Chapter 6

"we are together"

"HUH", you reflexively snap my head to him, you hear Franky choking on his cola, usopp's loud gasp, chopper little sqeak, Brooke's "yoh-what", Nami and Robin's silence was so loud and even though you didn't look in sanji's direction for a split second you could feel his soul leaving his body.

At this point your face was more than tinted with pink, it felt like hot water was thrown in your face, you were most definitely bright red, you had a blank look on your face with your eyes the size of golf balls.

"since when? ", Nami suddenly uttered through the thick silence.

"what do you mean, we are all together in one room aren't we?", luffy says innocently confused scratching his head with one hand and still holding into my hand with the other.

Everything went silent again.


"Ouch" , what was that. That sting just now.

"HAHAHA, LUFFY YOU IDIOT", zoro's laughter shot through the silence, I slowly turned my head to zoro and everyone watched him laugh for a second before the whole room filled with laughter.

"Really luffy pfft- Ha", usopp tries to speak through his giggles.

"It was dumb of us to think that way, It's luffy after all", Nami says wiping a tear of joy from her eye.

"ITS NOT FUNNY HE SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME.", sanji shouts angrily and slams his head against the table, which only intensified the laughter.

"what? What happened!? Why are you guys laughing!?", he says confused with a hint of frustration.

You find yourself looking at his side profile, somehow your lips curved upward to form the tiniest smile.

"we thought you and y/n are dating", "I-uh", you try to let out a bit of your attitude and tell usopp to shut his big mouth but the words didn't escape your throat.

I hate the feeling of embarrassment because it breeds judgment... You try to avoid this feeling at all costs but here you are holding your oblivious captains hand while standing infront of the whole crew as they laugh at your captains dense innocence..

"Dating? Is that a food? ", you blink twice at him with an ugly cringe expression to show your surprise mixed with disappointment.

The room went silent and then it filled with barking laughter, you face palmed yourself. What has his guardians been teaching him...

"it's nothing you'll ever do luffy", you teasingly nudge his shoulder and say after letting out a small chuckle.

Nothing he'd ever do.


There it is again... That small sting.

"BUT I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS IT", luffy whines, you chuckle again.

"do you know what marriage is then luffy?", you cross your arms and raise a brow.

"oh, YEAH", you look at him in disbelief,"really", "yes", but what does that have to do with dating", he tilts his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"well, you can only date a person you want to marry in the future", you explain as best as you can, luffy still looks a bit confused.

"You marry someone beautiful and who you love, idiot", sanji suddenly twirls in between you and luffy and takes your hand from luffy's grasp.

Sanji gets on one knee,"How about you and I get married y/n-Swan", he said unusually seriously, with an attractive smirk.

You panicked, looked around for help, he looked serious which caught you off guard. You looked around desperately, but Nami who usually helped you with sanji's flirting was still laughing with the rest of the crew.

"you-I mean I", you stutter,"sanji, I'M HUNGRY", luffy's head popped in between me and sanji,"I'M BUSY", he pushes luffy's head out of the way, my nervousness came back.

"well what do you say y/n",sanji winked at you and squeezed your hands gently.

"Y/n doesn't want to marry you", luffy suddenly says while picking his nose, you take one look at him and you cover your mouth to stop a burst of laughter.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW", sanji barked at luffy,"I KNOW THAT I'M HUNGRY AND YOU WON'T MAKE MORE MEAT", luffy barks back at him.

"tsk, when are you not hungry", sanji says and light himself a cigarette, he turns back to you

"Sorry my love, I must tend to the captain", you laugh and nod, secretly praising luffy's rubber stomach.

You watch blackleg walk away to the kitchen to prepare his delicious food, you turn to thank luffy, but..

He seemed annoyed, he watched sanji leave with a glare and a very visible frown,"luffy, his making you meat why do you seem mad", you walk over to him and pop you head infront of him at a reasonable distance.

"his annoying", you raise your eyebrow, kind of confused he would usually follow sanji into the kitchen and ask ever 30 seconds if the food was ready.

"Let's go sit down and wait for the MEAT", he suddenly smiles widely remembering that sanji was making the meat right now, we start walking but you suddenly felt two hands on your back, "your going to slow y/nn~", he starts pushing you forward, you laugh.

I'm glad I don't have to avoid him anymore, it was hard and tiring. You think to yourself as you sat next to him as he impatiently waited for his meat with his huge, serotonin filled smile.

All the exhaustion was still there but was buried with the sense of happiness and the crew's laughs.

Time flew passed, the night was filled with consistent bursts of laughter, you guys went out to the deck, the sun was nowhere to be seen, the only light was hovering far above you, glowing and brightening up every part of the sky beautifully

You smile, eyes completely closed as the grass you were laying on slightly tickled your face, you inhaled deeply feeling refreshed, the air had a citrus and salty taste, nami's sweet tangerines mixed with the salty sea and it was embedded in the air.

You turn to each side of you, only to lay your eyes on Nami smiling with her eyes closed just as you were, and you turn to your other side to see you captain.

He was out cold, you breathe out a small chuckle when you notice a bit of drool escaping his mouth.


"1, 2 and 3", you slowly turn you head to Brooke who was leaning on the tree with his violen in hand. A string of bright yellow sprung in you head as the violen started its melody.

Franky even performed his super dance for you all, and we laughed a bit more, zoro was the first to fall asleep as soon as he got to the deck he was leaning on the ship railing arms crossed snoring softly, luffy followed after arms spread out like he was making a snow angel with the grass.

Sanji brought tea, and we all layed on the grass humming and singing along to Brooke harmony with the violen.

Life like this was still so new to you, you sometimes question if this was a dream, the sense of comfort was only a sweet illusion. Your still scared that you'll wake up without all of them.

You drift out into your dreamland, your last thoughts before being completely consumed by you sleep was, I hope I dream about this.


"y/n, come back... Don't be selfish, we need you".

Your eyes flutter open, but you immediately close your eyes when the sunshine pierced your eyeballs. "hmgh", you groan to your side where you bump noses with someone, "Oh sorr-", "Morning Y/n!", you jump backwards when you heard that enthusiastic voice.

Your just brushed his.

You slapped your cheeks telling yourself to snap out of it, you smile, "morning luffy", he let out a cute giggles,"C'mon I'm hungry, let's go EAT!", The first thing he thinks about when he wakes up his food,you smile.

"sorry luffy I'm gonna go shower, I'll come when I'm done", you slowly get up and yawn, luffy groans out an okayy and hops to the kitchen as you went to the bathroom.

You waved to Robin and Nami when you passed them, you got to the bathroom, turned on the water you let out a sigh of satisfaction, the hot water tingle,"nothing like a shower after a good sleep", you whisper.


Your head immediately snaps towards the piercingly loud noise, just as the impact happened the whole ship tilted, causing you to be knocked over, you hit you arm when you fell onto the hard shower floor.

Shit. We must be under attack.

and you were currently lying in the bathroom floor naked, while the others are fighting. Talk about amazing timing.

You get up from the ground as swiftly as you could considering the amount of tipping the sunny was doing, you quickly adjusted and forced your clothes onto your partly wett body, it took a minute.

Your wet hair hung down your back,you breathed in and thought about 50 scenarios of what might be attacking us.

But by the amount of shouting, the impact sounded very similar to a cannon ball. And you could hear the clear shouting as if giving orders.


You open the door, completely ready for blood, you were going to protect every single one of them.

"BOOM. "

Another impact tilted the ship making your body slam against the wall, you huffed through quick pain and kept on running to the deck of the ship.

The sunny was built to withstand attacks from normal cannons so you were confident the sunny wouldn't sink. One less thing to worry about.

You open the door to the deck bracing yourself for the worst.


Seven marine ships.


Hope you enjoyed, I made this chapter a bit longer👀👌
