Yeonjun woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. He looked up to see Soobin but was quick squeeze his eyes back shut thanks to the bright light and massive pain in his head. 

"You have to get up."

Yeonjun shook his head and hid himself under the blanket. He covered himself not only because of the light, but because the memories of last night started to flood his mind. To say he was embarrassed was an understatement. Why couldn't he just forget what happens whenever he's drunk like a normal person would?

Soobin ripped the blanket off f the older, "Yeonjun."

"It hurts," Yeonjun whined as he placed his arms over his face.

Soobin giggled, "That's your punishment for thinking it was a good idea to go drinking on a school night." Yeonjun muttered something Soobin couldn't understand and the younger just sighed. "Do you want me to go get you some medicine? Will that make you feel better?"

Yeonjun shook his head once again.

Soobin cocked an eyebrow, "Then what do you want?"


Soobin slowly moved Yeonjun's arms off his face, causing the older to glare at him, "We have to go to school."

Yeonjun huffed, "I don't want to go to school."

"Fine," Soobin shrugged, "I'll just go without you."

As Soobin started to walk away, Yeonjun was quick to grab onto the hem of Soobin's shirt, "Stay with me."

Soobin wasn't sure if it was because he was attracted to Yeonjun's groggy morning voice or if he just missed being in a relationship, but he considered it for a short moment.

"I know you want to!" Yeonjun sang.

Soobin snapped out of his daze, "I already skipped school for you once. I can't do it a second time."

"Why not?" Yeonjun frowned, this was only making his headache even worse, "I thought you had fun that day."

"I did, but that's not the point," Soobin gently removed Yeonjun's hand from his shirt and held it in his own, "but we aren't in a relationship anymore. It would feel wrong." Yeonjun chuckled and Soobin dropped his lips into a scowl, "Why are you laughing?"

Yeonjun realized that Soobin wasn't joking and furrowed his brows in slight confusion at the younger, "Do we have to be in a relationship to just hang out? Or just to watch a movie?"

"It just wouldn't feel right," the younger repeated a bit louder this time.

It took Yeonjun a few moments to finally understand what Soobin was implying, "Ah! Well," Yeonjun sat up and licked his lips, "we can always fix that if you'd like."

"I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore Yeonjun."

"Are you sure about that?" Yeonjun flickered his eyes between Soobin and their hands. Soobin blushed and threw the older's hand down. Yeonjun scrunched his nose in amusement and for some reason it made Soobin's heart flutter.

Soobin focused his attention on the beige colored wall behind Yeonjun, "I'm sure."

Yeonjun used his hand to grab onto Soobin's face and forced him to look directly into his eyes, "Say that while looking at me." Soobin froze like a dear in headlights. He could feel his lips move, but no words were coming out. Yeonjun couldn't help but smile, "Well?" Soobin pushed Yeonjun away from him, causing the older to hit his head against the backrest. Yeonjun tried his best to suppress a cry of pain as he dramatically fell over to side, burying his face into his blanket. 

"I refuse to play along with your game," Soobin crossed his arms as he held his eyes shut, trying not to fall for whatever charms Yeonjun has hiding up his sleeve. After a few seconds of silence Soobin hesitantly opened one of his eyes to see Yeonjun just laying on his couch like dead meat, "Yeonjun?"

Yeonjun groaned in response and turned over to face the younger.

"Ah," Soobin slightly jumped at the movement, "A-are you okay?"

"I'm great," Yeonjun hissed as he held his hands against his head.

"I'm sorry," Soobin tapped his foot as he checked the time to see he was already behind schedule, "Are you sure you don't want any medicine? I really have to go."

Yeonjun pointed to his cheek, "A kiss would make me feel better."

"Then I guess you'll have to suffer," Soobin said nonchalantly as he headed for the door.

"Hey!" Yeonjun jumped up and watched Soobin unlock the door, "You can't just-" Yeonjun was cut off by the door being closed. 

"What a jerk," Yeonjun pouted as he laid back down on the couch, "You Soojerk!" Yeonjun couldn't sulk too long because he remembered how flustered Soobin had gotten just a few moments prior. A big grin appeared on his face, "Soobin still likes me." Just the thought of them being back together made him happy, but nothing can happen unless Soobin stops being so stubborn. All Yeonjun could really do now is hope.


Soobin sighed as he pulled into his driveway. School was so boring today and has taken almost everything out of him. Soobin couldn't wait to get inside and take a long nap. As soon as Soobin opened the door he was greeted by a certain blue haired boy, "Welcome home Soobin!"

Soobin took a second to take in what was going on. There was soft music playing and it looked a lot cleaner in here.

"While you were gone I tidied up a bit in here and the kitchen. I hope you don't mind. I also started making something for you to eat once you got back, but then I noticed what time it was and realized that you would be home before I finished," Yeonjun smiled apologetically as he rubbed the back of his neck, "but it shouldn't take me too much longer! I'm making cheese tteokbokki. I don't know how well you like it, but I remembered when Beomgyu and Taehyun were together Beomgyu always made it for Taehyun because it was his favorite. I figured since you guys were best friends and all that you would have similar taste. It's actually my first-"


"I, uh," Yeonjun's smile faded and he looked down at the ground a bit embarassed, "I ramble whenever I get nervous."

"It's okay," Soobin quickly put his hands on the older's shoulder's to reassure him, "I think it's cute."

Yeonjun looked up at him and grinned, "You think I'm cute?"

"Do you have to ask me that every time I say it?" Soobin rolled his eyes.

Yeonjun nodded, "I like hearing you say it."

"I think you're cute," Soobin admitted, "There are you happy?"

"Yeah." The two blushing boys just stood there in silence, smiling at each other until a beeping sound came from the kitchen.

"The tteokbokki!" Yeonjun ran into the kitchen and Soobin followed behind him. Soobin just watched as the older stirred in the cheese. He wanted to talk to him, but Yeonjun looked so focused that Soobin didn't want to risk messing him up. It didn't take much longer until the food was done and Yeonjun placed a plate in front of him.

Soobin thanked him and waited for Yeonjun to sit down before digging into his meal, "This is really good!"

"Thank you."

"How are you feeling?" Soobin asked, still feeling bad for hurting him earlier.

"My head still hurts a little," Yeonjun said, "but I don't feel nauseous anymore."

"That's good," Soobin sighed in relief, "So, I'm really grateful for everything you did while I was away-"

"As you should," Yeonjun teased him.

"Why are you still here?" Soobin cut to the chase.

Yeonjun just looked at Soobin as if the younger had grown two heads, "How am I supposed to get anywhere? You picked me up last night, remember?"

"You couldn't ask anyone to come and pick you up?" Soobin tapped his fingers making Yeonjun feel a bit offended. Was he really in a rush to kick him out after everything he's done for him today?

"Everyone I know is in school you genius," Yeonjun scoffed, "What did you already forget I'm in high school too?"

"No need to get so hostile all of a sudden," Soobin tilted his head. He meant someone like his mom or dad, but Soobin decided it was best to not push it.

"If you want me to leave that badly then just drop me off after you're done eating," Yeonjun got up to throw away the rest of his food.

"Yeonjun, that's not what I meant," Soobin shook his head as he took another bite of his food.

Yeonjun crossed his arms,"Mhm."

"I'm just tired," Soobin said, "It has nothing against you."

Yeonjun sat back down in the chair directly next to Soobin, "Did something happen at school today? Why are you so tired?"

"Nothing happened at school," Soobin smirked at the older, "I think it's because some drunk idiot needed a ride home at one in the morning."

Yeonjun snapped his head in the opposite direction of Soobin so he couldn't see how embarrassed he was. That's the second time today since Soobin has gotten home. What's with him today?

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," Yeonjun lightly jabbed the younger's side, causing him to wince in pain, which was plenty enough time for Yeonjun to run out of there. 

Once Soobin finished his meal he picked up both of their plates and put them in the sink. He went back into the living to see Yeonjun curled up on the couch, staring at nothing in particular. "Are you ready to go?"

"I guess," Yeonjun pulled himself up and followed Soobin outside to his car.

"Where do you live?" Soobin asked after he had pulled up his GPS.

"Dudley Apartments," Yeonjun stated.

"Oh?" Soobin cocked an eyebrow. He didn't expect Yeonjun, of all people, to live in an apartment. Not that there's anything wrong with it. He just figured he'd be living somewhere fancier like Beomgyu. Then again, Yeonjun said he wasn't rich. Soobin face palmed himself for ever assuming something like that.

Yeonjun widened his eyes at the younger, "What was that for?"

"Nothing," Soobin tried to reassure him.

Yeonjun cracked a smile, "If you say so Binnie."

The car ride was a bit long but there were easily able to pass the time by playing I Spy and sharing childhood memories with each other. Soobin's GPS led them to a small and rundown apartment complex. "Is this the right place?" Soobin looked back and forth between the building and Yeonjun.

"It is," Yeonjun tried to smile, but could only imagine what the younger might be thinking about his living conditions, "Would you like to come inside? I usually don't take people inside, but I can make you a cup of coffee for your troubles."

"It's okay, you don't have to-"

"It's the least I can do," Yeonjun looked at him with pleading eyes. He didn't want the younger to leave just yet.

"Well," Soobin turned off his engine, "If it's not too much trouble."

"Of course not!" Yeonjun hopped out of the car and waited for Soobin to do the same, "Follow me."

Yeonjun lived on the fifth floor, which also happened to be the top floor. Soobin hated heights, so walking up all of these stairs didn't make him very happy. The horror stories of a few stairs breaking under peoples' feet that Yeonjun had told him didn't help. Soobin tried to focus his attention on his surroundings. The walls were a mud color and there was a huge hole on the second floor. The windows looked like they haven't been touched in ages and had a green tint to them. Soobin shook his head, "How could someone live like this?"

"We don't have a lot of money," Yeonjun stopped in his tracks to turn and face Soobin, "It's not that bad once you get used to it."

"I'm so sorry! I don't even know where that came from," Soobin tugged at his own hair, "It's not right of me to judge someone's home."

"It's fine," Yeonjun tsked as he continued to climb up the stairs. 

The rest of the walk was silent but short. Yeonjun struggled a bit with the keys, but was eventually able to get them inside, "There we go!" Yeonjun pushed open the door and allowed Soobin to step inside before locking the door behind them. "Make yourself comfortable," he said before heading to the kitchen area to make coffee. 

Soobin took this time to look around. The living room and kitchen were combined into a small area and four doors which each had their own label. 'Yeonjun', 'Laundry', 'Bath', and 'Minho'. "Who's Minho?"

"My cousin."

"You live with your cousin?" Soobin asked as he took a seat on the maroon colored couch.

"Yeah," Yeonjun placed two cups of coffee on the table in front of them and sat next to Soobin, "He's in college so we don't have a lot of money to spare."

"Oh," Soobin took a sip of his coffee and Yeonjun silently begged him to not ask a certain question, "You don't live with your parents?"

Yeonjun clenched his jaw and shook his head. Please just leave it at that Soobin.

"How come?" 


Yeonjun twirled his cup, "They both passed away about six years ago."

"I'm sorry," Soobin took a sip of his drink, "Were you guys close?"

"I'm not sure," Yeonjun admitted

"What do you mean?" Soobin looked at the older a bit concerned.

"Like I said they passed away six years ago so I was going through my angsty teen phase," Yeonjun placed his drink down, "I hated everyone and everything, including them," Yeonjun let out a dry laugh, "I remember the last thing I told them that day is that I wished I had different parents."

"Did you mean it?"

"Of course not! I was just a stupid child who thought the world revolved around them," Yeonjun leaned his head against the younger's shoulder, "We were supposed to go visit my grandmother who lives overseas. There was no particular reason. It wasn't a holiday and she was perfectly healthy, they just wanted to see her because she's family. I remember thinking that's the stupidest idea ever! I wanted to stay home and hang out with my friends. I didn't want to go visit some old lady I rarely talked to. We got into a big fight and that's when I started yelling awful things like how I didn't love them and how much I disliked our family." 

Yeonjun had stopped telling his story and Soobin could sense that something was wrong. He grabbed a hold of Yeonjun's hand and the older felt a bit more at ease and was able to continue his story, "They reluctantly let me stay home and they left by themselves. They boarded the plane and..."

Soobin could feel the older start to shake and he squeezed his hand even tighter, "I'm so sorry."

"A part of me is grateful that I was so stubborn or else I would have died on that plane to but at the same time I'll never forgive myself. I was their only child and the last thing I told them was how much I despised them. Apparently one of the last things a parent thinks of before they die is their children, but I was so awful. They probably thought along the lines of 'we raised a monster' or 'where did we go wrong' or 'he doesn't even care about us', but I do! I cared about them so much but I was so dumb and selfish that I kept pushing them away and that's what they believed whenever they died! I never told them I loved them! I never told them goodbye! I never- I'm sorry," Yeonjun sat up and wiped the tears away before they could fall down his cheeks. 

Soobin reached out for Yeonjun, but the older wasn't paying attention to him. Soobin wanted to comfort him, but wasn't sure what to say. He's never lost someone who he had a good relationship with. Soobin grabbed Yeonjun and pulled him into a hug. The gesture caught the older off guard and let himself cry into the younger's shoulder. 

Once Yeonjun calmed down he spoke in a much softer tone, "I just wish I could have talked to them one last time."

Soobin ran his fingers through Yeonjun's soft hair, "I'm sure they knew you really loved them."

Yeonjun shook his head, "They did so much for me, but I was so ungrateful."

"Please don't beat yourself up like this Yeonjun. Everyone knows that those early teenage years are the worst. They were teenagers at one point too," Soobin reminded him, "Besides, I'm sure wherever they are they are listening to you right now and know the truth."

"You think so?" Yeonjun looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"I know so."

"Thanks Binnie," Yeonjun wasn't too sure yet, but he wanted to believe the younger was right, "I just want to make sure if anyone that I know passes away that I really do care about them. I don't want anyone to go through what my parents might have."

"I understand."

"I think their deaths are the reason I'm always jumping from relationship to relationship," Yeonjun admitted.

"Really?" Soobin furrowed his brows, a bit confused on how those two correlate with each other.

"I'm scared to lose people," Yeonjun spoke slowly as if he was still trying to put the pieces together, "I always get rid of people before I can catch feelings for them. Then Chan came along and screwed that up, and now you."

Soobin waited a few seconds for Yeonjun to correct himself but the older stayed silent, "And now me?"

Yeonjun nodded, "I know it's crazy because we only dated for, like what, a week? For some reason I still fell for you. There's just something special about you. You helped me get over Chan and you're just really nice to me. Even after our breakup you let me stay at your house. Who lets their ex crash at their house?"

"Well can I say something just as crazy?" Soobin asked and Yeonjun let a small smile play on his lips, "I still like you too."

"Really?" Yeonjun's smile grew wider and his eyes twinkled which Soobin thought was adorable.

The younger nodded, "I kept denying it and telling myself that I was over you, but I never was. I missed you, a lot."

"Does that mean-"

"As long as there's no funny business, then yes. Choi Yeonjun I would love to be your boyfriend."

Yeonjun practically tackled the boy and showered him in kisses, "I swear to you I'll be completely honest and I won't try to rush things like I did last time. You are-"

The front door flew open and a third voice spoke, "What is going on?"

Yeonjun quickly got himself off of Soobin and looked up to see Minho.

Minho looked at the two boys in shock, "Yeonjun answer me."

The memories of the party last night were still fresh and he felt his blood boil and Minho's tone. Who does this guy think he is? "I'm sorry," Yeonjun blunly, "Who are you, freak?"

"Oh," Minho nervously laughed, "So you didn't forget what happened last night."

"Soobin I think now would be a good time to leave," Yeonjun spoke as he kept his eyes glued to Minho.

"Yeonjun did something happen?" Soobin looked at the older with a worried expression on his face.

"We can talk about it later, but you really need to leave," Yeonjun stated.

"O-okay," Soobin got up and grabbed his things, "Thanks for the coffee. I-I'll see you tomorrow."

Yeonjun waited for Soobin to leave before running over to Minho and punching his arm repeatedly, "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Not okay!" Yeonjun started to punch a bit faster, "You really tried to screw me over for that nasty boy!"

"I had to maintain my reputation," Minho tried to explain, but this only made the younger angrier.

"It can't be that hard to maintain the reputation of a loser," Yeonjun delivered one last blow to the older's arm before crossing his and turning away from him.

"What do you want?" Minho placed a hand on Yeonjun's shoulder.


"I'm going to spoil you today, so what do you want?" Minho repeated.

"I don't want you to spoil me," Yeonjun turned around to face his cousin, "We don't have money to spend it stupidly."

"I've been telling myself I would as soon as I saw you cry," Minho sighed, "Besides I got a raise, so this one time won't kill us."

"Well if you insist," Yeonjun bounced on his toes.

"What do you want?" Minho asked for a third time.

"Only three things," Yeonjun said, "I was black sugar bubble tea, a new bouquet of flowers, and lastly a hug."

"That's it?"

"I have everything else I want," Yeonjun nodded and held out his arms and Minho accepted his embrace, making any grudge he had at the older go away.

"Come on," Minho broke away, "Let's go to the tea shop."



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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And as always thank you so much for reading :)
