Last year, a teenage werewolf that was newly bitten ignored advice telling him to stay away from a lacrosse game. Little did he know that he wasn't the first to make that kind of decision.

Derek Hale, a born werewolf, had quite a lot of trouble keeping himself under control during the night of a full moon during his teenage years. One basketball game just happened to be on a night of the full moon and he ignored his mother and his uncle and sneaked off to play. It didn't take long for his uncle Peter Hale to notice that he was missing. He went to the school where he spotted Derek alone in the locker room, trying to keep himself together with the aid of a cold shower running down on him. As he stepped inside, Derek growled at him and flashed his fangs and beta blue eyes. Peter moved to turn off the water and grabbed him.

"I thought, I thought I could control it," Derek quickly said in his defense.

Peter however was unsympathetic to his excuses. "All this risk, and for a basketball game."

"It's the finals. They need me," Derek said before he ducked under him and tried to make his way to catch up with the team.

"To do what?" Peter called after him. "Rip someone's throat out on the court." His eyes followed Derek as he slumped against the lockers and started to crotch on the floor. "Even born wolves have to learn control on the full moon."

"Well it's supposed to be easier for us, why does it hurt like this?!" Derek spat out painfully.

Peter huffed out in aggravation. "Did you bring it?"

Derek shook his head. "It's not working."

"Did you bring it?" Peter repeated. Derek was breathing a little heavily but he reached into his pocket and took out a circular metal disk. The one that was branded with their family's symbol of a triskele. Peter nodded. "Go ahead."

Derek looked at it for a moment before he shook his head. "I told you, it's not working."

"Do it!" Peter snapped at him.

Derek looked at the medallion. "Alpha, Beta, Omega," he muttered.

"Again," Peter ordered.

Derek's grip on the triskele grew harder. "Alpha, Beta, Omega. Alpha, Beta, Omega," he chanted out painfully.

"Again," repeated Peter.

Derek started to repeat the chant, faster and harder with each sequence. His blue eyes flared up and his fangs set in as his wolf started to come to the surface. But Derek kept himself from lashing out as he stayed in place on the floor.


In a small gas station, the clerk noticed a car pull up to the pumps but after ten minutes, there was no sign of movement and no one had come inside the store. He went outside and saw that the car's blinkers were on and front door was open but no one was around. He then heard a noise around back and walked over to find that it was coming from the bathroom. The sounds were unusual. They seemed to be a cross of groaning, scratching and...some kind of screech.

"Hey, you okay in there?" he asked knocking on the door. He then put his ear to the door and he could swear that he was starting to hear some growling. Animal like growling. Then there was some crying. A woman's crying. "Hey, you alright?" he asked again. "What's going on in there?'

Inside the bathroom, Kate Argent was grasping the sink as she stared at her rain soaked face. She felt as if there were pins and needles turning in her insides. She was trying hard to fight to impulse to just outright growl. "Just a second," she spat to the door.

But the store clerk just kept hitting the door. "Hey," he said impatiently.

"I'll be out in a minute!" she spat. But when she looked back down at her hands, she saw that there were claws on them and the impulse to growl and go wild was getting stronger. The more she tried to resist then the more she felt in pain.

The guy just knocked again. "Open the door. I don't know what the hell you're doing or whatever you're on but I have a key. You come out or I'm coming in." There was no response so he just went and got his key out. He moved to unlock the door and tried to open the door but it wasn't budging. He guessed that she was pulling on the door to keep him from opening it. He then knocked angrily at it. "Hey, do you want me to call the cops! You hear me?!" he spat out as he angrily slapped his palm on the door. "Lady, open the door. Open it!" The door then started to budge and he stepped inside. He saw her huddled over the sink. "You okay?"

When she turned around, his eyes widened as he saw that her face had morphed into a savage and animalistic one, complete with fangs and green feline eyes. Kate claws extended to full length and she growled at him. He barely screamed for a second before she pounced and moved to maul him to pieces.


The gang got back to Beacon Hills to find that it was well in the early morning and it was raining pretty hard. They headed off for the animal clinic and stopped off at the entrance. They got out of the jeep, taking Derek with them and ran on inside. During the whole trip back, Derek had been out cold and they were starting to worry. Deaton had been waiting for them since Scott had called him and asked to get everything ready so that they could check Derek out. They moved him to the operating table and set him down.

Deaton's eyes widened as he looked at a face he hadn't seen for a few years as it had been grown into someone else. "Wow," was all he found himself able to say.

Stiles gave him a look. "Wow? Wow as in 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do' kind of wow? Because that's the kind of wow we're hoping for."

Now Deaton gave him a look. "I'm sorry Stiles but I think you might be overestimating my abilities."

Lydia just gave a look at the teenager on the table. He seemed so peaceful lying there. Nothing at all to suggest that he was the intense and pained guy she had always labelled Derek as. She grabbed his hand and it felt like ice. "He's cold. Really cold."

Stiles moved to touch Derek's arm and felt how frigid he was. "Yeah, he's like ice. Shouldn't he be heating up?"

"Normally," Deaton told them as he moved to put a stethoscope on and analyze him.

Scott was having trouble not looking at the unfamiliar face of someone that they knew. "Do you think this is permanent?" he asked.

Deaton pulled off the stethoscope. "I'm not even sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience."

"So, is that your subtle way of saying that we're screwed?" Stiles asked.

Deaton caught him by the eye. "It's too soon to say anything yet."

Stiles rubbed at his eyes. "What do we do with him now?"

"It might be best to leave him here with me. He'll be safe here in the clinic."

"You mean from Kate," Stiles said to him.

Deaton nodded. "If she's alive and she is what you say she is then she won't be able to walk passed that gate."

Yes, Scott had a vivid memory of when Peter had been looking for him and couldn't get passed Deaton's gate to get to him.

"Right, the mountain ash repels most supernaturals. I just hope werejaguars are part of the rule and not an exception," Stiles mumbled out.

Deaton gave him a small smile. "I don't think we have to worry about that."

Lydia eyes never left Derek's sleeping face. "Why would she want to do this to him?"

Deaton looked down at the de-aged werewolf. "Knowing Kate, it was for a reason that won't be good for anyone but her."

"And bad for everyone else," Stiles mumbled. He had a brief encounter with Kate himself but that was more than enough for him to know that she was bad news. "She took Derek but instead of killing him, she hid and held him for all these weeks. She wanted to do this to him but she had to wait for the Dark Moon. When he would be magically vulnerable."

Deaton gave him a small smile. "I see you've been studying." He then sighed. "You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger right now so maybe you all should get some sleep. It is a school night and you all need to start taking care of your own lives again."

Stiles sighed before he looked down at Derek's young teenage face. He was no older than they were right now. "Do you think he knows why Kate would do this?"

"What did he say when you found him?" Deaton asked them.

Scott shook his head. "He didn't say anything when Braeden and I found him. He seemed to be just as confused as we were. We barely got him out of the temple before he passed out."

Deaton narrowed his eyes. "And he stayed out the entire journey back?" Scott and Stiles nodded. "Alright, it's late. You all should go on home."

But Scott shook his head. "Someone should stay with him."

Scott and Stiles then moved to share a look. They knew what the other was thinking. They wanted to be the one that stayed with Derek. The three of them had been through a lot together. Granted, it started out a little rocky but they cared about Derek and, even if he may deny it, they knew Derek felt the same way.

But Lydia moved to squeeze his hand. "I'll stay," she told them. They looked like they were about to start arguing but she cut them off. "My grades are fine. Really, and I'm only taking a few classes. I'll be fine."

But Stiles shook his head. "No."

"Yes," Lydia said to him. "Go. After the day we've had, you two look like you're about to collapse on your feet."

Stiles shook again. "I'm okay."

Scott went and grabbed Stiles by the shoulder. "Stiles, let her stay."

"I'm sure you would rather be awake when Derek wakes back up and not on your last legs," Deaton pointed out to him.

Stiles went and blew heavily at the top front of his hair. "Ah, fine. But text us the second he wakes up."

"Okay," Lydia said to him.

But Stiles pointed at her. "I mean it. The second he does."

"Yeah, I got it."

Scott then went and grabbed Stiles and started to pull him away. "Thanks," he told them as he practically dragged Stiles away.

"I mean it," Stiles managed to get out before Scott pulled him out of the clinic.

Lydia and Deaton shared a small smile before he headed for his office and Lydia went to plant herself in a chair close by to better watch Derek.


Scott quietly stepped inside the house so as not to wake his mother. He tip toed in but stopped when he spotted someone on the couch. It was his father. He had almost forgotten that he sometimes slept over now that he extended his stay in Beacon Hills. He said that he was here to try and close up some follow up cases after the madness from the Yakuza deaths, Chris Argent and the fiascos at the hospital and sheriff's station. As he was staying in town, he said that he wanted for the two of them to try and work at having a relationship. After losing someone close to him, Scott thought that getting closer to his father might actually be a nice idea. Right now, he was fast asleep and Scott didn't want to wake him. He just tried to sneak out of there but he hit a metal tool box on the floor and some tools spilled and made a lot of noise as each hit the floor. It stirred his father awake and they went on to share an awkward look with each other.

"Hey dad," Scott muttered after a second. He then looked down at the mess he made. "What's with the tools?"

His dad moved off the couch and headed for him. "Oh, I was just getting started on a list of repairs you guys need done." He then went to rub at his face. "What time is it?" he sleepily mumbled.

"It's um-" Scott then looked over a clock and saw that it was already after 4am. He turned the clock away so his dad wouldn't see it. "Midnight," he told him.

"We were supposed to have dinner. We had a deal, didn't we? When your mom has the night shift, we have dinner."

That's right, they had made that arrangement. He had hoped to be home in time to make it but the La Iglesia detour pushed it out of his mind. "I'm sorry, I totally forgot. When we got back from the camping trip I had to go back to the animal clinic to finish up work."

"I heard," Raphael nodded. "Where did you guys go for your trip anyway?"

"Oh, just some lake up north."

"North huh? Did you at least get something to eat before you came back?"

"Yeah, Mexican," Scott said before he moved off for bed.

Raphael watched Scott go off before he moved over to the clock. He turned it to see what the time really was. He couldn't have been at the clinic because it would've closed hours ago and he knew he lied about where they were. And not only did Scott just lie to him but he did it convincingly, so much that if he didn't know better he would've completely have bought it. He would have to look further into it.


Lydia was sleeping off in the corner until some noise made her start to stir awake. She opened her eyes to find that Derek was still out on the table and Deaton was looking him over, checking his pulse.

"How's he doing?" she slurred out.

He shook his head. "His heart rate is alarmingly high."

She quickly got up and went over to the table. She moved to run her fingers across his hand like last night and found that his temperature was different. "He's a lot warmer now."

"Lydia, I'm going to try something. I'd like for you to keep holding his hand, if that's okay?" Lydia nodded and he moved to get a scalpel from the table.

He then moved and made a small cut on his arm, above his wrist. As he dragged the blade through, the skin began to knit itself back together barely a second after he made the cut.

"That...looks like it healed pretty fast." After Stiles and Malia had suffered wounds when they were in Mexico it had taken over an hour for them to heal from them, at least. Even scratches took a couple of seconds before they started to heal and it was much slower than that.

"Unusually fast."

"What does that mean?" she asked him.

Deaton was thrown. "I'm not sure." He'd never seen a supernatural person heal that quickly. In an instant. Yet, he felt that this might not be a good sign. "Let's try something else. Grab me a five millimeter syringe. Top drawer."

Lydia went for the syringes while Deaton went to his chemicals. While they were working, they could hear some slight movement behind them. They turned around and found Derek was now sitting up on the table. He was breathing rather loudly and his claws were visible on his hands. They called his name as he moved to his feet but he looked at them with his blue eyes glowing. They both tried to speak to him but he just stared at them. As he stared, he seemed to be breathing harder and glaring fiercer every passing second. Deaton moved to shield Lydia from sight as he could see that Derek didn't seem to have full use of his senses. They kept trying to reason with him but Derek was shaking his head and tried to cover his ears as if to block out unbearable noise. He seemed to be getting more agitated before he moved to strike to silence them. He shot his claws out and clipped Deaton by his arm. Lydia moved down to Deaton and then looked up to find that Derek was now gone.


Stiles picked up Scott and quickly began to inform him on some quick stuff he learned.

"Okay, listen I did some digging online about jaguars. First of all, did you know that they are the third biggest family of cats in the world? Just behind lions and tigers."

Scott narrowed his eyes and looked over at him. "Stiles, did you get any sleep?"

But Stiles kept talking like Scott hadn't said anything. "And jaguars are mostly solitary predators and really nasty ones. They like to stalk their intended prey. They lie in wait until it's at the most vulnerable moment and that's when they strike. That sound familiar to you?"

Scott let out a small huff. That seemed to fit Kate's M.O. to a T. She had done that with him. Waited until Allison had just learned the truth and was confused before she sprung her against him after the formal. "Guess we now know why she took that shape. Did you find anything that might help us to find her?"

"No," Stiles muttered as he pulled into the school's parking lot. "But if she went through all the trouble of holding Derek for weeks so she could magically cocoon him, she won't just stand back and let us make off with him."

"So I guess we just wait."

"Yeah," Stiles said as they parked and moved to get out. "You wanna bring Malia and Kira over to the clinic after school?"

"You'd think they would want to come?"

"Why wouldn't they?"

"We've already asked them for a lot. And, after what happened to them in Mexico, you'd think they still want to keep coming along with us?"

"Yeah, I think so. At least I'm sure Malia would. I kept waiting for her to show up last night after I dropped you off."

Scott's eyes widened. "Into your room?"

"Yeah. More than once, I would be in my bed, it's two in the morning, and she just comes in, like five times a week."

"And then what happens?" Scott asked eagerly.

"Well, once or twice, I take her hand and drag her outside and we head to the woods for a run. You know, she's still adjusting but she does miss running through the trees in the night. I think it helps when she has some company now. And after we would rest back in my room." Stiles let a small smile creep on him as the times of him and Malia freely running together played in his head. Her smile and her laugh as they often would try to race and outrun each other.

Scott narrowed his eyes. "And when you don't do that?" Stiles stopped and gave him a look. Scott's eyes widened. "Really? Just like that?"

"Oh yeah, just like that and let me just say that it's a good thing for my back that I have my healing again."

Scott's jaw nearly fell off. "Holy-"

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, right on right?" he said as he kept on walking and Scott followed. "Then, after that, we spend the rest of the night spooning."

Scott let a small smile now creep on him. "Well that sounds okay." It sounded like Stiles and Malia were doing okay together.

"Yeah, but she likes it more when I'm the little spoon. And...sometimes I like it too."

Scott let a small smirk out at that. "So then, you two are together now? You're dating?"

The smile then started to fade a bit from him. "I don't know. I think she can tell that I'm not telling her something."

Scott's face fell too. "You mean Peter? That she's his daughter?"

Yes, Peter. The two of them were shocked when Lydia shared her and Allison's discovery with them. That Peter Hale was her father. A Star Wars class moment and, unfortunately for Stiles, not the good kind. This also meant that she was Derek and Cora's cousin as well. It would also mean that after his little...thing with Cora, he went and got in bed with her cousin. He had hooked up with Derek's little sister and now was dating his newly discovered cousin. Add in the fact that he was impressed with Talia Hale's tenure as an Alpha and even thought Laura had been kind of cute, well, aside from the being torn in two part. What was it with him being drawn to Hale women? But that was beside the point right now.

"She knows now that she didn't really kill her mom and sister eight years ago. So now, she wants to know why someone did kill them and this could actually lead her to answers. We've got to tell her Scott," he said resolutely as he stomped off.


Scott, Stiles, Kira and Malia met each other again as they settled in History class. Mr. Yukimura started the lesson with some notes. As he finished he began his lecture.

"It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures. One you'll recognize in last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress and lost as Vice President before he was finally elected as one of the finest Presidents that this country has ever seen. Who was he?"

A few people in the classroom rose their hands which included Stiles and Kira. Scott just sat there staring blankly. He hadn't been able to focus on the reading much. Not with everything that was happening around him. He looked over at Stiles who seemed quite confident and was smiling. Stiles caught his eye and gave him a wink before Scott rolled his.ย 

Behind them, Malia was looking over the textbook and was highlighting passages in a red highlighter while she had a yellow one in her mouth. Mr. Yukimura noticed her and called out her name. She looked up to see that everyone was now looking at her. She just stared blankly back at them without saying a word. Suddenly, Scott's phone started to ring.

"Phones off Scott," Mr. Yukimura told him and Scott nodded as he quickly turned it off without checking who it was. "Malia?" he said looking back at the girl who was still stumped.

Stiles went and ducked his head down as he put his hand over his mouth. "Malia, Abraham Lincoln," he mumbled under his breath.

Scott had heard him but it looked like Malia hadn't.

"Malia?" Mr. Yukimura didn't see Stiles try and give her the answer to her and didn't seem to pay attention to the fact his daughter was trying to catch his attention. "Gettysburg Address?" he said trying to give Malia a clue.

Stiles then let out a loud cough which made Mr. Yukimura and a few students look at him. "Sorry," he said to them. He then covered his mouth again. "Malia, the answer is Lincoln," he mumbled under his breath again.

Malia had been one of those that looked at him, which had been Stiles' plan to get her attention. She then took the highlighter out of her mouth. "Uh, Lincoln?" she said half unsure.

Mr. Yukimura gave her a smile but it faded when he heard another phone ping, this time from Stiles. "Phones off, everyone," he said more sternly. "That's correct Malia." Malia sighed out in relief while Stiles went and shared a smile with Scott. But their smiles faded when they saw that Mr. Yukimura was giving them both a look. He seemed to have guessed what had just happened. But there was then a third ping and Yukimura visibly grew annoyed. "I said phones off!"

"Dad," Kira spoke up. "That was yours."

"Oh." Now he felt embarrassed. He quickly went to his phone to see that he was just texted. "Scott, call Lydia," he read out.

At that, both Scott and Stiles gave each other a look. There was only one reason why they would have to call her now.


Scott and Stiles practically charged through the door as they entered the clinic to find Lydia was helping to treat up a wound on Deaton's arm.

"What happened?" Scott said as he saw the blood stained bandage.

"Derek," Lydia mumbled.

"He attacked you two? Are you okay?" Stiles asked quickly.

"We're fine," Deaton told him. "This wasn't an attack. It was more like a reflex. When an animal is cornered they often lash out in fear or desperation. Derek...he seems to not only be younger in body, I think he's younger in his mind too."

Lydia shook his head. "He didn't recognize either of us. And it definitely looked like he was scared out of his mind."

Scott narrowed his eyes as his nostrils flared up. "She's right. Do you smell that? Derek's scent."

Stiles let himself take a few sniffs before his own eyes narrowed. "Kind of," Stiles said as he sniffed the air. He was having a bit of trouble getting used to a few of his powers again, among them tracking scents and reading chemo signals. They guessed it was normal if Peter's condition after coming back to life was anything to go by. "Uh, he's terrified and...confused?" he asked catching Scott's eye to see if he had read it right and Scott nodded. "So wait, are you saying that Derek has amnesia?"

"More like his memories passed his teenage years don't exist anymore. For all intended purposes, Derek is truly back to being a teen boy again."

"A teen wolf," Stiles put in before he sighed heavily. "Okay, so if you're a teenage werewolf and you're confused and scared, where do you go?"

"A wolf goes back to its den but Derek lives in a loft," answered Scott.

But Stiles shook his head. "No, not as a teenager."

"The Hale House," Lydia said catching on.

Deaton nodded. "He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet."

They took a moment to let the implications of that revelation sink in.

"He's going to get there and expect to see his home and find nothing but a burnt out wreck," Scott mumbled.

Stiles scratched the side of his head. "Actually, my dad told me that county started demolition on the place around two weeks ago. There won't even be a wreck."

Scott huffed out heatedly and tiredly. "We better go and find him before he gets there then."

Before Scott and Stiles could leave the room, Lydia stepped over to them. "Wait, hold on. So you do manage to catch up to him, what are you going to say to him? His whole family is dead?"

"I guess I'm going to have to." Scott mumbled.

"Oh, yeah, good luck with that," Lydia said with sarcasm plain and evident in her tone and face.

Stiles had to think Lydia had a point. Derek had to live the trauma of losing everyone once. He personally knew how hard it was to lose family. To have it all hit him hard and fresh a second time, no one deserved to happen to them. "She's probably right. We probably shouldn't. At least until we figure out how to get him back to normal."

Scott shook his head. "I can't lie to him."

Stiles shrugged. "Fine, I'll do it."

"No, I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear our heartbeat rising." That's right. Werewolves were able to tell when people were lying through their heartbeats. "When we find him, we tell him the truth."

Deaton just looked at him. "If he gets to the house first, we won't have to."


Derek ran through the streets of Beacon Hills, adrenaline making him run even faster than normal. Nothing was going to stop him from getting home. Home to his mother. Home to his older and younger sisters. To his mother's pack. Even to his annoying uncle. As he reached the woods, the familiar air seemed to make him feel more at ease and calm down. He felt his mind going back to normal and his nerves beginning to loosen the closer he got to his house. But, when he reached his family's land, he was shocked. There was a metal fence surrounding the property that wasn't supposed to be there. He quickly cut the gate open with his strength and stepped inside. He took a few steps and froze. Instead of finding his big and comforting home, he found a pile of rubble and broken pieces of wood. There where demolition vehicles nearby. His entire home had been leveled. It was gone.

He kneeled in front of the rubble, wondering what had happened to his home and his family when a sheriff's station van pulled up. Deputies Parrish and Haigh step out and make their way into the gate through the opening that Derek made.

"Excuse me young man," Parrish said as they walked to him.

Haigh smirked at him. "You're calling him young man?" he snickered.

"Shut up Haigh," Parrish muttered as he kept moving for Derek. "I'm sorry but you can't be here." Derek remained unresponsive and just kept staring at the rubble.

"Hey dumbass," Haigh shot out. "Ever hear of no trespassing?"

Derek barely turned his head at them. "This is my house," he spat out before looking back at the rubble.

Haigh snorted. "No one's been here for years kid. Now, get the hell out of here."

"Hey," Parrish said a bit indignantly. "Maybe a slightly more gentler touch," he suggested. He then moved in a bit closer to Derek. "Are you alright? We can help you if something's wrong."

Derek just kept his eyes on the rubble. He didn't understand. It felt like he had just been in his house just yesterday and it was standing proud and tall. His mother had been here. Laura. Cora. Peter. His mom's pack. "What happened to my house? Where's my family? Where's my mother?!" he asked, starting to panic.

Haigh had enough. "Alright, let's go now," he told him as he moved to grab his arm.

Derek quickly moved to push his hand away and then tightly gripped Haigh's arm so tightly that it hurt.

"Whoa," Parrish said to Derek making him let go and glare at him. "Take it easy." He then saw Haigh seething with anger as he reached for his pocket and pulled out a taser. "No, wait!" he said but Haigh ignored him and jammed the taser into Derek's side. "Hey, stand down!"

But Haigh kept going. Zapping Derek who stiffened up and couldn't fight through the voltage going into his body. Derek then collapsed onto the ground and was barely aware of the two men arguing as cuffs were put on his wrists before he was lifted up and thrown into the backseat of the van. When the effects of the taser had mostly worn off, he was being pulled out of the van and thrown into a wooden bench at the police station. His wrist was handcuffed to the bench's arm while the two deputies moved to take and run his prints.

Parrish gave Haigh the form with the prints to run as he looked over at Derek to see that he seemed to have calmed down and was just staring off.

Derek turned to look at the two of them as they started mumbling to each other. The one that shocked him, Haigh, looked like he was starting to get irritated with Parrish. After a second, he moved over to him.

"The other deputy thinks I'm idiot for even asking but I have a feeling that if I take these cuffs off, we going to be okay?" Derek stared blankly at him. "I think you'll help us find your family so that we can get you out of here. Am I right?"

Derek slowly nodded to him and Parrish moved to uncuff him. "The other deputy is the idiot."

Parrish gave him a small smile. "Can't argue with that," he mumbled in amusement.

"Parrish! Get over here!" Haigh called out to him. When he got to him, he pointed to his screen. "I've run this kid's prints eight times and this is all that comes up."

Parrish looked and saw that it was an arrest report from only a couple of weeks ago. "Derek Hale?" That didn't make sense to him since he had seen Derek himself when Agent McCall had arrested both him and Chris Argent during the Yakuza investigation. This kid wasn't him.

"You say Hale?"

Their talking drew the attention of Sheriff Stilinski and he moved over to them to see what they were looking at. He saw the arrest report they were looking at and then looked over at the kid they had on the bench. He took a moment to look between them and his face fell a bit. He then moved over to get a closer look at the kid. He didn't want to believe it but as he looked at his eyes, he saw that this was Derek Hale. He spent enough time with the guy, especially when his son was possessed to recognize them. And he recognized this boy as well. During his time before learning of the supernatural, he had looked further into the Hale Fire and had seen old pictures of the Hale Family and of a younger Derek Hale. This was definitely the same kid he saw in the picture. Though this boy was looking at him like he didn't have a clue who he even was. But the Sheriff started to shake his head. No, this couldn't be Derek. Even in this crazy new world he'd been thrown in, things like this don't happen. At least that's what he thought before he saw Scott and Stiles tumbling in and their eyes locked in on the boy as if they had found what they were looking for. Now, he felt his mind going to new and crazier heights.

Scott and Stiles had been in the jeep, heading for the Hale House grounds, when there was an alert on the police radio. They heard of a teenage boy being picked up from the grounds and taken to the station. At that, Stiles turned the jeep completely around and headed for the station. They were relieved to see that Derek was there, safe and sound, and he was in the care of Stiles' dad. And, from the look on his face, he seemed to already know who the kid in the chair really was.

"Thank god," Stiles mumbled as he waved hi to his dad.

The Sheriff gave them a pointed look before he turned to his deputies. "I'll handle this." He then signaled for the boys to follow him as he moved for his office. As soon as they closed the door he moved to sit on his desk and took a deep breath, bracing himself. "Okay. I want you two to be honest with me. Absolutely, completely honest." The two of them nodded and seemed ready to talk. "Have you've been time traveling?"

That made both Scott and Stiles' faces fall.

"Hang on, what?" Stiles said in confusion.

"Because if time traveling is real, you know what, I'm done. I'm out. You're going to be driving ME to Eichen House." He looked close to having a full mental breakdown.

"We found him like that," Scott told him.

"Where? Swimming in the Fountain of Youth?" the Sheriff spat out.

"No," Stiles cut in. "We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane, in an Aztec temple in Mexico, underneath a church in a town that was destroyed by an earthquake," he mumbled out. That explanation even had Scott wanting to hit his head.

His father narrowed his eyes at him. "You told me that you were camping."

"Yeah, we were...in Mexico," he said lamely.

Before the Sheriff could shout, Scott jumped in. "Look, Derek's been aged backwards and he can't remember anything."

"We just need to talk to him," Stiles asked.

His dad huffed as he calmed himself and sat back down. "So far, he's not talking to anybody."

Scott turned to look over at him. "He'll talk to me."

The Sheriff moved to go and get Derek and then left the three of them in his office to talk. Immediately, Scott and Stiles told Derek that they could help him but he had to go with them.

"Why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek asked them.

"There was an accident," Scott told him. "You lost some memory but we can help you get it back."

"How much memory?" asked Derek.

"A lot," Scott breathed out. "But you can trust us."

As they were talking, Stiles was sitting on the side of his dad's desk when his eyes roamed on it and came upon some letters. His eyes narrowed as they had financial time stamps on them. One of them, was from Eichen House. The other seemed to be from the hospital.

Scott then bent down and revealed his red eyes to Derek.

"You're an Alpha?" Derek gasped. "Okay, who are you? And who is he? Who are you?" he asked pointing at Stiles.

Stiles finally turned away from the letters to look at him. "Oh, we're the guys keeping you out of jail." Which Stiles thought was kind of poetic since last year they had done what they could to get him tossed into jail when they first met and with Derek first meeting them they're trying their hardest to free him. Stiles then let his own blue eyes come out though Scott quickly turned his back to Stiles to look back at Derek. Stiles then made them vanish. "My dad's the Sheriff. He knows about us and you. He's going to help get you out but only if you leave with us."

"Let us help you," Scott told him but Derek just turned to look away from them.

"Why should I? I don't even know you," he said to them.

"Actually, you do know us," Scott told him.

"More than any of us would like," Stiles playfully threw in.

"So you two say."

Stiles decided it was time for a more firm approach. "Derek, dude you just attacked two of my dad's deputies, not to mention you attacked two friends of ours that were trying to take care of you so you're pushing your luck already."

Derek's face softened up. "You mean those two that were with me when I woke up. I hurt them?"

"No," Scott said quickly. "Not really."

"You almost tore one of their arms off," Stiles threw in making Scott turn and give him a look.

"I just woke up and was freaking out," Derek defended indignantly. "And that deputy was an ass."

Stiles gave a look over at Haigh who was glaring a bit at Derek through the office's windows. "Yeah, he's not exactly Mr. Sunshine," he admitted. "But to just lose it and attack four people in two hours. You would think you just got claws yesterday. You're supposed to be a born wolf."

Derek dropped his gaze. "I'm fine, as long as it's not a full moon."

Scott's eyes narrowed in surprise. "You still have trouble on a full moon?" When he first met Derek, he had told him that as a born wolf, he had an easier time with learning control. But here he was, hardly any younger than he was and he had problems with control on a full moon.

"I said I'm fine!" Derek spat at him.

Stiles nodded before he picked himself up. "So, you coming with us or not?"

Derek eyed him. "You want me to trust you? Where's my family?"

Scott and Stiles shared a small look. This was the part that they were dreading.

Scott breathed and just decided to get it over with. "There was a fire and..." But when Scott looked down at Derek's eyes, his yet to be hardened eyes, he found himself shriveling up inside. "They're not here anymore. They're fine," he found himself saying. "They just moved out of Beacon Hills. We're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back."

Derek nodded to him. "Okay."

But Stiles narrowed his eyes at Scott. He had been adamant about telling Derek the truth but it looked like he saw what him and Lydia were worried about after all. He was able to tell that Scott was lying through his heartbeat but it seemed that Derek wasn't able to. Maybe he hadn't learned how to do that yet so they were in the clear for now. He went to look over at his father and nodded to let him now that they were done. He then pulled Scott off to the side while Derek was being processed out.

"Good work back there," Stiles told him.

But Scott shook his head. "I shouldn't have done that. I lied my ass off."

"Hey, your ass if fine. You just saved him a ton of unnecessary pain. We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek and everyone's happy. Well, except for Derek who is never happy."

Scott just huffed. "He's just another person that we're lying to. I always feel like it's better when we tell the truth. With Lydia, my mom, your dad."

"So you'd rather have told Derek his home burned with his family inside, his older sister was ripped in half by his uncle who he killed and managed to come back to life and is living in his dank and empty loft?" He then pointed to the kid. "You heard him Scott, he still has trouble with the full moon. He can't manage his emotions that well yet. Remember how it was when just the thought of Allison being hurt made you go nuts? Tell him the truth now and he will lose it and could hurt who knows how many people. You want to do that to him?"

Scott sighed. He hated to admit it but Stiles made a good point. "Alright just, bring him to my house and don't let him out of your sight."

"And where are you going?"

Scott's jaw tightened. "I'm going to talk to the guy we should've talked to before," he huffed out.

"Uh, yeah I hate that guy," Stiles called out after Scott as he was leaving the station.

As he finished watching Scott leave, Stiles turned to see that his father was making his way over to him.

"Stiles, you have to be careful."

Stiles just waved his hand off. "Don't worry Dad. I can handle grown and grumpy Derek. Teenage, mopey Derek should be no problem."

"I wasn't talking about Derek. I mean you have to be careful around Agent McCall."

Stiles was taken aback. "Scott's dad?"

"He's starting to ask questions again."

"About what? I thought we took care of that already?" Stiles asked in confusion.

A few days after the mess with the Nogitsune was done with, McCall started to ask questions about Stiles' activities after he left Eichen House and for his whereabouts on the night that the hospital and police station were attacked by the Oni. They guessed that he might've seen something during the attack, most likely the nogitsune when it looked like him. They made an alibi to give him to try and drive him away and it seemed to have done the trick as he had stopped asking anymore questions. The hospital footage that night had been corrupted and unwatchable due to an electrical distortion according to the technicians. They guessed that must've been to Void's power. When he had nothing else to go on, it seemed like Agent McCall might've gone on to chalk it up to adrenaline and stress of the moment. Now, it was back again for some reason.

His dad sighed. "Yeah, well he came to see me early yesterday and asked where you were. I told him that you kids had gone camping up north like you told me, but, he didn't seem to believe me. I wonder why," he asked pointedly.

"Dad," he started.

But his father cut him off. "I thought we were passed you hiding these kind of things from me."

Stiles took a moment to look down at his feet. "Dad, what would you have done if I told you that we were going to Mexico to chase down a lead on Derek being taken by a family of Mexican hunters?"

"Well I would've told you that maybe all of you belonged in Eichen House because that was insane," he answered heatedly. "You kids barely scraped by one family of gun totting lunatics and you wanted to willingly throw yourselves in front of another." That made Stiles give him a look. "But, I would've realized that I couldn't stop you boys and would've told you to be careful. McCall must've found out about your trip. Probably got tipped off by the border police. So, you need to watch yourself around him, okay?"

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, I will."

His dad nodded back. "Okay." He then turned to give Derek a last look. "Well he's all yours. Try not to let anything else weird happen. I can only take so much craziness at once."

Stiles thought that he best not mention that he used stolen Yakuza money to hire a mercenary for help and that Kate Argent was now back from the dead as a shapeshifting she-jaguar.


Lydia had met with Kira after school and took off in her car. She drove them off into a small gas station. Kira was on the phone with Scott and hung up as soon as they stopped at one of the pumps.

"Okay, Scott's going to find Peter and we're supposed to meet Stiles at Scott's house. He's heading there right now with Derek."

Lydia sighed. "That sounds like a horrible plan." Kira gave her a nervous look. "But we've had worse," she said quickly. "Yesterday, in Mexico."

"Yeah," Kira sighed. "About that. Remember when we were in the club and you and Scott were tied to electrified cables?"

Lydia squinted her eyes. "Vividly," she said to her.

Kira wanted to slap her forehead. Of course Lydia remembered that. Why wouldn't she remember something that was tense and traumatic and no doubt wouldn't be forgotten any time soon, if ever. "Right, well, I guess what I'm trying to ask is, it was getting pretty intense, before Stiles and Malia showed up. But, I still had to turn the dial to two and...if my hand was on the dial connected to you, and I had to turn it up to ten."

"Would I be angry?" Lydia cut in.

Kira nodded "Yeah?" she asked nervously.

Lydia gently shook her head. "No. Because I knew you had no choice. Exactly like Scott knows. And if you're worried about him, just remember, you're a bad ass katana wielding kitsune. He couldn't be more into you." That made Kira smile. Lydia then stepped out of the car. "Now, just grab one of the cards and we can fill up. Beacon Hills Banking," she told her before she moved off.

Kira looked to the overhead sun blocker to find that there were over half a dozen cards. "Uh, does this many cards mean you have good credit or bad?" she asked curiously. But Kira then looked down and saw that the gas gauge was on full. "Hey, it looks like you have a full tank." But she looked and saw that Lydia hadn't headed inside the store. "Lydia?" Kira then stepped out of the car and went after her. She quickly spotted her around the corner of the store. She seemed to be staring out into space. "Are you okay? Lydia?"

Lydia just kept staring off. "Don't look," she told her.

But Kira turned and quickly saw why she told her that. In the bathroom, there was a dead man lying there. His body, especially his head, looked like it had been torn apart and there was dried blood all over the floor around him and splattered on the walls.
