Chapter 33

It had been a few minutes since the screams died down, most of the men layed there lifelessly in a pool of their own blood, the ones lucky enough to survive took one look at your smile and ran away, knowing that you'd finish them off if they were dumb enough to stay even a second longer

You tear your eyes away from the pool of blood you created, catching a glimpse maribelles lavender hair, it brought you back to reality, the smile leaving your lips almost instantly.

She saw everything.

You could tell by the way her eyes let the terror she held slip for only a few moments, her eyes were glued to the blood bath down below her

She was completely horrified.

You smile and she sensed it. Her eyes shot up as if the smile your mouth held was a dead give-away of your blood lust.

Maribelles icy eyes didn't seem so unbreakable and cold anymore, they just looked terrified wavering like the ice was threatening to shatter under the weight of your gaze. You could tell she was trying to register that you had done all this.

That you had brutally murdered most of her lackeys.

"Y-you...",she stuttered and balled her hand into a fist, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared back, she masked her anxiety with irritation and began stomping her feet like a spoiled child not getting their way.


You stare at the 10 men scrambling to get their weapons and carry out the order.

You roll your eyes and let go of chain, you look down at your palm to examine the deep cut, you shake your hand a bit as if you were shaking off the stinging feeling stuck to the open wound on your palm

Your eyes caught Maribelles wary gaze, she was watching your every move as if you'd disappear from her line of sight if she were to do something as simple as blink. As her men hurriedly made their way down the stairs, towards you. You stare back at her emotionlessly as your hand lifts up and grips onto the chain hanging from the ceiling.

The veins in your arms pop out from under your skin, your knuckles turning white from just how hard your hand wrapped around the chains and you pulled it down with all the strength you assumed you needed for such a task.

And just like that.

The chains bolted to the ceiling tore off, following your hand and whipping down onto the floor with a violently loud rattle, the cement under it breaking even further and scattering around like shattered glass.

You wrap the chain around your knuckles and used it as a knuckle brass.

You ran towards them with a cold and heartless stare, swinging your fist forward with all the force you had, the chains wrapped around your knuckles mixed with the force of the punch alone dislocated a jaw and knocked out another. You made sure to get rid of the ones with weapons first.

Your fists were raised to protect your head, your arms were able to block a few punches but men twice your size throwing punches in all directions wasn't ideal, your arms trembled from how stiffly you held them up.

But you held your own and didn't let the punches hit any vital points on your face or upper body.

You chuckle a bit when you feel someone come up behind you meanwhile the man infront of you brought his bat forward, his nostrils flared, you duck swiftly and it hits the person attempting to stab you in the back, knocking him out and few teeth with him.

Terror hit the man's face when his seen what his done, you used the shock to your advantage, swinging your foot across the floor hard to enough to sweep him off his feet.

You get up and giggle as you look down at his confused and terrified face.

"looks like you've fallen for me", you say with an amused sneer, your smile dropping as soon as he tries to get up, you lift your foot up, bringing your boot down onto his face with a bone shattering force, you felt long nose shatter from under the sole of your boot.

"you should've just stayed down", you said softly as if you weren't enjoying disfiguring his face with your boot.

You pick up the steel bat he used, it was heavy and wasn't ideal but you couldn't be picky in this situation.

5 more men were left to beat before you would be able get to Maribelle.

Your jaw twitched in annoyance as you run towards the men trembling with their bat's in hand.

She's delayed her death for too long.

You scream angrily as you bring the heavy bat towards the man closest to you, your veins popping out of your skin from the force you swung the bat at, hitting the man a few meters out of your way.

You noticed the fatigue starting to set in when you found it harder to catch your breath, sweat dripping down your face as you take another swing but the man managed to dodge it and upper cut you to the gut, lifting you off the ground with the amount of force he used.

Your eyes widen as you felt the air get knocked out of your body, your gut retracting from the impact, it was excruciating so much so that you thought a rib broke, you scream out in pain once you hit floor, fisting the floor as if it was going to make the pain bearable.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD", You cried out angrily in pain before you clenched your jaw and got to your feet despite feeling as if your organs were threatening to burst, your breathing was shallow because it felt like daggers piercing your chest whenever you attempted to inhale properly.

Your rib was definitely broken.

You had to finish this off quickly so you could get your hands on that bitch

Your eyes twitched, you looked up at Maribelles cocky grin which only infuriated you further.

Your eyes reflected the anger you held, your pupils dilated as you imagined throwing her into one of the factory machines, determination crackling up like moments before a fire ignites.

You smirk at her and turned back to her henchman,"You won't have to wait for me much longer Maribelle..", your smirk turning into a grin.

You cracked your neck and put your fists up weakly as your chest heaved exhaustedly.

"well, what are you fuckers waiting for?", you asked in a snarky tone to anger the 4 men left.

"she's done for", one laughed, "let's finish this bitch off", another one chimed in with a hideous smirk.

They decide to circle you first before running at you carelessly because they were sure you were too wounded to fight back.

Fighting with a broken rib was a sure defeat but what other choice did you have?

Nobody was coming to save you and you knew better than to rely on the hope of being rescued.

Every movement is going to feel like spears piercing through your guts.

You inhale sharply and it sends a deep pain through your body, even breathing was excruciating.

I'm so fucked.

Your grasp on the chains make your knuckles white. The man with the horrendous smile makes the first attack to your head but you blocked it with your arm, you swiftly step to the right side of the man and use your other arm to strike him in the kidney.

The chain wrapped around your knuckles made this blow fatal, as soon as your punch made impact the man let out a blood curtling scream that echoed throughout the factory. It was almost as loud as the screams you heard from the factory grinders.

You take the rest of the guys stunned expressions as an advantage, hitting one in the throat as hard as you could, crushing his wind pipe and pulling another guy forward by his arm after his punch missed, his hands trembled when you pulled forward and ended up behind him, quickly breaking his neck.

And just like that, one last guy was left.

Only he didn't hesitate and rammed into me like a bull, blood shot out from my mouth, the pain was instant and nauseating. He send his fist toward the side of your fractured rib as he held you down.

It was a fucking dirty move.

Your eyes gloss over as they widen, you open you mouth to let out a scream but blood splatters out in clots instead, it felt as if your lungs were caving in, the pain you felt before this hit only tripled, the stabbing pain of breathing made your entire body contract and moving was almost impossible.

Is this it? When I'm so close?
Is this really how I'm going?

You squeeze your eyes shut in bitter frustration, your jaw clenching as your throat forms a lump of dispair, your heart sinking down into the earth's core.

The pain make your mind run around in circles, blurring and fogging up any logical ideas and solutions to this impossible situation. The odds were deafening and so was the excruciating pain.

How pathetic, you couldn't kill the last henchman standing in your way..

Your vision slowly turned to blotches of TV static as you began to lose consciousness.


The voice sounded so far away.



Your heart skipped a beat at the thought, an air ringing explosion stopping you from slipping unconscious, your head throbbing as hard as the heart in your chest.

The final henchman wasn't holding you down any longer, instead he was on top of you, completely knocked out and bleeding onto you, you were completely dumbfounded.


"I SWEAR TO GOD, GET UP RIGHT NOW!!", the tone was desperate and aggressive, your eyes flutter open and closed in response to the voice, you were so out of it from how delarious the pain had made you, that you couldn't tell who it was.

You slowly turn your head, the voice came from where Maribelle was.

The eyes you once struggled to keep open become the size of golf balls at the sight

There's no fucking way.

There he was, looking like some charismatic hero as he layed on the floor, his eyes were glossy and glimmered in the dim factory lighting.

You grin like an idiot, not even sure if you were just imagining all of this.

Its my knight in shining Armour.

My savior.


TO MY AMAZING READERS: I missed you all so much.😭 Ive been in a writing slump for so long so I'm so sorry you're suffering coz of my lack of motivation💔 your comments are the only thing pushing me through life rn💀 so thank you and I love you all frfr.😓💓
