Chapter 15

"remember when you said you like zoro"

Cough, SHIT.

"eh uhm-that uhh you see about that-"


"Y/n?", he said questioning, you died a little inside, "yeah luffy?"

This is so embarassing.

"you.... Like me more though right?"

"huh", you didn't even know what to expect but it wasn't that.

You were dumbfounded by the awkward smile on his face, is that a pink shade on his cheeks?! No, luffy is too innocent for that. He probably doesn't mean anything by it.

"of course", you finally break the silence, your head still on his shoulder, you wanted to see his reaction but your face was an embarrassingly red shade by now,  you knew it was dumb but you felt like you just confessed  to him.

"Ok", it was a short response but you could feel the excitement in the response, it made you even redder somehow.

He walked with you in his arms silently, It wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence like there was nothing that needed to be said after that. You wanted this moment to last forever no matter how cliché it sounded.

You took everything in around you, making sure to have it as a picture in you memory, the way strands of his pitch black hair moved ever so slightly in the the breeze, the fabric of his red slip on shirt was surprisingly soft, he smelt like sand and a hint of meat.

Still a bit dazed even after he put you down gently onto the dining room chair, surprisingly nobody was in the room. You were still alone with him.

"sanji isn't here?", luffy's head drooped onto the table with a depressed frown on his face, you try to hide your smile at the adorable sight.

"let me check the fridge-", you got up but stumbled a bit, catching yourself just before you fell over by grabbing the chair, luffy jolts up with a worried expression.

You scoff at the clumsy action, trying to lighten the mood, luffy chuckles a bit as he walks over to you and sits you back down with a little pressure.

"I'll get it", he hops to the fridge with a huge smile on his face, you rest your head in your arms at his little wiggle as he raided the fridge, sanji is going to be so mad you thought to yourself with a smile.

It's fine, I'll just say I wanted food. Which isn't really a lie.

"I FOUND MEAT", He holds up a huge piece of meat with stars in his eyes, you chuckle at the accomplished expression on his face.

He skipped over to you,"there's only one piece", luffy frowns again, "I'll just-", you start but he cuts you off.

"let's share", he smiles and sits down, you look at him wide eyed, your eyes the size of golf balls, luffy just said he'll share his meat....

You blink in amazement,"here", he holds the piece to your face, you smile and take a huge bite,"that was a small bite", he frowned, you couldn't say anything because your mouth was full, he takes a stretchy bite,"mhhm ITS SO GOOD", he shouts in satisfaction, you laugh but choke,

Cough!, "I thought I was going to die", you say when the meat finally went down your throat, luffy laughed, you laughed too.

This is nice, you thought to yourself several times as you both laughed over something dumb you'd both do.

It was probably past midnight, and you could see luffy drifting in and out of sleep and you could feel yourself doing the same.

"hmm y/n", was the last thing you heard before sleep took away your consciousness, a smile still tracing your lips.


"hmm", you groan as you felt the sun hit you directly in the eye even through your closed eyes, you hide your face from the sun with your blanket.

Wait. Blanket?

You open your eyes immediately, getting even more confused when you see the girls room, you were in your bed? Was it... A dream?

You frown in confusion, it couldn't have been a dream, it was too realistic right!?

You scruff your hair up in frustration, "y/n? You okay??", nami says leaning on the door frame with concerned side smile on her face, you jolt up and nod quickly which gave you a headache, you clutch your head in a pained expression

"really? Then why can't I believe you then", she says sarcastically and smiles while walking over to you and sitting right next to you.

"just be honest y/n, you always look so on edge", you were surprised, really? One edge? But then again you were constantly getting nervous and red around the captain.

You had an idea of what you felt but you refused to admit it even to yourself, feelings like those can only hurt you.

My birth mother and father were prove of that.

"y/n, iris, akame, it's dinner time!"

You clutch your head at the flashback, their faces were blurry even in your memories, it hurts.

You clutch you mouth feeling a wave of nausea hit you like a truck,"y/n?", you get up but stumble a bit, struggling to walk straight, your breathing became heavier each step you took.

You vision blurring, "y/n!?", nami shouted in a concerned tone as you ran toward the bathroom

why now?

You think to yourself before falling to your knees infront of the toilet seat and letting the nausea exit throughout your mouth, it left a bitter and disgusting taste in your mouth, gagging as you stomach turned inside out.

Everytime you thought about it, this would happen.

"y/n?!!?", luffy's voice rung from behind you, but you couldn't looks, you were too busy spilling out your guts, how embarassing, I probably look pathetic.

You felt your hair being lifted out of your face, it was luffy, smiling reassuringly next to you.

Your head was still pounding inside your skull, but his smile made breathing easier.

"luffy..", you whisper, he panics, he didn't know what to do in this situation, you didn't blame him though, you wouldnt know how to react either if the tables were turned.

You feel a warm feeling on the top of your head, he was patting your head, your eyes widen, it felt warm and it made something in you tingle.

You weren't used to it, everything inside you felt warm,"y/n, are you okay now?", he asks concerned, still patting your head gently.

"I don't.....know", you say softly, wiping off your mouth, feeling horrible.

"uh-", was all that could escape your lips after luffy put your head on his chest, your heart threatened to stop for just a moment when his arms wrapped around you, and his hand caressed your hair, "luffy what are you-?", to tried to question.

"I don't..... Know", he simply says, you were surprised for a few moments before accepting it reluctantly, you held his torso as he caressed your hair like you were a scared child.

This is a new side to him....

You smile into his chest, hearing his heart beat soothed you, it was fast, it's probably because I'm being weird. You convinced yourself.

You were so comfortable in his arms yet your heart still beat faster than normal, it was odd, but you ignored it.

You always felt cold, even in the summer, a lonely cold hole of a body.

But now, you felt so incredibly warm, it was weird, so weird. You were both sitting on the hard, wooden bathroom floor of the sunny holding each other like the world was about to start crashing down.

You sat there for what felt like hours, not minding even a bit, you wouldn't mind spending centuaries just like this.

You finally pulled away from eachother.

You look at him straight in the eyes, he does the same before he laughs,"what?", you shake your head not able to find any words to answer his simple question..

"are you okay now? What happened?", he asks loudly with a concerned tone, you smile and nod

"I'm fine", you reply while casually leaning on a toilet seat, he laughs and stands back up. "here", you blink at his hand that was stretched out to you, feeling a warm spark light up in you.

You grin and take it his hand, he pulls you up unintentionally too roughly, sending you over his head, you panic when you realize you were in the air, You shut you eyes tightly not wanting to see yourself planting onto the floor.

"uh-", is all that escaped your mouth when you feel yourself not falling anymore, your heart quickens considerably when you realize arms were holding you tightly.


"how did you manage to fall from the air", the voice was deep and annoyed, you finally opened your eyes.

Only to see the swordsman holding you in his arms, looking down at you with judgemental eyes, you blink hoping this wasn't happening.

God, why must you embarass me like this.

"I was... Sky swimming, you got a problem with that", you stammer out in a cocky tone,"yes, when I have to save you from breaking your nose", he groans out.

"Well-", you were ready to make a snarky comment when you felt a dark aura, you looked up at zoro and he felt it too, he looked a bit nervous.

You both turn your head slowly towards the dark aura.

You see a strawhat. It was your captain standing there, a shadow cast on his face.


The update might take a bit longer but I'll try my best to be quick with it.  Thank you for wishing me luck on my test 🍻❤️
