Hey there! This is just a quick warning that this chapter contains a more sensitive topic than usual. I don't want to say exactly what happens, but just keep that in mind and try to remember the location they are at.


        Soobin felt a wave of relief hit him once he pulled himself up to the top of the building. He really did that. Choi Soobin, someone who is afraid of escalators, really just climbed a three story building. Soobin couldn't help but applaud himself at his achievement and Yeonjun couldn't help but laugh at his cute little outburst. 

After Soobin calmed down he took the time to observe his surroundings. It really was amazing. The sky didn't have many stars that appeared tonight, but the darkness the sky had created made everything have this sort of beautiful mystery about it. The chill breeze, which Soobin usually wasn't fond of, felt relaxing as it hit his face. The full moon was casting a dull light that hit just right to make some of the metal structures dazzle like diamonds. Soobin hadn't even realized that he had walked to the edge of the building until Yeonjun grabbed his arm. Soobin looked down at his feet and when he realized how close he was to falling he let out a short scream and ran more towards the middle of the surface. Yeonjun busted out laughing and Soobin pouted his lip, "What's so funny? I could have died!"

It took a second for Yeonjun to regain his composure and he wiped a tear that threatened to fall from his eye from laughing so hard, "But you didn't, so you don't need to panic like that."

"You don't need to panic like that," Soobin mocked him before turning to give Yeonjun the cold shoulder.

Yeonjun sighed, but couldn't help but smile, "I'm sorry Soobin." 

Soobin shook his head and Yeonjun rolled his eyes, "If you're trying to ignore someone then you shouldn't respond to them." Soobin froze in place and Yeonjun chuckled. Yeonjun ran up behind him and pulled the younger into a back hug, nuzzling his face into his neck. After a few seconds Yeonjun lifted his head and whispered into his ear, "You're adorable when you're angry." Yeonjun frowned when he still got no response. Usually Soobin would be really flustered, but instead he held a stone cold face. Yeonjun must have taken his joke seriously and he was mad at himself for opening his big mouth. Yeonjun, still wanting to break the boy's silence, bit his ear.

Soobin immediately pushed the older boy off at him and stared at him with wide eyes. Yeonjun waited for him to say something but Soobin still remained quiet. Soobin's playful smirk quickly turned into a frown, "Fine."

Soobin raised cocked a brow as if he were asking the boy 'what?'

"If you're not going to talk to me, then I might as well leave," Yeonjun stated as he walked to the area they used to climb up there, "You can get down by yourself."


Yeonjun looked back at him, putting on his best surprised expression, "You want me to stay?"

"Yeah," Soobin nervously chuckled, "Please don't leave me up here."

"I would never do that," Yeonjun made his way back over to Soobin, "Besides, without me here how else are you going to stay warm?" Yeonjun winked at him, but noticed Soobin's attention was on something behind him.

Yeonjun quickly spun around and saw on the other side of the building was a very small flame that went out in a matter of seconds.

"What was that?" Soobin asked, fear evident in his voice.

"I'm not sure," Yeonjun said as he began to make his way over to the light source. Soobin wanted to scream if the other boy was crazy, but decided against it. It was so dark that Yeonjun's figure started to disappear. Not wanting to be left alone, Soobin reluctantly followed.

As Yeonjun got closer he realized there was a person sitting on the edge, their legs dangling over the side. Yeonjun started to make out the person's light colored hair and short structure. It can't be him could it? They stopped coming here a long time ago, but he couldn't think of anyone else it could be. "Beomgyu?"

The boy took blew out smoke but didn't bother turning around, "What are you doing up here?"

"What am I-" Yeonjun furrowed his brows, "What are you doing up here? You said you didn't want to come up here anymore. I thought it was too risky."

"It was," Beomgyu looked down and watched his feet as they swung above the sidewalk below them, "but lately I stopped caring."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yeonjun asked him when Soobin suddenly appeared.

"What is-" Soobin stopped and switched his gaze between the person and Yeonjun, "Someone else is here?"

"It's Beomgyu," Yeonjun stated.


"Oh?" Beomgyu let out a soft chuckle and turned to face them, "Don't sound so excited, Sweetheart." Beomgyu tossed the cigarette he was currently holding to the side and took out another one to light.

"I thought you said you didn't smoke," Yeonjun looked at the blonde in disbelief.

"I lied."

"You said it's disgusting."

Beomgyu nodded and turned his back to them once again, "A disgusting habit for a disgusting person."

Soobin pursed hips lips together, "I mean-" Yeonjun glared at him as to warn the younger to not finish that sentence.

"So uh," Yeonjun spoke a bit slowly, "Can we talk about what happened earlier."

"What is there to talk about?" Beomgyu shook his head, "We aren't friends anymore. You said it yourself, remember?"

"I know, but," Yeonjun bit his lip, "There's something that you said earlier that has been bothering me."

"What's wrong Yeonjun?" Soobin asked, concerned for the older.

"Beomgyu said this to both Kai and I while we were fighting," Yeonjun furrowed his brows, "He said he didn't want us to care about him. It doesn't make any sense, especially with Beomgyu's home situation."

"His home situation?" Soobin tilted his head, unaware of what was going on.

"I don't want anyone to care about me," Beomgyu stood up, tossing his unfinished cigarette to the side.

"But why?"

"I don't want anyone to be sad," Beomgyu turned around to face them, "after I die."

Yeonjun felt the blood drain from his face, "Die?"

"I've been thinking about it for a while," Beomgyu grinned, "but something has always stopped me," he narrowed his eyes at Yeonjun, "I'm a terrible person, yet there's still people out there who cared about."

"Beomgyu, I had no idea," Yeonjun took a step forward, "You should have told me! I could have helped you!"

"Don't come near me!" Beomgyu hissed, "I don't want your help! I just want to die! That's all I want Yeonjun, I need to die!"

"A lot of people like you. You're the Queen Bee of the school," Yeonjun giggled in an attempt to ease the tension, "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"The Queen Bee of the school?" Beomgyu held out his arms, "Why would I want to be that when I could be the king of the clouds instead?"

Yeonjun pleaded "Beomgyu think about what you're saying. What about your parents?"

This made Beomgyu laugh hysterically, "My parents? Those bastards don't even know I'm out! It'll probably take them a week to realize I'm gone after I jump!"

"Please don't do this," Yeonjun covered his mouth as he silently sobbed. Soobin quickly wrapped his arms around Yeonjun to comfort him, but he pushed the younger off of him.

"Why," Beomgyu furrowed his brows as if he was confused at the scene in front of him, "Why are you crying?"

"Why are you not?" Yeonjun yelled back, "You idiot! Do you even realize what you're saying?" Beomgyu slowly nodded and Yeonjun glanced at Soobin for him to say something.

"Beomgyu," Soobin wasn't sure where to begin, "You're Yeonjun's best friend-"

"No!" Beomgyu looked at Soobin like he was insane, "I made sure he didn't want to be my friend anymore! I made sure he hated me so he wouldn't grieve! Nobody should mourn over someone like me!"


"I didn't get rid of Taehyun and Kai for Yeonjun to still want to be my friend!" Beomgyu pulled at his hair, insanity in his eyes, "I didn't hurt Kai for this! I didn't make Taehyun cry for this! Please just tell me you hate me, so I can die already!"

"I-I can't Gyu!" Yeonjun didn't want to look at his friend in this state, but he feared that the moment he looked away that Beomgyu would be gone, "I could never hate you!"

"Why?" Beomgyu's voice cracked as cold tears started to stream down his face, "I finally got rid of everyone. It was going to happen tonight. Why Yeonjun?"

"You've been my best friend for years," Yeonjun spoke a bit softer, noticing Beomgyu's sudden change, "I couldn't hate you over a couple of fights. That's ridiculous!"

"Please," Beomgyu asked one more time, "Please say you despise me. Say you want nothing to do with me."

"I don't want to."

"Well I don't want to be here anymore."

"Beomgyu," Yeonjun took another step closer to him and Beomgyu screamed at him to stop, "Are they just neglecting you or is there more going on at home?"

Beomgyu didn't say anything and cast his gaze away from the two boys. He blinked a few times trying to get the tears to stop, but they kept coming. How embarrassing. 

"Please Beomgyu," Yeonjun held out his hand, "Let us help you."

"I don't," Beomgyu mumbled the rest of his words.

"You don't what?" Yeonjun tilted his head, still holding out his hand. He's unsure. This is progress. 

"I," Beomgyu bit the inside of his cheek.

"Please just take my hand," Yeonjun took one more step closer.

One step too close for Beomgyu's comfort.

"Don't come near me!" Beomgyu took a step back, forgetting he was already on the edge. Beomgyu lost his balance and started to fall back. He reached out to grab Yeonjun's and their fingers brushed for a split second but it was too late. Beomgyu felt a wide range of emotions. The strongest one he felt was a feeling of instant regret before hitting the ground.

Yeonjun stared at where Beomgyu was standing as if the boy was still there and felt himself start to shake, "This can't be real."




I originally didn't leave any message after this chapter to make a dramatic effect but a good bit of people freaked out so I'm just here to tell you guys that it is okay. The story will only start to grow from here and things do get better I promise! Please keep reading and I hope you enjoy what is waiting for you in the future chapters!
