117 part 2

The sun had set by the time that Scott had stopped his bike right outside the loft. He took a hard breath as he readied himself to do something unpleasant. But when he took his helmet off, he saw that someone else was already here. Malia.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her as he got off his bike.

"I heard that you were coming here to talk to Peter and since Lydia tells me that he's basically Satan in a V-neck I figured you shouldn't be alone."

Scott started to get nervous. The last thing he wanted was for Malia to be around him and risk him doing or saying something that will have her find out the truth. Stiles wanted to be the one to tell her. "I can handle Peter," he said trying to draw her away.

But Malia was stubborn. "You can handle him better with me."

She then moved off for the loft and Scott quickly followed after her. He could only cross his fingers and hope that Peter behaved himself, however slim that may be. They moved into the building and got to the sliding door.

"Just...let me do the talking," Scott told her as he went and pushed it open.

As they walked in, Malia took the whole place in though her eyes narrowed. "What's wrong with you?" she asked him.

"Nothing," he told her.

"Your heart is pounding like crazy. You nervous?"

"He's just bad at introductions," mumbled an all too familiar voice.

Scott turned at the sound of it to find Peter sitting in a couch to the side, reading a book. "Peter," he braced himself as he sent a look Malia's way. He had to introduce her now. "This is Malia," he said softly.

Peter put his book down as he slowly picked himself up, his eyes never leaving Malia. Not leaving his now revealed daughter. He took a moment to really look at her. "Beautiful eyes," he muttered finally. "Did you get them from your father?" he asked as he slowly stepped over for them.

"Mother,' she told him with a look that told them that Peter was weirding her out.

But Peter didn't seem bothered by her reaction. "Interesting. Anyway," he snapped out of his stupor and looked over at Scott. "I'm sure they told you all about me."

Malia nodded. "Stiles told me everything about you."

"Stiles?" he asked as he looked at Scott who narrowed his eyes at him. Peter's eyes widened. "Oh, I see. Wow. Starting to see his type. Did he tell you that its thanks to me that he and his friends even have their power?"

She barely shrugged. "Yeah. The homicidal killing spree also came up."

Peter just gave her a small smile. "We're all works in progress."

"Well when you progress into your next killing spree why don't you try and make sure they all stay dead," she bit back.

That made Peter's eyes narrow a bit. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"What do you know about people being turned by a scratch?" Scott asked him.

"Did you scratch someone Scott?" he asked a little surprised. "Well, don't worry. The claws have to go in pretty deep."

"But it's possible," Scott asked him as he started to walk off. "Like if you clawed out someone's throat?" he said with a pointed tone.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Well, yeah its possible. It's also beyond rare. We're talking one in a-" But Peter stopped when he started to get the hints that Scott was dropping. His face then went into an aggravated snarl. "Million."


Stiles brought Derek into Scott's house and they made their way through the door that he opened with his key.

"We're going to wait here for Scott. He's out trying to find a way to get your memories back. Until he gets back, we will sit here and wait patiently and quietly," he said to Derek pointedly. "You don't talk to anyone."

"Can I talk to you?" Derek asked.


"Good," Derek mumbled.

"Fine," Stiles mumbled back.

"And him?" Derek pointed off.

Stiles then stopped as he saw that Scott's dad was in the kitchen. "Oh," he said in surprise. He was the last person Stiles wanted around them, especially now. "What are you doing here?!" he spat out.

Agent McCall rose his eyebrow at him. "I live here."

"Lived here. Past tense," Stiles said to him with a smile though it didn't reach his eyes.

McCall answered with a similar one before he wiped it off. "What are you guys doing here?" McCall asked the boys.

"Waiting for Scott," Derek told him.

"Yeah, so am I. We're supposed to have dinner. I brought extra, you want some?"

"Yeah," Derek called out enthusiastically. He hadn't eaten all day.

"No. We're not hungry." Stiles had said that at the same time that Derek had said his answer.

"No, I'm starving," Derek cut in.

"But we can't really eat now," Stiles stressed out through clenched teeth though he tried to smile. His dad's warning about Scott's father seemed to be more real now with him staring him down.

"Why not?" Derek asked.

Stiles wanted nothing more than to knock Derek out right then and there.

But McCall nodded. "Well if you're not hungry Stiles you don't have to eat but you could still sit with us while your friend and I eat. What's your name?" he asked the new boy.

"Miguel!" Stiles said loudly to drown out Derek saying his name. Derek just looked at him in confusion but Stiles tried hard to keep himself facing McCall with a straight face. "He's my cousin. Miguel. From Mexico," he said as he moved to slam his hand down, firmly, on Derek's shoulder and mentally begged for Derek to finally take the hint. Which he seemed to finally do since Derek just smiled and nodded his head.

Agent McCall's eyes rose at that though. "Oh, Mexico huh?" He remembered that he and his son had gone off to Mexico the other day. And, judging from Stiles' apparent unease, this other boy might be connected by why and what they were doing. He then suspected that this kid might help give him some answers. He then asked if wanted to stay for dinner in Spanish. And the boy answered back in Spanish, perfectly. "Fantastic, egg roll?" he asked.

Derek smiled. "Hell yeah."

He then made his way over to McCall while Stiles let out a hard, overdone laugh. "Ha, fantastic! Yeah, egg roll," he grunted as he moved to sit with them.

Stiles just sat quietly with the two of them as they ate, hoping and praying that they would choose to just eat in silence. But, Scott's dad dashed those hopes.

"So Miguel, what did you say your last name was again?"

"Oh it's Juarez," Stiles spoke up. "Cinqua Tiago."

Derek looked at Stiles confused. He didn't know why but this guy was giving him a sense of dejavu for some reason.

McCall looked at Stiles with raised eyebrows. "That's, uh, a mouthful," he nodded. He then turned to Derek. "How do you spell that?"

Derek just looked at Stiles pointedly. He decided that since Stiles seemed to want to speak for him so much, he could handle that one. As Stiles tried to talk his way out of it, Derek noticed that there was a federal badge on the table. "Mr. McCall, you're an FBI agent?" he asked cutting in.

"He's a low level," Stiles muttered to him. "Very low level."

But Derek tuned Stiles out. "So, do you investigate murders?"

McCall nodded, feeling happy to meet someone in his son's orbit that seemed to be interested in his work. "Sometimes. If it's a federal crime."

"What about fires?" Derek asked him.

Stiles now knew where Derek was trying to take this. "Uh, hey, you know what? I'm thinking that maybe we should find out what's keeping Scott? Remember him? Scott. We should call Scott," he said trying in vain to get off this topic.

But Derek and Agent McCall ignored him.

"What kind of fires?" McCall asked.

"Do you know anything about the Hale Family?" Derek asked him.

Stiles grit his teeth. Oh, they were screwed now.


Peter went and angrily slammed his palms on a nearby table. "Can someone in this town stay dead?!"

"I think they were hoping you would," Malia told him.

"Do you have any idea why Kate would turn Derek into a teenager again?" Scott asked, trying to keep them on target.

Peter was silent for a moment before he looked back at him. "What color were his eyes?'

"Blue," he said.

Peter nodded. "After Paige...which could mean around the time he first met Kate."

Scott blinked. "Wait, they knew each other?" Suddenly Scott remembered the time after they thought Kate was dead. "Are you telling me that the story that Stiles and Derek gave to the press last year was true? The one that said that Derek and Kate...that wasn't just a story they made up?"

Peter nodded as he turned to fully face him. "Yeah Scott. Sorry to break it to you, but you weren't the first teen wolf to climb into a hunter's bed." Scott seemed to deflate a bit at that. No doubt to look back at everything that happened with that revelation to shine a new light. But Peter didn't have time to waste on nostalgia. "Okay, Derek went back to the site of the house, thinking it was still there, right?"

"Yeah," Scott mumbled. "But he doesn't remember the fire."

"But if he doesn't remember the fire then he doesn't remember that it was Kate that set it."

"So what does that mean?" asked Malia.

"Kate didn't just take him back to being a teenager. She took him back to the age where he still knew her. When he still trusted her." He let a heated breath out of his nose. "Where is Derek now?"

"He's with Stiles," said Scott. "They're at my house and he'll make sure nothing else happens to him."


After McCall told Derek what he wanted to know, Stiles could already hear Derek's heart rate was starting to climb. He quickly made an excuse and pulled Derek up from the table and they headed for Scott's room. The moment they were inside, Derek quickly and angrily pushed Stiles up against the wall.

"You lied to me!" Derek spat. Anger was leaking out of him as he increased the pressure on Stiles and let his claws appear and graze the back of his neck.

Stiles quickly felt a strong sense of dejavu. This was exactly what Derek had done in this room one year ago, but to Scott. "Okay, look I didn't lie. Technically. May have omitted certain truths. Vital truths now that I think about it and I'm sorry but," Stiles quickly threw himself back, surprising Derek with the force, and making them tumble to the floor.

The two of them started to roll around as they each tried to pin down the other. Derek's eyes shined blue as he sent a hard kick which hit Stiles and made him slide back and hit Scott's dresser and made some thing on the top of it topple and fall. Derek then got up and looked prepared to run out but Stiles quickly pounced and grabbed at Derek's legs, making him fall forward and hit his face. Stiles then pulled himself over him as Derek turned around and tried to push him off. Stiles caught Derek's right wrist and forced it down while he grabbed Derek's throat with his other hand. Stiles ended up kicking at Scott's chair and made it fly and slam against the wall. Derek let a growl escape him.

"Hey, what was that?!" Scott's father called out from downstairs.

"My cousin just tripped on the rug and cried out as he fell. He tends to not watch himself as much as we'd all like him to!" Stiles quickly called out to him as he held Derek down.

"He fell?" McCall called out a bit softer. "With all the noise out there it sounds like animals had gotten into the house."

Derek kept trying to push up against Stiles' grip as he yelled down to Agent McCall but Stiles went and put more strength behind him and slammed the back of Derek's head to hit the floor. "Nah, he's just that ungraceful!" he yelled out as flashed his blue eyes and fangs at Derek's face. He then lowered his voice to a low pitch growl. "Stop it Derek. Calm down right now or I'll be forced to do something I'll really be sorry for," he said as planted his knee to hold down Derek's arm and grabbed him by the scruffs of his shirt and held him fully down. "Now cool it."

Derek took deep winded breaths as he glared at Stiles but after a second he closed his eyes and started to slow his breathing. A few moments later, his breathing settled and he opened his eyes to reveal they were normal again. "Okay. I'm okay."

"I'm going to let go now," Stiles said sternly.

Stiles loosened his grip and stood up over Derek who moved to slowly pick himself back up. Stiles tried to offer his hand to help him up but Derek slapped it away as he got to his feet. He may have calmed but his eyes were still narrowed. "You didn't have to do that. I wouldn't have hurt you." Stiles gave him a look at that. "Too much," he admitted as an afterthought.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Oh thanks."

But Derek sucked on his teeth. "I'm done talking to you. I want to talk to your Alpha. I want to talk to Scott, right now," he demanded.

"Alright fine," Stiles angrily re-adjusted his shirt. "Just keep calm and keep quiet. His father doesn't know and I'm sure that your questions at dinner and your little fit didn't help. So while I call Scott you just sit and wait there." Stiles then pointed to the bed like a parent telling a child to sit down. "Now." Derek let a heated puff of air from his nose but moved to throw himself down on the bed with an aggravated look on his face. "Good boy."

Stiles then nodded and he began to leave the room while Derek angrily rolled his eyes.

"How does Scott put up with him?" Derek mumbled.

Stiles then stepped and peered his head into the room. "Actually, it's me who puts up with him," he said in a joking smile before he disappeared again.

Derek took a moment to shake his head. It was mind boggling how Stiles could be so forcefully savage one moment and then a joking idiot the next. But his wonder quickly was replaced by a tragic pang in his heart. They had lied to him about his family. They were dead and have been for a long time, according to Mr. McCall. The bathroom door then swung open and Derek looked up as he saw that someone was here. He then quickly stood up as his eyes widened when he realized who it was.


She smiled at him as she leaned slightly against the door frame. "Hey handsome. Been a long time." She then moved over to him. "Longer than you think."

Stiles quickly called Scott and told him that Derek now knew about the fire because his father opened his big mouth.

"Is he okay?" Scott asked him.

"After finding out that his whole family burned alive?" Stiles huffed. "He started to freak a bit but I got him to settle down."

"He didn't leave, did he?"

Stiles started to move for Scott's room. "No. He's in in your bedroom, he'll be totally fine. To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek. But do you think that Kate would come here for him-" He stopped when he got to the entrance. At the window, he saw Kate, living and breathing. They caught each other's eyes and the following second seemed to drag on forever. She then sneered at him before she hopped back, out the landing and out of sight. "Oh man," he breathed. "She has him."

"What?! She has Derek?!"

Stiles ran off to the window and could barely make out the shape of Kate running off. "I saw her. She was just here and Derek's gone. He left with her."

"Uh, can you catch her scent?" Scott asked desperately.

Stiles sniffed around. He tried to pick through the different scents that were around. After about half a minute, he nodded. "Yeah. I got it now Scott. I'll try and track her down."

"Call when you're getting close."

Stiles quickly started to come down the stairs but stopped when he saw Agent McCall waiting at the foot of them.

"Everything alright?" he asked as he noticed that Stiles looked stressed.

Stiles tried to play it cool. "Oh, yeah. Scott just called and asked for me to pick him up."

He then looked up towards the second floor landing. "Where's your cousin?"

"Hmm? Oh, Miguel, right...he's waiting outside."

"Really? I didn't notice him come down," he said lightly as he kept his eyes up to the top of the stairs.

"You didn't? Huh...that's weird," Stiles laughed out. "Maybe you're tired. Eggrolls can sometimes do that to me too. Well, I, we," he quickly corrected himself. "Better get going."

Stiles then moved to leave out the door as Raphael watched him leave. He calmly moved over to the window facing the driveway to see that Stiles was already pulling his jeep out. His window was open and he saw Stiles had his head somewhat out as he got to the street. He couldn't make out anyone else in the car though as Stiles went and drove off. He started to go up the stairs and headed right for his son's room. He saw that the room was empty. Miguel didn't seem to be here so he guessed that he really might've just slipped out without him noticing. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary in here that he could see, well other than the fact that the window was left open. Raphael went to close it when his eyes narrowed before he could. On the window sill, there were marks. If he didn't know better, he would swear that they looked like scratch marks.


At the end of Stiles' call, Peter and Malia began to move for the loft's door but Scott didn't move a muscle.

"Wait!" he called out to them.

"For what?" Peter spat back at him. "Kate is out there, twisting her way into Derek's head, yet again. We need to find her before she can do any more damage to him."

"We can find them. Stiles said that he picked up her scent," Malia told them. "They won't get far."

"Yeah but remember, Stiles is still a little shaky with some of his senses after getting his powers back. It'll take him bit more time than usual and Kate already has a head start. When we do finally track her down, who knows what she'll have done to Derek by then. We need to find out where she's going and why. Get ahead of her."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Uh, not to underestimate my own cognitive faculties but, we're not exactly brain trusted geniuses here." He looked over at Malia, who had spent eight years living in the woods as a coyote, and then at Scott, who wasn't exactly Sherlock Holmes.

Scott sighed. "Then maybe we should call one."


Cora Hale's gaze was at the window to the side where she could dimly make out some trees in the dim moonlight. One of her hands was on the very noticeable bump at her stomach while the other was rubbing at the side of her head. The door swung open and a young woman, a couple of years older than Cora, came in with a steamy mug.

"Here you go. green tea with a dash of ginger. The best friend for any pregnant woman."

"Thanks Maggie," Cora muttered as she took the mug and then slowly took a sip. She then went and sat down. "I don't know what's happening. I never have gotten headaches this bad before in these last few months."

"Well, you're due in a few weeks. There are bound to be some surprises here and there. Not to mention that the full moon is a week away."

"Don't remind me," Cora muttered out.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Someone called earlier today. Your uncle Peter."

Cora sighed. "Well, it's a good thing I missed his call then. He didn't leave a message, did he?"

"I hung up before he could get more than three words in." Maggie shook her head. "I still don't know why your brother keeps him around. If I were there, I would've put him back in the hole he crawled out of, but in pieces so he couldn't ever crawl back out again."

That made a laughing smirk crawl onto Cora's lips. "I could see why you and my sister became friends."

When they found that Cora was pregnant, Derek had taken her over to upstate New York, to the place that he and Laura had settled in after they left Beacon Hills. It was a small community up in the mountains that was relatively peaceful. There was already another pack here but they had taken the Hales in. Cora was also sure that the fact that the Alpha was sweet on her sister had helped in making that call. Maggie told her that they never actually dated but he had been persistent. Maggie was the pack's emissary and had gotten quite close with Laura while they had stayed there. She agreed to watch over Cora for Derek.

Maggie looked her over. "You seem to be feeling better already."

"Your tea is amazing. Must be your druid touch."

She smiled. "I do what I can. Just try not to overexert yourself for the next few days. At least until the full moon passes. Your little one in there seems to burn through quite a lot of steam, even for a werewolf like you."

Cora rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, if you knew the father, you would understand perfectly." Stiles' boundless energy and his ferocity came a little fondly to mind.

"You still haven't told, eh-"


"Is that really his name?"

Cora shrugged. "Apparently, his real name is hard to pronounce so he goes by that."

Maggie nodded but her face softened. "Why don't you tell him? You afraid that he won't like being a teenage father? You know that it's not just his life but your own too involved in this."

"No, that's not it." Cora narrowed her eyes a bit as her fingers played with the mug in her hands. "I was able to just up and leave home, twice, because there was nothing for me there. Nothing but bad memories and people I would rather never see again. But, Stiles isn't like me. Even though bad things happened to him there, he still calls Beacon Hills home and wants to protect it. I don't want to get in the way of that." She then went to sit at the edge of the bed in her room.

Maggie's face softened as she went and sat next to her before pulling her close so that Cora's head rested on her shoulder. They then spent a good amount of time just staring out the window into the night sky.


Lydia and Kira hadn't left the gas station since they had gotten there. They carefully stepped around the body to make sure they didn't touch it or step on any of the blood spots on the floor.

"I called Stilinski. They're on their way," Lydia told Scott on the phone.

"What does it look like? Can you send pictures?" Scott asked her.

Lydia shared a look with Kira as she went to switch to her camera. "Okay. But, to be honest, I have a 4.0 in AP Biology and there are parts of the human anatomy that I've never seen before on these walls."

She then took photos of the blood splattered walls and of the body. As soon Lydia took as many photos as she thought they would need, she and Kira quickly stepped outside and took deep breaths as they tried to calm themselves down.

Back at the loft, Scott received the photos and Scott's eyes widened when he saw the picture of the guy's head, or what was left of it.

"It was definitely Kate," Scott said with a nod. "Wolves would go for the throat. Stiles told me that jaguars attack their prey by biting through their skulls."

"Lovely," Malia muttered as she stared at the picture with narrowed eyes. "But, why would Kate kill a gas station attendant?"

Peter shook his head. "I don't think she could help it. This was done in a frenzy. It's not a murder. It's a symptom."

"Of what?" asked Scott.

"She can't control the shift," Peter told him.

"Derek said he had the same problem on a full moon. That he's still learning."

"So, Kate's still learning?" Malia asked.

"She wants to learn," Peter told them.

But then the phone rang again and Scott saw that it was Stiles. He put it on speaker. "Stiles, what, did you find Kate?"

Stiles was in his jeep, pulled over by the curb with his window open. His eyes were focused "Uh no, not yet. I'm still trying to follow her scent. It's still a little hard for me to get the hang of this again. But Scott, from the direction that it's leading me, I think I know where she might be heading but I don't know why she'd be going there."

"The high school," said Peter.

"Yeah, wait how did you know?" Stiles asked.

Scott and Malia looked over at him, the same question clear on their faces.

"Kate, I know why she did this to Derek now."

"Why?" asked Scott.

"She wants the triskelion."


Kate and Derek were walking through the empty school grounds for the courtyard steps when Derek suddenly just stopped.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kate asked him.

"I don't know about this," he said hesitantly. "I'm not supposed to show the vault to anyone else but my family." His mother had drilled in that rule since he first learned of it. It was practically sacred law.

Kate rolled her eyes and gently hooked her arm around his as she pulled him away. "Come on, we talked about this."

But Derek stopped again and pulled away from her. "Yeah, but how do you know?"

"Because you told me, remember?" she asked with a flirtatious smile.

Derek just dropped his gaze and shook his head. "No," he breathed. He couldn't remember anything. He was told that his family died years ago but to him it felt like barely a month when he had sneaked off during the full moon to try and get to the Finals basketball game.

Kate then moved and placed her palm against his cheek. "Oh, well, tell me if you remember this."

She then moved in and gave Derek a heated kiss, like they usually shared. He started to feel the familiar buzz returning. Derek momentarily forgot about all his pain, all of his anger towards everyone else and let himself escape in the heat of Kate's lips. He broke away quickly and Kate moved her lips to his ear.

"We get inside the vault, we get the triskelion and everything goes back to normal," she told him.

"That's all you want?" Derek asked her.

She shook her head. "That's all we need. But right now, we have to get inside that vault."

Derek slowly nodded. Getting back to normal is what he needed. Maybe the vault could help him find out what happened to him and to his family. He then moved off and led her to the school sign passed the courtyard.

"Over here,' he told her as he ran to it when it was in sight.

"Why would your family build the vault under a high school?"

"The vault was here first."

Derek then brought out his claws and moved them to what appeared to be a decorative hole in the stone. As soon as his claws went in, it glowed. Derek then turned it like a combination dial and it sunk in. The sign then swung around and revealed a hole underneath with a staircase. Kate then smiled and walked on in first. Derek followed after her and they came into the sight of the Hale Family Vault. Derek went over to the shelves at the side but Kate kept walking forward when she noticed what seemed to be a safe engraved with the same symbol as the vault.


Raphael was still examining the marks on the windowsill when he heard his phone ringing. He pulled his head inside and reached for his pocket.

"This is McCall," he said as he picked up.

"Haigh here. You asked me to call you if anything odd turned up with Stilinski."

With him hitting an impasse in his investigation, he decided to hire Haigh as an informant. "Yeah."

"Well, we got a call from Lydia Martin and Kira Yukimura a half hour ago. They called in a dead body in the restroom of the gas station on Bleeker. The station's attendant."

"A murder?"

"No, it looks like an animal attack. The body was torn up. Claw and bite marks on the body like the guy was mauled."

'Another animal attack? And at a gas station?' Raphael thought. He had noticed that in the past year, there have been more animal attacks in the town limits in Beacon Hills then there have been in the actual woods in the last few years. "What does this have to do with Stilinski?"

"The girls, they claimed that they only just stumbled on it but before they left, they pulled Stilinski aside. I couldn't tell what they were saying but it looked tense. And he let them go almost immediately after they were talked to. It looks like they knew more than what they were saying about the body and the Sheriff might know what it is but is trying to keep it quiet."

"Alright, let's not jump to conclusions Haigh. Those two are friends with his son and Stilinski has a soft spot for those kids. He might have just been trying to comfort them."

"Like with that other boy today?"

"What boy?"

"Parrish and I found a teenage boy trespassing around the site of the Hale House. I was forced to taser him and brought him to the station. Stilinski let him go after his son and yours came to the station for him."

Raphael tensed up. "What was the boy's name?"

"No idea. He was dark haired and had on jeans and a green shirt. I tried to run his prints but only got one match that didn't make sense."

The boy's description was all too familiar. "What match? Whose prints were they?"

"Derek Hale."

Raphael then hung up. That boy had asked about the Hale Fire and Stiles had been acting strange, well stranger than usual. The new death, the kids' secret trip to Mexico and now this new boy...something else was happening in this town. And it seemed that the Hales might be at the center of it.


Scott, Peter and Malia got to the school in a hurry but Malia suddenly just stopped. Scott noticed and stopped him and Peter.

"Did you catch a scent?" he asked.

Malia looked up to face him. "It's the same one. The same one as Mexico."

"What is she talking about?" asked Peter.

"One of them came after us in the church ruins," said Scott.

Malia nodded as she stepped closer to them. "And one on the road. It couldn't have followed us here."

"They could've been brought, by Kate."

Just then there was a snarling sound that echoed in the air. It made them all stiffen up.

Peter especially as he shrunk a bit. "Oh, I've heard that sound before. Did it have an animal skull? A human wearing an animal skull on its face?"

Malia hadn't gotten a good look back on the road as it was dark but it could've been that. "I think so."

"What are they?" Scott quickly asked.

But Peter didn't answer him. He just looked out as he heard the sound of footsteps. Moving towards them was a large man wearing a suit made of bones and had a skull of an animal over his face. A hard and deep snarl escaped him as he breathed.

"Berserkers." Scott and Malia moved to look upon the Berserker and saw that it looked even scarier in the light then it did in the dark. Malia was ready to begin fighting but Peter pulled her back. "What? Are you crazy?"

"It's just one of them," Malia argued.

"Yeah, that means we have a chance," said Peter.

"To beat him?" Malia asked him eagerly.

"To survive," he said before he made a break for it.

The two of them watched Peter run off before they looked back at the Berserker who was starting to move closer for them. They looked at each other before they also made a run for it. As they did, the Berserker started to speed up and go after them. The two of them didn't stop to look back as they kept running, but they could hear it still giving chase. However, they stopped in their tracks when they came across another Berserker that was waiting for them. They tried to back off but Malia's eyes widened when she saw the other Berserker.

"Scott," she cried to him. "It's both of them. They're both here."

"Where the hell is Peter?" he cried.

"I don't know. He just took off," she said to him quickly as they back up into a flight of stairs. "Where's Stiles? Shouldn't he have been here by now?"

"Run," Scott cried.

They tried to get to the floor above them but another Berserker went and came out of nowhere to cut them off.


Stiles pulled up to the back of the school and found that Kate's scent was indeed coming from here. It seemed that Peter was right though Stiles thought that was a first time for everything. He got out of his jeep but before he could head on in, he heard the sound of a familiar car engine incoming and waited until he saw the headlights of Lydia's car. She went and pulled up next to Stiles' jeep and she and Kira got on out.

"They're here?" Kira asked as she held her sheathed sword firmly in her hand.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah. I'm already picking up both Kate and Derek's scent. Peter said that Kate would've taken him to the Hale Vault underneath the school."

Lydia shook her head. "Who would have a vault full of supernatural stuff underneath the high school?" she asked breathlessly.

"Apparently them," Stiles sighed. He then went to the back of his jeep and pulled out his bat. "Come on."

They then took off in a fast paced walk with Stiles in the lead.

"Do you know where to go?" Lydia asked them.

He nodded. "Yeah. He said the entrance was at the school sign by-" But Stiles just stopped when they entered the courtyard. "Wait," he told them.

"What? What's wrong?" asked Kira.

Stiles was suddenly picking up another scent. A foul one. One that reeked of death. They then heard a deep growling noise that didn't belong to any wolf.

"What was that?" Lydia asked.

"Up there," Kira pointed off.

They then saw Scott and Malia up on the outside staircase as they were being boxed in by some kind of giants.

"Scott! Malia!" Stiles cried out to them.

They started to run to get to them but stopped when they saw that one of those things was slowly walking towards them. Their eyes widened at the sight of a giant man wearing shreds of animal skin underneath bones styled like some kind of creepy armor. On it's face was an animal skull and it let out a deep snarl as it made deep thumping noises with each stomping step it took. It was cutting off the fastest way to get to their friends.

Kira quickly unsheathed her sword and spun it before she pointed it for the thing. "We have to get passed it. They need our help up there."

Stiles took a look around and saw that the staircase on the opposite side of the courtyard was clear. "No, they need your help," Stiles told her. He then pointed his head toward the stairs and Kira's face widened. "Go around and help them. We'll handle this one."

"You sure?" she asked.

"Go," he firmly said to her.

Kira gave them one last nervous look before she finally nodded and took off for the stairs. The Berserker gave her a slight notice before it turned its head to keep its gaze on Stiles and Lydia.

"Uh Stiles, exactly how are we supposed to handle this one?" Lydia asked as her face paled at the sight of the creature in front of them, staring them down.

Stiles went and held up the bat. "You better take this."

Lydia sighed at the sight of it. "You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat."

Stiles just looked over at her tirelessly as he went and tossed the bat lightly in the air for her to catch. Stiles then thrust his hands down and brought out his claws. He then brought his head up to show that he was completely shifted. He let a low threatening growl escape through his fanged teeth before he charged for the Berserker. He readied his claws to hit it at its head but it moved one of its hands to catch him. The Berserker then went and squeezed its grip on Stiles' hand causing a pained growl to escape him. Stiles then moved his free hand and tried to slam it down on its arm. He hit it just below its wrist three quick times before it finally let Stiles go. Stiles stumbled back as flexed the fingers of his hurt hand. His blue eyes glared at the Berserker as it towered over him. Lydia just stood off to the side with a terrified look on her face.


Derek was looking through the contents on the shelves and noticed that some of the jars of herbs and powders they had layers of dust on them. One of them had even broken and spilled. He moved through everything before he found the box that he was searching for. He then turned around and saw that Kate was in front of the safe.

"No, not that," he said as he brought the box over.

He then opened the box to reveal a metallic disc that had a triskelion engraved on it.

"This is it?" she asked as she picked it up. "You're sure?"

"Yeah," Derek nodded.

She started to turn it over in her hand. "It doesn't look like much."

"That's because it isn't." Kate and Derek looked over to the entrance to find Peter was slowly walking down the steps. "Quite the elaborate scheme you had here Kate. Two countries, an Aztec temple, Derek returned to a teenager. One that trusted you. One that loves you. All this complication just to gain access to our vault just to get your hands on a little piece of junk," he said smirking at her. "Go ahead, turn it over. There's a scrape on the back where it used to say Made in China."

Kate glared at him. "You're lying."

"I admit, I have a tendency to exaggerate things but, in this case, the truth is a lot more fun. Sorry sweetheart, that little pendant is just a physical object to focus on. It's training wheels." He saw Kate look down to see give the pendant a good hard look. "Talia used it to teach Laura and tried to use it to teach Derek."

But he was cut off when a roar echoed its way into the vault. Derek was getting ready to move out of the vault but he was grabbed by Kate and pulled back.

"Tell me if this is real," she said roughly to him as she held the disc to his face.

But Derek pulled back from her. "Didn't you hear that? That was Scott. I just heard Scott."

"Tell me!" she roared at him.

"I don't know and I don't care!" That was all he said before he pulled out of her grasp and ran out.

That left Kate alone with Peter.

She held the disc out to him. "So this is nothing more than a glorified paperweight?" she spat at him.

Peter's smirk grew wider. "Afraid so. See, Derek gave up on it back when he learned another way to control the shift. When I taught him to use emotion. To use anger and to focus on it. To feel every ounce of rage and hatred that he could summon and it was the anger that taught him control." His tone then turned mocking. "So, you want to learn to control it? Want to get angry Kate? Let's get angry!"

He roared at her which she responded with her own. The both of them were eager to rip each other apart and settle old scores. But before either could even make a move, two canisters rolled down the stairs and into the room before they exploded and emitted gas.


Scott roared as he leapt up tried to strike at the Berserker above them. His attack hardly fazed it so Scott kept swiping at it with his claws but it stayed unmoved and virtually unaffected. 

It snarled before it moved to grab Scott by his head and moved to slam it into the nearby wall. He was then pushed against the wall as the Berserker snarled practically in his ear. The other Berserker below them was climbing for them and Malia jumped and swiped at it, which only served to annoy it. It quickly sent a hard blow at her. It then swiped and caught Malia by the leg with one of its bony claws. Scott quickly smelled the fresh blood and tried to get free but he stayed pushed against the wall. The Berserker's grip on him was just too strong for him to break free of.

Stiles ducked from one of his Berserker's swipes. It's first blow missed but the Berserker quickly slammed it's other hand down on Stiles' back and made him drop face first to the ground. Stiles grit his teeth as he moved to be on his back, the pain keeping his eyes shut tight as he tried to bear through it.

"Stiles!" Lydia cried out.

Stiles' eyes flew open as he saw that the Berserker was raising its giant foot over the space above his head. Stiles quickly rolled over and avoided having his head squashed like a melon. Stiles' nose sniffled when he detected the scent of a familiar coyote's blood.

"Malia," he coughed out as he moved to try to get to his feet.

The Berserker moved over to attack him again but Stiles yelled and threw himself to tackle it. He managed to strike at its middle and the impact actually made two pieces of bone break and tumble to the ground. The giant faltered back a few steps but stayed flat on its feet. It then turned its head to look down at its cracked armor before it raised its skull covered head and let an angry animalistic snarl sound through the air. Stiles actually took a step back from the recoil of it.

Lydia looked at the bat in her hand and she frighteningly shook her head at it. Stiles barely managed to scratch it and needed help and she doubted a bat would do much. She looked around before she turned to look back at the parking lot. "Stiles, I have an idea. Can you make it follow you?"

Stiles shook his head as he kept his blue eyes on the thing. "What? Why?" he sputtered back at her.

"The parking lot. Can you lure it there?" she asked desperately as she started to back away.

Stiles looked from her back to the Berserker. It was still looking at him and snarling. It started to stomp its way over to him. "Uh, yeah, I think so." Lydia then took off in a run. "Lydia!"

Stiles then started to back away as the Berserker started stomping after him.

Above them, Malia was trying to crawl away as best as she could with a pierced leg as the Berserker stomped for her like a lion stalking a wounded gazelle. The Berserker with Scott finally pulled him away from the wall and hurled him into the air where he landed close by her. Now the two of them were crawling back from the Berserkers stalking after them. That was until Kira came running in with her sword. She had ran up the stairs on the opposite side of the courtyard and ran all the way around to finally reach them. She swung at them both, making them fall back a bit. She kept swinging but was barely making a scratch. She turned to look back at her friends but that was a mistake.

"Kira!" Scott cried as he saw a Berserker begin to swipe down in her distraction.

The one nearest to her swatted at her sword and made her lose her grip on it. Once it disarmed her, it then hit her with a blow so hard that she flew off her feet and landed on the ground beside him. Scott scooted himself closer to see that she wasn't hurt too badly. But now the three of them were on the ground, at the mercy of the Berserkers. The two were lightly snarling at them but turned back when they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. It was Derek and he quickly moved to fight against them both himself. They tried to swipe at him with their claws and sharpened bones but Derek ducked and avoided each of their blows with his now nimble stature.

Lydia got to her car and quickly started it up and then pulled it in reverse. She was breathing a little fast and she tightened her hold on the steering wheel when she saw Stiles coming into view. She then honked the horn to try and get his attention. Stiles chanced a look back and saw Lydia's car revving up. Now he understood her plan. He moved a bit into the pavement before he stopped moving. The Berserker was still following after him. After it stepped on the pavement, Lydia put the car in drive and hit the gas. Stiles could hear the screech of the tires and readied himself. The Berserker kept stomping for him and when he thought it was time, he made a hard jump to his left. Barely a second after he did, Lydia's car went and slammed into the creature, sending it flying off a couple of feet away.

Lydia then got out of the car and walked over to him. "So much better than a bat," she said tossing it for him catch.

They looked down at the fallen Berserker as it lay on its back from the hit. It stayed motionless on the ground for a moment before it started to twitch and slowly began to pick itself up.

"Not that much," Stiles said as he grabbed Lydia to put her behind him.

It straightened itself up to be as tall as it could be and brought its arms out as it let a hard roar at them.

Derek was forced back as the Berserkers started to bear on him more aggressively. He was thrust down and the others managed to see a ghost of his older self in his face. It lasted for a moment before it faded and he resumed his assault on them.


The gas made Peter fall to his knees and begin heavily coughing. He could barely move or see in the smoke but he could make out a shape moving into the vault and seemed to be going for the safe. They went in, opened it, and then took out what seemed to be a leather case.

"Wait!" Peter coughed out as this person took it.

Kate managed to stay on her feet as she grasped the wall to try and keep herself upright. She didn't know who her attacker was but she knew it couldn't be any of those kids. She wasn't up for any more surprises tonight so she just moved to hightail out of there. She made her way to the stairs and got out of the vault. She started to cough out the smoke now that she was out in the fresh air. Her senses were slowly returning back to normal and she could already hear and sense the presence of her Berserkers. They were still fighting the pack but she had to leave before whoever came to the vault decided to turn more of their attention on her. She let out a hard howl out into the air.


Derek was still fighting the two Berserkers and Stiles was shielding Lydia from the one at the lot when the howl was heard by everyone. The Berserkers stopped in their tracks and looked up into the sky as it rang out. They all then took off at a run, to re-join the werejaguar. Scott, Malia, Kira, Stiles and Lydia all watched them run off with surprised looks on their faces.

"What's happening?" Lydia asked Stiles.

Stiles stared off at the disappearing shape of the Berserker running into the darkness. "Kate. They're...going back to her?" he said, not sure if he believed it himself.

Lydia shook her head before she tensed. "What about the others?"

"Come on."

They then ran off to try and get back to the others.

Derek was standing there, looking off in the direction that the Berserkers ran off to. Scott and the others were watching him, not moving a muscle. Scott's eyes then narrowed as he forced himself to his feet. For some reason, Derek suddenly seemed taller and bigger than he was a moment ago.

"Derek?" he asked. Could it be?

Derek then slowly turned around to face them and revealed that he had returned to his proper age. He wasn't a teenager anymore. But as he looked upon them, he revealed that his eyes were now golden yellow.

From the bottom of the courtyard, Stiles and Lydia could make them all out. They could see that Scott, Malia and Kira were all safe and they saw that Derek was back to normal too.

"Yes," Stiles breathed out with a relieved smile on his face. But it only lasted for a moment. "Wait, where's Peter?"

"The vault," Lydia said to him.


Peter crawled up to the emptied vault and looked inside to see that they had taken what he feared had been taken the most. He kept staring at it and barely reacted to Stiles and Lydia running on inside.

"It...it never...it was never about the triskelion," he muttered. "They...they took it. They took it while I was blinded."

"Took what?" Lydia asked him.

He looked over at them. "Bearer bonds and they took them all."

Stiles was taken aback. That so wasn't what he was expecting. "Bearer bonds? Wait, are you saying you got robbed?" Stiles almost laughed. After everything that happened tonight, someone ended up stealing money from Peter? Normally, he would find things like this serious and interesting but the fact that it happened to Peter, he couldn't help but also find it kind of amusing.

"This was a heist," he bit out at him. "Somebody planned this."

Lydia narrowed her eyes. "How much did they take?"

Peter exhaled. "117."

"Thousand?" asked Stiles.

Peter turned around and looked back at the looted safe. "Million."
