Chapter 26


Her voice seemed far but it was y/n. It has to be her...


My closed eyes widen. I jolt upright, looking around frantically, my head turning in all directions looking for you.

Nami grabs my shoulders and shakes me harshly, I finally look at her, her cheeks and eyes were red.


I shake my head, I knew what she was going to say and I didn't want to hear it.

"She's... Y/n's... " Nami starts off but stops because of the crack in her voice.

"Y/n's gone", Zoro finishes what Nami couldn't. The bitter taste of the sea salt made my throat dry.

Im thirsty. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm angry. So angry.

I clench my jaw and look down.

"she isn't.", was all my voice could muster up. I wanted to scream that you were absolutely fine, that they were wrong and that they were lying.

A weird sinking feeling tied itself to my heart. I hate it. Make it go away. I huff, clenching my fists and looking back up to face their sad eyes.

I didn't see her dead. She's alive. She is. She has to be.

"She's alive."

I get up to my feet, everything inside me was screaming to find her and I wasn't going to ignore it.

"We're not leaving this island until we find her."


Luffy's words were stern and loud, it was an order and the crew understood that. They just nodded, the sadness in their eyes slowly being replaced with fiery determination.

"The submarine, use it to search every inch of the sea surrounding the island, the waves haven't been rough so she shouldn't have been washed away too far from the island", nami states while looking to Brooke and chopper. They nod and run off to the submarine.

"zoro and sanji will check one half of the shore while Franky and Robin check the other half.", They nod, sanji immediately jumping off onto the board walk and running, "HURRY IT UP MOSS HEAD. MY Y/NS WAITING FOR ME." he screamed as he sprinted off to the shore, zoro clenches his swords and runs off after him.

Robin nods, crossing her arms and summoning her wings, immediately lifting off while Franky runs after her.

Usopp gulps with a determined huff following after, "we'll ask the villages if they saw or heard from her", he looks to luffy and nods before they both run off.

"I guess I'll stay here incase she comes back. GOODLUCK!", Nami shouted to them while waving, silence filled the ship once they left. Nami's hand dropping to her side, the pained look of determination slowly washed off her face. A part of her was scared. Even after all this effort you wouldn't be found..

But what really terrified her.
Was the thought of finding your body. Lifeless on the shore.

Nami looks down, her breathes becoming deep and shaky, tears threatening to tip over her eyelids.

A hand reached out to her shoulder, she jumped and hurriedly wiped the tears falling from her eyes.

"She'll be okay nami, we'll find sure of it", nami turns to see maribelles face, her eyes soft and reassuring.

Nami looks in her eyes trying so desperately to hold herself together, Mari pulls her into a hug, patting her back, "She'll be just fine", Nami bites down into her lip harshly, not being able to hold it in and begins to break down crying covering her mouth to muffle her sobs.


"Its been hours and no sign of her", Nami says looking out to the endless sea, the sun was setting once again, the orange sky reflected off the water so beautifully. A view you would've been mesmerized by.

She gripped onto the railing, you've been gone for 20 hours now.

They searched every single corner but you weren't there.... They asked every person on the island but all they got was a "no, sorry."

With each effort they made to find you being brutally rejected, the determination they once held onto so tightly began to slip away little by little. The harsh reality hit them one by one.

The reality where you were gone.

The reality where you were just a memory

The excruciatingly painful reality they had to accept.

One by one. They returned to the ship, their heads dropped down in shame because they failed to find you.

All of the strawhats were accounted for. Except Luffy.

"where's luffy", Nami asks in a soft voice, the depressing silence the sunny enbodied seemed to silence her.

"He.... He screamed at me when I said we should go back", he paused for a second. "he said if I wanted to go then I can but he won't come with me", usopps eyes were glued to the ground as he spoke, his tone sounded just as defeated as nami's did.

Nami clenches her jaw and looks away quickly, feeling her face flush up and the tears threatening to fall once again.

"what can we do!?", chopper cries out, desperately wiping the oncoming tears that refused to stop.

Silence filled the ship once again. Not knowing how to answer the raindeer but also not having the guts to tell him there was nothing they could do for a dead crewmate.

They were all well acquainted with death, everyone of them have lost someone they held dear.

But that fact didn't make facing this any easier.

"y/n. I'm so sorry", usopp whispers but the silence made what he said sound clear enough for the entire crew to hear.

"I'm going to sleep.", zoro's voice calmly says, his footsteps following after his words.

Nami's head whips in the swordsmans direction with angry and teary eyes ready to scream at him for being insensitive and heartless but she stopped once she noticed the grip he had on his swords.

It was so tight his knuckles turned white, his grip made his hand shake.

He was frustrated.

The others noticed his frustration as he calmly walked below deck, he showed little signs but they could all tell because they felt the exact same way, they felt the exact same frustration.

Frustration towards themselfs

Frustration towards a situation they wish they could change but no matter how much they try.

They wouldn't be able to change how you were gone.


Night fell without any sign of the captain.

The crew knew that it was no use trying to drag him back now because he wouldn't listen to logic.

So they all retreated to their rooms, too depressed to bid themselfs goodnight.

Because it wasnt a good night.

It was silent. It was late so that wasn't unusual, only the silence tonight wasn't a peaceful one.

This silence was filled with bitter, unsettling feelings and deafening nostalgia.

If only I was there.

Words that echoed through their head, words that kept them from sleeping.


Luffy searched the entire island, twice over but nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He clenched his jaw and continued to walk through the exhaustion he felt. He refused to stop until he found you.

He walked through the darkness, dragging his feet forward with each step he took, the only light source came from the ones that belonged to the houses.

The entire scene was melancholic

His stomach roared at him but it was ignored, the last time he ate being yesterday. It wasn't like the captain to go hungry but he genuinely didn't seem to notice the state he was in because he was too busy trying to find the smallest trace of you.

He searched for a few more hours until he collapsed onto the gravelly pathway, he tried to force his body back up but he fell back down. He sighed, gritting his teeth in frustration before turning to lay flat on his back.

He stared up at the clear night sky with glossy and frustrated eyes.

He stared at the brightly lit stars before closing his eyes and huffing frustratedly when the memory of you staring up at the stars crossed his mind.

His chest stung, so painfully that he put his hand over it, clenching the fabric above his heart as if it would stop the hurt he felt. But it didn't... Not even for a moment.

Time felt slow and endless, the seconds that passed felt like hours. It was unbearable.

He turned his head away from the stars that reminded him of her.

"why wasn't it like that when I was with her"

I got stronger. I got stronger so I could protect them. So I wouldn't lose anyone like that again.

Every part of him was tired but he still wanted to search. He balled his hand into a fist, slamming it into the ground he layed on so helplessly.

Its happening again.

Even someone like luffy would lose hope and once he did cursed himself for it.

"she's alive", he whispers desperately, as if he was trying to convince himself of that.

"Please y/n... Please come back."
