Muted part 2

There were quite a few people who turned up to watch the lacrosse tryouts. Among them was Malia who wanted to watch Stiles before they headed off to his house later. She was then joined by Kira who went and grabbed one of the lacrosse sticks lying close by. On the field, the players were all running a few laps while Coach was giving them condescending words as they each passed him. Scott and Stiles were running together, in step with the rest of the team. The two of them had decided that they should try and play without using any of their powers to try and not be at an unfair advantage and be a level playing field with everyone else. Scott looked over at the bleachers and held his hand out to stop Stiles.

"Hey look," he said pointing out at them with his chin.

Stiles looked over and saw Malia and Kira sitting together, watching them. He gave them a bright smile and waved over at them. They waved back and Kira had a big teethy smile which made a small grin creep up on Scott's face and he gave a small wave himself.

Stiles leaned in a bit to him but had his eyes still on the girls. "Kira came to watch you at tryouts and she's smiling at you. Who knows, maybe she got turned on by your quick grandma kiss," he joked.

Scott sucked on his teeth and pushed at Stiles' shoulder in slight annoyance but still kept his eyes on Kira. He was thankful that Kira couldn't hear them from there. Scott and Stiles were both so stuck on their gazes at the girls that they jumped when a hard whistle was blown at them.

"McCall! Stilinski! Flirt on your own time, not on practice time! Now you practice so try to practice running," he said before blowing hard on his whistle again. "Move, move!" he said blowing the whistle after every word. The two of them quickly started running again with Coach blowing short whistle bursts after them.

Over in the bleachers, Kira started to spin the net in her fingers as Scott and Stiles resumed their running. She started to begin nervously picking at the netting on the stick while Malia tried to go back to her notes. Malia's nose started twitching as Kira kept her attention intently on the lacrosse stick.

"What's wrong with you?" Malia suddenly asked her.

Kira's eyes nearly popped out of her skull. "Me? Nothing," she said quickly.

Malia just gave her a look. "You reek of anxiety, and it's distracting. What's going on?"

Kira sighed in defeat. "Scott and I sort of had this thing happen but it wasn't much of a thing and now I'm starting to think it never was a thing, at all," she finished glumly.

Malia shook her head. "What do you want it to be?"

"More." She then went and rested her chin on the stick dejectedly as she moved her eyes back to the field.

When the players stopped running, they all scattered about. Some of them just sat in the grass while others just stood in place. Scott was stretching his arms out while Stiles just jumping in place to loosen himself up though his eyes were focused on Liam, who was doing pushups.

Stiles then stopped his jumping and leaned in close to Scott. "He's not even breathing hard. Now I'm really starting to think he can't be human."

"Or he could really be just that good." Scott moved to stretch out his right arm. "He's not a werewolf Stiles. I mean we would've caught a scent. Remember when we found Isaac when he came to practice after Derek bit him?"

Stiles shook his head. "Yeah but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Remember how it was when we had to hunt for the Alpha? And besides, he doesn't have to be a werewolf. Any shapeshifter could do. He could be like...a werecheetah or something."

Scott narrowed his eyes. "Is that even a thing?"

Stiles shrugged. "At this point, we probably should be asking 'what isn't a thing?' Besides...there's something about that guy. I can't shake it," he said narrowing his eyes at Liam.

Scott noticed how his friend was eyeing him. "What? What is it?" To him, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He seemed like a regular, cocky freshman. "He doesn't look dangerous."

Stiles didn't know if he would say that. "Maybe," he muttered. "But, something is off with him. I felt it."

Scott shook his head. "I didn't feel anything."

"No, it was only for a split second," said Stiles. "Like a flash. I'm telling you, he's hiding something underneath that smug smile of his." For in that flash, Stiles thought it felt like...anger. A lot of it but it was being held back. Like Liam was struggling and putting a real strong effort to stay calm, in control. Much like a werewolf would.

Stiles then started to shake his leg to try and loosen it up but Scott stayed in place as he looked from his friend to Liam. The kid had finished his pushups and now was talking to his pal Garrett and some of the other guys. He listened in and they were talking about some girl named Violet that Garrett was dating. Just ordinary high school stuff.

"Yeah, normal teenager stuff," Scott said glumly. "Which reminds me, control yourself out there, like we talked about."

"Yeah, I remember."

Coach then called for the players to begin to lineup and give off some practice shots. "Make papa proud boys!" he shouted at the team but his eyes were locked on to Scott and Stiles.

Stiles was up first and he went and scooped up the ball into the net of his stick. He then looked over at the goal with the goalie standing ready for him. Stiles exhaled before he went and took a shot, which was caught by the goalie. The guy didn't even have to really move at all as the ball landed in the net. Stiles heatedly huffed out as he went off for the back of the line where Scott was waiting for him. He gave him a friendly pat while the others were giving him a smirk.

"Well, that sucked," Stiles mumbled.

But Scott shook his head. "Don't worry, you're just warming up." Scott looked over at Liam who was next. "And he's probably not going to get any better," he said a little nervously.

Stiles shrugged as he saw Scott eye the kid. "Well, maybe he's only good in goal," he offered. "Totally useless on the rest of the field." That got Scott to nod in agreement, until Liam took his shot and got in square in the goal. "Or maybe he's good in everything."

"Yes!" Coach cried out. "That's what I like to see!"

Stiles huffed. "This could be a problem."

"Maybe not," Scott muttered. "I mean, the team needs new players." As soon as he was up, he stomped over to the balls and scooped one up into his net. He then moved and made his shot, and watched the ball as it hit the post right outside the goal. That made everyone around him start laughing and Coach sigh in disappointment.

"Nice McCall," Garrett smirked at him.

"Hey Garrett, shut up," Stiles said in defense of his friend.

As practice went on, everyone watched as Liam scored goal after goal against the goalie. But when either Scott or Stiles went up, they failed to score. Sometimes, they would miss the goal entirely. As it went on, they saw that Coach looked like he wanted to strangle them after they each failed for five consecutive times.

After watching Scott's recent miss, Kira leaned in to Malia. "Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team? Or good?"

She seemed uncomfortable as she watched Stiles play terribly himself. "They would be, if they weren't trying to actually stink instead," she said. She had run with Stiles in the woods quite a few times so she had a pretty good idea how he moved at his best, and this wasn't it. Stiles was being completely sloppy out on the field. And Scott's moves were lacking as well. She remembered seeing him fight the Berserkers and this was pathetic in comparison.

Stiles glared off at Scott when he got to the back of the line with him. "This is pathetic. Scott, I feel like we're trying our best to actually be the worst. Why can't we just play like ourselves again?"

Scott closed his eyes as he pushed away his own aggravation at their miserable tryout. "Because we agreed to be humans on the field this season, remember? No wolf powers. We're going to be normally human, just like everyone else," he said in a tired and longing tone.

Stiles huffed. "Scott, did you forget why we were on the bench before last year? It was because the normally, human us stunk."

Scott sighed deeply. Yes, he wouldn't deny that. Hearing the team laugh at him and seeing him mess up one shot after another reminded him of less than impressive times. "We just need to practice playing more without it, that's it. We should've been doing that all this time anyway."

"When were we supposed to do that?" The recent months weren't exactly full of chances for them to practice. "Scott, you worked hard to bring your grades up and Coach is ready to give me another chance. After everything that's happened and that we've been through, we can't let a freshman come in and kick us to the curb. I mean, what's the harm in us using a bit of our power to stay on the team?"

"We don't need our powers to make the team," Scott tried to argue feebly.

Stiles then looked over his shoulder. "What about making team captain?"

Scott looked over to see Liam scoring again and being congratulated by the entire team. Many of them were saying that he would be this year's team captain. Even Coach was clapping for him. Scott felt something heat up inside him and a bit of a crimson flare appeared in his eyes.

Coach then blew the whistle to bring everyone together. "Hustle!" he yelled at all of them. "McCall and Stilinski," he said pointing to them. "Grab the long sticks. You're covering goal for two on one." His tone made it clear that he was less than happy with the two of them. "Let's go. Line it up!"

Scott and Stiles went and grabbed the sticks and headed off to stand near the goal.

Stiles leaned in. "I still say there's something about him. If we did up our game, all we would be doing is just evening the playing field."

But Scott shook his head. "No, he's not anything. I don't know what you're feeling Stiles but I'm just not getting anything off him."

The Coach then blew the whistle and they saw that Garrett was up first. 

"Oh, I hate this guy," Stiles mumbled.

Scott had to confess, he kind of didn't like him either.

Garrett ran at them, for the goal. Stiles moved to block his direct path so Garrett tried to veer off for his right but Scott moved to jump in his way. Garrett turned to avoid him but Scott's reflexes kicked in and he brought his stick down to make Garrett lose the ball.

"Yeah, that's my boy!" Coach said enthusiastically. "Those two are like sons to me," he muttered to one of the boys trying out.

"Yes," Kira cheered.

Malia watched it all indifferently from the stands. She just kept her eyes on the boys.

Stiles moved over to him. "What was that? You just used some wolf reflexes back there."

"I know." Scott looked down a bit. "It just...came out. I couldn't help it." Scott then let a small smirk creep onto him. "But it felt good."

"Yeah?" Stiles breathed as they moved to stand back in their places.

They then shared a small look. Scott let his eyes go red inside his helmet which made Stiles' own eyes flare blue in his. Scott quickly turned away to look back at the line of players when the whistle blew again. Stiles narrowed his eyes on the back of his friend's head at that but went alert when the next player started up. Stiles moved up to ram into the guy and though he tried to dart around him, Stiles found himself seeing his attempt with his instincts and let himself move to push into him. The force made him lose the ball as it flew up into the air where Scott quickly caught and hurled it for the next guy in line where it easily landed into his net. Coach smiled before he blew the whistle again for the next player to move. He tried to carefully find an opening between them but Scott and Stiles charged and tackled into him together making him fall flat on his back.

"That's how you do it!" Coach roared out. "That's how it's done!"

Scott felt his insides burn up in a rush of anticipation and adrenaline from Coach's praise. Stiles was ecstatic himself and raised his gloved hand over at Scott for him to slap it back and they then did a small victory slide around each other. 

They were finally turning everything around for themselves. The other players no longer were laughing or looking down at them. Now, they seemed to be worried. Well, all but one of them.

Liam was next and he was as confident and assured as ever. At the sight of him, Scott and Stiles tensed up. Now was the moment of truth as they would have direct contact with him. The whistle blew and Liam charged forward for the goal. Stiles moved for him first and jumped at him. Liam quickly stopped running and Stiles grazed him as Liam turned to his side to avoid him. Scott then went for his net but Liam spun around to make Scott get nothing but air as Liam bounced off behind him. He then moved and shot the ball and scored a goal. The team cheered as Kira and Malia sighed out indignantly. Liam then jogged back for the line, throwing a cocky smile Scott's way as he passed him.

"That was luck!" Malia cried out to them.

Stiles started shaking his head. "Oh no, Malia don't get involved," he sighed out.

But she kept going. "Do over!" she yelled over in Coach's direction.

But he just smirked over at her. "Sweetheart, there are no do overs. This is practice." He then turned his back on her.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles."

He turned back to face her. "I'll take that action. Get back in there Liam!" he yelled over at him.

Stiles sighed out impatiently but Scott narrowed his eyes as he watched Liam get back to the front of the line. Scott's grip on his stick started to tighten and he started breathing a little hard and a bit of a growl escaped his lips.

Coach blew his whistle and Liam was again running for them. Stiles jumped for Liam again and tried to whack at his net but Liam ducked and braced himself to avoid Stiles but Scott charged at him and flipped him over into the air. Liam spun around and he landed right onto his ankle. There was a loud crack that was heard throughout the field that made everyone freeze. Even Coach was shocked as the whistle fell off his frozen lips. Scott and Stiles quickly yanked their helmets off and ran for him. Liam's leg was in an unnatural angle as he tried to pick himself up.

"Don't move!" Coach yelled over at him. "Don't touch him!"

The two of them had been moving to see to him but backed off when Coach pointed at them.

"I'm okay Coach!" Liam cried out. "I'm alright!"

He tried to pick himself up but nearly fell when he tried to stand on his feet. Scott and Stiles quickly moved to catch him before he fell back down. They then moved to wrap his arms around their shoulders. Together, they hoisted him up so that the tips of his feet were hovering off the ground and he wasn't standing on his hurt leg.

"We better get him to the nurse," Stiles said at Coach.

He nodded and the two of them carried Liam off together while he tried not to scream or react to the pain he was feeling.

Coach watched them go off with a hard look on his face. He pointed at everyone that was left. "You guys, take a lap. Start, running around the field!" he spat at all of them and they all quickly moved to run. He found the ball Liam dropped and went to pick it up. He angrily threw it off, and saw as it was hurling towards the stands at Malia who was reading her book like nothing just happened. He then watched as Kira moved to catch it with the lacrosse net before it could hit her. "Oh," he said in both shock and relief. "Wow, nice catch." He then got an idea. "Throw it back," he told her.

Kira then stood up and hurled the ball at his chest. "Oh my god," she muttered as she saw Coach fall down on one knee.

But Coach smiled through his pain. "Someone ask her if she ever played lacrosse," he coughed out.


Lydia had left school as soon as it was over and didn't stay for the lacrosse tryouts. Yes, Scott and Stiles were there but they had Kira and Malia to watch and cheer them on. Last year, she had been at the tryouts for Jackson, back when they had been dating. Now she didn't have anyone and she didn't feel like being there as a fifth wheel. Truth was, she'd been feeling like that for a while with Scott and Kira getting closer to actually acting on their feelings for each other and Stiles and Malia getting more comfortable with expressing theirs. Scott and especially Stiles were both nice guys and they had managed to find girls who appreciated that. While Jackson may not have exactly been Mr. Chivalrous, she had cared about him and she knew that he did too, deep down, but it turned out that it wasn't enough for him to stay with her. Lydia thought back to when she had told Allison that she didn't want a boyfriend but a distraction. She had found that with Aiden but he had gone on and become more than a simple distraction. Him dying had left a bigger hole than she thought possible. Maybe the problem was that she always seemed to fall towards the too cool bad boy types. She wondered if she should lean more for the opposite awkward nice guy types. It seemed to be working for Kira and Malia. The problem was the decent ones that could accept all this supernatural stuff and her banshee self were already taken. Maybe she should try to go for someone that's biggest concerns weren't about trying to be cool or popular but actually cared about real stuff. Maybe someone that wasn't in high school.

She was so wrapped up in these thoughts that she didn't notice that she was already walking through her front door. But as she stepped into the house, she realized that it wasn't hers.

Jordan Parrish was sitting in his squad van in front of the house, looking over the pictures of the slain members of the Walcott family. He wasn't sure why but he felt that these killings weren't what they seemed at first glance. It seemed far too brutal for a murderer killing a suburban family. And with a tomahawk? He could feel that there was something they were missing about this. He let himself look away from the photos and he noticed that the front door was open. He hopped out of the van and went for his gun as he moved into the house.

"Beacon County Sheriff's Department! This is a crime scene, show yourself!" he called out.

There was then some movement and he held his gun up as Lydia stepped into view. He sighed at the sight of her and dropped his gun.

"Parrish, right?" Lydia mumbled.

He went and put his gun back in the holster. "Yeah, and you're Lydia, right?" She nodded. "What are you doing here?"

Lydia moved to leave the front hall and he followed after her. "I would try to explain it but I've never got a satisfactory explanation myself."

"Just an unusual habit of showing up at places where people have been brutally murdered?" he put out there. He remembered seeing her at a few crime scenes and as a witness to other murders such as the gas station.

That made her turn to look at him. "Are you saying I have a reputation?"

"An usual one," he shrugged. "Maybe you're psychic?"

She gave him a look. There was no stutter in his voice or twitch in his face as he said that, like he was serious. "Don't tell me you believe all that?" she asked as she walked off.

He let his eyes follow after her. "I'd like to say that I don't believe in anything but I keep an open mind. But if you're looking for dead bodies, you're a little late."

Lydia stopped moving around and was now staring at a random wall. She let her eyes focus on it and started to see screaming faces in the wood paneling. She heard the screaming from people and could also pick up sounds of dripping blood. She went and put her hand to it and found that fell back, like a door. As it opened, there was a rush of cold vapor spilling out. She then looked back over at Parrish and he quickly moved her to the side as he went for his gun. He moved to open the door and shined a flashlight in. There was some kind of tunnel dug into the wall and it was cold in there, like a refrigerator. Parrish found a switch and turned it on to see that there were bundles hanging on hooks. It looked like chunks of beef but there were all in giant bags.

"I think it's a game locker. Like Venison. Hunting is legal in some parts of the state." But he stopped there.

Lydia noticed the look on his face. He seemed to be alert for some reason. "What is it?" she asked him.

Parrish went to one of the bags and unzipped it. "It's not Venison."

Lydia looked and saw that it was a human body. A woman, and it wasn't one of the Walcotts.


Scott found his way to Kira who was waiting for him at the steps outside the locker room. "Hey, so we're taking Liam to the hospital. It could be a sprain or a break."

But Kira shook her head as she smiled at him. "It's okay, I get it. We can talk later?" she asked him.

He nodded. "And, I'm sorry about before. Uh, before before, when I did that thing in the hallway," he said, hoping that he didn't have to actually say what he meant.

She was still smiling though it was a little awkwardly. "It's fine," she quickly told him. "Totally okay."

He could see that she was still off about the whole thing and rushed to try and smooth things over. "I didn't mean to make things awkward. Or weird. I'm sorry." She nodded. Scott then moved to leave to head for the hospital but as he left the hallway, he stopped and then shook his head. He then turned around and headed right back for her. "You know what, I'm not sorry," he said as he stomped for her.

He then moved to kiss Kira. Really kiss her. His hands grasped her at the waist while she wrapped her own arms around his neck to deepen their kiss. The two of them let themselves forget all the awkwardness and the circumstances around them and just enjoy one another. Scott found himself widely smiling as he pulled away from Kira, who he saw was smiling widely herself.

"That's better," she said to him.

Scott nodded before he went off to meet with the others while Kira watched him take off with her smile stuck on her.


Over at the hospital, Melissa was hovering over Sean who had a tray of food next to him but he wasn't making a move to even touch it.

"Are you sure you won't eat something?"

"Yes," he said as he just stared distastefully at it.

Melissa was worried. Sean was looking like he hadn't eaten for a while but he seemed determined not to eat a bite of what they were giving him. She guessed that the shock was still too much for him. "Okay," she told him. "Call if you need anything. There's a deputy standing right outside."

He then turned in the bed and she moved to leave the room. Sean started to glare at a spot on the floor as he started to rock a bit in the bed. Melissa walked off for the front desk when she froze at the sight of her son and Stiles, who was holding up a teenager by the arm.

"Uh, hi mom," Scott said when he caught sight of her.

Melissa quickly brought out a wheelchair and the boys helped Liam get into it. She then moved to make sure that his leg was elevated properly. "Don't worry Liam, we'll take good care of you."

She then wheeled Liam out of there leaving the two teen wolves watching after them.

"Well," Stiles sighed out after a moment. "I think it's safe to say that he's definitely human." Scott just kept looking off for where Liam and his mom disappeared to. "Alright, I have to get going. I promised Malia that I'd help her study."

Scott nodded. "Sure, I want to check on him anyway."

Stiles was about to leave but he stopped. "Hey, I don't have to say that this wasn't your fault, right?"

Scott just stared off. "I don't know," he mumbled.

Stiles sighed. "Scott, if you had used any of your real power then that kid wouldn't be limping, he would be crawling, back to the other half of his body."

Now Scott sighed. "If I hadn't been so worried about being captain, he wouldn't be hurt either."

"Scott, you know, it's okay to want things for yourself once in a while. It's normal. Team Captain. Alpha Werewolf. You're still human. Normally human, just like everyone else," he said echoing his earlier words.

With that, Stiles tapped him at the shoulder and he left. Scott watched after him and he let himself just sigh his tiredness and unease out.


Noshiko looked over at their empty open house before looking at the time. "Ken, would you please call the real estate agent and ask him why not a single person has come to this open house," she called out.

She then looked over at her husband as he walked into the house with a bundle in his hands.

"I think I know why," he said as he revealed the For Sale sign to her. It was cut into pieces, by a sword.

"Kira!" she yelled out.

Kira was in her room, practicing some of her sword moves with the lacrosse stick. Coach had told her that he was going to try her out for the team after what happened today. She was happy that she was going to get a chance to be on the team with Scott and Stiles, but especially with Scott. Especially after this afternoon. When she heard her mother yell for her, she guessed that they had found out that she slashed the sign when she had gotten home. Now, more than ever, she didn't want to leave Beacon Hills.

Over in Stiles' room, both he and Malia were in his bed as they were going over the material in the math book. Stiles was calmly looking over the stuff in the next chapter but Malia was feeling more agitated the more she read. Finally she just huffed and shut the book closed.

"Hey," Stiles said turning to her. "We're not finished yet."

But Malia went and pushed Stiles flat on the bed before she climbed on top of him. "Yes we are."

She then went and kissed him and Stiles quickly found himself giving into it. They started to make out with light groans and even a growl starting to make it way out of them. But Stiles dug deep and pulled back.

"Malia, I promised I would help you study." He then lifted her off and placed her back at the side of the bed as she moaned out in disappointment. But Stiles still smiled at her. "We study first and then, we can go back to that. Lots of that," he assured her. That made Malia give him a mischievous smile that he found himself returning. "So much of that. Your father isn't going to be waiting up for you again, is he? I don't want him to be mad at me again."

During the first two weeks of him and Scott trying to train Malia, his dad had often come over to his house, asking for Malia to come home. He had often given him a bit of a stink eye, especially on the times when he saw that it was just him and Malia, alone.

She shrugged. "It's okay now. Yeah, my dad didn't like it at first but your dad came over and talked with him."

Stiles' eyes widened. "He did? When?"

Malia nodded. "It was about three days before we went off to Mexico. He asked me to give them some time to talk to themselves and so I came over. Remember when you decided to take me out to try that stuff that's cooked in a circle."

"Pizza," Stiles reminded her.

"Yeah. Well, when I went back home, our dads were still there talking. Yours told me that he had told mine everything."

Stiles' eyes nearly popped. "Everything everything?"

She nodded. "My dad didn't seem to really believe it until the Sheriff asked for me to show him my eyes. He thought my dad should know so he knew why I was acting like I did and why he thought it was best for my dad to let me keep hanging out with you and everybody else."

Stiles froze. His father never told him that he had done any of that. He guessed that was why he reacted the way he did when he learned that he hadn't told him about Mexico. Now Stiles was starting to guilty about the whole thing. Malia then moved to open her book again and Stiles noticed her grab highlighter pens.

"What's with all the highlighters?" he asked her trying to get his mind off his new guilt.

"Green is for the things I understand. Yellow is for I'm working on it. And red means I have no clue. I'm mostly using red," she muttered.

Stiles narrowed his eyes. He found himself looking over at his tack board to see the remnants of string from his last mystery board. The different color strings he uses to make connections where a lot of it was red. Stiles let a deep smile come over him as he looked back at Malia. He loved his friends, he did, but sometimes he felt like the odd one out of the group. No one seemed to really compliment or relate to him when it came to his way of thinking or his love of sarcasm. But, then came Malia with her blunt comments and her color coded organization skills. She was perfect. He leaned in closer to her and drew her eyes away from the books in front of them. This time, he initiated their kiss, wanting to do this and more with her. But Malia was the one to pull away after a few seconds.

"Study first, remember?" she said as she threw his earlier words back at him.

Stiles let a small laugh escape him. "Yeah," he said as he moved to get back to work.

Malia then sighed. "So, what's the secret?" she said suddenly. For a moment, Stiles panicked. "Why is math impossible for me and easy for you guys?"

Stiles tried not to sigh in relief at that. "Uh, well usually we use notes."

"Then somebody needs to give me notes on Lydia's notes because I don't understand any of this," she huffed out as she brought out Lydia's notebook.

"Okay," Stiles said taking it to give them a try. But as he opened it, his face fell at what was written. "Lydia wrote these?"

Malia noticed his tone. "Yeah, what are they?"

Stiles shook his head. "They're not math." From what Stiles could make out, this looked more like some kind of code. He'd seen this before. When Lydia kept drawing the Nemeton in her book and something told him that this was meant just as much trouble now as it was back then. A ding rang out from Stiles' phone. "It's Lydia," he said as saw that it was Lydia that was texting him.

"Speak of the confusing devil," Malia went and sat up. "What did she send you?"

He looked up from the phone with a confusing look coming over him. "An address, with an SOS." That meant trouble.


Parrish had quickly radioed for the Sheriff to come to the Walcott home and he was surprised to find that Lydia was there as well. He had been brought in and shown the entrance of the hidden meat locker.

Noah was looking the entrance over and wasn't surprised that he and his deputies missed it the first time they were all there. "How did you find this?" he asked as they stepped away from it.

"I didn't," Parrish said before he looked over at Lydia, who was standing quietly to the side. "She did."

"Lydia?" She looked straight at him but wasn't saying anything. A moment later, Stiles and Malia started stumbling through the open front door. He sighed and looked over at Parrish. "Hey Parrish, do you mind searching the rest of the house one more time. Especially the bedrooms."

Parrish was looking over at Lydia was talking in whispers with the Sheriff's son and the girl with him. She seemed quite serious as she spoke with them. No doubt about what she helped find and the other two didn't seem that shaken up either. He snapped out of it when the Sheriff said his name a little loudly. "Uh sorry sir." The Sheriff then repeated his earlier order and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm on it."

As soon as Parrish took off for the stairs, the four of them huddled together.

"What are you three doing here?" the Sheriff hissed at them. "I told you to stay out of this one."

"Lydia texted us," said Malia.

"Dad, Lydia says that she didn't remember coming here," Stiles quickly told him. "That means she was drawn here. Lydia is a banshee and she's drawn towards death. And usually not the normal kind of death. Supernatural death," he stressed. "There's something not normal about the way that the people whose bodies she found had died. We need to see them and find out what."

His father sighed deeply. "Alright." Who was he to argue with that kind of logic. "But make it quick. We don't know how long until Parrish comes back down."

Stiles practically charged into the meat locker with the others on his tail. As soon as he opened the metal door and got inside, his nose twitched. The stench of death was powerful in this room. He could see about half a dozen bodies hanging from hooks but he the scent was too potent to come from only six. It looked like many more bodies had found their way here at different times. He turned and saw that Malia's face hardened a little too from the scent. He then sniffed and found where the smell of blood was the freshest. It was the body of a woman in her mid to late twenties. Stiles carefully opened her bag up a bit and stepped back suddenly. The woman's left arm was half missing. Deep pieces of flesh looked like they had been torn off. He could make out bite marks at the edges.

"Something was eating her," Malia said as she caught sight of it. "That's how deer looked like when I got too full to finish it and brought it back to my den."

"What did this?" Stiles' father asked. "A werewolf?"

"I don't know." Stiles went to get a closer look and his fingers grazed one of the bite marks. Suddenly, Stiles gasped. His mind was filled with the image of a set of jaws with two sets of shark like teeth. They were digging into the body, tearing the flesh off and devouring it. And it was more than one set. "Oh my god," Stiles gasped as Malia went over to him and took hold of his shoulder as he steadied himself.

"Stiles? You okay?" his dad asked him.

Stiles was still panting a little hard. He hadn't experienced a sensation like that in months. Where his senses painted a picture for him to see. He then looked over at his father. "Dad, we have to get to the hospital. Right now."


Liam was getting his ankle looked over by his stepfather. He was gently trying to look it over and Liam felt stings at the slightest touches.

"It's broken, isn't it?" he asked his stepfather but kept his eyes on his ruined ankle.

"It's definitely going to need an X-ray," his stepfather said, trying to not sour the mood any more than it was.

But Liam soured it himself. "It's broken and it's my fault."

"You want to tell me what happened?"

"I went up against two juniors. One of them is captain of the team."

His stepfather went and put a comforting arm over his shoulder. "Hey, remember what we always say. Play smart, not hard."

Liam sighed. "Are you mad at me?"

"No," his stepfather said immediately. "Of course not. Your mom might be mad at me for getting you into lacrosse but maybe we should wait for the X-ray before we panic. And trust me, I have more reason to panic then you. It's not over yet, wait for the X-ray," he said on a hopeful note before he went to leave.

He then went into the hallway and passed by Scott who had been standing close by and heard everything. Now, he felt worse for injuring Liam out there. But he was snapped out of it when he felt his phone vibrating. He looked and saw that Stiles was calling him.

"Hey Stiles," he said picking it up.

"Scott, where are you right now?" he asked desperately.

"What? I'm still at the hospital," he told him.

"Oh good. Listen Scott, the survivor from the attack of that axe murderer. He's there and you have to find him," he said quickly.

But Scott shook his head. "Whoa, slow down. Why?"

"Because he might hurt someone. Scott, he isn't human. The Walcotts are shapeshifters."

Scott gave a look around and ducked his head a bit and lowered his voice. "What are you talking about?"

"There were a bunch of bodies found in a hiding spot at their house. Bite marks all over, like they were being eaten. You have to find Sean Walcott and find him fast. I'm already on my way and my dad is right behind me but we might not make it in time. We can't let him get away."

Scott stiffened as he looked out, feeling panic start to take him.


Raphael McCall was at the Sheriff's station, going through his laptop as he tried to run a check on a name. He had gone there after his visit to Derek Hale and they told him that he had missed the specialist that he had arranged for them. That was surprising as the specialist wasn't supposed to have reached town so quickly and what was even more surprising was when they told him that she had left to start right away. The specialist he had arranged wasn't a woman so he knew something was up from the start. Luckily, they had taken her badge number and he was looking up the claimed US Marshall. He then saw the listing for the agent and saw that this Marshall was legit. However, she had been out on extensive sabbatical leave. He wondered why a US Marshall would drop out of the picture and then suddenly show up to investigate a triple homicide. He then clicked her profile and his eyes widened at the picture. This woman, Braeden, he had seen her before. Barely two hours ago, in Derek Hale's loft. Something new to add to the growing list surrounding his son, Stiles, their friends and all the mysterious crimes and occurrences in this town.

Suddenly, the entire department seemed to erupt into action. Raphael flagged down the nearest deputy. "What's going on?" he asked him.

"The Sheriff just called. He's ordered for some officers to head to the hospital."


"To bring in the Walcott boy. Parrish had found bodies hidden in the Walcott's home. He and the Sheriff are heading over to Beacon Memorial now."

The deputy then took off and Raphael stood there for a moment. He then went to grab his keys and headed for his car. He then quickly drove off but not for the hospital. He was heading to the Walcott house. Something about what was found there had set the Sheriff off in a panic. Maybe the bodies or their hiding place might start giving him answers over a teenager that was already being watched at the hospital.


Scott quickly went for the elevator but saw that they were already closing. "Wait, hold the doors!" he called out.

But he was too late. They shut behind him and Scott decided that he would have to use the stairs.

Over at another part of the hospital, Melissa was moving to pay Sean Walcott a visit. She saw that the guard wasn't outside the door and guessed that he stepped away for something. She looked and saw that the lights had been dimmed. She moved in and softly opened the door.

"Sean, are you awake?" she asked softly in case he was resting. "The Sheriff's on his way. I'm going to need you to wake up."

She then turned on the light to find that the bed was empty. She went to take a closer look and found that there was a trail of blood at the foot of the bed. It led right to the deputy and Sean was over him, eating him.

"I couldn't help it, I'm so hungry" Sean mumbled. He then looked up at Melissa, showing his pale white eyes and double rows of sharp teeth. "I'm just so hungry!" Melissa was frozen as she looked at Sean stand up and reveal that his front was covered with the deputy's blood. "I think I'm ready to talk now," he told her.

She quickly moved to get out of there but Sean chased after her and tackled her just outside the door. She then screamed as Sean tried to pull at her legs to drag her back inside. He stopped when a roar sounded out and they turned to see Scott, shifted and running for them. Sean roared himself just as Scott pounced for him. The two of them grappled against each other until Sean quickly threw Scott off of him and made a run for it. Scott picked himself up and looked over at his mother who still seemed shaken.

"I'm alright," she quickly told him.

"Are you sure?" he asked her in concern.

She nodded and her face went hard. "Go get that son of a bitch."

Scott let a small angered growl out before he took off to go after him.


Liam was limping into the empty hall as the crash and roar made his way to him. "Hey, anyone hear that?" he asked out.

He was then taken by surprise by Sean who flashed his bloodied teeth at him. Sean grabbed him and dragged him off for the stairs, up for the roof. Scott made it to the staircases and saw a spot of blood leading up. He then heard someone scream and ran up to the roof where he spotted Sean, with Liam at the edge.

"Get back!" Sean warned him.

"Don't!" Scott cried at him. "You don't need to do this. Whatever it is, whatever you are, we can help you."

"No you can't," he said as Liam struggled against him.

"Let me help you," Scott said softly to him.

Sean snarled at him. "Wendigos don't need help. We need food!" he roared out which made Liam cry out in terror.

Liam tried to pull himself away which made an opening for Scott to jump for them. Sean pushed Liam away but Scott pushed at Sean and went to catch him as he started to fall off. Scott managed to help him grab the edge but Sean moved over and started to pull at Scott to make him let the boy go. Liam's grip on the edge was slipping and he already lost one hand's grip. He wasn't going to be able to hold himself up for much longer and Scott wasn't able to grab him as his arms were trying to keep Sean back.

"I can't hold on!" Liam cried out.

Scott then saw Liam's hand lose its grip and, without thinking, moved to catch his wrist, with his teeth. Liam screamed as Scott's fangs punctured his skin but held him up and kept him from falling to his death. Sean was still pulling at Scott but he stopped when he felt a piercing pain at his back. He then collapsed and Scott moved to pull Liam up and back onto the roof. He then turned to see that an axe was getting pulled out of Sean's back. Moving away from his body was a guy dressed in black. He then turned to face Scott and his eyes widened when he saw that it was a man, with no mouth. He just stared at Scott and then held a finger up to where the mouth was supposed to be and made a shushing gesture before he left.

Scott was shocked but was torn out of it by Liam's cry. He was holding onto his wrist. His wrist that was bleeding from the great bite mark that was on it. Scott then realized what he had done. He had bitten Liam. Liam was just bitten by an Alpha. What had he just done?
