was being held by Stiles who had caught it before it could find its way into the boy's face. Liam then saw that there was some drops of blood oozing from Stiles' hand where the edges of the blade had dug into his skin.

"I don't think so." Stiles then took the caught knife and threw it behind his back. He then looked down at his bloodied hand and saw that the cuts were already closing up and he then fisted it when they were fully healed. "It's over Garrett."

Garrett glared at him. "I don't think so."

"Oh but I do. We already have Violet. Scott stopped her before she could kill Brett."

Garrett's glare deepened. "You're lying!" he spat.

"Sorry, no more cash prizes tonight," Stiles snarled as he narrowed his eyes even deeper at him. "Now, make things easier on yourself and give up." Garrett threw his gloves off to the side and gripped his lacrosse stick and pressed the button to release the blade at the end and held it in his hands like a spear. Stiles eyed it for a moment and shrugged. "The hard way then." He then struck his arms down and brought out his claws as his eyes flared blue and some fangs leaked through his jaws as he let out a small growl.

Liam moved back as Stiles and Garrett charged for each other. Garrett swiped at him, trying to cut him with his blade but Stiles ducked and twisted himself out of the way of every strike. Garrett tried to swipe at his head and spear him but Stiles wolfish reflexes helped him avoid every hit. Stiles tried to claw at him but Garrett spun himself back and made Stiles only hit air. Garrett then quickly moved to drive his blade into Stiles' chest when the wolf brought his hands forward and caught the stick a couple of inches from him. Garrett grit his teeth as he tried to put his weight behind his push in order to move passed Stiles' iron grip and pierce him. But Stiles' strength and grip kept it from getting closer. Stiles then eyed the tip of the blade and his nose stifled. The blade was coated with something. There was a scent on the blade, a familiar scent. Stiles quickly placed it as wolfsbane though it wasn't normal wolfsbane. The smell was slightly different but it was one that he knew. He could still smell it in some of his dreams, no nightmares, of his time in the Argent's care. He then growled as he moved and snapped the end of Garrett's lacrosse stick off.

Liam was awestruck. When Stiles and Garrett started fighting, he couldn't pull his gaze away. Garrett, who Liam had always seen smiling and have a bit of a laugh in his tone, couldn't look more different. There was no brightness in his eyes, now they were dark with his intent and drive to kill the person in front of him. And that person, Liam was awed by him. Liam knew that being a werewolf meant that he was now stronger, had enhanced senses, and could heal. However, seeing Stiles fight against Garrett showed him what that really meant for him now. Stiles was avoiding and pushing through Garrett's attacks with great speed and agility. Liam sighed contently as he saw Stiles go on and break Garrett's weapon.

Garrett faltered back a bit before he looked up at the end of his broken stick in shock. Stiles took the bladed end he was holding and tossed it to the side as he kept his hard glare on the assassin. Garrett huffed before he angrily tried to swing his broken stick at Stiles but he quickly brought his hand up to catch it before it could hit the side of his head. Garrett gripped his stick with both his hands as he tried to yank it free but Stiles' grip held. He then let a small growl loose before he struck his freed palm at Garrett's chest and made him fall back against a car door. Stiles then dropped the stick and it clanged against the asphalt before he kicked it away, underneath another car. Now Garrett was without a weapon, sitting on the ground as he leant against a car and stared up at Stiles who was looking down at him with a predatorial leer. He then turned his head to where he could make out the sight of the flashing siren lights of his father's police van. He then looked over at Garrett who was gritting his teeth in a mix of fear and frustration.

"Face it Garrett, you lost. And since I'm a good guy, I'm going to give you a choice," he lightly growled at him. "Either give up and turn yourself in quietly, or, keep going and then I'll turn in what's left of you. Personally, I don't care what you choose to do. Either way, I'm going to see you two pay for killing Demarco and Carrie and trying to kill my friend and Brett. All so you and Violet could fill your damn bank account." For extra measure, the blue of his eyes flashed brighter and he noticeably began to rub his clawed fingers.

Garrett grunted and grit his teeth as he picked himself up but kept against the parked car. He knew he didn't stand a chance of beating Stiles now, not when he lost his weapon. He had to escape but if he ran then Stiles would easily catch him. He knew Stiles wasn't bluffing about breaking him. This guy's past with the Argents and their hunters was why he wanted to be discreet and careful around here. But now their covers were blown and Violet was already caught. But Garrett refused to let himself or Violet rot away in prison or in some sick bed.

"Garrett," Liam called out. He tried to step closer but Stiles held his hand to tell him to not get closer. Liam stopped walking but kept his soft gaze up. "Just stop, okay. Stiles is right. It's over."

Garrett looked over at Liam, pleading to him, as a friend would. He narrowed his eyes at the younger beta and looked down to see that the broken off blade was on the ground and not too far away. He quickly brought his gaze back up to Stiles and smirked at him. "Over? Are you kidding me? Those last two we brought down weren't any big prize. Together they were just worth 500K. Hardly worth it. I should've just gone on and uncorked Lydia at the party instead of her wine." Garrett's smirk went sinister as he looked over and met Stiles' eyes. "After all, that bitch is worth 15 million, and I hear she's always been easy, well, except for maybe you," he said as he goaded him to fall for his trap. "Is that why you settled for that dimwit, what's her name...Malia?"

Stiles' breathing quickened before he just saw red. Insulting his friend and girlfriend like that, in front of him and in complete amusement...Stiles lost it. He then roared and pounced for him. He sent a hard punch for him but Garrett ducked to the side and Stiles had only hit the door, whose hit made a large dent and shattered the door's window. Garrett rolled off to the side and picked up his poisoned blade.

Stiles straightened up as Garrett held it, pointed in his direction. "That won't stop me."

Garrett still had a smirk on him. "No...not you."

Before Stiles could work out what he said, Garrett spun around and flung the blade off and it found itself in Liam.

"Liam!" Stiles cried as he ran for the younger beta as he fell down onto his back.

Stiles bent down as Liam was panting fearfully as he looked wide eyed at the blade stuck in his front.

"Am I bleeding? Am I dying?" Liam frantically cried out. "Oh god, get it out!"

Stiles held his hands to stop Liam from panicking as he looked at it. He quickly noticed that he didn't smell any blood. "Liam, stop moving." He then went to yank the blade out and saw that there was no wound. "It's okay. Liam, you're alright. You didn't get stabbed. It got stuck in your pad," he panted out in relief.

Liam pulled up his jersey and saw that there was a wide indent on his frontal pads where the blade had gotten stuck in. "I'm okay?" Liam screeched.

"Yeah, you're fine," Stiles sighed lightly to him.

There was then the sound of tires squeaking and Stiles looked back to notice that a car was burning rubber as it started speeding out of the parking lot not too far from them.

"Damn it," he lowly growled. He got to his feet and reached his hand down to Liam.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked him as he took his hand and got pulled back to his feet.

Stiles didn't look at him. He just stared off in the direction that Garrett drove off with a hard look on him. Neither of them saw or sensed that there were other sets of eyes locked in on them from across the lot.


When Noah Stilinski got Derek's call, he didn't waste a moment. He drove as fast as humanely possible to the school and quickly made his way to the locker room where he had heard Scott would be waiting. He was there, standing watch over a young girl, tied up.

He glared at her. "Is she the one?"

Scott looked over at him with narrowed eyes and nodded. "Yeah. She's the one that uses the thermal cut wire." He then reached over and picked it up for him to see. "She and Garrett were working together."

"Are you alright?"

Scott nodded. "I'm okay. Derek went and took the guy she tried to kill out of here."

"And what happened with Garrett?"

"Last I saw him was on the field. Stiles, he went after him," he muttered in a small tone.

"Is he okay?" Noah asked him quickly.

But Scott didn't answer as they both heard, "Are you okay?" from behind them. They turned and saw that it was Scott's father.


"I heard the dispatch call and rushed right over," he told him. He then looked over at the Sheriff and then to the girl. "What happened here?"

"Violet, she's a killer." Scott muttered to him. "She tried to kill me during the game break."

His dad's eyes nearly popped out. "What?"

Scott looked over at the Sheriff and the man nodded.

"McCall, can we talk?"

Scott moved over to the side so that Stiles' dad could talk to his. He stepped out into the hallway as he watched the two men engage in some hushed whispering. Scott listened in a bit and saw that the Sheriff was telling his dad that he was sure Violet and his boyfriend were connected to the other murders in town. His father then asked how the Sheriff knew that, Scott tuned out when he saw Liam was moving over for him.

"Liam," he called to him. As Liam got to him, he noticed how that the boy was sweating and had a heavy scent of anxiety coming off of him. "What happened?"

"Garrett...he uh, he got away." Liam told him uncomfortably. "He left this behind though." Liam then held up the broken part of Garrett's lacrosse stick that had the blade.

Scott's eyes widened at the sight. "You found him?" He then noticed the tear in Liam's jersey. "Are you okay?" he asked quickly.

"Yeah," Liam told him. "Yeah, I'm fine, I guess. Stiles, he saved me."

"Is he okay?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, he's okay too." Liam stared at him for a second before his expression fell. "Garrett got away though. Stiles told me to find you and make sure this gets to his dad." He then held up Garrett's broken off blade.

Scott stared at it for a second before looking back up at him. "Where is Stiles?"


Stiles and Liam had been moving out into the parking lot when they spotted Derek moving through the shadows, holding Brett in his arms. Stiles gave Liam the blade and told him to get it back to Scott and his father while he took Derek to his jeep so they could head to the animal clinic. Stiles quickly drove them to the front of the building where Deaton was already waiting by the door as they had called him in route. They carried Brett inside the clinic and placed him on the table. Brett was convulsing rather violently and yellow foam was leaking out through his mouth.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Stiles said as he tried to keep Brett from falling off. "I've never seen wolfsbane make werewolves like this." When Derek had been shot with wolfsbane bullets, he had been lacking in energy. Same with him and Scott when they had been poisoned. Brett seemed like he couldn't stop moving.

"The form of wolfsbane he was hit with is extremely rare. Its effects are more combustive in werewolves," Deaton explained as he got some tools off one of the shelves. "We won't be able to burn this species out of him. I need to make an incision but both of you need to hold him still."

Stiles leaned on Brett to try and keep him from moving. Stiles put his strength down into his hold and Brett was somewhat held. From Stiles' end at least. Brett was still moving more freely from the side that Derek was trying to restrain.

And Stiles noticed. "Hey Derek, how about putting a little more effort, huh?" he sarcastically spat at him. "You know, put in some of that good old-fashioned werewolf strength?"

"Yeah, well I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength!" he spat back at him.

Deaton held the scalpel over him but couldn't move in. "He's just moving too much. If you can't keep him still then the incision could kill him," he warned. To add urgency to his warning, Brett then started to cough and now spit up the wolfsbane foam coating his mouth.

Derek grit his teeth and tried to press more of his body weight on Brett but he scratched him with his exposed claw and made him hiss and fall back. With his right hand free he surprised and pushed at Stiles, overwhelming him enough to fall off him and to the floor. Deaton hopped back in surprise as Brett climbed off the table and started to sway about, trying to stay on his feet. His eyes then focused on the door and he started to move for it.

"Brett, stop!" Stiles cried as he ran forward and hooked his arms around his torso to keep him from leaving.

Brett tried to pull himself away, stepping for the exit but Stiles was pulling as hard as he could to move him back to the table. Brett then started wiggling around, pushing at Stiles' hands to try and get free, but Stiles kept his grip tight. By the doorway, Peter started to run in and struck at Brett across the face. Brett's body then went limp in Stiles' arms and he gently helped lay him down with his back on the floor. Derek was heaving a little deeply as he had his hand over the scratch that Brett gave him but his eyes were wide and focused on his uncle. His eyes were burning blue as he was staring down at his closed fist. He noticed that Derek was staring at him and blinked his eyes back to normal.

"Well, I might be older but I still have a fair bit of werewolf strength left."

"Yeah, maybe more than a little," Derek gasped.

Peter smirked at him but it fell when he noticed the scratch on Derek's arm. It was still there and then, after a moment, slowly began to heal itself. Derek then quickly moved to keep it from sight.

Stiles was kneeling over Brett and his eyes widened. "Uh, Doc, he's not breathing."

Deaton then bent down himself and began to make his incision. After he made it, a big puff of yellow colored smoke began to pour out of him. Stiles shook his head. "Uh, well, is that it? Is he okay?"

"I think he'll be fine. But, he'll definitely be out for a while."

Stiles sighed. "Good." At least he was able to make up for Garrett slipping away from him earlier. Stiles saw the pained look on Brett's face and moved his hand over to touch his shoulder, prepared to pull some of the pain away. But before he could even graze him, his hand just stiffened up and Stiles felt his throat begin to tighten. A flash of him smirking flashed into his mind and he pulled his hand back. Stiles then closed his eyes and was now taking some deep breaths.

Deaton narrowed his eyes at him. "Stiles, are you alright?"

Stiles let out a big puff of air and cleared his throat. "Yeah," he cracked out. "I'm fine, just," Stiles then took another whiff of air and his eyes narrowed as he breathed in the strong smell of wolfsbane from Brett's incision. "Wait, this smell. Yeah, I know it. It's a lot like the poison that Gerard used on me after he kidnapped me from the lacrosse finals."

Deaton nodded as he looked down at the unconscious wolf's wound. "Yes, Gerard's werewolf power sapping cocktail. This species of wolfsbane is a key ingredient. Though Gerard mixed it with other toxins and chemicals to drag out its more fatal effects. Brett seems to have been dosed with its far more potent form."

Stiles then heard something coming from Brett. He was mumbling. "Guys, do you hear that?" he asked them. "He's saying something." Brett was still out and seemed to just be mumbling in his sleep. "Sounds like a chant."

Deaton moved to lean in closer and was barely able to make out what Brett was saying. The words that Brett was repeating were Sun. Moon. Truth. He then moved to sit back. "Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth." He then looked over at Derek. "It's Buddhist."

Derek looked over at Peter and his eyes widened. "Satomi."

That made Stiles' eyes widen. He knew that name all too well. "Satomi? The werewolf that was at Oak Creek with Kira's mom?"

Deaton nodded. "Yes." He then looked down at the sleep talking wolf on the floor. "It seems that Brett here might just belong to her pack."

"Wait," Stiles said straightening himself up a bit. "Are you saying-"

Derek sighed. "Yeah. She's an Alpha."


The Coach was shooing the lacrosse team away as many wanted to go and get their things from the locker room but they couldn't enter as it was now a crime scene.

"I'm sorry but you can all get your gear tomorrow," he told them. "If anyone sees Garrett then you are to notify police immediately. Then tell him that he's off the damn team. Got it?" The team nodded their heads. He then looked over and noticed that someone was missing. "And has anyone seen Stilinski?"

The players all shook their heads at that one and mumbled "No coach."

"Crap." Coach shook his head. "Well, at least he waited until after the game was called off to disappear this time." His face then hardened at them. "Now move out. Let the police do their jobs!" he said to them before they all started to head on out.

Liam was standing off to the side, his gear all taken off, and he was watching as Scott was talking to his father.

"Are you sure that you're feeling okay? If there is any part of you that is feeling sore than you should have the EMT's take a look," Rafael said to Scott in concern.

But Scott shook his head. "Really dad, I told you, I'm okay. See?" he said lifting his neck out so that his father could have a better look.

Rafael saw that there wasn't even any swelling. He then sighed. "I should've been here. I know that I promised that I would be at your games."

"Well, this was only a pre-season scrimmage."

But his dad just shook his head. "No, I promised your mom I would be around more so she could pick up more double shifts at the hospital."

Scott could see that his dad was genuinely sad about not being there tonight for him. He gave his father a soft look. "You're here now."

Just then, Violet was being escorted out of the locker room area, in handcuffs, by Deputy Parrish and the Sheriff. Violet turned around and noticed the nametag on him. The one that read Parrish. She recognized it.

"Jordan Parrish?" she asked him.

But the deputy just looked at her with a hard expression on his face. "Deputy Parrish," he told her as he kept moving her forward, passed Scott and his father.

Rafael shook his head. He remembered what Braeden had told him earlier. That his son and his friends were all in danger. "Scott, do you have any idea why Violet would just attack you like that?"

Scott stared at him for a second before he shook his head. "No. I can't think of anything."

He knew that his son was lying to him. Evidenced more when he looked over at the Sheriff who was making his way over to them. Rafael then noticed the evidence baggie in Noah's hand. "Sheriff, what is that? Is that the weapon?"

"Yeah. It's a thermal cut wire."

"Parrish, hold up," Rafael called out to the deputy.

At that, the two of them then moved over to catch up to Parrish and Violet as Scott stayed behind. When he was alone, Liam made his way over to him. Scott then noticed that there was someone else that he hadn't seen in a while.

"Where's Kira?" he asked him.

"She took off. Stiles sent her a copy of the part of the Deadpool that Lydia cracked."

Scott's eyes widened. "Her mom's on it," he realized.

"Everyone's on it," Liam told him. "You, Stiles, Kira, Lydia."

Scott shook his head. "Not you."

"Not yet. There's still another third, right?" he asked nervously.

Scott then moved to listen in on his father and the others and Liam turned to try and do the same.

"A thermal cut wire. Very unusual weapon Violet," Rafael said to her. "We have something very similar on file, used in over a dozen murders."

"Including Demarco Montana," Noah threw in. "Killed last weekend outside the lake house that you happened to be at that night."

But Violet calmly shook her head and narrowed her eyes. "I don't know what you're all talking about. I just go to school here."

Rafael narrowed his own eyes back at her, in interrogation. "Maybe we should call your parents," he said, not skipping a beat. "Oh that's right, you don't have any parents. That's why they call you The Orphans."

"Which means that you can't go to school here, seeing as you and your boyfriend aren't minors, right?" Noah put in. "That means you aren't as safe as you think. Especially since Scott says that you had just tried to kill him with this," he said holding the thermal cut wire. "And I'm betting that we'll find traces of Demarco's DNA as well as some from the others that were killed by this weapon. You should make things easier on yourself and your boyfriend and tell us where he is."

Violet just shrugged. "Sorry, but I can't tell you anything when I don't understand the first thing about is going on."

Noah nodded his head at her. "That so? Not even this?" He then pulled out another plastic baggie from his coat pocket that had Garrett's blade in it. "This was found in your boyfriend's lacrosse stick. I'm sure that forensics will be able to quickly match it to the wounds found in Carrie Hudson's body."

Violet's face didn't break in its calm. "That's all news to me. Seriously, you're grasping at straws."

Noah nodded at that. He then opened the bag and took a sniff inside. "There's a curious smell. Looks like it's laced with something. Hmm, kinda smells like this." He then pulled out a small vial that had a bit of yellow liquid inside. "Scott pulled it from your pocket while you were knocked out. So, still don't understand what's going on?" Violet's eyes narrowed a bit but she kept her calm game face on and Noah looked over at Parrish. "Take her to the station."

"Yes sir," he said before he yanked on her arm and pulled her away.

Noah and Rafael were then left there alone as they watched the girl being hauled off.

McCall eyed the baggie with the blade. "How exactly did you get that?"

"Oh, a reliable source of mine."

"Well, did this source happen to share what happened to Garrett as they gave you his murder weapon? We've got to find him," Rafael said to him.

"Yeah, I know. We should have the roads out of town watched, and see if you could find and freeze their bank accounts. That should help make sure he doesn't get very far." He then gave him the blade and the vial of poison. "Take those with you to forensics."

He nodded. "Yeah, I can do all that. But, what are you going to do?"

Noah then looked over and saw that Scott and Liam were standing a little bit aways and seemed to both be listening and waiting. "I'm going to follow another lead. I'll be back at the station in a bit."

Noah then moved over for them "Boys," he said as he reached them. He then looked over at where Rafael was still standing and nodded off to him before he went and took the boys by the shoulders and led them away.

Rafael watched them as they headed off and narrowed his eyes. It didn't escape his notice that Stiles was missing and no one had seen him around the same time that Garrett had vanished. Also, it just occurred to him that there should've been some sign of Violet's attack on his son but he didn't even have a single mark on him. Not to mention that Scott was at the right place at the right time and the Sheriff had been heading over here prior to the call to find Garrett. But, he would think more on all of that later, after he finished dealing with the girl who attacked her son.

The Sheriff pulled Scott and Liam over to the corner of the hall.

"Thanks Sheriff for not saying that I gave you Garrett's weapon," Liam sighed. "The last thing I want is for my mom and stepdad to freak out about all this."

"Yeah, don't worry about it Liam," Noah muttered. "But, my son, he's okay?"

"He's fine," Scott quickly reassured him. "He and Derek went to take Brett to the animal clinic so that Deaton could heal him."

Noah let a breath that he didn't know he was holding out. "Good. And I'm happy he got to you in time Liam."

"Just in time," Liam mumbled. "If Stiles had only been a few seconds later..." Liam froze there.

"Liam," Scott started.

"We were wrong. Stiles was on the list and he's worth 10 million dollars. That means Malia and I could be on the last one too."

"You have to calm down," Scott hissed at him. Liam was starting to be a little too loud.

But the Sheriff's eyes widened. "10 Million?!" he nearly shouted. His tone made Scott and Liam jump and even made some heads of stragglers nearby turn.

"Sheriff," Scott said lightly, trying to calm his friend's dad down.

Noah seemed to remember where he was and quickly calmed himself down, well, as much as he could anyway, given the situation. He had known that Stiles was on the Deadpool, thanks to Malia, but she didn't tell him that his son was worth so much money. Enough to make him a strong target. "Do you know where Garrett could've gone?" he asked them.

Scott shook his head and Liam dropped his gaze. "No," Scott told him.

"Well, maybe there might be something they left behind that could help in finding him," he reasoned.

"Sheriff!" That made the three of them jump. Coach was stomping over to them, and he looked pissed. "You won't believe this. It looks like someone went and broke one of the door windows of my car! Not to mention that there's a giant size dent in the door like someone went and crashed into it! You got to find the little monsters that did this!"

Liam awkwardly moved to clear his throat and keep his eyes anywhere but on Coach at that.

Noah held his hand out to the man. "We'll look into it Coach. But, right now, I need you to give me the numbers for both Violet and Garrett's lockers. And some bolt cutters," he added in a harder tone.

Scott headed for Garrett's locker in the boy's locker room while the Sheriff and Coach were busy with his and Violet's lockers in the halls. Liam was keeping a lookout at the door as Scott got to it and pulled the lock open with his strength.

"I think someone's coming," Liam hissed over at him. "Hurry."

Scott took the lock out and then opened the door and began to look inside. They knew that Garrett didn't have anything in his locker save for the first part of the list if he didn't take it with him after school. If there was a chance that Garrett did have the final part of the Deadpool around school, it would be here. He spotted a duffel back at the bottom and crutched down to it and began to open it. Scott's eyes widened at what was inside.

"Find anything?" Liam called out to him.

Scott's eyes were glued to the rolls of money that the bag was filled with. Stacks of hundred-dollar bills stood out to him in the dim light. Scott swallowed and looked out. "No," he called out. "Nothing."


Liam was sitting at the foot of his bed, just staring off at his clenched hands as they were shaking slightly. This whole day was packed with so much drama, suspense and head spinning revelations that made it seem like it ran on forever but Liam couldn't find it in himself to just fall asleep. In this day alone, he learned that two of his good friends were professional killers and had tried to kill not only Scott, but Brett as well. Brett, his hated rival who turned out to be just like him. Or was it him that was now just like Brett? Then, there was the fact that his once friend had tried to stab him that night, twice. Liam jumped in surprise when he heard a soft tapping at his window. 

He settled back down when he saw that it was Stiles. "What are you doing here?" he asked when he opened the window.

Stiles moved his legs inside so that he was sitting with his back still out the window. "I was about to go and hunt for Garrett but I decided to first come and check up on you."


"Well, for starters, you did have a knife thrown at you today by somebody who you thought was your friend at the beginning of the day."

"Can you find him?"

"I hope so. We can't just let him stay out there and risk him going after anyone else."

Liam then ducked his head. "I was totally useless tonight."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at him. "What are you talking about?"

"At the school, all I did was give you, Scott and Kira more to worry about. I should've listened and not been at the game. Because of me, you guys couldn't focus everything on Garrett and he almost killed Scott and Brett and he used me to get away. The whole time you were trying to stop him, I did nothing but watch. I just got in everyone's way. At the parking lot, I should've done something but instead, all I did was stand there, like a complete idiot," he muttered hatefully at himself.

"Liam, you are an idiot." Liam's eyes widened at that but Stiles just smiled at him. "What I mean is that you can't blame yourself for any of that. You only just became a werewolf a week ago. No one expects you to get a full grip on all of this and immediately jump in and fight against bad guys." Stiles' shoulders then slumped. "Besides, its all my fault that Garrett got away. I let myself lose it back there when he taunted me, which is exactly what he wanted. It's not your fault."

Liam nodded. "How's Brett doing?"

"Well, Deaton managed to get all the wolfsbane out of him but he's still kind of weak. He should get his full strength back in about a day."

"Uh...can I see him? Tomorrow, after school?"

"Yeah, just come by the animal clinic. Well, I better get going."

"Wait," Liam said as Stiles began to move back out the window. "I never got say thanks. For what you did, catching that knife going for my face. I mean, with how much of a hard time I've been giving you guys, I'm surprised you even did that."

Stiles' face softened at that. "You're part of the pack now Liam. That's what we do. We look out for each other."

"We're brothers now?" Liam quoted.

Stiles let a small chuckle loose. "Yeah, something like that. If any of us ever need help, all we have to do is call for it and then at least one of us always comes running."

"Well, I can call Scott but I never gave you my number."

Stiles let a small laugh loose. "Here." He reached into his pocket but his face fell after a moment. "Ha, I guess I forgot my phone when I left the school." He then shrugged. "Well, anyway, I wasn't just talking about our phones. Wolves have their own way of calling and signaling the others in the pack."

"Really, how?"

"Just howl. Howl and at least one of us should hear you." He then moved to lean back outside on the window sill.

"Just like that?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah. There are times when a being a werewolf is rough, but there are times when it can be really great. You'll see."

Liam moved to run his hand over the front of his face. "Yeah, right," he mumbled as he then removed his hand. He looked at the window to see that Stiles had already let go and was gone. Liam let a frustrated air out and moved to lay on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Stiles headed into his jeep and then shut the door with a sigh. He gave Liam's window one last look before he turned to look at his backseat, at the lacrosse gloves that were lying there. He took one of them and gave it a good whiff. Once he had the scent, he opened the window and then started his car up. Stiles was thankful that it seemed like he had gotten his sense of smell and tracking skills back to snuff. It looked like it had gotten back to normal after the full moon a few nights ago. He began driving around through town, through the mostly empty streets. It was the middle of the night so there wasn't much traffic. That was good, as it would help him in trying to track down his prey. After about two hours, he managed to pick up Garrett's scent. He sped the jeep a little until he came upon the factory district and then stopped the car. Parked a little up ahead was a car that he recognized as the one that Garrett had taken from the school lot. He stepped out of his jeep and slowly made his way over to it. He carefully stepped over to the driver's side window and saw that the car was empty. He moved to open the door and pulled his head inside and found that there was something on the floor. He quickly picked up the scent of gunpowder and saw that it was blinking. Stiles didn't spare another moment as he quickly made a break for it. He managed to get three steps away when the car exploded and Stiles found himself flung forward from the force of the explosion. He landed hard on the asphalt, coughing, but mostly okay. He then moved to pick himself up to stare at the burning car.

Stiles grit his teeth as the scratches on his forehead were starting to heal up. "Assassins," he mumbled as he tried to dust himself off.

Inside one of the nearby factories, a man was watching him through binoculars. He lowered them before he huffed and angrily threw the small detonator in his hands against the wall.


Melissa was looking in the blackened fridge as she was on the phone with the power company. "I know that I'm a month late." She froze as she heard them correct her on the other line. "Three months? Are you sure it's three months?" She sighed as she heard them verify it. "Okay, I understand. But, if you could just turn the power back on, even for a few hours, it would be really great. I have a refrigerator full of food that's going to go bad. Obviously I don't have the money right now to run out and replace 300 dollars worth of groceries," she tried to joke.

Scott was sitting in his room, listening to everything that his mother was saying. How she was trying to joke and bargain with the power company to give them some electricity. He could smell her concern and worry from there, which made him feel even more terrible that he happened to be sitting over a bag that was filled with thousands of dollars. He had taken it from Garrett's locker and hadn't told anyone. He didn't know why he did it or even why he lied to Liam about finding it. He needed to talk to someone, but the only person he felt might understand, wasn't calling him back.


Stiles walked on into the animal clinic to gaze at the werewolf still on the table. Deaton was checking his heart and Stiles noticed that Derek was standing off to the side.

"Has he woken up yet?" Stiles asked them.

Deaton sighed as he removed the stethoscope. "No, not yet."

Derek eyes narrowed at him. "What happened to you? You smell like ash and smoke."

Stiles gave him a look. "Yeah. I was out tracking Garrett all night. I finally found the car he used to get away from the school but it had been rigged with a bomb."

Deaton's face fell. "It seems these assassins don't play around."

A dark look started to come over Stiles' eyes. "I know. Can you imagine what would've happened if it was my dad or his deputies that found the car instead? I have to find that lunatic."

Just then, the clinic's phone rang and Deaton went over to his office to answer it.

Derek moved to stand up. "That may have to wait. What we should do is get in touch with Brett's pack. There's a chance that the last two wolves that were killed belong to the same pack so there's a chance that they all might be on the Deadpool."

"Satomi's pack?" Stiles had to admit, he would like to meet her.

Derek nodded. "I'm going to need help finding them. They like to meet in the woods but they're too big for me to comb by myself. I already called Scott but he said that he had things to handle today."

Stiles shook his head. "I'm sorry Derek but I have to get back out there and keep looking for Garrett." He then straightened up a bit. "But, maybe Malia could help you."


"Yeah. I know she can. She knows the woods like the back of her own hand." He saw Derek look down, as if he was considering it. Malia was his younger cousin who he had just found out about a couple of weeks ago. More family that he learned he still had. "It might actually be a good bonding time for you two."

Derek brought his gaze back up. "Does she know?"

Stiles averted his eyes. "I...haven't told yet. To be fair, there hasn't been a good enough time. And, to be honest, I don't know if she should know."

"Why?" Derek said a little offensively. "Because of me?"

"Because of Peter."

Derek deflated. That was a good point. "Okay. I won't tell her."

"But I got ask, be patient with her. She's still a little new to all of this but once she gets going, she's great."

"Stiles," Deaton said as he stepped back in the room. "That was Lydia. She's been calling around for you."

Stiles sighed. "Yeah, I left my phone at the school when all this started and hadn't had a chance to go back for it yet."

"She asked for me to tell you to meet her at the station. She needs your help to talk to someone."



Mason and Liam were off in the woods together, taking a quick morning run before they had to head to school. The both of them were apparently too buzzed from last night's events to really get any sleep. The revelation about their two good friends was too heavy on their minds.

"It's not just that we were friends with them," Mason sighed out. "They were using us. For their cover." Mason then saw that Liam wasn't saying anything and was just silently running beside him. "I mean, professional killers were using us. How are you not freaking out about that?"

Liam finally sighed. "Oh trust me, I'm freaking out about a lot!" His breathing started to quicken and he found himself beginning to speed up.

"Liam, slow down!" Mason called out as he couldn't find himself able to keep up.

But Liam didn't slow down, he went faster. Ran. Ran to try and distance himself from all the thoughts that were plaguing him. There was just so much going on with him now, he didn't know where to keep his focus on first. The Deadpool, being a werewolf, Scott, Stiles, Kira, Malia, Lydia, Brett, Violet, Garrett. He suddenly stopped when he then remembered Mason. He turned and realized that he had left him behind. He was getting ready to run back to him when he felt something slam into him from behind. He was thrown off some distance away, aching everywhere. He managed to lift his head and saw that it minivan. The driver's door opened and Garrett stepped out of it and made his way to him.

"Hey Liam. Sorry to just drop in on you like this but I'm kind of having a bit of trouble," He then brought out a long blade like the one that had been on his lacrosse stick last night. "I was hoping you could help me out."

Liam stared back at the blade in Garrett's hand fearfully and tried to crawl back away from him.

"Leave me alone," he cried.

He found that he was too hurt to get to his feet so he just crawled as hard as he could. He could hear Garrett walking over to him, slowly, but Liam didn't turn to look. He got two more feet away before he felt a sharp pain in his side. He let out a pained scream as Garrett grabbed him by the legs and began to drag him away.

A few minutes later, Mason ended up jogging over to that spot but didn't see any sign of Liam anywhere. He looked around, unaware of a spot of his friend's blood right in front of his feet.


Malia was sitting in math class, looking over Lydia's notes, as the teacher was going over attendance.

"Has anyone seen Stiles, Lydia or Kira today?" the teacher asked the room. Her gaze then went over to Malia who had her eyes glued to her notebook. "Malia," she said getting her attention. "Any idea where your friends are today?"

"I could try catching a scent," she suggested.

The teacher gave her a small look before sighing. "Right. How about I just mark them down as absent?"

Malia then heard her name being called out. It was in a whisper. She looked around but no one in the room seemed to be looking her way. She then heard it again. She then realized that whoever was calling her wasn't there. They were outside and it was someone that knew that she could hear them. She then moved to grab her bag and started to leave.

"Malia?" the teacher said stopping her. "Do you need to be excused from class?"

She nodded. "Yeah." She then left the room without another word. She wandered the halls until she stopped when she picked up a scent. She turned around and found Derek Hale standing at the foot of the stairs behind her. "What are you doing here?"

"Brett's still out of it. I need to find his pack and warn them about the Deadpool. Scott, Stiles and the others are all busy trying to find Garrett or get the rest of the names. Stiles said that you could help me."

Malia sighed. "And how can I help?" First Lydia and now Derek? It seemed that Stiles thought she could help everyone lately.

"I know a little bit about this pack. They have a sort of secret meeting place in the woods. No one has spent more time in those woods than you." He then threw Malia Brett's jersey. "Breathe it in."

Malia shook her head. "Oh, I'm not too good at that yet."

"Stiles says you are."

"Stiles says a lot of things."

Derek tilted his head a bit. "You're not wrong there. He sometimes says too much, but he believes in you," he said softly. "If you need help then I can teach you." Malia moved to unfold the jersey and then started to breathe it in. "Focus on the different scents. Some are tied to identity. Others give off emotion. Just, take your time and sort through each one until you find the one you want to track."

Malia slowly sniffed it. Breathing in all the different scents until she opened her eyes. She found it.


Coach Finstock was sipping some medicine as Scott and Mason were standing at the doorway to his office. They were asking him if he had seen Liam.

The man coughed as he finished drinking from the bottle. "Sorry guys, Liam skipped my class. Maybe he's sick, like me," he mumbled before he went to take another sip.

Mason turned to look back at Scott. "Liam didn't look sick on our run."

Scott was checking his phone. "He's not getting back to any of my texts."

"Mine either," said Mason.

But before they could leave, Coach called them back. "Oh, and McCall, tell Stilinski that if his dad finds out who was the felon that smashed my car, he gets extra credit. I'll even erase his absence today."

"Uh, yeah. Sure Coach."

Mason narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Stiles is out today?"

"Yeah, he's not feeling well himself," Scott told him.

"He seemed well enough yesterday and last night," Mason put in.

"Right," Scott tried shrugged off quickly. "Look, don't worry about Liam. I'll find him. But text me if you see him."

Mason nodded slowly at him. "Yeah, alright." He then turned to head into the sea of students leaving their classrooms but he wasn't heading to his next class. Something about all of this didn't seem quite right and judging from everything that was happening lately, it could mean trouble. Trouble that involved his best friend.

As for Scott, he was starting to get worried. It didn't sound like Liam to just up and disappear like this. With everything going on, his mind was starting to get nervous scenarios playing for him. But before he could think more on them, he saw that he was getting a call. From Liam. He quickly answered it. "Liam?"

"Sounds like you already know the answer that, Scott."

Scott stiffened. It was Garrett. "Where is he?" he asked him.

"Come on, like I'm actually going to tell you that," Garrett said to him mockingly.

Scott moved to try and talk somewhere more private. "I'll give you the money," he told him.

"Yeah, you will. But that's not going to get you Liam back. You're going to have to put in more effort than that."

"What do you want?"

"I want the money and Violet, or, you never see Liam again. Come and meet with me, alone. That means without any of your friends, especially Stiles."


Stiles met with Lydia outside the Sheriff's station and they went in and spotted Parrish at his desk. He looked up as they entered the station and he flagged them over to him.

"Your dad should be back within the hour. You want to wait in his office?" he asked them.

"Actually, we wanted to speak to you," Stiles told him.

"Privately," Lydia mumbled softly but insistently.

Parrish then led them to the Sheriff's office and Lydia handed him the copy she had of the second part of the Deadpool. He looked down at the list of names with numbers attached to them.

"This a hitlist?" he asked.

"We call it a Deadpool," said Stiles. "Recognize any of the names?"

Parrish narrowed his eyes at a name in the middle. "Uh, is this your name?" he asked pointing to it.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, that's me."

"Ah, well, I see why everyone calls you Stiles then. And a few of these other names, your dad had me run them through the system last night but we couldn't find any of them. What's this hitlist all about anyway? Why are you on here?"

"We'll get to that but first, there's something you need to see." Stiles then turned to look over at Lydia.

"There's one more name." Lydia then took the paper and flipped it, revealing Parrish's own name at the bottom.

That made him stand up. "Okay, that's kind of terrifying. What's the number?"

"That's how much your worth," Lydia told him softly.

He turned around to face them with an incredulous look on his face. "I'm worth five dollars?"

"Five million," Stiles explained.

Parrish's face widened. "I only make forty thousand a year. Maybe I should be killing myself," he mumbled. "Wait, then this ten up here by your name, does that mean you're worth ten million?" he asked Stiles. The boy slowly nodded as he kept his eyes at the paper. "Does the Sheriff know?"

"Yeah," Stiles sighed. "My dad knows."

But Parrish shook his head. "I don't get it. Why am I on this? Why are you on this? Or, any of these people?"

"Yeah, that is probably a discussion best saved for later. Right now, there is still one more third of the list that we need to crack."

"And we need the third cypher key to unlock it," Lydia told him. "But, we need help getting it."

"From who?" Parrish asked her.


"The girl from Eichen? The last time you saw her, you almost gave her a nervous breakdown."

"Almost," Lydia argued.

"Well after what almost happened, they're not going to let her out again," he told them.

Lydia sighed. "Then, we're going to have to go and see her."

"They're not going to let you see her."

"They will if you come with us," she said to him.

Stiles then rubbed his neck. "Actually, I can't go."

Lydia turned to him, surprised. "What?"

But Stiles kept his gaze on Parrish. "Please Parrish, we wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. Like really important. Life and Death important. Could you take Lydia to Eichen House see her?"

Parrish gave them a look for a moment before he deflated. "Alright. Let me just make a call to Eichen House so that they'll be expecting us."

"Thank you. You, you're the best," Stiles called out after him. "You know, he's really a real cool guy," he said as Parrish made it to his desk and picked up his phone. "I like him."

"Yeah, he is," Lydia mumbled as she stared at him for a moment. She then turned away to look back at Stiles. "What was that about you not going."

Stiles' face hardened a bit. "Garrett is still out there. I have to go back out and try and find him. Before he could hurt someone else."

"By yourself? What about Scott?"

"It's my fault Garrett got away. If he hurts somebody...that's on me."

Lydia nodded. "Okay. Just be careful."

"You too. Trust me, just the place gives me the creeps. The people there, even creepier."

"Oh what fun," she sarcastically huffed at him.

Stiles then headed out of the station and was walking over to his jeep.


Stiles stopped and turned around to find Mason standing there. "Mason? What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I actually was trying to look for you."


"Yeah, it's Liam. He was running with me this morning and I lost track of him. He's disappeared and I think something might've happened to him."

"Did you check around school?"

"Yeah, and Scott hasn't heard from him either."

"Did you tell him what happened?"

Mason nodded. "He said he would text me if he heard from him."

"So, then why come to me?"

Mason sighed and looked down a little uncomfortably. "Answer me something first. Did you know? About Violet and Garrett? Is that why you were asking about the keg? Because the guy who delivered it was killed?" Stiles just quietly stared at him and Mason took that as all the confirmation he needed. "I knew it was Violet who ordered it but I didn't say anything because I didn't want her or Garrett to get in trouble. I thought they were my friends. And, I can't help but think if I had said something to you yesterday, then maybe Liam wouldn't be missing right now."

Stiles paled a bit. "You think Garrett did something to Liam?"

Mason stiffened. "He's my best friend. If something happens to him...it'll be my fault."

But Stiles shook his head. "No. It's not your fault Mason." Stiles quietly thought that if it was anyone's fault, it was his. "Now, tell me, where did you last see him?"


Scott went over to where the school buses were all parked at the time that Garrett told him. He moved around and quickly spotted the guy waiting for him.

"You alone?" Garrett asked him without lifting his head.

"I'm alone, I didn't even tell any of my friends. Okay," Scott said as he moved for him and began talking quickly. "Now, what do you want? Want me to go to Stilinski? I could do that or I could talk to my father. He's an FBI agent."

Garrett smirked at him. "Do you really think I want to talk to someone with a badge? That I would go to a werewolf because I want help talking to someone?"

Scott glared at him. "Then what do you want me to do?"

"They're transferring Violet tonight. She'll be in a car and you're going to stop it and get her back for me."

Scott's eyes widened. "You want me to attack a car? That's your brilliant plan?"

Now Garrett rolled his eyes. "You're an Alpha. If you can't stop one little car then one little beta is going to die." Scott glared at him and Garrett reached behind his back and pulled out his blade. "I stabbed your boy with this a while ago. It's dipped in wolfsbane and once it reaches his heart, bad things happen, unless you do exactly what I say," he said as he held the blade close to his face to glimpse the wolfsbane it was laced with. "Poor Liam doesn't have much time. I would decide fast."

Scott sighed. It looked like he didn't have a choice. "Okay, fine."
