"Good morning," Kai greeted as he approached his two friends.

"Hey," Yeonjun nodded, while Beomgyu didn't say anything.

Kai sighed, why can't they just get along for one day, "What's your problem?"

Yeonjun snickered, "Him and Jaemin split up."

"Oh?" Kai raised an eyebrow, "You better not start pouting after everything you told Yeonjun after his breakup the other day."

"I'm not upset," Beomgyu rolled his eyes, "I dumped him."

"Okay, but why?" Yeonjun tilted his head, "Did you really get tired of him after only dating for two weeks?"

"No," Beomgyu shook his head, "I went to go surprise him last night and he was not happy to see me."

"Did he have someone else over?" Yeonjun asked.

"Not that I know of. He just said it was really late and I woke him up, so I got upset with him and crashed on the couch," Beomgyu explained, "and after I waited for him to get back up I dumped him."

"Over you coming over at a late hour?" Kai looked at the older in disbelief, "That's the most ridiculous reason I've ever heard!"

"If they can't give me the attention I need whenever I need it," Beomgyu shrugged, "then I don't want them."

"Then why did you leave Taehyun?" Kai crossed his arms.

Beomgyu glared at the black haired boy, "I'm not in the mood for this."

"He literally put you above everything else in his life," Kai continued on.

Beomgyu pinched the bridge of his nose, "Not every breakup happens for the same reason Kai. Maybe if you would stop focusing on my relationships and go out and find a partner for yourself you'd realize that."

"I don't need to have relationship experience to know that Taehyun was the best thing to ever happen to you."

"Hueining Kai! I've told you over and over again I broke up with Taehyun because he is the most boring human being I have ever met!" Beomgyu threw his hands in frustration, "I don't know what else you want me to say so just drop it already you obsessive freak!"

"If he was so boring why did you go out with him in the first place?" Kai narrowed his eyes, "He bored you so you had to make things more fun by playing with his emotions until you broke him along with his heart?"

"Stop acting like you know everything!"

Kai wasn't sure why he was doing this. Honestly this was none of his business but this is also the first time he has the confidence to stand up against  Beomgyu, "I know that-"

Beomgyu lost it, "If you don't shut your damn mouth I will literally bash your head into the ground!"

Yeonjun looked around and noticed they had started to gain a small crowd, "Cut it out guys."

"No you won't," Kai chuckled, "You're too much of a coward." 

Beomgyu instantly launched himself at Kai, who quickly crouched down with fear in his eyes, but Yeonjun was able to quickly get in between the two and pushed Beomgyu back into a wall, "I said cut it out!"

Beomgyu struggled against Yeonjun's hold but the older wouldn't budge, "Why are you stopping me? He asked for it."

"Stop acting like an idiot." Yeonjun furrowed his brows, "Are you trying to get yourself suspended?"

Beomgyu huffed and eventually stopped fighting, "Whatever."

Yeonjun let go of the blonde and turned his attention to the boy that was still on the floor, "Kai what did you think you were doing?"

"I'm sorry," Kai gulped as he tried not to shake, "I don't know what came over me."

"You only joined our little group about a month ago so don't get cocky," Yeonjun glared at him, "You don't know us at all."

"I'm sorry," Kai repeated again as he stood back up.

"Hey Beomgyu, I've been meaning to ask," Yeonjun looked back over at the blonde, "Why do you smell like smoke?" Beomgyu looked down at his clothes. They were the same ones he wore at the gas station last night since he didn't go home to grab a change of clothes.

Beomgyu just shrugged, "My dad is a heavy smoker."

"I've been to your house plenty of times and I never seen even hold a cigarette," Yeonjun didn't believe the boy and  Beomgyu was beginning to get irritated once again.

"Obviously you never see him smoke because he doesn't want other people to see. It's a disgusting habit," Beomgyu looked down at the ground, "I wouldn't be surprised if he ate them afterwards so Mom wouldn't find out. That's probably how he's gotten so fat."

"I thought you said, well, uh," Kai tried to put in his thoughts but Beomgyu's gaze was intimidating, "I thought you weren't home last night."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot you crashed at Jaemin's house last night," Yeonjun smirked.

"You guys are so annoying," Beomgyu groaned, "Cigarette smoke sticks to you like glue. It takes forever for the smell to go away so I'd appreciate it if you would stop accusing me of something I didn't do."

Yeonjun raised his hands in defense, "I never said you smoked."

Beomgyu gave him a nasty look, "You implied it."

"Okay, okay, my bad," Yeonjun apologized, "Anyways I won't be sitting with you guys at lunch today," he shook an extra bag he had been holding, "I have something to give Soobin today."

"Taehyun came back today," Kai said, "You two won't be alone."

"Of course you would know that," Beomgyu muttered.

"He rides the same bus as me!" Kai quickly defended himself.

"I brought something extra in case of that," Yeonjun ruffled Kai's hair, "So don't you worry your pretty little head."

"Does that mean Beomgyu and I are going to be sitting alone at lunch again?" Kai questioned, sounding upset.

"No, you'll be sitting by yourself," Beomgyu scowled, "You piss me off too much."


"How is everyone's day been so far?" Mrs. Suhag asked as the bell rang, signaling it was time for fourth period to start. No one responded as the students continued to carry out their own conversations. "Ahem," Mrs. Suhag coughed, "Everyone pass up your homework from last night."

Soobin took out his workbook and tore out the page Mrs. Suhag was referring to. He looked at the scribbles and scratch marks under each equation. Why was he so bad at math? Soobin remembered doing his homework Monday night after receiving help from Yeonjun and it seemed so easy but once Mrs. Suhag started teaching a new section yesterday he felt lost again.

"Soobin!" the boy sitting in the desk in front of him waves his hand, causing Soobin to snap out of his thoughts.

"Wait, what?"

"Are you going to give me your work or just stare at it for the rest of the hour?" the boy held out his hand impatiently.

"Sorry Wooyoung," Soobin handed the boy the paper and watched as he turned back around.

After a few minutes of making sure Mrs. Suhag collected everyone's papers she set them down on her desk and clasped her hands together, "I have great news class!" she grabbed a second stack of papers from off of her desk and began to pass them out, "I have the study guide for your test tomorrow!" The entire class groaned.

Soobin tightened his grasp on his pencil, "A test? Already?"

As soon as Mrs. Suhag places the paper on Soobin's desk he skimmed it. What does that mean? Isn't the y supposed to be outside the radical? What's a sin?  Soobin had to fight the urge to cry. He can't afford to fail a class his senior year.


Taehyun waited impatiently as Soobin went to get his lunch. Taehyun thought the school lunch was disgusting so he always packed his own, but on the other hand, Soobin thought that was too much work so he just buys his everyday. Taehyun didn't like being alone with his thoughts and often doodled or wrote stories to distract himself but thanks to Yeonjun he no longer has any spare notebooks laying around. Taehyun resorted to picking at his nails, although he has been trying to grow them out for a while.

"How are you feeling?"

Taehyun looked up at his best friend and smiled, "I'm doing better. Did anything interesting happen yesterday?"

Soobin thought about what Yeonjun did to him yesterday and how he sat by him during lunch, but decided it would be best to not bring up the grey-haired boy, "Not really."

"Ah okay," Taehyun sighed, "Are you still coming to our family get together thing with Kai's family tonight?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world," Soobin grinned, "Besides, Mrs. Kang always says I'm like the son she never had."

"Haha, yeah, my mom really-" Taehyun's expression suddenly dropped, "She did not say that!"

Soobin stuck out of tongue, "Not that you know of!"

Taehyun laughed, "I swear Soobin I will- go away." Soobin quickly spun around to see Yeonjun standing behind him holding a bag.

"No need to be rude," Yeonjun pouted, "I just wanted to come over and say hi."

"Okay, hello, now you can leave," Taehyun pointed in the direction where the older boy usually sat at.

"Hey there's no rush, besides," Yeonjun placed the bag on the table, "I came over here to apologize and say that I'm," his eyes flickered to Soobin and back to Taehyun, "that I'm sorry. For everything."

"You? Sorry?" Taehyun rolled his eyes, "Don't make me laugh."

"I am sorry. It's very rare for me to admit to it," Yeonjun pulled a small box out of the bag, "Besides I made you guys cupcakes. It's one of my family's secret recipes."

"What's the main ingredient?" Taehyun tsked, "Poison?"

"Love," Yeonjun smiled back.

Soobin opened the box and took one out examining the orange streaks, "What kind are these?"

"Carrot cake but in cupcake form," Yeonjun explained.

"Interesting," Soobin didn't hesitate to take a big bite of the dessert, "Wow! That's really good!"

"Thank you," Yeonjun took a seat next to Soobin.

"That doesn't mean you can stay!" Taehyun objected.

"Come on one day won't kill us," Soobin looked over at the upset boy, "besides he brought us cupcakes." And he could possibly help Soobin with his math work.

"So how are your classes going?" Yeonjun asked after a few moments of silence.

"I'm glad you asked!" Soobin placed his half eaten cupcake down on the table and pulled out his math folder," We actually have a test in math tomorrow and I'm struggling big time."

"Do you have a study guide?" Soobin nodded and pulled out three pages of what Soobin likes to call, busywork. "Wow, this is a lot," Yeonjun flipped through the pages, "I don't think I can cover everything in the last few minutes of lunch that we have left, but if you want we can have a big study session tonight."

"He can't," Taehyun interjected "It's Wednesday and Soobin always comes to our family gatherings at seven."

"Don't you think his grades are just a bit more important than that?" Yeonjun involuntarily rolled his eyes, "Besides, school gets out at three so that's plenty of time for us to study before whatever you want to do tonight."

"Soobin, don't do it," Taehyun pleaded.

Soobin bit his lip, "Thanks for the offer, but it's okay. I'll just figure it out on my own."

"Are-are you sure?" Yeonjun looked at the boy confused, "I like math because it's fun. I think it would be even more fun if I could be your tutor," he ended that last sentence with a wink.

"I'm sure," Soobin huffed, feeling uncomfortable. 

Before long the bell rang signaling the boys to head to their next class period.

"Anyways thanks for the cupcakes," Soobin stood up and patted the older's back, "I really appreciate it, what's that weird nickname again, Sugar? Yeah, thanks Sugar." Yeonjun flushed at the sudden remark but didn't say anything.

"Come on Soobin," Taehyun flashed Yeonjun one last dirty glare, "Let's go."

Yeonjun watched as the two boys walked away. He couldn't tell if Soobin was flirting back with him or mocking him, but either way, Yeonjun liked it.

Soobin looked anxiously at the clock in his room. It was already five-thirty and he still barely even scraped the surface of his study guide. It wasn't Soobin's fault that the Ban Ban Show was so addicting to watch and made it very easy to lose track of time.

"What am I going to do?" Soobin looked down at the problems that looked like Greek to him. Soobin took out his previous homework from the past week as a guide. Soobin knew that most of them were wrong but it never hurt to have some kind of reference. He was just happy Mrs. Suhag was one of the few teachers who passed back assignments the day before a test.

Soobin shuffled through the papers and stopped when he landed on a certain page. His eyes wandered down to the neatly pen-written notes at the bottom of the page. Something about the way Yeonjun laid it out made things seem so much easier. Soobin continued looking over the notes until he reached a certain section that was scratched out by pencil. He ran his fingers over the area and could still feel the numbers pressed into the page.

Soobin grabbed his pencil off of his desk, "I wonder if I just," he began to erase the pencil marking Taehyun had left to reveal the ten digit number. Soobin blinked a few times. "I'm a good friend. I love my best friend, but I really can't afford to fail. Taehyun will understand next year when he's a senior," Soobin nervously laughed, "Right?"

After a couple of minutes Soobin grabbed his phone and began dialing the number, "It's only for school Taehyun I promise. It's just for school. It's just for school."

"Hello?" the voice on the other end answered, causing the younger to hold his breath, "Who is this?"

"Hey Ye-Yeonjun, is it okay, well is it too late to," Soobin coughed as he felt intense guilt, "Sorry I just-"

"Oh is this my Sugar calling?"

"No this is Soobin," Soobin answered, unamused, "and I want you to come over and help me study tonight."



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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