"Are you sure he won't be mad?"

"Oh he's going to be furious," Soobin laughed at Yeonjun's startled expression, "but he'll get over it, just like he did last time."

Yeonjun squeezed Soobin's hand as they entered the cafeteria together. Soobin has yet to tell Taehyun about the events that happened yesterday because he knew the younger would be livid. Taehyun and Yeonjun still didn't like each other and Soobin assumed because Yeonjun was friends with Beomgyu. Soobin understood why Taehyun might be upset, but at the same time he just wished that Taehyun could be happy for him.

The two boys made it to their lunch table and realized Taehyun was staring at a few kids who formed a circle around something. Yeonjun realized it was where Beomgyu, Kai, and him used to sit and had an uneasy feeling.

"What's going on?" Soobin asked.

"I can't really tell from here. If I had to guess I would think there's a fight," Taehyun turned to look at his friend and rolled his eyes when he saw Yeonjun standing next to him, "I'm going to go see for myself."

Without any hesitation Taehyun jumped up from his seat and headed in that direction. Soobin flashed the older an apologetic smile, but Yeonjun's expression remained emotionless as he stared at the small crowd that began to form.

"Do you wanna go over there?"

Yeonjun responded with a firm nod and dragged Soobin over to his old table. As they got closer, they could start to make out what was being said and it didn't sound very pretty.

"Why would I you anywhere near me? You are a loser! You are a nobody! You are a freak! You are-"

Soobin was easily able to watch the scene unfold, thanks to his height. He saw that Beomgyu was the one making a big ruckus, while Kai didn't put up much of a fight. Soobin felt bad for Kai, but at the same time was relieved that there was no physical contact.

"Please stop it," Kai managed to mutter.

"Why should I?" a smirk played on Beomgyu's lips, "I'm just being honest with you." Kai slowly shook his head, which received a snicker from the older. "Just a few weeks ago you were ready to fight me about literally everything and now you're just going to stand there? You're pitiful."

Kai looked down at his feet, "I just don't want to fight you Beomgyu."

"Scared you'll lose?" Beomgyu crossed his arms and cocked a brow.

"I just don't want to fight you," Kai lifted his gaze to look at the blonde, "because I care about you."

Beomgyu's smile quickly faded into a scowl, "I don't want you to care about me."

"But what about your fam-"

"I don't need want anyone to care about me!" Beomgyu yelled, causing Kai to take a few steps back, "And I definitely don't need your pity!"

"I-I don't care about you because I pity you," Kai frowned and Beomgyu tsked at him, "I care about you because, well, you're my friend." Kai curved his lips into a small smile, in hopes to make the older see how sincere he was being. That last bit of kindness in Kai was stripped away and turned into despair when Beomgyu began to laugh hysterically.

"Friends? With you?" Beomgyu continued to laugh, but held a sad expression on his face, "I would never!"

"You don't mean that!" Kai snapped back.

"O-of course I do," Beomgyu furrowed his brows, "You just-"

"Then what about what happened at my house the first night you stayed over? We agreed to be friends!" Kai tried his best to hold in his tears that threatened to fall at any seconds, "Did that mean nothing to you?"

"You just caught me at a vulnerable time," Beomgyu adverted his gaze and spoke a bit softer, "I didn't mean anything I said that night."

"You're lying!" Kai squeezed closed his eyes

"Why would I lie?" Beomgyu got defensive and glared at the younger, "Even if what I said was true at the time I probably would of ended our friendship anyways!"

"Why would you-"

"Because Huening Kai, you are worthless."

Worthless? Kai opened his eyes and couldn't help the hot tears that streaked his face, "Y-You're so m-mean!"

"Oh man," Beomgyu held his hand over his heart and let a giggle escape his lips, "You really hurt me with that one."

Yeonjun let go of Soobin's hand and made his way over to Kai. Soobin wanted to stop him, but he looked angry and decided against it.

Beomgyu widened his eyes when a certain blue haired boy stepped in front of Kai, almost shielding him. Beomgyu silently cursed to himself. The fight was so close to being over. Why are you doing this Yeonjun?

The two boys stared each other down and Kai took this opportunity to escape to where Taheyun was standing.

"What is your problem?" Yeonjun was the first to speak up, "You're mean sometimes, but not like this."

"What's my problem?" Beomgyu sighed, "My problem is that you're here."

"Well I wasn't going to just sit there and watch you hurt Kai!" Yeonjun couldn't believe what his friend, well former friend, was saying.

"Since when did you care about Kai? Whenever I bullied him at our table you didn't even bat an eye," Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun with disgust, "Now that we aren't friends anymore you wanna step in? Some kind of hero you are!" Yeonjun bit his lip in frustration. He knew Beomgyu was right and looking back at it not he hated himself for it. "If you don't have anything else to say then just leave."

"Why are you acting like this?" Yeonjun asked, "I know you and this isn't you."

Beomgyu narrowed his eyes, "Apparently you don't know me as well as you think you do."

"I know you well enough to know that you're hiding something," Yeonjun shook his head.

"Stop acting like you know everything!"

"It's not my fault you're terrible at hiding things," Yeonjun shrugged, "You're saying one thing, but the expressions you're making are saying another thing." Beomgyu parted his lips to speak but Yeonjun beat him to it, "Recently you've been hiding behind a mask. Do you really think it would go unnoticed? Just tell me what's going on and we can get through it together. I care about you a lot and I just want you to be yourself again."

"Stop it!" Beomgyu pleaded, desperation evident in his voice, "I don't want you to care about me either!"

Yeonjun noticed the sudden shift and felt like he was making progress, "Come on Beomgyu," Yeonjun stepped closer to Beomgyu and help out his hand, "Let's be friends again."

Yeonjun saw Beomgyu slowly lifted his hand and expected Beomgyu to shake it, but was taken aback when he felt a stinging sensation on his face.

"Y-you slapped me!"

Beomgyu just stared at him blankly, "Maybe you'll finally get the hint and go away."

"You can't just-" Yeonjun felt the fury build up inside of him, "Do you remember that one time you tried to fight Kai and I held you back? I bluffed and told Kai that we're capable of more than he knows."

"What's you're point?"

"My point is that you're a weakling! You're only capable of hurting others to make yourself feel better!" Yeonjun rolled up his sleeves, "But I am able to do more than that."

"What are you going to do?" Beomgyu snickered, "Cry about it? Last time I checked, that seems to be the only thing you do nowadays."

Yeonjun didn't bother wasting anymore time talking and threw a punch at the younger's chest causing Beomgyu to stumble backwards and hit the corner of the table. It hurt. It hurt a lot but Beomgyu didn't want to let Yeonjun see that and just looked down at the his hands as he sat on the floor. Any other person would probably get up and fight back after receiving a blow like that, but Beomgyu didn't. He just didn't see the point anymore.

"Beomgyu," Yeonjun spoke but the blonde didn't say anything. Yeonjun crouched down to be eye level with the younger, "Are you not going to say or do anything?"

"Just leave," Beomgyu growled, "I don't want anything to do with you or Kai."

"Beomgyu just-"

"I hate both of you! Just go away already!"

"Fine," Yeonjun stood up, realizing he was fighting for a lost cause, "Consider our friendship officially over."

Beomgyu waited for everyone to leave before pulling himself back up. The pain in his back was killing him, but he tried his best to ignore it. Stupid Yeonjun.  Beomgyu now sat in one of the seats at the now empty table. Things got way out of hand, but it was worth it. Beomgyu smiled to himself, "I'm finally by myself."


"I just don't understand what I did wrong," Kai explained, "He just started screaming at me out of nowhere." Kai was no longer crying, but was still in shock at what just happened. He couldn't help but replay their fight over and over in his head.

"It's not your fault," Taehyun tried to reassure Kai as he let the younger rest his head on his shoulder, "Beomgyu," he sighed, "There's something wrong with him. He started acting strange a week before a breakup, and you know the rest."

Kai gulped, feeling guilty for what he did to his best friend, "I'm really sorry Tae."

"It's fine," Taehyun began to run his fingers through Kai's dark hair, "I'm more worried about you right now."

"Hey guys," Soobin took a seat across from Taehyun, Yeonjun next to him, "How are you feeling Kai?"

"Better," Kai looked up and smiled at Taehyun. The older felt heat creep onto his cheeks and turned to look away before anyone else noticed. 

Kai turned his attention to Yeonjun, who looked annoyed, "Thank you Yeonjun."

"Yeah," Yeonjun pursed his lips togehr.

"So, uh," Kai fidgeted with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"What is it?" Taehyun asked, who looked a bit concerned.

"I was wondering if I was able to take up that offer you guys made about two weeks ago," Kai gave them a shy smile, "I would like to sit with you guys again."

"You're more than welcome to sit with us," Taehyun's words came out of his mouth before he realized what he said. No. He was supposed to be mad at Kai, but there was something about him that wouldn't allow it.

"Really?" Kai's eyes lit up.

"Yeah!" Soobin grinned, "I think the four of us would make a great group!"

Taehyun shot his eyes towards Yeonjun, who obviously wasn't paying attention to the conversation, "Four?"

"Right," Soobin nervously giggled, "The four of us." Taehyun wanted to argue back and tell Soobin how that was an awful idea, but he didn't want to upset Kai. He's been through enough today. They'll just talk about it another time.

"Ah!" Kai clasped his hands together, "Are you guys back together?" Soobin nodded and Kai looked delighted, while Taehyun looked disappointed. "You guys are so cute together!"

"Thank you," Soobin looked over at Yeonjun and his smile dropped, "What's wrong Yeonjun?"

"Nothing," Yeonjun lied.

"Come on," Soobin frowned, "You can be honest with me."

"I just have a lot on my mind," Yeonjun admitted.

"Is it Beomgyu?"


"Well is there something you would like to do tonight to get your mind off things? We can watch a movie, or go out somewhere. Anything you want."

"There's actually a place I'd like to go," Yeonjun hesitated, "but I don't think you'd like it."

"Where is it?" Soobin placed an arm around Yeonjun, "I'll go anywhere you'd like me to."

"The roof of the school."

"What?" Soobin felt the color drain from his face, "W-why?"

"Beomgyu showed me how to get up there. I know how crazy it sounds, but he always talked about how amazing the view is up there and he was right," Yeonjun felt a bit calmer just thinking about it, "The night sky, the cool breeze, the scenery, it's all beautiful when combined. It's a great place to clear your mind."

"Yeonjun," Soobin gulped, "I want to help you, but I don't like heights."

"It's only three stories high and it's really easy to get up there," Yeonjun placed a hand on Soobin's thigh, "I promise nothing will happen to you."

"What about Beomgyu?" Kai inserted himself into the conversation, "If he showed you it, is there a possibility he'll be there tonight."

Yeonjun shook his head, "We used to go there together, but last year he said he didn't want to do it anymore." Kai shrugged and turned to Taehyun to talk about his newest stuffed animal.

"Are you sure we'll be okay?" Soobin looked at him warily.

"I promise Sugar," Yeonjun placed a kiss on his head, "Nothing is going to happen tonight."

"Alright," Soobin reluctantly agreed, "Tonight, let's go to the roof."



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions, opinions, theories, and everything else down below in the comments! I love hearing your feedback!

And as always, thank you so much for reading :)
