Time of Death part 2

Stiles was calmly watching the security monitors with Liam and Kira.

"How much time do we have left?" Liam asked as he nibbled nervously at one of his knuckles.

Stiles looked at his watch to see that there was less than twenty minutes left on the clock. "Not a lot," he told him. "If the Benefactor is going to show up, then it should be any minute now." His nose twitched when he felt a wave of fresh anxiety pour out of Kira. He knew what was bothering her. "Hey," he said lightly to her. "Don't worry. He'll be fine."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Yeah," she said as she breathed out and opened her eyes back up.

Kira looked over and gave him a soft look which Stiles returned with a soft smile. He then looked over back at the screens and saw that one of them began to get fuzzy.

"Is that supposed to look like that?" Liam asked him.

Stiles felt his nerves light up. "No, no it's not."

"Where is that?" Kira asked him.

"That's the roof. Someone's going to have to go check it out."

Kira pulled back. "I'll go."

"Whoa," Stiles said stopping her. "This might not just be a malfunction."

She then held out her sheathed sword. "I'll bring this."

"Okay. But, make sure you come right back," he told her sternly. "Remember, you still have to wake Scott up."

She nodded. "I know." She then moved to head to the roof.

Liam jumped. "I'm coming with you."

"Liam," Stiles said to him sternly.

Liam found himself stopping mid-step. "I got this," he said resolutely.

Stiles sighed but nodded. "Alright," he said and Liam eagerly took off to catch up with Kira. "But you're coming back here, both of you. Immediately!" he called out after them. Stiles then let himself sigh and shake his head with a tired grin on his face. "Ahh, kids," he sighed fondly.


Lydia was at the boathouse, looking through everything for some kind of lead. Ever since she realized that Meredith had been here at the lake house, she had started searching it from top to bottom for something to explain why. As she started going through the shelves, she heard something behind her. She feared that it was an assassin coming to kill her and went to grab an oar she saw was lying next to her. She then quickly spun around, to swing at her attacker.

But, it wasn't an assassin. It was her mother.

"Oh God!" her mother shrieked as she jumped back and tried to shield herself.

"Mom," Lydia gasped out. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" she asked back.

Lydia sighed and went to put the oar down. "Nothing." But then she narrowed her eyes. "How did you know I was here? Did you follow me?"

"No," she said shaking her head. "I'm getting ready for the open house tomorrow."

"The open house is next week," Lydia reminded her.

Her mom sighed. She had been caught. "Okay, I followed you." Her daughter rolled her eyes and she suddenly got defensive. "Honey, you come up here every weekend. Sometimes even during the week and as far as I could tell there isn't a boy involved, so I really have no clue what you're up to."

Lydia sighed. "I'm trying to figure something out. Something important. Honestly mom," she started to chuckle. "You don't have to be involved in every single detail of my life."

Her mother nodded. "No, but I'd like to help if I can."

Lydia considered it for a moment. All this searching by herself had gotten her nowhere. She was literally lost on where to try and look for answers now. Maybe her mother might have some for her. She went over and showed her the picture of Meredith. "Do you know her?"

She looked at the photo and her face fell a bit before looking back up. "Meredith Walker?"

Now Lydia's face fell. "How do you know Meredith?"

"Well, I didn't. Your grandmother did." Her mom then went over to a cupboard, reached in and pulled out an urn. "These are your grandmother's ashes."

Lydia's eyes stayed on the urn. "Grandma died...in Eichen House."

"Your father had a difficult relationship with his mother. But, after the things she said and the way she acted-"

"He thought she was crazy," Lydia finished for her.

"Well, she said she heard things."

Lydia's face paled a bit. For the longest time, she wondered why. Why was she a banshee? Why did Peter's bite not turn her into a werewolf and seemed to make her into a banshee? Peter said that he had a hunch. That hunch must've been her grandmother. She had to have been a banshee herself. She inherited her powers from her grandmother.

She took a deep breath. "Why would she want her ashes in here?"

"Well, actually she didn't. She left instructions to have them spread across the lake."

Lydia looked over at the lake behind her. "Why haven't you done it?"

"Because she wanted you to do it. When you turned 18. Don't ask me why. But, since there are only a few weeks left. I suppose now's a good a time as any."

Lydia reached over and slowly took the urn from her mother. She twisted the cap off and looked inside but her face pulled back when she saw what it was. "Mom, these aren't grandma's ashes."

She looked at Lydia taken aback. "What do you mean? Of course they are."

Lydia shook her head. "No." She then took some and poured some back in. "It's mountain ash." Lydia then took some and threw it for the lake but none of it touched the water. It all moved to become part of the edge of the lake house. Lydia had seen this before. "The whole building. It's all made of mountain ash," she realized.


Scott found himself waking up back inside the small metal tunnel as before. He crawled over for where he spotted some light and found himself falling out of a locker, again in the high school. He made his way down the hall, looking around though not knowing what to look for.

"Catch!" Scott reached out and caught the flying lacrosse ball like before. However, this time his hand had sprouted out claws as he caught it. He then looked over and spotted Liam again. "That's why you're the captain."

"Yeah." Scott turned around to find that Stiles was behind him and was smiling calmly at him. "Maybe it's time to stop resisting what you are."

Scott blinked and found himself facing a mirror in the locker room. He opened his mouth to see that his fangs were out, but they were different from how he remembered. He noticed both Stiles and Liam behind him, staring at the reflection.

"There's something different, isn't there?" asked Liam.

"I've got more fangs," Scott said as he kept his eyes on his teeth. "I noticed it during the quarantine. I don't know why."

"Maybe it's part of being an Alpha," Liam shrugged. "Maybe you're becoming more of a werewolf?"

"Or more of a monster." Scott then closed his jaws so he couldn't stare at his changed fangs.

"You're not a monster, you're a werewolf," Stiles quoted.

"You could just be getting stronger," said Liam. "What if you're growing?"

Stiles nodded. "And you need to grow. Can't be worried about making first line and wanting to be normal forever."

Suddenly, Liam fell forward and Scott caught him in his arms. He then saw Stiles turn around in time for something to swipe quickly at him and blood to spray everywhere. Scott looked down to see that there was a tomahawk in Liam's back and looked up to see Stiles slowly turning back to look at him with his throat torn open. Stiles then collapsed and Scott let go of Liam. Both of them stayed motionless on the floor, blood running from where they had been wounded. Scott then looked back up to see The Mute, holding a bloodied tomahawk in his hand. His other hand was raising a finger to make a shushing movement.


Kira and Liam were running up the stairs for the roof.

"What do you think happened to the camera?" Liam asked her.

"Don't know. Could be anything?"

They both caught sight of the door to the roof but Liam grabbed Kira before she could push it open.

"Wait," he gasped out.

She stopped and looked at him.

Liam's eyes narrowed. "I...I hear something." His ears twitched as his hearing started to reach out and listen through the whole span of the roof. He focused on the sounds, just like Stiles had showed him early that morning, and could hear some shuffling not too far away. "I think there's someone out there."

"What? Who?"

Liam let himself try to pick up a scent. He went on the lookout for the smell of gunpowder with metal mixed in to see if they had a gun, even looked out for wolfsbane. Neither of them were out there. "Something smells funny." What he was picking up was an unusual scent. It smelled like something was rotting or decaying. It smelled...dead.

Just then, there was a loud bang that made the two of them jump.

"Well, I heard that," Kira gasped as she moved to unsheathe her sword and push the door open.

The two of them saw that the generator was smoking as it seemed to have blown up.

"What happened to it?" Liam asked as his eyes followed the sparks that were flying about.

There was then a deep growling sound and they turned in time to see a Berserker slowly moving towards them.

Kira quickly got into a defensive pose. "That," she breathed.

Liam's eyes widened at the creature. "What is that? Another assassin?"


The Berserker stopped advancing and seemed to be sizing them up. Liam looked down at his fingers where its claws were moving slightly as if itching to find their way into them. Liam felt himself heating up and he quickly shifted as he faced the behemoth down. He then roared and moved to swipe at the thing with its claws. The creature shrugged his attack off and Liam quickly tried another swipe but the Berserker caught it. With its other hand it reached for his throat and lifted him off his feet. Liam found he couldn't move and it tossed him across the roof where he bounced off the fence and landed, hard, on the concrete.

Kira tightened her grip on her sword and moved onto the attack herself. She got three good strikes in but it seemed to do little but scratch the Berserkers bony armor. It then blocked her fourth strike before taking its fist and driving it right at her head, making her drop to the floor with a pained scream. She found herself barely conscious of everything going around her and suddenly found herself in Scott's room earlier that day. They were lying together on his bed and calmly facing one another after they had made out with each other.

"It's a good plan. You're not worried are you?"

"Just thinking," he mumbled.

"About what?"

"That we've never actually been a real date."

True, they hadn't. "There hasn't been time," she reminded him.

"We can make time," he said perking up a bit.

"Even though people are dying all around us?"

"Okay, maybe after that."

"We could...see a movie. I haven't seen a movie in like forever."

He smiled widely. "That sounds like a plan."

"It's a good plan," she sighed.

They then moved to kiss each other again.

"Kira! Kira, get up!"

Kira woke up from her daze to find herself back on the roof and the Berserker was closing in on her. She looked over to see that Liam was back on his feet and breathing heavily.

Liam just stared the creature down. It looked no worse for wear and had just taken both of them down with nothing but a small scratch for all of its trouble. It turned it skull covered face to him and Liam was finding himself feeling scared. Fear that only seemed to jump when they heard a second set of heavy footsteps. He looked and saw that another Berserker was on the roof and was stomping for them.

Kira went to grab for her sword and held it up at the ready but was backing away slowly. She heard Liam breathing even harder and then jump up on top of one of the transformers. "Liam!" she shouted at him.

Liam just roared and moved to pounce on the nearest Berserker.


Malia was looking at the file as Peter stood silently off to the side. Malia saw her birth certificate. She saw that there was even a photo of herself as an infant attached. She let her eyes linger on the image for a while before she looked to the other side. There was an adoption form there but there was a giant and blood-stained hole in the middle of it. However, she could clearly make out the Adoption Approved stamp that was on it. She then sighed and set it down to face him.

"Want to talk about it? See a family counselor?" Peter shrugged.

"There's nothing in there."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "It cost me a lot of money to get that file."

"You got ripped off."

Peter couldn't help but have his eyes brighten up after that. "You know what happens when you only hear one side of the story? You've only heard one side of the story."

Malia's face fell. "You murdered people. Not killed. Murdered. Innocent people."

"There were extenuating circumstances."

"Like what? The fire? That's what made you kill your own niece...my cousin and make you try to kill my other one," she added, verbally accepting the fact that Laura, Derek and Cora Hale were her cousins. "They were hurt by the fire too but they didn't go off and start killing people left and right. Or how about you trying to kill Stiles and Scott too after trying to make them kill their friends. None of them were responsible for the fire."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "This is what I mean about only hearing one side of the story. You've heard a very biased version from your boyfriend, who is not exactly as good as he tries to make himself out to be. Try hearing one from your actual flesh and blood." Malia shrank a bit at his stern gaze and Peter loosened himself a bit but his eyes still were semi-hard. "The fire, it nearly burned me alive. Six years in a coma, do you know what that's like for one of us? It's not a pleasant sleep. Imagine being trapped in your body but being fully cognoscente. Unable to do anything but listen to your own thoughts slowly driving you absolutely and totally insane, minute by minute, day by day. Yes, I've done horrible and terrible things but so have a lot of other people. And horrible, terrible things are going to keep happening especially with a Deadpool with your name on it."

Malia then smirked at him. "But not yours," she pointed out.

That actually made Peter take a step back. He could see that this little fact was going to make problems, not only with Malia, but with everyone else on the Deadpool. Them being targeted while he wasn't by assassins wasn't really giving him too much benefit of the doubt. "True," he said trying to regain his composer. "But I'm not the Benefactor. I'm just the guy out millions of dollars and a few thousand which I used trying to help you."

"Me?" she said skeptically.

"How does the bad guy prove that he's not. By doing an act of kindness."

"What could you ever do for me?"

"Help you find your mother." That made Malia's face fall a bit. Peter shrugged. "I'm actually pretty interested myself as the memory was stolen from me by my sister Talia."

Malia was silent for a moment but nodded. "Okay. What did you find?"

"A woman, might be her," he started telling her. "I don't have a name yet, just a particularly interesting alias. She's called the Desert Wolf." He caught the look in Malia's eyes. "You know what that means."

Malia did. "Coyote."


The lights in the hospital all went down and the emergency lights came on everywhere. Melissa and Noshiko were moving through the hospital, quickly trying to get back to the kids.

"I take it that power doesn't go off often in this hospital?' she asked as she looked at all the people moving about in a panic.

"No, only when under attack by supernatural creatures," Melissa told her with the attacks of the Alpha Pack and Nogitsune frightfully coming back to her.

They made it back to the room to find that the three computers were all that were in there. All three of the kids were gone. They both shared a frightened look and moved to try and find them. They started to head off for the morgue, but they heard some screaming in the hall behind them. They watched as a nurse and then a doctor ran right passed them, scared out of their minds. Then a small child moved to run into a nearby room and shut the door behind him. A second later, they then heard a heavy thumping noise and then saw a Berserker, wet with blood, stomp in from around the corner.

"Are you still a kitsune?" Melissa asked Noshiko, remembering that her tails had all been lost.

"Technically," she told her.

But they backed up and started to run off and the Berserker took off after them. From the hall where the Berserker had come from, stepped someone that slowly and calmly was making their way towards the direction of the morgue.


Scott found himself in the dark and enclosed space again. He crawled his way to the opening where he fell into the hallway from the locker. He picked himself up and started to make his way down the hall.

"Catch." He turned around and caught the lacrosse ball. The one thrown by Liam, who was smiling at him. "That's why you're the captain."

Liam then ran off down the hall and Scott started to walk after him. He saw Liam turning into a cross section and a second later, Scott heard gunfire. Gunfire, swipes from blades, an explosion and then a roar. Scott calmly moved to get to that hall which was lighting up from the bullets being fired and deafening the area with those noises. When he was a few steps away, it all then stopped. He turned the corner and saw that the hallway had things scattered about. He could see Violet's thermal cut wire, Garrett's lacrosse stick with the blade and quite a few guns with bullet casings rolling about nearby. All of the weapons stained blood. He then noticed someone at the end of the hall, staring down at him. He let go of a tomahawk that clattered to the ground and scattered some blood. He then turned to face him and Scott saw that it was Stiles and he was in his lacrosse uniform, but wasn't wearing the gloves. His claws were out and they were covered in dried blood.

"What?" he asked him.

Stiles stared at him blankly. "They are coming for you. They are coming for all of us and will keep coming. When it comes down to it, will you be ready to do what you may have to?"

Scott stared at his bloody claws. "I can't."

"Then you'll die. Your pack will die. All that need you will die."

Stiles looked over Scott's shoulder and he turned around. It was Liam, lying on his back with bullet holes and Garrett's blade stuck in his heart. One hand grasping it and the other on his throat where there was a deep red line and he was staring back at Scott with dead eyes.

Scott shook his head and quickly turned away. "No. I won't let that happen."

Stiles was now right in front of his face. "But it already happened, more than once, and will keep happening. They won't stop, until they're made to stop. They're not just going to go away. You have to fight, with everything you've got."

"I will."

"How can you?" Stiles then savagely grabbed Scott's hand, pulling it up and squeezing it making Scott cringe in pain and forcing him to expose his claws so that they could see them at eye level. "When you're too busy fighting yourself."

The next thing Scott knew, he was hearing a loud scratching noise. A piece of chalk was sliding across a blackboard as a triskelion was being drawn on it. Scott saw that he was in an empty classroom save for Stiles at the board and Liam sitting in one of the desks at the front row. When the final spiral was drawn, Stiles turned to Liam with a stern look on his face.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega," chanted Liam.

Stiles narrowed. "Yes, but what does it mean?" he asked in a lecturing tone.

"Omegas can rise to Betas. Even become Alphas," Liam answered softly. He then turned to look at him. "Like you, right Scott?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah." He then revealed his red eyes.

"But," Liam said before turning back to Stiles. "It also means that Alphas can fall to Betas. Even become Omegas."

Stiles nodded and turned to him. "Becoming an Alpha, Scott that's only half of it. Being one, that's the other. Not only to your enemy but for your beta. But you keep trying to resist it." His face softened at him. "You can't be a teen wolf forever Scott." he said lightly.

Liam slowly stood up from his seat. "Not you, not him, and not me."

Stiles started walking away from the board and over to Liam. "It's not enough just having those eyes Scott, you have to want it. Want it, want us, want him," he said tilting his head Liam's direction. "Want all of it. Because you better believe that there will be others that want it and come to take it and they won't be asking you nicely. Keep trying to resist it, keep trying to run and hide from it-" Scott suddenly felt a pressure in his heart that made him stagger backwards until his back hit the wall. One hand grasp at his chest while the other covered his eyes. They felt like they were burning and his breath got caught in his lungs like he was having an asthma attack. He removed his hand and reached to them, exposing his pleading red eyes, but Stiles and Liam were just staring back. Scott rose his head up and the red glow faded away until they were his normal human color. "Then you lose it," Stiles finished blankly. "You'll lose it all."

The classroom door opened and revealed the Mute, with his tomahawk at the ready. He came in and stood next to where Scott was lying on the floor but treated him as he was invisible and stared Stiles and Liam down. "A teen wolf won't stop me."

Stiles lifted his head to reveal his glowing red eyes as he calmly faced the assassin unflinchingly. He then turned to Liam who flashed his yellow eyes back the moment his red eyes made contact. Stiles gave him a nod before turning on the Mute and he ran at the enemy with Liam behind him, leaving Scott there, watching helplessly.  


Chris Argent was quickly moving to the room when he saw rapid movement at the corner of his eye. He quickly turned and brought out his gun when he felt the hand gripping it getting thrust back and claws at the side of his neck. His eyes widened as saw that it was Stiles and the boy let out a small sigh when he saw that it was him and then let him go.

"Sorry, reflex," Stiles mumbled as he backed away a step.

Chris went to pocket his gun. "Of course," he mumbled back as he rubbed at his wrist. "What's happening?"

"The power went out for the whole building and I lost the cameras. So I was heading over here to protect Scott's body."

"Well then stay with him. Text me if you see or hear anything."

He then checked his watch to see that there was 18 minutes left. He then left Stiles to try to see what was going on.

As for Stiles he ran back over to where Scott's body was sitting. He guessed the Benefactor was making his move. Whatever it was, he would be ready for it, and hopefully put an end to all of this.

As he stood guard in front of it, he suddenly felt a pressure on his chest. He held his hand to it for a moment before his eyes went up at the roof. "Liam," he mumbled. His ears branched out and he heard a scream of pain. "Kira." They were in trouble and he quickly moved to call Argent as he saw there was only 16 minutes left. He had to make him stand guard so he could go and help the two of them and make sure Kira got back to Scott in time. He was practically bouncing as the phone did nothing but ring. "Come on Argent, answer the phone," he huffed to himself. "Answer the phone." There was another dial tone. Argent had made it sound like he would be on the alert for his call and now it was like he was ignoring him. "Why the hell are you not answering the phone?"

He got his answer when Argent was thrown through the morgue doors a moment later.

"Stiles! Run!" he called out to the boy.

But Stiles only moved to make sure that his back covered the locker to Scott's body. He looked over to see Kate Argent stepping through the doors.

She looked over at him. "Get out of the way Stiles. I'm taking the body."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Why? Visual Confirmation?" he asked. This all seemed a little too convenient. Argent moved to stand next to him and his expression read that he was agreeing.

But the theory etched on his face only made Kate smile at him. "Oh, don't worry handsome. I'm not the Benefactor." She then started to move for him.

"Too bad." Stiles then moved to bring his claws out. "I would've loved to take care of two birds with one stone," he said with a glare.

Chris however, moved forward and held his hand out for Stiles to hold on. "What do you want with the body?" he asked his sister.

"I wish I could tell you." Chris moved to try and restrain her but she quickly moved and batted his hand away. However, he quickly pulled another gun out and held it under her chin with his other hand. She only smiled at him. "I always forget that you always carry two."

"Back off!" Chris said putting pressure into the gun and forcing it deeper into her throat.

"Sure you can pull that trigger fast enough?" she teased.

"I don't want to."

She called her brother's bluff. "You're not going to kill me."

"And I'm not going to let you take his body," he spat at her.

"If you're not going to do anything," Stiles huffed before he grabbed Chris by the shoulder, and then threw him to the other side of the room. "I will." Stiles could smell the fresh blood being spilled and wasn't going to let her get away with it. He glared at Kate as he let his blue eyes shine at her. "I'm not going to let you take his body or let you leave here in one piece."

Kate's lips upturned a bit to a flirting smile. "Wow, nice new peepers you got there Stiles. Want to see mine?" She then let her own green eyes glow at him and her claws started to extend. Stiles roared at her while Kate returned it and they moved for each other. Kate swiped at his chest but Stiles jumped back and it just missed connecting with him. He then moved to jump for the metal wall and bounced off it with one foot and quickly threw a hard punch that connected with her jaw. Kate staggered back a bit before she turned to reveal that her bottom lip was bleeding slightly. "Hitting a woman," she said with a joking tone. She moved her thumb to wipe the blood off with a smile. "You must like it rough. I know I do."

Stiles growled and moved to attack again but there was a shot that hit the wall next to him and forced him to jump back. The two of them turned and looked over to where Chris had picked himself back up on one knee. He was pointing the gun over at Stiles.

"The hell?!" Stiles shouted out at him.

Chris took a deep breath before he then moved it to point at Kate. "Enough!"

"That throw scramble your brain Chris?" Kate said as she widened her eyes at him. "Don't you think you have that pointed at the wrong person?" She then looked over at Stiles. "After all, I think we all know what made those eyes. Or rather, who?"

Stiles bared his teeth. "Shut up," he grumbled under his breath.

Kate smiled savagely at him. "Bet you wished you pulled that trigger a lot sooner. I know I do. And I'm sure your wife and daughter would if they could. Shame you missed. Must be out of practice."

"That's enough Kate," Chris cracked out as he started stepping towards her with his gun still locked on her. "You have to leave. Take the Berserkers and go!" he pleaded her.

"Not until I get what I came for."

"We have a plan. Try to remember that you're on that Deadpool too. Worth more than most."

"Well if killing Scott was part of your plan then you've obviously-" But she stopped right there. Stiles' watch was beeping and he looked over at it. Chris moved his wrist slightly to expose the timer running on his watch. One that was now down to less than three minutes. Kate now understood what was going on.


Braeden was taking some time to explain the weapons that she had on hand. She was telling him what model her handgun was when Derek just sighed.

"I don't like guns," he bluntly told her. And why would he? He's only had to run from them and see them pointed at him for half his life.

But Braeden just shrugged. "That's because you don't know how to use one."

"Or because I've been shot, repeatedly."

"You'll like this one." She then picked it up and showed him the clip. "The legal clip size in California is ten. You always want to remember how many shots you fire. Running out of bullets could get you killed. It also makes you look stupid," she added with a small smirk before she inserted the clip back in. She then handed it to him. "But using a gun isn't just about learning how to point and shoot."

"Why is that?"

"Because an average person can move 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. If they have a knife, they can gut you before you can point and fire. So, with a gun, you need distance." She then moved away from him a few paces. "Go for it. Pull the gun on me."

Derek just smirked at her as she stood and waited on him. Derek thought this was all a little silly but he decided to roll with it. He moved to point the gun at her but Braeden quickly grabbed at his wrist and slightly twisted it. His grip loosened and she moved to turn the gun around and take it from him. Now it was Braeden who was pointing the gun at him and Derek felt different. This wasn't the first time that a gun was pointed at him but he knew that if he was shot, it wouldn't heal.

He bowed his head as Braeden smirked back at him. "One more time," he said a bit more seriously than before.

"I can do this all day."

Derek raised his eyebrows at her and leaned in a little closer to her. She looked him up and down, silently daring him to make the next move. And he did. He moved to kiss Braeden and she eagerly returned it. After about two seconds, Derek had managed to snatch the gun from her hand and was now pointing it at her. Their faces were still close together though.

"You cheated," Braeden mumbled with her lips still rubbing against his.

Derek pulled away from her a bit. "Learning to bend," he said, reminding her of earlier when she beat him at arm wrestling.

They shared another small look before they started kissing again. Derek moved to yank Braeden up into the air as they continued to make out. As they kissed, Derek began to move Braeden for the table and set her down on it so he could begin to pull his shirt off. Braeden helped him with it before her hands ran down his muscled torso and they began kissing again. His hands moved over her smooth shoulders before grabbing at the bottom of her shirt and began to pull on them.


Again, Scott found himself in that same small space. He crawled for the exit and fell out of the locker onto the floor in the school hallway. He moved down the empty hall, not sure of what to find.

"Catch." Scott's reflexes kicked in and he caught what was thrown at him. But this time, it wasn't a lacrosse ball. It was a bloodied tomahawk. He then heard labored breathing and saw that Liam was lying by his feet with a large gash across his front. "Why'd you do that?" Liam screamed at him.

Scott then found someone reaching to take hold of his hand. "You don't know how, then let me help you." Scott looked back to see it was the Mute. "Let me show you," he told him before raising his hand so that the axe was hovering over their heads.

The Mute then brought Scott's hand down to get him to feel how to swing the tomahawk down properly. He then left Scott looking down at Liam who was staring fearfully at him. Scott then gave the tomahawk a final look before bringing it crashing down on Liam. He then picked it up and brought it down again. And again and again. Scott's thrusts became faster and more frenzied as he gave into the rush and heat of attacking Liam's body. He doesn't know how long it was but Scott stopped and found his face was stained with Liam's blood but he found himself not minding it in the least. 

Scott roared out and felt his new fangs through his lips but felt comfortable with them. He then looked over and saw Stiles standing there, staring at him blankly. Scott stood up from where he was kneeling and waved the tomahawk around. Stiles started to back up a few steps but that only made Scott take a few steps towards him. He then moved to pounce for him.

The next thing Scott knew, he was staring up at the faces of Kira, Stiles, and Argent as he gasped and shouted out in shock.

Stiles had gone to drag Kira to the morgue and revive him before his time was up. She quickly moved and began the process to revive Scott with none of the hesitation and doubt she had when she knocked him out.

Kira moved to embrace him. "It's okay," she quickly muttered to him as she tried to calm him. "It's okay." She then placed a small kiss on his lips and he calmly stared at her.

"What happened? Did it work?" he asked them.

The three of them just stared off at one another, with dismal looks on their faces, and Scott had his answer. But Liam then walked on in with a pained look on his face as he stared at Kira.

"What?" Kira asked him.

He sighed. "It's your mother. She's hurt."

Kira then moved to follow Liam while Stiles moved to give Scott some clothes to put on before he moved to catch up to them. That left Stiles alone in the room with Argent. The tension between them before, was now back. Stiles shut the slap door where Scott's body had been shut and moved to get his bag so he could go and collect back the laptops.

"Stiles," Argent called out before he could leave. Stiles still had his back to him though. "I just want you to know that what happened wasn't what it looked like. It wasn't personal. It was the only way to get my sister to listen."

"Right, whatever." Stiles said not sparing him a look. He then took a look around the room and gave a small chuckle.

"What is it?" Argent asked him.

Stiles didn't answer right away. Stiles realized that he and Argent have been in this room together before, exactly one year ago. This was where he and his hunters and pulled him and Jackson and he held a gun to his throat, just like he had done to Kate. However, while Argent had looked at him viciously as he held the gun on him, he had looked close to tears when he had the gun on her. Kate was right. He finally pulled the trigger, a year later. And it missed. Even though he was angry about the whole thing, he couldn't help but laugh at the irony. Argent called his name again and Stiles shook his head. "Nothing. Private joke."

Stiles stepped out of the morgue and took a deep breath that he didn't realize he was holding. He then looked back at the doors of the room and narrowed his eyes before whipping out his phone. He began to send a text. A very long text.


Derek woke up to find that Braeden wasn't in bed with him. He picked himself up and moved over for his table to see that Braeden had left most of her arsenal there. He moved to begin familiarizing himself with them.


Stiles was driving Liam back to his home after their failed mission at the hospital. Stiles looked over at Liam to see that the kid was nodding his head down, staring at his hands.

"You're quiet," he said as he moved to take a turn.

"Those things back at the hospital...what were they?" Liam asked as he slowly lifted his head to look at him. "They weren't like us. Those weren't werewolves."

Stiles sighed. "They're called Berserkers. They wear the skins and bones of animals to channel their power and ferocity."

Liam's eyes narrowed. "So wait, those were people? They're like us?"

Stiles quickly shook his head. "No Liam, they're not. The people that they once were are gone. They're as lifeless as the skin and bones they wear. No soul or conscience either. They're monsters. And they're led by an even bigger one."

"Back there, when I was on the roof, I...I couldn't do anything."

Liam looked back down at his hands and Stiles easily caught his depression and fear.

Stiles moved to tightly grip his shoulder. "Hey, Liam, it's okay."

But Liam shrugged his hand off. "No, Stiles it's not okay," he cried out. "I couldn't even land a single hit on them."

"Come on Liam, I only taught you for one day and we were covering the basics. I showed you how to make someone lose their handgun, not go up against seven-foot bone giants. You can't expect so much from yourself that fast. Rome wasn't built in a day and you won't become a good werewolf overnight."

Liam just sighed at that and turned to look out the window. "Well, I don't think I'm going to be much of one ever."

"Liam," Stiles started but Liam cut him off.

"You said that we got stronger when we were angry. When I saw Kira get hurt, I got really angry. I felt that sudden rush and could feel myself getting stronger. Just like when we tried to train me on shifting. I was so mad and all I wanted was to tear that thing apart and felt nothing was strong enough to stop me from doing it. I went and hurled myself at that thing, and it swung its arm and threw me into the wall like I was nothing. Okay?" Liam huffed as he turned to face him again. "I'm not strong or smart as you guys. I'm...useless."

Stiles eased back a bit. He could feel just how down Liam was on himself right now and shook his head. "Liam, hey come on, you're not useless."

"Yeah right," Liam mumbled as he moved to turn away again.

"Hey," Stiles moved to grab his shoulder to make him look back at him. "Listen Liam, you and Kira were on that roof and managed to keep those two Berserkers there near the whole time. Thanks to you, they weren't going through the hospital hurting and killing more people. If they were, who knows how many more could've been hurt or killed tonight. I think the people who might've run into those things if you hadn't been there, if they knew, would definitely say that you weren't useless. You probably helped save people tonight, and that means something. A big something."

Liam turned to look back at Stiles for a moment. He thought back and remembered that his stepdad was at the hospital tonight. He started to imagine him being one of the people Stiles was talking about. "Yeah, I guess," he mumbled.

"Liam, when you came to me for help what was one of the rules I set? One that you seem to be breaking now."

Liam stared for a moment before he took a deep breath and moved to look away from him. "No complaining if things get hard."

"Mmm, hmm," Stiles said nodding. "And I'm going to tell you right now Liam, I think things are only going to get harder."

Stiles was now driving down the street that would lead him straight to Liam's house when he looked up to see something at his rear-view window. Instantly, Stiles' spine went cold and he quickly moved to pull over.

The sudden move made Liam jump in his seat. "Stiles?!"

But Stiles didn't heed him. He quickly looked out the window and saw that car quickly move to make a turn at the cross section behind him. The tires of that car squeaked loudly as it did. Stiles popped his door open and ran for the turn but the only cars he saw where those already parked by the pavement or sitting in the driveways of the houses on the street.

"The hell," he mumbled. Stiles wasn't imagining it. Someone had been following him, probably since they left the hospital.

Liam was standing behind the jeep as it was still running. He pushed his arms out when Stiles was walking back. "What's going on?"

"We were being followed." Stiles told him as he headed back for the driver's seat.

"Seriously?" Liam's eyes nearly popped out as he went to look out in the direction that Stiles had gone. He then quickly hopped back into the jeep. "How do you know?"

Stiles began pulling them back onto the road. "There was a car that was keeping a steady distance from us for a while and the lights were off. It's pitch dark out here and they weren't driving with the lights on? No one does that unless they don't want to be noticed. And, when I pulled over all of a sudden, the driver quickly turned and drove off."

Liam turned to look behind them but didn't see anything as they kept driving. "So, who do you think it was?"

"Not sure, but, safe bet is that it's another assassin."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm going out of my way to mess with you right now," Stiles mumbled as he rolled his eyes at him.

Liam disregarded his sarcasm. "What are we going to do?"

"Well, if they're following me then the last thing I should do is show them where you live." Stiles then took a turn in the opposite direction. "Leaving you alone in your house right now might not be the best idea I've had tonight."

"Then where am I supposed to sleep if I can't go home?"

"Uh, you could stay at my place tonight. I'm sure my dad would be okay with it."

Stiles then drove off for his home and quickly parked his jeep in the driveway of his home. They stepped into the house and Liam went to take out his phone.

"I better call my mom. Let her and my stepdad know where I am so they don't worry."

Stiles was looking upstairs. "Yeah," he said as he kept his eyes up. He detected a presence upstairs and found a familiar scent. "Uh, go ahead and make yourself at home. There's some leftovers and juice in the fridge if you want." He then started to head on upstairs and calmly moved to his room and sighed when he saw Malia looking at the list of the Deadpool that was on his desk. "Hey," he said to her. She reacted to him but didn't tear her eyes from it. "Where have you been?" he softly asked.

"Talking to Peter."

"Okay, are you sure that's such a great idea?"

"If he can help me find my mother, then I don't think I care."

Stiles could see her staring hard at the Deadpool, and knew that she was looking at her name. Malia Hale. "You know, Peter might be your father but you're nothing like him. You care about people. He only ever cares about himself. You're not the same."

Malia finally tore her eyes from the paper. "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

"What? You mean because of how you were at the full moon?" She moved with the Deadpool for his board. "Or because you still blame yourself for what happened that night?" That made her stop in her tracks. "Malia, I told you, that wasn't your fault. You didn't kill your mom and sister that night."

"My adopted mother and sister you mean." She let out a sigh before turning back to face him. "There's something I didn't tell you about that night. Right before we got in the car my moth-...my adopted mother," she painfully corrected. "She and I got into a huge fight. I don't even remember what it was about, but I remember what I said."

Stiles heard the tremble in her voice and saw that she seemed close to crying. "Malia," he said moving for her.

"I said I wish you were all dead," she choked out.

Stiles quickly moved to be next to her. "Malia, that doesn't make it your fault."

"Maybe it does. I never cared about anyone before Stiles. Maybe that was because I am just like him. Maybe that's why someone came after us that night? To make sure that I didn't carry on the family tradition."

Malia then moved to hang the third part of the Deadpool on the board. She then moved to head out of the room but Stiles moved to grab her wrist. Malia looked up to the pleading look on Stiles' face as he held her hand in a soft grasp as he let his thumb rub across the skin above her wrist. He gave his head a shake, asking her with all his might not to leave. For a moment, it looked like she wouldn't, but she softly pulled away from him and backed out of his room. Stiles stared after her before he turned to look over at the Deadpool. At Malia's name with Hale being her surname.

Malia moved down the stairs, not even giving Liam a look as he tried saying Hi to her. She moved to head out of the house and closed the door behind her. She looked back over at the house, towards the window in Stiles' room to see that he was moving towards it. She wiped at her eyes and turned away as she moved to keep walking, trying hard not to look back. If she saw him again, she might want to head back inside, and she already wanted to do that so much. But someone was looking at Stiles at his window. Someone in a parked car across the street. Deputy Haigh.

He looked down at the printout in the seat next to him that had his name printed on it with a ten right next to it. When the department was called about disturbances at the hospital, Haigh had gone there and spotted the jeep that he knew belonged to the Sheriff's kid. He knew that the Sheriff was staying at the hospital to oversee what had happened there, so he made an excuse to leave when he spotted his kid leaving. He planned to follow him back to his home where he knew that he would be alone and get the jump on him there, though he was a little confused why the boy was in a neighborhood on the wrong side of town. He knew that the Stilinski's house wasn't around there. He followed after him anyway as he wanted to catch him when he was alone and not run the risk of people seeing that he had been around the house beforehand. But when the jeep suddenly pulled into park, Haigh had seen that the Sheriff's kid was catching onto him. He had turned quickly and drove into the nearest driveway he could see and quickly turned his engine off to try to blend in and hide. He saw that the young Stilinski had run to check the block out himself but it didn't look like he spotted him but he could see that the teen was freaked. But he saw that it seemed to make him come straight back home as he saw that the Jeep was now there in the driveway. He then saw that there was a girl making her way out of the house and guessed that the boy might've been giving her a lift home but the plans had changed. Haigh waited until she was far enough away and then moved to get a crowbar lying in wait at his backseat. He then looked to the house to see that one of the lights downstairs suddenly turned on, but he saw that Stiles was still looking out the window in his room.

"Damnit," Haigh breathed. That had to mean that there was someone else in the house. Haigh couldn't do this now. Not with the risk of being seen. He then looked down at the paper with the 12 names on it and his eyes fell on the name at the bottom. Jordan Parrish. He shrugged. "Alright then," he said as he restarted his car and moved to pull out. He would aim lower first. Besides, he had a little score to settle with the newbie deputy.


Argent was at his hideout, checking his supply of guns, one by one. His eyes fell onto a map that was laid out on a table when he heard a small creak behind him. He quickly brought out his gun and turned around to see the sight of Braeden holding a rifle at him.

Chris sighed and lowered his gun. "What are you doing here?"

Braeden moved to let her gun hang off at the side of her. "I heard your sister paid a visit to the hospital tonight."

"Really? Who's your source?" Braeden stayed silent and Chris took a minute before he deflated. "Stiles. Stiles told you."

"He knows that I'm looking for her for Derek. He sent me quite a detailed text about Kate's attack at the hospital. But, what was most interesting was the part when he said that you had her at gunpoint but the only shot you took was at Stiles."

"I didn't hit him," he defended.

"Was that intentional, or accidental?"

"What are you implying?" Chris knew that the boy didn't trust him and especially wouldn't be taking what had happened at the hospital well. Yet it seemed that everyone else might go on to follow his lead and he wasn't on the best of terms with a good many of them as it was.

"Just that if you ran into Kate again, would just let her go again? You know what she's done."

"I'm very well aware, thank you," he grunted.

"But you didn't stop her. You instead shot at the boy who was trying to and then let her go without a fight, especially when your code demands that you don't let her go. Excuse me if that's a bit suspicious."

"Kate wouldn't have been willing to listen if I had shot her and Scott didn't have much time. If the fighting had went on any longer than we would've lost him."

"Convenient then," she stated. "Though, from what I've heard over the years, you Argents always find some way to conveniently go around or even ignore the rules."

Chris narrowed his eyes at her. "You're questioning my loyalty and intentions? What about you?"

"What about me?"

"I'm curious why it seems that Stiles and even Derek are so ready to trust you over me when your reputation is hardly better than mine."

She shrugged as she mockingly put a show of thought. "I don't know, maybe, it just might have something to do with the fact that when I first came their ways it was to save them and their friends, not shoot them." She then lifted her chin up and exposed the claw scratches on her neck. "Even have the marks to prove it."

Argent's jaw tightened. He couldn't argue against that, not at all. The very first time he made himself known to Derek Hale was when he had been hunting him in the woods as a teenager. And the very first time he made himself known to Stiles was as the one that had shot an arrow into his best friend. Neither one of them seemed bound to ever forget that. But he deflated and just gave her a hard stare. "That doesn't mean that either one of them should trust you. You may act like you're trying to look out for everyone but only after you were paid to do that. And that's what you're still in this for. You're not looking to stop Kate because you care about what she's done. She's just a job, just like saving Isaac, Derek and helping those kids in Mexico were. You had to be paid for all of that and last I checked loyalty is something that is earned, not bought."

Braeden and Chris just stared hard at one another for a moment before Braeden moved to break the silence.

"Stiles told me that Kate had tried to get Scott. What would she want with his body?"

Chris shook his head. "I don't know. I can't think of any reason why. It wouldn't do her any good." He then froze and stiffened. "Unless it wasn't for her."

Braeden narrowed her eyes. "She wants it for someone else," she realized. "She's not working alone."

"But who? Who would want Scott's body? With an Alpha?" Chris had a long list in the back of his head of potential people that might, but which of them would seek out his sister?


Kate was finding herself moving into the sewers and found Peter Hale waiting for her there.

"You were right," she said to him. "He's still alive."

He smiled. "Thank god."


Scott had taken Kira to his home and they were sitting together on his bed. They were facing each other as they were holding hands.

"My mom is being taken to a hospital in Palo Alto. They actually put her in a helicopter."

Scott tightened the hold he had over her assuringly. "I'm sure she's going to be okay."

"Yeah, but she's not healing like she used to. I need to be there with her. Especially if she's still on the list."

"I know. You should be with her. I actually have to head back to the hospital. They want to do a bunch of tests since I was, you know, officially dead."

Kira smiled a bit. "I guess Liam's dad has a lot of questions." But then her grin faded. "I just wish it all worked. It was a good plan."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. And, actually I think that it did work. Not that I don't exactly know about who the Benefactor is but I think I know more about him now."

"But no one came. And no one got visual confirmation, right?"

"That's why it might have worked. Think about it. Who has the power to know when someone's dead but doesn't need to see the body to know what happened?"

Kira could think of one person that was like that: Lydia. "A banshee," she realized.

Scott nodded. The Benefactor must be a banshee.


Lydia was looking through her grandmother's things that were still kept at the lake house with her mother. Her mom pulled out a slip of paper and gave it to her.

"This is the last thing your grandmother wrote before she died. I don't even know why I kept it because it's just basically nonsense."

Lydia opened it and she stiffened. "Are you absolutely sure that grandma's dead?"

Her mother nodded. "Yes, I mean, she has to be," she said nervously.

But Lydia shook her head. "This isn't nonsense mom. It's code."

Lydia recognized it. It wasn't normal code. It's computer code, just like the code that brought her the Deadpool. If it was similar...then that might mean one thing. One horrifying thing. What if the Benefactor...was her grandmother?
