Chapter 23

"To rest, I'm on y/n duty until she's better"

You lift a hand over your face to hide the smile threatening to appear, you had to mentally slap your cheeks to stop yourself from squealing like an embarassing school girl.

But his words just kept popping up in your mind.

"I'm on y/n duty"

Your eyes lift into a crescent moon shape, the smile you were trying to stop finally escaped and plastered itself onto your face.

HIS SO CUTE, Y/n duty? I'm gonna go into cardiac arrest if he keeps this up.

"y/n? Why are being so quiet? ", his voice knocks you back into reality , you mouth a "nothing" with a small smile.

Luffy's POV

I chew on my gums, something I only did when I was hungry, but that's not why this time. We walked in silence, you looked like you were anywhere but  in my arms and I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me even a little bit.

"Y/N", I say a little louder than I was supposed to.

Pay attention.

"What are you thinking of? Food?", she looks up at me with a nervous face before pursing her lips to hide a smile.

her hair was messy her side bangs partially in her eyes.

She's pretty.

"well we haven't eaten all day so I'm hungry, should we ask sanji for food before I rest?"

There it is again... That weird feeling in my chest. It's probably coz I'm hungry.

"Yeah. Let's go!", I smile widely at the amazing idea and spin in the opposite direction to find sanji.


His smile always managed to make your heart melt so matter how many times you see it.

He ran with you in his arms back to where sanji was, you reach the room and sanji was worriedly standing next to maribelle as she sat in the chair slowly moving her foot with a face inked with pain.


"NOT NOW LUFFY", sanji shouts not even caring to glance back. "but-" luffy starts but sanji cuts him off, "I'M BUSY."

You got slighty annoyed, luffy is the captain, she's not even a part of the crew.

"sanji, luffy and I are hungry.", sanji snaps his head in you and Luffy's direction,"of course y/n-swan~~"

Luffy sulks for a second before realizing sanji is going to make food and he smiles, your annoyed expression softens at his teethy smile.

"sorry maribelle, I have a beautiful lady to feed", you smile at sanji's sweet words and watched him swiftly walk towards the kitchen.

"I should be off, sorry for causing you so much trouble", she bows and smiles before limping out,"You should stay for dinner if your family doesn't mind it" Nami suggests.

she stops and turns, "oh, I don't have a family" she smiles sadly.

An awkward silence fills the room,"are we going to eat or not.", luffy says frowning like a child also completely ignoring maribelles confession, you fight the urge to burst out laughing.

Nami runs over to him, hitting him over the head,"Stop being insensitive", she scream whispers to him before bowing and apologizing to her.

You hide your face in luffy's shoulder silently laughing, STOP IT. IT'S NOT FUNNY.

"Y/n are you okay?", luffy asks questioningly, you choke out a "Yes." inbetween your silent outburst.


You were all seated at the dining table waiting patiently for sanji to finish cooking up dinner, although patiently waiting would be a stretch.

You think to yourself as you see luffy swinging his feet and piercingly staring at sanji from the kitchen with an impatient smile.

Your eyes look to the left of luffy, maribelle staring down at her shirt shyly. She wasn't shy about wanting to sit next to the captain.

Your jaw clenched at the memory of it it.

"y/n.", luffy says after jumping into the chair with a smile "sit here" he pats the seat next to him.

"I'm coming, I just need to wash my hands real quick", you smile at him and wave as you walked out and he did the same.

You fell so many times that your hands were dusty, you washed up and skipped back to the dining room.

Everyone had taken their seats. Maribelle had taken yours aswell.

You smile forcefully, taking a seat between nami and sanji.

You gently ruffle your bangs in frustration at the sour memory, this is the second time now aha.

Nami pats your head, you turn your head away from the girl to nami, she had a reassuring smile on her face, like she was saying 'it's okay y/n'... Did she notice your irritation!?

"Food is ready."

Sanji announces, perfectly balancing a platter on his head and 2 more in each hand, he then swiftly layed the platters down on the table.

"LET'S EATT", luffy shouts with the biggest smile yet.

It was seafood platters, it looked crunchy and deliciously sauced,"you said you were hungry y/n" sanji stated and pushed the platter a bit closer to you, a warm smile escaped your lips, sanji is always so sweet.

You select your favorites from the platter and dig in immediately with the rest of the crew, you always hated eating infront of others but you felt comfortable with them.

Nami and Franky exchanged a few jokes, sanji and zoro exchanged a few glares, usopp and chopper both acted as tigers by sticking their chopsticks in their mouths and Brooke asked to see Robin's panties to which he was blantly ignored.

You loved how the air in the Sunny never felt cold.


"thanks for the food sanji!", luffy said slouching into the chair, with a bloated tummy and a satisfied smile one his face, you smile. Not everyone would find the sight especially cute but you did.

"I should really get going now", Mari stands up abruptly but stumbles and the grimace of pain on her face, usopp quickly but gently places his hands on her back to stop her fall "my ankle, I'm sorry", she slightly bows to usopp.

"it's pitch black outside, please stay the night on the sunny Mari", sanji stands up with worry splashed across his face.

"I wouldn't want to intrude", Mari says looking down at the feet. "we don't mind Mari, it wouldn't be very super of us to leave you to walk home when it's so dark out", Franky responds with the same worried face that sanji had.

You watched the conversation carry on, Mari hesitated to take the offer a few more times before accepting it. You already predicted it would play out like this when she had joined you all for dinner.

You expected it but you were bitter regardless, and it made you feel horrible, she hasn't done anything particularly wrong so you felt bad for not wanting her on the sunny.

"I'm going to bed", zoro says blankly and walks out, "goodnight grandpa.",you shout with a smile, "I'll cut you", he shouts back from the next room, You laugh in response.

"oh nami when will the log post be redirected?", you ask as you got up and walked around the table gathering the dirty plates,"should be about a day and a half left until we'll be able to set sail again", she responds to you while staring at the log post on her wrist.

"1 day and a half?!", you repeat her words in surprise,"be glad that it isn't a bad island with monsters, I'm just happy we're on a harmless island for once."

You look to Mari as Nami spoke, Mari's facial expression stayed the same but as the word harmless left nami's mouth mari hand reached for her glass,taking a long sip of her water and then fixing her bangs.

Maybe it was a coincidence...

Your eyes go back to Nami, you smile "I guess you're right."

"This island is boring", luffy said with a frown,"SHUT UP, you're just saying that because there's nothing that can kill us on this island."

"Exactly. It's boring", nami's eye twitches at luffy's words,"Nami, did you map out the island for your word map yet", you ask as an attempt to save luffy from her wrath.

"yep, I did it today the islands pretty small so it was easy", Nami smiles with a proud look on her face.

It worked.

You carried the plates you gathered to the sink and turn on the water,"oh y/n-swan don't worry about the dishes I'll do them", you smile and back away, you wanted to help but you knew sanji wouldn't let you.

"y/n, I don't have spare clothes, do you think I could borrow some.", mari asked shyly. You couldn't refuse her polite manner of asking so you just nodded.

"follow me", you say to mari, "y/n, where are you going?", luffy asks with a downturned mouth.

"I'll be right back luffy", you say in response with a smile and walk out with maribelle following close behind you.

You reach your shared room with nami and Robin, opening the door and heading straight to your closet.

You picked out a long violet purple t-shirt and a loose pair of shorts,"here you go", you awkwardly smile and hand her the clothes, she bows and mouths a "thank you."

A silence filled the air. An awkward silence. You had nothing else to say to her,"well I'll just let you change-", you said while you slowly walked backwards towards the door before being interrupted.

"Your captain is quite handsome."


I have exams starting tomorrow and I'm sick... Not the best combo but I wanted to update for you guys before I start my assessments. Thank you for your support❤️
