Smoke and Mirrors

Hours after Laura had visited her uncle, he had burst through his open window after the moonlight hit him and went to seek her out. The first part of his plan had worked. She had told him of a mark of vendetta appearing and she had come to look into it like he had wanted and she had come alone which made it better. When he got to the woods, he tracked her scent down and found a bundle of her clothes. He then found that nearby Laura's scent was mixed with that of a wolf. Which must have meant that she was combing the woods as a fully shifted wolf. She had tapped into that power just like her mother, his sister. He lied in wait, nearby until he caught the sound of something pouncing through the air and landing nearby. He could barely contain his excitement as he heard the footsteps coming closer. He heard her call out his name as she shifted back and, when she was close enough, he pounced. Tore into her and gazed into her dimming crimson eyes and looked out as his own eyes glowed with a red light.

The power filled Peter and he could already feel himself start to heal internally. His external wounds would take more time. His ability for rational thought had been slowly returning but, this new surge of power, helped him think clearer and longer than he had been able to for years. He looked down at the corpse of his niece and knew what had to be done. After Laura's body was prepared to look like she had been butchered by a hunter in order to throw his no doubt incoming nephew. At the hospital, Laura had told him that it had been just the two of them. She hadn't created any new betas, and was planning to start soon, here. As he dragged Laura's halves off to separate parts of the woods, he thought that was a great idea. The full moon was approaching and his ability for thought would get better in time and power. A pack would help in the latter and he would start tomorrow night. The moon was nearly full and it rose again the following night, Peter felt something more than just his own power. He found that he had taken Laura's ability to shapeshift as well, and his fractured mind manipulated and changed it for his own ends. He then took off for the woods to find some easy and isolated passerbys to recruit to his pack and further increase his power and mind.

What he, or Laura, couldn't have accounted for was how her last great leap off that edge before she transformed back had left quite the impression into the ground. Landing on her front paws had paved them deep into the moist forest floor. And, the following day, there had been on and off light showers. Fresh rain water was steadily gathering up in those prints up until they were filled with water come nightfall.

The lower half of Laura Hale had been found by joggers, which had been reported to the police, which had been overheard by the Sheriff's son, Stiles. His appetite for challenges and adventure invigorated him to try and find the other half before his father and his deputies did. But, he couldn't go alone. He had to bring his best friend Scott along for the ride. While he was reluctant as he wanted to prepare for the long awaited lacrosse tryouts the next day, Scott didn't feel like letting Stiles go alone, especially when he was so excited for one last crazy time before school started again. But he kept trying to talk Stiles out of it, even as they were stomping through the dark. But then they ran into a set of circumstances that caused the two of them to separate from each other.

Peter was running through the woods, using his slight rational thought to avoid the search parties. He diverted himself off to where he picked up some faint signs of movement and found himself where he had left Laura's top half. He saw that it had already been found by a scared teen that he would come to know as Scott. He saw him, alone and vulnerable, and found the first one to recruit into his pack. The boy was trying to get away from it and stopped moving when he heard as Peter moved and disturbed some fallen twigs. Scott turned to look upon him just before Peter pounced at him, knocking him down. Then he moved to bite Scott at his side, causing the boy to scream. Peter felt primal joy at having the boy's blood on his teeth, and hearing his scream. He was so caught up in the sensation that he didn't hear there was another scream, but one of conviction instead of fear.

"Scott!" his friend Stiles shouted as he heard Scott's scream. He ran in and saw that his friend was being mauled by the shifted mad alpha.

The next thing that Peter knew was getting walloped from behind by a thick branch as if it were a bat. He was more surprised than hurt, but it still forced him to stumble off to the side. When he turned around he saw another teen boy moving for the first one. Stiles was checking on Scott, with no thought to the giant he had struck with a branch and Peter couldn't help but feel insulted that he was disregarded so easily. Out of frustrated impulse, he charged into the boy, sending him into the ground, his cheek digging into the soggy ground and his mouth at ground level. Peter growled under his breath but tilted his head as he saw the boy stir and start to pick himself up. He then rushed over and drove his fangs deep into the boy's exposed arm, making him scream out in pain, just like the first one. After that, he took off, thrilled that he now had made two betas in one night. He was so enthralled that he went and sent a loud howl into the sky that echoed in the woods.

Yet when Stiles had been thrown, he had landed right beside where Laura had landed the night before. His cheek dug right into the edge of her now rain filled pawprints. The rainwater in the print started to flow into his slightly open mouth. He sucked in air but swallowed a good bit of the water and Stiles' eyes shot up as he felt some go down his throat. He moved to get to his knees but before he could fulfill his reflex to gag, fangs went and dug into his arm, making him scream instead. Then the beast went and threw him off into the distance before it left to run into the woods. When he got to his feet, he had forgotten all about the water he swallowed as he tried to look for Scott through the pain in his now bleeding arm.

Both Peter and Stiles, were unaware that the bite Peter gave Stiles actually had been pointless. When he was the Alpha, Peter couldn't understand why his influence on Stiles wasn't as strong as on Scott and just chalked it up to not being the first he turned. Near a year later, Alan Deaton would tell some teens that an Alpha biting someone who already had been turned and had a wolf they were bonded to wouldn't create another. Stiles had already been turned before Peter had bitten him albeit a few seconds, with the rarest method of lycanthropy there was: Drinking rainwater from a werewolf's pawprint.

And no one knew, that is until over a year later, when Alan Deaton went and paid a visit to Gabriel Valack at Eichen House. He was gifted with two visions from Valack's third eye. One telling the present with Scott McCall's current predicament, and the other of the past which ties to Stiles Stilinski's future. He was alone in his clinic, contemplating it all, as his bell rang and he moved to find both Stiles and his father walking in with tense looks on their faces.


Kira stirred from her sleep to see that she didn't just have a nightmare. She and Scott were kidnapped by Kate Argent and she was actually there, alone and scared, in that bone filled pit. But as she looked around, she saw something was different. The door was opened. She moved and pushed it back and left the cell. She calmly called out for Scott as she slowly made her way through the dark tunnels. But there was no sign of anyone and she didn't hear anything. She got to a corridor where she could detect something moving up ahead. She backed away but froze when she had bumped into a Berserker behind her. She screamed just as it grabbed her and started to attack her. It thrust her into the wall, over and over, until her head was bleeding. Kira knew she didn't have a chance at getting away, not without a weapon but she had to do something. She grabbed at the thing's arm but her eyes widened when she saw that there was a familiar set of bands marked in them. She then looked and could make out a set of brown eyes through the skull that she knew so well. 

This was Scott!

Before anything more could happen, a howl echoed through the tunnel and the attacking stopped. Scott the Berserker, then dragged her off and dropped her off to the center of the room and then stood at a corner in attention as Kate Argent stepped into the light.

Kate sucked at her teeth. "I'm going to have to do a better job of covering that up," she said as she looked at Scott's exposed tattoo. If she was going to see Scott and Stiles rip each other to pieces then she couldn't have Stiles learning who he was as fast as Kira did. "Can't risk the fun being over too quickly."

"What did you do to him?" Kira gasped.

"How, that's the better story." Kate then began circling her. "See, when I first got away from the Calaveras, I had no idea where to go. But something kept pulling me here. To the Temple of Tezcatlipoca. It's name means Smoking Mirror and this place is a temple of a smoking mirror." She then went over to a wall and made claw marks into the dust of a wall. "Obsidian," she explained. "When I got here I found the Berserkers waiting for me. They helped me survive and I didn't quite know why until just recently when I decided to trust someone I never thought I would trust. It was then that I found that I could not only control the Berserkers." Kate moved over to where Scott was still standing, still as a rock at full attention to her, awaiting her command. "But I could create them. They call me La Loba, the bone woman. We let you out because we needed to test his loyalty."

"What?" Kira gasped. She realized that her chance of escape had all been a setup. A sick game.

Kate let a chuckle loose. "Hey, did you know that Scott became an Alpha without having to kill anyone for it? Call it a True Alpha. They make it sound like he's so special," she said mockingly sad as she rubbed at his tattoo. "But really, how special could he be when his pack went and lost three members within a few weeks of his glorious reign. One of them, my own niece, who he supposedly loved so much that he would've given and done anything for her." She then looked over at Kira with a pouting lip. "Guess that's a lot to live to, isn't it sweetheart?"

"Why are you doing all this?" Kira snapped back. She knew that Scott loved Allison and that she loved him. She'd seen it. She'd felt it. She understood his feelings but that didn't mean she held it against him. It was before they had even met, so how could she. Kate won't use it to make her care for him any less. "What do you really want?"

Kate smiled. "What do I want? Oh I actually want something quite simple...revenge. On the no good stupid teenager that helped destroy mine and my family's good name. On the one that killed my niece."

"Stiles," Kira gasped.

Kate continued. "And Scott is going to help me, because he would do anything for Allison, wouldn't you Scott? The sweet and innocent girl that you loved so much. The one he would fight for. Die for." Then Scott reached into his belt and pulled out a boned claw before he made his way to Kira. "Kill for."

She shook her head and started crying. "Scott, no!" Kira said trying to reach him.

But he went and drove it into her stomach, his eyes not blinking as he watched her start bleeding in front of him.

Kate smiled. "Scott always tries to not kill, no matter what, but I think it's high time to change that. He'll start by killing that smart and sarcastic son of a bitch and avenging everything he's done to me." She then went to bet the side of his mask fondly like she would to a pet. "Or, at the very least, softening him enough for me to rip his pale throat out."

Scott let a low pitched growl escape from within the mask that sounded different from what Kira had ever heard him utter, and it sent chills down her spine.


Deaton first went and told the two Stilinskis of an entire wing in Eichen House that was devoted to keeping dangerous supernaturals locked up. He told them of tracking down the rogue Wendigo Patrick Clark and bringing him to Eichen's supernatural wing before going to see Gabriel Valack. After explaining of his clairvoyant capabilities granted to him by a third eye he implanted into himself, he told them of Valack putting him into the vision state that Lydia had found and woken him from. It was from this that he learned of where Kate had taken Scott.

Noah shook his head after Deaton was done. "You know where Scott was taken because you had a vision given to you by a man with an eye that he drilled into his forehead?" he asked incredulously.

Deaton sighed at the man's disbelief. Clearly, he was still adjusting to all of this. "I know how it must sound Sheriff but that doesn't mean it isn't true."

"But still-"

"Dad," Stiles interrupted. He then looked over at Deaton with his eyes narrowed off in him in slight annoyance and anger. "Okay, so Eichen House has this whole secret wing for imprisoning supernatural psychos, which you've known about this whole entire time, and you only tell us about it now?!"

Deaton sighed. "Stiles, I can understand why you would be upset but it wasn't that simple."

Oh, Stiles was more than just upset. Now he understood what Brunski's comment to him back at Eichen House over a week ago had meant. In the last year they'd faced all these vicious enemies and the issues that they brought along with them, specifically in how to handle them. He and Scott almost always agonized and wrangled with each other about what they felt they had to do to stop the Kanima or Deucalion and his pack. Whether they had to be prepared to kill them or not with him often arguing for the former because he didn't see any better option to stop them for good. This could've given them an option they might have backed each other with no arguments whatsoever. But Deaton kept his mouth shut about it through everything. Even a few months ago when Stiles had gone there to try and keep everyone safe, he chose to say nothing. If they knew about this wing then he could've been safely tucked away there, along with the Nogitsune, and maybe Allison and Aiden would still be alive. And...maybe Scott wouldn't keep flinching every time he looked at his eyes when he shifted. Needless to say, he was livid with the vet.

"Let me guess," Stiles spat with his eyes as sharp as knives. "It's complicated, right?" That seemed to be Deaton's line. It was never simple, it was always complicated with him. That's why he never told them about being an emissary or that he had known about the Hales, Gerard, Deucalion or that Scott was turning into a True Alpha. "What else aren't you telling us because it's complicated?" he hissed out.

"Stiles," his father spoke up. "This all could wait. Right now, we have to focus on finding Scott and Kira. Okay?"

Stiles took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath which let out heatedly. His father was right. There were more important things for them to deal with.

"Do you know where in Mexico Kate had taken them?" he asked in an even tone.

Deaton moved to look the young man in the eye. "To the temple in La Iglesia."

Stiles' eyebrows rose up. "What? Why would she want to take them there?"

"I'm not sure. All I saw was the town and a special altar beneath the temple."

"An altar? Why? Does Kate want to sacrifice Scott to her werejaguar god or something?"

"Honestly, I don't know."

Stiles nodded. "Okay, then that's where we're going."

The two of them then left with Deaton watching Stiles as he headed out. He sighed when his door made the jingle after it closed after them. He couldn't help but think the way that Stiles calling him out on his actions was a lot like Talia often did, and later her eldest daughter, which he felt was only fitting he supposed. After all, thanks to Valack, he also was able to learn that it wasn't Peter Hale that turned Stiles, but his niece Laura. It seemed that fate worked her way into letting Laura make her mark as an Alpha and turn one of the boys she had her sights on, sadly post-mortem. And perhaps, he owed it to the late Laura Hale to let her sole beta know the truth behind his turning. Both him and his friend.

The sun had started to rise for the early morning when Noah closed the door to his office after moving his son inside.

"You're not going to Mexico," he told him.

"What? Dad, Kate kidnapped Scott and Kira early last night which means that they would've got there a couple of hours ago. Who knows what sick things she's doing to them there."

Stiles was starting to pace erratically and Noah moved to hold a calming hand out to his son. "Stiles, I know that you're feeling upset but we have to be calm and think about this. For one, we don't know for sure that they're even there."

"What? Yeah we do. You heard Deaton."

"You mean the guy that you had given attitude to because he didn't tell you about Eichen House's hidden monster wing?"

"Yeah, well that doesn't mean that he isn't right about this."

"Well, excuse me if I don't take the man at his word when he says that he had been given a 'vision' by a guy that had a third eye drilled into his forehead. Call me old fashion but I still believe that we need actual evidence. We can't afford to waste time on hunches and wild goose chases."

"Standing here, arguing about whether or not you can believe in psychic visions is wasting more time dad," Stiles argued insistently.

But Noah wasn't budging. "We have to be rational about this Stiles. Go through the proper channels and get real tangible proof. Let me go and make some calls to the border patrols and see if any people with Kate's description crossed in the last 12 hours."

"And how long is that going to take?" Stiles huffed out. "Half a day? One? Two? Dad, we can't afford to just stay here and spin our wheels going through five different government agencies for something that we both know they won't give us. Okay, someone has to go down there, find them and rescue them. I'm going," he told him.

Noah narrowed his eyes. "I can keep you from going," he threatened.

"Yeah, how?"

"I'll lock you in a cell if I have to."

"We both know I'd get out."

His father sighed and started to pace out a bit. "Son, please just give me some time. Six hours. Let me handle this the way that I know how. If I hear anything then I swear that I will instantly buy tickets for the both of us to fly to Mexico. We'll both go." Stiles looked up at him with blurred eyes. "In the mean time, go home. You've been up all night. Get some rest. You'll be no good to Scott and Kira if you're dead on your feet, right?"

Stiles was silent for a moment before he deflated and nodded. His dad then moved to get on it while Stiles moved to leave the station.

"Sorry dad," he mumbled as he went out the door.


Derek was at the loft looking at the assortment of weapons that Braeden had laid out. Guns of different makes and sizes.

"Still don't like relying on these things," he told her as she readied a handgun.

"I get it. You miss your power. I would too."

But Derek shook his head. "It's not about power, I want to be able to help. I don't like feeling helpless."

"I'm human," Braeden reminded him. "Do I look helpless?" she asked as she locked a magazine into a handgun a little harder than needed.

That made Derek smirk a bit. "You're a much better shot than me. And craftier too."

"Trying to butter me up Derek?" she said in amusement.

But he shook his head. "No, I'm being honest. What you did for Scott and Stiles, helping them with their parents' financial problems, you didn't have to do any of that."

Braeden moved her gaze to focus on the gun she was prepping. Yesterday, she had gone to City Hall and had arranged for a grant to be made to the Sheriff's Department of 75 grand in light of the recent capture of the hunters and professional mercenaries that had been caught with ties to federal crimes. Though, she subtly insisted that a bonus to the officers was a stipulation behind the donation. Then she had gone off to Beacon Memorial's medical board and put in an official 'investment' also of 75 grand, claiming that she believed the hospital was underfunded with talented and hard working nurses like Melissa McCall. She may have also hinted that she felt the woman was undervalued member of staff and was in need of a promotion. She had used the money that Stiles had given her when she hired her help back in Mexico. Despite everything they were dealing with, he had chosen to use that money to pay her to keep his friends safe without hesitation. And, she couldn't help but let Argent's words get to her. Of how she wasn't doing any of this for them, but for the money. That's why she decided to give it all back and rescind the money that Derek was paying her for Kate. But, she knew that Scott and Stiles wouldn't simply take the money back so she had to arrange all this to give it back without them knowing.

"I just thought they could use a small break after everything they've been through. They more than earned it." she said simply.

"You're not wrong," Derek mumbled. "I just hope we can get them through all this so they could enjoy it."

Braeden could see that Derek wasn't just worried about them. She guessed that he was still thinking about Lydia's visit to the loft as well the fact that his name was the third Cypher Key for the Deadpool. "Do you really think you won't be coming back?"

"Honestly, if I'm coming back then it won't be alive. And...for once, I actually care enough to want to."

Braeden calmly put her weapon down. "What's different about this time?"

Derek turned to look at her. "There's someone that I care about who needs me and is counting on me." An image of his sister Cora popped into her mind. Her and a faceless bundle wrapped in her arms.

Braeden nodded. "And what about the ones that don't exactly need you, but still want you to be around?"

"Like who?"

Braeden answered by slowly wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a gentle kiss. Derek returned the kiss but he suddenly had an image of a certain girl with reddish brown hair that was with his sister right now. That forced him to pull back.

"What's wrong?" asked Braeden.

"Uh, nothing," he muttered. "I guess too much of my focus is on what is happening to Scott and Kira. Speaking of." He looked back towards her weapons. "I don't think this will be enough firepower to take down even one Berserker."

"Not even close," a voice rang out amusingly. Derek and Braeden looked up to see Peter walking down the stairs. "Killing a Berserker is next to impossible. It's not just about firepower, it's about breaking the animal's spirit from the human."

"Well, the one person we know with that kind of experience is Argent. And he's not getting back to me," Derek pointed out bluntly.

"Well, then we're going to need help," Peter said back in the same blunt tone. "Like Malia, undoubtedly Stiles, maybe Liam, and definitely me," he finished with a smile.


Stiles had drove off and picked up Malia and taken him to Scott's house so that they could get her Scott's scent so she could help track him. He already had Scott's scent committed to memory but he knew that two noses were better than one. They went to his room and he threw open his closet and grabbed a sweater from the rack.

"Here, get his scent," he said before he threw it to her.

She took a sniff and pulled it away quickly. "Fabric softener."

He sighed and went to look for something that wouldn't have been washed yet. He threw open his hamper and he pulled out a pair of his boxers. Malia gave them and him a look. "Remember, Scott's life is on the line." Malia turned and quickly went over to his bed where she took his pillow and took a big sniff of it. She now had Scott's scent. "Yeah," he said throwing the boxers back. "That works too."

They then moved to head down the stairs and they saw that Liam was standing there in wait for them.

Stiles shook his head. "Liam, go home. You're not coming with us."

"Why not?" he asked indignantly.

"Because it's a full moon tonight and I honestly don't want to spend the entire trip worrying that you'll try and claw my throat out. Not that you could but I'm afraid that you'll get me to crash my jeep off the side of the road if you tried."

"Then just chain me up and throw me in the backseat," Liam threw in.

"You tore up the last chains we put you in," Malia reminded him.

"But I have an anchor now," he tried to argue.

"And despite that you nearly lost control during the game last night a little after I left and had to be tackled by Brett to keep you from wolfing out in the middle of the field."

Liam widened his eyes. "How did you-"

"I told him," Malia revealed.

Stiles sighed as he saw Liam's face tighten at that being thrown at him. "Liam, you've only been a werewolf for like five minutes. With everything going on, you've been extra anxious lately. Last night, and right now I can smell the anxiety pouring out of you. At this rate, the only way we can get you safely to Mexico would be to freeze you in carbonite."

Liam shrugged. "Okay, fine. Where do we get carbonite?"

Stiles narrowed his eyes. A classic Star Wars reference and Liam didn't so much as blink. First Scott and now Liam. "Seriously? You haven't seen it either?" Was he really the only member of the pack that had seen the movies? But, that issue would have to wait and his face softened as he caught Liam's eye. "You don't have to do this."

"I do. Something was wrong. I should've said something yesterday."

"What are you talking about Liam?"

"Uh, the night before Scott and Kira were taken I...I had this crazy dream. I was in the woods and saw Lydia sitting with somebody on some giant tree stump. And then there was a coyote, a fox, and two wolves playing nearby. One with red eyes and the other with blue eyes. Then a jaguar was moving to attack with a Berserker. They were getting ready to fight back when something jumped out of the shadows for the wolf with red eyes. It didn't make any sense at first, but after everything that's happened, what if something inside me was trying to warn us that something was going to happen to Scott?"

"What was going for Scott?" Malia asked him.

Liam shook his head. "I, I don't really know. It was something big. Some kind of monster."

Stiles was taken aback. Normally, he would think that Liam was trying to find a reason to blame himself. Except he had seen the Nemeton and Stiles was sure that he or Scott hadn't told Liam about that yet. He was no stranger to crazy dreams where that thing was involved. "Liam, you couldn't have known that your dream was anything other than a dream. It isn't your fault and you don't have to go. This one isn't your fight."

"It is," he said insistently. "I don't have a choice anymore, you said so yourself."

"That was different Liam. Those were assassins coming for a price on your head and you couldn't avoid it no matter what. This time, you do have a choice. You don't have to jump in and get involved."

Liam tilted his head a bit. "I'm part of the pack, right?"

"Of course," Stiles said confused.

"You told me that being part of the pack means that we look out for each other, right?"

"Yeah?" Stiles said slowly.

Liam nodded. "Then that means I don't have a choice. None of us do. Scott and Kira are in trouble so we have to help them. All of us."

Stiles sighed out heatedly. He didn't like that Liam was using his own words against him like this, even more frustrating was that the kid was totally right. "Fine, you can come, but," he said cutting into the triumph lighting up in Liam's eyes. "You're going to listen and do everything I tell you to do, clear?"

Liam quickly nodded. "Yeah, totally."

"Alright, but that still leaves us with the problem of you possibly shifting on the way there."

"You could throw me in the trunk," Liam volunteered.

Malia shook her head. "No, you'd get out of that. And we don't have anything else to keep you locked up."

"Actually," Stiles piped in. "Maybe we do. But, I have to make a call."

"Great, I'll go wait in the jeep."

Liam then moved to head out the door leaving Stiles and Malia looking after him. Stiles stared off for a few seconds after Liam closed the door behind him with far off expression on his face. He then took out his phone but froze when he saw his girlfriend giving him a look.

"What?" he asked Malia.

Her eyes lit up a bit. "You like him."

Stiles let a small smile tug on his lips. "Yeah, a little. He's like the little brother I never wanted."

After making a call to Derek and Braeden, they arranged to meet over at Argent's warehouse. The three of them got there first and had waited for close to half an hour when Derek's van pulled up followed by a prison transport van.

"How did you get the prison transport van?" Stiles asked Braeden as soon as she stepped out.

"I'm a US Marshall," she reminded him.

"Yeah, I just thought that was a cover," he admitted.

Derek came out of his van, followed by his uncle Peter.

"You really bringing him?" Derek asked as he pointed at Liam.

Stiles nodded as he stood next to the kid. "You really bringing him?" he asked pointing at Peter.

"We're bringing everyone we can," Peter said slightly offended. "And, considering that Scott and Kira were taken the night before the full moon, we should probably get going."

Malia straightened up. "What's that mean?"

"If Kate really took Scott back to the same temple she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?"

"Wait," Liam put in. "She wants to make him younger?"

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf," said Derek.

"Why?" asked Stiles.

"A werewolf can't steal a True Alpha's power but maybe a Nagual jaguar with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her, maybe she can. So, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, let's get going."

"We can't," Stiles spoke out before anyone could move. "Not without Lydia." Stiles then pulled out his phone to give her a call.

"Where is she?" asked Braeden.

"She went to the school," Malia said. "She was going to meet with us after."

"What was she doing at school anyway?" Derek asked her.

She lifted up the sword she was holding. "We have Kira's sword but we needed something with a stronger scent. Lydia was going to jack it out of her locker."

What they didn't know was that Lydia had made it to Kira's locker and found one of her sweaters. She gave it a sniff to see it had traces of her perfume on it which meant that there should be a fresh bit of her scent for Stiles, Malia and Liam to use. But before she could call and tell the others that she had found something, she heard a growl. She gasped and moved out of the way, barely missing getting attacked by a giant fist wrapped in bones. She started to run away from the Berserker as it snarled after her.

Stiles huffed as he hung up his phone. "Nothing."

"She has a car? She can catch up to us," Braeden threw in.

Peter snapped his fingers. "That's a good point. We'll call from the road."

Stiles shook his head. "No, what if something happened? What if she's in trouble?"

"Fine, then you stay, you wait for her. We'll go on without you." He then moved to head for the minivan.

Stiles' eyes widened as he was thrown by the surprising assertiveness from Peter. But he didn't get much time to think on it when Liam spoke up.

"I can call Mason," he offered. "He has a study group at school. Maybe he could look for her."

Stiles thought for a moment before he nodded. "Alright, fine."

Stiles went off to the side while Liam was talking to Mason on the phone. Malia decided to go and make a call to her adopted father, but only managed to get his voicemail so she was leaving a message. Stiles let his eyes linger on her before they went over to Peter who was watching Malia leave her message with his jaw tightening a bit. Stiles could pick up a taste of bitterness coming off the man and he resisted the urge to throw a smug smile his way. But, he was able to detect a hint of impatience as well.

Why was Peter so eager and ready to help them all of a sudden? Against Kate no less. When did he start caring so much about Scott and Kira? Did he think that he would be making up for the whole mess with the Deadpool by doing this? Or was he trying to score points to try and be closer to Malia? He certainly didn't get any two months ago, at the attack at the school. He practically ran with his tail between his legs and left them to take on the Berserkers at the school by themselves, including Malia. Now he's suddenly ready to charge into battle with the pack out of the goodness of his heart? Stiles wasn't ready to buy that. Peter only ever looked out for himself and if he ever did give his help, it always came with a price. There always had to be something in it for him.

He then remembered Argent's visit to his house the other day. The man told him that his sister wasn't after Scott. But, if that were the case, why kidnap him, and Kira? Argent also told him that it seemed Kate was working with someone, someone who wanted Scott in exchange for helping her learn and get a handle on herself. But, with everything that had happened and what they've done to each other, would Peter and Kate really form an alliance? It was unbelievable...but, isn't that what made it perfect? Peter insisted that Kate's plan was to steal Scott's power. What if, that was his plan? What if Peter was planning to take the power of an Alpha again? But, since he said that the power of a True Alpha couldn't be stolen by another werewolf, maybe he needed outside help which would be where Kate came in. He then remembered what Liam told him. His dream, of a coyote, fox and two wolves being distracted by a jaguar and Berserker as a monster snuck up on the Alpha wolf. Stiles remembered all too well what shape Peter had taken when they had first met, a monster to say the least. Peter then moved to look over at him and Stiles tried to play it like he was really looking at Malia.

He had to do something. But, if he tried to warn everyone then Peter might hear and know he was onto him. Movement caught Stiles' eye and he saw Braeden leaning against the front of the van, tapping at the hood as she waited. He then remembered that Argent had also told him that it wasn't just him who had this theory, but Braeden did as well. But how to subtly warn her? He went to pocket his hands when he felt something. He then pulled out the necklace that Argent had given him, the one he made for Allison. He had forgotten that he had pocketed it last night before the game. He then got an idea. Stiles stared at Braeden, hoping silently with all his might for her attention. Braeden's instincts must've kicked in because she looked up and caught his eye. He then went and put the chain on, making sure to display the Argent crest on the front of it in Braeden's direction before tucking it into his shirt. Stiles then narrowed his eyes at her before looking over at Peter's direction. He saw that the man was now looking at Malia, now that her call to Henry Tate was finished. Braeden looked over at him too for a second before looking back at him. Stiles' stare became pointed and he mentally screamed for Braeden to understand. She straightened herself up a bit before she moved her hand to reveal the gun tucked under her belt and gave a slight nod. She understood. He then picked up some deep emotion off to the side and saw that it was coming from Derek who was talking on the phone some distance from everyone else. His hearing caught some of his words.

"Uh, Maggie, I don't know if I ever said this but...thank you. For everything. I could never repay you for all of it," he heard Derek say in a gentle, soothing tone that seemed bizarre coming from the sourwolf he had always known.

He then heard a woman's voice coming through on the receiver. "And you never have to."

Derek then slowly hung up but kept a solemn gaze on the phone. He then looked up and saw that Stiles was heading for him and his softness quickly went away.

"Stiles," Derek said to him as he pocketed the phone. "Liam get through to his friend yet?"

"Yeah. Mason is heading out to the parking lot to check if Lydia's car is still there."

He could see Stiles was getting worried. "I'm sure she's fine," Derek told him.

Stiles let out a heated breath. "After everything, we can't lose anyone else."

"We're going to find him Stiles. I know it."

"Yeah, we have to." Stiles then went to run his hand furiously across the side of his hair. "The very last thing Scott and I did before this was have a fight. And, even though he was a no show, I was too upset with him to think anything was even wrong."

"Yeah, he came around yesterday before he went to school and told me about it." Derek then folded his arms. "Everything okay between you two?"

Stiles sighed out from his nose in frustration. "Honestly, no. I feel like all Scott and I do lately is fight and argue with each other." Their tense time in Mexico with the hunters and in Scott's room with the money just two things coming quickly to mind.

"Like over Liam?" Derek put in. "Scott told me about you teaching him about using his senses and even how to fight. It sounded like there might be some power struggle issues with your wolves so I suggested to Scott that it might be good to name you his Second."

"Second? Wait, you mean like a beta with a capital B?"

"Something like that. It's who inherits the Alpha's position. Second in line. That's what my sister was to me and our family's pack. Maybe that's what you are to Liam and why he came to you in the first place."

"He came and asked me to help him learn about being a werewolf because Scott kept on trying to dodge and put off the whole 'being a werewolf' thing with him."

Derek nodded. "Scott said he wanted Liam to try and focus on being normal. I think he wanted to try and have Liam have what he never got to."

"You mean, live through him? Yeah, I thought that too. But aside from everything that happened during his first full moon, Liam never really said or did anything that made it look like he wanted to be 'normal'," he said as he did air quotes with his fingers. "I mean, he did have issues with the whole assassins coming to kill him thing, but other than that, he actually seemed to be adjusting pretty good. More than good seeing as how he kept coming to me to show him new stuff."

"He likes being a werewolf," Derek realized.

"And Scott still doesn't. When he tried to tell Liam that "the bite is a gift" I could feel he didn't believe what he was saying to him. It's why he tried to shoot down my Turniversary idea. He still thinks of it as a curse and still hopes for a way to get rid of it. I think that's why Scott's been so mad at me. Because I've been trying to help Liam not just control his wolf but like it too. Liam isn't wishing it would all go away like Scott did when he was turned, or still is."

"Do you wish it stayed gone?" Derek asked him. "That you hadn't gone back?"

Stiles lowered his gaze a bit. "Sure, there are times when I feel like ramming my head through a wall because of all the craziness in my life now. I've seen so many people die, people that I know and even care about. But there have been benefits and I just don't mean the strength, power and being cured of my ADHD. Being a werewolf got me closer to my dad and even helped me save him from being shot. The two of us got closer to Scott's mom too. I even made some good new friends I never thought I would and have a great relationship with my werecoyote girlfriend. All of that came with it too. And last night, I went to meet with Satomi and saw how she, Brett, Lori and the rest of their pack were together and connected in a way that felt even deeper than family. For them, being a werewolf is more than just being forced to deal with the full moon and any troubles that come for them. It really is a full life and I realized it's what I want and now that I have it back, I can."

As Derek listened, he realized that he wanted to hate his sister for being right. Stiles would've understood and could truly relate to what he was currently going through. Maybe he didn't want to go to him because he didn't want to chance accepting that Stiles was more than just an ally, albeit an annoying one. But that he had actually become family, both in spirit and blood through his and Cora's future child even if he didn't know it. "All Scott needs is probably more time. It's only been a year. He might come to feel the same way as you and you'll be on the same page again."

But Stiles shook his head. "I don't know. I don't think he wants to be on the same page as me. Especially now that I have these." Stiles showed his blue eyes.

"Because of Allison?"

Stiles bit the inside of his cheek. "You know after it happened, the Nogitsune told me that Scott would never see me as his best friend or pack brother again. He'd only ever see the monster that killed and took his love away from him. When these come out, he turns away. How can we ever get back on the same page when he can't even look me in the eye? Looks like he was right."

Derek was now finding that he could relate to Stiles all too well, as strange as the concept really was. "Well that demented fox was wrong. Scott will still grieve for Allison but I believe he'll work through this block eventually. Take it from someone that had those eyes, you are no monster. You probably just need time yourself. Time to accept that this doesn't make you a bad person Stiles." Stiles just stared at him as the blue slowly dimmed out.

"I hope you're right."

Further away, Peter was quietly listening in on their conversation. While he didn't care about the internal dilemmas Scott and Stiles were dealing with, there was something of interest. Derek had talked Scott into making Stiles his Second. Peter hadn't been lying when he said another werewolf couldn't steal a True Alpha's power. Yet, there was a chance that one that had been turned with the True Alpha could. Scott and Stiles may not be brothers by blood but they were in terms of power as they were turned together by him. So, Stiles had a connection to Scott that could be exploited. Stiles would kill Scott and unknowingly steal his power, in which would let Peter kill Stiles and take the power afterwards. Yet, if Stiles had really been made Scott's Second, then should Scott die his power would automatically transfer to Stiles anyway. Peter could probably kill Scott himself and still end up with what he wanted. Just like he got Talia's power from Laura last year. He might not even need to honor his deal with Kate after all. This was working out better than he thought.

"Call me as soon as you find her," Liam said to Mason before he hung up. "Okay," he called out to everyone. "Mason said that he would look for her."

"Then let's get going," Peter said to them. "We can't afford to lose more time. And remember, it's not just Kate that we're going to be up against. It's also Berserkers. You may see human eyes behind those skulls but don't assume there is any humanity left in them." Liam tensed up a bit, swallowing a bit in discomfort. "Ahh, this little one is afraid of them, isn't he?"

But, Liam then felt a familiar hand on his shoulder and let out a deep breath. He then felt Stiles let go afterwards.

"Aren't you?" Stiles asked Peter.

Peter smiled. "Of course but that fear will keep us all alive."

"How are we sure this isn't going to be like the last time, or the time before that?" Malia asked.

The previous two encounters with the Berserkers were less than successful for them. They had only been able to just hold them off and delay them until Kate was done with whatever she was doing. This time, she wouldn't be retreating.

Peter stepped over to his daughter's side. "Those times weren't during a full moon. You, me, Stiles and Liam will be at our strongest tonight. As long as none of you hesitate, give it your all and fight them with every last bit of power you have, then we should be able to take them down. Just remember that these things aren't human. You don't fight Berserkers to survive. You fight to kill." He was staring out unflinchingly and his tone was full of encouragement and confidence.

Peter then turned to head off into the van he and Derek took. Derek and Liam moved for the van. Stiles was looking at Peter's retreating back with narrowed eyes before he looked over at Braeden to see her staring off at him with the same look. They caught each other's eyes and shared an understanding silent gleam with each other before Braeden took off. Malia was moving to follow after Peter. Stiles jumped and went to catch her before she did.

"Hey, I have to ride with Liam and Derek in the transport van. Do you think you'll be okay, alone with Peter?"

"Well, he is my father. Birth father," she quickly corrected. Then she shrugged. "Maybe we'll be able to do some bonding."

Stiles shook his head. "Uh, no. No bonding. Bonding is definitely the last thing you should be doing." He then took a deep breath. "Look, just sit there, quietly. Turn up the volume of the radio and try not to talk to him. Okay?"

Malia then went off to head for the minivan. Stiles watched after her as she climbed in and sighed heatedly before he moved for the transport. As soon as he was inside, Braeden pulled on the shift and they all headed off.


Cora was sitting in Maggie's living room couch, trying to keep herself calm, as Maggie was off in Cora's room trying to fix it into a birthing room. She was setting up equipment, clean blankets, medication, and restraints. She was working with her druid teacher and they were running about like there was no tomorrow.

"I can't believe you didn't have a room already ready and set up when you knew that she was pregnant," her teacher told her a bit scolding.

Maggie narrowed her eyes at him. "Excuse me, but I wasn't expecting Cora to be delivering the baby for at least another month." But then her face softened. "Derek wanted to be here for his sister."

"Where is he?"

"Off chasing after Kate Argent in Mexico. I tried reaching him but he must be out of service. Had to leave him a message." She paused as she was in the midst of preparing the restraints for Cora's arms and legs. They were the types used for mental patients. "Are these really necessary?" she asked. "She's having a child, not going through psychotic break."

"The girl is young and it's the first time she's having a child. Not to mention, it's the full moon. All these conditions combined, she won't be able to keep herself contained or controlled." Maggie's teacher could see she was still upset about the whole thing and she sighed as she went to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Maggie, I know it's not ideal. This isn't what's supposed to happen at a time like this but I also know that the last thing you want is for Cora or her child to be hurt. This will make sure they are both okay."

Maggie took a deep breath and then nodded as she exhaled. "Okay." She then moved to finish securing the restraints on the bed at the appropriate spots. She then looked out the window to see that the sky was turning dark. "Should we expect any trouble?"

"This isn't the first time I've helped a werewolf give birth Maggie."

"I wasn't talking about that. I meant Oscar. Will he and his pack give us trouble?" Her teacher was his emissary after all.

Her teacher's face softened a bit. "Do you really expect him too? I know that he wasn't exactly happy that Laura kept turning him down but he doesn't have any ill feelings to her little sister. Unless, you know something that I don't?"

Maggie quickly shook her head. "No, I guess it's just nerves. This is the first time that I've helped with a baby, ever. I can't help but be overthinking things."

Her teacher seemed to accept that answer. Maggie was relieved. Oscar Juergens may not be a too bad Alpha, but she knew that he wasn't exactly all good either. He was ambitious to expand his pack's power and influence, hence why he kept trying to convince a shapeshifting Alpha like Laura to be at his side. Right now, Cora was someone beneath his notice, considering that she didn't seem to have inherited the same gifts as her mother and sister. Yet, if he were to know the truth of the father of Cora's child, that he had been in the running to become a legend of werewolf folklore, then he would swoop in and try to have both Cora and her child under his thumb. Him and any other pack and Alpha that caught their eye.

Her teacher finished with readying the rest of the birthing equipment. "Okay, let's go and bring Cora in and make her comfortable. It's going to be a long night."


Noah Stilinski spent over two hours being transferred or referred to other agencies and offices as he tried to ask for any news of a woman fitting Kate Argent's description crossing the border. Most of them said the same exact thing, that young blonde women cross the border every day looking to have a good time in Mexico. He went and hung up the phone a little harder than usual as he went and buried his face in his hands with a frustrated puff. But then the phone started ringing and he quickly picked it up.

"Stilinski," he quickly said.

"Sheriff, good you're there."

He knew that voice. "Henry?" It was his son's girlfriend's father, or more precisely her adopted father.

"Do you know where Malia is?"

Noah blinked. Henry sounded freaked. "No, why?"

"She left me a message on my voicemail. Said that she was going off to help save her friends and wanted to say that she loved me. I tried calling her back, and even tried your son, but I kept going to voicemail."

That made Noah let out a small frustrated growl under his breath. "Dammit Stiles," he muttered.


As Peter and Malia were riding along, they weren't talking with each other though the van was still brimming with noise as Malia had turned the radio up with loud music to try and distract herself. Peter often tried to catch her eye but Malia was resolute in keeping her gaze on anything other than him. He knew that Stiles had told her to not talk with him. He guessed that his daughter's boyfriend was more than a little bitter about the revelations about the Deadpool's origins. More than he expected but he saw that Stiles seemed more emotional as of late. But, he thought it only be more beneficial in the end if it would get him closer to finally having the power of an Alpha back in his hand.

The sun had already set by the time they crossed the border and were now driving in the Mexican dirt roads. But the radio was still blaring and Peter felt his window for talking to Malia before his plans went down was shrinking.

"Do you mind if I turn the radio down?" he called out. She just shrugged and resumed looking out the window away from him. He turned the music down and sighed. "You worried about Stiles?"

"I'm worried about everyone."

"Do I need to be worried about you?" That made her look at him. "We need to get through the Berserkers to get to Kate. We need to go through Kate to get to Scott and Kira. Trust me, it's going to be messy."

"Scott says that we don't kill people," she told him before she looked away again.

Peter smirked a bit. "Do you think Scott would kill to save Kira? Would you kill to save Stiles? And, I heard about what happened at the lakehouse. Do you think that Henry was ready to kill that night if it meant saving you? Or Stiles to save you or Liam?" Malia didn't answer him. She just looked out the window again and tensed up. "What is it?"

Malia had been looking up and caught sight of the full moon. "The full moon." She was able to handle it better but she could still feel a slight pressure coming from it.

"Good," Peter told her. "We'll need that power." Malia's breathing then started to get a little deeper. "You trying to stay in control?"

"Trying to stay human," she told him.

"That's exactly your problem. Scott has you thinking that control and humanity are the same for us. I'm going to give you some fatherly advice. If you're going to face something as animal as a Berserker and try to win then you need to focus on the animal inside of you. You need ever ounce of ferocity and savagery that you can muster. You need it all."

Malia turned to look at him. "And maybe you're thinking that ferocity and savagery are the same as being an animal. They're not. There's more to being an animal than that."

"Scott teach you that too?" he asked in amusement.

"Stiles did." The memories of them running and hunting together in the woods came to mind, as well as the last full moon when they walked together under the moonlight and letting their enhanced senses take in everything around them.

They were so distracted with each other that they didn't notice the transport van behind them was starting to wobble around a bit as it kept driving after them.


Kira was thrown back into that pit with the wound left in her stomach. Kate had only wanted Scott to stab her once and left her to slowly bleed herself out in the dark. She knew that she was doing it to torture Scott and play some kind of sick game with his friends, especially Stiles. She had to believe that Scott was still in there, screaming and clawing to get back in control of his body. She just hoped that he could before he ended up killing Stiles or he got killed by him. She hoped even through the intensifying pain from her wound and the ever growing amount of blood pouring out of her. After a while, she found it too painful to even try to move. Tears were starting to leak out as it only got harder to breathe and she wondered if she was really going to die, alone, in this dark and empty pit.

"It's okay to cry," she suddenly heard a voice call out. "It's no measure of your strength."

Kira knew that voice. It was her mother. She was speaking to her in that calm and tranquil tone she was used to hearing from her when her mom tried to be comforting.

"But I'm not strong," she cried out. "I need to get up. I have to tell them."

"How do you know you can't?" her mother asked.

"Because I'm not healing," Kira sputtered as she looked at her bloodied hand covering her wound. "You told me why I never get sick. And that I would learn to heal."

"Then learn," her mother said simply and calmly.

"I can't. I don't know how. How to start or what to do."

"I told you once that foxes and wolves tend not to get along, but they are similar creatures aren't they? You've seen wolves heal. How do they do it? Kira, how do they trigger it?"

Kira thought to the times she'd seen Scott get hurt and to what she heard of Stiles' time being drugged at Eichen House. She remembered what they did to try and jumpstart their healing. "Pain," she answered. "With pain."

She looked around and saw nothing close by to use to help her use pain as a trigger. So, she moved to make one, by hitting the wall next to her. She poured all the strength she had to get it to crack and have a piece of rock break off to use as her anchor of pain. She held it in her hand and let the pointed edge cut into her palm, forcing herself to feel every bit of it. Her eyes then started glowing.


There was a great, primal scream, but thankfully it was diluted through a medical muzzle. Cora was struggling in the birthing bed as her wrists, ankles and waist were restrained, keeping her in place. Maggie and her teacher were in front of her, trying to ease and instruct her through the pain.

"It hurts," she cried.

About thirty minutes ago, Cora's contractions started to begin and she was hurting. Hurting more than she thought it would. She privately vowed that if she ever found Stiles, she would claw his face off for this.

"Now Cora," Maggie's teacher said sternly as Maggie herself was ready. "Everything is just about ready but when it is, you're going to have to help us. When I tell you, you're going to have to push. Push as hard as you can."

Cora moved her sweaty face down to her and nodded. "Okay," she said painfully through her muzzle. "Maggie?" she muttered.

"I'm here Cora," Maggie told her gently with a nod.

"Alright, push Cora," her teacher told the young werewolf. "Push!"

Cora screamed as she pushed and the pain intensified. Her eyes burning bright yellow as it all rushed to her head.


In the van, Derek and Stiles sat across from Liam as he had both of his wrists handcuffed to the bench while his ankles were shackled to the grill in the floor. He was completely bound and it was making him feel very uncomfortable. Derek could see his discomfort and thought the kid could use a distraction. He pulled out the triskelion and held the disc out for him to see.

"This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful supernatural talisman. We use it to teach betas how to control themselves on a full moon. I know that you already have an anchor but you're still new and this should help make it easier for you to keep control tonight." He then handed it to Liam and looked over at Stiles. He was hoping that he would get some support but saw that Stiles wasn't paying attention. He wasn't even looking at them but out into the distance and that made Derek narrow his eyes in confusion. "Stiles?!"

As they were cruising through the Californian desert, Stiles began to feel his insides begin tingling for some reason. His eyes felt something pulling him to look out into the distance. It was like something was trying to call out to him, at least that's what his gut was telling him. But then his ears heard his name being called behind him and he turned around to see Derek and Liam staring at him.

"Uh, what?" Stiles muttered as he turned away.

"Stiles, are you alright?" Liam asked him. He hoped that Stiles was doing okay and not going through what he was.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Sorry Liam. Uh, guess I'm just feeling anxious. What were we talking about?"

"The talisman," Derek said with a bit of a glare.

Stiles then looked over to see the literal piece of junk that Meredith and Brunski had conned and manipulated Kate with to get her to break into the Hale Vault for them. Derek then forcefully stuck his chin out at him to get him to play along with the charade and he sighed. "Uh right, yeah, the talisman. It's very powerful," he muttered.

Liam held it in his hand and spent the next few hours gazing at it while Stiles and Derek just stared off and kept quiet.

The silence persisted long after Braeden drove them through the Mexican border. She looked up at the full moon that was high in the sky and looked over to see Derek was staring off in her direction. Stiles was staring off at the incoming moonlight and letting himself get into focus and make himself ready to deal with whatever was going to be thrown at them. But the both of them were thrown out of their train of thoughts when Liam suddenly snapped forward, startling everyone in the van. The hand that was holding onto the triskelion was sporting claws and he was breathing deeply as he kept his head down.

"Whatever this thing does, I think you better show me how it works," he growled out as he looked up and revealed that his eyes were glowing and his fangs were out.

Stiles moved and extended his hands out to him. "Okay, Liam you have to settle down. Can you think of your memory with your stepdad?"

He shook his head. "No. I've been trying but it's hard for me to think of him right now."

Derek leaned forward. "Okay, Liam, are you with me? There is a mantra that we use. You repeat it and focus on the words. It's like meditating. You say the words until you feel control coming back to you."

Liam grunted out as he felt his insides twisting and burning up. "Uh, okay. Okay, what are the words?!"

"Okay, look at the triskelion, see the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something."

Stiles narrowed his eyes a bit. "Alpha, Beta, Omega," he muttered softly.

Liam gave Stiles a small look while Derek nodded.

"It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another," Derek explained to him. "Betas can become Alphas." He thought of Scott as he said that.

"Alphas can become Betas," Stiles said as he thought of Derek.

"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam asked.

Derek nodded. "All you have to do is say the three words. With each one, you tell yourself that you're getting calmer. More in control. Go ahead."

"Alpha, Beta," he started speeding.

"Slower," Derek told him.

"Alpha. Beta. Omega." He said each one a bit slower. "Alpha. Beta. Omega."

"Again, remember each time you say it, you're getting calmer," Derek told him.

"Alpha. Beta. Omega." As Liam said that, his voice seemed to get deeper and more rougher. He got more tense and his breathing further ragged.

"Uh, Derek I don't think your powerful talisman of self-control is really working," Stiles pointed out as Liam kept repeating the words in an ever feral tone.

Liam said it one more time but it looked like each word was only making him closer to losing control than gaining it. Derek told him to say it again but Liam just growled at him and tried to pull on the restraints. The force of it was starting to make the van tilt and Braeden tried to get the van back under her control. Liam then pushed and broke his right hand free of his cuff. He tried to claw at Derek but Stiles reached forward and caught it. His eyes flaring their blue hue as he kept Liam from clawing the now powerless Derek.

"Derek?!" Braeden cried out.

"Keep driving," he shouted at her.

"Alright, we're almost there."

Liam then broke his other hand free and Stiles moved to snatch that one too. He went and bumped Derek down and out of Liam's reach while he moved to be in front of Liam. His own claws were out and biting into the flesh of Liam's wrists.

"Drive faster!" Stiles shouted to her as Liam growled at his face.

"Liam, focus!" Derek tried calling out.

"Uh, something tells me that 'Alpha, Beta, Omega' is not really resonating in him," Stiles huffed out as he held him back.

"Well do you know any mantras?!" Derek spat at him.

Stiles grit his teeth before he nodded. "Yeah, I do. Liam," he barked at him as Liam kept growling at them. "Liam, look at me!" he said forcefully. "You said you were going to listen to me so listen to me now." Liam was still breathing harshly but his glowing eyes locked onto Stiles own glowing eyes. "Liam, what three things can not long be hidden? Focus, look me in the eye and think. Tell me what they are. What three things can not long be hidden?"

"The sun, the moon, the truth," he muttered deeply.

"Tell me again Liam," Stiles said to him.

"The Sun. The Moon. The Truth," he said a little slower.

"Keep saying it and keep looking at me," he said with a small growl in his own tone.

Liam kept repeating them as he kept his gaze right on Stiles as he stared back at the younger beta unflinchingly. Liam felt himself settling and Stiles began to let his grip on Liam falter. Their raised arms started to settle and descend until they were resting on their knees. Liam kept saying the Buddhist mantra with calmer breaths until Stiles felt content enough to let go of the kid's wrists completely. The glow then faded from both of their eyes but they kept their gazes still locked on each other.

"Is everything okay back there?" Braeden asked.

Derek, who was watching them nodded as he looked over at her. "Yeah, I think we're okay now." He couldn't help but smile as Liam was breathing calmly but was still staring at Stiles as the older beta went to grasp his shoulder in a brotherly manner.

It was pitch dark with the full moon as the only source of light in the village of La Iglesia. But that changed when two sets of headlights shined on them as the pack arrived.

When they came to a full stop, Liam sighed. "For a second, I thought I was going to rip you two apart," he said in a low tone.

Stiles tilted his head. "And I thought I was going to have to beat you unconscious," Stiles said back to him in the same kind of tone. Liam stared at him and Stiles shrugged. "Probably would've made the trip home kind of awkward."

Derek rolled his eyes as he got up to open the back of the van for the others to get out. He stopped to look back at them before he did. "You in control now? Do you think you could keep it up in La Iglesia?"

Liam brought out his claws effortlessly and determination etched into his face.

"Yeah, I think we can do this," said Stiles.

Derek then turned the door handle to open it. Yet, as soon as he did, Derek was grabbed by a Berserker as it came growling at them. It threw him out into the air where he landed a few feet away. The Berserker charged at Derek but was struck from behind. Stiles had leapt out of the van for the giant. It stumbled but managed to stay on its feet. It caught Stiles' next punch and squeezed his hand making him grunt in pain. Liam called out Stiles' name as he moved to try and help him but the Berserker went and grabbed Stiles' shirt with its other hand and launched him to crash into Liam making the two tumble together in a heap. It started to stomp for the two and Derek quickly yanked out his handgun and started to let a barrage of bullets loose at it. They ricocheted off it's bony shoulder blades before it stomped off for Derek instead. It made a slash for him and while Derek tried to back away, it still managed to wound him. A big blast hit it's back as Braeden let a shot from her shotgun at it. Braeden cocked her shotgun to let a barrage loose and the Berserker moved to flee. 

Malia ran over to Stiles and Liam as they picked themselves up and watched the giant creature jump into the shadows, out of sight.

"Derek?" Stiles cried as he could smell the guy's blood.

Derek was gritting his teeth as he moved to lean against one of the walls of a nearby abandoned house. Braeden moved over to him and lifted his shirt to expose the wound.

"It looks a little deep but I think I can treat it. He shouldn't move though."

Stiles moved to Derek's side while Braeden ran off to grab a first aid kit from the transport. Stiles started to move his hand to where the wound was to try and siphon the pain, but his arm stiffened and his throat closed up as he started to feel a little sick suddenly. Derek noticed Stiles' reaction as the werewolf pulled his hand away suddenly.

Liam took a moment and looked at the place. Stiles told him all about the last time that the pack had been here. It was only about a week before they had first met him when they had to come here and save Derek, who had been turned into a teenager no older than them. Seeing it all with his own eyes, he wondered how they did it the first time. "So, what's the plan?" he asked out to everyone. "How do we find Scott in here?"

Stiles looked up at the temple. "Deaton said that Kate would be holding Scott at an altar."

"Okay, well where in that place is the altar?" Liam asked.

"Not in there," said Peter. "Underneath. There's a series of tunnels and passages that the Nagual built directly under the church to protect the real sacred and holy sites of Tezcatlipoca."

"It's a maze down there," Braeden told them. "You'll have to find it by tracking their scents. You can pick them up, right?"

Liam narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, I got it. Scott and Kira. It's not too strong though."

Stiles gave the air a sniff and picked them up. They were faint, just like Liam said. His ability to use his sense of smell for tracking was improving. "Yeah, it's been nearly a full day since they've been taken. Kate must've brought them straight inside as soon as they got here," Stiles explained as he knelt down at the ground. "I can pick up Kate's scent too."

"Go!" Derek spat out. "All of you, go in there and find them."

"We can't just leave you out here," Stiles argued. "What if that thing comes back?"

"Don't worry about us," said Braeden. "I can handle things out here." She brought out her shotgun to emphasize that. "You go and do what we came here for."

"Save him," Derek breathed out in pain.

"Let's go Stiles!" Peter called out to him. He, Malia and Liam were a bit off, closer to the temple.

Stiles forced himself to turn away and move towards the temple. But before he got two steps away, he was stopped by Braeden.

"Stiles," she said out to him. She then looked out to catch the sight of Peter Hale who was looking at them with the other two. She knew that Peter was probably listening in. "Stay sharp down there." She emphasized with a pointed look.

Stiles gave a nod to show he understood before he headed off to join with the others. As the older Hale pushed open the doors and became the first one in, Stiles knew he had to be careful. He was now the only one who could watch Peter. And he had to keep his guard up. Not just for Kate and the Berserkers, but whatever he was trying to pull here at this temple, Stiles knew one thing. He wouldn't let anything stop him from getting to Scott and Kira. Not Peter. Not Kate. And certainly not her Berserkers.
