Deadpool part 2

Liam was down the hall and saw that the coast seemed clear. He looked around the corner and let his eyes fall on Scott and Stiles down the hall. After he told them about Garrett paying for the keg, which he remembered Mason telling him as he was recalling the party that he thought Liam missed, Stiles quickly called his father with the news. After that, Stiles then asked Liam where Garrett's locker was. Now he was being their lookout while Scott and Stiles searched.

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like this guy," Stiles muttered before he moved in on the locker.

Scott nodded at Liam, who nodded back to let them know it was safe, before looking over at Stiles who was trying to open it. "Got it yet?"

"Almost," Stiles breathed as he turned the dial slowly. "I've always wanted to do this." He heard the click and then went and opened it. "Yes," he said as he let his gaze wander inside. There were quite a few things in here. Stiles took a sniff but shook his head. "No scent of blood."

"Look inside. Maybe he left a copy of the Deadpool in there." Stiles quickly began to rummage through Garrett's things. "Careful. We don't want him to know anyone was in here," Scott reminded him.

"Yeah, I know," Stiles said as he looked through a textbook for any hidden papers. He then put it in and looked over at where Liam was keeping the lookout for Garrett. "It's nice to have someone else on watch for a change."

Scott's eyebrows rose up a bit. "You were on watch only once." He knew Stiles was thinking back to the time that Scott had to sneak onto the bus where the Alpha had attacked the driver.

"Yeah, one time too many." Stiles then opened a notebook and a slip of paper fell out. He unfolded it to find that it was a hard copy of the Deadpool. The first part of the list. "Scott."

Scott moved to look over his shoulder to look at the list. Over Demarco's name there was a checkmark made in a red pen and another next to Carrie's. "It is him," he breathed out. "He's the one that killed Demarco and Carrie."

"Yeah," Stiles mumbled darkly. Two werewolves that were innocent and minded their own business before they were killed to fill someone's pockets. He could only imagine, Garrett and that smug face of his, as he was standing over Demarco's decapitated body and Carrie's stabbed one, as he thought of nothing but the money that their corpses had brought him.

Stiles' breathing became a little hard and deep at the dark thoughts running through his mind. Scott stiffened as he heard that and looked over to see a small sapphire gleam pass his friend's eyes as he glared at the paper in his hands.

Scott's jaw tightened as he quickly looked over at Liam who was still watching out for Garrett for them. He looked uncomfortable and Scott could understand why. This guy was a friend of his and he was helping him and Stiles break into his locker and look through his stuff. They had to hurry this along. "Anything else? Are there more parts to the Deadpool in there?"

Stiles took a deep breath and began to check the rest of the book but nothing else fell out. "No. And it doesn't look like there's really anything else in the locker. No other parts of the Deadpool or any blades or thermal cut wires."

"Okay, well put it all back. We got to get out here."

Stiles quickly put the paper back in the book and checked to make sure that the locker looked as untouched as possible before closing it. They then moved over for Liam who was waiting anxiously.

"Well?" he asked.

"It is him," Scott told him. "He has a copy of the list."

"And the names of the last two were marked off," Stiles added a little darkly.

That made the new beta cringe inwardly. "Am I on it?" Liam quickly asked him.

Scott shook his head. "No, we only found the part that we already have."

"Not the rest?"

But Stiles shook his head. "No. If he has it then it's probably on him."

"So, what do we do now?" Liam asked them.

Scott and Stiles shared a tense look.

"We get ready for the game," Scott told him.


Agent Raphael McCall was still standing at the doorway of the motel room as Braeden hadn't moved to let him in. She was giving him a wary look.

McCall straightened himself up a bit. "I'd show you my badge but I have a feeling that you already know who I am."

She nodded. "I know who you are."

"And I know who you are. Well, who you were. And what you used to be. Not really sure who or what you are now, Braeden." Braeden stared at him for another moment before she stepped back and moved aside so he could come in. He stepped inside and she closed the door after him. "You've gotten quite good at moving about while staying hidden. It certainly wasn't easy to find you, even with my connections. Took me a couple of days before I finally tracked you down at this place."

"And how did you manage that?" It seemed that she made a mistake somewhere that she didn't want to repeat.

But Raphael just folded his arms and smiled slightly. "I'll tell you, but first, you have to tell me something."

"And what's that?"

His eyes narrowed a bit. "Everything."

"Everything?" she echoed.

"I know that you've been hanging around with Derek Hale. And I know that Derek Hale is connected to quite a lot of the incidents that have been popping up around Beacon Hills over the last year. Incidents that seem to be connected with a number of people including the Sheriff, his son Stiles."

"And your son Scott," she finished for him.

Raphael's jaw tightened a bit. "So, you do know. I've been trying to make sense of everything that's been happening in the town in the last year but I haven't been able to come up with anything."

"Then you haven't really been trying to make sense of it," Braeden calmly told him.

"What?" he said getting a little defensive. "Somehow this all involves my son and now my ex-wife. Of course I'm trying to make sense of it."

But Braeden just sat down and folded her arms at him. "You're trying to find a sensible and logical answer to all of it. If you really want to know and understand what's been happening, then you'll have to let yourself be open and ready to insensible and illogical. Much like your priorities."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that while you are using all this time and energy to unravel your son, ex-wife, and their friends' hidden secrets, their lives are in danger."

Raphael tensed. "What are you talking about? What danger?"


Stiles went off and met Malia and Lydia before they could leave school so that he could update them on what was happening.

Lydia sighed after she heard everything. "So, if you catch this guy then you could get the rest of the list?"

"That's what we're hoping for," he told her.

Lydia nodded before she narrowed her eyes at Malia. "Great, so can I lose my shadow here then?"

But Stiles shook his head. "No, Malia stays with you."

"Why?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah, why?" Malia said, shaking her head.

"Lydia, did you forget that that there's still a 15-million-dollar price on your head? You need to be protected. Besides, in case that Garrett doesn't actually have the other parts, we'll still have you in reserve to get the rest. And, you might be able to still help us find out who might be next on the list to be targeted. Maybe even something about the Benefactor."

Lydia huffed out in irritation before she just stomped off.

Malia sighed. "Do I really have to stay with her?"

Now Stiles sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Scott, Kira, Liam and I will be at the game so there's no one else." Stiles saw that she still looked unhappy about all of this. "Something wrong?"

She deflated as she looked over where Lydia was standing off to the side, looking as irritated and grumpy as ever. "You, Scott, Kira and even Liam are going around, stopping someone from killing us, and all I've been doing is watching Lydia as she stares at papers and music players. It's boring and annoying and so is she. I can do more to help if I'm with you then with her."

"Malia," he said dropping his voice a bit. "We need to watch and protect each other right now, okay? Instead of hanging over Lydia, try to help her with focusing her powers. Help her, like I helped you."

Malia just gave him a look. "How? I don't know anything about banshees. You all say how smart Lydia is and she can't even figure it out. How can I do anything to help her? I'm not smart, not like you and her."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at her. "Malia, you are smart."

"Like with algebra?" she grumbled. "I still think its random numbers that make no sense."

"Actually, it's really hidden numbers in place of letters." Malia just looked away from him at that. Stiles sighed. "Okay, maybe not math smart, but you're life smart."


"Lydia is going through something new, scary and knows next to nothing about how to handle this. Just like you did when you first turned into a coyote. You were a kid and no one showed you how to do any of it, but you managed it for eight years. You had if you were going to live out there in the woods and you figured it all out on your own. That's smart. I don't think I could have ever done that. Suddenly survive out in the wild. I'd never even been on a camping trip before, which actually makes me wonder how my dad bought that I was going camping so easily those weeks ago," he trailed off. But he shook his head. "Point is, Lydia is going through the same thing. She has no one to teach her how to think or feel as a banshee. Help her find the way to think and feel, like you had to, okay?"

Malia turned and looked back over at Lydia. Her face softened as she saw the lonely and depressed look on her face. She then let a deep sigh loose and nodded. Stiles then went to give her a soft kiss on the lips and rubbed his nose against hers for a moment before they broke apart. He then went off and left the two of them alone with each other.


Noah was in his office as he went and checked to see if his gun was fully loaded before he then went and placed it in his holster. McCall still couldn't be reached but he couldn't afford to waste more time looking and waiting around for him to help catch this guy. Just going on the first part of the list, chances were pretty high that Scott or Kira was in Garrett's line of sight. But if he really did have access to the other parts, and if his son was on it. That was as far as his thoughts went when he moved to get his jacket on. He had just finished putting it over his shoulders when there was a small knock on his door. He turned around to see that it was Derek Hale.

"Oh good," he said as he moved over to him. "The boys found one of the assassins. I'm going to head over to the school and bring him in before the game starts."

"Yeah, Scott texted me," Derek told him. "But, I think I might have a lead on something else."


"Kate," he said simply. "I don't know if you heard from your son and Scott but, Argent is back in town."

Noah's face hardened a bit. "Yeah. I heard," he said to Derek in a bitter tone. "But they didn't say anything about where he was."

"That's why I came here. He asked to meet me at the vault. I'm going to go and see him and I'd like for you to come along with me."

"Me, why?"

Derek's eyes narrowed. "Because, I think there's a chance that Argent could lead us to the Benefactor."


Lydia was in the music room, sitting at the piano as she randomly pushed at the keys. School had just ended so most of the students had left to go home with only a few sticking around for after school business before the game tonight. Malia was hanging around at the corner of the room, running a finger across a cymbal before she went and gave it a tap making it let off a hard ring.

Lydia huffed in aggravation. "That's not helping."

"Well, tell me how I can help then."

"I can't because I don't know how. No one has been able to help me with this. The closest I got to advice on this was from Peter and he wasn't much help with that. All he said was that my scream dulled out the noise."

"Your scream," Malia mumbled as she let herself get lost in thought. "Stiles said that you screamed when you tried to find Barrow and you found out where he was hiding after you did."

"Ms. Blake once called me the Wailing Woman."

"Then maybe you should scream right now."

"Scream? Just like that? I don't think that's how it works."

"Says who? You said it before, all we have are claws, fangs and glowing eyes. None of us hear voices in our heads. None of us are banshees and we can't teach you. All I know is that when you aren't hearing or seeing things, you're screaming. If you can't hear or see anything, then just scream."

"Malia," Lydia tried to argue. This whole idea was ridiculous.

"Scream Lydia," she pressed at her.

That made the banshee roll her eyes. "Oh, fine." Lydia let out a small scream. It was quite pitiful. It was one that a girl would do if they were slightly startled. Lydia let her eyes wander around. Nothing was different. "See? This was ridiculous."

Malia snorted. "No, that scream was ridiculous. Stiles told me that the last one you did nearly made his ears bleed. Mine aren't even itchy."

"Because I don't feel like screaming. The last time I screamed like that was because I felt everything happening around me all at once and it made me want to scream like that."

"Who cares if you feel like it or not. Just scream. Scream as hard as you can. As loud as you can. When I have to roar, I don't have to think about how to roar. I just do it. It's like Stiles told me. Do or do not, there is no try."

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Forgive me if I don't follow Stiles' sage advice this time."

"Lydia," Malia tried but Lydia cut her off.

"Malia, this is stupid!" Lydia shouted at her.

Malia was getting aggravated. Why did Stiles and the others have so much faith in Lydia? She was so smart that she understood everything about math, especially the parts that Malia couldn't even pronounce correctly but Lydia couldn't manage a simple scream? And calling it stupid...was she saying that she was stupid? Malia was starting to grow beyond frustrated with her, with everything. She went on to grab Lydia's wrist tightly and let her blue eyes flare up as she got up in her face.

"Scream Lydia!" she said in a deep, hard voice.

"Let me go!" she said trying to pull away

"Scream!" Malia roared at her.

Lydia felt the pain in Malia's grip and her own frustration began to rise even higher. Lydia then just threw her head back and screamed. Really screamed. Loud. As she did, Malia quickly let her go and went for her ears. Lydia's eyes widened and her scream started to fade until no sound came out but her mouth stayed slightly open as her eyes stared off for a bit.

Malia was rubbing at her ears as they were ringing a bit but she noticed how Lydia was so still. "Lydia? Is something happening?"

Lydia didn't answer right away. She kept staring off in the distance as she heard the distant sounds of wolves and they were howling and crying. "No," she mumbled. "But, something is going to happen."

"Something bad?" Malia asked hesitantly.

"Very bad," she told her blankly.

Lydia then left the room with Malia following after her. Her eyes started to dart around at the few people who were still in the halls. However, she couldn't hear anything from them as they walked passed. All she could hear was the distant echoes of screaming people. She then heard a metallic clicking sound that was then followed by some pained screaming. As she got outside to the parking lot area, she then heard what seemed like gunshots and whooshing sounds that she recognized as arrows flying through the air. Then there was a loud and hard roar which snapped her out of her daze.

Malia went over as she saw that Lydia suddenly stopped and seemed to be trying to settle her breathing down. "Lydia? What is it? What's wrong? Is it about tonight?"

She shook her head. "No. There's so much more to worry about than tonight." She then headed off for her car. She wanted to get the hell out of this place. It was giving her a heavy case of goosebumps.

"Lydia?" a voice called out making them stop.

"Parrish?" Lydia said as she caught sight of him. The deputy was moving for them.

"So, you are here."

Malia narrowed her eyes at him. "Who is this?"

"He's one of the deputies from the Sheriff's station," Lydia explained to her before turning back to Parrish. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," he answered.

Lydia was surprised. "For me?"

"I found someone wandering the streets. When I pulled over to help her, I was surprised who it was. I was taking her to the station when she suddenly told me to stop and turn the car around. Told me that I had to go to the school. She also gave me your name."


Parrish looked over to her car and Lydia and Malia looked over to see that the girl sitting in the passenger seat was Meredith. She was looking off with a blank look on her face but she suddenly looked up and met Lydia's eye.


Night had fallen and the school's lacrosse field was starting to fill with spectators and players. Scott and Kira walked onto the field together, with their jerseys on.

"You nervous?" he asked her as they reached the bench.

Kira looked over to where Garrett was sitting with his lacrosse stick and looked back at Scott with a tense smile. "About someone trying to kill us? Or about my first game?"

Scott smiled at her. "Both."

They then looked up as some players from Devenford passed them. They were big players and seemed to look older than they were.

"Definitely both," she gasped out. She then looked over to see that Garrett was fixing up the string on his lacrosse stick. "Shouldn't we be doing something?"

Scott shook his head. "There's too many people around. We do something and somebody could end up getting hurt. We have to wait for the Sheriff. He could do something without too much trouble."

"Could he really cause that much?" Kira asked him.

Scott let his eyes fall on Garrett who had a small smile on his face as he started twirling his stick around in his hands. He looked so normal. You wouldn't be able to tell that he was a killer just from looking at him. "I hope not," he mumbled. "Just in case, keep an eye on him, okay?"

Kira nodded. "Okay," she said in a small voice.

Over at the stands, Stiles was moving passed them and making his way to the field but was on the phone with his father. He let his eyes roam off to glimpse Garrett.

"Okay Dad, I have eyes on him now. Please tell me that you're on your way." He heard his father sigh through the other end.

"I'll be at the school but, son, I have to see to something else first. I can't be at the game just yet."

Stiles turned away from looking at Garrett and lowered his voice. "Okay but tell me that you are sending some of your deputies at least."

"Uh, no. Stiles, I'm sorry but I wasn't able to find anything concrete enough to call for an official investigative arrest. It will only be me."

"Dad, Garrett had a copy of the Deadpool in his locker with checks next to Demarco and Carrie's names. And it looks like he's getting ready to check off another name. He has that look in his eyes." He looked over and saw that while Garrett seemed to be just biding his time and waiting for the game to start, he had a certain bloodthirsty gleam in his eye that he had seen in the eyes of the hunters he'd come across in the past. Just like with them, Garrett's began to make his skin crawl.

"Okay, Stiles, just make sure that you keep a close eye on him. But don't do anything crazy. You're completely surrounded by people. He can't do anything as long as there are people watching so all of you stay in plain sight. Don't wander off alone. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Stiles sighed. "Okay, but just do what you got to do and get here fast."

The Sheriff hung up the phone as he looked over to the passenger seat to see that Derek was looking over in his direction before looking back on ahead.

"Don't worry. Your son and Scott know how to take care of themselves. You can trust them to make sure that this guy won't have his way."

He nodded. "I know." But he quickly recovered to focus back at the task on hand. "You expect Argent to give us trouble?"

"Not if he has something to hide."

"From what I can tell, that man always has something to hide," Noah mumbled as he got ready to make a turn and then sped up a bit.


Liam was standing out on the field, giving a stink eye over at Brett, who was staring back at him with the same kind of look as he was getting changed. He was then joined over by Mason but he kept his heated gaze on Brett.

"I don't care if he is a foot taller than me. I think I can take him," he hissed out with a nod. After all, he was a werewolf now. Brett shouldn't stand a chance.

Mason nodded. "Yeah."

Liam looked over and noticed that Mason was staring intently at Brett too but his look was the polar opposite of his own. "What do you think you're doing?"

Mason seemed to snap out of it. "What? Me? Agreeing with you," he said quickly. "I'm being agreeable."

"You think he's hot, don't you?" he asked a bit annoyed.

"No. Not at all." Mason then let his gaze fall back on Brett who was still looking at them as he kept changing into his pads. "Maybe."

Brett then put his jersey on and finished changing but kept his glare in their direction. Liam returned to keeping his hard face on but he then saw Brett's expression suddenly fall a bit. He seemed to look a bit uncomfortable. Maybe even nervous. Liam straightened himself up, it looked like he was actually starting to get to Brett. At least he thought that before hearing a small cough sound behind him. He and Mason turned to see that Stiles was standing there and was grinning at them before he rose his eyes up to look over at Brett. Liam turned and saw that Brett was staring in Stiles' direction. Stiles stepped over to Liam's other side and he narrowed his eyes towards Brett. He and Brett kept eye contact before Brett dropped his gaze and headed off to join a group of his teammates. Stiles nodded to himself. After this afternoon, he began having a theory about Brett. One that might've just been confirmed.

Mason gave Stiles a quick look before turning to Liam. "Uh, I'll see you later." He then left casting an uncomfortable look Stiles' way before he walked off.

"Something wrong with your friend?" Stiles asked as he watched Mason walk away at a fast pace.

"What? Oh, no, I just think you might scare him a little."

Stiles' eyebrows rose up in surprise. "I scare," he said as an afterthought. But he shook his head. "What about you? You okay?"

"You mean about the game or about Garrett?"

They both took a moment to look over to see that Mason had wandered over to say hello to Garrett and to wish him luck at the game.

"Both," Stiles sighed out.

Liam shook his head. "I still can't believe it. He's been my friend ever since my first day here. It's hard to think that someone on our team is actually a murderer." He then looked over and noticed that Stiles didn't seem to feel the same way. "Aren't you surprised?"

Stiles shrugged. "Doesn't come as the biggest shock actually. It's not exactly the first time its happened."


"Uh, I'll tell you about it another time. For now, just be careful and don't let your guard down around him." Liam nodded and Stiles looked away from Garrett before he looked back over at Brett. "Hey Liam, what exactly do you know about that guy?" he said pointing his chin over in Brett's direction.

"Who, Brett?" he asked looking back at the guy. "Well...I know that he has a sister. Other than that, nothing."

"Does he ever cause trouble?" Stiles asked thoughtfully.

"He wants to destroy me," Liam huffed out.

Stiles sighed. "Other than that."

"," Liam admitted. "Why?"

Stiles gave him a small look. But before he could really say anything, Scott and Kira moved over towards them.

"Stiles, where's your dad?" Scott asked him.

"Is he close? The game's about to start," said Kira.

Stiles let a tired breath out. "He's coming but...he said that he has to look into something first."

"So, then what do we do?" Liam asked them as he watched Mason give Garrett a friendly good luck pat on the shoulder before heading for the stands. He saw that Mason was heading over to sit with Violet, Garrett's girlfriend. He could only imagine how this could hit them both. His hand tightened into a small fist.

Scott saw that the teams were starting to move out into the field to begin the game. Garrett was in first line with them. He could also hear that Liam's heartrate was climbing a bit and he was starting to be a little agitated. "Liam, tell Coach that you're sitting out the game."

"What? No," he quickly said. "I told you I'm fine. I could do this."

Scott narrowed his eyes at him. "Liam, I'm serious. You haven't mastered controlling your shifts yet. Things are already going to be risky enough with Garrett out there. We can't have you turning in the middle of the game."

"I'm playing," Liam told him before he stubbornly stomped off to get his helmet and stick.

Scott let a frustrated puff out. "Why won't he listen to me? He can't play like this. He's barely a week into all this. He won't be able to control himself, especially during a game with both Devenford and Garrett."

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, a newbie teen wolf that can't control himself yet, won't listen to reason and can only think about playing in his first game. I can't even imagine how frustrating that must be to deal with," he said with a small smile.

Scott narrowed his eyes at Stiles who was still smiling but giving him a pointed look. Scott just shook his head and headed over for the Coach leaving Stiles and Kira behind.

"What was that all about?" Kira asked him.

Stiles gave her an amused look. "Oh let's just say, Karma, she's a real bitch."

The Beacon Hills team was running around, moving their get their helmets on and sticks ready. Coach Finstock was moving about, clapping at them to hustle.

"Let's go! Let's go, come on!" Coach cried out to everyone as Scott came over to him. "McCall, get your ass out onto the field!"

"Coach, it's Liam. His leg is still healing. I don't think he should play."

"He said its fine."

Scott resisted the urge to growl in frustration. "As captain, I'm suggesting that Liam sit out the game."

That actually made Coach start to laugh. "Oh, and as President of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion."

"What if he gets hurt?" Scott spat back.

"Hey Liam," a player from Devenford called out. "Think fast!" He then launched a lacrosse ball at him but Liam quickly caught it.

Coach smiled. "Oh, he plays." He then blew the whistle before Scott could argue some more.

Liam then grabbed his helmet and put it on as he headed for the field, the Devenford players all in his heated sights. Scott, Stiles, and Kira all watched as Liam stomped off for the field before they grabbed their own helmets and hurried to the field themselves as Coach chanted each of their names.


Deputy Parrish showed the three girls into the Sheriff's office which was currently empty.

"The Sheriff told me that if either of you ever did come around here, to bring you into his office," he explained to them.

Lydia nodded. "Thank you," she said to him.

Parrish nodded as he gave her a small smile.

"Where's Stiles' dad?" Malia asked him.

"Oh, he left a while ago. I think he's going over to the high school to catch his son's game." He then sighed. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to call Eichen House and tell them that we found their missing patient."

But Lydia stopped him. "Uh, would you mind if you give us some time first? We kind of need to talk," she said as she looked over at Meredith who was sitting in one of the chairs, very still and patiently.

Parrish gave the silent girl a look. "Why? Is it because she's psychic too?"

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Are you still on about that?"

He looked back over at Meredith. "She escapes a place like Eichen House, wanders all the way through town, all so she could look for you. I pick her up and she suddenly tells me that she knows where you are and I find you, exactly where she said you were."

"At the school. You don't have to be psychic to guess that's where I was," she tried to explain away.

"After the school day was over?" he countered calmly.

"It was a lucky guess," Lydia told him.

"You called me," Meredith said suddenly. "Asked me to see you."

"Yeah, I called her. When she was still in Eichen House."

But Meredith shook her head. "You called me in the car."


"Yeah," Parrish told her. "As I was driving her to the station, she suddenly looked at me and said that her friend was calling her. She said that you needed her to come find you right away at the school. When she that I needed to take her to see Lydia, I headed straight there." That made Lydia's face fall a bit. "Are you still trying to pass yourself off as just a normal girl that's always at the wrong place at the wrong time? That you just found all those bodies, even the ones at the Walcotts before we did, by coincidence?"

"I...I can't explain it," she said weakly.

"And you don't have to. Look, it's obvious that the Sheriff knows or he wouldn't keep asking for you and all of your friends to be shown in whenever you're all around. I told you, I try to keep an open mind. Which I'm starting to think is a necessity around here. I'm just trying to help. I just wish you could be more open with me on what's going on so I could."

"Lydia," Malia said to her. There was an urgent look in her eyes.

Lydia knew that she wanted to start to talk to Meredith and find out more about the Deadpool. They needed to talk to her and it was best to do it here, in the safety of the Sheriff's station then somewhere else especially with a 15 million dollar price on her head. She then looked back at Parrish. "Okay, but we do have to talk to her and it could take a while. If you have to, you can call the Sheriff and ask him if it's okay."

"I don't think I have to call and ask." He then walked over and closed the door. "But the others in this station will have noticed that I brought you all in here so we don't have much time. I'd say maybe fifteen to twenty minutes until one of them comes around and I'll have to make some calls. So if you're going to talk to her it'll have to be now."

"Thanks," Lydia said gratefully to him. Parrish then moved off to the side, next to Malia, to give them space to talk freely. Lydia then reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone as she held it out to her. She knew that phones were what seemed to guide Meredith last time when her friends were trying to find her. Seemed like the best place to start. "Aren't you going to answer it?"

Meredith nodded as she took the phone and went to lean over to her. "It's not ringing," she whispered in her ear. She then moved to sit back down.

Lydia felt her nerves begin to get worked up. It looked like this wasn't going to be easy, then again, when has anything around here been?


At the Beacon Hills sign, Derek and the Sheriff made their way to it and looked around to see that they were the only ones around. They could faintly hear the sounds of the screaming people at the lacrosse field at the other side of the school which meant that this part of it was virtually deserted.

"Where is he?" the Sheriff asked.

"Over here." They looked over to see Chris stepping out from a shadowed corner. "Sorry but seeing as I'm a wanted fugitive now, I can't really be out in the open, especially around here."

He and the Sheriff shared a tense look. The last time these two had seen one another was when Chris held a gun onto Stiles and Noah had held a gun onto him. Derek didn't give their tension any real thought as he went to extend his claws and place them into the locking mechanism. He turned it and made the vault open up. They then stepped inside and their eyes quickly fell to the safe that was in the center and wide open.

"That's where the bonds were?" Noah asked Derek.

"Yeah," Derek nodded. He then turned to Chris. "Maybe you should have a look."

Chris moved over to the vault and looked it up and down as he surveyed the damage that he saw from the attack. He then heard a slamming sound. He looked up and saw that Derek and the Sheriff were standing in front of the now closed door and he realized that appeared to be the only way out. The two of them were giving him somewhat hard looks. "What's going on?" he asked them.

"We need to talk," Derek told him.

"I thought that was why you called me. To talk about Kate."

"Yeah," Noah nodded. "But, we also need to talk about something else. Or rather someone. Goes by the name, The Benefactor."

Chris nodded. "You know, I don't need my years of training to know when I'm being interrogated. What exactly are you two accusing me of?"

"That you either know who this guy is," Noah then unholstered his gun. "Or you are him."


The game was in full swing. Both Beacon Hills and Devenford Prep were roughly even for a while before Brett went and scored the very first goal of the game. Devenford cheered while Beacon Hills had their spirits drop a bit. As Brett passed by, he gave Liam a smirk from under his helmet which made Liam begin to breathe harder.

Scott, Stiles and Kira noticed Liam getting worked up and shared nervous looks themselves.

"Why do I feel this will end badly?" Kira panted out.

"Because it usually does," Stiles slurred to her. Stiles' eyes locked in on Liam who was still glaring off at Brett as the kid still gave him a smug, taunting look. It seemed that Brett was going to further tease and provoke Liam when he was already close to losing control. "But not if I can help it. Scott, come with me," Stiles said quickly.


"Just come on. And follow my lead."


Scott wondered what was going on but didn't get a chance to say more as Stiles was already heading off. Stiles walked over to stand at Liam's side, a bit ahead of him. Scott made it over and stood at Liam's other side, a bit ahead of him also. Stiles then just stared off at Brett and Scott noticed it and copied it. Their looks caught Brett's attention and the smug look was quickly wiped from his face. Scott didn't know why, but found himself growling under his breath as his eyes narrowed even more at the guy. Liam let a frustrated puff out of his nose as he still glared at Brett, but he seemed to straighten himself up a bit and his breathing became a little lighter. Brett tensed at the three pairs of hostile looking eyes at him and started to back off and away. Scott's eyes widened at Brett's reaction to them. It looked like the kid was scared of them for some reason.

Stiles then loosened himself up. "Okay," he said looking over at Liam. "He shouldn't bother you now. Well, at least until after the game's over."

Liam blinked and shook his head. "What? What do you mean?"

"What was that?" Scott asked him.

Stiles blinked. "Scott, didn't you sense it?"

"Sense what?"

But their Coach blew the whistle over at them, making the three of them jump.

"McCall, Stilinski, Liam, get back to your positions already! Hustle!"

"I'll tell you later," Stiles said as he separated from them.

Scott went over and put his hand on Liam's shoulder. "Liam, if you're getting worked by a few looks and laughs from the other team, what's going to happen if they get rougher with you? You should be sitting this out."

"No, I can do this Scott. I can handle it. I can play," Liam told him as he rushed to get to his position.

"Liam," he cried after him but the kid didn't stop. He then sighed as he moved to get to his spot. As he got there, the other problem of their night was walking by him. Garrett. He was calmly watching him and Scott let his eyes focus on him as the guy seemed to send him a small glare. Scott felt things were only going to get worse. He was then joined by Brett as they knelt to get ready for the next set.

"So, Liam went and got himself two big bad bodyguards to watch his back. I guess it's a step up from two cops pulling him back."

Scott sighed in frustration. "Look Brett, I know that you guys feel that you have to pay Liam back, but could you just hold it off? Just for one night?" he tried to ask nicely.

Brett rose his head a bit, like he was giving it a thought. "Yeah, I guess I can do that."


But then Brett snorted. "No."

Then the whistle blew and Brett swiped the ball and took off before Scott could blink. Liam tried to charge for Brett but he was blocked by two other players who pushed him onto his back. The hit made a few people in the stands, like Mason and Violet, jump and wince. Brett gave a small smirk back his way as he charged for the goal but he was then gored by a red streak. It was Stiles and he looked up at the ball that had been thrown into the air and he caught it in his net. He then looked out and passed the ball over to Kira. Kira then ran down the field and jumped and darted passed the Devenford players that came after her. None were able to even touch her as she then got to the goal. She then spun around and launched the ball out where it got passed the goalie and into the net with a hard whack. There was a whistle followed by hard cheering. Kira had just tied the game with Beacon Hills and Devenford one goal apiece.

Stiles walked over to Brett who was still lying on the ground. "You want to reconsider?" Stiles said in a low tone.

Brett let a frustrated huff out before he went and picked himself up and walked off. He looked over and saw that Liam was being helped up by Scott and stopped to send him a small glare. One that Liam returned as he started to move for him. But, he was stopped by Scott.

"No, Liam, enough," Scott hissed as he held him back.

He was then blocked by Stiles who rushed over to help Scott. He then turned back and pointed at Brett. "You, keep walking."

Brett glared a bit at Stiles and then at Scott, who was sending him a small frustrated glare himself. The kid then headed off as Scott and Stiles kept their hold on Liam until he started to settle back down.

Across the field, Garrett was watching them all with a small grin on his face. He then turned his lacrosse stick in his hand and moved his fingers over to the switch he had built into it.


"I'm not the Benefactor," Chris calmly told them. "Why would I be?"

"Because whoever planned this heist had to have known that my family had the bonds and have had access to Kate," Derek explained calmly though still alert. "And you knew that Kate was still alive, didn't you?"

Chris was silent for a moment as he closed his eyes and took a stressful breath. "Not at first," he admitted. "I only found out when you gave me the shell, after Ethan and Aiden were attacked." He then reached into his pocket and took it out. He then tossed it over to Derek and he and the Sheriff looked over at the symbol engraved on the bottom. "That mark belongs to my family."

"And you decided not to warn anyone that she was still around?" Noah accused him.

"I had just lost my daughter!" Chris spat at him. "I needed time to mourn and process."

His words made the Sheriff deflate a little bit, but he was still on guard. "And in your grief, you didn't try to find someone to blame? Ease your mourning by putting together a list with werewolves and other supernatural people around here? Isn't that how your father tried to process his grief? By trying to kill my son and his friends."

"Yes, but that's not me," he told them. "You've got the wrong person."

"You sure? The very first Cypher Key was Allison. That's an interesting choice for a code to unlock a supernatural hitlist."

Chris tightened his jaw a bit before he moved his narrowed eyes over to Derek. "Listen to my heart Derek and see if I'm lying. I am not The Benefactor."

Derek listened in and dimly heard his heart beat. His face fell when he realized that it wasn't as loud as he was used to hearing someone's heart.

"Derek?" Noah said to him.

He sighed. "He's telling the truth, at least about that. And you have no idea who the Benefactor is?"

"No I don't."

Derek shook his head. "Not even a Gerard?"

Chris was taken aback. "My father is confined to a hospital room."

"And you're saying that he's not capable of organizing something like this?" Noah asked him pointedly. "Getting other people do his dirty work for him?"

That made Chris look away from the two of them as he let himself be lost in thought. After a moment, he looked back up at the two of them. "I'll look into it."

"Fine." The Sheriff still glared at him a bit but put his gun away. "But, let me tell you right now. If I find so much as a word that you are connected to any of this, I won't stop until I've hunted you down." The Sheriff's phone rang and he answered it when he saw that it was the station. "Hello...Parrish? What's wrong?" He then listened in for a moment before he nodded. "Alright. I'll be there as fast as I can." He then hung up and looked over at Derek. "Meredith broke out of Eichen House and she's at the station with Lydia and Malia." He then looked over towards the exit, helplessly.

Derek understood. "Don't worry. I'll stick around and watch over Stiles, Scott and the others."

"Thank you." He then opened the door and headed up the stairs and out of the vault.

Derek turned back to Chris. "He really doesn't trust you."

Chris just nodded. "That's actually smart. To be honest, if I was anyone else, I wouldn't trust me either. Do you?"

Derek stared at him for a moment. "After we find Kate, I'll decide then."

"It won't be easy. My sister is trained to hide and if what Scott told me about her is true, her new abilities and instincts will make it harder to track her down."

"What are you going to do when you finally do?"

Chris lowered his gaze a bit. "I'm going to put her somewhere where she'll never hurt anyone again."

"What, you have some kind of werewolf jail?" Derek asked skeptically. "She won't go quietly."

"I don't expect her to. But, I'll do what's necessary."

Derek then stepped over to him. "What if I asked you not to?" That made Chris look at him in surprise. "She took something from me." He then revealed his new eyes. "At first, I thought it was a part of my past, but I started to lose something else. My sense of smell. And now, my sense of hearing is starting to fade." Derek ducked his head a bit. "I'm losing my power."


It had already been almost twenty minutes and Lydia had made no more progress with Meredith than she did when they first started. Malia and Parrish were still sitting off to the side, watching as Lydia kept trying to get Meredith to talk to her. Parrish just hung up the phone after reaching the Sheriff to let him know that Meredith was here, along with Lydia Martin and his son's girlfriend.

Lydia decided to try to get through to her by her memories. "Meredith, you came here to help us, remember?"

"You called me, remember?"

"You mean my scream at the school?" Lydia looked over at Malia. She remembered how werewolves, and she supposed werecoyotes too, could signal each other through their howls. She knew that Scott and Stiles had told her that her screams had been heard by them and drew them to her a few times before. Had her scream reached out to Meredith in some special banshee way?

But Meredith shook her head. "That was the second time."

Lydia then remembered, Meredith had already left Eichen House before then. She had already been looking for her. "What was the first time?"

She leaned in closer to her. "Remember? You called me."

"Well, what did she call you for?" Malia asked her.

But Meredith didn't answer her. She stayed silent and Lydia deflated a bit.

"Meredith, can I ask you a question?" Parrish asked as he moved over for them. Meredith nodded and he knelt in front of her, next to Lydia. "When you need help, when you need to find something, is there someone you reach out to? Maybe someone you call?"

Meredith shrugged a little uncomfortably. "It depends. Different people for different things."

"So maybe there's a number that can help us. Someone that we can call?" he said going with it and making Lydia smile at him a bit.

Meredith nodded. "Yes."

"Would you be okay telling us?

"Yes," she said. Lydia then held out her phone and was ready to start dialing. "It's 2, 4, 3, 6."

She stopped there. It was only four digits. It wasn't a full telephone number.

"Uh Mere, we need a few more numbers," Malia told her.

But Meredith shook her head. "No. That's the number."

Malia shook her head now. "Phone numbers are ten digits."

"That's the number," Meredith repeated.

"Meredith," Lydia spat out. "Phone numbers always have ten digits."

"That's the number," she said again.

Lydia was starting to lose her patience. "Meredith!"

But Parrish went to take her by the shoulder. "Lydia, whoa," he said pulling her back a bit. "If she said that's the number, then that's it."

Lydia slapped his hand away. "It can't be!" She then turned and raged over for Meredith. "Meredith, what are the other numbers?! Tell me!"

Meredith quickly brought her hands up to cover her head as she shrunk into herself. "Those are the numbers." She was now reduced to tears.

Malia went to grab at Lydia's wrist. "Lydia, I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but you're being too harsh. Calm down."

Lydia huffed out a heated breath from her nose as she glared down at Meredith, who was squealing and crying under her breath.

Parrish sighed. "Alright, I think that's enough. I'm going to go and call Eichen House now." He then went over to Meredith and held his hand to her. "Meredith, come on," he said gently to her.

But Meredith shot to her feet and glared at him. "That's the number!" Her face was crazed and savage as she went and looked over at each of them.

Parrish then slowly reached for her shoulder and escorted her out of the room, leaving Lydia alone with Malia.


Stiles was then put up to lead the play this time. He was matched up with a pretty big and thickly built guy who had some fuzz on his chin.

"Uh, you do know that anabolic steroids are illegal in the United States, right?" Stiles just randomly threw at the guy. That made the opposing player glare at him but Stiles just smiled at him. "You have a lot of facial hair for a teenager. What are you on anyway? HGH? Gamma radiation?" But the whistle blew and Stiles had quickly scooped the ball up and dashed around the guy before he knew what hit him. Stiles ran off and quickly passed the ball across the field to Kira, who caught it as skillfully as before. "Go Kira! Kira run!" he shouted at her.

Kira then took off with the players nearby running over for her. They tried to stop her but she darted off side to side in order to avoid them as she moved up the field.

"Kira, pass it!" Coach yelled at her. "Pass the ball!"

But Kira didn't pass. She kept running for the goal and when she reached it, spun her stick and shot the ball into the goal and scored again for Beacon Hills, putting them in the lead. The stands erupted into full cheers and her fellow players were cheering in celebration. Stiles was hopping in place, waving his stick around in the air while Scott was just smiling in place.

But one on their side wasn't as happy. "Yukimura!" Coach yelled. "Get over here!" Kira took off her helmet and ran over to him, all smiles and laughs. "Take a seat, you're benched for the rest of the game."

Kira's face quickly fell. "What? Why?"

"You didn't pass."

"I had an open shot," she argued.

"The play was for you to pass. This is a scrimmage. It's about teamwork Yukimura. So, you're benched."

Scott had heard everything and shared a sad look with Kira before she moved to sit on the bench. Scott was depressed that he couldn't keep playing alongside her but he turned and caught Garrett's eyes as he passed him and the assassin went and looked him square in the face before he took off for a distant part of the field. Scott was still for a moment and only moved again when he saw that Stiles was coming over.

"Scott, what was that? It was like, he was marking you or something."

"I know," he mumbled.

Stiles narrowed his eyes over at Garrett. "You don't think he's going to go for you next, do you?"

Scott just stayed silent. There was a good chance that Garrett was. Why wouldn't he? After all, Scott was worth 20 million dollars, that made him a high value target. Very high value.

Finally, Scott broke his silence. "He can't, at least not now. And not here. Not with so many people having their eyes on us."

Stiles tightened his grip on his lacrosse stick. "We don't know that for sure. I mean, that didn't exactly stop Gerard and the Kanima last year, did it?"

Scott went to look over at Liam. "Kira was watching Garrett for us but now I have to watch for Garrett but also have to keep an eye on Liam. I can't watch Garrett if I'm making sure that Liam stays under control."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Liam. "Then let me do it."


"Let me handle Liam."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah Scott. Besides, the real problem with him is Brett, but I don't think he'll be trying anything on him again. Not so soon after we made our point. Well, after I made it stick."

Scott narrowed his eyes. "Stiles, what's going on? What is it about that guy? I've had this weird feeling, ever since you made us stare him down with Liam."

"Scott, you really don't know?"

He shook his head. "Know what?"


Lydia was stressing over her phone, specifically at the four random numbers that Meredith had given her. Malia was over by the office's window, watching as Parrish and the Sheriff, who had just returned, were talking together in front of Meredith. Occasionally, the two officers threw looks over in their direction. Malia then turned away and looked down at the paper where Lydia had written the numbers. 2-4-3-6. She stressfully reached for them and crumpled the numbers up. Random numbers that made no sense. She then froze. That's what she had said earlier to Stiles about Algebra. He said that it was all letters in place of numbers. Her eyes then went to the phone nearby and saw the numbers with letters hanging above them.

"Or numbers in place of letters," she mumbled.

"What?" Lydia slurred out.

"The numbers. In algebra, letters are really numbers, right?" Lydia nodded. Malia then grabbed the phone and put it in front of her. "What if the numbers are actually letters."

Lydia looked at the dials and seemed to get it. "Or a name." She then grabbed a pad and started to write the letters that fit for each of the numbers. She then quickly tried to find the right combination and her eyes widened. "Oh god." She then circled five letters that made up a name. And not just any name. She quickly went for her computer and pulled up the Deadpool algorithm. She then entered the name for the second Cypher key: AIDEN. At that, the next set of names began to appear.

Kate Argent  10

Noshiko Yukimura  5

Joanne McLaughlin  1

Steve Grace  1

Tom Hill  1

Brett Talbot  1

Mieczyslaw Stilinski  10

Richard Benefield  250

Jack Marsland  250

Joy Waldrop  250

Cheryl Calix  250

Jordan Parrish  5

Malia and Lydia shared a look at the names before the coyote darted off to open the door. "Sheriff!" she cried out. "We need you, right now."

He and Parrish shared a look before the deputy nodded and told him that he had Meredith handled. Malia pulled the Sheriff over while Parrish moved into the room.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Lydia nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine."

Parrish looked at her like he didn't totally buy that but nodded just the same. "Okay, well, do you maybe need a ride home?"

"Uh, no. But thank you. For everything."

He smiled. "Yeah, I told you, I just want to help."

"I know and you did," she told him.

He then closed the door and Lydia turned back and had her eyes lock on to the name at the bottom of the list. Jordan Parrish. She then looked over and saw the Sheriff take off. It looked like he had just heard about Stiles definitely being on the list. Malia then went to grab her phone to try and call Stiles.


The ball was passed to Brett and he headed down the field, trying to shake off the opposing player after him. Liam growled as he got Brett in his sight and Stiles quickly saw what he was going to do.

"No, Liam!" he called after him.

But Liam charged for Brett who was too distracted by the other player to notice him. Liam managed to charge into him but the other player didn't stop in time and ended up colliding with them. Soon, three bodies flew through the air and landed hard on the ground. The crowd all gasped in unison and the referee blew the whistle. Liam was rolling on the ground, grunting in pain. Brett wasn't moving at all but he was hissing and shouting helplessly on the floor. Stiles went and took Liam's helmet off before he grabbed him by his arms and hoisted him to his feet as Scott ran over to them, ripping his helmet off. He looked over at the third guy and saw that it was Garrett. He was wearing a small smirk on his face as he turned his lacrosse stick in his hand.

"Did he cut you?" Scott asked Liam.

"No," Liam shook his head.

"Scott, I smell blood," Stiles told him as he ripped his own helmet off.

"But, I'm not bleeding," Liam said looking down at his arm. "Just this." The bone was popped out and it was very noticeable.

Stiles moved over to block Liam's arm from sight and nodded to Scott. He then went and popped it back into place as Liam let a pained yelp out through his clenched jaw.

"It looks like Garrett missed," Scott sighed in relief.

"Miss?" he asked.

Scott nodded. "It's you Liam. He's after you."

"Maybe you are on the next part after all," Stiles mumbled.

Liam was breathing heavily as the referee called for a stretcher to be brought out for Brett who still wasn't moving.

"How hard did you hit him?" Scott asked.

Liam shook his head. "I didn't. He hit me," he argued.

"Liam!" Coach cried out.

They looked over to see the guy making a 'Come here' movement with his fingers and he didn't look too happy. Liam sighed as he headed over to him.

Stiles leaned in closer to Scott. "Scott, something isn't right here."

"Everything isn't right here," he hissed.

"Yeah, maybe not. So then something else isn't right here."


"It doesn't make sense. I saw the hit. It wasn't enough to hurt Brett that badly. Especially in his case," he said in an undertone.

Scott narrowed his eyes in thought. "And you're sure."

Stiles nodded. "Definitely. When have I ever been wrong?" Scott gave him a look. "About this," Stiles said quickly. Scott's look didn't let up. "When you felt something too?"

"Yeah," he mumbled. "Maybe we should tell them. Come on."

"I better check in with my dad and the others first," Stiles said running off ahead of him.

Scott walked and met up with Kira who was off the bench and heading for him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he told her.

They were then joined by Liam and he looked pissed. "Well, Coach says I'm out. For the rest of the game."

"Okay, Liam, Kira, there's something that I should tell you."

"What?" Kira asked.

But before Scott could say anything, Stiles ran over to them. "Guys, I've just got a call. Lydia just broke another part of the list."

Liam's eyes widened. "Am I on it?" he asked quickly.

But Stiles shook his head. "No, I am."

"Stiles," Kira said softly to him.

But Stiles shook his head. "That's not all, there's someone else here that also is on the list." He then looked over at Scott. "It wasn't Liam's blood I smelled."

"It was Brett," Scott breathed before his eyes widened. "He wasn't going for Liam, it was him."

Scott then ran off to try and get to him.

"Wait, Brett," Liam said in disbelief. "Why is he on it?"

Stiles sighed. "Because, he's a werewolf." He then looked over to where Garrett was pacing around on the field. "And he's who Garrett is after."


Brett was trying to get away but could only crawl from the body of the knocked out EMT. He lifted his head to glare at the attacker with his golden eyes. "What the hell did you do to me?"

Violet smirked down at him. "You were cut with a poisoned blade. It was laced with wolfsbane. It won't kill you, but this will." She then tightened her cut wire and activated it's thermal feature.

Brett's eyes focused on it as it glowed red and grew hot. He tried to crawl away. "Why? Why are you doing this?" he cried as he tried to get away.

"Because you're worth a lot of money Brett," she told him happily.

She then went over and wrapped the wire around his neck and began to tighten and pull on it. Brett started to choke as the wire cut into his throat and prevent him from breathing. His skin began to burn as the wire dug in deeper as she moved to take his head off. But there was a noise outside in the hallway and Violet let Brett go.

Scott ran into the hall and quickly saw that the EMT was knocked out, right outside the locker room. He checked to see if the man was fine before looking inside. His eyes widened when he saw Brett lying face down on the floor. For a moment, he thought the kid was dead but Brett's eyes shot open. He looked scared and fearful for a moment and the next thing Scott knew, a wire was wrapped around his throat.

Violet quickly surprised Scott and pulled on the thermal wire to try and choke him. "And he was worried but I got you. I got an Alpha and then we'll get the rest of your merry pack."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that."

Violet turned around and saw Derek Hale standing outside the door. He was glaring hard at her and moved closer to Scott. "Come any closer and I take his head off."

But Derek just folded his arms and smirked at her. "Will you?" he said smugly as he went to lean over to the side.

Violet's face then dropped when she heard a deep rumbling sound. She then turned to see that Scott was growling under his throat and was starting to turn around. 

He pulled the thermal wire away from his throat and let his red eyes gleam at her. She gasped as Scott pulled the wire out of her grip and then quickly grabbed her by the throat. He then threw her out of the room where she flew and the back of her head slammed into the wall, knocking her out.


Stiles was watching Garrett, intently, but the guy was completely calm. He wasn't making a move for the school. He just sitting at the bench, looking down at his phone, waiting. Was his blade laced with something? Something that could kill a werewolf with one scratch? No, he and Scott were sure to have smelled something like that. Whatever it was, it had to be subtle in order to send Brett over to get treated. But he seemed full of anticipation. And Stiles didn't like it. Or the fact that Scott was taking too long.

"Hey Liam," he said drawing the kid's attention. The fact that his archenemy was a werewolf too seemed to have really thrown him. "I'm going to check on Scott and Brett. Don't let Garrett out of your sight, okay?"

"Okay," Liam nodded.

As Stiles walked off towards the school building, Garrett smirked after him. This was going completely to plan. He could hardly wait for the Benefactor's message saying that they were now millions richer.

Stiles was pushing his way through the doors and his ears perked up when he heard the sound of a girl's scream. 

He braked in his run when he saw Derek standing outside the locker room door, next to the unconscious form of Violet. He could faintly smell the scent of burnt flesh and his eyes widened at Scott stepping out of the room, his hand rubbing at his neck. He saw Scott go and toss a slightly glowing red wire over Violet and he realized what it was. Stiles glared down towards Garrett's girlfriend and partner. He saw now, it was a trap. He realized that it wasn't one assassin with two weapon choices but two assassins with different weapons, working together. And, he realized that Liam was left alone with the other one who would no doubt begin to wonder where his beloved kill buddy was. Derek caught his eye and the older werewolf gave him a small nod. The action caught Scott's attention and he turned around just in time to see Stiles huff out angrily and run back for the field. Stiles slammed his way out the doors. He back for the field. Back for Garrett. He wouldn't let him get away with this. Any of it.

"Stiles!" Scott called after him. He could only imagine what Stiles might end up doing now.

But Derek grabbed at him to keep him from going after him. "Scott, he's doing what he feels is necessary. Right now, you have to focus on what is necessary for you to do."

Scott grit his teeth as he turned his gaze away from the door that Stiles disappeared through. Derek was right. Right now, he had to see to the other assassin, and deal with Brett who was still lying unconscious and hurt. He went over and picked up Violet. "Call the Sheriff."


Chris was at his lockup, looking through his stock. The very last time he had been here was when he had come to grab the silver arrowheads that Allison had molded. This was the last place that he and Allison had had a moment together. Where he last held her. He then shook himself back into focus. It wouldn't do to lose himself in nostalgia right now. He needed to grab what he could and head out. He was looking through some old ammo boxes when he heard a small noise. He then calmly put the box he was holding down and reached down for a switch at the side of the workbench. There was an electric buzz and the body of a man fell from suffering the fallout of the trap. He then reached for his gun and turned and found himself face to face with Severo. Or, what resembled Severo's face. Chris saw that there were half healing bruises at his forehead, cheek and the bridge of his nose seemed to have a bandaged cut at the bridge of it. But he managed to still make himself intimidating.

There was then some movement to the side and Araya Calavera calmly walked over into Chris' line of sight. "In Mexico, this is what we call a standoff."

Chris gave her a small glare but didn't drop his gun. He then looked over at her partner. "Severo, you've seen better days," he said with a hint of humor mixed in with his serious tone. "Ran afoul of a certain teenage werewolf I presume. Nasty, believe me, I know."

"Yes, you do, don't you?" Araya chuckled humorlessly. "All too well I'm sure."

"Don't worry, the next time I see that damn lobo, he's getting a good bullet between the eyes," Severo spat in a hard tone as he kept his gun pointed and locked on Chris.

Chris' eyes narrowed even further. "Don't even think of going near any of them."

"That sounds almost like a threat." Araya then started to shake her head and click her tongue disapprovingly. "Ah Christoph, if I didn't know better, I would think you're trying to protect those animals."

"What are you doing here?" Chris cut in. "Hoping to cash in the Deadpool going around?"

Araya chuckled. "Please. We will not lower ourselves to actually contend with scum who hunt only for money. Hunting is a way of life Christopher."

"Then what is this about?"

"The woman we hired to find Kate hasn't responded in days. You know her, don't you?"

"Braeden," he told her.

"Maybe your sister got to her? Maybe killed her. Maybe, we should stop hiring other people to do our work. Maybe all this Deadpool nonsense should show us why we should do it ourselves." She then went and pushed on both Chris and Severo's guns and made them lower them from each other. "We're hunters Christopher. All of us, we follow a code. Severo, what is our code?"

"We hunt those who hunt us."

Araya nodded. "Christopher, what is our code? Say it with me. We hunt those who hunt us." But Christopher stayed silent. "Remind him Severo."

"We hunt those who hunt us," Severo spoke out.

"Say it, Christopher," Araya hissed at him. But Chris began to move to leave. "Say it for your wife Victoria," she said going after him. That made him stop. "Say it for your daughter Allison. Do not dare dishonor them any further. Say the code. Speak the words," she spat at his ear. "Say it! What is our code?!"

Chris was shaking a bit as he glared out ahead of him. "We hunt those...who hunt us."
