Chapter 34


I scream out with a idiotic grin on my face, clutching my ribs because his presence took my breath away.

"Y/NNNN~!!", he whined loudly as his bottom lip began to quiver, you flinch because at the sudden change in expression, he went from charismatic hero to wailing child in seconds flat.

"That's Me", you smile softly, watching the tears stream down his face as he smiled, he looked insane but your eyes glossed over at his expression.

"Thank God you're okay y/-", Usopp was silenced by a kick to the head, the smile completely leaving your lips when you see her kick your crewmate so brutally.

Your eyes widen and your throat closes. your surroundings hitting reality back into you.

Anger seeped into your veins when you see him lying there at her feet, unconscious. Your jaw clenched as the light from your eyes sizzled out.

Your head got foggy, like the ability to make rational decisions completely left you in the moments after what you had witnessed. You kicked the henchman off and got up,

The burning sensation your body felt wasnt painful, it wasn't even uncomfortable.

The rage you felt caused your hands to twitch.

"You fucking bitch...", the corners of your mouth twitching as you grit your teeth.

You clench your ribcage and begin to move your legs, running up the stairs with no care for your injuries or how you were going to eliminate her, you just knew it was going to happen. the pain of moving was no longer there, the rage that engulfed your entire body made the blood inside you feel as if boiling up trying to escape your body.

It's your devil fruit.

It made your blood beg and plead with you.

It made the veins in your arms and neck pop out, you would feel your blood pulsate rapidly inside you.

you got closer as you turned the corner, she was now a few feet away, a demented smile made it's way onto your face when she whipped her face away to Usopp and to you

She was no longer out of your reach.

She no longer had anyone left to act as a wall between us.

Her eyes widened and washed over with terror, the ice in her eyes seemed to melt when she realized just how close her end was.

The insane grin on your face sent shivers down her spine, the colour drained from her already pale face and a sense dread fully enveloped her body.

"y-y/n.. I... I." she stammers, putting her hands up infront of her to show she isn't planning on doing anything, attempting to hide her fear behind a smile.

You glance down, your jaw clenching further to the point that you were sure your teeth would shatter from the pressure, seeing him like that, his face bruised and his left eye swollen shut left you seething.

You look up at the snake infront of you, her hands were shaking and so were yours. The difference was hers was from terror and yours was from unruly wrath.

The shaking was  your body telling you just how desperately you wanted to end her.

You take a step forward, Maribelle jumps back and balls her hand into a fist, her eyes widening further when she had realized that she went into a combat stance by reflex,"I- no... I-I don't mean any harm. I don't want to f.. Fight y/n", her tone was shaky and soft.

You scoff and tilt your head questioningly, "Mari.", her nickname felt like poison on your tongue, the tone of your voice caused her to flinch.

You start walking towards her now, each step you took caused her to step back as well

"Y/n W.. we can-", you shake your head, your eyes turning a shade darker as you get closer,"You know what's the funny thing?", her chin crinkles and her bottom lip begins to quiver as you speak.

"you knocked out the only thing that would've kept you alive", her eyes flicker to Usopp, behind her terrified eyes was a hint of confusion.

"I'd never kill infront of my crew.", you state softly, your smile turning tender as you look at Usopps unconscious state.
Her eyes shot back to you,"y/n.. I-I didn't have a choice... I swear", tears begin to sting her eyes as she staggered back.

"every villain has a back story y/n sweetheart"

It was a flashback.

You come to a halt and hold your head, feeling a wave of nausea,"mother..", you utter barely above a whisper as you look down with wide eyes, inhaling sharply from the shock.

"always be kind"

You look up at the monster infront of you, her shaky, fragile figure almost made her seem human.


Rather than beating, your heart throbs in agony, you stagger and grab your hair frustrately.

Those views are why you're dead now.

The flashbacks made your head feel like a boulder, bringing you to your knees. Your eyes stinging with tears as your body trembles.

WHY now? Why do you insist on torturing me... EVEN IN THE FUCKING AFTERLIFE.

Even as her face flashed in your mind, it was blurred or disfigured. Every memory had black blotches of missing details which only furthered the spinning, pain in your head.

".. It hurts",you mumble, tears falling down your blood stained cheeks as your fingers desperately clasp into your head as if it would ease the pain even for a second.

Your blood felt as if it were bubbling up inside you, like it was trying to tear itself out of your body, you were scared, horrified

it was a nauseatingly familiar feeling.


Your head shot up when you heard Maribelle scream, she was looking at you like you were an atrocious monster, like you were a hideous mistake.

She backed away with a look of horror and disgust,"D..demon..", her trembling legs caused her to fall but even then, she crawled back, wanting nothing more than to get away from you.

You were puzzled,"demon..?", you repeat questioningly with widened eyes, an amused scoff following after, your eyes strained due to the excruciating pain and stabbing nausea.

Look whose talking.

Your cheeks were soaked with tears, Although you weren't completely sure why you were crying, until you looked down, the supposedly transparent glistening tears were terrifyingly red and thick.


Your stomach dropped as the droplets splash on the floor, you weren't sure if you had just lost it but there was no denying the wine red, you touched your face and felt the warmth of the crimson on your cheeks.

You look down at your trembling hands, not having the slightest idea what the hell is happening or how to fix it.

If your blood kept leaving your body in such heaps...

You were without a doubt, going to die.

"Y/n?", Usopp groans as he opened his unswollen eye, turning pale when he layed his eyes of you.

He looked scared, absolutely horrified.

Your lip trembles with your hands as you stared at him, the look on his face further shattering the resolve you had struggled to hold onto when your mother made an appearance in your head.

"Usopp...",your voice was shaky and soft, the hurt cracked your voice and your heart with it when you called to him. That look was one you'd often get as a child.

I'm.. A monster..

Usopp heard you call his name, his eyes widening when he had realized what he had just done, he cursed himself under his breath and got up with no regard of his injuries, shuffling to your side in seconds flat.

"y/n. I'm right here, you're okay alright, it's going to be okay I swear.", he held your shoulders firmly as he looked you in your bloodshot eyes, ignoring the crimson that left them. His hands were like relieving ice against your boiling hot skin.

His brown eyes were warm but serious, not a hint of terror could be detected within them any longer but you couldn't shake what you saw in his face only seconds before,"I'm sorry" you muttered, Usopp shook his head rapidly in response and pulled you close.

"no, I'm sorry y/n. I'm so sorry", his voice was soft and soaked in either pity or sympathy, you weren't able to tell because of the state you were in.


"Usopp, I need to end her.", you say through gritted your teeth, your frustration knowing no bounds.

Usopp wanted to protest but looked into you eyes and looked down, a quiet and understanding nod following after.

He couldn't deny you her end, especially when she alone caused the destruction of the entire crews sanity and left them to drown in their dispair.

"Usopp, don't look back."

You take out the last dagger that remained tucked into your boot, getting back onto your feet when you saw her a few feet away, crawling further away on the dirty, blood-stained and cracked cement.

"MARIBELLE.", you call out to her, her body flinched when she heard you call her, you simply smile at how much she resembled a rodant.

"oh that's right, you preferred Mari", letting out a nauseated and sarcastic chuckle as the tip of your index finger tingled with a sense of control and urgency.

Your hand tightens around the knife as you lifted the blade and slashed it against your skin.

"you psychotic demon. ...", her uttered under her breath with her agaped mouth, her eyes widened and her body trembled even more than before as your actions sent a shiver down her spine.

The blood ran down your arm like a river, soon it dripped off your finger's, all while you stared down at her.

Even as she shook like a leaf at your feet, you could see and feel the pure evil radiating off of her like an endless power source.

You may be right mother.

Her icy eyes stared up at you like she was the one who had been wronged, the rage in her eyes mixed with disgust.

Maybe she does have a tragic backstory.

You could see so many emotions in her big, beady eyes as she stared up at you.

You sigh

"I don't give a shit regardless",  you say aloud, hoping she was listening from wherever she was, doubting it was from above.

You lift your arm, her eyes held so much rage, even more so than yours but her body showed her true, fragile, vulnerable terror.

You put pressure into the tips of your fingers, your blood understood and lifted into one huge crimson sword the size of your arm.

"divide", you command, the crimson separating into 5 smaller daggers.

Tears formed in her widened eyes, her mind fore-seeing that this was where it all ended for her, Mari put her hands together, locking her fingers together at your feet, screaming for mercy, her voice shaky and loud.

"PLEASE Y/N, Y/N I DONT DESERVE THIS!! P-PLEASE" Her voice echoed throughout the factory, her cheeks red and her lip quivering as she pleaded helplessly.

You continue to stare at the pathetically pitiful excuse of a villain at your feet, balling your hand into a fist, the blood infront of you solidifying into an unbreakable shining red iron.

"y/n you're a good person", her eyes held nothing but desperate insanity as she nodded her head trying to convince me of this. But you could tell that she was trying to convince herself.

You purse your lips before letting out a deep sigh.

"You're right..", I nod slowly with a tender smile, Mari's face lighting up, a huge, grateful grin occupying it as she nodded with me.

"Yes-" she starts but your monotonous tone of voice cuts her off,"that's why I'll make this quicker than it should be."

Her smile dropped but yours stayed, it was tender and merciful which contrasted what had just came from your tongue.

You push your fist forward before she could open her mouth once again, sending four daggers flying forward, each one making it in deep enough for the blade to poke out the opposite side of each of her limbs, piercing her bones aswell.

She lifted her head and shrieked, wailing so painfully loud that that even you who caused this stepped back a bit, she sounded like a vampire being scorched by the sun slowly.

When her screams died down and all you could hear was heavy sobbing with a mix of pained whimpers, her face was snotty and wet, squirming and trembling in agony.

You step closer and bend down to get a closer look at her agonized expression, her lavender hair stuck to her wet face.

You remove the hair from her face with your finger and you let out a small laugh, your touch made her flinch and your expression made her tears of agony turn in those of rage as she grinded her teeth together.

"I thought I'd give you a little taste of what the people felt when you stuck them into those human grinder machines"

I tilt my head to examine her expression, it beared so many negative emotions but none were feelings of guilt.

"t-they were all mine anyway", she said weakly through her gritted teeth as if to justify her actions.

"really?", you scoff, a sting of anger hitting your body.

You roll your fist forward into her gut, hard enough to break a rib, your punch caused her body to gasp loudly and screaming once again.

"you bitc-", you move your finger forward, the last dagger flying forward and stopping at her right eye.

you grin and raise an eyebrow, "what? Finish your sentence."

"...", she looks away in frustration with her bottom lip trembling.

It was so satisfying to see her like this, begging and scared for her life after what she put you through.

"Daddy... Help me", her soft and desperate mutter unfortunately reaching your ears.

It was hard to believe that she had a family of her own.

You'd be lying if you said that, that human aspect of her didn't chip at your resolve even in the slightest.


I made this chapter extra long for you guys, I really hope you enjoyed.
🤞Im starting my test series tomorrow so please be patient with me😞🙏❤️ I love love love you guys.
