There was a knock at the door and Soobin felt his heart begin to race.

Yeonjun was here.

Keep it cool Soobin. Everything is going to be fine.

"Are you going to answer it?" Mr. Choi stared at his son who was still sitting on the couch.

"Y-yeah! Sorry I was just thinking about something," Soobin quickly got up from the couch and headed to the door.

"While you do that I'm going to go double check that everything is ready in the kitchen," Mr. Choi left the room.

"Okay," Soobin nodded, even though he knew his dad could no longer see him, and slowly opened the door, "Yeonjun."

"Flowers?" Yeonjun handed him a bouquet of white daffodils with a nervous smile on his face, "Please accept them this time." Soobin ignored his gesture and instead pulled the shorter into a tight hug and Yeonjun hesitantly returned it, "You okay bunny?"

"I'm scared," Soobin whispered into the blue haired boy's ear.

Yeonjun rubbed Soobin's back in an attempt to comfort him, "There's nothing to be scared about. Just leave it to me."

Soobin could hear footsteps headed in their direction and quickly pulled away, "Thank you Yeonjun. This was very sweet of you," he took the flowers and held them close to his chest.

Yeonjun was a bit startled by the action but tried his best to play it off, "Y-yeah, of course."Soobin reentered his house and Yeonjun followed suit. "Good evening Mr. Choi," Yeonjun greeted with a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey there kiddo," Mr. Choi shook one of Yeonjun's hands, "Long time no see, huh?"


The three males stood in a thick silence for a few seconds until Yeonjun let out a little gasp after remembering what he was holding in his other hand, "I got this for you sir," he handed Mr. Choi a small blue bag with some exotic coffee in it, "I wanted to get you something better but I don't have much money and used what I did have on it. I wasn't sure what to get you at first but since you travel a lot I thought you might like this because you travel so much."

"Oh," is all Soobin's dad said as he examined the contents of the bag.

Yeonjun gulped, "Is something the matter Sir?"

"I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I don't drink coffee," Mr. Choi handed the bag back to Yeonjun, "Thanks for the gesture though."

Yeonjun couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes, "I'm sorry."

"Don't look so down kiddo. I appreciate it but I just don't want your money to go to waste," Mr. Choi ruffled the younger's hair, making his head start to pound again, "Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes. You two can hang out in here and I'll come get you guys when it's done."

As soon as Mr. Choi left, Yeonjun immediately dropped his smile and reached for his head, "Stop it. Stop it. Stop it."

"Hey," Soobin ran to him and grabbed his hands, pulling them down, "Calm down. It'll go away."

"What's going on?" Yeonjun shook his head, "I've never experienced a headache this bad. It's like ten times worse than the ones I get whenever I'm hungover."

"Don't say that so loud," Soobin clasped his hand over Yeonjun's hand and scanned the area to make sure there was no sign of his dad listening to them. After making sure the coast was clear, he let out a sigh of relief and removed his hand, "Come on. Let's just go sit down and rest a bit before we have to eat."

Yeonjun nodded and allowed Soobin to lead him to the couch.

"You look good in green," Soobin said, trying to lift the other boy's mood.

"You look hot in green," Yeonjun smirked as he observed Soobin who was wearing a green turtle neck sweater, "Were you spying on me while I was getting ready so we could match?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Soobin shook his head, "It was just a coincidence."

"Mhm," Yeonjun chuckled, "Whatever you say Sugar."

"Oh shush."

"I take back what I said about you looking hot when you wear green."

Soobin looked offended and was about to reply, but Yeonjun beat him to it, "You look hot always."

Soobin tried to hide the blush that appeared on his face but Yeonjun's laugh wasn't helping the situation. Soobin turned to look in the opposite direction so Yeonjun couldn't see his pink face and his eyes landed on a certain blue bag, "Hey Yeonjun?"


"How much was that gift you got for my dad?" Soobin asked, returning his gaze to his boyfriend.

"It doesn't matter," Yeonjun shrugged.

"Let me pay you back," Soobin said, "If what you said is true about you using the rest of your money for it then I'd feel bad."

"Don't be," Yeonjun sighed, "I can get more money next week."

"If you say so," Soobin frowned, "but where do you work at? I didn't know you have a job."

"I don't have a job."

"Then how do you-"

"Minho gives me fifty dollars a week to stay at the apartment and do all of the chores," Yeonjun explained.

Soobin looked at the older a bit confused, "But you could earn way more than that working a part time job."

Yeonjun waved him off, "I know that, but as long as I have enough to support myself then I'm okay."

"Are you going to be able to last the rest of the week without any money?" Soobin asked warily, "It's only Wednesday."

Yeonjun nodded, "I have food in the fridge. Besides Beomgyu's parents used to give me money whenever they were feeling generous and maybe because I'm helping him," Yeonjun's words trailed off and he laughed to himself, "Never mind. I doubt they're going to keep being nice to me after what happened this morning."

"What happened this morning?" Soobin pushed his brows together.

"I just-"

Mr. Choi banged the wall several times to alert the boys, "The food is ready!"

Yeonjun winced and held his head once again.

Soobin smiled at him apologetically and held out a hand, "Let's go."

The two boys entered the kitchen where a smiling Mr. Choi was waiting for them. He pulled out chairs for them to sit in which were across the table from each other and they thanked him as they took their seats. Mr. Choi placed three glasses of water in their respective places and then three bowls of food down, "I hope you guys like jjambbong."

Yeonjun bit his lip and Soobin stared at his dad in disbelief, "You know I can't handle spicy food."

"I know it's not your favorite, but this stuff is really popular," Mr. Choi took a seat in between the two boys, "I thought Yeonjun might like it and you might end up liking it too."

Soobin frowned because he knew Yeonjun wasn't a big fan of spicy food either. He went to say something but Yeonjun flashed him a look telling him to stop.

"Thank you Mr. Choi," Yeonjun smiled at him.

"It's my pleasure!" Mr. Choi grabbed his utensils, "Now let's dig in!"

Soobin took a bite of his food and could feel his ears and nose start to burn. Yeonjun cooed at the way the younger looked and Mr. Choi looked at him confused, "Is something wrong Yeonjun?"

"No," Yeonjun mumbled as he felt his face light up from embarrassment, "I'm sorry."

"Okay then," Mr. Choi took a few more bites of his food before he spoke again, "So Yeonjun, tell me about yourself."

"What would you like to know?" Yeonjun's eyes lit up. It's been a rough start but maybe he can win him over if he opened up a bit.

"Strange. Usually people just tell me about themselves whenever I ask that. They don't respond with a question back," Mr. Choi stated before taking a sip of his water, "You're a senior too, right? What do you want to do after high school?"

"I want to go to a university to become a social worker," Yeonjun grinned.

"Really?" Mr. Choi eyed the boy, "That sounds like a brownie point answer."

"Dad!" Soobin hit the table, "Stop being a jerk!"

"I was only joking," Mr. Choi chuckled, "He just doesn't seem like the type to be but you never know these days. What makes you want to do that kiddo?"

Yeonjun's smile wavered, "I want to help other kids who had it rough growing up."

"You had a hard childhood?" Mr. Choi's expression softened.

"Not exactly," Yeonjun replied, stirring the soup, "I had it pretty well growing up. It wasn't until after my parents died a few years ago that I started struggling. It made me realize how good I had it before and that there might be other kids going through the same thing."

"Ah, I'm sorry for your loss," Mr. Choi looked empathetic, "but you know that social work is more than just dealing with kids whose parents passed away, right?"

"I-I know that," Yeonjun tightened his grip on his spoon, trying not to let his voice raise out of annoyance. I thought Soobin said his dad was going to act like they've never met before. If that's true then why is this guy giving him such a hard time?

"Are you okay Yeonjun?" Soobin asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Of course," Yeonjun pursed his lips together, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I've asked you three times now why you aren't eating and you've ignored me," Mr. Choi responded.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Do you not like it?"

"I do!"

"I haven't seen you take a single bite since dinner started."

"Dad you're being ridiculous," Soobin interjected, "You haven't been staring at him the entire time. He has eaten you just weren't paying attention."

"I promise I have been eating sir," Yeonjun lied as he took his first bite. Yeonjun couldn't help but cough as the spicy liquid hit his throat.

"Unbelievable," Mr. Choi sighed.


"I wish you would be honest with me Yeonjun," Mr. Choi slid his bowl away from himself and rested his cheek in one hand.

"I am being honest."

"I know you don't like spicy food. Soobin told me when we first started talking about this," Mr. Choi admitted.

Soobin looked like he was ready to jump out of his seat and hit the man, "Then why did you-"

"I have bulgogi in the fridge that I made for us but I wanted to see if I could trust your word," Mr. Choi dramatically sighed, "but alas I was wrong."

Yeonjun couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt his whole body shake and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say.

"I could tell whenever I annoyed or upset you and you stayed quiet about it," Mr. Choi continued, "I wanted you to call me out, or at least say something, but you didn't."

"I didn't want to start anything!" Yeonjun yelled and immediately covered his mouth afterwards.

Soobin stood up, "That's so messed up! Hurting him on purpose because you don't trust him? You promised me you'd give him a fresh start!"

"I did," Mr. Choi replied nonchalantly and he got up and grabbed the three bowls off the table.

"No you didn't!" Soobin's voice continued to raise and Yeonjun wasn't sure how much longer he could handle it.

"I'll pack your bulgogi to go Yeonjun," Mr. Choi said and ignored his unhappy son.

Yeonjun didn't say anything and just accepted the fact that he messed up, again. He slowly got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around Soobin, burying his face in the younger's shoulder.

"Y-yeonjun," Soobin immediately grew quiet, "Talk to me."

Yeonjun shook his head and the two boys didn't move an inch until Mr. Choi walked over to them and tapped Yeonjun on the back, "Here's your food."

Yeonjun slowly let go of Soobin and grabbed the bag, "Thank you."

"No problem kiddo," Mr. Choi patted Yeonjun's head, "Before you leave I need to give you something." And with that Mr. Choi left the room to go get this so called object.

"Soobin," Yeonjun whispered, not turning back around, "I'm really sorry. We should have did it your way."

"Don't apologize! None of this is your fault!," Soobin grabbed onto Yeonjun's shoulder and forced him to turn around, "My dad is being insane!" Soobin felt even worse when he saw the tears that were forming in the older's eyes. That's probably why he didn't want to face him. Soobin brought his hands to Yeonjun's cheeks and pulled him closer to place a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, "Please don't cry."


"I'm back," Mr. Choi announced as he entered the kitchen, "I found this by the outside garbage can a few weeks ago and it doesn't look like something Soobin would wear, so I assume it's yours. Seems like somebody threw it away but the garbageman accidentally dropped it."

Mr. Choi held out a necklace with a crescent shaped pendant that was all too familiar to Yeonjun. The boy swiped it from the man's hands without even thinking. Holding it again after so long brought back the sickly sweet memories of his past relationship. Things seemed simpler back then, but the more he thought about it the more he felt nauseous, especially when he remembered how it ended.


"Chan! Chan!" Yeonjun ran up to the Australian boy and almost tackled him in a hug.

"H-hey they!"

Yeonjun let go of the boy and bounced on his toes like he was anticipating something.

"Someone's happy today," Chan observed the younger's unusual giddy behavior.

"Well yeah!" Yeonjun cheekily smiled, "It's because today is a very special day!"

"Is it?" Chan rubbed his chin and looked like he was in deep thought, "I wonder what today is."

Yeonjun's mood went from 100 to 0 just from that one sentence, "Are you serious?"

"Of course not," Chan placed a soft kiss on Yeonjun's cheek, "Happy five month anniversary baby boy."

Yeonjun wasn't pleased and continued to pout as he crossed his arms, "That was really mean."

"Come on babe I was just messing with you," Chan laughed, "I just can't believe we've made five months."

"I know," Yeonjun couldn't help but smile at the older's laugh. He's never heard anything so amazing before, "We just have an amazing connection."

"Yeah," Chan scratched his neck and looked around the hallway.

"Is something wrong Chan?" Yeonjun asked, observing Chan's actions.

"No," Chan sighed, "I just have to go talk to a teacher today about some extra credit stuff. Meet us at our spot after school, okay?" Chan placed a kiss on his forehead before quickly walking away.



"-and I can't wait! I know it's going to be amazing!"

"Uh huh," Beomgyu replied, not particularly paying attention to his friend go on and on about his stupid boyfriend.

"He's just so amazing! I never thought I would ever date a guy like him-"


"His smile, his hair, his eyes, his personality, his everything just makes me so happy!" Yeonjun gushed, "I've never felt this way before."

"It sounds like you're in love," Kai wiggled his eyebrows.

Beomgyu snapped out of his daze and elbowed Kai in the side, "No he's not. Don't say dumb things like that."

"Y-you really think so Kai?" Yeonjun blushed.

"Definitely!" Kai giggled, "I can sense love from a mile away and you Choi Yeonjun are head over heels in love with Chan."

"You can't be in love!" Beomgyu disagreed, "You've already started to become boring after you started dating the guy and i can't even imagine how much of a wet towel you would be if you were actually in love! What about the flirting? The games? The clubs we go to?"

"Love changes people but in a positive way," Kai scoffed, "You're just an awful person. That's why you think it's affecting him negatively."

"What should I do Kai?" Yeonjun widened his eyes, "I don't know anything about love."

"I can't believe this," Beomgyu groaned, "There's something fishy about that guy."

"You're just jealous that you're getting replaced as Yeonjun's favorite person," Kai stuck his tongue out.

"I'm not jealous! You know what," Beomgyu slung his bag over his shoulder and stood up, "I'm leaving. Come get me when you're done being delusional."

Yeonjun watched as Beomgyu left feeling confused about what just happened.

"Ignore him," Kai rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his friend.

"I know," Yeonjun tapped his foot impatiently, "Beomgyu's strange like that but he'll come around."

"Now back to Chan," a goofy smile appeared on Kai's face, "You gotta fess up and tell him that you're in love with him."

Yeonjun looked at the younger like he was crazy, "I don't have to tell him!"

"Yes you do!" Kai shot back, "Things won't be able to progress if you keep hiding things from each other."

Yeonjun knew the younger was right but really didn't want to admit it, "But it's embarrassing."

"There's nothing embarrassing about love!" Kai reassured him, "It's completely natural and with how clingy you two are, I'm sure he feels the same way."

"Do you really think so?" Yeonjun's eyes lit up.



"Hey there."

Yeonjun jumped at the sudden voice to see his boyfriend standing behind him, "Oh Chan," he stood up from the bench, "I didn't think you were coming."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about being late," Chan paused for a second, "I, uh, was assigned a group project today and had to stay behind to plan out some things."

Yeonjun felt like he was lying but Chan had no reason to lie to him. He's probably getting paranoid because of what he's going to say. Today was the day that Yeonjun was going to admit to Chan that he loved him.

"It's okay," Yeonjun pulled Chan into a soft hug, "I understand."

"Thank you," Chan pulled away.

The couple sat down on the bench and observed the flower fields in front of them. Chan intertwined their hands together and Yeonjun rested his head on Chan's shoulder.

"This is nice," Yeonjun spoke.


"I got you something," Yeonjun got up and grabbed his bag.

Chan frowned, "I thought we agreed to no gifts."

"I know but," Yeonjun unzipped his bag and took out a box covered in blue wrapping paper, "I know how serious you are about your music career and there's this certain microphone you've been wanting."

Chan gasped, "You did not."

"I saved up my money from the past two months, excluding food of course, and was able to get it for you," Yeonjun smiled as Chan tore the paper. Chan stared at the box in disbelief and started cursing to himself. Yeonjun looked at the older in concern, "Did I get the wrong kind?"

"No I love it. Thank you so much," Chan buried his face into the younger's chest, "I just feel so guilty-because, I, umm, didn't get you anything."

"Don't feel guilty," Yeonjun lightly pushed Chan off of him, "I wanted to do this for you because," Yeonjun hesitated as he felt his cheeks heat up, "Because I love you Chan."

"Now? Did you really have to say it now?"


Chan buried his face in his hands, "I've been waiting for this moment ever since we got together. I've planned what I was going to say. How I was going to shoot you down-"

"Shoot me down?" Yeonjun's chest felt heavy, "What are you talking about Chan?"

"I don't love you Yeonjun."

Before Yeonjun knew it he felt his tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I was only using you to get revenge after what you did to Jisung."

"Why?" Yeonjun cried out, "Why would you do that?"

It hurt so much.

"Why do you do it?" Chan got defensive, "Do you feel hurt? Betrayed? Like someone stomped on your heart? That's how you make other people feel whenever you play with their emotions!"


"Yes! The way you treat others is awful and you deserve a taste of your own medicine!" Chan paused for a moment, "I just," he sighed, "I wish you didn't go and blow all of your money on me. It makes me seem like a jerk."

"You are a jerk," Yeonjun hugged his knees into his chest and hid his face.

"Take your gift back."


"Why not?"

"Because I love you God dammit!"

"And I've never felt any sort of positive emotions towards you," Chan rolled his eyes as he pressed the box into the younger's side, "So take it back."

"What am I supposed to do with some stupid microphone," Yeonjun snapped his head back up.

"Sell it," Chan said, "I know you don't have a lot of money and this thing is around two hundred dollars. You can easily earn that back especially if it's unopened."

"What part of keep it do you not understand?" Yeonjun gritted his teeth.

"But Yeonjun-"

"Shut up! It's your dream microphone so keep it!" Yeonjun yelled, "and I hope every time you use it you remember today you ass."

"Yeonjun," Chan reached out to him but Yeonjun just scooted over.

"Go away!" Yeonjun hissed.

"Fine I will!" Chan got up and grabbed his things, "I don't even know why I feel bad. You deserve this."

Yeonjun watched as the older left and couldn't help but sob.


"I don't want it!" Yeonjun threw the necklace on the ground.

"Hey," Mr. Choi bent down to grab it, "If you don't want it you could have just said so."

"You don't tell me what to do!" Yeonjun argued.

"Uh Yeonjun," Soobin tugged on Yeonjun's shirt, "Please calm down."

"How can I calm down?" Yeonjun threw his arms in frustration, "He's trying to separate us again! He didn't even give me a fair chance to make up with him!"

"Yeonjun," Soobin spoke softer, "Please."

"I can't," Yeonjun finally allowed his tears to fall.

"What are you getting all worked up for?" Mr. Choi tilted his head, "Didn't you only want to date him in the first place because you wanted to play with his emotions." Yeonjun shook his head. "I want honesty," Mr. Choi reminded him.

"At first, but things have changed so much," Yeonjun tried to wipe away his tears but they kept coming, "I don't cry over everyone. I over people I truly care about." Yeonjun gave up and let his hands fall to his side, "I just don't care about your son, I love him!"

"Y-you what?" Soobin's face turned redder than a tomato.

"And that's why I don't care what you think about me! Your opinion doesn't matter!" Yeonjun clenched his fists, "I will continue to date Soobin and even come to his house whether you like it or not!"

It was silent for a few moments until Mr. Choi finally spoke up, "Okay, yeah, you can keep seeing him."

"I, uh," Yeonjun was taken aback, "You don't care if I date him?"

"Nah. As I said before all I wanted you to be was honest and you just were," Mr. Choi shrugged, "Plus Soobin is old enough to make his own decisions."

"T-then what was the point of all of this?"

"Why not?"

"Oh my God," Yeonjun felt a wave of a bunch of different emotions at once and wasn't sure how to react.

Soobin was looking at Yeonjun like he really wanted to say something and Mr. Choi guessed that he wasn't meant to hear it, "I'll leave you two alone to talk."

After Mr. Choi was gone, Yeonjun pulled Soobin into one of the biggest hugs he has given. Soobin pulled away after a good minute, "Yeonjun?"

"What is it?" Yeonjun asked, finally being able to wipe away his tears.

"Is what you said true?" Soobin fiddled with his thumbs, "Do you really love me?"

"This wasn't the way I was hoping to tell you," Yeonjun lowered his gaze to the floor before looking back up into the younger's eyes, "Choi Soobin I love you."

Soobin smiled, "Well I don't know much about love, but whenever I'm with you I get butterflies in my stomach and I'm always happy. You make my day ten times brighter just by being with me. I think about you even when you're not here, and Choi Yeonjun, I love you too."

Yeonjun showered Soobin in kisses, making Soobin giggle, and pulled him back into a hug, "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

After a bit more chatting and being affectionate Soobin decided it was best for Yeonjun to leave. Not because he wanted him to, but because he needed to talk to his dad. After saying their goodbyes and shutting the door behind Yeonjun, Soobin's mood quickly went from happy to angry and he screamed out for his dad until the man came back in the living room.

"What? What's the matter Soobin?" Mr. Choi checked Soobin for any injuries," Did you hurt yourself?"

Soobin pushed his dad off of him, "What is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" Mr. Choi asked innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean!" Soobin glared at him.

"Okay. Okay," Mr. Choi sighed as he sat down on the couch, "Looking back at it I did take things too far."

"Yes you did!"

"I'm sorry, but in the end things worked out, didn't they?" Mr. Choi had a cheeky grin on his face.

"Well yeah," Soobin placed his hands on his hips, "but that doesn't justify what you did!"

"I know I'm sorry."

"Apologize to him, not me!"

"I will Soobin."

"Not only do you need to apologize," Soobin sat next to his father, "I need you to help me with something."

"Of course," Mr. Choi nodded, "What do you need me to do?"

"Our anniversary is coming up," Soobin explained.

"Wow already?" Mr. Choi ruffled Soobin's hair and Soobin swatted his hand away, "You're growing up so fast!"

"I need you to help me buy something for him," Soobin demanded.

"Is it going to put me in debt?" Mr. Choi asked raising his eyebrows.

"No," Soobin smiled, "but it might leave a dent of a hundred or two hundred dollars."



This turned out very differently then how I planned it when I first starting writing this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. If anything I think the changes made it more interesting and definitely more dramatic.

Fun fact, this is so far the longest chapter in this book.

Feel free to leave your comments down below. I love your feedback and you guys are my number one motivators!

And as always, thank you so much for reading :)
