Taehyun laid down in his bed, tossing and turning. He thought it was a good idea to go to bed early and get some extra sleep, but his body wasn't allowing it. He rolled over to grab his phone and of course, he had no notifications. Taehyun looked at the time and when it read nine thirty-six pm. He sighed in defeat, he knew he wasn't going to be able to go asleep anytime soon. 

Taehyun sat back up and grabbed his laptop off of the bedside table. Maybe he could get some writing done instead. Taehyun learned his lesson from what Yeonjun did to him to write all of his stories digitally from now on. 

Taehyun opened his laptop but before he could open up Word he got a pop up notification from Discord. He rarely goes on their server anymore, but maybe these idiots could help get his mind off some things and he could always write later. 

Taehyun plugged in his headset and joined the server, "Hello."

"And that's why you literally make me want to gouge my eyes out," a user by the name of daysixpuppy paused for a moment, "I'm sorry did you guys hear something?"

"Ohmygod! You're not dead!" yelled richdolphin through his mic.

"Ow," Taehyun winced at the noise, "Why are you always so loud?"

"Have you really forgotten about our little chat for so long that you forgot he screams literally everything?" daysixpuppy asked, a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

Richdolphin whined, "That's not true! Stop being a meanie!"

"Sweetboytae, I didn't think I'd ever see that name again," coco'snumberonedad stated, "Why don't you talk to us anymore? Do you really hate us that much?"

"I told you I've been busy," Taehyun blatantly stated.

"I's almost been a whole month," daysixpuppy scoffed, "I bet you don't even remember our names."

"Don't be stupid," Taehyun shook his head, although he knew the others couldn't see the motion, "Of course I remember you guys." 

"Prove it," coco'snumberonedad challenged him.

Taehyun nervously chuckled, "You guys are ridiculous."

"Ah this is fun!" richdolphin squealed, "Do me first!"

Taehyun tried his best to not rip his earphones off at the sudden loud voice, "Okay, umm," he cleared his throat, "Well if I'm remembering correctly, I think your name is-"

"Stop stalling and just say it," daysixpuppy demanded.

"I was getting to that!" Taehyun quickly snapped back, "I think your name is, uhh, okay I don't know."

"You're so mean!" richdolphin whined, "This is why you're not getting an apple watch for Christmas like everyone else."

"I have an android."

"Trash!" richdolphin yelled.

"His name is Chenle," coco'snumberonedad said, "I'm Youngjae and the grumpy one is Seungmin. It's nice to re-meet you."

"Yeah I'm Chenle and if you ever forget it again I'll find out where you live and bet you up!" Chenle warned him and Taehyun just mumbled some apology.

"So Taehyun," Seungmin spoke, putting a bit of emphasis on his name, "What have you been so busy with? The last time we heard from you, you were crying about some breakup."

"I've mainly been healing over that," Taehyun admitted, "I've also tried writing a story but it got destroyed."

"You're still trying to heal?" Youngjae questioned him, "Are you not over him or something?"

"I just," Taehyun sighed, "I don't want anything to do with him. He was toxic and I wouldn't listen to my friend and I ended up losing them both."


"Recently I find myself thinking about him again," Taehyun didn't want to acknowledge his thoughts but he couldn't hide from it.

"What are you stupid or something?" Seungmin asked.

"No I know better and like I said before I don't want anything to do with him," Taehyun restated, "but his friend started sitting with us and flirting with my friend and it's reminding me of what I had to go through."

"His friend might not be as bad as Beomgyu was you just-"

"No," Taehyun cut off whoever was speaking, "He's just as bad, if not worse."

"Okay, well, if you're still thinking about your ex," Chenle changed the subject, "Why not give him another chance? You guys were cute together."

They boys were silent for a few seconds before Seungmin spoke up, "Chenle."

"Yes sir?"

"Do you not remember how they broke up?" Seungmin spoke through what sounded like gritted teeth, "Taehyun was known as bitter chocolate."

"Bitter chocolate?" Chenle sounded confused, "I don't get it."

"I still have some burns on the back of my neck," Taehyun huffed, "That's why I'm trying to let my hair grow out."

"Burns?" Chenle questioned, "From what?"

"The chocolate," Youngjae stated.

"Chocolate doesn't burn," Chenle giggled.

Taehyun tsked, "Chocolate fondue does."

"Wait," Chenle gasped, "He poured it on you."

"Yeah," Taehyun placed a hand on the back of his neck, "They came up behind me with a big bowl of that stuff and threw it at me."

"But why would they waste all of that perfectly good chocolate?" Chenle cried out.

"Is that really your first concern?" Seungmin growled.

"They said I needed to learn to be a bit sweeter," Taehyun rolled his eyes and laid his back against the headboard. 

"I'm sorry," Youngjae apologized, "but you seriously need to stop thinking about that boy. I know you don't like him but the more you think about him, the more likely that will change."

"I know."


Yeonjun knocked on the door, but there was no answer. The back of his mind started to tell him that Soobin wasn't going to answer and he just came out here for nothing. Yeonjun turned to leave when the door finally opened.

"Yeonjun?" Soobin blinked at him a few times.

"Oh, Soobin," Yeonjun turned back around smiled, "I thought you weren't coming."

"Sorry, I was straightening up a few things," Soobin motioned for Yeonjun to come inside and closed the door behind him.

"It's okay," Yeonjun chuckled as he entered the already familiar house.

"So," Soobin narrowed his eyes and his cheeks started to light up, "I, uh."

"You what?" Yeonjun looked at the younger and smirked at his pink complexion. 

"I want you to," the younger started to trail off.

"Come on Sugar," he made his way over to Soobin and wrapped his arms around his waist, "Just tell me what you want and I'll gladly comply."

"I want you to kiss me."

"I, uh, okay!" Yeonjun was a bit flustered at the younger's sudden command, but nonetheless agreed. Yeonjun leaned forward and placed their lips together for a second before pulling away.

Soobin blinked at the shorter, the disappointment obvious on his face.

"What's wrong?" Yeonjun frowned, "Did you not like it?"

"No," Soobin furrowed his brows, "I said I want you to kiss me."

Yeonjun, finally getting the hint, widened his grin as he tightened his grip on the younger and pulled them even closer together. The kiss lasted a few moments, their lips complemented each other well, when suddenly Yeonjun pushed Soobin off of him.

"What was that for?" Soobin slightly shook his head at the boy who was now holding his hand over his mouth and felt embarrassed, "Did I mess up?"

"You bit my lip!" Yeonjun exclaimed his voice a bit muffled.

Soobin looked at him a big confused, "I thought you were supposed to do that."

"Not that hard," he whined.

Soobin's previous pink face now turned a deep red, "I'm sorry Yeonjun."

"It's okay," Yeonjun removed his hand and giggled, "I think it's cute. Besides, if you bit me that hard you must have been really enjoying it."

"Shut up!" Soobin crossed his arms as he tried to avoid eye contact with Yeonjun.

"Well, I need to go wash this off," Yeonjun stated, "Where's your bathroom?"

"Wash what off?" Soobin looked back up at him and gasped, "You're bleeding!"

"Yeah, I noticed," Yeonjun chuckled, "but don't worry. It's not a lot."

"It's right down the hall and will be the second door to your right," Soobin directed him.

"Thank you," Yeonjun started to head that way, but Soobin called out to him.

"I'm getting a bit hungry," Soobin admitted, "Did you want me to make you a bowl of ramen or something?"

"Yeah, I'd love that," Yeonjun brightly smiled at Soobin before turning back around.


"Thank you Grammy," Kai took the two plated from the elderly woman.

"Anytime Kai," she put the dishes on the side to be washed tomorrow, "I hope you buys enjoy it."

Kai reassured her, "We will."

"Good," she placed a kiss on Kai's cheek and began to walk off.

"Where are you going?" Kai ran behind her and nudged her with his shoulder, "You should come eat dinner with us."

"Nonsense! I have to let you boys have your alone time," the elderly woman winked at him and Kai grimaced.

"It's nothing like that Grammy!"

"Eh, how am I supposed to know," she shrugged her shoulders, "You've always been a strange child." Kai watched as she walked away and once she was out of earshot he mimicked her before heading back to his room.

"Beomgyu," Kai glared at the boy who had made himself quite comfortable in his bed, "Come to the kitchen to eat."

Beomgyu rolled over on his side, "Can't we just eat in here?"


"But why?" Beomgyu whined as he rolled back over.

"Because I don't want my room getting messy," Kai stated.

"Someone will eventually clean it for you," Beomgyu tried to appeal to Kai.

"I don't know what kind of service you have in your fancy mansion," Kai furrowed his brows, "but here we have to clean everything by ourselves. The only way we can stay in here is if you clean."

Beomgyu quickly got up out of bed and stood next to Kai, "Okay let's go."

The two boys headed back to the kitchen where they sat at a small dining table. Kai placed the dishes he has been holding in front of them and when he sat down didn't hesitate to start pigging out. Beomgyu started at the younger who just looked back at him and responded with food stuffed in his mouth, "What?"

Beomgyu slightly smiled and shook his head before looking down at his food. He took one of the smaller pieces off of his plate to try, "Wow, this is really good."

"I know," is all Kai said before turning his attention back to his food.

Beomgyu sighed as he took another piece of gimbap off of his plate. This didn't feel any different than it did back at home.

"What's wrong with you?" Kai asked, taking a break.

Beomgyu looked back up at the younger, "Don't you wanna talk?"

"Not while I'm eating," Kai scoffed before returning back to his food. Beomgyu groaned and Kai rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry. You're probably used to your huge family talking circles about how rich you guys are and talking bad about the poor, right?"

"Sure Kai," Beomgyu slightly frowned.

"Why are you acting sad all of a sudden?" Kai pouted, "You're making me feel bad."

"Let's play twenty-one questions," Beomgyu suggested, his eyes lighting up.

Kai scowled, "That requires talking and will distract me from eating." Beomgyu mumbled something inaudible under his breath. "Fine," Kai gave in, "You go first."

"Okay," Beomgyu grinned, "What's your favorite color?"

"Green," Kai hesitated for a few seconds, "Do you regret what you told Yeonjun today?"

Beomgyu's smile slowly faded, "No."

Kai looked a bit concerned, "Why not?"

"That's a different question. You have to wait for your next turn."

"That's dumb," Kai placed his cheek on his hand as he waited for Beomgyu take his turn.

Beomgyu wanted to think of a really hard question to stump him, but couldn't, "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Mint chocolate!" Kai exclaimed and Beomgyu let out a little gasp. "What?" Kai questioned him, "Is it your favorite too?"

Beomgyu scrunched his nose, "If I out anything mint chocolate related in my mouth then I'll die."

"But it's so good!" Kai defended it.

"No," Beomgyu shook his head, "It taste like toothpaste."

Kai could feel himself mentally face palm, "It taste nothing like toothpaste!"

"It's still nasty."

"You don't know what you're missing out on," Kai tsked, "Anyways, why don't you regret saying all of those mean thing to Yeonjun?"

"He cried and a man isn't supposed to cry," Beomgyu said.

"Even before he started crying you started saying mean stuff," Kai crossed his arms, unsatisfied with the older's answer.

"I looked up to him and he let this Soobin guy break him! He wasn't the Yeonjun I knew anymore," Beomgyu explained.

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain why," Kai tapped his fingers impatiently on the table.

"Because I wanted attention," Beomgyu finally admitted, "I know that we will eventually make up but in the meantime why not put all of the attention on me. I want to know what it's like being at the top of the social food chain."

"You really hurt your best friend because you wanted attention?" Kai looked disgusted, "Don't you get enough of that at school already? You were literally the second most popular kid in school. I doubt it's really that much of a difference. Not to mention all of the attention I bet you get at home."

"Do you have any special talents?"Beomgyu asked, wanting to change the subject.

"I can play the piano really well," Kai said proudly, "What's the real reason you came over here tonight?"

Beomgyu glared at him, "Why are you making this no fun?"

"I thought you could ask anything you wanted to," Kai teased him but the older's gaze started to make him feel a bit uneasy, "Okay, I'm sorry. Have you ever been actually happy in any of your relationships before?"

Beomgyu could feel his eye twitch and pushed his half eaten plate away from him, "I'm going to bed." Kai tried to protest but Beomgyu just waved him off.

"You better go to the guest room and not my room!" Kai called out.

"I can go wherever I want to," Beomgyu yelled back. After entering Kai's room he locked the door behind him. Beomgyu went to the first window he could find and opened it. He took out a cigarette and leaned out of hit to smoke. Beomgyu felt a bit more at ease. The younger was really starting to stress himself out.

"Beomgyu!" Kai pounded on the door, "I told you to not go in my room." Beomgyu just rolled his eyes and ignored the younger and returned his attention back to outside. Suddenly he heard the lock being turned and panicked. The same moment Kai entered the room Beomgyu threw his cigarette out of the window.

Kai looked at the older suspiciously, "What are you doing?"


"What did you just throw out the window?" Kai asked.

"I didn't throw anything out of the window," Beomgyu stated as he closed the window.

Kai pointed to Beomgyu's hand, "Why are you holding a lighter?" Beomgyu silently cursed to himself as Kai got closer to the blonde. "You smell like smoke again." 


"Here you go," Soobin placed the hot  bowl of ramen on the coffee table in front of Yeonjun, "Let it cool off for a few moments

"Thank you," the grey haired boy smiled as Soobin sat down next to him who just nodded in reply. It got really quiet and it made Yeonjun feel a bit anxious. 

"What are you doing?" Soobin asked after a few moments as he observed Yeonjun.

"Huh?" Yeonjun looked at the other boy confused and his necklace fell out of his mouth, "Oh. I didn't even notice I was chewing on it," Yeonjun felt a bit embarrassed and hid it back under his shirt, "I used to do this a lot whenever I was nervous and I thought I finally stopped, but i guess not."

"I didn't think you were the type to wear jewelry like that," Soobin said.

"Oh, yeah, I usually don't, but this was a gift," Yeonjun explained, "I usually sell my gifts I get from my partners, but this one is really pretty," he places his hand on his chest and could feel the crescent outline of the pendent. 

"Remind me to never get you any gifts," Soobin laughed and Yeonjun looked a bit surprised.

The older smirked, "Does that mean you want to be my romantic partner now?"

Soobin felt his face heat up, "I never said that. Besides you have all night to win me over and the night isn't over yet."

"Okay, I'm sorry," Yeonjun leaned over and placed a quick kiss on the younger's lips, "I promise I'll make you feel like the center of the universe by the end of tonight."

"I'd like to see you try," Soobin challenged him.

"Do you really doubt me that much?" Yeonjun pouted as he made his way onto Soobin's lap. 

"Well I-"

Yeonjun cut him off by slamming their lips together once again. After a few moments Yeonjun pulled away, "I really care for you Soobin."

"That doesn't even make any sense," Soobin frowned, "You barely know me."

Yeonjun thought back to the whole reason he was doing this and tried to shake his thoughts away, "Well I want to get to know you better," he stated before leaning over to give Soobin soft kisses on his neck.

"I, uh, Yeonjun, I," Soobin wasn't sure what he was supposed to do in this situation.

"What?" he asked in between kisses.

"I think you're food is cool enough to eat now," Soobin blurted out.

"Oh," Yeonjun got off of Soobin, a bit annoyed, "Thanks."

"Here you can pick out a movie," Soobin handed the older the remote.

Yeonjun took it and immediately scrolled to the horror section, "What horror movies have you seen?"

"I haven't seen many," Soobin explained, "I read more horror stories than I watch them."

"Hmm," Yeonjun looked through their options, "You like paranormal stuff?"

"Of course!"

"Have you seen The Conjuring?" Yeonjun asked and Soobin shook his head. Yeonjun gasped, "How can you call yourself a fan of horror if you haven't seen The Conjuring? We're watching this!"

Yeonjun clicked on the title and put the remote on the table. He grabbed his food and very carefully cuddled himself into the younger's side, "Thank you for inviting me over."

Soobin was a bit taken surprised at the older's unusual soft tone, "Thank you for coming over."



I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to leave your thoughts, predictions, opinions and everything else down below in the comments!

And as always thank you so much for reading :)
