"Happy one month anniversary!" Chan held out a small teddy bear and Yeonjun just stared at the older in disbelief. It was only eight in the morning on a Saturday and this boy was dressed up and standing in front of Yeonjun's apartment.

"What are you doing here?" Yeonjun asked as he let the older inside, "And how did you find my apartment? I don't ever invite anyone here except Beomgyu."

"How come?" Chan asked as he took a seat next to Yeonjun on the couch, "It's very nice in here."

"It raises too many questions," the sleepy boy explained, "Besides I don't live alone. I live with Minho."

Chan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Since when did Minho stop living with his family."

"No, not your friend," Yeonjun slowly shook his head, "Choi Minho. That's my older cousin."


"What are you doing here so early Chan?" Yeonjun repeated his question from earlier.

"Well, it's our one month anniversary today," Chan smiled as he placed the toy in the younger's lap, "And I wanted to spend the day with you."

"Already?" Yeonjun held the bear in his hands and couldn't help but smile, "It hasn't felt like it's been that long." 

"I know right," Chan laughed.

"Well," Yeonjun let out a yawn, "Let me go make some coffee real quick before we do anything."

"It's okay, " Chan grabbed Yeonjun's wrist, "Let me just buy you some instead."

"I'm okay," Yeonjun had a weak expression on his face.

"I'm starting to feel bad for coming here so early," Chan admitted, "Besides I want to spoil my Baby Boy on this special day."

Yeonjun smirked at the sudden flirting and decided to tease him a bit and bit his lip, "But what if I don't want you to buy me anything?"

"Well if that's case," Chan let go of Yeonjun, "Then I guess you're not getting anything."

Yeonjun couldn't help but gasp at the older's response and sat back down, "Fine."

"Aww, are you mad at me now?" Chan chuckled, "I know you want something."

Yeonjun slid to the opposite side of the couch and pouted, "I changed my mind."

"Really?" Chan moved next to Yeonjun, "I don't think that's true."

Yeonjun huffed in response.

"Come on," Chan ran his hand through the younger's hair, "Don't be like this."

"I can be however I want," Yeonjun accidentally let out a giggle and quickly covered his mouth.

"You brat!" Chan widened his eyes, "You were only messing with me?"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Yeonjun stuck his tongue out.

"Don't test me," Chan warned.

"Don't tell me what to do," Yeonjun fought back. The look in Chan's eyes sent shivers down Yeonjun's spine and he decided this would be the best time to run. It didn't take long for Chan to react and catch Yeonjun, tackling the boy. Yeonjun winced at the sudden pain of colliding with the hard wood floor and the fact that Chan was putting all of his weight on top of him.

"Sorry," Chan apologized but it didn't feel sincere.

"This isn't fun anymore," Yeonjun frowned, "I want to go back to sleep."

"Let me make it up to you," Chan pushed his lips together against Yeonjun and the younger was quick to wrap his arms around the older's neck. He couldn't believe it took Chan this long to catch on. Once the boys were out of breath Chan pulled away, "Are you awake yet?" Yeonjun sat up to push Chan against the wall they were next to. 

"Don't say anything," Yeonjun commanded before biting down on Chan's neck. His head was pounding and he was running on very little sleep, but he just wanted to enjoy this moment.



"Stop it Yeonjun," Chan said.

"Sorry," Yeonjun mumbled as he pulled away, feeling a bit embarrassed. That was the one thing Chan said he didn't like. He didn't want any hickeys are bruises visible because he said they were unflattering.

"Can you see it?"  Chan asked, rubbing his fingers on his neck.

Yeonjun lowered his gaze after seeing the skin had already started to bruise, "A little."

It was silent for a few seconds, when suddenly Chan placed his hand under Yeonjun's chin, forcing the younger to look up at him, "No need to look so down."

"I just," Yeonjun furrowed his brows as he failed to come up with the right words to say. He was shocked that Chan was not mad at him.

"You're so pretty Baby Boy. Did you know that?" Chan slid his thumb down Yeonjun's jawline, "I'm so lucky to have you."

"Just pretty?" Yeonjun sighed, "How did a boy that's just pretty end up with someone as hot as you?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

Yeonjun quickly agreed to Chan's request and let their lips melt together. After pulling away again Chan had a more serious expression on his face, "You know what today is?"

Yeonjun tilted his head, "Umm, our one month anniversary?"

"Mhm," Chan slowly nodded his head, "And how long did you say you were going to give me a chance for?"

"Oh," Yeonjun recalled the memory, "I completely forgot."

"Does this mean you are going to end things now?" Chan looked at him with sad eyes, "After everything we've been through?"

"Of course not!" Yeonjun was quick to pull Chan into an embrace to hide his blushing face from the outburst he just had, "I mean, I just wouldn't mind if this lasted for a little longer. This is the first time I've really had a relationship like this."

"So that means you wanna stay together?"  Chan grinned. Yeonjun pulled away to look back at Chan to mirror the same expression on his face. "So is there something you want to tell me?" Chan questioned, "A certain three word phrase maybe?"

Yeonjun pondered about it for a few seconds before clapping his hands together, "I am hungry."

Chan looked a bit frustrated but quickly hid his previous expression with a more calm one, "Okay, let's go get you some breakfast."

"A-are you okay?" Yeonjun watched as the older stood up.

"Never happier."

It's been exactly two weeks since Yeonjun visited Soobin's house in the middle of the night, and it's been exactly two weeks since they broke up. Long story short, Soobin was very unhappy to see the older. Yeonjun tried to reason with him, but things soon got out of hand. Mr. Choi even threatened to call the cops if Yeonjun wouldn't leave. Needless to say, Yeonjun hasn't spoken to Soobin after that.

Yeonjun has tried everything to move on from Soobin, but for some reason he kept thinking about the bunny-like boy. He didn't understand why he was feeling like this. Yeonjun only dated the boy for a week, but there was something about him that Yeonjun just didn't want to lose. 

Yeonjun has tried distracting himself with focusing more on work.

That didn't work.

Yeonjun has tried flirting around more.

It never felt right.

Heck, Yeonjun even dyed his hair blue to show that he was moving on, but there was still this longing he had for the boy which he couldn't explain. The only other time he had felt this is after him and Chan broke up, but their lasted five months and this feeling didn't last as long. A sudden, loud knock made Yeonjun jump from where he was sitting.

"Hey Jun, are you in there?" the voice on the other side called out to him, "I forgot my keys inside, again."

"Yeah," Yeonjun responded, "Give me one second."

Now that Yeonjun was more aware of his surroundings, he was able to take in everything around him. Yeonjun just realized that he had been staring at the now dead anemones that were laying on the coffee table. He wasn't sure why he still has them. It's not exactly from a good memory. They were also quite ugly, yet Yeonjun sensed some sort of beautiful aura. Why was he staring at them again? More important how long has it been since he started to stare at them? Maybe that's why-


"Sorry," Yeonjun reluctantly stood up from the couch and opened the door to be greeted with an overly excited man.

"Thanks!" he smiled as he entered the room and threw his belongings on the ground, "What took you so along? What were you doing?"

Yeonjun quietly shut the door behind him, "I was just thinking."

"About what?" the man took a seat on the couch.

"Nothing Minho," Yeonjun simply stated, as he sat next to him, and looked at the flowers once again.

Minho looked at Yeonjun confused, "Well it better have been something important for making me wait ages! We have a party to go to tonight, remember?"

"Of course," Yeonjun's eyes lit up. He completely forgot that the fraternity Minho was in was throwing a huge party tonight, "High school parties are lame."

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Minho nudged the younger with his elbow, "Especially with it being a school night."

"Why are you doubting me?" Yeonjun scoffed, "I just want to get wasted. Why is that so hard to understand?"

"You're still a child!"

"If I was a child I wouldn't be living on my own," Yeonjun defended himself as he propped his feet on the coffee table.

"Well, you aren't living alone because you're living with me," Minho grimaced at Yeonjun's actions, "And we still have rules. Get your nasty feet off of our furniture."

 "It's not like I had much of a choice," Yeonjun put his feet back down on the floor and decided to cross his arms instead, "If it was up to me I would live thousands of feet away from you."

"It's not my fault you're a little orphan boy."

Yeonjun's smile quickly dropped, "That's not funny."

"The accident happened six years ago," Minho looked at the boy warily, "Don't you think it's time to move on?"

"Don't you think it's time to stop being so insensitive?"

"Hey, I was hurting too," Minho rolled his eyes, "They were my aunt and uncle."

"Just shut up," Yeonjun spat as he stood up, "I'm going to go get ready."

"Don't take long," Minho waved him off as he turned his attention to his cell phone, "And before we leave you need to throw away these ugly flowers."


"I just don't understand why Sylvia would team up with Jennie," Kai furrowed his brows as Taehyun explained the next part of his story.

The three boys were at Taehyun's house once again. This had been the third week in a row Mrs. Choi and Mrs. Kang decided to stay at Taehyun's house and cook instead of going out somewhere. It was strange, but no one was complaining.

Taehyun sighed, "I told you, because Sylvia is jealous of Trinity and is trying to separate her and Blaine."

"But why is Jennie all of a sudden back?" Kai tilted his head.

Soobin explained, "It's because Jennie is Blaine's ex, so obviously she would do anything to get back at him."

"Right," Taehyun agreed before turning his attention back to his laptop, "but don't worry she doesn't stay long and Sylvia will get what's coming for her. Soon Yuri is going to pop off on Sylvia. He's going to make it very clear that Blaine wants nothing to do with her. Yuri is also going to mention that he's over Sylvia and moved on, so she should do the same with Blaine."

"What about Kristi?" Kai asked, "She's my favorite!"

"Oh her and Yuri are going to get together soon," Taehyun smiles as he sees the satisfaction light up in Kai's eyes.

Soobin didn't look as amused, "What about Sylvia?"

"What about her?" Taehyun blinked a few times.

"Does she end up with someone?" Soobin asked.

Taehyun chuckled, "No, she's the antagonist."

"But I just don't understand why," Soobin didn't realize how defensive he was getting, "She did nothing wrong. All she wanted to do was be loved so why are you making her out to be so bad?"

Taehyun slowly closed his laptop shut, "Are you okay Soobin?"

"Sorry," Soobin nervously chuckled, "I don't know why I'm getting so riled up over some story character."

"I know why!" Kai hit his fist into his other hand, "It's because you see yourself in Sylvia, don't you? And instead of liking Blaine you like Yeonjun still!"

"Don't be stupid," Soobin hit the younger, a bit harder than he planned, wiping the smile off of his face.

"Soobin wouldn't go back to someone like Yeonjun," Taehyun let out a dry laugh, "Especially after you told us the reason why Yeonjun wanted to date him in the first place."

"Right," Soobin nodded.

"Is it impossible though?" Kai his arm where he could still feel the pain, "I mean, my mom works as a relationship therapist. She told me about a few things about it and they way you are defending Sylvia over he wanting to be loved says a lot. Especially, still being fresh out of a breakup."

"It's not true," Soobin argued.

"Are you sure you don't want to give it another go?" Kai furrowed his brows, "Something tells me that you just want a clean start. Like, you wanna know what could have happened if you never found out."

"Of course I wanna know!" Soobin admitted, "I wanna know what it's like to have someone there for you. I wanna know what it's like to go on cute little dates and cuddle with someone. Yeonjun gave me all of those things, and I still do miss him, but he had different intentions."

"Just drop it Kai," Taehyun stated.

"I'm sorry," Kai frowned.

"It's fine," Soobin revealed his face to look at the younger, "Just stop it, okay?"

"But, if what I said isn't true-"

"Kai," Taehyun glared at him.

"Then why are you blushing so much?"



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also I planned to include the party scene too, but I'm really tired and have a long drive tomorrow. I hope the ending I have for this chapter instead is still just as satisfying. Feel free to leave your thoughts, opinions, theories, and everything else down below in the comments!

And as always, thank you so much for reading (:
