After school ended, Taehyun and Kai headed to Soobin's house when they were told about what had happened last night.

"Oh no," Kai covered his mouth in shock, "Is he okay?

"We haven't visited him, so I can't say for sure," Soobin explained, "But according to the call we got, he's doing fine."

Kai let out a dramatic sigh, "What a relief!"

Taehyun looked at the younger curiously, but decided to not start anything and turned his attention to the two boys sitting on the couch, "Are you guys okay?"

Yeonjun hesitated for a moment, "A, uh, bit shaken up but I'm fine." Anyone could tell how upset Yeonjun looked and the fact that Yeonjun is still upset and possibly blaming himself breaks Soobin's heart. He held onto the older's hand and squeezed it tightly in an attempt to comfort him and Yeonjun gave him a small smile in return.

"What hospital is he in?" Kai asked.


Kai clapped his hands together as if he just had a brilliant idea, "We should go see him! It's not far from here and maybe if we see him he'll see how much we really do care!"

"No," Yeonjun and Taehyun spoke at the same time. The excitement in Kai's face melted to disappointment and he sulked back into his seat.

"As much as Beomgyu loves getting attention, knowing him, I think he'd rather be alone right now," Yeonjun rested his head on Soobin's shoulder, "He'd want to think things over."

"I can respect that," Kai nodded and looked over at Taehyun, "Why were you so quick to say no Tae?"

Taehyun shrugged, "I just don't want to see him."

"But I thought he was the rose," Kai wiggled his brows.

"I told you that story had nothing to do with me," Taehyun glared at the younger.

"Are you sure about that?" Kai giggled as he continued to tease his friend.


"How disappointing!" Kai cried out, "I was starting to think there was a chance that I was the sunflower."

"Y-you don't know w-what you're talking about!" Taehyun was taken aback by the younger's sudden attitude change and hid his face to hide any sort of evidence that he was blushing. Kai busted out laughing at Taehyun's reaction. The two continued to bicker and they reminded Yeonjun of a married couple. Yeonjun also couldn't help but notice how flustered Taehyun was.

Yeonjun couldn't help but smile as he watched the two youngest interact, but he still wasn't sure about one thing, "Kai, are you gay?"

Kai stopped teasing Taehyun and his smile dropped.

"You can't just ask people questions like that out of the blue!" Soobin lightly hit the older's chest.

"What?" Yeonjun cocked a brow, feeling playful from watching the other pair tease each other, "Are you scared I'll leave you for him?"

Soobin snorted, "Last time I checked, weren't you the one begging me to-" Yeonjun let out a loud, and obviously fake laugh, cutting the younger off.

"But you were-"


"What about last-"

"Choi Soobin I swear to God!"

Soobin chuckled and pecked a kiss on the older's cheeks, "Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." Yeonjun whined at the action and Soobin tilted his head, "What's wrong?" Yeonjun looked away and pouted. Soobin forced Yeonjun to look at him and brushed their lips together for a brief second, "Is that better Darling?"

Yeonjun's eyes widened in shock before filling with lust, "I never gave you permission to tease me like that," Yeonjun grabbed the collar of Soobin's shirt and pulled him closer, "You don't wanna do that Sugar."

Soobin broke character and started giggling, making Yeonjun let go and laugh along with him. Soobin's laugh was like music to his ears and could easily lighten his mood.

"You guys make me sick," Taehyun rolled his eyes.

Yeonjun clicked his tongue and mumbled something under his breath.

"What?" Taehyun glared at him.

Yeonjun gave Taehyun a big grin before looking back at Kai who seemed a bit sad as he was deep in thought, "Ah, I'm sorry if I made you upset Kai. You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to."

"It's not that, I'm just," Kai sighed and looked down at the ground, "I don't know what I like."

"Kai has never been in a relationship before," Soobin explained and Kai slowly nodded his head.

"It just hurts sometimes seeing everyone so happy with each other," Kai continued, "I just want to know what it feels like, but I'm so scared whenever I'm around new people that they think I'm stuck up or boring."

"Kai you're amazing and if we're being honest," Yeonjun's eyes flickered between Kai and Taehyun, "I don't think you have to look very far for that."

Kai gave the older a puzzled look as he followed his gaze, "What do you mean?"

"I think you two would be a cute couple," Yeonjun said making Taehyun freeze like a deer in headlights, while Kai laughed.

"Don't be silly!" Kai pulled Taehyun into a tight hug, "We've been best friends since the womb! It'd be weird if anything were to happen between us."

"Y-yeah," Taehyun agreed softly, fighting against the tears that threatened to spill at any moment. Why did Kai have to say it so confidently? Taehyun knew this moment was going to hurt, but he didn't expect it to hurt this bad. Taehyun had a bit of hope after Kai made that sunflower comment, but Yeonjun had to open his big mouth and ruin it. Taehyun guessed it was for the best. He wasn't sure where these feelings came from, and now he can finally try to get rid of them. Still, it would have been nice to keep that hope alive just a little longer. Why does he always have to feel this way?

Yeonjun noticed how dejected Taehyun looked and felt extremely guilty. By the way they were messing with each other, Yeonjun could have sworn that they both liked each other, "Taehyun?"

"What?" Taehyun snapped and nudged Kai off of him, "What do you want now Yeonjun?"

"Please calm down," Yeonjun frowned, only angering the younger more.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Taehyun raised his voice as he stared at the older. Taehyun did his best to hold back his urges to punch him in the face right then and there. 

Yeonjun frowned, he really didn't want to fight with right now, "I was only trying to help Taehyun."

"Help?" Taehyun couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Help with what?"

Yeonjun easily could expose Taehyun's crush on the younger just to spite him, but he had to play nice, for Soobin's sake. "Well Kai is lonely and you got out of a nasty relationship with Beomgyu," Yeonjun tried explaining, "I thought it would be a win win situation. Not to mention you guys seem really close to each other."

"How about instead of worrying about us you mind your own business!"

Yeonjun held his hands up defensively, "I was just saying-"

"Shut up! You don't even take your relationships seriously!" Taehyun accidentally let his tears fall, "You're the last person anyone would want relationship advice from! You screw them and then you leave them!"

"That's not true!" Yeonjun spat back at the obvious lie. He messed around with peoples' feelings in the past, but he would never take things that far.

"Taehyun?" Kai looked at the older, his voice a bit hushed. Taehyun looked at the younger who looked scared and Taehyun felt his heart break even more, "Why are you so mad?" Taehyun didn't say anything and just used his hands to muffle his sobs.

"I'm sorry Taehyun," Yeonjun tried to make amends, but Taehyun wasn't having it.

Taehyun calmed down a little bit before speaking, "Why are you still here? You-you ruin everything."

"I really didn't mean any harm," Yeonjun said, keeping his gaze lowered.

"I hate you so much."

"Stop it Taehyun," Soobin spoke.

"Am I the bad guy again?" Taehyun asked with a bitter laugh.

"Nobody is the bad guy," Soobin stated as he got up to go sit down next to his best friend, "I just don't want the two people I care about the most to keep fighting."

Taehyun tsked and hung his head low, "You're such a liar."

Soobin furrowed his brows, "No I'm not."

"If that's not true then why do you always take his side?" Taehyun glared at Soobin, "We've been friends for years and you've only known that guy for about a month, yet every time we fight you only care about him. I have feelings too."

"Taehyun, please don't look at it like that," Soobin placed a hand on the younger's shoulder, "It's just you seem so angry at everything he does and I-"

"Once again it's only about him and I'm wrong," Taehyun pushed Soobin off, "If you're only going to pretend to be my friend, then don't even bother."

"I am your friend Taehyun," Soobin tried to reassure him, "You're just overthinking things."

"So again, it's my fault!" Taehyun exclaimed and stood up to leave, "Are you coming with me Kai?"

"I, uh," Kai looked between the three boys.

Taehyun's face was emotionless, but still stained from his tears, "Forget about it." Taehyun made sure to slam the door behind him, leaving a very tense atmosphere behind. 

They all just sat there for a few minutes and Kai was the first to break the silence, "I think I'm going to go too. I have a lot of homework." Kai quickly grabbed his belongings and almost ran towards the door.

Yeonjun held up two fingers and sighed, "And then there were two."

Soobin let out a cry of frustration, "Why can't we just have a nice day without any sort of drama or tension? Is that really too much to ask for?"

"We're in high school," Yeonjun tilted his head, "What do you expect?"

"I know I'm just," Soobin sighed, "I'm sorry that just happened."

Yeonjun stood up to stand next to the younger, "You don't have to apologize. I'm the one to blame for this whole mess. I noticed Taehyun's crush on Kai and I guess I should of not said anything."

"He has a crush on Kai?"

"It's obvious!"

"Still he shouldn't have lashed out on you like that," Soobin said.

"I know but he seems like a pretty sensitive kid. I'm sure the way Beomgyu ended things really messed him up and now he feels like he doesn't have a friend," Yeonjun rested his head against Soobin's chest, "It won't hurt my feelings if we get into another quarrel and you take his side, y'know. I can handle it."

Soobin nodded his head, "Okay, I just don't want you to feel like we're ganging up on you."

Yeonjun scoffed, "I'm fine. Just go call him and apologize and after you do that go take a shower. You smell awful."

"Probably because you've been hanging onto me all day," Soobin snickered.

Yeonjun let go of Soobin and took a few steps back, "You have five seconds to get out of here before I beat you up."

"I'm going, I'm going," Soobin huffed before heading to the bathroom. Yeonjun happily jumped back onto the couch and began scrolling through the channels on the television. Nothing was really interesting so he just started scrolling through some pictures on his phone. Yeonjun quickly got bored of that and started to research for some recipes to cook later tonight. He was about to head into the kitchen to make sure Soobin had the right ingredients to make songpyeon, when he heard the front start to open. Yeonjun grabbed the nearest item to him, a pillow, and was ready to fight whoever came in. He recognized the figure and lowered his defenses.

"Mr. Choi?"

The man stood there with a disappointed look on his face, "Yeonjun," Mr. Choi pursed his lips together, "I almost didn't recognize you."

Yeonjun felt his heart began to race as he recalled their first and only other time interacting with each other. The man most likely hates him, "I thought you were supposed to come back tomorrow."

Mr. Choi slowly nodded, "I usually come home on Tuesdays, but we finished early so I thought I would come home and surprise Soobin, but I guess I'm the one being surprised," he let out a dry laugh. Yeonjun went to respond, but he really wasn't sure what to say in this situation. "Let's just cut to the chase," Mr. Choi sat next to Yeonjun, making the younger jump, "What are you doing here? Last time I checked you hurt my son, so I don't understand why he'd let you back into his house."

"Well, um, we gave each other some space and eventually we started talking again," Yeonjun gulped, "and now we're back together."

"I see," Mr. Choi took a minute to process the situation, "I have a secret I'm going to tell you and you can't tell Soobin."


"I know what kind of person you are because I've been one. I would chose and dispose girls' hearts as fast as you chew and spit out gum," Mr. Choi admitted. 

Yeonjun couldn't believe what he was hearing. Mr. Choi definitely did not seem like the playboy type. And if Yeonjun was a girl, he couldn't imagine himself falling for Mr. Choi.

"I thought I would grow out of it once I had gotten married, but I ended up cheating on my wife a few months after we had Soobin."

Yeonjun looked at the man in disbelief, "Soobin said that she cheated on you."

Mr. Choi shook his head, "I only told him that because I didn't want him to hate me or think cheating is okay."

"I wouldn't cheat on anyone."

"I said the same thing, but those instincts you built up all of those years can get to the best of you," Mr. Choi looked ashamed of himself, "I have a lot of regrets about my past love life, but hurting my wife like that, seeing her cry as she held our son," he paused for a moment, "I just don't want my son to go through the same pain she did."

Yeonjun wanted to feel pity for the man, but it was his decision he made. He had nobody to blame but himself, "I promise Mr. Choi, I would never do anything like that to Soobin."

"You've met the parents of some of your previous relationships, right?"

Yeonjun nodded.

"And you've told them all the same thing, right?"

Yeonjun didn't respond.

"I thought so."

"But I really mean it this time!" Yeonjun tightly hugged the pillow that he forgot he was holding, "I truly do care about your son!"

"Listen to me Yeonjun," Mr. Choi grabbed onto both of Yeonjun's arms, a bit too hard for the younger's liking, "If you care as much as you claim you do then you will leave this house. I do not want you here, do I make myself clear?"

"Y-you're hurting me."

Mr. Choi ignored him and continued, "Soobin is grown and i trust him to make his own decisions. If you two still want to keep this up at school or meet out in public somewhere, then fine. I have no control over that. As far as my house goes, you are not welcomed here."

Yeonjun managed to pull away from Mr. Choi and stood up, "I'm not like you! I wouldn't hurt Soobin like that!"

"You did it once, and it could easily happen again!" Mr. Choi also stood up and folded his arms, "Now get out of my house!"

Yeonjun looked down at his arms, that were now a bright red, and back up at Mr. Choi, "I'm honestly more worried about you hurting him." 

"If you don't leave in the next ten seconds I will call the police," Mr. Choi threatened.

Yeonjun scoffed, "At least let me get my stuff first." Yeonjun headed into Soobin's room, hoping to talk to the younger before he left, but was greeted by the sound of the shower running in the room next door. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and slung his bag over his shoulder. Feeling defeated, he left the house, refusing to say another word to Mr. Choi.

Soobin stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed. He changed into some comfortable clothes and made his way to the living room. Soobin usually took really long showers and hoped Yeonjun wasn't too bored while he was gone. Soobin expected to see a lazy Yeonjun sprawled out on his couch, but instead he saw a familiar figure standing there with a big grin on his face.

"Dad!" Soobin ran and almost tackled him as he gave him a hug.

"Hey there kiddo," Mr. Choi greeted, ruffling Soobin's wet hair.

"What are you doing home so early?" Soobin asked as he let go of his father.

"Finished the job early, so I decided to come and see you," Mr. Choi explained as he took a seat on the couch. Soobin's smile faded as he looked around and noticed Yeonjun was nowhere in sight. "Are you looking for Yeonjun?"

"Yeah," Soobin nodded. He hadn't told his dad about him and Yeonjun getting back together. It's not that he didn't want to, it's just that these past few days have been so busy. Soobin just hoped they were able to get along while he was gone.

"He left because he said he wanted to give us some time to catch up," Mr. Choi lied, "He seems like a nice kid."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about us sooner," Soobin rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's okay," Mr. Choi patted the seat next to him, "Now come on, I have a crazy story to tell you."


Miss Bae stared at the clock, wishing she could make the time fly by faster. Only one hour left until visiting hours for Rosewood close and she could go home. Usually Miss Bae liked talking to the visitors that stopped by, but not many people came in today. She turned started to mess with her nails, when the door opened and caught her attention. A handsome boy, who looked a bit younger than her, walked in. 

"Hello," Miss Bae smiled, "Are you wanting to visit someone today?"

The boy nodded, "Choi Beomgyu."

"Okay," Miss Bae flipped through her files until she found his information, "Are you immediate family?" The boy bit his lip, which Miss Bae assumed he was not, "I'm sorry. We don't allow people other than immediate family to see our patients."

"Please," the boy begged and Miss Bae could see the desperation in his eyes, "I really need to see him. I'll be in and out in five minutes. I just want to give him this," the boy held out the plushie he was holding. Miss Bae could tell how much the patient must mean to this boy. He must be a boyfriend or a close friend. 

Miss Bae looked around to make sure nobody was watching before turning her attention back to the boy and talked in a hushed tone, "He's in room 318. Just hurry and get back here."

The boy nodded, "Thank you so much."

The boy scurried down the hall, frantically looking for the room number. He finally found the room and stopped with his heart in his throat. Nobody has seen him since he was taken away that night. He wasn't even sure of what he wanted to say, but he didn't have time to think about it. The boy cursed at himself for not planning things ahead of time and lightly swung the door open.Just to the boy's luck Beomgyu was sleeping. 

The boy softly chuckled to himself, "At least he looks peaceful." He made his way over to his bed and took a moment to examine him. One of his legs was propped up and in a cast, but other than that he looked fine. He looked down at his watch and noticed it had already been five minutes. 

The boy sighed. He wished he could have talked to Beomgyu, but he was lucky enough to get in here. He placed the red heart plushie next to Beomgyu, "Get well soon Beomgyu." 

The sound of the door closing woke Beomgyu up. He stretched and felt something soft hit his arm. He looked over to his right and saw something sitting there, "Tata?" He immediately hugged it, "Where did you come from?" He sat up and examined the soft toy wondering how it had came into his possession when the realization had suddenly hit him. Someone must have came and gave this to him.

"Hey!" Beomgyu called out, "Come back!"

There was no answer and Beomgyu couldn't help but cry. He's felt really lonely these past few days and the one time someone comes to see him, he was asleep. He squeezed Tata as hard as he could. He doesn't have to be lonely anymore. He has Tata now and that means someone is waiting for him.



I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

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And as always, thank you so much for reading (:
